J THE R0BZ50NIAN, LCMBRRTON, 908111 CAROLINA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1919. PAGE ELEVEN IS Overnight Relief ation Gonstip H H M M H II II H M M M It M M BS . HPHE mndbasinNtastihg combi A nation of simfela laxative herbs with pepsin that is known as Dr. Caldwell's SVrtip Pepsin, taken just before bedtime, will afford grateful - relief next morn- ! ing, withoutgriping or other discomfort. i! ii IS i IS I II II ti ll I II I II . H ii II II ss I !! Caldwell's 7 sin The Perfect Laxative it i i Syrup Eep SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE CA 4- Two VP1 A A Six D1.UU H H H M M H A trial bottle can be obtained, .free of charge,, by writing to Dr. W. R Caldwell, 457'Washincton St., Monticello, Illinois 13 ll II ll ll il ii ll ll Ii ss M H II H H H M SSZSSSSZZEIZXiaXSXXZSSXSZSSSSXSZSEZaECXKKKXSSsU THE WHITE FALCON A Story of the World War. BY A. P. MITCHELL. SAVING HABIT IS GROWING. People of . North .Carolina Are Pat- tine More Money in, Bank Depos its Increase 57 Per Cent in 2 Years. Raleigh News' and Obaerver. Not withstanding the fact that the peopL of North Carolina invested more than ,f 110,800,000 in Liberty Bonds of the first ; four issues ' and rave tremendous soma outright - to the various forms of war work and relief, deposits in North Carolina banks increased fifty-seven per eent during the. two years of January 1, am T i iota : - These reconj t brearmg- deposits I have been reported by- the banks of. North Carolina to the Federal : Be- serve Bank of Richmond, th amount., of money current, or circulating. aej counts and f in saving deposits being, far in excess of anything ever be- ' fore experienced in the history of ;. banking in the State. Comparative figures ' just completed, show,: that from January 1, 1917, to January 1A 1919,. the total volume of the depos its in the North Carolina banks in- creased more than $72,040,000. . One of the features of the reports x filed by the banks is thejremarkable increase shown in savings deposit1. This is "not by any means conlined to North Carolina but is true of the banks throughout the Fifth Federal Reserve District and, indeed, all over the United States. In North Caro lina the amount of "money-' to. the credit of savings accounts .increased more than $14,70300 within the pe- n.j I, l i3 0000 Don'tTheyTouch the Spot?; Hot biscuits, light as a feather and browned to a golden crispness don't they touch the spot make your mouth water? You can get such biscuits, muffinswaffles and cakes it you use HEECEEE Take th Gucu out of B&klc? tnd Saves yotlMcnsy ... i This flour makes baking a pleasure instead of a task- It has mixed with it, in the execproportions, the very best baking powder, soda 'r and salt OCCONEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour helps reduce , house hold expenses, because it saves you the extra cost of baking powder, soda and salt Give all the folks more good things to eat made from OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour. Buy this money-saving flour today. Look for the Indian Head on the bag: ' At all grocers. ...... When you prefer to bake with plain flour ii ;; foor Peerless the best of Us kind. - .-. SfM-RisinprFl iuuuiiuuik vne uiHiie, vnen pausea. I have here a letter written by. HnH rrivin nsins'-nnf .t-'help the United States win the warJ FAIRMONT SCWOflT. WTT.T. jargot to cernn, tnat m case they i There are 637 banks , in the should fail' in obtaining the nlani in ' xtu c.. tv t v exchange for the girl, the shed would are iMe upon the official reports Stamps. Nor be blown up. I have figured that, f fled by 369. In the Fifth Federal I Bond holdings CHAPTER VIII, Flieht of the Falcon.- 1 since thev have lost Md lie Clemen- swas 1ni darkness for a briefnse-i cw. , letter stales that they nod then a light flashed along the have .tunnelled Underground, and so hall, and in a moment , five gens-! can accomplish their object without darmes rush into the room.-., "J risk. .They want the machine, but "After them," Pitou' cried, and 'would rather destroy than let France they began hurriedly to search the have it." house. Margot, von Linden and their j Allison's head is in a wh-1 of companions had disappeared J conflicting thoughts. It seems so un- Leaving the police to their search, real, these kaleidoscopic changes- that Pitou tamed to Allison. "Come, we must get to the Chateau as quickly as possible, if we would save M. Gev rol's machine." Hurrying down stairs. Pitou soon found an auto and the party hurried ly entered. Soon they were speed ing through the outskirts of the city and shortly afterward the turrets of the chateau came into view against the darkened sky. As the car drew up at the entrance, off through the woods to the rear of the chateau at a fast pace until tney were in a direct line with the shed "FAKE" ASPIRIN WAS TALCUM (Therefore Insist Upon Gen uine "Bayer Tablets ' - nf Asnirin" Pitou asked Allison to see the two,watch shows 'him that it is three women inside and then rejoin him.'cioc when footsteps are heard ap When he had done so, Pitou struck proaching cautiously. Presently they see several shadowy forms slipping through the trees. Three of these stop at a large tree some thirty feet from where Allison and Pitou are standing. One of them stoops and brushes away . the leaves. - When he straightens up, he brings a door .with him. It is there evidently that the tunnel begins. " !'r At a sign from Pitou the police close in on them. In a moment the three men are in . irons. But Pitou gives an exclamation ,of disappoint ment as he peers into the face of each Von Linden is not among them. The leader is free. Pitou slips away iiuthe direction from,whicb. the men had ontesf fesntlWtebet ia Jbeard, followed by the cracking ana DreaK ine of limbs, then- silence. What has occurred;"" no one- can- tell. "Afte " waltfiigi ' brTef jperiodV At' lison and the police with the three prisoners make their way toward the chateau. t At the edge of the road they find Pitoo. - ' "Von Linden has escaped,0 he ex plained.'! . t-J ' tit.' h o . .Two days later, in the. early morn ing," those of the chateau hare- irathi ered on the wall to .watch the WJiite FaleorrTtake its departure Even M, CJemeheeau has been wheeled out side. M. Gevrol and Allison are m the shed making .arrangements. There is a great whirring as the pro pellers make their first revolutions. The slant glistening birdlike machine ' . - ... m m rises slowly into view irom penina Millions of fraudulent Aspirin Tablets were sold by a Brooklyn manufacturer hick. later proved tb K mmmiid mainly of- Talcum Pow der. "Bayer Tableti ir Asprrlri,' ' tli true, pmilM, Amanesm uine, ana American owned Tablets are marked with tha aafety "Bayer Cross. ,v K Ask for and then insist upon rBayi er Tablets of Aspirin" and", always buy them in the original Bayer pack, age which contains proper directions and dosage. Aspirin is tha trade mark of Bay er Manufacture of Monoaceticacides ter of Salicylicacid. von wnaen, who was deputed to take Reserve District, 1,563 of the 2,047 the machine across France to Cer-bag reporting, total deposits show i..iijr, " ciiUMnw, , wu "i'H an increase ol f438&U,WM) or 43.33 the bombing .of the ' shed "tonight,! savings deposits . increased 327 per dent 0T$127,631,O00. More Wages and More. Saving. ' While many factors, bankers agree, contributed to this condition, there are two principal reasons, it is de clared, for the general phenomenal increase -in deposits. One of course, is the increased wage which work ers , received during the war period, this putting an immense volume money into circulation. The Hher and this is considered far more im portant is that the people in Amer ica began to learn for the first time .that they could save regularly, and systematically. v The millions of dol lars worth of bondsbought were paid for from current earnings: that is, those who bought the bonds did not withdraw th(r money generally from savings accounts to pay for them; and when the bonds were paid for the people by force of their n vIy acquired economic Jtabit continued to save, piling up millions of dol lars in the banks. When the fifth loan the Victory Loan was offered and subscribed the volume of Savings suffered but little, if any, this issue also being paid for out of the cur rent earnings of the publie which had thoroughly schooled itself inthis method of financing the government .Including the Victory Loan, North Carolina subscribed $138,095,400. Old this being, exclusive of the large sums invested in War Savmgs North Carolina's Liberty amount to $57.61 per have taken place since the early af ternoon of the day before." What a maze of intricate happenings have enmeshed him since he had accepted the post of piloting the great white flyer. In. a few minutes they are joined by the gensdarmes, who have been in structed by Pitou to follow after reaching the house, Pitou sends them to what he judges to be posts of vantage. Allison's the J5 Fairmont Supply Company INCORPORATED. Fairmont, N. C. Daily arriving at our store new goods for fall goods bought at right prices-merchandise of . quality v r We invite you to pay us .a visit and be convinced that we are hi position to give you value re- ; ceived (AND SOME) for, every" dollar spent with us. . ;; REMEMBER ' You are taking no chances with old stock merchandise when you buy from us. Every artjcle in our store is absolutely new goods. Our line of DRY. GOODS, SHOES, CLOTHING, Etc., is practic ally complete for falL Make your purchases early. We appreciate your business, our aim is thalvery customer shall be a satisfied customer, if anything from our store is not right WE MAKE IT RIGHT if called to ourattention. Fairmont Supply Company INCORPORATED. Fairmont, N. C. to the intervening walls, shoots upward a hundred feet and seems to float in the stHtfitarftOnly-for a moment, it paused, then pointing jits nose almost Straight-M.OTWJUitnn forward tne9Vr until it is but a, glittering atom among the clouds. The ; watchers wait breathlessly -Ai brilliant sword bf Hghtpferces a filmy r,cioudfc- flashes a second and lights 'amongt.the dry grass and de bris t just without the wall. Follows s wisp, of smoke, then a blaze shoots upward. It is Allison's au revoir. thus shall it be with "the ammunition dumps of ..the t Beche, thus will the steel helmet of - the , Kaiser's troops burn the. heads of its wearers. M. Gevrol turns to his friend V7ith u glowing face. rA great day. Monsier Clemenceau, your work and mine will, succeed . ? (End of part 1) Ccn:nicScnc3fcr Corns, "Qof8IP The Great Painless Cora Loosener. Simple a A. a a Never Fails. If you bave ever tried to ret rid of a corn by bundling: up your toe with bMdagtta, or by using- ealv that made ypur-toe 'red and almoet ,TlM0t capita, which ranks well with holdings of the other States. . Lenoir holds the record for the highest per cent of increased savings, 083.94. In the percentage of total deposits Columbus made the highest North Carolina record 247.85 per cent. OPEN SEPT. 15TH Full Attendance Desired First Day Patrons Invited to Attend Opening Exercises. Correspondence, of The Robesonian. m Fairmont. Sept 9. The Fairmont high school will open next Monday morning, Sept 15, at. 8:45. Misses . Helen West of Fairmont, Viola Boone of Lumberton and Eth el Covington of Rockingham are the new. membrrs of the teaching staff. The school hopes to have a full attendance, the first day and the patrons are asked to cooperate with the school along this line during the whole session. We hope to have several short ad dressee after the chapel exercises .nd all patrons tire cordially HfU 1 ed to attend. 4 , . I 1 - raw, or tried to draa your eora eat win a. inui, iner wiu a aur- Imagiae peeling jrour eora WIT. UUVM SaiBMMIX. et like peellnc 011 a b4nana akin. te-It. eS gloriously, aaei' rlM waiting- for you when yoa aee 08 imi W1L that la what " haonena whan you use "Oeta-It" Tbare la nothing else that will give you thia earn result. . Itllliona of. folks bave had the mdm blessed eprienc. Why putter and suffer, limp, and spoil a Jrood 'time for youraalf and your rianda, or your peace of mind while trying; to attend to buaineasT Uaa "Oeta-IW" the simple eominonente way. "Qta-Tt," tha only aura, guaranteed, .money-back corn-remover, costs but a trine at any drag store. M'fd by hi. Lawrence uo.. cnicago. lit Sold in' Lumberton and ? Recom mended as the world's best corn remedy by the Pope Drug Co. Mamiy Exftm - Miles We can ohow you and prove to you that there is a genuine money saving in the use of United States Tires. The extra miles they give mean just so many extra dollars counted in real money. And there are further actual economies in the saving of gas, oil, repairs and depreciation The reason of all this is in the tires them selves their liveliness. ruggedne$s and cturdiness. There are five United States Tires a typo for every make of car.; kg r We kcorfiiat United Slates Tuts are gocd tires. That's why we sell tten. R. D. CALDWELL & SON, INC. H. A. PAGE, JR. - Robeson Vulcanising Co. - Rowland Machine Co, Rowland. L. L. McGOOGAN & BRO. St. Paula. McDONALD GARAGE, MeDONALD s. C SCOTT, Fair Bluff, N. C Dr.' S. S. Hutchinson, Bladenboro. C A. Floyd Fairmont.