MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1919. f AGE FOUR TflE ROBESONIAN LUMBERTON, N. C, fHE ROBESONIAN , Poblished By ROBESONIAN PUBLISHING CO. MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1919. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year 12.00 Six Months 1-00 Three Months 50 Office 107 West Fourth Street Telephone No. 20. Entered as second class mail matter at the postoffice at Lumberton, N. C. ARMENIAN-SYRIAN RELIEF. Robeson county is asked to raise $5,300 of the $200,000 apportioned to North Carolina for Armenian-Syrian relief. This campaign for funds for the relief of the destitute and impov erished people of the Near East is the greatest charity fund ever asked in Americn for other than our own people. Four million men, women ijnd children Armenian, Syrians and Greeks are actually dying for need of food and clothing. Fonr hundred thousand orphans are looking to Amprirfc for bread and shelter. Your save human lives. Prof. W. H. Cale of Lumberton is county chairman. He ha sasked every teacher in the coun ty to assist him in raising the amount assigned to Robeson. Make checks payable to Senator H. E. Staty, Lum-oerton. Republicans are loud and insistent at all times in claiming a superior brand of patriotism and efficiency; but look at this: its party leaders in the Senate have placed themselves in op position to the league of nations, and in the House of Congress its leaders have selected for floor header Repre- $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there la at least on dreaded dtfease that science has been able to cure In all its stages, and that Is catarrh. Catarrh being 'greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous 8urfaces of the System thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting na ture In doing its work. The proprie tor have so much faith in the curative powers of Rail's Catarrh Cure that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, Ohio. Bold by all Drug (lata 7fc sentative Mondell of Wyoming, who voted against the McLemore resolu tion and opposed the selective draft law. And in the closing days of the 65th Congress Republican leaders blocked all efforts to put through im portant legislation and conducted an unpatriotic and asinine filibuster1 in the horje of forcing President Wilson lto call an extra session of Congress wherein they mignt do worK inai wiey might have done weeks before, if they had not been so enamored of their own oratory. Even on the eve of getting back into power, before they have fairly wired the reins, the Re publicans have begun the record that is going to .make the country increas ingly regretful from day to day that in foolish impatience it gave them an other lease of power. o As stated in The Robesonian some weeks ago, and as explained in a news item elsewhere in this issue, an elec tion will be held in the Lumberton school district "On the first Monday in April to determine whether or not a special tax of two and a half times the present tax shall be levied. When The Robesonian reporter started out the other day to get up a news item about this election it was hard to find anybody who knew anything about it. The election will be held three weeks from today, but no one seems to have given the matter con sideration up to this time. -o There will be a scramble presently, no doubt, among counties to get in first on constructing roads under the new State law which provides that if a county will bear one-fourth the, ex pense the State and the Federal gov ernment will bear the other three fourths and roads will be constructed under the direction of the State High way commission. What attitude is Robeson's road commissioners going to take on this proposition? Here's a chance to begirt to get out of the mud. The ReWsonian would be glad to see Robeson county among the first to get whatever benefit it may u nniKln tn Horivo from the new ur pvooiuit. .v " " v In Robeson county the sum of $15, 809.02 was subscribed for the boys in service during the United War Wcrk campaign. Of this sum, $1,154.25 yet remains unpaid. This money was sub scribed as a direct gift to the boys to provide home comforts and ser vice, recreation, education, whole some amusement. There are still about two million men in serv ice, and during this period they need the in fluence of the welfare agencies more than ever, to keep the period of de mobilization from becoming a period of demoralization. It is to be hoped itfit those who have not yet ppid their pledges will lose no time in do ing so. -o t A Wilmington dispatch Bays that Mr. L. Clayton Grant of that city, fresh from service in the House of the Legislature, is looking for other worlds to conquer and that it is gen erally accepted as correct tnat Mr. Grant will oppose Representative nndwin for the Democratic nomina tion for Congress next year. ' The Robesonian hears tnat Mr. i nomas Cooper of Wilmington also has aBpirp. finna in the same direction. Mr.. God win no doubt will have some stiff Op position next trip,' Mr. J. W. Carter, who died the oth er day at bis home in Maxton, was for many years a prominent figure in the business and political life -of Robeson. He was a man of more than ordinary force and ability. Mayhis rest be sweet. o , 4; - Every little while aomebody trots out another candidate for Governor. Indications are that everybody's choice is going to run. o Miss Mary D. Conoley, a Red Cross nurse, returned today to Richmond, Va., where she is stationed, after spending a few days here visiting friends. . . f- Mr. Clarence Davis of IU-1, Lum berton, was among the visitors in town Saturday. NOTICE! I have on my premises a Chevrolet automobile which was left about 3 miles from my home on the Elizabeth Had September 26, 1018. It stayed in the road two months and was strip ped by passing peipie. Owner may obtain same by calling for it and pay ing for this advertisement and for the care of the car Notice u hifoy iriven lhat if the owner does not claim the car within ten days of the date of this advertise ment I will depose of same. This March 17, 1910. WILLIAM FREEMAN, Lumberton, N. C. R. F. D. 7. NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Robeson county, made In the . rectal proceeding entitled J. Brown Evan. vs. Steve Hedgepeth and other., the me beintr No. UP" proceeding docket of .aid court, the under fed commissioner will, on the 21st day of April, 1919. at 12 o'clock, at the oourt house door in Lumberton. N. C. offer for aale to the hiKhest bidder, for cash, the following trsct or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Robeson nd in St Paul, town ship, bounded and described as follows, to-wit. On the South side of Broad street in the town of St. Pauls. N. C, opposite the Meth odist Church, and being lot number-six (6) in Block number nine (9) according to the official man of the said town of 6t. Pauls, said lot being 50x150 feet. sl , ,,. . .Tim. F suit: Monday. April 21st, 1919, at ,h.j.i'.v' Place of sale: Court House uoor, l-um or ton, North Carolina. Terms of sale: Cash. ' This the 17th day of March, 1919. JOHN Sf BUTLER, . 8 17 5 Mon. Commissioner. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Arren Turner, deceased late of Robeson county, this is to notify all persons having claims, against said estate to present, them to the undersigned administrator prop erly verified on or before the lGtht day of March, 1920, or this notice will be. plead in bar of their recovery. Al persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This March 15. 1919. ROBERT TURNER, Administrator. E. J. Britt, Attorney. 3 17 6 Mon. FARM LOANS ' : ::-trn-. Loans made in Robeson County 5 1-2 per cent interest." Terms of Loan: 5, 7 or 10 years, a may be desired. j-v , Amount; $1,000 to anjj. amoqnl not exceeding $75,000. .;., f v 1 mt v 4 CHICKAMAUGA TRUST CO 1 Junius J Geodwin.l Attorney, Lumberton, N. C. 1L 11 Bank of Fairmont With fifteen years experience, backed by more than twenty eight thousand capital and surplus, and more than a quarter of a million doj- -lars of resources, offers its services to the good people of Robeson. "Continuous growth is proof of Satisfactory service.' OFFICERS: F. L. Blue. Pres. and Cashier. Dr. T . P. Brown. V-Prest. H. L. Blue, Jr., Asst. Cashier, . A. S. Thompson, V:Prest M ME E Y Over Two Hundred per cent Increase. This seems incredulous, but a comparison of sales from OU?- MILLINERY DEPART MENT for January and February of this year and the same months last year show it. There is a reason, and the reason is found in the increasing numbers of new customers, who have learned that they can find ir this department the same styles, the same quality, the various colors and the superior workmanship they would expect to see in a New York Fifth Avenue store, and at about one-half the price. A complete line of superior made quality hats in all the new colors and styles, including a select line of "knicker-bocker" Pattern Hats now on display. Visit this department of oar store and let us show you we have the hat to please you. . NO TWO ALIKE EVERYONE DIFFERENT. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT R. D. Caldwell & Son, Inc. Lumberton, N. C Mrs. O. H. Bracy, Mgr. Mm at FLOUR - MEAL - GRITS - RICE - SUGAR Middlings Soap Tobacco Snuff Canned Goods Seeds "Coffee Baking Powder ir. f aiineri S We know you are a good busin ess man and can readily figure in a few minutes the amount of money you can save in the course of a year's time by buy ing your Groceries and Feed Stuffs from the Whole saler instead of the Retailer. We buy in Car lots, paying spot cash and by selling for Cash in unbroken pack ages, we are able to sell you at the same price that the retail merchant has to pay for his goods, thus saving you the profit that the retailer m akes. This is the ORIGINAL PACKAGE STORE ' and something that the people of Lumberton and sur rounding country have looked for and needed for Meats Fish you money and you will he pleas ed with our prices, goods and service. Our Warehouse is located on W holesale Alley be tween the Cotton Yard and Express Office. JustFeeds Horse, Dairy, Hog and Chicken The Best Egg Producer on the Market More Eggs or your Money Eack Oats and com pound and Pure Lard Hay The Original! Package A. V. G. Wishart Proprietors E. R. Mclntyre Lumberton, N. C. store ft Tn 71 i J IM 15) IS of New Spring Goods Read Carefully the few prices we quote tiere. Come to see us. Look through our stock and you will be greatly surprised at the wonderful values we are offering. Our shelves are full up with new spring goods, and we have them priced at the lowest figure. We want you to call whether you make a purchase or not. No trouble to show you. New spring silks in all the new stripes and plaids, per yard $1.89 New spring voiles in all the new pat terns, per yard ...... 35c, 69c, and 98c New spring silk waists in crepe de chine and Georgette crepe $3.98 to $5.98 32 inch Dress Gingham, a real 50c value for . . . v 35c Good apron Gingham, per yard 19c Dress Gingham in all the new spring patterns, per yard $19c to 25c Calicoes and phirting percale in stripes and all colors, per yard . . 10c White Homespun, per yard 10c . 36 inch Sea Island Domestic, per yard 18c Good heavy overall goods in blue Denim, and stripes, per yard 25c "Watch for our announcement of ladies Misses and Children's new spring mill in-'" ery. We can save you money on your purchase of hat. - , l , j Farmers good plow shoes, pen pair $1.98 Ladies' pumps and oxfords in all the new spring styles, pr pair $1.98 to $6.98 Men 's Oxfords, all styles and leather, per pair $3.48 to $7.00 Men's striped overall, per pair $1.35 Men's khaki work pants, per pair $1.00 Men's good heavy work shirts, each 89c Boys Knicker Docker knee pants, per pair 35c to $1.69 Men's suspenders, per pair 25c SPECIAL: .We are now adding a staple' and fancy grocery department. Watch for our ad. in Thursday's paper quoting' prices. Lumber ton ; Bargain House CUT BATE CASH DEPARTMENT STOBE. - '" ELM STREET LUMBERTON, N. C. ' PHONE 6

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