PAGE TEN SEEN AND HEARD (BY HAPPY JACK.) Camel are eold every where in scientifically aealed package of 30 cigarette or ten packagaa(3 00 cigarettes) in a glaaaine-paper-covered carton. We atrongly recom mend thia carton tor the home or office avpply or when you travel. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Winston-Salem, N. C CAMELS are in a class by themselves easfly "the most refreshing, the most likable cigarette you ever smoked. You tan prove that 1 Simply compare Camels puff-by-puff with any cigarette in the world at any price I Put quality, flavor and cigarette satis faction to the utmost test I Made to meet your taste, Camels never tire it, no matter how liberally you smoke them I The expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos makes Camels delightful so full bodied, yet so fascinatingly smooth and mellow-mild. Every time you light one you get new and keener enjoyment I Freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after taste or any unpleasant cigaretty odor makes Camels as unusual as they are enjoyable. . . ' In fact, Camels appeal to the most fastidious smoker in so many new ways you never will miss the absence of coupons, premiums or gifts. You'll prefer Camel Quality AS TO LOCATION OF PROPOSED BAPTIST HOSPITALS. $100,000 Has Boen Reserved as the Beginning of a Baptist Hospital Fund for North Carolina No Ac tion Has Been Taken as to Loca tion of Hospitals. Raleigh Nov. 2(5 The publication of news stories in several State news papers in reference to the possibility of the location of the proposed Baptist hospitals has been called to the at tention of the campaign officals here and several "requests have been re ceived for details of the plan for the location of the hospital or hospitals 4s the case may be. The recent session of the Baptist State convention did not consider the location problem and for the reason that the proposed hospital fund would 4- 1:1. i :iui Urt nf JiUU UKCiy UC JtVitlltlUlC UI1W1 C1IU Wl the five-years period. In the Baptist 75 Million campaign there is a pro Tiaion for the establishment of Baptist hospitals and $2,125,000 of the fund i set apart for this purpose. Nerth Carolina has reserved of its V HEALTH AND HYGIENE Conducted by-Dr. E. R. HARDIN County Health Officer. HOOKWORM DISEASE AND ITS PREVALENCE IN ROBESON CO Hookworm is one of the most com mon diseases in North Carolina, and the South- Hookworm is the Liight of certain sections of the south, where the so'l is favorable for the incuba tion of 'the hookworm, just as ma laria ic the blight of other seitions, where the conditions and climate are favorable for the development and growth of the mosquito. In this sec tion of North Carolina we have the ideal climate and soil for the devel opment of the parasite and perpetua tion of hookworm diseases. Hook worm is essentially a chronic d'sease. It does not manifest itself in a startling manner, as some of the acute diseases but gradually reduces the strength, vitality, and efficiency of the unsuspecting victim, and lenders share of the $75,000,000 fund, $100,, him an easy prey to many other more juin - ii i : : - c T -.i.:4-' - : i i n.n uvu iui uie uegiiuiiug oi u. xapiisbi serious ailments aim uiaeuses. jls hospital fund in this State. StateSe- victims are usually children and cretary Walter N. Johnson, the ( young people. It is estimated that director of the Baptist 75 Million about one fourth of our school chil campaign in North Carolina says, concerning the location of Baptist hospitals in this State: "In the Baptist 75 Million campaign $2,125,000 is set aside for hospitals 'SYRUP OF FIGS' IS LAXATIVE FOR CHILD Look at Tongue! Remove Pois ons From Stomach, Liver and Bowels. JVer hear a widower and a wido a courtih'? I happened-to hear the like one day recently. Not eve's dropping, either. They' were court ing right out and you could hear without any special effort at listen ing. The widow was tell'ng the wid ower how she was once married and lived with her husband four years. Then the widower . "uped" and told her that she would never be satis fied until he was again the wife of some good husband, leaving the im pression that he would make a good one. Then the widow had another say. She informed the widower, of how she would like to have somebody to love her and a home to look after. Oh, it was a sweet conversatkm, to be sure. They were just getting started, too, when I had to leave the scene of what will probably lead to a marriage, and that not long hence. You know how they say widows and widowers are about getting married. "How was it ,you charged my daughter $5 fr parasol and sold my neighbor's daughter one for $3?" a gentleman asked a storekeeper. The storekeeper explained that he, had no parasols that he had priced at $v and he knew that his daughter would not buy one that cost less. So he just "popped" the price up $2 and she bought it. It is true that there are those who Iook for high-priced goods, regardless of quality. .CalomrisTadangerousi 'driig, Jf IS tnercury quicksilver; and attacks jyouc bones. Take a dose of nasty calomel to ay' and you will feelyeak, sick and nau seated tomorrow, fion'i Jose ', day's frorkt Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead! Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum sets you crazy. Can't bear the touch of your clothing. Doan'g Ointment is fine for skin itching. All drug gists sell it, 60c a box. Ben's toy guarantee! &UK your druggist for a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone and take a spoonful to night. If it doesn't start your fiver and Btraighten yon right up better than calomel and without griping or making you sick I want you to go 9 SALE OP LANDS FOB PARTITION. By virtue of authority vested in me under a jugmen of the suierior douxt of Robeson dounty, entered before the rlerk m special proceeding therein pending, wherein John D. Carlyle wa plaintiff and Jack Crawford and others were defendants, I will, on Monday the 22nd day of December, 1919 at 12 noon at the court house door" of Robeson county at Lum berton, N. C, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following lands: In Saddletree township, beginning in Min nie Crawford's Eastern corner and runs North 68 1-2 West 4.1Z chains to a stake: then South 77 West about 17 chains to a stake in a small branch: then fbwn the branch about 4.6S chains to Minnie Crawd f ord's Western corner ; then v with her line North ,77 East about 17 chains to tk begin ning, containing seven acres, more or less and being same land conveyed by - Emma Crawford and others by S. A. Carlyle and others by deed dated December 11th. 1918. Dated ths November 18th, 1919. JAMES D. PROCTOR. Commissioner. Mclntyre, Lawrence A Proetqr,, Attorneys for Petitioners. 11 24 4 Mob. back to the store and get your mc-Se Take a spoonful of harmless, regck tabje Dodson's Liver Tone tonight and wake up feeling great. It's perfectly harmless, so give it to your ohildren any time. It can't salivate, so 1st them eat anything afterwards, COMPASS MT INTEREST BATB AMD Mrsna with then woo are n-uuilna iM same class cf loan. Amounts. $2,000.00 to SS0.OO0.O0: Robeson, Scotland and Hoka sounties. Bate of interest S 1-2 PES CENT. A. T. McLean. Lumbarton, N. C. Splendid Cough Medicine. "As I feel that every family should know what a splendid medicine Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is, I am only too pleased to relate my expe rience and only wish that I had known of its merits years ago," writes Mrs. Clay Fry. Ferguson Station, llo. "I give .it to my children when they show the slightest symptoms of be ing croupy, and when I have a cough or cold on the lungs a very few doses will' relieve me, and by taking it for a few days I soon get rid of the cold." For any pain, burn, scald or bruise, apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil the household remedy. Two sizes, 30c and 60c at all drug stores. ost Welcome Tire That Ever Came to Market Men Who Appreciate Superlative Values Prefer The Brunswick Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physis for the little st imach, liver anl bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for civU's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother! You muet say "California." dren and about one sixth of our adults in North Carolina are infected with hookworms. The reason for the dif ference is that children more than older people go barefooted in sum- irr the Southern States. North Car-liner, and it is by going barefooted olina reserves only $100,000 for this more than any other way that hook-j purpose. At the present time there' worm disease is contracted. The are no Baptist hospitals in North, sandy loamy soil has became infect Carolina. It may bethat the $100,003 od by the continuous deposits of in hospital fund will not be avilsHc mti'J fee ted feces and in it the hookworm the end of the five years period of the , eprjrs incubate until they reach the campaign. No action has been' taken, larval stage. They are of course scat-1 infrtpi fam;iv mav verv read- by the Baptist State conv nt on nor tered over wide acres . by surface) jly cxpose the entire school to infec any of its agencies as t0 location of. drainage. Children or other people tion. In general the prevalence of hospitals in North Carolina. It will : going barefooted, and coming in con-' hookworm disease may be taken as .be most likdythat this amount with ' tact with these larvae contract ground 1 one indication of the sanitary condi- privies are probably the most com mon source for the spread of hook worm disease. At such schools the boys are usually, required to retire Yo the woods in one direction from the school house, and the girls in an other. Bv such means one hook- v bequests and donations added to it itch or so called dew poison, which is will be divided between one hospital the beginning of the hookworm nfec in the western part of the State and i tion. another hosrjital in the pastern nnrtl Once these tinv erubs or hookworm. ... . , J ... , f- , , , inai luuii at ii ua a uiairci nui wuiliijt of the State to be located whereever, get into the skin, the blood takes of discussion, I am going to give some the largest local advantages and: them up and they find their way tofigurc.3 0ut of a total of 170 gpeci. coninounons are ottered lor hospitals, me intestines. Here, tney attach meng of fece. examined from the t'ons in any community. For the benefit of those that think hookworm disease a myth, and those that look at it as a matter not worthy con- that will serve our Baptist itituency and other people. "At a later time the bids for the location of these hospitals will be thrown open by formal action of the Baptist State convention." Cr On t M ttU: '! :;.rm LANDS t-iovjon, Scotland St Hoke Counties) J S2.000-00 to $50,000.01 .HTE YEARS 5 1-2 Interest a. i. McLean Loabertosw M. themselves to the wall of the intes tines, like their parents, and begin sucking "blood and developing into adult hookworms. County schools without sanitary In every great tire factory, the chief question is: "How much can we give for the money?" And the product depends on the policy adopted. Every man who has become ac quainted with Brunswick Tires knows that Brunswick standards are again evident. This famous con cernnoted tts a leader in -every line it entered since 1845-has once more proved that its policy is right A perfect tire is simply a matter of knowledge and standards and , skill. No secret nor patents pre? vent making an ideal tire'. But standards come first. For in tire .making there is vast room for skimping, for subtle economies, for hidden shortcomings. Makers with out the . highest standards don't build high-grade tires. The Brunswick organization of tire makers includes a brilliant staff of technical., experts. Not a man among them has spent less than ' 20 years in handling rubber. j Each is a master of his craft. ( And the new ideas they bring to j the attention of Brunswick direc tors receive sincere consideration. Every proved betterment is adopted unanimously. The Brunswick Tire is a combi- nation of acknowledged features: j plus Brunswick standards of manu facture. i The result is a super-tire, the like ( of which you have never known be- j fore. The kind of a tire you will gladly join in welcoming. Yet Brunswicks cost no more than like-type tires. Try ONE Brunswick, yje prom- j ise a surprise. And we. feel certain that you will want ALL Bruns- J wicks. ( Then good tires will have a new J meaning to you. 7 THE BRUNSWICK-QALKE-COLLENDER COMPANY Baltimore Headquarters: 10 Hopkins Place There9 s a Brunswick Tire for Every Car Cord Fabric Solid Truck V.3LTCU O FOR si a - V L i 7 x? VICKS VAPom HO U P Spasmodic croup is usually relieved with one application of I X And other f bowel dlsor- 1 ders Diarrhoea, $ Cholera Morbus, etc. 3 Be prepared to check anl 4 t. 1C1KTD OUCU -.UUUDieS Of & Creeping in the family medicine chest a bottle of Dr. ThacherV - Diarrhoea Mixture. . In use for half a century. 5 R At all drug stores; 35c 4 Monv Part v. n. O , inacner Mtmclne Co, 5 CJbattacocga, Tcnn U. S. children in 9 public schools of this county 114 were positive for hook worm, and three for round worms, you can figure the per-centage, lor yourself. In spite of their enormous rate of mfection, we still have many rural schools in this county without any privies at all much less a sani tary one, and some parents who ab- j solutely retuse to give i..t..r cniidren I treatment. In addition to these cas es found positive with the micro- . scope, many cijiluren nave been treated that had obvious clinical symptoms and h'story of hookworm disease- Another article on hookworm dis ease will follow this one. Look for it! U. S. S. PARROTT NAMED FOB NORTH CAROLINIAN For bale by The U, SI S. Parrott, named for the late , George Fountain Parrott of Kinston, was laun6hed at Philadephia .on Nov.. 25. The vessel is a destroyer of the latest type. Parrott was a lieuenant commander'in the navy and lost hig life when his . ship, the de stroyer bnaw, was sunk near theEng lish coast .during the War in a collision - ISIsESf LIT mstikm 1 mm ljksjsj jrm,.. ftsttfl I v Cord Trrea with "Driving nd wasUka" Skid-Not Treads Fabric Tires in "Plain,w "Ribbed and "BBC Skid-Not Treads - SoWTruck Tires in all sizes authorized by. the Society of Automotive Engineers ' Lumberton, N. C. Y0U8 PODYfUAilO--3C'f. JojPcpe Drug Company wnn xne ner Aquitania. , 1 1 1 T - ! Robeson Vulc. Co.

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