' ... t ' THE R0BESON1AN, LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 119. PAGE TBRSa I - Wife on all E ? p i . l""1 f yoo vuttimg t i 'soiMinj; one tf the few s. y Ik weather contohU iocs.. 1 fygtr Are fen wide wakt aH &rfwJJj? ' - J i" H hoars, ' Jou dopey nd ' ftf ; i J " - : -i taegwh from the Heat? " ' v-!Sjl-t mttp, Ptpi-CU it nrnflf 'i C1' i Kill the Hot Weather, Keep . r. r'V''rir' 1 r4" :o Cooland feel like MUlioii i-fi vjs-l w Diur,! Jff: v 1 PEPSI-COLA - -5S2XS22!I!S .'what it MEANS IF THE U S. d r REFUSES TO GO IN. nn rt n . . . s. - B Young toieiis mm Just received a shipment of Brown & Dark Green Serge and Fancy Worsted Suits for Young Men in the latest styles. Come in and I w MS look these over. Trousers A large stock of fall and winter trousers for Men and Boys at the right prices. A Big assortment in the latest styles and colors. Come early and make your selection as they are going fast. FT Lumberton, JN. C "This wor w&s a commercial and industrial war. It was not a political war. Very well, then, if wemust stand apart and be the hostile rivals of the rest of the world, then we must do something else, we must be physically ready for anything to come. We must have a great stand ing army. We must see to it that every man in America is trained to arms. We must see to it that there are munitions and guns enough for an army. That means" a mobilized nation. There are not only' laid up in store but they are kept up to date so that they ar ready to use to morrow. And what does that mean : Reduction of taxes? No. Not only the continuation of the present taes but the increase of the present taxes. It means something very much more serious than that. We can stand that so far as the expense. Is concerned if we care to keep up the high cost of living and enjoy the other luxuries that we have recently enjoyed. But what is much more serious, we have got to have the sort of organization which is the only kind of organiza tion that can handle armies of that sort. W. may say what we please of the German government that Hat been destroyed.-!-fellow citizens, but it was the only' Art of govern ment that could handle an armed na tion. -Yon can't handle an armed aGbily. -vdtfrotr cari't nattdle n armed nation? tt it is democratic because democracies dont go to war that way. You nave got to have eon- Perhaps tit worried because yocr' ch2d dJa not pick op la Scott'sEinuIsIon and watch: haw it helps make a thin child crow and put on vt&L There is nothing quite so strengthening as Scott's Emulsion for a thud of any age. Scott ft Bownc. Bloouficld. H. J. It GEN. PEESHINO GIVEN 1 nwar nrprnnuv tfmrc ' On Uadiof at New York He is Handed CommkelM aa Gciferal and Greeted by Thoosaada. The following account of the re ception given General Pershing when he landed in New York Monday is taken from an Associated Press dis patch of the 8th. General Pershing, after two years in command of the greatest army America ver sent to battle, returned to the United States today. As he stepped ashore from the huge liner LeviathanJie was handed a commis sion as general, a rank previously held by only three Americans Grant, Sherman and Sheridan. The stern-faced soldier was not proof against the tribute of praise and gratitude which was roared from hundreds of thousands of the throats of his fellow citizens. His voice trembled with emotion as he responded to the greetings ex tended by Secretary of War Baker in his own behalf and that of the President as well as the welcoming addresses of representatives of the Senate and House, the State and city. His car passed slowly through the cheering multitude which jammed Broadway from the' battery to the city hall. Pershing attempted in vain to maintain his composure. At fhrst he replied to the cheers with the stiff salute which military eti quette demands but he was soon car ried away by the storm of applause which swept in great gusts about him. Rising to his feet he waved his cap about his head with a boyish ges ture which told how deeply he was stirred, while the grim lines of his bronzed face broke into a smile. New York did not exhause its welcome today, however. Wednesday he will ride down Fifth avenue at the head of the first division of the regular arjnv. the first to go and last to leave, victofs in the first battle ever fought on European soil by Ameri t&rt "soldjfsrsv SuTmmded--by.rcoia-rades. humbler in station bu who fad c.Tered their all just as freely in the cause' of liberty. Genera? Pershing first re-glimpsed hig sative land. centrated, militaristic orpan'ffons of government to run a ration of that sort. President WHson in speech at St. Louis. &00D To Your CAR )al . a Tti things your auto needs this Fall Are waiting for you why not call? These are the crisp chill-tinged days whn the road towards some-whre-else invites the autoist to breathe in the countryside We will supply you with your personal and your car's necessities. . Robes and robe rods- shock absorbers or maybe a convex diminishing mirroT-orsoTnethtag else. Garage Phone 190. Residence Phone 164 Subscribe for The Robesonian. Months Bnt Didn't Smell." Tt Mint ffare BM Dead at Least V ' "Saw a big rat in our cellar last Pall" Writes Mrs. Joanny, -ana honffht a 25c ' cake of RAT-SNAP broke it up into small pieces.. Last week while moving we came across the dead rat. Must have been dead six months, didn't smell. RAT-SNAP f. rnntrfnl.n Three sizes. 26c. 50c. $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by L. H. Caldwell, R. D. Caldwell, rope wrng Co., Lumberton. Fiery Itching and Burning of ; Sinn Is a Most Cruel Torture the tut of 5$ yettr as 'one of Ufa neatest blood cleaasers know. It it 'fgarantecd eatif ely free froaa miacrsls of say kind, f The experienceof' others haa established the aafailiag merits of S. S. S. and mreVno' oweitio Sbont the wisdom of tow gtrfog k thorough trial Alt reputable iracaists sen it Iff in doatx as ts Sisr Sp-dj Relkf mS.S.5. Why snffee from these persistent lortaret when it is so easy aad costs so little to do as thoasaads of others have done aad get relief thrown S. S. S.7 It il now well kaowsi that ecsema' comes from the blood. By giviaf the blood a tboroogh eteansiiff yon not-only get sort aad spe dy relief bt yoa also baitd p the system sad rt aew yoar vigor and vitality. . , Thf jroodmcdKiae asi Hood yoar.Csc.write to Medical Ad vMoe, Swift Speciac Co Dent. J Aslaata. Gai Wear M&My to II ' ' i 9 3 if VV. We are showing a beautiful line of Coats, Suits, and Dretes in Tricotine, Tricolette, all Wool Serge Broadcloth, figured Crepe de Chine hi the various colon Ladies Jersey top underskirts assorted colprs. Muffs and furs, priced to please every purchaser. A complete line Georgette and Crepe de Chine waists. A nice assortment of the latest styles in skirts. All materials and colors.. A full line of children Coats, all grades1, and prices. A beautiful assortment of Ladies' silk hose, priced from f 1.50 to $5 pair. Our Millinery Department can furnish your hat to match your Milt, uoat or uress. We have the goods in stock now and can take care of your wants m both quality and price. R. D. Caldwell & Son INCORPORATED. MDIAN HHM a' r. vj.vr-' I am agent for this well known Motorcycle and a few in stock. lean your wants at once R. PITTM AN BARNES AGENT FOR ROBESON COUNTY BarnesviUe, N. C. supbly JL MpilM1!: ff 1HIot mm lies ARRIVED FROM ST. LOUIS, MO., TUESDAY, SEPT. 2nd We have, about (29 extra good hotses and several nice mules for sale or trade today. If you need a horse or mole, you will find them at my sales-barn. Prices and terns to, suit yon. - ; h : '"VfH . -.;v - r-r-v ' . . 4.w4Weart sefihfi the well known VlttUmiA," the -celebrated -'CHASE OXTOED" and famous "TYSON AND JONES" buggies. These buggies are all buflt by expert builders and manufacturers and guaranteed by the factories against imperfect workmanship or defective materialOur Piedmont and Hickory wag ons tell weUV trta Hght and last for years. - . . " ' " ' . , We have for sale or trade one model 85 Overland, one Maxwell and one Dodge all used touiing cars. Wait for the new Beo 6, five passenger cars. Several car load shipments to arrive at an early date.' Ask your neighbor about his Beo and his expense since be bought it Co Mo Mlenf Sept. 4, 1919 Lumberton, N. C. 3C