t ' t S - THE ROBESONIAN, LbJtBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1911 f AGE FOUR M LEMON JUICE . TAKES OFF TAN Girls! Make bleaching lotion if skin is sunburned, ; tanned or freckled Squeeze the juice of two lemons in to a bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle, sunburn and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at very, very small cost. . Your grocer has the lemons and anp drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of Orchard White for a few cents. Massage this sweet ly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles, sunburn, windburn and tan disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless. PRESIDENT WILSON ON LEAGUE OF NATIONS Pro-Germanism Again Haa Lifted Its Head in This Country Amer ica is Necessary to the Peace of thb World. The Associated Press gives the following report of President Wil son's speech at Sioux-Falls, S. D., on the 8th: Declaring pro-Germanism again had lifted its head in this country President Wilson declared in an ad dress here tonight that "every ele ment of chaos" was hoping there would be "no steadying hand" placed on the world's affairs. "I want to ' tell you " said the President, "that withW the last two weeks the pro-German element in the United States again has lifted its head." This element saw a chance, he said, by keeping their nation out of the, league of nations to make possible, again what Germany had tried to do! in the great war. It was a clean-cut) issue, Mr. Wilson declared, between, this new order or the old German ilBMBiBBBBBBBBlSSSM 3 The joy of Motherhood explains, why" MoniERsFiraND Is a veritable balm for the nerves; an intensely penetrating application that softens the muscles, relaxes nervous tension of the delicate oreaiv ism involved in maternity, and pre pares trie way tor an easier, quicker and more practical delivery. Such reflects so markedly upon the unborn child. Mothers F riend is used externally. At all Druggists. SpccUl Booklet on Motherhood and Baby hm, Bradfeid Regulator Co. Dept. M, Atlanta. Ga. TOMORROW NEVER COMES because every day is today.. .That is why one who would wait until tomorrow to save, never starts.. Tiday is YOUR DAY. Come it and open that account you were going to start tomorrow. REMEMBER tomorrow never comes. THE PEOPLE'S BANK& TRUST CO FAIRMONT, N. C 1 order. I Declaring the peace covenant pro vision for an international labor con ference would give labor a new bill 1 0f of rights the President declared theer she did not dare to let the opinions I of mankind crysfaliz against her by the discussion of tiie purposes which . I t I 2 1 1 ne ma in miiia. - "So what I want to point out to u is that we are making a funda mental cnoice. xou cannot nave a J Pew system unless you supply a sub- i stitute, an adequate substitute for the old ana i want to say that when ctiwui or our fellow citizens take the position that we do not want to i go into it alone but want to take care ! of ourselves, I say that is the Ger-' man position. Germany through! the mouth of her emperor, through her writers and through, every action, said: 'Here we stand 'ready to take care of ourselves. We will not enter into any combination. We are arm ed for self-defense and we know that nn nation can comDete with ut ' That appears to be the American program I in the eyes of some gentlemen and I want to tell you that in the last two weeks the pro-German element has lifted its head again. It says: 'I see a Chance for flermnnv nni Amoriia ti atov ntif an1 .... m 4kiuv.it.. w 0vmj uu aim -baitc laic VI themselves,' , "There were passions let loose on the field of the world at war which -have not grown quiet and which will not for a long time. Every element of disorder is hoping that there will be no staying hand from the council nations to hold the or of the world steady until IvV MmC Dreco is highly recommended CSrV myS&WiW in. Lumberton by J. D. Mc- iyn . .wmami mimm - r- - niffflu, TM H "HimH ---jjMaja-jai was -n-.f'-.H- I"?- welHmewa street Lars read el soma wonderful cure . my wife s bu the) au. -v 5 was Just a boat nerveus wreck and practically an inralid oo wk. nerT0D to perform the nraal household duties. 8 be couldn't sleep and what food abe did eat did , ? food. Her kidney were , very -troublesome and bowel constipated. "After taking four bottles of Dreco her. strength returned along with her appetite and her stomach' was digest Ing the food and nourishing her body. The pains in her back were gone and f kidneys normal. Tba constipa tion disappeared he now eats any thing she craves and narer suffers from It sleeps sound and la doing opt nousewors. . rreco is made from Juices and ex- medlclnal herbal tracts of plants, which u a pn many n act AM pleasant and prompt manner. the vital organs trerty was a laoorin? man s treaty we can make the finaI arrangements in the sense that it was drawn up of justice and peace. I sometimes for the benefit of the common people, think when I wake up in the nijrht of I ,""--., : -----1 mc wan.ci.ui niKnijs inai anxious I selves, said the resident, were maae I fathers. mother- nnA for the people concerned. He assert- during the weary years of the awful ta uiai. me uwuurem uu-u- war ana l near the cry 0f mothers ever we pnncpic ut I or the children- millions on the other ever snuum w Kun Mete and thousands on this side. 'In the people who lived there wanted it God's name give us security and. a w"'nui. i peace ot right "That is an absolute reversal of 1us- itory," said the President, "and it's I DDAUrCCIAM A I Pinnrj all in the league of nations' IIVI'IWIUIIAL tAIUial High taxes, a large standing army I and a "militory government in spirit ' HORACE MITCHELL BAKER would be required, he said; if thef - w n Tr UXiltcu otAbCO were iv iviivn nu- vice of some men and "stand by her- self." 1 SAFE AND SOUND I We Can Fit You! We have more than 500 samples to select from. And our prices will appeal to you. Expert tailor service.. Our motto i'" We fit the hard to fit and guarantee to please you." We also do cleaning, pressing, altering and repairing. Agents for Clarendon Steam Laun dry, Fayetteville. Weekly service. Lumberton, N. C. Office in Cotton Mill Buildinir Prnrrira fVinftn&il t r: r ai,: u; un - vi H i.io s"5 Women and rhiMpAn i ..u i 4U. i., J ga..4-u I . z - a inuiiicuk umi me ianu uuc ui ouuwii uthce hours: 9 to 10 a m 2 to 3:30 p. m. and by appointment. Office phone iso. 48. itesidencc phone No. 82. THE NORFOLK TAILORING CO. fhone 24 John D. Purvis , Proprietor. Fairmont, X. C. Dakota were to be upset and every farm line moved ten feet Mr. Wilson said that was somewhat like what Happened in Europe and a central authority was necessary to stabilize conditions and prevent strife. Your choice, said Mr. Wilson, is I between the league of nations and ! Germanism. I have told you what I I mean by Germanism having a chip I on your shoulder." When the President added that sometimes he had been "called an I idealist' someone shouted "Good," and the crowd cheered "ihe certain way," to have trouble between capital and labor, said the President, was for them to refuse to discuss their differences. He said he could not understand how a man could refuse to discuss his case unless he was wrong. The same rule he declared applied to dif- DR. H. T. POPE, M. D. . rnysician and Surgeon. Special attention given treatment of skin cancer. LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Pepe Drug Store. STEPHENS & BARNES Funeral .Directors and Embalmers LUMBERTON, N. C. THOMAS CLARENCE JOHNSON M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE OVER McMILLAN'S Rooms 4-5-6-7. PHONES Office 47, Residence 175. t. a. McNeill You Can Save Money By looking over my New Line of Dry Goods, Notions hats and Shoes. Groceries at Right Pricey I. H. WARWICK, 5RcVM IT 31 ferences between nations. TAn ,, ,, f America could stay out of the arid administrators snecial ntt-pnl-inn league, said the President, but it Office, Fifth street, west of N First would be at the expense of the peace National Bank. Practice in all courts. ma THERE IS MORE COMFORT in our porch furniture during; hot days and nights than you can find any other place in thfc ous'e. Our special offering of Perch Furniture ill interest you and meet your needs.. The sooner you couie in now, 'the better fceleetiou you will have, the greater comfort on your porch. 1JS!J rFURNlTURE STORE C 'gCOBP' UWMgtWTON.N.C.I of the world. "America is necessary," he added j "to the peace of the world. And the peace and confidence of the world are necessary to America." The President said : "Governor Norbeck and my fellow citizens: I must admit that every time I face, a great audience of my fellow coun- trymen on this trip I am filled with a feeling of peculiar solemnity be cause I believe my fellow country men, that we have come to one of the turning points in the history of the world. And what I as an American covet for this great country is that on every great occasion when man kind's fortunes are hung in the bal ance that America may have the dis tinction of leading the way. I want to remind you, my fellow country men that war was not an accident. That war did not just happen. There was not some sudden cause which brought on the conflagratios. On the contrary. Germany had been prepar ing for that war for generations. Germany had been preparing every resource and perfecting every skill, developing every invention which would enable her to master the Eu ropean world and to dominate the ! rest of the world. Everybody had I be?n looking on. Everybody had j known. Fcr example, it was known f in every war office in Europe and in the war department in Washington, that the Germans not only had a vast supply of great field guns but that they had ammunition enough for every one of those guns to exhaust the gun. And yet we were living in a fool's paradise. We thought Ger many meant what she said that she was ajmed for defense and that she never would use that great store' of guns against her fellow men. Why, my friends, it was foreordained the minute Germany conceived these pur poses that she should do . the thing which she did in 1914. . "Now, I have brought back from -Europe with me", my fellow citizens a treaty in which uermany is dis armed and which all the other na tions of the world agree never to go to war (Applause). That is all. "If Germany had dreamed that anything like the greater part of the world would combirftTagainst her she never .would have begun the war and -I Lumberton. N. C. Thomas L. Johnson E. M. Johnson JOHNSON & JOHNSON Attorneys and Counsellors at Law LUMBERTON, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts Notary Public in Office. Offices over First National Bnk. A. W. McLean Dickson McLean L. R. Varser H. E. Stacv McLEAN, VARSER, McLEAN ; & STACY. Attnrneva At Iair LUMBERTON," - North Carolina J.D.REGAN DENT IS T McNeill Building -Next Door to Post Office. DR. GRAHAM McLEAN DENTIST Second Floor Jones Building FAIRMONT, N. C. E. JBRITT Attorney-at-La w Offices over Pope Drug Company. Will practice in all courts. Prompt -attention given to all business. Stephen Mclntyre R. C. Lawrence James D. Proctor McINTYRE, . LAWRENCE & f PROCTOR, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law LUMBERTON, N. C Practice in State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business. JUNIUS J. GOODWIN ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office on ground floor McLeod Bldg i Opposite Robesoniaa Office. RUSSELL & BEAM, M. D. . Lumberton, . . . .... N. C Practice limited to Eye, Ear Nose, and Throat. t. a. McNeill, jr. Lumberton. iNorth Carolina. Will practice in all courts. Business attended to promptly. Rooms 3 and 4 McLeod building, cor ner Elm and 4th Streets. ROBBERS MAY COME AND ROBBERS MAY GO, BUT YOUR DEPOSITS ARE SAFE FOREVER. We wish to call to the attention of our friends and customers the fact 'that money and valuables deported in our BANK are absolutly SAFE in every way. We have full protection of all kinds against robbery or hold " up. Our large vault and time lock burglar proof steel safe are ample protection to our depositors. In addition we carry insurance against robbery or hold up and fire for the full amount of all money, Liberty Honds and other securities in our care. Those with money in., cur BANK need not worry or fear that BANK ROBBERS will get their money or valuables. We warn all those in the habit of leaving .money at home, that in times like these, with DESPERATE ROBBERS at large, your money and valuables should be in our safe fully protected by BURGLAR PROOF devices, the best insurance, and handled only by men well bonded and under supervision of the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. , WE HAVE SAFETY DEPOSITS FOR RENT. Only $1.50 for one year. YOUR ACCOUNT CORDIALLY INVITED. THE BANK $ PEMBROKE Pembroke, N. C. Deposits $103,632.56 P. S. Cooper, President A. M. Breece, Vice-President Resources $174,367.01 . R. H. Livermore, Cashier E. M. Paul, Assistant Cashier naa wwi 'it yiax ufi in 1 " n n 1 rar I ve is (Sha nee n To prove that we can reduce your grocery bill Our stock is fresh and complete. Let us serve you. ODEN & POWELL Chestnut Street Lumberton, N.,C. - . mis, - a , -wi'i v ijtKitv. "'j- GET OUT A POLICYx and do now. Fixes are dis astrous and delays are dar arous.. - Ton east bring back what Is consumed by fire. Ton eat though, BE REIMBURSED ON . TOUR FIRE LOSS if if s one of our companies -Premie n on doubtful polieier , is money thrown away, v Be sura and insure with as. Q. T. WILLUMS , : Lumberton, N. (- Just What he Needed. j T used a bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets ; some time ago and they proved to be just what I needed." write- Mrs. Volta Bankson, Chilli cothe. Mo. "They not only relieved me of indigestion . but toned up my liver and rid me of backache and dizziness that I had been subject to for some time They did me a woridr of good and I will always speak a good word for them.' . - ' LOANS NEGOTIATED v ON IMPROVED FARM LANDS . (Robeson, Scotland A Hoke " -Counties) : : f 2.00HIO to $504)00.01 .FIVE YEARS "...i 5 1-2 Interest A. T. McLEAN , LaaiberUMa, N. C UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADIiIJNISTRATION Walter - D. Hines, Director: General of .Railroads. Seaboard Air Line Railroad Passenger schedules, subject to change swithout notice. r .' 7" No. . For Charlotte- No- For Wilmington 19 Lv. Lumberton 7:35 t. m. 14 Lt. Lumberton . 10:40 a.' m. 13 Lv. Lumberton . 6:25 p. m. 20 Lv. Lumberton ;10:04 p. m. No. 13 connects at Hamlet for points North and South. No- 19 connects at Hamlet for points North. , v , A. P. MITCHELL, Agent J. T, WEST, Division Pauenger Agent, 5'.