, V,': Till RORSSONlAIf. LUMBETTON. NOKTO CAfiOLOVA. MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1919. PAGE TBS3 ' NEWS AND COMMENT. : . BT AUNT SOPtflA. , Lamberton, Kr ? , Nov. 22. Ecv. L. E. Daiky filled his Tegular ap pointment at Salt swamp 1st Sunday ' and day before. He preached a fiouf ; . thrillinsr sermon cn Sunday from the text, "Also I heard -the voice of v the Lord saying, Whom ahall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, . Hera' am VJ send 'ine." Isaiah 6 :8 .- At the close of the sermon he called for all-who were willinjLto. dedicate , their lives 4o God and go to foreign fields or anywhere and do any thing ' that God called them to do to, give him their hands. Theriwere only - two that, responded to that proposi ' tion. th writer and Miss Lillian Odum. Nearly - all the church re- . sponded. to the next proposition, to do . all they , could as ho me missionaries, " ' We enjoyed hearing . Mr. Brown give an account of Jiig conversion at West .Lamberton 1st Sunday p. m.; " also was glad to have him with us at Raft Swamp to teach a. class" in Sun day school and heat, him testify to the saving powef of the , blood of Jesus on the second Sunday. Hope ', we can hear him again at White Pond 5th .Sunday. There is nothing that gives 'vis more pleasure tha swifts young people saved from sin and bold - soldiers of the cross. .-Quite a large crowd of relatives and .friends from far and near at tended the unveiling of Mr John . Culbreth's monument Sunday -p. m. The grave was . completely covered with lovely flowers. Rev. Dr. Bcaman oi ijumoerion aeuvered a line con-. soling address for the sad occasion. Words fail us to express our sympa . thy, when we looked at the aeed fa ther, mother and grand mother, Mrs. Persall, and the young sridow with , two small sons and' twin daughters and two ' sisters with the trace of sorrow, stamped upon their brows. Thank God for his conversion at the McLendon revival and the hope we have of meeting him again "where the sun never sets and the leaves' never fade, in the beautiful city c gold." Rev. Dr. Durham will be dt Raft Swamp at 4. o'clock next Sunday p. m., d. v., in the interest of the 75 million campaign. Just think 'of the calls for help the . destitute places and thousands of souls in heathen darkness without one ray of gospel light, and how we love our old Bibles and Saviour Jesu8 Christ. Suppose America would sacrifice chewing gum; coca-cola, pepsi-cola, etc., snuff and tobacco, cigars and cigarettes one year, wouldn't it be an easy matter to go "aver, the top" in one year to say nothing bf five, and have money left in the treasury? Hasn't the time t come for us to give up every sinful pleasure and every useless, filthy, ex pensive habit and do with our might whatever our hands f indeth to dol "For there is no work nor device nor knowledge nor wisdom in the grave whither thou goest." Are w doers of the word, and not hearers only? Are we clean from the filth of the flesh? Are we ready to meet Jesus when He comes as a thief ,in the night? "Be ye also ready' for in such an hour as ye think not the son of man cometh." What we do we must do quickly. "The day will soon be over, in which to work and win; many precious gems lie hidden beneath the dross of sin. Oh, let us dig and find them Gdd's power is - enough to polish into" beauty those diamonds in the rough." A ' Frank left Savannah, Ga., the 7th of this month" for England, "in the - best of health." He expected to ar-i rive in Liverpool in two weeks. Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Mclntyre of Rowland spent Sunday night with us.--Mrs. Tom Britt spent Monday p. m. with us. Mr. onarpe ana two- children, Anna Courtney and J. A.. 2nd, and Mrs. Sharpe's mother, Mrs. Courtney, call ed Tuesday evening. Glad wehaven't heard of any more trouble in 'school since the principal, Mr. Britt, was indicted for whipping a mischievous boy who fought other children and would snatch the switch from a lady teacher and give her two licks with his fist before Jeaving the school room; but whence tackled Mr. fntt he found out that he was not the lady teacher. Before the sun beam leader arrived at church on Sunday p m. he fought another boy "u mey ieu and rolled over on th ground and Wan ,tnnnoJ K,. .-j. er. fW m , rxrv"'"' :i ,n"c..",uuw y remarked tliat "e coma not enjoy a sermon in cnurctl on account of thoao - FI Vk . itemember David lor Absalom and the judgment upon 3'. "uu Decause "His son wwkedand he restrained them Kead Proverbs, lft;18; 23:13-14 Jli.Jl S - house bffmnao "Wicked and be restrai'npH ',., public auction to the highest bidder for t j T7 o restrained them not."...iT . HividI ebrht-tenthi interest( being . r BeIi?- Stops food souring. nd. wondvf ti iiVkZ .T? '. Ten. of tboo- lyeoatoaeent' Bwioaajr. ToawiUaaeTT 1 Grantham ' Bros, Lamberton, Jf. O t ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. 1 Hartal this day qualified as alaitoratrfac " VBUK. V.IKI.I BIIW . UU of Robeson eoanty, -this is testify all persons having claims against said estate t - present them to the ' undersisned. ' properly erified. on or before the lith day of No vember, 1820, or this notice, .will be plrad n . bar of their recovery. All person ineMMeAj to saw estate wiil pleaae make fanmediate pay ment. . .. , r , This the 10th day of Norember, -'lBH.' ' - t, J D. 7. WAXTEBS- " . - Administratrix. B. J. Britt. Attorney. 11 1 Mon. aaMnraMMaMasBaaMHaaa DnntTeeinmi r APnef t liuiLaJUiunniiVfuuu - RUSSELL S. BEAM M, D.v t.?.: Lamberton, N. C ' Practice limited to Eye, Ear, . Nose, and Throat. , Phone Nos.: Office 51; Res. 84. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5:30 p. m.; Sundays by ap-. . - pointment. W. B. IVEY Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office on Second Floor Cotton Mill Office Building, .Elm Street.,, Lumbertoa, N. C . ' B. MOJFITT & COMPANY Contractors , for -GAS, ELECTRICAL, OIL AND GASOLINE EQUIPMENT. A. R. Moffitt. Manaeer. FATETTEYILLE, - North Carolina HORACE MITCHELL BASER, M. D.' . . Lamberton, N.AC. ' Office In Cotton Mill Building Confined to Diseases of Women and Children. ' Office hoars: 9 to 10 a. m., 2 to 3:30 p. in. and by Appointment. Office phone No. 48. Residence phone No. 82. DR. H. T. POPE, M. D. Physician' and Surgeon. Special attention given treatment of skin cancer. LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Pope Drag Store. STEPHENS & BARNES Funeral Directors and Embalmers LUMBERTON, N. C, THOMAS CLARENCE JOHNSON M. D. Physician and Surgeon. -OFFICE OVER MCMILLAN'S v Rooms 4-6-6-7. . PHONES Office 47, Residence 175. t. a. mcneill Lawyer Land titles and law of executors and administrators special attention. Office, Fifth street, west of First National Bank. Practice in all courts. V Lumberton, N. C. Thomas L. Johnson E. M. Johnson JOHNSON & JOHNSON Attorneys and Counsellors at Law LUMBERTON, N. C. -Practice in State and federal Courts Netary Public in Office. Offices over First National Bank. A. W. McLean Dickson McLean L. R. Varser H. E. Stacy Mclean, varser, Mclean & STACY. ' - " Attorneys At Law. LUMBERTON, - North Carolina J. P. REGAN . DENTIST McNeill Building Next Door to Post Office. DR. GRAHAM McLEAN DENTIST Second Floor Jones Building FAIRMONT, N. C , , E. J. BRITT Attoreey-at-Law Offices over PopeDrug Company. Will practice in all courts. Prompt atten tion given to all business. Stephen Mclntyre R. C Lawrence James D. Proctor McINTYRE, LAWRENCE & PROCTOR, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law . LUMBERTON, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business. JUNIUS J. GOODM ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office on ground floor McLeod Bldg Opposite Robesonian Office. T. A. McNEILL, JR. . Lumber ton, North Carolina. Will practice in all courts. -Business attended to promptly. Rooms 3 and 4 McLeod building, cor ner Elm and 4th Streets. ait nv land UNDER MORTGAGE, b virtue of authority vested in me under . mortal, from Daniel A. Horn to dted February , 19th, 1910. i registered in booko mortgage. No. 19 at 1 mm . default having been made in. the r,.m.nt of the indebetedneai thereby serar- ed, I will, on Mbndy the 22nd day rf De i Annr ot Robeson county offer for tale cember. 1919. t 12 o'eloek noon at ine eoan all the interest owned by aniel A Horn) of in nd to the following landa: In Robeson eoanty. White House township, adjoining the lands of John Corry. Toot Kord, Levi Gaddy and the South Carolina State line, containing 28 S-4 acres, more or less, and being the same lands conveed to Daniel A Morn by J. T. Townsend by deed regis tered in book 5 "R" page 569. Time of sale: December 22, 1919 at 12 noon. Place of sales Court house, door. Lumber- ton, N. C. Term of unlet Ch: Dated November 17, 1919. - K. M. BARNES, " Adm'r. of K, U. Barnps. , Mclntyre, Lawrence Proctor, - . Attorneys forsAdministrator. 11 '24 A Mon Subscribe fos THE ROBESONIAty ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Having qalified as 'administratrix of tn j v.-jm Holmes, deceased; late of Us- . - founty. 'orth Carollnn. this is to no-J ttfy 01 prtw ns having sli rs agauiti ine eytete of the said deceased to exhbit them to widersgned at her home 14 8trff tomhig. Robeson county. N. C, or to l rrtt m. d.im hsv-.ttornevs. at Lumbrton. N. C. a w bef or. the 26th day of October. 1920. or this notice will be plead in bar of their reeovvy. - ' t " . " ', an nman Indabted to said Ute wfll iltea auk. fanmediate payment. - . ' Thaj October, SSUw 1919. ' , SUSAN 8ETXARS. . Adminktratrix of the estate of lUrgret Holmes, deceased. , rtrtt A Britt. k r . ' Attn, for Administratrix. It 19 t Tour ; Most of the goods in bur store are be ing 'solo! for less than the 1 factories would replace, the same. ORIGINAL AND GREATEST BARGAIN nee UMy Ten days ot price cutting, stock reducing, Ladies Ready-to-Wear . m m mm All prices cut. New creations almost daily arriv ing bought at Bargain prices by our New York buyer. We share our profit with you; ' Don't delay, buy now. lOO Coat Suits About 100 new coat suits coming in and on hand.. Very newest designs. Standard colors, bizes It to 51. Our ten days stock reducing sale will car ry them out. Get yburs 2000 pieces underwear, for Men Women and Children, heavy Fleeced and Ribbed. Ladies' finest fleeced and ribbed underwear, snow white bleached, all sizes $1.25. MIDDY SUITS New line goes m the Bar gain sale. Navy Serges, Emblem sleeves, sizes 6 years-up. Prices $4.50 to $18.50. SWEATERS Ladies' of the new ripple bell sleeve ef feets, in the wanted colors : of Tur quoise, pink, carnation, orange, cardinal, all ze phyr wool, $6 to $14.50. With, daily advances in almost every article of merchandise our Ten day Bargain Sale will bs ap-, predated. Car Load of Groceries! We retail at wholesale prices. 15.000 pounds lobacco. Don't go against good judgment You can buy your tobacco ot us cheaper than, the leaf gobds on the floor. In a very short while prices will be much higher. 600 BAlib Dotft put off until tomorrow; Someone else may get the bargain you might secure V v ea el a el tat a today. We do no fake advertising. We save you money or bade. The coming 10 days of Bargain giving will prove of those who grasp the 15001bs. To- ' bacco, fall ' gradea . LUMBERTON, 6 INCORPORATED sail Ml EaurMims a stock not surpassed ana wun iew equals in iiorxn Your opportunity is NOW. now. Underwear for boys two piece and union suits. Girls union suits, all siz es. Boys' heavy flat fleeced union suits, white, also jersey mixed $1.00 up. LADIES' DRESSES Silks and serges: Our racks .are burdened with Bargains. All prices re duced. SHIRT WAISTS We sell more waists than anv concern in Eastern Carolina. There's a rea sonstyle and value. Ten day Bargain Sale. DOP SKIRTS In 'Ywfreta and Satin, n?: rrd colors, $5.00 uv IVfeta and silk Jer- t 1' .CO. Satteens in solid and floral colors $3. IViiL-La il-?, opportunity. . 4. wiiitG llll n profit sharing, bargain giving sale front lOO Ladies Coats About a hundred coats of latest models and most worn fabrics at prices which spell sacrifice to us but money to you. All sites, all most worn colors. $12.00 up. ,C We are showing a very med siuVin Navy and black. Handsome as a fifty dollar value. Our price $20.00. Size 16 to 42. BARGAIN COUNTER Underwear for children. Heavy fleeced and rib bed, 25c piece. If it is a pair of fine or medium-grade pants, we have just received sever al hundred pairs. GIRL COATS Sizes 2 years up. They come in cloth, velvet and corduroy effects. ' Gar ments of worth. Ten Bar gain days $3.00 up. ; WHITE VOILE WAIST Also white lawns $1.25; Jap silks and Georgine $3.50 Creoe de chine light and dark colors. SKIRTS Beautiful plaids, entirely new, $5.00. Serges $5.00 up. Silks and Poplins, all at Bargain prices. anir Diuri k Cioigi Ine New line MenV Boys' and Chil dren's suits just re ceived. Several hundred pairs men's fine and me dium grade pants GIVERS caruuna. pretty Serge Fur Hanes' Heavy Bibbed Underwear for Men, $1.50. Men's Heavy fleeced underwear 9325 Several hundred Joyl, suits in sizes from 3 to 18 English and jconserwalive cut. Bargain prices. INFANT COATS They come in short-and long lengths. Cashmere with fancy silk embroid ery. Bedford cord and white Serge, $2J5fr$5Q SHIRT WAISTS Georgetts in light and dark colors. Round and V neck beaded and plain Eleganfline. $540 up. MILLINERY AND JUB- BONS Wonderful Bargains. Every hat must be sold Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's. Most attractive line of ribbon ever shown from lc to $lJ25peryd. Baby Cap Bargains. aM m ao noi a, yuu wonderful. worth to 600 Bags Ship Stuff and Hog Feed $3 a Bag: ' NORTH CAROLINA.

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