' PAGE FIVE HEALTH AND HYGIENE w s-r tti "tr'r Tni m f k VTT ( V- PERSONALS 31 -eh ii - n w m m aj w is m THE E0BES0N1AN, LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA. MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1920- i Office 107 West Fourth Street "s ;" Telephone New ZtV? MONDAY. JANUARY 12. m BUSINESS BUILDERS HIGHEST MARKET rUCUTi cotton an4 cotton. - -.S- find two-horse1 ,? - . m -, -",, ,.4..' . , mule weight .boat .SW-WALTI rfrSth i January. Aw ROE SALE-WT Sn:.MOEE,WjTHM 1 fine -.we; developed W"wP7t "l-tT.. back and get your money.-, v,," -r-! LimlHrtm. M. 6. V v:-. - .: , 1 .Ain.m "HEAVY STRAYED I mulb"--"- .ftirnooiu--built bin mule. Left Frllsy "?2r Finder please notify Pink ww. ( HOB, IK SPECIAL FCK8 ON NCW AND 8EC0ND- 1 ........ onici MAN TO W"P. Sor Mr.. Julia Dean. rOB SALE-1 POLAND CHIN A SO W. ALSO . wrft jg YVaio, tjaniift , - POUND I IRON GREY MULE; BJ right eye no ,r Vn ret Own, to my home Friday. Owner jan g wEr by eanto for same and nvtof thi adv. "D. O. Moor. Lumperon, mllto outbwert rrom ww WANTED, J HOBSE FARMER. BWf3- rood dwturai n """ ., Boat ell. Mnnoerwm, 11 MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED BEAL ortate to Robon county. vyieavE. J. Britt, WANTBO-GOOD TWO OH THREE 0f an cropper. . , n. Apply J- p. Lewia, Bt. r. 8LIGHTLT USED FOBMON TRACTOR FOR Ulm. In No. 1 eonditkm- Apphr to VB. IjmwIm ton. N. C. ' .' TOE SALE: FOUR TOUNO WELL-BROKEN a.riul.. Apply to H. JSawy.r, Lum- txrton. n. u. Dcrwn, i. v. . FOB SALE OK new," . farm II mlka from lmWton in Blad ' ooWty. a 1-S mil- from RIchardo. WW WANTEDS TO BUY A LIMITED AMOUNT " . . . S -j v. . .nmmnB and Dr- " .hare that' you na ana Pr,c". I.E. M. McConnew, aox,.uj ""n - NOTICE I MT MARKET WILL BE CLOSED ! nntU January 16. WU1 opn nr w. "data. S. S. McNtOL --- STRATXDl RED HOUND DOG, WHITE "T TT i A ii In ma car and 7 . j . nuanahU reward Knot va tjnw mm. t t .nni.ion Uariinir to recovery. Willie rnmen, Buit. N. C. B 1. mm " m a i.Twn af-ncT BRICK STORE koOdin( to beat block t Hve town. Eti l per eent on IBYeatmeni. io wora Sacrifice $7.0v. "Opportunity" care Robe- FOR SALE I M-G AIXO N BOWSER GAS. O- . . r i a ... ntha rM UufctL UI aell for $2M. Apply to . BulVxsk Brethen, Lumberton. WANTED LIVE GIRLS FOB TELEPHONE operator. None nder-l yeara old need apply. Apply to Chief Operator. Southern " Bell Telepbone office. Lam barton. STRAYED CHRISTMAS NIGHT l BLACK horae male , Reward for information lead ing to recovery.. Joe Blackmon, Lumber ton, B. 4. ;:. FOB SALE 1 BUSINESS LOTS ON CHIP . pewa etreet. See or write W, B. Bazley, Lumberton, B. 6. FB SALE ONE NICE MULE AT A BAB - vain. Weia-ha 1,000 pound. 1. C. Lawia, Be,y. C.!jfy ., . AM MAZING LOANS FOB FIVE TEARS on improved farm land in Rob on. Beo mnd and Hoke eojnttae, in amounti . too. to tM.000.0. bearing tetareat tt .fer rate of LS per eent Gall en ea write A T McLean. Lambert. NO FOB SALE! OLIVER s TYPEWRITER IN ; Good oonditmm.. $so for quick -ale. Apply Robceenian. , DON'T FORGET fHE BEST PLACE TO atop hunger ia at the Oiympia Cafe, Elm atraet. Lnmbertan. - JUST ARRIVED SHIPMENT OF PARLOl Sulta from $SS up. alao lot of iron been mattremm and apringa. D. a Beet A Son NOTICE WE FAT HUHEST CASH prieee for an kind, of fun. Preratt Broa "at National Cotton Mill. ears, alao bodie. We buy or emhange atandard makaa. Payne Ante Work, , t .East Ctk , St, - Charlotte, N. O. INTERMIT pBATat. AND I Other, wb rf "handling th ; nrf mai aame -alaa. f loan. Amoonta, z.eee e ' to St.. i Robwon. 6fJ ' and Hk Uoeentiea. Bat iBWat I 14 U ' -i rwr A f matiean. .unmirwja a. - m WE ABB AUTHORIZED AGENTS .FOB Beefer1 More-Erg Tonic Sen! ua one dollar ( and w win mafl you a package. Six dollar 1 paebagea for 14.0. , Sladenboro Drag Co. in ABB NOW MAKING LOANS ON IM . arered farm land, for i, t, 1 or M yeara. On loaas af IS, ee aoro for year ne . rotmtion rtargm are S rreentj T year Cbiekamaoga Tnat Company, Junhm J. Goodwin Attorney, Lnmberton, N. C MONET TO LENT ON IMPROVED LAND ,ln Bobmoa eonnty on lone ttrno. Rate, aa .good aa amy can gtra. Stephen Meln- PLUMB IN G REPAIR WORK AND PLUMB- a .ta -t a- ulilma vtbantm ' SUES BUS KlawUBf EVIAB a- and Delee cyetema, etc. Work aoUeited any wber in the eonnty. Prompt attention. ; Efficient aenriee. Offioel Cor. Cheatnol t uu wva db. 1 rmn - " - LuaibetUm. M C . - - Mrs. J.' G Maxwell and two small daughters. 'Marearel and Wilms, re turned yesterday to their home in Wilmington after spending some time hers visiting relatives. . , . ' Mr. A. W. McLean, actmg director of the U; S. War Finance board, ar rived yesterday morning from Wash iagtoncand wiU .spend snteral daj hero on ttri3s ; spent the week-end at Hamlet. Mr. C C. Rogrer spent Friday in Wilmington on bosiness. - Mr. J. N. Clark of Shannon was a Lumberton visitor Friday. . ; , Mr. J. S. Scott of the Raynham sec tion is a Lumberton visitor today. Mr. H.. F. Baxley of R. 2, Fairmont, was a Lumberton visitor Saturday- Miss Bertha Good en spent the week end at Clarkton visiting relatives. Mr. C R. McLeod of St. Pauls', fi ll, was a Lumberton visitor- this morning. .Mr. H. W.,Ivey of R. 3, Lumber- ton, was among the visitors in town Saturday. v Mr.J.- L- Britt of R. 1. Lumber ton., was among the visitors in town Saturday- MrFR.'Horne of R. 1, Fairmont. was. among: the callers at The Robe-, nonian. offka Saturday.1 - Mr. E. L. Holloway lefaffeevening for 'Atlanta,' Ga where he' will spend i few days on business. Mr. Robert Pate of R- 7, Lumber- ton,' was among the callers at The Robesonian office S&turlay. Mr. John Legget of the Center sec tipn was among the callers at The Robesonian office Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCormick of Pembroke were among the. shoppers in town Thursday afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs- Joe Mercer and 5 chil dren of R. 5, Lumberton, were among the shoppers in town Friday. Messrs. W. V.. James and Raymond Branch of R. 1, Fairmont, were among the visitors in town Saturday. .Mr. J. W. Gaddy and daughter, Miss Bessie Gaddy, of R. 1, Fairmont, were: among the shoppers in town Saturday. : Mr. S. W. West and daughter. Miss Alice, and two sons, Albert and Wright, of R. 6, Lumberton, were in town . Friday. .Mrs. D;N. Wilkerson of. Washing ton, D: C, is a guest at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr- and M. B. Robbins. ' Miss Bettie Arnette went Satur day evening 'to Rockingham, where she will spend a week visiting rela tives and friends. Mrs. M. A. Odum and small daugh ter, Marcella, went today to Wilmlng ton, where they will spend a week; visiting relatives. 3 - Miss Lucile Johnson returned Fri day to her home at Elizabethtown af ter spending some time here visit ing Miss Maggie Melvin. Misses Rettie Stone and Mittie Lawson,, teachers of the White Pond school, near Fairmont, were among the shoppers in town Saturday. Mrs. A. W. Ollendorff of Oakdale, Cal., is a guest at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Fisher, North Elm street Mrs. J. M. Russell of Atlanta is a guest at the home of her father, ex- juage i. a. mcNeill. She arrived Saturday evening from Raleigh, where she visited at the home of Judcre Walter Clark. 8 MARKET REPORT. Middling, cotton is selling on the local market today, for 37 1-2 cents the noundr Strict middling 38 1-4 cents. . Eggs 65c. Hams 40c. Shoulders 25c. Sides 28c Pork 20c. X REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TRR f ABHER8, SAVINGS BANK At Lumberton.' in the State of ortn Caro lina, at the cloa of buafnma. uee. oi, Loan, and diaeounta ....I 4S,5J4.4t Own4Mfts. - nnaeeiired .... I.vv Furniture and fixture. 2,426.90 Caah in vault and net amount due m Rank.. Ranker, anl IrUBt Comnanie 15,517.82 Caah ttems held over 24 hour ex- Miui : i.wz.iw Cheek for clearing, expense .... .1,481.74 Total 68. 165.76 I.T ABILITIES : CnH.1 dk .U in S 17,800.00 Notaa and Bill. Beliaeounted .... 10,000.00 Rill. nav.hU 10,000.00 Denoalta auUect to check 27,718.64 Time certificate of depo.it 1.260.00 Saving deposit ,'8!1!? Caahier'a cheek eumtandng 175J4 tWI 868. 165.76 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA County of , Robeson. ' L B. R. Covington, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly awear that the above statement 1 true to the beet of my knowledge and belief. B H. COVINGTON. " T. Cashier. Cornet Attest v ' J. H. POWERS, ". M RBJTT. Diraeton 8uberibtd and sworn to before mo this 10th day of January, 1920. E M. BRTTT, RacoHer of Lnmberton District CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. State of North Carolina, Department of Stat. To All to Whom These Present May Come - Creetngi Where H appear, to my satisfaction, by dujy authenticated record of the proceeding for the voluntary dksolution thereof by the unanimous ' consent of all the - stockholder., deposited in my office that the Cape Fear Cotton MUto, Company, Ine a corporation of thai State whose principal office sit uated in the town of St. Pauls. County of Robeson. State of North Carolina (J. M. But ler being the agent therein and fa charge thereof, upon whom pratim may bo served) ha complied with the requirement of chap ter tl Bevisal of 1906 entitled 'Corporation' preliminary to the Issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution. Now therefore," I, J. Bryan 'Grime, secre tary of state of the State of North -Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did. on the list day of December. 1919. file in my. office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the atoeholden thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceeding aforesaid an now on file in my said offiee as provided by law. - In Testimony Whereof. I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh tiii Slst day of December. A. D. 1919. . J. BRYAN GRIME& . (Official Seal) ; 'Secretary of State. . Mcrntyre, . Lawrenea J, Proctor,, " Attys. for tha Corporation. 114 Thar. Subscribe ... . , . for: The Robesonian, Mr. R. -H Covington Conducted by Dr. E. R. HARDIN County Health Officer. ;h ADENOIDS. ' -. ,4' Nature intends that we should breathe through the nose, and has so arranged matters that the air is strained, warmed, and moistened as it passes through the nose. -This is very important. -Unfortunately about 10 pe' ent ' n children- have adenoids, which interfere with free breathing through the nose. , so ; many serious results i follow this con-; dition that parents should learn about adenoids and their treatment. , What Are AdenoidsT Inasmuch as adenoids are tucked away up behind the palate, you can not see them. Nature has' provided a kind of moist cushion at this place, which helps to filter impurities out of the air. This cushion is formed 01 what the doctors call "adenoid tissue . and is similar to that which makes up the tonsils; when .this adenoid tissue grows abnormally large it forms what are known as "adenoids. From the position of these adenoids just where the nose opens into the throat, t will readUy be seen-how naciiv thsv interfere with proper nasal hreathintr. I What Adenoids Do. nA n thft first results of .the growth of adenoids is mouth breath-. . . . i J.tAns f ing. When tnis conaiwon ueFi tiie'air breathed in. reaches the throat and lungs in an rmpuniiea cowuwvu. Moreover it is not sufficiently warm ed or moistened. In a short time, therefore, such children begin to suf fer from rejected colds, and Bhow the Signs of a beginning-of nasal catarrh, unless proper treatment is now un dertaken the condition soon . , gets worse, and the children nasal breath ing becomes more and more obstruc tive. Children who suffer from ide- noids are usually pale, often narrow chested and altogether are not as stronar and rebust as are normal chil dren. But this is by no means all the harm done by adenoids. They af fect the voice, disfigure the facial expression, interfere with the hear ing, give rise to night terrors, open the 'way for serious invasions by dis ease germs and through the develop ment of chronic nasal catarrh, may lead to loss of the sense of smell. I he alteration of the facial expression is often so great the child looks stupid and sometimes even imbecile. One of the chief disfigurements caused - by adenoids is that of the jaws and teeth- The upper teeth protrude, the roof of the mouth is narrow and high ly arched, and the jaws do not come together as they do in norms! per sons; usually, too, the teeth of the upper jaw are irregular and crowd ed. This imbecile of the teenay lead, in time to other serious icondi tions, among -them the chronic dis ease known as pyarrhea, various forms of root infection,- and chronic indigestion. How to Recognize the Condition. 'i The presence of adenoids should be suspected if the child habitually sleeps with open mouth, snores a great deal, or has frequent strangling coughing spells Sleeping with open mouth is one of the first signs, and, should, therefore, lead, at once to careful ex amination by a physician. . Sometimes difficulty , in hearing ia on oftho early symptoms. Therefore itBold q cases of ear trouble an examination What to Do. . Whenever adenoids are large enough to give rise to any of the symptoms already described, they should be re moved. This is especially the case in children' under 10 years of age, for it is probable that the condition will grow worse. The operation is a sim ple one and Hot dangerous. It should be performed under anesthesia. Re lief is immediate and the health and strength of the chid usually improves rapidly aiterwards. It is wrong to delay having the operation done, for the presence of adenoids not onlv en dangers the child's health, but a few month s delay may cause considerable malformatqon of Ipe jaws, palate, nose, and face. Do not delay the operation, for . the child's sake. If you do when be grows up, he will put the responsibility for his aeiorma tion on you, and will be fully justi fied in doing so. SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS, n. vtrtn of authority vested in the un deraisned under a Judgment of the lupcrior court of Robeson County entered before the elerk in a special proceeding therein pending han A. K MeLelan and others wen plaintiff! and Fodie McCormick and other wen defendant, I will, on Monday the tth day of February, 1920, at w o etoe noon t the eourt hooM door in Lumberton, N. C, offer for sale at public auction to the highest . . . . . . . . . . I 1 1 bidder xor easn ine zouowma; u w uwv - First Tract i Beginning at a pine by the west edge of Stewart Mill branch and run South 4.90 chain, to a stake by t pines Stew, arfs corner, then South 9 Wert 81 chain to a .tat by S pine, the earner of the 109 8.8 acre survey, then a that line South M t-i bit s 8t chain to 2 sweet gum. then North 69 East 84.1 chains to Stewart". Mill branch, then aa the said branch to the beginning, containing 91 acre. Second Tract: Beginning at a post ask, corner- of io SA acres survey, and run as that Hne North 26 1-4 Wort 84,48 chain to 2 sweet gum, the corner oS the first tract, than aa that line North 69 East 14.66 chain to m etake a dead cine in a field, then South 21 East 84 chains to a stake in the ertgmai line in an old field, then as the original line South 66 West 1S.60 chain to the Be ginning, oop ta hi ing M airoi . - Third tract: Beglnlng at a rea ey, at the east side of Stewart Mill branch and run South 66 Wert 22J0 ehaine to a stake in an old field, the corner of the oond tract, thence a that line North 20 Wert 84 chains to .a stake by a dead pine in the field, in the line of the first tract, thence a that line 19J4 chain to Stewart Mill branch, thence a said branch to. the begin ning, containing 80 acres.' . AH the above tract adjoin and form aa eonatSute one body of land - The sale, hi made for partition . among the owners. Time of aale Monday. February 9th. 1920, at 12 Boon. Place of sale: Court house door. Lumber- ton, N. C Term of tale: Cash. JAMES P. PROCTOR. Melatyr. Lawrence a Attorney for FWirtttfs. U Ti a IMS' The old year with its failures and successes, its hopes and disappointments, lies behind us, leaving with us its heritage of experience and. the great lessons that are not taught in schools, and that can only be learned by living. The lesson that for the true heart and the strong hand there is no such word as "fail" and that the years are not lost, but are as stepping stones leading us upward to a broader and truer conception of life and its meaning, so that we can look forward with courace, confident that all is well. - A good beginning is half the battle, so let us meet the New Tear in the true New Tear spirit; the spirit of hopefulness, of goodwill, of courage, and determination to make the coming year better than any that has gone before. that merits your thoughtful consideration in making your plans for the year. SAVE TOTJR. MONET until you can buy a DOLLARS WORTH with a dollar. ' We offer you our service and the facilities of this Bank and a cordial welcome is ex tended to you to become a member of our large Banking family;. Make Our Bank Your Bank Planters Bamls &Trast Co. BILLS PAID BT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS The following bills were ordered paid by the board of county commis sioners at their regular monthly meet ing Monday January 5: Southern Express Co., express on book, 98 eent; E M. Britt, recorder Lum berton district, salary $75 ; .John S. Butler, recorder, St. Paula diatrict, salary, $40; J. N. Bute, recorder. Red 8prings district, salary, $50; R. M. Williams, recorder. Max ton dis trict, salary, $65; D. W. Bullock, recorder. Rowland district, salary, $50; A. E. Floyd, recorder, Fairmont district, salary, $50; A. R. Ptttman, W. A. Smith, W. W. Smith, W. J. Crawford, rural policemen, $125 each $600; . W. Bullock, coroner' inquest over D. Millssps. $7.70; E. P. Bryant. R. C. Mil ler, T. McCormick, J. H. Miller, J. H. Carper, J. E. House, Jurors, - $2 each $12; The Scottish Chief publishing annua report of C. S C., and regfater deeds,, $250; J. H. Holloway, dog tax tag for county, $90: Henry Jacobs, for help in capturing whiskey till, $5; John W Ward, one day with coun ty board of health, $4; Jaa. D. Proctor, one day with county board of health, $4; Dr H. H. Hodgin, one day with county board oi health, S4 J R. Poole, two days with county board of health $8; Dr T. C. Johnson, two days with county board of health $8; 1L C. Freeman, repair work in eourt house, $2 Miss Flax Andrew, home demonstration work $70.86 ; O. O. Dukes, . farm demonstration work, $91.66 ; E J. Britt, attorney, legal er vices to county auditor, (100; I. J Flow. er. Keeping county nome, via ; i. j. flowers wood for county home, $42; 1. J. Flowers, kerosene oil for county home, 87.52 Com. Printing Co., supplies for, county. $27: Free man Printing Co., .applies tor county, $87.25; J, P. Raines, repair work in Jalj, $10; A. H Prevatt, Jailer, .alary, $100; A. H. Prevatt, Jailor, feeding prisoners, $148.60 A. H. Pre vatt, Jailer, kerosene oil for Jail. 4.50: A. H. Prevatt Jailer, turn-key. (salary fund) $16; Charlie Lock lea r, lightwood for Jail. $8: Ed ward, a Broughtoa, record books for county, $229.65; Pope Drug Co., drugs, etc.. for county, $28.44; W. P. McAllister, county wet fan work, $$$$: A. R. Pittman, convey ing prisoners, $6; A. R. Pittman, capturing whiskey still, $20; Emery Hammonds, Jani tor salary, $60; R. D. Caldwell A Son, Sup plies for county, $8; Miss Theresa Patter son, typewriting in ease county commission- v Ma lone Co.. $10: The Robesonian. pumisbuig tax notices. 814 : J. M. MeCallum. auditor, salary. $216.66 : J. M. MeCallum, au ditor, stamps and phone rent, $7.26; A. TV McLean, agt., premium on county auditor's bond, $12.50; A. Wemstein, supplies for Jail, $76; K. M. Biggs, supplies for Jail. $48.20; H. M. McAllister, agt premium on county urveyor' bond, $5 ; McAllister Hdw. Co., sup- piiea tar county, 818.18 ; Grantham Bros . drug for county, $5.87; King Grocery Co., broom for county, $2.85; Stephen A Bar&es. burial expenses 2 paupers, $40; Town of Lumberton, water and light for eourt house and Jail $46.82 ; Geo. D. Barnard A Co , ree- orq oooKs lor county, 130.68; Remmington Typewriter Co., record ribbons for eouiitv, $7.08 ; State Hospital, Golbbora, indigent pupils, 820.20; C. B. Skipper. C. S. C, cla ry. ior iiee. isii, Z60, clerk hire for Dec $100, stamp, and 'phone rent $10.84,. Jury tickets, $430.20: R. E. Lewis, sheriff, salary for Dec 1919, $250, clerk bin for Dec 1919. $126, stamps, $30, 'phone rent and calls $15.20, conveying Jno. Good to asylum, $20; M. W. Floyd, regfater deed, (alary for Dec 1919, $260, clerk bin for Dee. 1919, 8126, stamps and phone rent $25.76; Dr. W. S. Rankin, see-treas. county health work (contract) $868.12; Dr. T. F. Costner, emergency talk to Jail and chain gang. $14.50 ; V. W. Smith, capturing 2 whiskey stills, $40; W. W. Smith, conveying and feeding prboners, $12.85 ; 8. H MeKinnon, county tax supervisor, salary 'and expense for Dec 1919, $819.66; Paisley Mc Millan, work as asrt. county tax aupervisor. $82.46; A. H. Fine, clerk for county tax su pervbor. $150; H. F. Steed, elerk for county tax supervisor, $125: J. A. Clifton, clerk for county tax supervisor $100 ; Carolina Tel and Tel. Co., phone rent and calls, for county tax .npervfaor, $18.46; Carolina Electric Co., offiee rent county tax auperriaor $6.40; Pound A Moon Co., (applies for county tax n pervisor $L22; The Exchange Pub. Co., sup plies for county tax supervisor, $18.74; The Scottish Chief, supplies for county tax su pervisor $8.75; The Armstrong Co., supplies for county tax (upervkor $46.66; J. B. Hum phrer. work for county tax upervbor $0; N. W. Jenkins, work for county tax super visor $80: W. T. Jenrette. work for eunntv w supervisor, lift. NOTICE I have taken my tent down and opened an up-to-date photo itudio next to 5 and 10 cents store, 3rd floor. High etade work post cards. 28 small pictures for 50c, kodak work, high grade enlarged pictures and frames. Patronize me and save agents profit. Besonble prices, prompt service my motto.; . JVC. WEBB' Lumberton, N. C. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of Leo- Lewis, deeeasd. late of the county of Robeson, state of North Carolm. this ia to notify all person having claim against tha estate of said dccod to exhibit them to theundersigned at her home, la Lum nerton, N. C on or before tha 17th day o December. 1920.. or thi notice will be plead ed ta bar of their recovery. All persons fat debted to said estate will pleas make fanmc diate payment. - , . MISSIS LEWIS, Adxalnbtratrix af Lao Lewi. Britt a Hritt, . Attn, for AAafalrtratrtc. U U I Thi We Have One Suggestion BES0BCES OVEB $600,000.00 GOOD AUTO SPECIALTIES The Beat Made. LEATHER-NU. For Automobile and Buggy Tops and All Leather Goods JOHNSON'S CARBON REMOVER JOHNSON'S AUTO WAX FINISH JOHNSON'S SQUEAK OIL Send us an order for these items. There is a large and increased demand N. JACOBKHARDWA17E COMPANY. Wholesale Distributors 1 0 & 1 2 South Front St. Wilmington, N. C. (SD)(D)d Outing Gowns Nice heavy quality $125, $160, $1-75 and $2.00 Extra sizes, 18 19 and 20 at $2.00 and $125. lolsses 8 to 14 at $1.75. Outing Pajamas at $2.75. Kimonos A good quality of fleeced kimonos, assorted styles and colors at $2.50 to $4.00. Bath or lounging robes, in heavy Indian Blankets, beautiful styles and colors from $5.00 up. misses and children's bath robes at a great reduction. Blankets A good stock of wool and cotton blankets at $4.00 up. We call special attention to our EUdn Wool Blankets. Underwear A big stock for men, women and children, wool and cotton, union and separate. Very special, 10 dozen of ladies knit pants, carried over from last season, worth to day from 50c to 75o we will sell at 25c a pair. . u Tobacco Canvas Several bales already received, that we are , selling less than manufacturer's price. L. H. CALDWELL EMEMj IEB OUR MAIL HaotingG' 1920 Geed Catalog Free It's ready mow. On haadred laad aomely illustrated paces with brmiant oovsr ia natural colors. It is both beautiful sad helpful, and all thai Is noceagary to cat it Is a postal ears rwsssst Too will find our 1820 eat kwos a well worth while e4 book, Hasunrr Seadj are sold oireet vj sou win never una mam ia the starts. We hav sen trrs kBSdred thousand customer! whs buy from us by man. We pleas aad saasfy them, aad we can please sad satisfy you la 1120., Planting Hutmg 8wds ia yen tardea or ia your fields iasures "food luck so far as results can bs deter mined by the aead alaatad. Po M years Hastings' Seeda have beea the standard of seed excellence aad fur ltr ia the South. Only Taxicaas adapted to tha South are listed. Qual ity of tha best aad prices oftea leas than those you pay at home. .-Writs for free, copy of. this splendid cata logue bow. H. O. HASTINGS CO, 8eedamn, Atlanta, Gay Advt) For baby's croup, . Willie's daily cuts and bruises, mother's sore throat, Grandma's lameneg Dr. Thomas' Ec lectie Oil tha household remedy. 30c and 60c. ' : i 1S)2(Q) 0 1C OBDEB DEPARTMENT. ....REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF.... THE BANK OF LUMBER BRIDGE. At Lumber Bridge, ia the State of MorSs Carolina, at the close of basis ess Dee. 81. 1919. RESOURCES Demand loan S MJSS.se Loan , and discount .tlTB.TW SS Vnited State Bond and liberty Bead T6A0S Furnitan aad fixture ...... Cash ta vault and.' net due fro Bank, BaakcrH and Trust Ceanaaie 1SJVLSS Cheeks for clearing 88.90 Total , tmm.1 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid hi ...S 1S.SSS.SS Undivided profits, lee current e and taxes naM XAtBH Drriaeads anpaid 4. IS. 6 Deposits ubjert to cheek , Ttaae Certificate, of Deposit .... 8AAe6.TS Bavmga oeposltt t., Cashier cheek eutstanding Certified cheeks , 1XS1L8T LS6US a. Doe to State Banks, Bankers and Trust Total S1S8.V6AJT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTT OF ROBESON. Jan. 8th. 192. L L. E. Covingtoa. Cashier of the abeva mod- Bank, 'do solemnly swear that the above statement h true - to the best t nty knowledge, and belief. , L S COVINGTON. Cashier. Correct Attest: D. Z. MeCOUGAN. . J. S. CLTFTON, J. - 8. HODGES. Dfaeetera. . Subscribed and sworn to before mek tha tth' Say of Jaa. 1920. .;" ' ' Notar FubKe. . My somais.kn expire Feb. 26, 192S.