PAGE FOUR THE ROBESONLAN, LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA. MONDAY, AUGUST 4TH, 111. ,2ME BOBESONIAN Published By ! ROBESON IAN PUBLISHING CO. J. A. SHARPS President MONDAY, AUGUST 4TH, 1919. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: j Om Year $2.00 Six Months 1.00 Three Months 50 j Office 107 West Fourth Street Telephone No. 20. Entered as second class mail matter at the postoffice at Lumberton, N. C EJ. DAVIS & SONS RE PORT OF SALES ON FAIRMONT MARKET FOR WEE ENDING FRIDAY, AUGUST 1ST Since our last week's report prices -fttfrap'oy "leaps and bounds and fine cutters have sold the high eat this week ever in the history of oui marxet. Our total sales will foot up over woe ana a quarter million pounds and if we cut out the scrap and sorry low grade sand lugs, our average for the week is around 40 cents. Tak ing in everything sold will run around 35 cents. Big curings are selling up to G8; cents, and lots and lots of tobacco! are bringing from 50 to 65 .-ents. It is ar, interesting sight to see farm-j ers jreltirer checks far sino-io .,.;! from $o00 to $800. We are sorry to learn of some of the markets sending out buyers ?nd buying ud the finp curing v,. fi, farmers at 50 cents a;id those same! curings would bring on the Fairmont market all the way from 55 to 65 cents, and yet claiming to the farm ers that they are paying over thi market price and are only trading to JTet the tobacco nn their marUf ... from the Fairmont market, while at wie same time they know they are swindling the farmer out of say from fifty to one hundred and fifty uuuars on each and every curing. We were in nopes that the day of barn door buying by Pin Hookcts rnd warehousemen was over, and sorry w sucn metnoos come back, and tOTiet (k.t t x'u. " suite me recent 'ains have none so much damage to the crjps ana ine lanr.ers Josses are so heavy that all warehousemen who prj in sympathy witn the farmers' best in terest, will sev to it that such .irac tices are stopped, and let the farm ers get what is coming to them. We Will 8av that anv innrVof aet of warehousemen who re3ort to such practices in order to ef tnW co to their market or particular ware- nouse are nothing more nor less than Pin Hookers. the confidence of the best farmers! na ousmess men generally. So we say beware of the barn door buyer, and shun the market that practices' such tactics. Our sales for next week are as follows : Monda v. 3rd Wednesday, 2nd; Thursday, 3rd; Fri day. 1st. Come to see us. We will send you oack home wearing a smile that will not come off, as good prices await you. Yours for a square deal, ' E. J. DAVIS &' SONS. Fairmont, N. C, Aug. 1, 1919. Till! GREAT EDUCATORS For Men, Women and Children n -i The use of this work will provide a liberal education in a n y branch of knowledge. A necessity in every home, where culture and ambition abide and in every office where progress pre vails. The New International Encvceooedia ! The One and Only Reliable Encyclopedia adapted to the daily use of Progressive Americans. Authoritative! Comprehensive, Dotvn-to-date! Years later than any similar work. Made in America, by Americans, for Americans. Scores of Robesonians have bought this Great Work and are de lighted with it. It causes children to .nake more rapd and secure progress it their studies. A Real University For The Home! Read What Your Neighbors Say! The New International Encvclnnedia ia the books in my library. W. K. Bethune, secretary to Congressman Godwin, Lumberton, N. C. I find it tbethe most reliable reference work I hae ever used. In the home where children are endeavoring to secure a liberal education, The New International would prove of greatest value, M the language is easily understood and the information authentic. I cordially commend it to all parents who aim to enable their children to secure useful knowledge, as the best preparation for an enjoyable and useful future. WOODBERRY LENNON, at-torney-at-law, Lumberton, N. C. To one who has investigated the real merits of the several En cyclopedias now in use, there can be no question as to the stand ing of The New International. I believe it to be the latest, ' the most comprehensive, the most reliable, and the most useful Ency-1 clopedia published here or abroad. My appreciation of the nec essity of having this great work accessible at all times, is evi denced by the fact that while we have the same work in our High miuui norary, yet i nave deemed it a good investment to place a set in my home library for the use of Mrs. Cale and myself and to enable my two sons, aged nne and eleven, who are in the 4th anl 6th grades, respectively, to make more rapid and secure prog ress in their studies. Wm. H. Cale, Supt. Lumberton graded schools. BOOKS FOR THE HOME. TAKE TANLAC A. F. Roberts, Successful Cattle Deal er Gains 16 Pounds in 60 Days Tak in Tan lac. "One of the best doctors in Colo Sometime ago I purchased The New International Encyclopedia from Mr. J. T. Norsworthy and am delighted. Not a single time nave i had occasion to refer to it, but that the information sougnt ana secured was most instructive and satisfactory To have tnis mass of knowlelge so accurately and comprehensively arrane- .u.Uo a yicaauie ueyunu my previous expectations 1 therefore consider it an asset that cannot he nver.oatimatoA wr tit ... 1 f . T . I d. 5- er, t,ye specialist, Lumberton, N. C. I am convinced that the N mijiiuijruia backis e.'I others that 1 havp Maminpd no a roi.'nw . v , , . - - - " 'c"wc aim usciui reierence worn, i neani y recommend its use in their hn i aim sluiiiils. J. tt. rOOie. Hunt. RChnn a Pnhsnn rv,..,.. T berton, N. C. Dr. W. C. Riddick. Pres. N. C. Stat riT. ncrmeenng Raleigh, N. C. writes:"! Avould like to see The New uiiciuauuiiai nincvciODeaia m tnp hnmo nf cially those having children m school. The information contained in it is tun and well arranged for convenient reference. I recom mend it without Qualification. fSie-nn W r pinniov t -. C Mate Collece of A id V. DO NOT POSTPONE the purchase of this work, so badly needed by every one who wants to know thngs. By ordering NOW you get The New International Encyclopedia at the special pre-pub-ncaticn price and on easv terms. Pop nortni. 1 wJtn " h."ii.iuaio tuuiiuurucaie J. T. NORS WC RTHY. SALESMANAGER PHONE 16. l.IIMRVDTnu xi o Permanent Address: 112 Halifax Street, Raleigh, N. C.' IP csssBBsasaBi r 2 Minimi lit wm BIBLE STUDENTS. "The Scofield Reference Bible" will prove of the utmost service. Write for descriptive price-list. J. T. Norsworthy, Lumberton, N. C. jP TO THE PUBLIC. My son Roy has left me without cause. He is 15 years old, and forbid all persons to harbor or shel ter him. MTTRPTTV PPin This August 4th. 1919. of The Best9' When about to buv an artirlo .iipk as a range, that plays an important lan in me daily routine of the home, it pays to examine it carefully and be sure you are getting the best imnge value. A range expert from the factory will durin th commencing Aug. 11th show ycu how vne MAjr.Biiu is built, why it lasts o long and why it is the best value. McAllister hardware co. cJJ Ohl. City of Toledo. Lucas Frank J. Cheney makes oath that h la Sfr? PAlnerKf ,th flrn Cheney Co., doing- bualneu in the City of To- -Ti.ftn(1 B.t?le 'oreaald, and that pHpnTim r PSIi Sh ,ura f ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS f0r an ca8e of Catarrn that cannot be cured by the uae ct HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE , FRANK J. CHENEY. Bworn to before me and subscribed In 2.7 D?ule2c, ' 6th day ot Decmb iS aAA 7Z- 'won. Notary Public. "-HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE la tak 1 u nd aot thTOUrh th Blood " rvi " , . vr ouriacea or me Bystem. r. S. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. CARS COME TO SEE THE NEW DAVIS You will be immediatelv imnrtoa k u iZ":i::Z Tn raai"or. body lines conform evervthTn D ".er8' duPIex head lamps- everytliing for your convenience and satisfaction ttlT del8-the culminedby it, tomobi e building experience-are typical of Davis ideals in and dependability; WUness the cyHndt mT' rear-Spri Continental ix- Tv DeC Stflin?' h'htin ignition trt 5v rl "nnnXeuni beari8- Davis m cars, trulj. are Built of the Best." The new Davis awaits W.R.TYNER . . . ' Lowe, N. C. I Until August 15th, only, I make the following offers all books sent by express prepaid: MARK TWAIN'S trated, $32; $1 with order, $2 a month. T JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY com plete: Doem itin'u i beautiful ami a.7.m i essays; "Une oi tne best doctors n Colo- Miss Betts ltt im. ov na t nas not oiuy overcome my trou- with order. 12 . rWtu ' D.Ies DUt.1 ve gained sixteen pounds SIMOXDS' HISTORY wnpt n " - 77 S' lt ixtV WAR. the on .A7- ?RIrP a? A- F. Roberts, who lives histor of the ZZia y aTram at i'ord' Alberta, Canada, ".LV . , the w?rW-wide conflict, 5 few days aeo. suueiu voinmpa not..!,,! j '119.50. cloth. r zrtr::vjc.TS' - "rta .,s ?ne tn et month. ' ,OJ a ca",e aeaiers m his section of the I O HFVdv i x country, ana oeiore moving to Cana- dott-K a h?rt time ago, he had spent rate)v ill,i.ffl iio V V, e,aDO" mosl 01 n,s I1Ie Colorado, U. S. A. I a'l Jliustra ted $19.50 (with Jack "I can now understand why Tan- month dCr' $L5 Canada and the United Stotes," con 10 'nir oent t L . - tmued Mr. Roberts, "and since it has with order ) fU" d"?e me 80 much good' 1 klow that T om oio - i it is a very dependable medicine and for "WebsterT Z "ft 8alma" de8CrVes a" the Praise tha ia wSl lvr vveDsters New Intemafinnoi v .i.- j. T)trfinnai oJ rr.u . V I mc pnl IWO years 1 x iuo iew inter national Encyclopedia" needed and desired in every home or office where ZnT. a,nd Process abide. Also The Book of Knowlvf tertains, charms, educates the child Kierht Pricps V.a Worsworthy, The 3ook Man, Lum- ucrwii, is. u., rnone 16. have suffered from stomach trouble, and when I commenced taking this Tanlac. it was almost imoossible far me to retain anything I ate,. I was very nervous and never got a good night's sleep, and finally got so weak and rundown that I was hardly able to get about. I often had dizzy spells, and was bothered a great deal with constipation. "My physician certafnly knew what he was doiner when he nrerrih- ed Tanlac for me, for it has done the work for me. as I am as healthv tiul strong now as I ever was in my life. In fact it has done much more for me than I exrtected it would do. T have a fine appetite and everything I eat agrees with me perfectly, and I never have the slightest sio-n nf stomach trouble of any kind. I am no longer bothered with constipation, and never have those dizy spells any more. I have retrained all mv strength, too, and that nervousness has left me, and I sleep like a log eve ry nierht. In fact. I am simnlv pn. joying perfect health again, and I give Tanlac credit for it all." Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere. US MAJESTIC rnn.a k : jucAinsier Hardware Co.'s siore ADg nth to I6th. Don't fail to tane advantage of this special of , f er. Subscribe for The Robeonian. T?ea WhSL?oar "ete&bors ay cf ..c yxeai r,aucator The New In- icinouuiiai encyclopedia. j To get a handsome set of kitchen- ware nhis1i,t.t.. l - -"oviui,cijf iree 11 you buv a I MAJESTIC ran r,vt . .iu - .7". "l5 " oijcr IWWUl invest! B-flfin tr Vi.l iclal demonstration during the week """:ing Aug. 11, and wj will T y,ou tni fme ware which is an I oui-ana-out gift. 1 McAllister hardware co. FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR We are runnincr a bank for th nhhlir nno that na;At. " t xv .viMyniw. .. r onlv von and vnnr ripeda fi4U A'iku We are not so much concemec over what we think is reasonable and proper as we are over the handling of your affairs to your entire satisfaction. N If sound banking practice will permit your every wish will be granted here. 5ia2j THOMPSON TOWNSHIP. I hereby announce myself as candidate for the office of road su pervisor for Thompson Township, subject t0 the election to ba held Au gust zutn, lyig. If elected I can give my entire time to the keeping up of the roads anu promise the public to do my ut most to keep the roads in a good state of repair. Respectfully yours, J. V. FAULK i I rl:i a 1 1 mirVisiiIv I mmmmm LUMBERTON. N.C. t Itme fammemI Will fimd hem a gemiiii banking service, helpM s co-opeiranon and a oer- sonal interest in each transaction, n o matter how small it may be. Bring yoimr TOBACCO (UMjM;& to ns. We will casli tbem for yon freely, We Want Vour is inoss The National Bank of 'tin 1 -. mm, Lnmberton "THE OLD RELIABLE" . RESOURCES $1,250,000.00 A. W. McLEAN, President. - M. F, COBB', Cashier.