f AGE THRO HEALTH AND HYGIENE WORTH A HUNDRED DOLLARS A BOTTLE (Conducted by Dr. W. A. McPhaul, County Health Officer.) MONDAY. JUNE 2, 1919. BEWARE OF THE DANGEROUS HOUSE FLY. Railroad Man Praises Tanlac For Wife's Recovery Says She Goes About Now With Her Old Time Energy. "My wife says Tanlac has been worth a hundred dollars a bottle to her and I fully agree with her," said J. G. Nichols, of 4711 Summit street, Kansas City, Mo., an employee of the Missouri Pacific Railroad there. "For three years", he continued, "my wife suffered greatly from stomach trouble, her appetite was pcor and her food caused gas to form and she was miserable for hours af terwards. She was so nervous that and felt, an tirpd and worn out that It is definitely known that the fly v, ii ro nf hA in 5 is the "carrier" of the jrerms of ty thp mnrrnno-c- h kpnt losinir weirhti ohoid fever; it is widely believed that and strength til! she could hardly keeD on her feet. "Soon after starting on Tanlac her, We are now in the midst of the season when to "swat" one fly is to prevent the progagation of millions of its descendants during the sum mer and autumn, with all the at tendant daggers. We quote freely from a leaflet re cently published by the Merchants' Association of New York, which has quite as much anohcation to mili tary as to civil life: The house fly has no' equal as a crerm "carrier"; as many as five hun dred million germs have been found in and on the body of a smflv fly. it is also the eases. The very presence carrier" of other dis- of a fly is a appetite returned and she can new signal and notification that a house eat anything she wants and it never u.a..., gives her any trouble. Her stomach! .Do not wait until the insects bo is in fine condition, her nervousness " to pester; anticipate the annoy- is pone and she sieeDs line a oauy. She says she is in better health than she has been in a long time, and she now goes about her housework with all her old time strength and ener gy" Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere. WOMEN URGE PASSAGE OF 4 BILLS IN CONGRESS Racked bv two million women, rep resenting every State in the union,, their superiors for the elimination the general federation oi wui..c.i May and June are the best mouths to conduct an anti-fly campaign. The farming and suburban cis tricts provide ideal breeding places, and the new-born flies do not re nain at their birthplace but migrato, us ing railroads and other means of portation. to towns and cities. Your friends and members of the family now fn the service should be reminded of the danger of the house fly in camps and co-operate with clubs at the closing session m Asha ville Friday adopted resolutions pre sented by Miss Mary Wood, of New York, that urge passage of four bi.'U in Congress ,as follows: "The establishment of a merchant n.arine in order that American com merce may be carried on under .Ve American flae: the repeal of the lux ury tax law; a bill for the restriction of " immigration in the United States, and more stringent laws on an im migration after that period; ana w establishment of a budget system in the government of the United States. Miss Wood also introduced and recommended a resolution asking that the general federation use its best efforts to secure legislation re quired to establish the United States i Ama within the De- empiuyiiieiii ncnivo ....... - partment of Labor on a permanent national basis. . NOTICE OF MAXTON TOWNSHIP ROAD nnvn RI.KCTION. Notice is hereby Riven that the Board of Commissioners or Robeson county, n ;'" e dand election for Maxton lowisiilp. Robe son county, for the purpose oi allowing ik voters of the township to vote on the luestion of issuing One Hundred Thousand Dollars In bond of the township for road purposes. Notice is further given that said election will be held at the voting preelnc in aid township on Wednesday, the 18th dar of June, 1919. and to that end a new registration has teen ordered for said election, and thst enly those who register for said elec.lon will be entitled to vote in to? election. Notice further given that J. P. Stansel has been ap pointed as registrar and M. A. McQueen end J. B. Sellers have been appointed judges of election, and that the regfatratijn book will be oti-ee on the 14th, day of Mav and re main -Mxn until tne 7h day f June, r19. at tun set, SunJsys excepted, ai.d lhat on Satird r the Ht. 24h and 81it days of May and the 7th day of June. 1919, aid reg istrar will attend at the voting precinct in said township from nine o'clock in the fore noon until sun set for the purpose of regis tering all who appt-ar for Mm tpurpose for said election. Notice is further given that the registration books will close at sun set cn S iturday the 7th day of June, 1919, and that n one will be all-wed to register for said election after that data. This the 18th day of May. 1919. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SOBESON COUNTY. By M. W. FLOYD, Clerk. 6 22 4 Thurs. of thir deadly pest. Kill Flies and Save Lives. Six Strategical Moves to Use in Your Campaign Against the Fly. Here are six strategical moves to be used in your campaign to exter minate the fly. It is the plan of the battle used and recommended by Dr. Jean Dawson, famous fly fighter and chief of the Health Division's Bureau of Fly Prevention. 1. Get after yie breeding places early. See that your backyard is free from filth and that manure is hauled away weekly from staoies that may be in your neighborhood. 2. Keep the fly out of your kitch en. The female cannot lay her eggs until after she has had a full meal of rich food, such as butter, cream and sweet stuffs. 3. Keep the fly away from baby. Thousands of germs cling to the feet and sucker of a fly. A fly leaves a trail of these on the skin of any per son it touches. 4. Keep your garbage can tightly covered. The fly feeds and breeds in the refuse such cans contain. 5. Place traps- in your yard some distance from the house. Then you can trap the pests before they have a chance to get into your home. 6. Keeptab on your grocery and meat market. If there are flies buz zing about you may rest assured the store is not clean. By keeping the store and its surroundings spotless and by using traps the proprietor can practically eliminate flies. If, he doesn't, take your trade to one who does. FIL FIGHTING RULES. Keep the flies away from the sick, especially those ill with contagious disease. Kill every fly that strays into the sickroom. His body is cov ered with disease germs. Do not allow decaying materials of any sort to accumulate on or near your premises. All refuse which tends in any way to fermentation, such as bidding straw, paper, waste and vegetable matter, should be disposed of or cov ered with lime or kerosene oil. Screen all food, whether in the ill T I HZFi II nil The sure way to get pure, rich and wholesome syrup Say Karo to your grocer There Are Three Kinds of Karo 1 lin m i r y us" i i ... . im'i -inineAeauw ' uoiden Brown -in the Blue Can; Maple Flavor the new Karo with plenty of substance and a rich Maple sasxe in trie ween can. IMPORTANT TO YOU Every can of Kara is marked with exact weight in pound of syrup contained. Do not be misled by package of similar size bearing numbers enly and bavin no relations to weight of content. CORN PRODUCTS REFINING CO. T B- norms. &.. R.Pr.tati P. O. BOX 161 NEW YORK CITY Hurt Buil:in Atlanta, Cm. uiinij miii iiiiiiiiiiii!innH'iiiiii mm pwMiiiit jiiiiurani 1JJ W W IIIIIIIIHI room. If you see flies you may be sure that their breeding place is naaiby filth. If there- is no dirt and filth there will be no flies. If there is a nuisance in the neigh borhood notify the Health Depart ment at once. VILLA FORCES SET UP NEW PRESIDENT Villa forces have proclaimed Gen eral Felix Angeles, provisional presi dent of Mexico and Villa himself, sectary of war. The move coming at the climax of military operations considered by the Carranza government so serious that it has asked the United States for permission to move troops through Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, is reflecting a situation more serious in Mexico than any since the triumph of Carranza forces over Villa three years ago. Viewed in connection with the activities of the Felicista forces in southern Mexico, the situ ation is regarded as full of possibih ties. fiTVF.S WIPE ADLER-I-KA. "Mir writ a wan TirnnnlinpoH inpnrnhlpl by physicians unless operated (com- house of exposed for sale 666 has more imitations than any other Chill and Fever Tonic on the market, but no one wants imitations. They - are dangerous things in the medicine line.-Adv. ing Adler-i-ka and she is improving. I shall continue until she is cured." (Signed) J. H. Underwood, Marion, Ala. Adler-i-ka empties BOTH upper and lower bowel, flushing ENTIRE ali mentary canal. Removes ALL foul matter which poisons system. Often CURES constipation. Prevents ap pendicitis. We have sold Adler-i-ka many years. It is a mixture of buck thorn, cascara, glycerine and nine oth er simple drugs. Grantham Bros., druggists. (Sold in Fairmont by Pittman Drug Co.) Keep all receptacles for garbage carefully covered and the cans clean ed or sprinkled with lime. Keep all stable manure in vault or pit, screened or sprinkled with lime, oil,' borax, or other cheap prepara tions, such as are sole by a number of reliable manufacturers. See that your sewerage system is in good order; that it does not leak, is up-to-date and not exposed to flies. Pour kerosene into the drains. Screen all windows and doors, es pecially in the kitchen and dining i "I ' ' I HIM am GUARANTEE If, after asing the entire content of can according to directions, you are not satisfied in every respect, your grocer will refund the monsy you paid for it. Luzianne is a clean coffee. It is not touch ed by hand from the time it is first receiv ed in New Orleans until you serve it on your table, i VERT FOUND SOLD IN AN INDIVIDUAL AIR-TIGHT TIN CAN coffee The ReilyvTaylor Company New Orleans A 1 we ARC ACCURATE AMD 5KIUF0L A WORTHV EYE OLASS SERVICE r Here you will find eye ser. vice of which the town is justly proud. We are equip ped by experience and in a materia! way to give your eyes a thorough examination and to prescribe the proper glasses for your vision. We will make for you a pair of glasses that will bring you comfort and satisfaction. NOTICE OF SHANNON TOWNSHIP ROAD BOND ELECTION. Notice is hereby ariven that the Board of Commissioners of Robeson county has ordered an election for Shannon township, Robeson c.i'iiity, for the purooie of al'Divini the voters of the township to vote on the question of issuing Ten Thousand Dollars in bonds of the township for road purposes. Notice is fur ther given that said election will be held at the voting precinct in said township on Wed nesday, the 18th day of June, 1919, and to tl at end a new registration has been ordered lor said election and that only those who register for said election will be entitled to vote in the election. Notice is further given that J. F. Walters has been appointed as reg ister and B. B. Curria and J. D. Gibson have been appointed as judges of .lection, and that the registration books will be opened on the llh day of May an J remain open until sun set on Saturday the 7th day of June, 1919. Sunday excepted, and that on Saturday the 17th, 24, and Slst days of May and the 7th day of Jan., 1919, said registrar will attend the voting precinct in said township with said registration books from nine o'clock in the forenoon until sun set for the purpose of allowing those who appear for that pur pose to register for said election. Notice is farther given that . said registration books will be closed on Saturday th. 7th day of June, 1919, at sun set and that no on. will be allowed to register for said election after said books close. This the 13th day of May, 1919. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ROBESON COUNTY. By M. W. FLOYD, Clerk. & 22 4 Thurs. NOTICE OF PEMBROKE TOWNSHIP ROAD ' BOND ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Robeson County, has order ed an election for Pembroke township, Robe son county, for the purpose of allowing the voters of the township to vote on th. ques tion of usuing 150,000 in bonds of the town ship for road purposes. Notice Is further given that said election will be held at the voting precinct in the township on Wednesday, the 18 day of June, 1919, and to that end a new registration haa been ordered for said election, and that only those who register for said election will be entitled to vote in th. election. Notice is further given that J. L. Thagard has been appointed as registrar and D. A. Shaw and A. 8. Locklear have been appointed as judges of election and that th. registration books will be open on th. 14 day of May and remain open until sun set on Saturday the 7th day of June, 1919, Sundays excepted, and that on Saturday th. 17th, 24th, and Slst day of May and th. 7th day of June, 1919, said registrar will attend at the voting precinct in said township with said registration books from nine o'clock in th. forenoon until sun set for the purpose of registering all who appear for that purpose. Nofic i is further ;;iven that said registration book will be closed at sun set on Saturday the 7th day of June, 1919, and that no one will be allowed to register for said election afier the books c ose. I 'ihU the 13th dty of May, 1919. OF ROBESON COUNTY. By M. W. FLOYD, Clerk. b 22 4 Th;ir. Robesonian BusintfM Builders gets re sultstry one. Robesonian Business Builders get results try one. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Robeson county rendered in an action therein pending entitled, "A'. D. Kinlaw et al v. Ed. T. Talo ." -am? being No. 4326 on the Special lYuceetCugj loeket In th. office of the Clerk of th- jfuiwrior court, th. undersigned cunnmb i..nen will, on Friday, th. 11th day ..1 Ju.e, 191), at about 12:00 o'clock M., ut ii,e .vjurt house door in the town of ljmbertun, N. C, sell to the highest bidder at rbllc a action for c&sh, th. lollowi.il described lands, todrtt: In Ilawellsvill. township, R -beaon eojnty. North Carolina: Beginning at a stake and lin. pointers on the east side of the Wild Cat branci, corner of a 00 acre sey of which th.s is a part, and rum as th. line ot aid 200 acre survey west 35 chum to a stake iu said line, S. J. Taylor's earner; thence bis n N. i.0 chain to a stake in I). C Regan's lir.e: thence as hi. line E. 4.91 chama to a stake anj pointers, his e-cit. thence as V. H Taylor's line N. 59 K. 21 chains to stake, G. W. Taylor's corner , th. nee us his 1 i,e East 9:10 !ha. i; to a take in the line 'if th. old survey - thenc. as that line S. 'iZ chains to th. beginning. ontainin 92 acres, i-nd being th. lani described in a deed to I'osa Taylor .recorded in Book 4-Q, pace 472 Kobeaon county registry .and is supposed now " contain 54 acres, after deducting the pait heretofore conveyed by 3. J. Taylor and wife. Uateo this the 13th day of May, 1919. L. R. VARSEK. W. H KINLAW. '. 15 4 Thurs. Commissioners. The Robesonian Business Buil ders brings results--Try one M) Tur May F?e.vi l.w. 1H8 ONO VWf TO n6P HIM Btrorweo ns a HO V1 To fSWAf A IWtOfl WHO AOt-HT HC HAS WANTED Bids for , recovering. Daintine and other repairs on the Cherokee Normal School building at Pembroke. For particulars apply to ' T. C. HENDERSON, i Pembroke- N." C. " . 666 quickly relieves Constipa tion, Biliousness, Loss of Appe tite and Headaches, due to Torpid ir" -V H - r- 1 fj " VS ..'tjl- 1 .. ArcrfHiMfr ove jflr 4j4lr TIwaTaTysi WITH ThC BOSS AWAY -&... i s-ta. .f g ylx . WHAT HiCJ-VI Xo ootie,To5gN - mow""11 J w.wtHAvc TouM sefi ' r- - . , , f& Ni - .-. r" , Liver;. Adv. ' tin i aaMlSnaM isk aaa4b O-n0tM TRUCK sT arw - Baaaaas v . aaassspw

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