THE E0CES0NUN, ,LCMr2TCN, NOCTn CAKOLINA- KONDAY, JULY 7th. 1111 mmt D nin?QAVTAIIlwfll 1)6 discouran me-" rk,mt it to the lt that ha. beU wtfd .that ! not forgotten, this , ly more worth while KaT Published By EOBESONIAN PUBLISHING CO. Koon ltnrethr nl eased with what . A. sutAuris i he has had Houses are not to be had except at ottered and its critics like Lodge and j criminal's infamous remark about a fight. rare intervals ana dj gwa mrvuuo, uoran nave not c-uerea any tngges- scrap 01 paper in connection with, prize and desirable houses, well located, tions 'that would make it more per. V Jl.. . k li.J at oil m l- , - This condition has prodded "Monte," 0na h.B bllt fo conili(i, tK evidently a citiren who has not the war jn blood and violation of Belgian neutralrtyVon The first issue of the Stanly Conn- wimee enougn ox ms ty Herald, A. C. Huneycntt, editor, cost of own t nwer for, and nobody seema ''made its appearance at i to belh impressed with the offer of Week before last It is a u p.c-u w. ea fof the ad tion . . , cnmma, io De tried in place or per and the 'first issue is full of news, to put up with in the th,t hnMa ftf . y another. Hollweg did the . best he wtlv nrinted. and m.irM . i Kmioa it hna xvi I 1J- j.u i-. . , ... . I ' " " world peace for any length f ti J rT o wm juk as ui-We appearance. rousea mm to suomu . w r.:,, n,w " . -"""X"8 " couia oe, out tue rorro- They will be found elsewhere in er kajser outdid all the rest in be. Albemarle weekly pa MONDAY, JULY 7th, 1919 SUBSCRIPTION BATES: Chts Year $2.00 fSx Months 100 Hum Months SO OQce 107 West Fourth Street Telephone No. 20. this paper, and they are worthy of of th& Participation of the United serious consideration. SUtes in the world war, as given in As "Monte" suggests, many of the Washington dispatch: r, people who come to Lumberton to Total armed forces, 4300,000: total live have been used to better hous- men in the army, 4,000,000; men-who always does well whatever it sets es and better surroundings tnan oi- went overseas, z.uoo.wv; men who ten they are able to rent, for all the fought in France, 1,390,000; greatest more desirable houses are already number sent in one month, 3M,000; Entered as second class mail matter occupied. The same condition oDtains greatest numoer returning in one t the postoffice at Lumberton, N. C n every growing town. Whenever month, 333,000; tons of supplies ship- many desirable houses are for rent'ped to France, 7,500,000; total regis- there is usually something wrong. I tered in draft. 24,234,021; total draft BE A CHEERFUL BELIEVER ..Lieutenant Commander Albert C. Bead, who won the American navy the honor of furnishing, the. first man to fly across the Atlantic, thinks that regular, tr ana -Atlantic, aerial travel would become a reality with in three years if interest in aviation in war time were continued in peace. No doubt. Many other now appar ently far-away marvels would be just around the corner if the world were on its metal and keyed up to the maximum effort as in war time. "Any one whb says that we will never attain an altitude of 60,000 feet; that we will never be able to cross to Europe in the forenoon and return in the afternoon; that we will never be able to accomplish the things that appear impossible now,1 It was well done, . a credit to The But the sort of building syndicate inductioni, 21f9;graduatea oaf line Landmark and to the county. ing a devil and is to answer for his crimes. o The Statesville Landmark, which out to do, issued last Wednesday, on the eve of a celebration at States ville on the Fourth in honor of the county's soldiers, an edition telling the story of Iredell's part in the war. NEWS NOTES AND COMMENT. BY W. H. M. BROWN. "Monte" suggests is meant to rem-, oiticers training schools, 80,468; cost edy this situation and to keep the of war to April, 30, 1919, $21,850,000,- supply of desirable houses equal to 000; cost of army to April 30, 1919, the demand Maybe such a venture would pay the promoters, and certainly it should be a fine thing for the town. Some gentlemen who have had ex perience with renting property of that kind in Lumberton are skepti cal ; they have proved to their own sorrow that houses for rent do not always mean profit. But that period may be past now and those who try the plan suggested by "Monte" may reap a rich reward in addition to boosting their home town. o $13,930,000,000; battles fought , by United States troops, 13; months of participation in war, 19; days of bat tle, 200; duration of Meuse-Argonne battle, 47; Americans in Meuse-Argonne battle, 1,200,000; American casualties in Meuse-Argonne, 120,000; American battle deaths of war,- 50, 000; Americans wounded in war, 236 000; American deaths from disease, 56,091; total deaths in the army, 112-422. Consider the prize-fighter. He Buie, July 2 -Mr. W. H. Graham is now leader of the Buie prayer meeting which is conducted at the Methodist church. Mr. Graham mov ed here from St. Pauls recently and is among the best of Christians and no doubt the prayermeeting will ac complish much good under his guid ing hand. Mr. Jno. S. Brown returned a few days ago from Portland, Oregon, to trains for months to pnt himself in which place he was summoned as a perfect physical condition for a witness in a overnment case against fight. Most people spend their time J a man who they proved had been breaking down, their physical pow- using the mails in selling to the pub ers and making themselves unfit for lie a medicine which it was proven the everyday fight which s infinite-, was not what it was claimed to be. Mr' Brdwn ; says i the" man received a sentence of 40 years in prison.. The choir at the Lumberton Meth odist church to well-worth going miles to hear. And then the splendid pastor that this church is supplied with! Dr. Beaman's fine sermons are indeed well worth many times the little time one would lose in go ing to hear him. It is time well spent. Mrs. Steidley, who has been con ducting a Bible class at the Gospel Tabernacle and known to a great many, being one of the McLendon party," is giving some fine and inter esting talks on the Bible. She will only be at Lumberton until Satur. day, when I understand she will join Mr. McLendon at Sanford, where he will begin a revival meeting Sunday. Mrs. Steidley saVs the meeting in Petersburg and in Raleigh both were fine. I am indeed glad to state that the prayermeeting started near St. Pauls some weeks ago by myself and others joining in has been bless ed wonderfully, and two well-known Christian gentlemen will continue to conduct services on every Thursday night, beginning at 8 o'clock. Let ev erybody near by be sure to attend. appropriation' bill? in tha first thirty days of the present session and show ed that that claim would not stand analysis, that it is a deceptive claim made for political purposes. In mak ing that claim Mr. Kitchin showed ry vi: ni is a most courageous person, witni ... . . . Til inT Arm rna nuniip T.nnr tna iipmo. a courage similar to those m omen. - days who said that iron sft-pa would cratic House in the last session pass- REPUBLICAN CLAIMS EXPLOD ED. Representative Claud Kitchin at tacked the Republicans in the House of Congress the other day for claim-, and manufacture beer containing 2 ing they nad saved $i,6UU,uuu.uuu on 3-4 per cent alcohol, and some other Nobody seems to know where they are "at" in this momentous matter of sudden and violent dryness. One place a judge will solemnly hand down an opinion which gives brewers in his district the right to go ahead work,' says Commander Read. . Yea, such people are of the tour age of those who always in all ages have said it could not be done no matter what, just so it had never been done before, whether it was traveling faster than a stage coach, or what not. Verily, one must be lieve all that one can, and doubt on ly what one must and one really must doubt nothing. It shall come to pass in the days not far hence that one shall arise in the roolth of the early morning, fasten on his trusty wings, and, not bothered by fear of the mishap that befell the Icarus of that early day, mount to ward the sun and fly to the utter saest parts of the earth and hack be fore night. And flying is not all that one must . believe. As Dr. Beaman told his Sun day school, class a time ago, the time is coming when you will sit in your office in Lumberton and call up year doctor when he is in New York and stick out your tongue for him to look at at that distance and tell you what ails you; and in those days if you take a drink of the "old familiar'in New York your, wife will detect it on your breath the next minute in Lumberton and if you eat an onion they'll smell it around the world. By George! prohibition has come just in time. Tomorrow it will be, impossible to take a drink in Egypt' ed every single one of these appro priation bills and that the Democra tic majority in the Senate was ready and anious and willing to pass them but was prevented from doing so by a plotted and deliberate filibuster of a few Republicans in the Senate in the last days of the session. "Every intelligent man in this House," said Mr. Kitchin, "knows absolutely that every one of these bills would have been written into the statutes had it not been for the indecent and un. warrented Republican filibuster in the last days of the last Congress." Taking up the Republican . claim that 1400,000,000 had been saved in the army bill, Mr. Kitchin showed that this bill did not affect the sav ing of a single penny to the people, that the Republicans voted with the Democrats to provide for an average army of 500,000, which at the last ses sion it was thought it would be neces sary to provide for, bat that four months have elapsed since then and that it has been determined that the army will be much smaller than 500, 000, and that the difference would have been turned back into the treas ury as an unexpended balance if the bill had not been changed. The truth is that this difference is brought a bout not by Republican economy but by the efficiency of the Democratic Whenever Republicans make a claim town in ten minutes. o- without it being known in your home administration that made it possible of great savings brought about by their economy it is well to analyze the figures a little and see if they have not overlooked giving credit where credit belongs. o WHAT AMERICA CONTRIBUTED Nobodv claims for the league of nations that it is a perfect piece ofj WOULD A BUILDING SYNDI CATE PAY IN LUMBRTON Lumberton citizens welcome stran gers within the gates of their town and are glad to see the town grow; but ask any one where and how to find a house to rent and the answer place another judge will render a de cision against the brewers and such beer. The "wets" are made to re joice one minute and the next minute they are plunged back into low- grounds oi sorrow. What is going to be the conclusion of the whole mat ter nobody knows, but indications are that it is going to be a dry summer, with maybe some irrigation along to ward the shank of the year, when the President is expected to exercise his right to declare war-jtime prohib tion at an end when army demobiliza tion has become an established fact. There will ensue, then, a "wet" period before constitutional prohibition goes I into effect January 16th next. o The O. Henry, Greensboro's new hotel, the formal opening of which was fittingly celebrated last week is the most magnificient and splend idly equipped commercial hoiel in the State. Greensboro needed a new hotel badly and the O. Henry isa credit to that town and to the State. The Greensboro News last Wednes day issued an O. Henry edition in honor of the formal opening, this is sue containing a wealth of interest ing matter about O. Henry (William Sidney Porter), who spent some years of his early life in Greensboro and later won fame as the best short-sto ry writer North Carolina has pro duced. To The News belongs a larjge share of credit for the erection of this hotel. o Von Bethmann Hollweg's offer of himself for trial in place of his for mer emperor fell rather flat upon what m nn M eaii by ' lemice" $100 Reward. $100 Catarrh la a local disease rreatlv lnflu. .need by constitutional condition. It therefore requires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucus Surfaces of the Sys tem. HALL'S QT TARRH MEDICINB destroys the foundation of the disease, gives the patient strength by improving the general health -nd assists nature in doing its work, fioo.00 for any case of Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE) falls to cure. Druggists 76c Testimonials free. 7. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohio. I afety, security, satisfaction. You get them all here. very transaction with us must be completed to YOUR entire satisfaction. eady with funds to help our patrons whenever occasion arises where a loan will aid them toward larger profits or larger pro duction. Our rates and terms are always satisfactory. ery often we can save our customers money and embarrassment through our knowledge of business and investment conditions and our facilities for making investigations. Bring your problems Jto us. When you bank with us, you can bank on us. nterest paid on Savings Accounts at the rate of four per cent per annum, compounded quarterly. Bank books issued for funds in this department and interest credited to depositors accounts Janu ary 1st, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st. Our interest bearing Certificates of Deposit provide an attractive form of investment for your funds- necking accounts afford a convenient and businesslike method of handling your financial transactions. TRY IT. . ' ' ' ' ndeavoring always to have our customers feel towards us just as, they do towards any other business friend who stands ready to counsel and advise in good faith and understanding, we cordi ally invite them to avail them-selves of our facilities. New Accounts Invited 4 s;!5 iff I it I The National Bank of LuumbeiftiDini "THE OLD RELIABLE" RESOURCES $1,300,000.00 A. W. McLEAN, President. M. P. CQBB. Cashier. r I ANNOUNC-EME 1 We have secured the services of a licensed embalmer, Mr. A. J. Smith, who has had cpn siderable experience in the undertaking business. We have an up-to-date auto hearse and carry a complete stock of Metalic Vaults, Coffins and Caskets and everything in the under taking line.. Mrs. A. J. Smith has had experience in- embalming and will assistMr. Smith when desired. - ' LUMBERTON A. J. SMITH, Undertaker. FUfeMTUiE STOIKE i ... D. W. BIGGS, Owner. DAY PHONE 56. . . NIGHT PHONE 146. 3