TBS BOSZSONlAlf, LUMXSSTOH, K02TB CAROLINA. MONDAY, AUGUST 18TH. 1913. pace rvra 0 wwwwww J fcri w www Www wwwwwwwV Wwwwwwwwwwww www Wwwwwwwwwwwwww w w w ccccoeococcCwCccccccccco O o Make Dot Bamik Ycdot Bank WE PROMISE YOU SAFETY AND SERVICE We are primarily the FARMERS BANK. During our Ten Years in business, the FARMERS business has been FIRST with us. Our service and facilities are yours FIRST. Through your co-operation and patronage, we have grown to be among the largest Banks in this section. We are appreciative, and our strength and growth inspire us to still greater efforts to render ser vice to our friends and customers. If you are not already a member of our large banking family, come in and sit at our table. We want you with us. Bring or mail us your Tobacco Checks. It makes no difference to us where they come from. Yours for Service and Safety, PLANTERS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY RESOURCES OVER $500,000.00 o n o 8 N. A. THOMPSON, President OC3CCCCCCCCCOO3CCCOOCM0eM0OCOWO THE K0BE80NIAN Office 107 West Fourth Street Telephone No. 20. MONDAY, AUGUST 18TH, 191&. BUSINESS BUILDERS FOUND AUTO LICENSE NUMBER 3,42. Ownf- Tny obtain sam fcy calling t The Robesonian office and paring lor thit adv. LOST. ON ELIZABETH AND CENTER road SatuHry. fountain jwn. Finder will please re-n to Grady Holme. Lumber ton, N. C. It. 5. FOR F ' ,E CAR LOAI OP JERSEY ANT Holstein milk cows, all bitrh brl cow. all have younir calves by their side. These rows pre young, sound and gentle, any child can handle them. Also a few hops. Tome early and vt your choice. Tan be en ft Mi'Nci" liver' ?tab!es Lumberton, N. C, f.ir week or ten days. A. A. tiarri son. CROWN BICYCLE NO. 61417 STOLEN some lime atro. RewaTd for return or in formation leading o rerove-y. Doufrlns Love. Govintown, Elizabeth Road. FOR SALE S-PASSENCER Auto. A barftain. Apply East Lumberton. N. C. MAXWELL Mike Herring. FOR SALE FORD TOURING CAR. A In most aa good as new, with new tires all round. Address Bo 62, Maxton, N. C. FOR 8 AI.E INTERNATIONAL 1 H. P. Gasoline Engine and 20 Inch meadows com mill, belting and pulleys complete. Has been run little ; In perfect condition ; price reasonable. Terms to suit purchaser; dem onstration by appoinatment. T. W. Max well, Tolarsville, N. C. WANTED ONE THOUSAND DOZEN EGGS. Will pay highest market price. Olympi Cafe, Elm street, lumberton. jnw mcmillan (colored) the old re- liable. has opened up a new garage across the Seaboard railroad on Fairmont road. Service rt a reasonable price and satis faction friwrsnteefl. Am realy to serve you ... .. - firm. ana give mr u Jim McMillan, Manager. FOR SALE 1 FLOUR MILL. NOBDIKE machinery. 25 bbl. capacity: corn mills : 1 rice luller. operated steam and located at Ptmbroke, N. C. Also mill running 2 corn rocks, 1 corn 1 rlr trailer. 1 turning lathe, oower from a turbine wheel, 295 acres of land and a 8 acre tract on which 1 nlw ,.. i fruit trees, vines and traild- rrm and see it. Also 18 acres of kmwn a the J. C. Smith place. Has' I hutlflinfra. some fruit trees and vines. in fi,M shaie. A nice home in a good -u Mv h seen 1 mile from St. UlliriiJin.j- J A , d.,,1. s or write Opie Odum, St, Pauls, N. C. FOR SALE AT AUCTION TWO BED BAB- row hogs. Baen nas spire in ,.r sauare In left ear. Will offer for sale to highest bidder on Aug. 80, 10 a m. at my place 2 miles below Orrum. N. C, jS. F. Stone WANTED S OH Si H. P. SECOND-HAND atemi aouer " - . " . -. . --. WANTED l VOL TO KNOW THAT TOU can Viy Trunks. Sacs, Soft Cases. Sheet Curtains, Shades, Comforts. Blankets. Enamel Ware. Glass Ware, Crockery Ware. Tin Ware, and all 10c, 18 and 25e. Goods at Turner's, Cash or Oredit. J. H. Turner Furniture Co., Red Springs, N. C. MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED LAND in Robeson county on long time. Kates as good as any can give. Stephen Heln- tjTS). OATfl. CORN. WHEAT MIDDLINGS, DAIRY feed, chicken feed, molasses horse and male feed, hay and coal for sale. We sell to consumer or merchant. Tour interest to get our price. H. M. Beasley, West Second street. Lumberton. N. C. FOR BALE-JUST ARRIVED, CAR LOAD of Fresh Milch Cows, with calves, can be ,een at Fairmont. N. C. opposite W. B. Brlee Son Stable., Fairmont. N. C..T. H. Jones. WANTED POSITION IN GABAGE AS electrical repair and battery service man. Reference furnished. If Interested write "E" care of Robesonlan. DELCO-LIGHT Xbe complete Iectric light and Power Plant A profitable investment. Soon pays for itself in time and labor saved. ELECTRIC SERVICE CO., Laurinburg, N. C. R. C. LAWRENCE, Vice PERSONALS Mr. Pink Byrd of R. 2, Fairmont,! was a Lumberton visitor Saturday air. V. Iv. nuggir.s oi oariiesviue was a Lumberton visitor Saturday.) Miss Anna Belle Burkheimer of Wilmingrton is visiting friends here. . r nr IT TT ii. -1 T -f I ' jir. w. n. waits oi iv. i, vermin, was among the callers at The Robe sonian office Saturday. Mrs. W. S. Small and Misses Em ma Small and Vera Smith of R. 3,1 - . . i i Lumberton, were among ine snop pers in town Saturday. Miss Daisy Shelby returned today to her home in Charlotte after spending severel days here visiting at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Shelby. Many ills come from impure blood I. 1 V.1 tUU onlti At. ge.tin, lazy liver, and sluggish bow-' els. Buidock Blood Bitters is recom mended for strengthening atom !h. bowels and liver and purifying the blood. FOR SALE ONE GOOD GENTLE BAY mare. Nice ladies horBB. J. A. Cartyle. Lumberton, N. C. DN'T 'OBflRT fPE R8T PLACE TO top hunger is at the Olympia Cafe, Elm street, Lumberton. THE CUMBERLAND GENERAL HOSPITAL of Fayettevllle. N. C, offers to young la dies between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five the following course of training for nurses: three Tears practical and the oretical work which prepares for State Board examinations. Fall classes being formed now. Apply at once to fiuperln tendent of Ni OON"T SUFFER CATARRH OF THE HEAD, that loathsome and dreaded disease, cured while yon alee. Sees own Late Discovery the great home remedy. In use more than fifteen years, testimonials and living wit nessas bespeak Its merit. Om tottle usually eures worst case. Price 81.00. For sal by lUumi ImisIt Co.. Lumberton. N. O. Grantham Bros., Lumberton, N. C. : Gran tham Brr., St. Pauls t Red Springs Drug Co.. Red Springs. N. C: i. M. Sea- soma. Mfgr THREE CAR LOADS GOOD HARD BRICK. 4 car loads Western Red Cedar shingles, one ear load lime and one ear load of ment For best cash prices see L. H. Cald well. Lumberton, N. C. PLUMBING REPAIR WORK AND PLUMB- Ing of all khsds, piping for acetylene plants and Deleo systems, etc Work solicited any where in the county. Prompt attention. Efficient service. Office: Cor. Chnstnut and 6th Sts. Phone 87. G. B. Kirkman Lumberton, N C. VALUABLE LAND "OR SALE. ABOUT six acres of land with good dwelling, locat ed on WhiteviBc rastd, rte anile east of the court house, known ns the Roy Jen kins place. Apply to Stephen Mclntyre. FOR SALE FANCY SOCKYFOBD CAKTA- loupes at 81.75 per crate, f. o. b. Buie, N. C. W. H. M. Brown. Buie. N. C. WE ARB NOW MAKING LOANS ON Df- p roved farm lands for S, 7, 10 or 20 years. On loans of SS.9M or more tor S years ne gotiations charges are S per cent ; 7 years 1 1-2 per cent ; 10 and 20 ysart I per cent. Chickamauga Trust Company Lemeerton, N. C. COMPARE MY INTEREST RATE AND terms wttn others srhe ere hanemse Dm seme class cf loans. Amounts, 82,000.00 to 8M.000.eO: Robeson, Scotland end fToke counties. Rate of Interest 8 14 PER CENT. A. T. McLean. Lumberton. N. C. JUST RECEIVED CAR LOAD NAILS. CAE load wire fencing and ear load one and two-horse Chattanooga wagons. L. H. Caldwell's hardware department. LEARN AT HOME OR SCHOOL 8HORT- hend. Bookkeeping on Credit. Positions guaranteed. Edwards Colleges, High Point, and Winston, N. C. FOR SALE MULE. HARNE8S AND WAG- on. Mule about 12 years old, good work er. Harness and wagon in good condi tion. Apply David Taylor, Lumtertoi, R. WANTED: YOU TO KNOW THAT YOU can buy furniture at the old price, buying in car load lots and contracting months and months ahead we ean sell you e 8 plece suit for $26.00, dressers $12.00, Wash Stands $7.00. Beds $6.00. J. H. Turner Furniture Co., Red Springs, N. C. WANTED: YOU TO KNOW THAT WE carry everything for the home, $80,000 to $40,000 stock 6f goods, a great variety of goods in great quantities bought in a way to save you from 20 per cent to (0 per cent. Columbia Grafnnolas, Aoleon-V cal leon, end Pathe, Talking Mnehi'ies srd Records. J. H. Turner Furniture Co., Red Springs, N. C. WANTED: YOU . TO KNOW THAT WE have. Ranges from $45.00 to $110.00. stoves from $17.60 to $50.00, and we guarantee each one of them to cook and give sat 1: faction, we are doing more than five times as mujh business as fiv years ago, there is a reason. It will pay you to in vestigate. J. H. Turner Furniture Co., Red Sprit.. N. i.. ' . '. ' " K. M. BARNES, Notice of New Advertisements. The trials of the tobacco grower t-ie many .National iJank o Lumber- , penior,stration cf ctpper-clad mnge3 Stephens & Earms. Now open and ready to serve uu - Farmers' Tobacco Warehouse. Announcement of E. J. Uavis & q. tons, proprietors Kobeson County warehouse, Fairmont, This week only J. T. Norsworthy. Big BanneT warehouse will remain oren until the tobacco crop is sold Cooper, Nobhn and Eakes. Thank you H. B. Sturtevant. New sanitary barber shop &t Lor raine hotel. Ford touring car for sale Box 62, Maxton. N, C. Maxwell auto for sale Mike Her ring. Crown bicycle stolen. Milch cows for sale. F ' P V1- Auto license number found. THIS WEEK ONLY. This is my last week in Lumber ton; your last chance to buy the Splenlid Books I offer at Special Prices, on asy Terms. Your patron age would be to our mutual benefit. J. T. NORSWORTHY, Phone 16. HE TELLS WHAT HE THINKS OF AMERICA Syrian Say Now It Time For Every Man To Prove Patriotiem An swer Found In War Saving SUrnps. It sometimes takes the new-comer to appreciate America. The native born is often too close to tbe situa tion to realixe what this country means to the world today. He is used to all that It offers, taking it as a mat ter of course, and frequently loses the vision In sordid detail; while the new-comer but listen to what one of them- had to He is Geo it S. Rihb&ny of the 1119 class of the Boston Hih School of Commerce and he came to this country from his native land, SyrU, when he was 10 years old. In a four minute speech on the value of Wax Savings Stamps, given at the school recently, he said la oJoslng: "Hate Is not charecUristlc of the American people, bat the Germans taught ns unwillingly hew to hate them. Now It Is a tin sot to bate the spirit the Hnn showed and aot to abol iaa tt from the faee of the earth. Of the latter we are positively sore, be esMtM Um AMrtcaa pasedoa for fa, ttoe in a hnndred tima aUsnrgar tian was the Gentaa paesloa for congaest 1 never entertained the idea of be- eomt&c aa orator and I sea sure that I lack oratertaal ability, but each qnellAcatioas are anaereeaery oa an oecaatoR like this, because the only. aad beet mdocemeot to a true Ameri cas is the call of his iaty and gDvern- it, aad net even the beet oration o ft greatest speaker of all times. "Whether we all realise It of aot. we are sow la the midst of a period whieh will be knows to all the ep pressed peoples of tbe world aa the Aaiertcanisatlon period; Now Is the time for every one of ns to prove whether he Is a sham American or a geaaine American." The practloe of thrift aad the par- akase of War Savings Stamps are att now good Indications of the genuine Amerlcaa. . They make for financial independence, freedom, prosperity and happiness. A Traveling Man's Experience. You may learn something from the following by W. H. Ireland, a travel ing salesman of Louisville, Ky. "In the summer of 1888 I bad a aevere attack of cholera morhim I hotel porter fifty cents and told him to buy me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy and to take no substitute. I took a double dose of it according to'the directions and went to sleep. At-fiv-s o'clocki the next morning I .was called by my J iwa a (.rum lor my next stopping place, a well man." ' - Pre. G. E. RANCKE, DELIGHTED OWNERS. Among the many who have recent ly purchased "The Book of Knowl edge" are Mr. J. A. Sharpe, Mi. L. R. Varser, Mrs. Alf H. McLeod, Mrs. Claire S. Thomas, Mrs. R. G. Slabfos, Mr. A. C. Johnston, and Mr. R.- L. Caldwell. Ask any of them how this great home library interests, amuses, charms and educates the child and how delightfully interesting and ben eficial it is to every member of the household. When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Tablets. They are easy to take and mild and gentle in effect. They are highly prized by people who have become acquainted with their good qualities. They only cost a quarter. NOTICl ! To our many custo mers and tobacco grqwers in general: The news seems widespread that our market will be open only for a few days and that tobacco will sell cheap. Such news is unfounded. We will be open for some time; as long as necessary. We expect to have three big weeks, and expect to see to bacco sell high. Do not rush all of your tobacco to market at once, if you do some body will see cheap tobacco. We are going to maintain our high average and see all tobacco sold with us is sold for the high dollar. Do not sell your tobacco at home, nor to "pm-hookers af ter you come to town. We want to see every farmer get the highest dollar tor ev ery pound of his to bacco. Your friends, Cooper, Noblin & Eakes. Treasurer. Secretary GEO. GOOD AUTO SPECIALTIES The Best Made. LEATHER-NU. For Automobile and Buggy Tops and All Leather Goods JOHNSON'S CARBON REMOVER JOHNSON'S AUTO WAX FINISH JOHNSON'S SQUEAK OIL Send us an order for these items. There is a large and increased demand . N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY. Wholesale Distributors 10 & 12 South Front St. Wilmington, N. C. B-A-K-E-R. S H A D Y "What doea the above make you old folks think of? Yes, school days will soon be here and let us help you to get iv;id:- Ginghams, ladlassie and devonsliire for school dresses blouses, etc, Lomax gingham 32 inches wide, nice range of pat terns, large plaids, checks and stripes worth today 5;"c at 40c. Anderson gingham, 32 inch es, one of the best zepher ginghams on the market, beautiful plaids, cheeks stripes and soild colors bought later will be 65c, now at 50c. MIDDY SUITS Our stock is now complete in the following makes Mar Hof, Miss America, and Star Ilrand. We have the above goods in Storm serge and fine French serges, price from l.r 00 1c Anfi nn VJn l,, ;.,,.t,..i.i ;.. u; i: : . . v. uoic luuuuru in iiii.i iiijc a ijc w nulla of black. A complete line of ties, in all colors and Lan- an:s io go witn tne above Yours for a . II. CAIDMU DON'T FORGET OUR MAIL 7500 FEET FLOOR SPACE We have in our gales rooms and will endeavor to keen in stock at all times, the following: Nash Automobiles Winther Trucks Auburn Automobiles Nash Trucks Overland Automobiles Trailmobiles (Trailers.) If you are interested in a tractox investigate our STAUDE-MAK-A-TRACTOR, which converts a Ford, Chevrolet or Overland into a small powerful Tractor. We have these on display at Buick Sales Co. Raeford, Lytch Bros., Laurin burg and at our Garage in Maxton. We have Power and Lighting Pants in stock in Maxton and invite you to call and look them over. We are Nash representatives for Hoke, Scotland and Robe son counties, and "Nash owners are Nash boosters." THE ARMSTRONG CO. Maxton, N. C. L. THOMPSON, Trust Officer. Ladlassie, 28 inches, fine for dresses, boys blouses, etc., bought later will be Tmc, noiv 45c. Devonshire. One bf the best goods on the market, 32 inches, in solid colors, neat stripes and checks, bought later will be 60c now 50c. goods. busy coacon, ORDER DEPARTMENT.

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