OMAN THE DATE ON THE LABEL IS THE DATE YOUR TAPER WILL BE STOPPED. WATCH LABEL 01V TOUR PAPER AND DONT LET SUB SCRIPTION EXPIRE, ESTABLISHED 1870. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. COUNTRY, GOD AND TRUTH- $2.00 A YEAR. DUE IN ADVANCE LUMBEETON. NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1919. VOLUME L. NUMBER 91 THE ROBES TOWNSHIP ROAD BONDS VALID SAYS SUPREME COURT Validity of Township Road Bonds of Robeson Established By Decision of Supreme Court. County Attorney E. J. Britt was advised by wire Saturday that the pourt naa susuwucu lower court in us " sale of road bonds in undifrom the air since Lieut. Fillmore ar f..j 7ni5n9 was legal ana , ,. .. ,i iot AfnaAiuii -g Mr- - valid. . .h These townships voted bonds in the sum of -$100,000 eacnaM T t -. j. I ' tv i nint i f a t i ,i i iil 1 Asheville. After the sale tne Ma lone company refused to pay for the bonds on the ground that their at torneys had advised thani that the election was not legal, giving as a reason that proper notice was not given of the elections in which the bonds were voted. The iounty com missioners brought suit against C. N. Malone & Co. and the case was heard in Robeson Superior court at the last term. Judge Thos. H. Calvert held that the elections were legal and valid. Attorneys for the purchas ers of the bonds appealed to the Su preme court and, as stated above, the Supreme court upheld the lower court. The same question had been rais ed in regard to the bonds voted by 16 other townships in the county, but this settles the question of all bonds voted, making them valid. The cpmmissioners were represent ed by County Attorney E. J. Britt and Mr. H. E. Stacy of the law firm of McLean, Varser, McLean & Stacy, while the defendants were represent ed by Messrs. C. N. Malone and G. A. Thomisson, attorneys of Asheville. AERIAL SHOW OVER LUM BERTON CHRISTMAS DAY Lieut. Fillmore Will Make Exhibition Flights and Will Do Many Daring and Thrilling Stun ta Fund to Pay For Exhibition Subscribed by Lum berton Business Men. Plans are being perfected for an aerial show over Lumberton Christ mas Day at 2 p. m. Lieut. W. H. Fillmore, who has been doing stunts over Lumberton in his large Curtiss 'plane almost every day for a week, will put on the show. Among the many uaiuig xcnmica ui cvn will be looping the loop, falling leaf, aerial jazz, engine spirals, tail spin, spinning nose dive, vertical side slip and Immelman turns. No doubt many people will come to Lumberton on Christmas Day to wit ness the performances of Lieut. Fill more and his 'plane. It is seldom one has the chance of seeing these stunts except in the larger cities. Lumberton businass men are sub- scribing to a fund to pay for exhibition. SGT. CASHWELL HOME ON FUR LOUGH FROM CAMP TAYLOR. He Sp?mt 2 Yeiars Overseas With the First Soldiers to Go Over and Last to Return. Sirt. F. L. Cashwell arrived Fr'day nitrhtr from Camp Taylor, Ky., on a 30-davs' furlough, fcgt. Cashwell is a nn of Rev an,l Mrs. R. N. Cashwell i nrkihawf-nn i 1 1 cnonr mATa rnan 2 years overseas and was gassed once i and slightly wounded by shell splinters while at the front. He was attached, to the 1st division and was among the first American soldiers to go overseas and among the last to return to the States. He expects to be dis charged from the army next April. A GREAT INVESTMENT. Send Christmas Gifts for Inmates o County Home to Miss Lizzie Cald well by Wednesday. Correspondence of The Robesonian. . Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell what he had and give to the poor and he should have treasures in ht.nvpn fMnrk 10:21). Heaven pays the best dividends of j anything I know of, so, my friends, i don't forget the poor inmates at tnei"e went 10 Duy muies tor Messrs county home. Send what you want to trive them to the home of Mis Liz:e Caldwell not later than Wednesday, the 24th. She will be glad to take it to them. L. C. yap, aicock, rirsi 10 riy ' Atlantic, is Dead. Rouen, France, dispatch, Dec. 19: Capt Sir John Aicock, the first avia tor to make a non-stop airplane flight across the Atlantic, died here this afternoon as a result of injuries he received when his plane crashed yes terday near Cottevrard,- Department of Seine-Inferieure, Normandy. Aicock, who was flying in a water plane, was following: the Seine at the time of the accident, intending to alight on the river opposite the Grand palace -for an aviation exhibi tion. - V . A a mr a . V1 A The old : Lumberton hotel build - Ing, .Chestnut ind Third treti,"-' being torn down. The building was owned by Mr. W. W. Carlyl- and wap recently gold to Dr. J. D. Regan. HAVE YOU BEEN UP? Quite a Number of Local People Have Viewed Lumberton From the Heights Yesterday Was a Record Day Robesonian Newspapers Drop p?d From Plane. ' , ' "TTave vou been up yet?" Have vou had that question put to you dur J . . - i a jr 1 1, .. . More than me tne last iew uajs ; twenty people have seen Lumberton I rived nere wun rus vuilio ii"uc Tuesday and many more say they jiu y will "ro up" this week Li wit. Fill - more will be here all this week andjjn his sole business is taking folks toip ride. ' . ThoJse who have tanen a trip throuirh the ' air, besides those men tioned in Thursday's Robesonia.i, are Messrs. G. Badger Mel.eo-J, J. 1!-;coc but could not deliver the ed Walters, J. W. Long, Noan Suggs, dregg on aCc0unt of a sore throat. E. M. Johnson, Lonnie Edwards, A.jTh PXl,rt.jSes were rost delightful, B. Fisher, O. L. Duncan, Alex Mc Duffie, J. B. Bruton, H. C. Reisels, Dr. W. W. Parker and Henry Holden, the last named colored all of Lum berton; Mr. and Mrs. Macy Peele, ad dress not learned; Messrs. R. C. and J. H. Miller and another gentleman from Rowland. Owing to the rain on Friday no flights were made. Yesterday was a record day for flights, nine people taking a trip during the day. As was stated in Thursday's Robesonian, the land'ng field is on the right fid.i of the Carthage road near the Jen nings cotton mill. Saturday afternoon Lieut. Fillmore dropped a number of Robesonian newspapers from his 'plane while fly ing over town and these will no doubt be kept as souvenirs by the finders. The papers were wrapped and, marked, "Dropped from airplane for finder." A large crowd gathered about the landing field yesterday to see the 'plane start and stop and many who bad not seen a 'plane bftfore have watched Lieut. Fillmore loop the loop : and do other daring stunts over Lum- The out-of-town teachers left Fri-Deitor- day and, Saturday for their respec- ALL LIFE TERMERS GET COM MUTATION TO 30 YEARS. Governor Bickett Issues Blanket Or der for All in State Prison "This World is Not the Place for Eternal Punishment", He Says. Governor Bickett Friday issued a blanket order commuting to 30 years each the sentences of all life-termers ! in the State prison. Thirty-five Saturday, ending a prolonged dis prisoned, including 2 women, arejeussion of the measure and making thus given hope of freedom. In-! the holiday recess of Congress pos- cluded in the batch of commutations are 7 men convicted of rape, one man of accessory before the fact to the crime of arson. 6 for burelary and 21 tbe-Hfbr murder. Twenty-three of the prisoners commuted are negroes and 12 of them are white Only one man serving from Robe Son county was included f,n the list Dave Monroe, colored, r.on-' victed' of rape in 1914. Columbus! county furnishes ode, Lem Hayes, colored, convicted of murder in lHl'l. "This world is no place for eternal iJumMi.nei.L uovernor cscKeu a vAp.aiiiins ins acuon. v,ien youj itnve a man tus me you nave noinnen f n-nlaco Mc i''Rt to take away his hope.-' uimci liik in ibui 1 1 u. uicx i k- 0,Hrs serving 30-year sentences mayivev's hands were badly burned in be .credited with a fourth of the ; trying to extinguish the flames I: time fr Sood behaviour. CARGO OF 249 ANARCHISTS bE PORTED ON ARMY TRANSPORT. New York dispatch, Dec. 21: The United States army transport Bu ford "Ark of the Soviet" sailed be fore dawn today with a cargo of an archists, communists and radicals banned from America for conspiring against the government. The ship's destination was hidden in sealed or ders, but the 249 passenjirs it car ried expect to be landed at some far northern port, giving access to so viet Russia. Mr. Frank A. McLeod returned last night from St. Louis, Mo., where C. M. Fuller & Son's sales scabies. Mrs. Kate T. Brown and daugh ters, Misses Loula and Kate and sons, Messrs. John and Fred, have moved from the place they sold re cently near Red Springs to the farm on the eastern edge of town recent ly purchased from Mr. J. A. Wooten. Miss Lou Smith of Antioch is a guest at the home of Mrs Brown. Maxton Scottish Chief: Mr. E E. Chandler has ordered an ice plant of 8 tons capacity and will have it installed near the Liberty roller flonr mill early in the new year. Mr, E. E. Page is undergoing treatment, at the Thompson' hospita for nervous indigestion. He and Mrs. Page have moved back to Lumberton from Fayettev'lle, R. 8, where they made' their home for some time, hav ing purchased recently, as has beef mentioned in The Robesonian, the J. T. Barker place. ' Messrs. W. H. McNeill and Kernes r Holmes, of R. 1, Pembroke, were Lumberton visitors Saturday. AYCOCK SCHOOL IMPROVE MENT DAY OBSERVED Exercises by Pupils of Graded School, Readings by Mrs. Baker and Miss Proctor and Address by Dr. Bea man Campaign for Books . For School Library Exhibit of Sav ing. "Aycock School Improvement Day"! was fittingly observed by the lum berton graded and high schools Fri-, day. The exercises opened at 10 a.j m. and consisted of songs by the pti-j mary and grammar grads readings by Mrs. H. M. Baker and Miss ui-, Proctor and a short aaaress pyi Rev. Dr. R. C. Bfaman, pastor oi Chestnut Street Methodist church. ! Mr. L. R. Varser had previously! accepted an invitation to an address on the life ot Chas. a. Ay howevor, rnd very appropriate tc the occasion. Friday marked the beginning of 3 drive for additional books for the school library. Around two dozen books were contributed Friday by pa trons of the school and $4 in money, to be used in purchasing books. The drive will be continued until the li brary has been supplied with books. The contributions of the pupils towards the Aycock Memorial amounted to around $10, and ether contributions are expected. A feature of the day was' an ex hibit of sewing done by the 25 mem bers of the domestic economy class. Numerous home-made garments were on exhibition that showed skill on the part of the makers. Miss Eilene Lewis is teacher of this department. Fixtures for the cooking branch of this department have arrived and the class will study cooking as well as sewing at the spring term. At the close of the exercises about noon school was dismissed for the holidays and will open for the spring term Monday, January 5th live nomes CUMMINS RAILROAD EILL PASSED BY SENATE Senate Passes Bill Paving Way for Return of Railroads to Private Ownership. The Cummins bills, paving the way for return of the railroads to pri- vate operation, passed the Senate sible. It went through without change in the anti-strike and other import ant provisions around which the Senate measure was drawn, and was sent to a conference for adjustment during the recess with the Esch bill, passed by the House November 17. JMnai enactment of the permanent I railroad reorganization legislation is' hoped for by leaders early next month .Mrs. Troy Ivey Seriously Burned. j Mrs. Troy Ivey of East Lumber ton was seriously burned Saturd ay a p. V;hen her clothing caught ' from Iey was L.ct;njirijf oeiore tne fire bathing a hi ii n.iAn u i . - r is thought Mrs. Ivey will recover. Mr. Jordan Phillips. Mr. Jordan Phillips, aged about 74 years, died Thursday night at his home about 3 miles east of LumbertonJ Deceased had been ill for several months. He is survived by his widow. Interment was made in the Davis cemetery Friday at 4 p. m. Mr. Mack Fisher, forerly of Lum berton, arrived yesterday from Bax ley, Ga., where he has lived for the nast two years, and will spend the holidays here with his grandmother, Mrs. L. R. Breeee, and at Pembroke with his uncle Mr. A. M. Breece. He will g0 to Pembroke this evening and return to Lumberton Christmas Day. Mack was for several years .me of the best carrier boys The Robeson ian ever had and is always a welcome visitor at The Robesonian office. Mr. J. S. Currie of R. 7, Lumber ton, is among the visitors invtown today. Miss Ethel Powers of R. 1, Lnmber ton, is among the shoppers in town today. . Miss Sue Hunter of Cameron ar rived yesterday and will be the guest f Miss March Raybon for several days. Messrs. J. L. Barchett and J. F. pittman of R. 3. Fairmont, are Lum berton visitors today. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ev McNeill of R. t, Lumberton, are among the shop pers in town today. , Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Bond and son, Master' Allen, of Rowland, boarded he train here yesterday for Wil mington, where they will spend Tiristmas w'th Mr. and Mrs. Eugene lond, son and daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs Bond. . LUMBERTON RED CROSS J CHRISTMAS AT CHURCHES. CHAPTER REORGANIZED " Orphanage Tree at Chentnut Street Mr. J. P. Russdl Elected Chairman, Methodit Xhjj, Evening and East Roll Call Will be Put on After j Lumberton Tuesday Evening. Christmas Work of Red Cross in! A gtatcd jn Thursday's Robeson Peace Times. i jan there will be an orphanage At a meeting held in the high Christmas tree at Chestnut Street school audptonium FTiday cVenifig Methodist church this evening at 7:30 immediately following the entertain- an(J or)(1 at KaBt Lumberton Metho ment by the school children the.dist churcn Tuesday evening at 7:30. Lumberton Red Cross chapter was A)j the pr,.sent9 will be sent to tne reorganized with Mr. J. P. Russell, Methodist orphanage at Raleigh, chairman, Mrs. R. E. Lewis, vice yhpr will bo no services at Cheit chairman, and Mr. il. M. McAllister,' rt s,r(,(.t Christmas .y. tre.-isurer. 1 ! rovullir niW-w rk prayrrmcct- The meeting was held at '.he request ' -xnx v.iH ,,, Christ mas Ev. Th Of Mr. II. E. Sisson, assistant field ptor, Dr. P.eaman, preached a director of North Carolina, represent- Christmas sermon last evening, his invr Southern headquarters at Atlanta, text being, "They presented Him who, as stated in Thursday's Robeson- pjft9 . f)f gold, frankincense and ian.'came to Lumberton last week in myrrh." There was delightful Christ the interest of the Red Cross roll call., pias music by the choir yesterday It is expected that the roll call cam-, morning, when the service was cut paign will be put on soon after the ,.ut short on account of the uncom holidays. 'fortable condition of the church, and Rev. Dr. C. H. Durham, pastor of, again last evening, when Miss Lula the First Baptist church, wh0 was! Normcnt rendered a solo. j requested to ask those who wore in-; terested to remain for the meeting,1 Protibyterian Tuesday Evening, was elected temporary chairman. Mr. j There will be a Christmas tree and Sissons explained something of the ; Christmas exercises at the Prc-sby-j work and purposes of the Red Cross i tprian cnurch tomorrow (Tuesday) j during peace times and told briefly j" evening. The regular mid-week j of" the war work of this organization.) prayermeeting will be held Wednes-i As long as people -are killed and; Aov PVPT,int, and there will be no ?er- there is suffering, . he said, the Red'viceg at tni3 church on Christmas Cress will have work to do. The; i u: r j I.. 1 1 1 membership fee is only $1, half of which is retained for use of the local chapter. St. Pauls reports a membership of 350, Maxton, 356, and Rowland promises a membership of 400, Mr. Sisson said, so that Lumberton, which should have the largest membership in the county, must go to work in earnest. Lumberton had during the war an active organization which did splen did work, but not much interest has been manifested in recent months. It was left for the officers elected to complete the organization and make plans for the roll call. MARRIED AFTpR DIFFICULTIES Groom Got Stuck in Mud and Was ! RrMa wn f,.- p,na,0 nA . 0. . . ... . ,.r . Au Got Stuck in Mud and Went .,., ,.. BacTt Another Way, So Groom Miss- ed Her When Ha Followed All's ' Well That Ends WelL Correspondence of The Robesonian. Lumberton, R. 6, De,;. 20. There was a quiet home wedding in Orrum monuayiainw.e..umeui jui... Spivey when ner daughr, jmina urace, ueiame nip ui Th? groom got stuck in mud art? arrived late to find the bride and her brother, ,Clyde, and sister-in-law, Mrs. Marcus Spivey, gone to town after the necessary papers and they, 4. i ..... j (ru :'tZ. matter, but they dsc'Jcd to return an other way to shun and they i misled each other. Ju?t think of the anxiety that fol io ed. ! Mrs. Mr E. Pae and a car load of eHildi'n of White Pond left, and j t i..., . . A . j . leave when the anxious groom arriv- -i aA un-u u u i ed and both hearts soon beat as one. The ceremony was performed bv' the bride's uncle. Rev. N J. Page. ! TUo. : (. i i ine groom is an automobile m?-han-' if nnrl tha Kri4o n nnenann on1 enn lacan hnl .rq.fil 4- popular young ladies. ...... ..v- i . v. UllC Ui Vl I LI'll n "AUNT SOPHIA." LUMBERTON BASKET BALL TEAM OUTCLASSED BY WILMINGTON Reported for The Robesonian. The Lumberton basketball team lost to the Wilmington team here Friday evening by a score of 53 to nothing., The game was played in the Big Ean-! ner tobacco warehouse on account of j the rain and was played Friday night; instead of Friday afternoon, a3 had been planned. This is Lumherton's first year in basketball ar.d the local team wa3 no match for the Wilmington goal tos sers. The Lumberton feam expects to go to Wilmington for a game at an early date. The Wilmington team was accom panied to Lumberton by Prof. P. W. Picklesimer, teacher of phy lies in the Wilmington schools. Regulations Restricting Deliveries of Coal Suspended. Regulations limiting deliveries of coal by retail yards to one ton per household have been suspended, the Regional Coal Committee at Atlanta announced Friday night. Continued increase in coal produc tion has resulted in such an improv ed situation, the committee stated, that now there is no limit upon de liveries o household consumers. -Mr. H. L, .Newbold, '(formerly cashier of the National Back of Lum berton,' has been made vice president oi the Bank of Commerce of High Point, to which place he will go Jan uary 1st from Raleigh, where he has been assistant cashier of the Mer chants' National, The High Point position is a promotion. i vay Cos Del Tabernacle Christmas Night. j The congregation of tho Gjpel Tab ernacle will have Christina? exercises and a Christmas tree Christmas night, beginning at 7:30. East Lumberton BaptUt Christmas' Night. There will be a Chriatmaa tree at East Lumberton church Christmas night. Victory Pageant at First Baptist Christmas Night. A victory pageant will b pre sented at the First Baptist church Christmas night, beginning at 7:30. The pageant will be pre sented by young ladies of the Bap tist congregation and promises to be highly entertaining. There wid not be any services at this cnurch on . ' , A . .,1 m;i Christmas day and the usual mid- w6ek prayer-meeting will not be held this week. First Baptist. Rev. Dr. Chas. H. Durham, pastor of the First Baptist church, preached a Christmas sermon last evening, H, gubject ReC0;rnitbn of Q.f or Gold Frunkinconse . l tl i. ., A music appropriate to the occasion. Dr. E. R. Hardin, couny health officer, and Mrs. Hardin will leave tomorrow for Augusta, Ga., where they will spend ten days with Dr. mc Hardin's mother, Mrs. A. S. Hardin Dr. Hardin's office will be open each day while he is away except Christ mas. Madam Rumor has it that there will be a few marriages in Lumber- lun Mr t v P ,,T" , i 5 left Saturday for ton during the holidays. emmon3 and fam'ly 1 r .. a . ' : 1 1 i 1 thy will make their home. Mr. n .u i P emmons will engage in the real es- . . , . -,i n ate business in Ashevjlle. He recent sol(l hls farm Jr Lumberton. Mr. Plemmons and family made many - , , . . friends during their 7 years stay in j Robeson who regret their decis'on to return to the mountains. Mr. Plem mons conducted a dairy while here. Vernie May Bullard and Luther Barton, Indians, were married in the office of Register of Deeds M. W. Floyd Saturday about 11 of the clock. Justice H. M. McAllister officiated. Messrs. 'Charlie Smith of Hen derson and Sam Watkins of Oxford proprietors of the Farmers tobacco sales warehouse in Lumberton, spent the week-end here. Messrs. smith and Watkins will operate the Farm- ers warehouse again next season Mr. W. C. Hardin and family moved last week from R. 2, Fairmont, to Mr. W. H. Prevatte's farm, near Center church. Mr. Benjamin Sealey and famijy moved last week from R. 1, Barnes- ville, to Mr. A. E. Spivey's farm on R. 3, from Lumberton. Mr. John Collins had his right arm broken Thursday night when a Ford "kicked" him. Mrs. Swain Britt, who underwent an operation at the Thompson hospi tal 2 weeks ago, was able to return to her home on R. 1 from Orrum Sat urday. Lieut. M. Lee Correll of Camp Taylor, Lou'svDle, Ky, spent the week-end here with friends. Lieut. Correll formerly lived here and lias many friends in and around Lum berton. Miss Vivian Townsend, organist at Chestnut Street Methodist church, was the recipient yesterday of $25 in gold from the board, of stewards of the church as a token of apprecia tion for her faithful . services. The gift was presented at the ' mom'ng service by the pastor, Rev. Dr. R. C. Beaman, who complimented Miss Townsend highly upon her devotion and efficiency. NEXT CALL WEDNESDAY. The nert issue of The Robesonian will be published Wednesday after noon, instead of the regular timef which falls on Christmas Day. Ad vertisers will please take notice and get in their copy on time. The pres ent intention is to skip an isue next Monday, though if conditions make it necessary to get out two issues next week a paper will be published Tues day or Wednesday. BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEW Mr. W. H. M. Brown of Bhie will speak at Wirt- Pond church Hun day, December 28 .n, at 11 a. m. Dr. J. A. Martin had his tonsils removed Thursday afternoon. The operation was performed by Dr. R. S. Beam. The four banks of Lumberton will b' closed two days for Chnst mas Thursday and Friday, Decem ber 2r and till. Mr. Dock Campbell of R. 4, Lum berton, recently killed two fine pork ers, one weighing 676 pounds and the other 4M pounds, dressed. The four cotton mills of Lum berton will close down Wednesday at noon for Christmas pr.d will reauraa operation on Monday of next week. If you do not pay yorr 1919 State and county taxes before Janu ary 1st, it means that you will have to pay 1 per cent extra. January 1 is drawing near. Mr. Maston Britt and family re cently moved from Columbus county to a farm which Mr. Britt bought on R. 2 from Lumberton. He sold his farm in Columbus. Biblican Recorder: Fairmont was asked to raise about $20,000 in the 75 Million campaign. More than $26, 000 has been subscribed. The W. M. S. raised something over $UjMO Mr. Leslie Biggs arrived hoaw yesterday, having been given an hon orable dscharge from the U. S. amy. Mr. Biggs had been in Cuba fer some time before receiving his dia- chtrge. Dillon Herald: Mr. Sam BlackweU, for many years connected with the Palmetto Hardware Company, has sold , his interest in the business and will leave the first of the year for Maxton. I N. C.f where he will open a hardware store. License has been issued for the marriage of Jetter D. Hardin and Bessie Owens; Jerry R. Townsend and Belle Lewis; Thos. G. Balfour and Essie Shaw; Bascom B. Smith and Chat Bass; Obie Ivey and Lillie Barnes; Avery M. Powers and Fan nie G. Britt. Mr. W. C. Prevatt and sons, Messrs. Luther and Alfred, of R. 6, Lumberton, were among the visitors in town Saturday. Mrs. W. C. Pre vatt has been suffering from a bad ly swollen right arm for several days, from what cause is not defi nitely known. j Messrs. R. D. Caldwell & Son j are having their department store fit- ted with latest and most-improved electric lights. When the lights have been put in this will be one of the best-lighted buildings in eastern North Carolina. The lights are be irg installed by the Robeson Electric Co. j Mr. and Mrs. C. A. D. Eakes re turned Thursday night from Aberdeen, where Mr. Eakes wa3 engaged in managing a tobacco sales warehouse during the season which closed last week. Mr. and Mrs. Eakes will go in a short time to Maysville, Ky., where Mr. Eakes will manage a tobacco- j sales warehouse. He expects to return to Lumberton in time to look after growing a tobacco crop, however. Henry Norris, colored, had a close call late Friday afternoon when he was run down by a Ford truck while riding a bicycle on Elm street. Both I Norris and his bicycle were carried some twenty feet by the truck before it was stopped and Norris' right leg was badly bruised. It was not learn ed who was driving the trur-k. The j ace'dent happened where Fourth j street intersects Elm. The bicycle j was slightly damaged. I Mr. A. H. Pittman of East Lum j berton arrfved home Friday rrfght i from Petersburg, Va., where he went to be with his brother, Mr. C. R. Pittman of Flint, Mich., who was en route home for the holidays but suf fered a severe attack of appendicitis when reaching Petfrsbur and au operation became necessary. Hi mother, Mrs. S. E. Pittman, and brother, Mr. J. W. Pittman, left Fri day night for Petersburg to be with him. The Robeson Electric Company, of whirh Messrs. Ira B. Townsend and B. M Graham are proprietors, has purclased the stock and fixtures of tha Lumberton Electric Co. The Robe.on Electric ompany will use th-3 same building formerly occupied by the Lumberton Electricc company on Chestnut strat ani will cry full line of electoral supplies. . Mr. Jar Wilson, m jxpnenced electri cian, has been employed by the Robe son Electric Co. .. DR. WILLIAM W. PARSER EYE SPECIALIST Office: National Bank of Lumbertost Building.