DEMPSEY KNOCKED..;... It was a Walkover for the New World's Champion Heavyweight Boxer. Jack Dempsey (whose fall name is COURT PROCEDURE NOW AND 100 YEARS AGO. R. C Lawrence Delireni Learned Ad dress Before Superior Court Clerks on Derelopraent of the Law. William Harrison Dempsey, knocked Wilmington Star. Jess Willard out in three one-sided j A history of American jurispru and bloody rounds at Toledo, 0.', onidencewas contained in an eloquent the 4th. The following is taken and interesting address delivered yes- from a Toledo disoatch: By virtue of one of the speediest and most one-sided battles which ever decided a big fistic event, Jack Demp sev. who miv now wish to be known by his full voting name of William terday morning by R. C. Lawrence, Esq., of Lumberton, one of the leaders of the bar in eastern Carolina, before the opening session of the annual con. vention of the Association of Clerks of Superior Court of North Carolina, Calomel Users! Listen To Me! I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone Tour aniggist gives back your money if it doesn'ti liven your liver and bowels and straighten, you up without making you sick. by his full voting name oi wmaiu v uuxw u ; t tAa-a tuwnme the which convened in the assembly room world's champion heavyweight boxer, of the Oceanic hotel at 11 o clock. M. V MA VV'aw M whipped the huge Jess Willard, fa vorite in the meagre betting in one round. Dempsey thought the reterec tied at times during the course of his address yesterday morning by the comparisons that he drew with pres- 1UU11U, lCUIotj vivb j . - had announced him winner and actu-ient day court procedure with that of ally left the ring. But he was called; 100 years ago, and there were sighs back and the butchery continued for two rounds more when Jess, sitting holding office in modern times in- in his corner, with a bewildered look on his swollen countenance, Xaiiea to respond to the gong for the fourth round. "It was no use to continue," said the ex-champion. "My strength went from me in the first round." He sat there, apparently the most surprised man in the United States at the moment. His right eye was closed and his cheeks swollen with cuts and bruises. Blood covered his body and his arms hung so helplessly on the ropes that it seemed as if a child might give him further abuse without arousing his interest. Dempsey was breathing hard when the fight ended, but it was from ex ertion and not from punishment. He escaped almost unhurt, but as he had been using his arms like tripham mers on the anatomy of his opponent for nine crowded minutes in a sun that sent the thermometer to 100 de grees, his heart was still purdping at high pressure and he appreciated the breathing spell. In the first few seconds of the con test it looked as if the experts who had been assigned to keep detailed ac count of the blows struck might come measurably close to doing so, but it was only for a fraction of a moment. After that the experts did well to count Jack's blows, let alone take note f Knur fh was made. The cnaiien times in the first round and had him hanging helplessly on the ropes or draped over his own shoulders most of the time when h was not taking advantage of the count. The crowd thought the fight was over in that round. Willard was down for the fifth time and the count of evident relief that the clerks w re stead of the "good old days" when there were 30 ways of drawing an in dictment and a lawyer had to guess at the right one, all of which invoked the clerks in endless intricate work in "keeping the records straight. Instance after instance was cited of coures in this State where palpa bly guilty prisoners were let go be cause of a defect in the drawing of the indictment. In one case the mur dered man was stabbed in his breast and since the spelling of that portion of his anatomy was made t0 read "brest" the defendant was let go. 'Another was let 0it because the in dictment said that the crime was committed in the 26th year of Ameri can independence when it should have said the 8th year. High tribute was paid the legal pro fession in America for the part it has played in bringing reforms in Amer ican jurisprudence and to the clreks of the court, whose assistance has been invaluable. He asserted ;that the lawyers were conservative and m the midst of their conservatism there was no room for bolshevism to flour ish and grow strong. He pointed to the fact tha when a man was indic ted in these days that six lines were sufficient to set forth the alleged crime in place of the forty pages that were once the minimum of criminal "If wan that svtem of illUlVbtiiViiv - w w There's rio reason why a person should take sickening, salivating cal omel when a few cents buys a large bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone a perfect substitute for calomel. It is a pleasant, vegetable liquid which will start your liver just as surely as calomel, but it doesn't make you sick and can not salivate. Children and grown folks can take Dodson's Liver Tone, because it is perfectly harmless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is mercury and attacks your bones. Take a dose of nasty calomel today and you will feel weak, sick and nauseated tomorrow. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone instead and you will wake up feeling great. No; more hiliousness, constipation, slag-1 gishnrss, headache, coated tongue or J sour stomach. Your druggist savs if j you don t, find Dodson'3 Liver Tone acts better than horrible calomel your money ia waiting for you. TOMORROW NEVER COB because every day is today.. .That is why one who would wait on til tomorrow to save, never start.. Tiday is TOUR DAT. Come it and open that account you were going to start tomorrow. REMEMBER tomorrow never comes. THE PEOPLE'S BANK& TRUST CO FAIRMONT, N. C. BILL H. WILL BE TAKEN TO LONDON FOR TRIAL , ox now wa - -- - , irer knocked the big fellow, down five haw that Blackstone declared to be tha, Acme of human reason that we have been developing away from," he declared. OAK GROVE LEAFLETS Laying By Watesmelons Plentiful Porsnnal Mention. 1JUWII J.UI L" i ' a onnnrpntlv to end when the gong! CnrresDondence of The Robesoiuan. snnnHpH. It was a modest gong. Oak GrovetBuie, R. D, July 3 which could not make itself heard be fore so many people and even Demp sey did not get it. He crawled 'hru the ropes and was headed out on to the shoulders of screaming fans when the truth was broken to him, and he was hauled back. The attendance was below expec Form around here are very busy laying by corn. Some have finished while others are striving hard to finish. There is not very much grass so far. Watermelpns are very plentiful. Mr. B. Tyner has some for the Ith. Mr.S. B. Tyner left yesterday lor XI1C aitcimoiivv " j It A i . kJ - J . . - - - . O t ...ova Knilf rr RO.OOOl iti.. O r iiikora ho Will STlPntt Taiions. oeata uui.v x" nurisviiie, o. v., -r and the estimate was that not Trre a coupie 0f months working for the i i a l ...A Mtimiaf1 I, than half of these were occupied. speculators lost heavily, they re sold their tickets at anything from $5 to $15 under gate prices. No. betting was reported at the ringside, nor was there much elsewhere, so far as fould be ascertained. Willard got $100,000 for the fight and Dempsey $27,500. WHY VVOriEN SUFFER Some do It from Ignorance: soma from carelessness: some In a spirit of martyrdom and soma from a mistaken sens of duty impelling them to go on sacrificing them selves for others, until they "drop In their tracks". Thousands of women have learned better; have found out that It's wrong to suffer from the peculiar Ills of womanhood; because they need not do It STELLA VITAS, the old-time "Wo man's Relief" "Mother's Cordial has been helping the women of the South to health and happiness lor half a century. It is the prescription of a famous old Southern doctor and has proved successful with thousands o(, wo men and young girls. STELLA VITAE is compounded In the laboratories of the Tbacher Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., And sold by all druggists at a mod erate price. Money refunded If the first bottle fails to help. PALPITATION OF THE HEART! The experience of a woman , who has successfully passed the ! "changes" Is valuable. This lady tells of the "bridge that carried 1 her 0Tr.M R C. 1.. comnanv Mr. Whitman Rogers of Lumber ton was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Tyner Sunday ' Miss Olive Tyner, who is in train ing at Cumberland general hospital in Fayetteville, will leave for her work this afterrfoon after spending a few days with her father, Mr. a. Tyner. ' Write aeain. Aunt Becky, your letters are always read with care. Former German Emperor Will be Taken to England and Imprisoned in Tower of London, Says Daily MaiL William Hohenzollern, former Ger man emperor, will be brought to Eng land in a British ship and imprisoned in the Tower of London, according to The London Daily Mail. The death penalty will not be sought, the newspaper points out, but if he is found guilty the allies ask his banishment for life to a remote is land, following the precedent of Napo leon's exile on St. Helena. The international trial court had intended to try the former emperor alone, The Daily Mail says, but it is possible that former crown prince, Frederick William, will also be ar raigned before it. : s DONT SUFFER CATARRH" OF THE HEAD, that loathsome and draadad dlaaaaa. aoraa whlla you gltcp. flanoma Lata Dtteorary tha traat noma ramady, to naa mora tkaa fiftaan jraan, taatlmoaiala sad Uriac wtt naaaaa baipaak Ha bmtH. On fcottla oanall aoraa- worst eaaa. Friea ll.M. For aala ay Baaaoma Bamady Co, Lumbarton, H. C. Ormatham Bros, Lam bat ton. N. C ; On. thorn Brea., St. PanJb : Bod flvrtaaa Dnc Co.. Bad Spring, N. C: i. M. Sox aaaaa. hUar. Oxford College OXFORD, N. a ' PREPARATORY AND COLLEGE COURSES Courses in MUSIC, COMMERCIAL BRANCHES, ART, HOME ECO NOMICS, PEDAGORY, EX PRESSION. Specialists in all Departments repre senting Universities and Standard Colleges and Conservatories. It is advisable this year to make early application for room WRJTE FOR CATALOGUE F. P. HOBGOOD, President. -V PRESCRIBE J "K- for. We will write an eye glass prescription for your vision difficulties that will again bring peace -and comfort to your sight. We will make you a reasonable charge which varies because of the different kind of lenses used and the amount of service rendered. JUST RECEIVED From leading clothing manufacturers 500 samples of woolens at prices ranging from $20 to $100. Expert tailor service. Our Motto: "We fit. the hard to fitand guarantee to please you." COLUMBUS COUNTY MAN MISS ING FROM SANITORIUM. A. M. Mills, well-to-do citizen of Tabor, Columbus county, N . C, has been missing from Westbrook sanitarium since last Tuesday, states a Richmond, Va., dispatch of June 30, and it is feared that he has commit ted suicide, it was learned when rela- Itives from Horry county, S. C, liv- inir iust over the State line, arrived in Richmond to aid in search for him. It was said that he attempted sui cide once before by taking paris green. He was under treatment ior nervous trouble. We also do cleaning, pressing, altering and repairing. Agents for the Florence Steam Laundry. Weekly service. THE NORFOLK TAILORING CO. Phone 24 John D. Purvis5 , Proprietor. Fairmont, N. C. Don't I DAMAGE 1 l "I waa i a aaat wtatafto! eaadlHeo, at that aaot arltleal tiata to. wawaa'a Ufa, tha ohaaM.' I had i.lajtaMio at tha haaH aod vaahl awaU ttl that S T oWa t taak tva hattlai of STELLA TITAB, ad I aa haapr t aay that it oarad a. I Whaa I bonrn I wUfU4 oriy 1M a da. j I jwy m la." Mn. X, H. FOR SALE BY POPE DRUG company; For' regular action of the bowels; easy, natural movements, relief of constipation, trf Doan's icegiets. iuc at all stores. . : . . Trom Cvlinders without a doubt' hpho rftrhoh nhould bm taken out. I. . . a f Let us remove the carbon tnat is m tAvfarino. with the Dower.punch of your cylinders.. While we are about it we might rind a nut or a dois w should be tightened. The best car ever made won't-behave itself unless Jt is treated right. Have your auto examined occasionally by our ex perts. ' . Tbwnsend Motor Co. ' Garage Phone " 196. Residence Phene 1S4- Liberty Bonds a! IPar THE BANK OF PEMBROKE PEMBROKE, N. C. Will accept as cash at par on deposit during the month of July, 1919, all Liberty Bonds of every is sue. No deposit of bonds aggregating more than ' $1,000.00 will be accepted from any one person. All deposits must remain as long as one year from Au gust 1st, 1919, and we will pay interest on every deposit at the rate of 4 per cent per annum com pounded quarterly. No bonds will be accepted on deposit from anyone except those who were the original purchasers of the bonds from the govern ment If the market value of the bonds yoo deposit should reach par before August 1st, 1920, you will be allowed to withdraw any part cr all of your de posit in cash. This is a great opportunity to the people of this section to sell their Liberty Bonds at WEDDING PRESENTS I Don't fail to see my line of silver, cut glass and china before you buy that wedding gift I can supply you in nice gifts, from $1.00 up. Come in, we will be glad to show you. A. J. HOLMES Jeweler East Carolina Teachers Training 'School A State school to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. . Every energy is directed o cnii one purposel ' Tuition1 free to ill who agree to teach. Fall term begins September 24, 1919. FOR CATALOGUE AND OTHER INFORMATION ADDRESS Robt. H. Wright, Presdent, GreenvilleTtfTC: famous Fashions This sum mer you will want the most fascinating andl charming dresses which wil conform with good taste especial y this year when new materials and new motifs are being introduced. SOLVE THE SUMMER PROBLEM BT USING MeCALL PATTERNS. Sold by JOHN T. BIGGS par. THE BANK, f PEMBR0K ? Deposits '$96,267.61. Resources $165,717 .27. P. S. COOPER, Pres. R. H. LTVERMORE, Cashier.- A. M. BREECE, V-Pres. Bimdeir Timnie is Mem We are prepared to take care of the needs of the farmers on binders. We have in stock already set up two McCor rnick binders, the McCormick birder is too well known to say anything about it because it it the binder that has stood the test for over half a century. New is the time to hnj a binder, because yon get the spring cutting and also the fall cutting. We also have instock ready for immediate delivery Mc Cormick and John Dare Mowing machines and rakes. We have the l&rgest stock of binder twine in the county. Phone, wire or write us your wants, we can take care of you any time. . iias-ru. . R. D. Caldwell & Son, Inc. Hardware Department By Buck Norment, Manager I Fof the Relief of Rheumatic' Pains. Whn vou have stiffness and sore- l M 4-U. imiiiilM aotitnc in?nta ness ui mio wiuoviv.) -i and find it difficult to move witnoux i pain tryi massaging tne anecrea, i parts with Chamberlain's Liniment. It will relieve tne pain ana mase resv land sleep possible. , - Bilious? Feel heavy after dinner? Bitter taste? Complexion ' sallow? liver perhaps tfeeds waking - up. Doan's Reguletg for bilious attacks, 30c at all stores. , . Robesonian Business Builders results- try one. get vv-

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