THE BOBESONIAN, LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1919. iTHE ROBESONIAN Office 107 Wert Fourth Street Telephone No. 20. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1919. BUSINESS BUILDERS OF COURSE YOU KNOW THE BEST BBEAD to only to be had t DuBois Bary. FOR SALE-1 TEN HORSE GASOLINE OR keroaen Engine and one grist mill be cr wtit D. E. Nance. Proctorville. N. . KM REWARD FOR INFORMATION LEAD ing to recovery of large, young hound dog that was stolen from Robert Herring, near Barnesville. last week. Dog has blue speck eled toeast. legs and forehead with black back Anyone knowing whereabouts will notify D. R. Edwards, East Lumberton, and receive reward. WE PAY GOOD PRICES FOR COTTON. Seed Cotton and Cotton Seed. K. M. Biggs, Lumberton, N. C. PERSONALS FOR SALE CHEVROLET ROAD8TER. IN best of condition. Run only 3 months. C. T. Poole, St. Pauls, N. C. LOST SATURDAY NIGHT NOV, 8, TWO miles south of Lumberton, a silver mesh bag containing small change, and brown cameo pin. Finder please return to the Robesonian office and get reward. FOR SALE:. TWO-ACRE LOT WITH 7 room dwelling in Lumberton. Apply to D. M. Barker, Lumberton, N. C. FOR SALE ONE 108X180 FEET LOT Lo cated in Lumberton with 6 room house with lights. A bargain at quick sale. Mrs. H. H. Abbott, Lumberton, N. C. FOR SALE BY JNO. T. BIGGS. TWO FARM mules and one Ford car. STANDARD GASOLINE AND PURE CYLIN der Oil. The kind your car needs-. I give FULL MEASURE. Always ready to serve. Johnson's Oiling Station, at crossng of Sea board R. R. and Fairmont road. H. John son, Proprietor. STRAYED MEDIUM-SIZE HOUND FEMALE dog, black body, legs and head tan. Left home Thursday, November 13. Fve dollars reward for return to Sandy Smith, Lum berton, K. 6. JUST ARRIVED SHIPMENT OF PARLOR Suits from $35 up, also lot of iron beds, mattresses and springs. D. G. Best & Son. EXPERIENCED TOBACCO MAN WANTS to rent small farm. Prefers one near Lum berton. Apply Box 4X1, Lumberton, N. C. Mr. Sandy Smith of R. 6, Lumber ton, was in town yesterday. Mr. J. Dixon McLean returnei yes terday from a business trip to New York. Mr. T. W. Maxwell of Tolarsville spent Tuesday in Wilmington on bus iness. Mr. A. J. Prevatt of R. 2, Lumber- ton, was among the visitors in town yesterday. Mr. Roy Lewis of Pembroke was among the callers at The Robesonian office yesterday. Messrs L. Z. Hedgpeth and J. W Ward of Rowland were among tbe visitors in town Tuesday. Mr. Joe Odum of the Ten Mile sec tion was among the callers at The Robesonian office Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Israel and three children of R. 5, Lumberton, were among thp shoppers in town Tuesday Mrs. Sallie Conoley of Lumber Bridge is a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs. C. J. Biggs, R. 1, Lumber- ton. Mrs. Robert Belch and two chil dren, Elizabeth and Annie Laurie, spent yesterday at Tar Heel visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Wilkerson, Mrs Martha Wilkerson and Mr. M. C Caulk, all of R. 1, Fairmont, were among thp shoppers in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Lewis of Pen sacola, Fla., arrived Saturday and will spend some time here visiting relatives. Mr. Lewis will join his family here in a short time. Mrs. R. L. Robbins and small son, John, of High Point, spent yesterday here visiting at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. vWebster, Fourteenth street. Miss Katie Britt returned today to uurgaw, wnere she holds a position, after spending a few days visiting her mother, Mrs. Florence Britt, at len Mile. Mr. M. J. Merritt is spending the day in Wilmington on business. Rural Policeman J. W. Glover of Rowland spent last night here on bus iness. Mr. Stephens Lawson of the Orrum section is a Lumberton visitor today. FOR SALE NEW AND REBUILT FORD cars, also bodies. We buy or xchanre standard makes. Payne's Auto Works, 26 East 6th St., Charlotte, N. C. FOR SALE YOUNG JERSEY BULL, ALSO Wrenn Surry and 5-passenuer Ford au tomobile Chas. C. Baxley, Buie, N. C. GO NO FARTHER. The Evidence Is At Your Door FOR SALE: GOOD 4-ROOM RESIDENCE on East Second street. Apply to Kobt. Lewis, Lumberton, N. C. NOTICE IF YOU HAVE ROOFS THAT need paint, see or write me and have them look like new. Work guaranteed W. L. Sharp, 603, First Street, Lumberton, N. C. WANTED A GOOD WHITE BARBER AT once. 70 per cent, commission. Come ready for work. Independent Barber Shop, N. A. Watson, Prop., Lumberton, N. C. ATTENTION I WILL- HAVE NO GIN DAYS, every day is gin day with me, except Sun day. Will pay the top price for seed. I. J. Williams, Rex. N. C. FOR SALE ONE GOOD MILCH COW AT bargain. H. G. Mearea, Lumberton, N. C. NOTICE IF YOU WANT A GOOD SEWING Machine at a bargain see me at once. I can save you money. H. G. Mearea, Elm street, Lumberton, N. C. HOGS FOR SALE. SEVERAL GILTS IN pig by registered Duroc Jersey Boar. A Dumber of half-grade pigs, S months old wy same s're. Prices cheap. R. Walter Townsend, Raynham, N. C. FOR SALE THAT BEAUTIFUL ANDER-! SON HOME ON CHKSTNIT STRKET. ACT QUICK IF YOU WANT IT. GEO. M. WHITFIELD, AGENT. Lumberton proof is what you wanf and the statement of this highly re spected resident will banish all doubt: T. G. Britt, farmer, 908 E. Second St., Lumberton, says: "I was trou bled with my kidneys and back about tvti'ty five years. Often the com print kept me down and sharp catch es would take me in the small of my back and I wouldn't be able to move for a minute or so. When I would bend over it was almost impossible U straighftety. Mornings my back felt worse, and I could hardly get; ouT of bed. I tried different remedies but seemed to get bo better, Upon a friend's advice I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills which I ot at McDon ald's Drug store. The fint fe w doses brought me great relief and one box made me as well as ever. Whenever I have noticed any return of this trou ble, Doan's have alwavs brought the same fine results." (Statement giv en April 1, 1915). On May 25, 1918, Mr. Britt said: I think just as highly of Doan'3 Kid CHURCH NOTES Program of Union Meeting. Following is the program of the union meeting of the Robeson Baptist association which will be held at Bloomingdale church Nov ',?8th and 29th: Friday Mornin?. 10:30 Devotional service conduct ed by the pastor. 11 Sermon E. M. Brooks. Friday Afternoon. 1:30 When is material prosperity a curse instead of a blessing? R. N. Cashwell. 2 Is systematic and proportionate giving taught in the Bible? J. R. Miller. 2:30 Is conscientious giving a means of spiitual growth? Jesse Blalock. Saturday Morning. 9:30 Devotional service. 1D:00 The need for the 75 mil lion campaign. (1) The far-off cry for help Frank Hare. (2) Destitution in the homeland J. M. Fleming. (3) The call for help that comes from our institutions colleges, schools and orphanages C. V, Brooks. I (4) Some benefits to be derived by the churches that take part in the campaign II. H. Honey cutt. Saturday Afternoon. 1:30 Making the campaign a suc cess in our Association. (1) Reaching every church and every member L. E. Dailey. (2) Explaining the pledge cards; (3 Our duty during Victory week; (4) How to report the re sult by Associational Director. Gospel Tabernacle. Correspondence of The Robesonian. The young people of the Gospel Tabernacle will rave their regular meeting Sunday evening at 8:30. Miss Edith Knight will have charge assisted by 24 others. The topic will be "The Second coming of Christ." Short talks will be made on the fol lowing subjects: His ascension; Pro phecies pointing to His coming; The mariner of Christ's coming; The ob ject of Christ's coming; Signs pre ceding His coming. The young people wilt assist in a Christmas trep for the Chinese. Any one who wishes to contribute toward making this tree a success, will please bring their offering Sunday night. Besides cash offerings, th0 following articles will be acceptable: dolls, hand kerchiefs, lead pencils, cheap -robs and brushes, etc. All are invited to this service. Important Meeting. An important meeting of the exe cutive committee of the Robeson Bapr tist association will be held in ta First Baptist church Tuesday morning xmov. 25, at ten o'clock. The annual appropriations from the State Mis sion Board will be considered and all churches wishing to make application! are requested to have them in th hands of the committee bv that date. IE lis Yoot Money Safe Is a question that you need to consider carefully. It is onr business to care for the SAFETY of money left with us on deposit. We cor dially invite you to investigate our ability and facilities for the safety of your money if left with us. You will hold our receipts for it, can come and get it or draw a check for it, when you want to use it, DON'T FORGET that we are the original FARMERS BANK. Your business and your interests have always been our FIRST CON SIDERATION. When you honor us with your account, you are help ing to strengthen a BANK THAT HAS YOUR WELFARE FOR ITS FIRST THOUGHT. Make Our Bank Your BANK Planters Bank &Trast Co. Resources Over Half -Million Dollars IE 1 MARKET REPORT. Middlfine cottdn is selling for 33 1-2 cents the poundvon the Lumber-! ton market today; strict middling 34! cents. The market Tuesday ranged! from 34 to 35 cents and yesterday from 33 1-2 to 34 1-2 cents. Below are quoted prices being paid on the local market for several items of country produce. The Robesonian hopes to make this report of service to its farmer readers and will add to the list of articles quoted as it if able to do so. Eggs 55c. Ham 40c. Sides 35c. Shoulders 32c. Doan's Reguk'ts are recommended by many who pav they operate easily, without griping and without bad after effects. 30c at a j 1 drug stores. This Means You. When you get up with a bad taste in your mouth, a dull tired, feeling, no relish for food and are constipated, you may known that you need a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets. They not only cause an agreeable movement of the bowels, but cleanse and invi porate the stomach and improve the digestion. ney Pills now as when I gave my last Sunday School Institute Postponed. Correspondence of The Robesonian. On account of the $75,000,000 drive the quarterly meeting of the Mt. Elim i Baptist Sunday school institute will 1 not be held at Bloomingdule the fifth Sunday in November. W. J. WILKERSON, President. A3 BUY The old CAR ANEW DRESS f7y- , -J WE ARE NOW MAKING LOAN'S ON IM recommendation. Doan's cured me of proved farm iands for 6, 7, 10 or 20 years, j a bad attack of kidney complaint On loans of $5,000 or more for 5 ye.irs ne gotiations charges are 8 per cent ; 7 yein-s 3 1-2 per cent: 10 and 20 yars 1 r-r cent. Chirkamauca Trust Company, Junius J. Goodwin Attorney, Lumberton, N. C. MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED LAND in Robeson county on long; time, hates as good as any can give. Stephen Mcln-tyre. WANTED: YOU TO KNOW THAT YOU can buy furniture at the old price, buying in ear load lots and contracting months and months ahead we can 'sell you a 8 plece suit for $25.00, dressers $12.00, Wash Stands $7.00, Beds $6.00. J. H. Turner Furniture Co., Red Springs, N. C. WANTED: YOU TO KNOW THAT WE carry everything for the home, $30,000 to $40,000 stock of goods, a great variety of goods in great quantities bought in a way to save you from 20 per cent to 10 pr cent. Columbia (Jrafnnolas, Aoleon-Vi i-al-leon, and Pathe, Talking Mnchiies rd Records. J. H. Turner Furniture Co., Red Springs, N. C. FOR SALE PIGS. DUROC JERSEY AND Duroc and Berkshire crossed. Can be seen t Carlyle's farm on Red Springs road. See J. A. Carlyle or W. R. Carlyle. WANTED: YOU TO KNOW THAT YOU can buy Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases. Shteta Curtains, Shades, Comforts, Blankets, Enamel Ware, Glass Ware, Crockery Ware, Tin Warei and all 10c, 15c and 26c Goods at Turner's, Cash or Credit. J. H. Turner Vurnttura Co.. Red Springs, N. C. FOR SALE It ACRES LAND. BACK Swamp township, about 40 acres cleared, dwelling house and tobacco barn. Good loca tion for Indian, Indian school within 600 yards of house. For further Information see or write A. K. J. W. Co. (W. K. Be thune. Manager). Lumberton. I recommend this remedy at every opportunity." GOc, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. FOR SALE: QUARTER ACRE LOT ON Main Street immediately North of H. . Pope residence. See James D. Proctor. FOR SALE GOOD FARM. 126 ACRES. 72 in hinh state cultivation. One mile from Barnesville. Write J. B. Williams, Fair Bluff, and he will meet you there any day. LAND FOR SALE THE MODERN WAY of selling Real Estate is at auction. If you have land you want to sell write us at once and let us explain our system to you. Latest improved method. We get results. Write us today. Atlantic Development Co., Fayetteville, N. C. FOR SALE: THREE SMALL FARMS WELL InratMl. near school, cnurcn, kuuu n"""- $80 00 per acre, 1-3 cash, balance years. Write L. E. Covington, Bridge. N. C. in two Lumber PLUMBING REPAIR WORK AND PLUMB tag of all kinds, piping for acetylene plants and Dcleo systems, etc. Work solicited any where in the county. Prompt attention. Efficient service. Office: Cor. Chestnut and 6th Sta. Phone 37. G. B. Kirkmari Lumberton, K C NOTICE IN SENDING STAMPS TO PAY for small ads. or subscription, please send only 2 -cent or 1-eent stamps. Stamps of larger denomination are inconvenient to use and cannot be accepted. The Robe sonian. WANTED i YOU TO KNOW THAT WE , have Ranges from $45.00 to $110.00, stoves from $17.60 to $50.00, and we guarantee, each one of them to cook and give sat . - isfaetion, we are doing - mora than five times as mush business as fiva years ago, there is a reason, it will pay you to in vestigate. J. H. Turner Furniture Co, Bed SpriDjs. N. I. SEE OUR LINE OF PACKAGE CHOCOLATES something nice. DuBois Bak ery. All members of the First Baptist church who can possibly do so arc earnestly requested by the pastor to attend the 11 o'clock service Sunday morning. There will be no preaching service at Chestnut Street Methodist church Sunday morning or evening as the pastor, Dr. Beaman, is atending con ference at Wilson. 4 The average auto owner knows When his car needs a suit of clothes. We take a lot of pleasure in 'Moiling up a car. It may have a good I'jfU't and the proper powei'-kic!: in c-v-ry part of i. ; mechanical anatomy hut you don't want it to go down the highway looking likj a boy who has run away from home. Let us dress it up for Thanksgiving. Townsend Motor Co. Garage Phone 196. ' Residence Phone 164. CHOCOLATE FRUITS AND NUTS ARE DE licious. '- Try them. DuBois Bakery. WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR FINE As sortment Lowney's fine chocolates in pack ages and by the pound. DuBois Bakery. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. Under and by virtue of authority contained in a Judgment of the Superior court of Robe son county, N. C in a special proceeding entitled "D C. Moore et als. vs. Oscar Faulk et ala." the" undersigned commissioner will on Wednesday. December 17th, 1919, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door in the town of Lumberton. N. C, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bilder for cash the fol lowing described lands, to-wit: Lot No. 7, in the division of the lands form erly owned by Benjamin Barnes, deceased, and devised by him to Mary Faulk, his daugh ter, and also the same lot of land described fully in a deed from W timer Faulk et al to Oscar Faulk, deed for which is registerel in book . page registry of Robeson county, N. C, reference being made to said deed for a complete description thereof. This the 17th day of November, 1919. E. M. JOHNSON, Commissioner. Johnson & Johnson, Attorneys U 20 4 Thurs. DO NT FORGET HK BEST PLACE TO top hunger im at the Olympia Cafe, Kha ' street. Lambarton. - M v OTHERS Reduce your doctor's bills by Keeping always . on band IflCSVAPORl jm mm: HURRY HURRY DON'T FORGET THAT THE LAST. DAY OF THIS MONTH IS THE LAST DAY ON WHICH YOU WILL BE ABLE TO GET 2 PER CENT. DISCOUNT ON YOUR TOWN TAXES. IRA B. TOWNSEND, Clerk and Treasurer. HURRY HURRY Don't Fail to See June Caprice & Creighton Hale IL my at the Pastime Theatre Friday, November 21. Prices 10 and 20 cents I You 11 be Glad You Saw This Show GOOD AUTO SPECIALTIES The Best Made. LFATHER-NU. For Automobile and Buggy Tops and All Leather Goods JOHNSON'S CARBON REMOVER JOHNSON'S AUTO WAX FINISH JOHNSON'S SQUEAK OIL Sendius an order for these items. There is a large and increased demand N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY. Wholesale Distributors 10 & 12 South Front St. Wilmington, N. C. Special Prices on Ladies Coats Miss Josephine Breece Lumberton, N. C. . Johin T. Biggs We have a wonderful line of Men's Union Suits. See us be fore purchasing. Also a nice line of Ladies Underwear, .s Our Fall and Winter line of Shoes have arrived for Men, Women and Children. You can save money by buy- Z ing from us. John T. Biggs Lumberton, N. C. Closed all day November 27th for THANKSGIVING L. H. CALDWELL 139

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