v : MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1919. PACE SIX THE ROBESONIAN, LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA. v fZ. . Trlr Ca tl r you have farms or city property for sale, ?YwiU. subdivide and sell your property AT AUCTION quickly and profitably for you. - . . Farm lands Onr Spedalty Territory Unlimited Ni'netr-Seven Thousand Six Hundred an J Eightj-ESzht acres of Farm Siting to over FIFE MILLION DOLLJRS sold in 1918. Write lor DOOKier. oi enaorseuiciiKi uiu uu in itiation about our auction metnoas. ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY -THI NAM! THAT JUSTIFIES YOU CONNOtSC!"" Offices PETERSBURG. VA. and GREENVILLE, N. C Reference: Any bank In Petersburg, Vs. or Greenville, N. C III 3 S?? MEraTll A T?rT T A "TVT ' SiATELIiNT BY PRESIDENT VlLSCN TO &WA?i2m THF VOGALION 'Beautiful to look 0 near as at as we ll WOULD you possess a phonograph that will harmonize in appearance with the most beautiful furnishings? The lines of the Vocalion were planned to fit gracefully with "master creations" in furniture styles. The Vocalion has been termed the phonograph amazing, because of its ability to deliver to the ear new tone-beauties from records and because its wonderful Graduola expression device permits you to play each record yourself. And its owners are not confined to records of one or two makes. The Universal Tone Arm, with which all Vocalions are equipped, plays every standard make of record. Vocalion Prices Coni'intitnat Mtdrli from fjo Period StyUf from $240 R. D. CALDWELL & SON, Inc. MUSIC DEPARTMENT Conference With Senator Opened With Statement on Peace Treaty - arJ League, of Nation. President Wilson began his . con ference with the foreign relations com-iittee at the White Houte Tues day with an opening statement on the peaci treaty and the league of na tion . Following a-J3 some of . the "flirt lights" of that statement? "Practically the whole task of bringing the country back to. abnor mal conditions of life and industry waits upon the decision of the Sen ate with regard to the terms of -the Deace treaty Urging prompt action, the Presi dent pointed out a few cf Ihe matters which "cannot be handled witn miei ligrnce until the country knows the character of the peace it is to hive," Copper mines of Montana and Alas- ka, zinc mines of Missouri, Tennessee and Wisconsin, lead mines oi idano, Illinois and Missouri are operating at less than full capacity "because the channels of tfade are barred by war when there is no war." "The same is "true of raw cotton, of which the Central empires alone formerly i purchased newly 4,000,000 bales." "Our full, normal proiiwoie juuuut tion waits on peace , -.?..--' "The Monroe doctrine is express- in mentioned aa an understanding which is in no way to be impaired or interfered with Dy anyimng A in th covenant. ' . m J ll. .1... fVo t i The presiaent maue . Article 16 of the covenant expressly provides for leaving purely aomeiiuc questions for settlement by the coun try concerned. . , The right of any nation to with draw from the league is provided for and whether a withdrawing na tion had fulfilled "all its internation al obligations and all its obligations (under the covenant" is left for the withdrawing nation to determine for .Self DAMant eivr seemTto me to constitute the yUW. Afte; yea est-ehTsja Uki IfATOfcJIC InstajitreUeTesrWtbtmi.IW.. dCaMyFMliag. Stops food sourins; t ifrfit miiiwimiiI noizuca miseries. WMtaod traac laamtm Vitaii ty ud Ftp. MWHicynum ramadr: Tmm cf tboi MMtowaooWfnUriwiwetad. Oalyeoata scent or two Ur to uMit. tWUMlydutrmotc-'d tophaMor wwiU rfaa4 onmey, TGstabia Grantham - Bros., Lumberton, N. C Fayetteville. The car skidded on the bridge, the driver lost contrjl, and the machine leaped through tha rails of the bridge, striking v tjie bod of Little river, 23 feet below.. 'The driv er was only slightly injured. The 29th annual session of tin Ju rfor.Crdcr United American Mechan ics rdjoured Thursday at CRtrni Walter Tyler, negro, was killeJ by .. mob in Franklin county last Wed - to meet next vear in Tsrw" nVm - nesaay xor criminal uii upon, mJ?. p mTx!uLZ Be.l' Mrs. W. L. Medlin, wife of a 'irdl. el Statacoo hT 'raer of the county. .MrH. JSihfSSi Medlui positively Utattflid Jte ne the order, to-be known u JoV'?1 k P1" "m nior Order Advocate," with cSe L'L1161 ? St """ Wilmington. : . : - f, . between Louisburg and Franklmton. Subscribe for The Eobesonian. NO MORE or mice, after you use BAT-SNAP, It's a sure rodent killer. Try a Pkg. and prove it. Rats killed with RAT SNAP leave no smell. Cats or dogs won't touch it. Guaranteed. 25c size (1 cake) enough for Pan try, Kitchen or Cellar. 50c size (2 cakes) for Chicken House, coops, or small buildings. $1.00 size (5 cakes) enough for all farm and out-buildings, storage buildings, or factory buildings, Sold and guaranteed by L. H. Cald well, R. D, Caldwell & Son, Pope Drug (Jo., Lumberton., N. C. Let Electricity Do It We will open on the 20th in the Ql T. Williams Building, Chest nut street. - "- . . : - . - - - We will handle the new Westinghouse Electric 'Range, the Thor WashingMachine and Yacaum Cleaner. . Come around and let as demonstrate one or all. ; lumliitori Electric Co. C. B. SKIPPER, JR., geo. l. McNeill. PROFESSIONAL CARDS HORACE B GET OUT A POUCT and do it now. Fires are dis astrous and : delay are dar - jrous. Yoo urtnni"bacir"9kt Is consumed by fire. Yon ear though. BE REIMBURSED ON YOUR FIRE LOSS if it's one of our companies Premium on doubtful policies is money thrown away. Be sure and Insure with as. T. WILLIAMS I umherton. N. O. I avL . . i tt Kn.v-KnP of the whole covenant. "The council of the league can only advise upon the means by which the obligations of that great article are to be given etlect. unless uie United States is a party to the policy or action in question, her own affir mative vote in the council is neces sary before any advice can be given, for a unanimous vote of the council is required. If she is a party, the trouble is here anyhow. Each gov ernment is free to reject it if it pleas es. Nothing could have been made more clear than the right of Con gress under our constitution to ex ercise its independent judgment in fcll matters of peace and wur. No at tempt was made to question or iiniit that right." The President offers no objections to "interpretations if they merely accompany the act of ratification and are not made a part of it. If made a part of it every other nation would offer interpretations, and there would be no end to it. And the assent of the German assembly at Weimar would have to be obtained, and Mr. Wilson is frank to say that he would not rel ish approaching that assembly "for permission to read the treaty as we understand it and as those who frara ed it quite certainly understood it.' MITCHELL M. D. Lumberton, Nf C. BuiidinV ' Practice Confined to Diseases of Women and Children.. Office hours: 9 to 10 a. m., 2 to 3:30 p. m, and by appointment. Office phone No. 48. Residence phone No. 82. DR. H. T. POPE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Special attention given treatment of skin cancer. LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Pepe Drug Store. STEPHENS & BARNES F uneral Directors and Embalmers LUMBERTON, N. C. TOMORROW NEVER COB because every day is today.. .That is why one who would wait nntil tomorrow to save, never starts.. Tfday Is YOUR DAY. Come ii na 9 tka account you were going to start tomorrow. REMEMBER -tomorrow never comes. THE PEOPLE'S BANK& TRUST GO FAIRMONT, N IC. SS3385SK"' John K. Strange, a civil engineer, died at his home in Fayetteville Thursday from injuries sustained the day before when an auto in which he was a passenger plunged " off t)te Manchester bridge, 12 miles from 'MM J J ,- THE JOY OF MOTHERIIOO Cazue to this Woman after Taking Lydia E. PmkhamV Vegetable Cooipound to Restore Her Health o r-ilwm ' I III III mm mm I , , THERE IS MORE COMFORT in our porch furniture during hot days and nights than yon can find any other place in tht house. Our special offering of Torch Furniture . ill interest you and meet your needs. The sooner you cotnc in now, the better selection you will have, the greater comfort on your porch. )i FURNITURE gTORIS f EUensborg, Wash. "After I was married 1 was not well for a long time and a good deal of the time was not able to go about. Our greatest desire was to have a child in our home and one day my husband came back from town with a bottle of Lydia E. Pink ham's. Vegetable Compound and wanted me to try it It brought relief from mv troubles. I improv. i in hc lth so I could do my housework; we - w have a little one, all of which I r rt to LyJra E. Piakham'a Vegetal' jociDound." Mra. O. fL ; Joiik:.., R. ". 3, Ellcnsbarj?, Yash.: There wre T'.zacn , everywhere who long for chSdr ;n in their homes yet are dented this hs.ppir.crs ca e-:ccar.t of some functional ouordcr vrbich in most cases wotld readily yiclj to Lydia K Pinkbam's Vc.?:aile Compound. Such women sbou'J not give up hope nntil they have iven this wonderful medicine a trial, eni for special advice write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine C., Lynn, Mass. The resclt of 43 years experience is at your service. THOMAS CLARENCE JOHNSON M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE OVER McMILLAN'S Rooms 4-5-6-7. Office 47, Residence 175. tTa! mcneiliT- " Lawyer Luna titles and law of executors and administrators special' attention. Office, Fifth street, west of First National Bank. Practice m all courts. Lomberton, N. C. Ill Thomas L. Johnson E. M. Johnson JOHNSON & JOHNSON Attorneys sad Ceansellere at Lw LUMBERTON, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts Notary Public in Office. Offices over first National Bank. A. W. McLean Dickson McLean I K. Varser H. E. , & STACY. Attorneys At Law.' LUMBERTON, - North Carafis J. D. REGAIN dentist) McNeill Building Next Door to Post Office. DR. GRAHAM MeLEAN DENTIST ' -Second Floor Jones Building FAIRMONT, N. C la ie? Are you going to save your surplus money this Fall or will you blow it in? Conditions now are not normal and about the only thing you can do now is to makeaoney. Now, while you are making money is the best time to save. We offer to our friends and customers through our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 4 per cent interest compounded quarterly on all deposits regard less ol size. Save thig easy money and wait for the time when your money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar. Buy mod erately and save extravagantly. WE INVITE YOUR BUSINESS. THEBAN . y . Pembroke, IN. C. " ' P. S. Cooper, President A. M. Breeee, Vice-Presideat R. H. Livermore CatiJuer. Deposits $180,000 JO Resources $170,000 J) . E. J. BRITT Attoraev-at-Law Offices over Pope Drug Company. Will practice in all courts. Prompt atten- non given co au ousiness. r Stephen Mclntyre R. C. Lawrence . - James O. Proctor McINTYRE, LAWRENCE & PROCTOR, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law Practice in State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business. JUNIUS J. GOODWIN ' - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. " Office en ground floor McLeod Bldg. , opposite Kooesonlan Office. : RUSSELL & BEAM, M. D. - Uabert, - . - N. C Practice limited to Eye,fEai, , 4 fNose, and Throat. ; ' i ; t. A; McNeill, jr. Lumberton, North Carolina, Wfll practice in all courts.. Business s ." , attended to promptly. Rooms 3 and 4 McLeod building, cor ner Elm and 4th Streets. " KILLS RATS and mice that's RAT-SNAP, the old reliable rodent destroyer. Comes in cakes no mixing with other food." Your money back if it fails. . . , J 25c sixe( 1 i cake) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 50c size (2 cakes) for Ohicken House, coops, or small buildingi. ' ' 1M size (5 cakes) enough for aU farm and out-buildings, storage buildings, or factory buildinpg. ; Sold and Guaranteed by L. H. Cald well, R- D. Caldwell & Son, Pope Drug Co., Lumberton, N. C. Cr. LOANS NEGOTIATED . . " ON UIPROVED. , FARMLANDS (Robeson, Scotland k Hoke Coimties) ' 2jiM49 to ISM00.lt t '.FTYE YEARS . . . 5 l-2 Interest ""ATT.TCiLEAN - - . Luiertssw'N. C - iwels a ihaiice To prove that we can reduce your grocery bill. Our stock is fresh and coniplete. 5 -ItiservebC.''' JDDEN & POWELL Chestnut Street Lumberton, M. 0. .(TV C - fijs r UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADfflNISTRATION , JValter D. Hines, Director, General of Railroads. Seaboard Air Line Railroad Passenger schedules subject to change' without notice.' , No. . For Charlotte 19 Lv, Lumberton v7:35 a. m. 14 Lv. Lomberton 13, Lv. Lumberton 63 p. m. 20 Lv. Lumberton No. 13 connects at Hamlet for points North and South. No- 19 connects at Hamlet for points North. . . No- For Wilmington 10:40 a. ml 16:04 p. m. A. P. IUTCHELL, , ' Agent J. f Division Passenger Agent.

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