TUB KOStSONUN tTOSaTOrNOSTa1 CjUtOLINA; THURSDAY, ' YAGB SIX Pabliehed . .. ' ... , -lBy - COBESONIAN, PUBLISHING CO.; ;' ' , . " . ' - - 4- .. 1 ' ....... v j . i Cumberland and'HoksL1" ttitude; On the floor of the gen-' committee to ,wrije Mr. riking what is now'caUedl1 Monday" he denounced thekeaiSift t and put him J. A. SHARPE TBCBSDAT, SEPTEMBER 11, 1919 SUBSCRIPTION BATES: . Year ftliiL v.,v2.00 tax Uoatha . . . . . . ............ 1.00 Months 03oe lt7 West Foarth Street pi Telephone N. 29. Entered as second ftlaaa mail-' matter t the' postoAce at lunberton; N. C mMmW I Sssslsssss CUT OUT THE, CARNIVAL. Are you in favor of or "ferninst" a carnival in connection with -.the county fair next month? me Kobesonian had indulged the hope that this question liad settled itself laittfall, when the carnival in connection with the fsir was such a miserable affair and disgusted so many people. But it has bobbed up again. Instead of helping to make the fair a success, as the management seems to think it will do, The Robe soman believes and it is not alone in this belief that a carnival will - - - x v m ' actually give me iair a Diack eye for this fall and will just about kill any hope of building up a perm ficnt county fair. A number of people told The Robe sonian last fall that they lost inter est in the fair as soon as they learn ed there was to.be a carnival, tliat they had intended to bring some ex hibits but immediately decided not to do so, and that they did not go about the fair, just on that account These were all good, substantial citi zens, the kind of people whose sap port is necessary in order to have a fair worth while, and who will glad ly do all they can to make it a suc cess if the carnival feature is aban doned, , . ......... t'.i Why attempt to have - a carnival then, in the face of the opposition it is sure to arouse? Even those who think it is all right will hanl!y con tend that it will add anything to the moral tone of the community or will do anybody any good. . Secretary Thompson, who has la bored so faithfully to make the fair a success,' believes that any attrac tion he has engaged or may engage, -will be moral and dan. He will not! engage any attraction without that' assurance. But did you ever see or hear of a ,carnival, no matter how! unsavory, that did not advertise it self as moral and clean? Of -course the assurance of angelic purity will be given, but the. people will doubt. Many people agree with Dr. tsaman that there is no such thing as a clean carnival, ana, toey win stay, a way j and those who are attracted on ac count of the carraral will be'disfcp pointed if the'shows are'as lean as they profess to he. . .,.;,- W , It do not takff unclean , and on nice and degrading things to draw a crowd to a Robeson county fair. Anowr thine: The location of the fair building puts tbe carnival .crowd, i W-- "in the midst" of a residential! -rtion. If the fair were on the edee of town, away from any resi-j dences, it would be bad enough to have a carnival crowd. j The managers o the fair are as much interested in the moral wel fare of the community as any one else. It is a matter of difference of viewpoint Why not take a chance, cut out the carnival, and have a fair on its own merits? The chance-taking lies in having a carnival.1 ,It "is too serious a chance to take'. . We do not believe for a moment that tbe success of ' affair depends upoola earnivaL If it does, we can bette: afford to do without a fair thaniwe can. afford to have theiusuil wwt ft carnival. ' Robeson .is a great agricultural covr&r and it can haves rif of the best founty fairs in the country, with? the support of all the people. But , the people are sot going to support a fair that , depends upon a cararyaH to draw the crowd. , v -. FIGHTING FOB W-C-A HIGHWAY . . Under the above caption the Char- lotte Observer notes ' that the . Pay' etteville Observer "is making a fight for the Wilmington-Chariot be-Ashe Hie highway." In a recent issue it! argued that the' f main line of tho : highway should pass through J'cn. der, Sampson counties, striking the "main line" at Laurinburg and eliminating the counties of .Robeson, Bladen, Columbus . and Brunswick and' the towns of Whiteviile or Clark- ton according to the direction the fB'''d may take from Wilmington. 99S95S9 1 V. If . W; 1.UU1UTIHHI wiu iu&kvm The . Clinton Democrat is makings fight to have the road pass through; Sampson county. Thb highway is a good thing and The Kobespnian does. not blame the brethren Dor making an effort to have it pas stnrougb tnelr counties, butno doubt the considerations that weighed in th selection' of the route through Robeson will be sufficient to keep the State Highway Superin tendent from being misled by any siren songs about the advantages of otheT; routes This is the; iaost di rect route and it would be doing vio lence to all reason to leave the di rect route at Laurinburg, go around the best town " between Wilmington and Charlotte, and strike out into a circuitous route that leads through a section where, we have hsard it said by reliable men. it would .cost more to build the extra mileage than it would to build the entire mileage from Wilmington to Lumbcrton The better plan is for Pender, Sampson, Cumberland, and Hoke counties to construct spurs running into the "main line" via Lumbcrton. o Bather, however, than see the peace treaty fail of- ratification '-or to';see amendments adopted- that.;: would n)$i it necessary to , submit , the treaty" again to foreign powers he would be willing to vote for mild re servation. Yet he has,, been, played up as Ledge L Senator Overman gave out a state ment showing that his attitude also PROPAGANDA.. Some newspaper - correspondents who" are opposed to the peace treaty And th covenant of the league of nation. -am:iiotoTeTCsre.fuJor7ve nice about what they write. The Washington Post and some New York and Chicago papers that are fighting ratification of the peace treaty as it stands, featured Sunday morning articles setting forth that Senator Simmons was. preparing to desert the peace treaty and support Senator Lodge's amendments. Sen ator Overman was, placed in the same line. Senator Simmons embraced the first opportunity to deny the truth of the statements concerning How's This ? We offer $100.00 tor any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by HALL, 8 CATARRH MEDICINE. , a HALL. S CATAKHH ja.JLxv;x w en internally tad acts through the Bloo4 on the Mucous 8urfaca of th System. Sold by druggist for over forty year Price too. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney ft Co.. Toledo. Ohio. tides as unauthorized , and aa mis representing his position. He "1 said that he. is in favor' of i-the .peace treaty and league of nations covenant ... . . . wltnout change, and wouna .be - glad to rote for them without alternation.' il'possibh that ahy'one' doubti being ready to go over to '.'tbei"dayr Mr. D. Scptt .PoVl. editor of camp.. . - 'TiTJlti phe-Baeford Journal, formerly Sdi-', Ipr of . the ' St Pauls - Messenger is 'tfroprietor,' Mr.' P. B. Watrous, ; nian- r l. V . - 1 ' was misrepresented. He ,hsienfter.. The RobesonUn leomes Tne in favor of the treaty and is in fav-Uc5on.to t good fieW, hich has or of it as it stands XJreat is propaganda; ' Those ; op posed to the treaty seem willing, to grab at any straw and go to any lengths in order to make it appear that Senators heretofore considered strong for the treaty are deserting to the opposition. ' . . o- . PLAYGROUND FOR CHILDREN. Mr. R. D. Caldwell's suggestn that a larger playground is . eeded for the school children of the'eofriinu nity and that no time should be lost in securing the land while it is avail able, is an excellent one. This' is "an excellent opportunity for some nian to build for himself a lasting memor ial. ' Future gsnerations wilL all blessed the man or set of men" who shall provide the playground that is so much needed even now, and" that wJl -be needed mucbworse. ixJ. revf years, and mucn naruer to ODtairu o Witnesses attending the .hearings of the Senate agricultural committee have been taKjng surpWsirtely fa vorably to the packers and in. oppo sition to the Kenyon and Kendrick bills proposing Federal license reg ulation of the industry. One would think that the "Big Five" . packers, reputed to be reaching out to., pwn the earth are an innocent bunch of benevolent gentlemen of patnetae guilelessness for whom a collection should be taken, the Way some of. the witnesses, have laid it on. But a n,ew note -was. sounded the other day,,,by a representative of the ' iaJjern Wholesale Grocers association, "ff and ask him Brooks, of, ' NEWS ITEtlS, him under oath! r- ': 'u-XC 4 . sSci "how much monty the 1 Meeting Will Begin Next vMonday five packers have spent or have be come obligated 'to pay to , date in. t ailroad fares, hotel ; bills, etc for any of the witnesses." Well, - well Uc disinterestedness' of those who have been pinninjga.set of ..wings to the meat packers? J.- i iThe' Scotch Scion 'm the name of thk neW pspef at Bed ' Springs'. It been without a paper published, at He.1 fprings since Editor Branch djt'coritmued The'Citi2en,'and wishes ftt well. , ' ' . 0 1 T Organized steel, workers. t WILL STRDIE SEPTEMBER 22ND Chestnut Stredt : J . Night rersonal . ntntm&y'.? Correspondence -of The Robesonian. ; i! Rozri'tLiunWton,, R. i).Sept. 9-. Farmer3 in this section are. about through p Oiling fodder and haveLe- gun picking cotton. --v l'. KissJFaiinie Baritt. has- returned after: spending' a few? days , at -.the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr and 3irs. WUl Olphuv near FayctfeviHe: Misses Bessie a"hd Almenia "HoTdeS spent -a- fewdays.rejpently . at the home of their-sister Mrs. Sam Tanjp- fmade.its first appearance hst Sat-JbelL; .t vi?V!. ... aara. ,.ia..JiA ijnfu ana wo . cant area have returned after spending1 a few days at -the home ef her 'sisir Mrs. J. H. RaUey of Curria. Mrs. .GL. Willis pent"a fewdajs recenuy at tne nome os ner rpowier. Mil, ClUMKUl UttllCll.' ' Mr. Durham,. Rice 'spent -a" while" Sunday afternoon ' inrthis section ft Mr.Arery Powers -spent ; Sundayl afternoon at lh J home of Miss, 'an I . Mr. ; ahdr Mfa.-? - D. . P.v Brift and daughters,- Miss Nannie,' and solr, ncthodist Church Regardless of the request of Presi dent Wilson that they take no ac tion nendine' the coming industrial conference, representatives of organ ized workers in the steel P, D? FAST0B. ,r Sermon Subjects for Bundar, Sep. StTZTDAT : SOHOOZr 9j45 IX Mid-Week Fnjer Servietreia: "' r'J' nesday 8 :30 ; p. n y -Tlie pnW UdiaUy eCto-"Sk- -all thesieservicett" Darbcr 61V Basement . Irraine Hotet Shop Waiter, spei-.t the week-end in South First claaa; . mnjtorj, and uprtff Catlina visiting fr-cnis ? J' date in every partictdar.i Afreah -'r. and Mrs. IVrry Caniploll and 4 jibwhub.; m?T rhilnren of Lumberton anent i while towel fpr every, man S face. The r. thin section Sunday best toilet . articles ' that money yesterday called a strike effecuve September 22, to compel recognition of their unions and of the principle of collective bargaining by the Unit ed States Steer corporation. The executive council cf the 24 un ions representing the workers roadfc known their decision in a statement ianued'in Washington after they had requested the President by telegraph for a mor-' definite statement" as tn the possibilities of arranging a Misses Elij-ibetb and ' Gladys Me- can buy are used. Spcial atten- ucn have rrturnsd home after ir f,(iM n,ii, - organ i4D.ndjne fe.s inva wi:h friervls at industry, rawland ' - i connection, nop , in cnarge 01 Bill Bailey and. Spurgeon SmalL spent a few days last week at the' two of the best barbers in the home of Mr. and Mrs,-Arch McLean. State... Real, artists in their line. Mr. W. P. Britt has purchased Mii new Chalmers car. . The meeting will begin at Roziers Monday night after the second Sun day.; Everybody is invited to attend the services. - r ' ' " , We Guarantee Satisfaction. s Hlff T fl Minanil W rinMin wda eenfereneeMth ficials and after they had received a Mr z. G. Hall of Red Springs is a reply from the President asking that thev withhold action until after the industrial conference. Lumbertpn visitor, today. Lorraine Barber Shop BOSTON SWEPT. BY WAVE OF LAWLESSNESS; TROOPS CALLED OUT He suggested the chairman, jtifcJJcejnen. Boston) was under military jrute last night, states a press dispatch from that city. ; After "24 h6urs"bf lawlessness such as the city has er er before experienced, 5,000 oldier$ appeared on the streets under brders to lestore order and, protect life and property at any cost'-; Qangs,,(.of gamblers who had infested certain section were driven out by a com pany of. State ' guardsmen. II eirait off tail mm RECEIVED One of the most beautiful lines of Men's Hats in the "city ... f ... .. .. .. ' ; ln-Mctas Come dim coa We stiU::liiat:ATiheim IeiQf;0otblng Let us have your orderfpr that Fall Suit and Overcoat. have just received an :6rtmeht of Ti uriks and Haind Bags: See us : : before going on your next trip .v.. . ....... The Greatest Winter Underwear Value in America HAYNES Elastic ICnit Undervear WefseU Dress tSife Wash iics:nd(mrdA ;v : h Nord etoo(lS;in Atty Qiity. ALSOMcCALL John Lumbertoh, North Carolina I iISS ...ir; t..: O in Gold A lady recently deposited in the Bank a Twenty dollar gold coin which had been presented to her ' at her graduation twenty years , before. . This lady was educated and "good at figures," but she did not appreciate the import ance of making her dollars work, ! for her? jf ahf ; . had deposited her twenty dolairs in our SAV INGS DEPARTMENT it would "have doubled itself ia Seventeen years. What about that money YOU. are keeping , in YOUR bureau drawer? . . . Deposit your idle - Money in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at C0MP0UND.'INTERE3T. PUT TOUR MONEY TO WORK.; 's.-'fi .-if 'or! I THE NATIONAL BAISEOE LULlBERTOf a THe Old leliable A. W. MclXANjPmHeiit. ' " :"M. COBB? Gashtes. r $1,300,000 00 r - iiV We make the grade of our Banking Service our prides In fact, our- Servke issubprdUnaletojOBjytoW . . By? Service, y?p mean the. coryeeV; willinriobligiag. ttBoV' img of ryour eVwy banking :trtfyL ' By Safety, we mean thategreef cai-f hifca biciurt seguai'o'o.3uai your every deal at thw . Bank.': . ' . ' -j . v Safety and Service may be ynrsi.here. VlS wmm m 1 LXJXIBEltTOII. N.C; I 1: J .v. t - Mil S3I itaw.,