J ' TUB R0BES0N1AN. LtJMBESTON. NOSTTX CAROLINA. THUBSDAT, JTLT UTH, Wit 1 3 Where Can I Find Relief From ' MM Itching, Terrifying Eczema? ooLipe Afflicted. There It a harrasslag discomfort vu vj uitau iui umoit &e comet a torture. Tne itching is al most unbearable, aad v the skia seems oo fire with the baraing ir rttatioa. A cure from local appli cation of salves and ointment it impossible, because inch treat neat caa only allay the pain tem porarily. The disease can only be reached by going deep dawa to its source, which is in the blood, tad awcase Being caused by an infect two which breaks out through thq skin. .That Is h. th mnii , factory treatment for all so-called skin diseases is S. S. S., for thi remedy so thoroughly cleanses the DlOOd that no imnuritij. an r- tnain. Get a bottle today, and roH . will see results from the right "wmeni. Medical advice free Address AAri Trr-nr a c iti Bldg, Atlanta, Ga.. , Pershing Wants Pledges Paid So Welfare Work Will Go On With Army "To the End.9 Washington. D. C Kaymoad B. roadiok. chairman of the Com mission oa Training Camp Activities, has made public a letter which he has received from General Jean J. Pershing, showing the vital Importance of continuing the welfare work with the army until the end. Thoae who hare not paid their United War Work Campaign aubaerlpttons win eorae la for much criticism If they do not do so dur ing "Speed Up" Week. Jaly 28th to August 4th. Cleveland H. Dodge, national treasurer of the United War Work agencies, stated on July lfta tnat.be had only enough funds on hand to ran the seven organisations until August 1st. Therefore, unless every outstanding subscription la paid during "Speed-Up" Week, It will be necessary doubtless to cut down the work of the agenciea which now means so much to our soldiers atlU la uniform. Gen. Pershing's letter In fall reada: , "' AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES Office of the Commander-in-Chief France, May 8, 1119. Mr. Raymond aVFeedlck, Chairman, Commission en Training Camp Activities,, War Department, Waahlngton, D. C My Dear Mr. Feadlokt ' On the welfare eecletiea that Joined In the united campaign for funds at heme In the fall of lilt, all, with the exception of the War Camp Community Service are continuing their helpful work with the American Expeditionary Fereea. i,. Thle work the tnJfesT vafu to the troops and Is thorough ly appreciated by effleere and men. It glvee me a great deal of pleaeure fa testify at thl time to the value of their eervleee. I sincerely hope that the amounts ee generously eubecrihed during the last eamealflft fer funds will be paid in eo that the work of these societies with the Army In France may be continued to the end. Sincerely yeure, JOHN A PERSHING. NOT1S The War Camp Conunantty Servloe has, from the outset, concentrated Ha etforta In encampment cities In this country. J Watch the Label on your Paper Deposit Your Check With H6e Farmers Savings Bank Corner Elm and 4th Streets Old Bank of Lumberton Building Banking Hours - from 9 'till 3 o'clock During Tobacco Season from 9 'till 4 o'clock We are anxious to serve you. All wel come. 4 per cent, on Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposits. C B. TOWNSEND, President. R. H. COVINGTON, Cashier. REIEOERTHEAl iT J T Save and have! Xemember the story of the ant and tike grasshopper ? The ant worked and eared. The end of each day found him with a little more added to what be had the day before. The grasa hopper danced aad eaag and fiddled hia time away'. Waster came; the ant bad plenty. The grasshopper had nothing; he had not saved. He went to the ant atod asked for kelp. Said the ant: "Whim I worked, yon fooled your ttaae awe. Ton dance now fer all I ease. Are yen an ant-person or a grasshopper - person? Some time are you gesng to neve to task far help aad will someone tell yea to dance? or will yon be independent? If yen ears new, yeH have later on. Let the end of every X week find more Thrift Sump en your card. At the end of or- ery month be able to show more War Savings Stamps pastel en your eertiaoate. Lend your money to the gerernmeot at 4 per cent interest, ;empountled ejuarterly, and see It grow. Take stock , of : yourself! ' What are yea worth? WO neat New Tear's Doy and yon worth mere or leas? which wi9 yea bo; an ant or a g ma shopper? FEELING BLUE? LAZY LIVER? MIACALOTAB Wonderful How Young and En ergetic You Feel After Taking This Nausealess Calomel Tab let. If you have not tried CalotabS you have a delightful surprise awaiting you. The wonderful liver-cleansing and system-purifying properties of calomel may now be enjoyed without the slightest unpleasantness. A Cal- otab at bedtime with a swallow of water that's all. No taste, no salts, nor the Brightest unpleasant effects. You wake up in the morning feel ing so good that you want to laugh about it. Your liver is clean, your system is purified, your uupetite hearty. Eat what you wish no dan ger. The next time you feel lazy, mean, nervous, blue or discouraged give your liver a thorough cleansing with a Calotab. They are so per fect that your druggist is authorized to refund the price as a guarantee that you will be delighted. Calotabs are sold only in original scaled packajgesl Price thSrty-flve cents. At all drueeists. (Adv.l OBITUARY. MRS. GEO. E. THOMPSON. The untimely death of Mrs. Geo. E. Thomp son, which occurred on June 27th, 1919, not only brought sorrow to her relatives ane friends, but cast a gloom over the entiri community. She loved to attend church, and was one of its best workers in' every way possible. She was a faithful worker n Sunday school, a teacher of the primary class, and beloved by the children and church. - She had a kind, liberal heart and a mis sionary spirit, in sympathy with the entirf work of the association. Therefore, we, the members of the W. M. S. of Long Branch Baptist church, olfer the following resolutions in her memory: 1. That the San beams have suffered a very great loss in the ''home going" of Its consecrated leader. ' 2. That we are thankful for her example of Christian character, for her meek ano. gentle spirit, for her calm and beautiful lift of faith and trust in her Master. 3. That we extend to her loved ones oui deepest sympathy, and that the great los. may be overruled for good by Him who doeth all things well. 4. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to her husband, a copy to The Kcbeson ian, and a copy be placed on the minutes ot our society. v t. "Be ye also ready; for in sneh an hout as ye think not the Son of Man Cometh." MRS. W. Q. POPE,. MRS. W. 3. BRITT, MISS ADDIE EDMUND, Committee. July 11, 1919. - (f,,,,,,tllr,,:,,,CT Surprise the Family Tonight . Bakq them some crispy, tasty, golden-brown biscuits made from OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Risint? Flour. Then watch the way those goodies disappear one,, two, three, four and every one as good as the last OCCO-BJEE-CMEE Self-IUsinfS Flour With it you can make the same appetizing biscuits,iwaflles, muffins and cakes time after time. There's no more guessing. It has mixed with it, in the exact proportions, the very best baking powder, soda and salt. It's economical because it saves you the cost of these three materials. Buy a bag of OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour today. Look for the Indian Head on the bag. At all grocers. . When you prefer to bake with plain flour but Peerless the best of Its kind. AUSTIN-H EATON CO., Durham, N. C. WANTED TO CORRESPOND WITH PARTY, HAVING A FARM FOR SALE. ADDRESS BOX 404, LUMBERTON, N. 0. Are You One of Them? There are a great many people who would be very much benefited by taking Chamberlain's Tablets for a weak or disordered stomach. Are you one of them? Mrs. M. It. Searl, Ealdwinaville, N Y., relates her ex perience in the use of these tablets: "I had a bad spell with my stomach about six months ago, and was trou bled for two or three weeks with gas and severe pains in the pit of my stomach. Our druggist advised ma to take Chamberlain's Tablets. I took a bottle home and the first dose relieved me wonderfully, and I kept on taking them until I was cured." These tablets do not relieve pain, but after the pain has been relieved may prevent its recurrence. are anter things than carrying a basket . And more profitable things.too. Carrying a basket uses up your energy, takes time and spoils your temper. And it's entirely unnecessary. We do not ask you to carry home your groceries. We believe that we can perform this service for you cheaper and better than you can do it for. yourself. And our growing business is proof that hundreds of house wives in this community feel the same way about it. Why not let us shoulder your marketing burdens? Well tell you what things are good and you can trust us too, because you can understand how dangerous it would be for us to ad vise you to buy something you wouldn't like. , When we recommend Ryzon Baking Powder' : therefore, you can rest assured we know it will please you. It will do anything baking pow der will do and it's fairly priced, 40 cents for a full pound tin. We also recommend Tetleys Tea. Misliart Phone 1 and 207 F arm iy j AMI J f Spend Your Dollars Where Ypu Can iiet Best Values and Service And also at a store that makes a specialty of supplying tMe farmers and will extend to you a line of credit if you need Xt while making and harvesting your crops. , Here are some of our specials : , No. 1 Timothy Hay $2.40 per hundred High-Grade Shipstuff $3.00 per ba : Fine Granulated Sugar 12 l-2c per pound ; Oats,, Molasses Peed, Dairy Feed, Flour, Meal, Meat, Com pound & Pure Lard at prices correspondingly low. See us for Cotton Sheets, Cotton Bagging and Harvest ' ing Supplies. ELM. BIGGS' Lumberton, N. C. OwWWWWWWWMMWWWvOwMWWWWHVWMWWWHW (SfYE i A CI And we will get the high dollar for your tobacco Since the market opened July 15th our sales have been heavy and our averages as high as the highest. When your tobacco is ready for the market drive straight to the (C5 WILL LEATH, Auctioneer. O. W. LEATH, Manager. LAKEVIEW, S. C -