THE BOBESONIAN. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA. MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 1920. PAGE FIVE THE ROBESONIAN Office 107 West Fourth. Street Telephone No. 20. MONDAY, JANUARY 26 1920. BUSINESS BUILDERS WANTED CYPRESS OB JUNIPEK LOGS 8 inch, and up in diameter, any length. i j l - i . a in Kn vin gt boviMlDes or wouia we mwiww - of these timber. Address care Box T. Lumberton, N. C. ' " . - tnin TOURING ear with .elf statrer. Also several used can. K xfl. aaiiara rauwi- w PERSONALS COURT CALENDAR. WANTED A GOOD SALESMAN TO SELL Fertilizer to farmers. A good proposition to a worker. Salary or commission. Be gin work at once. Adores, du ., etteville, N. C. SALESMEN WANTED TO SOLICIT OEDEBS for lubricating oils, " ' Salarv or CommiMion. Address The Har vey Oil Co., Cleveland, Ohio. LOST-A NICE NAVY BLUE RAIN COAT Deep hem Finder will please return to Margaret Finlayson: Corner 14th and Chett- nut street ana ge rewmru. nrxii-na nv PIANOS AND PLAYERS if j tw nunw w - - - . - I want we peop.- 'w.,, know tftat iney nave - " right her. in Lumberton that : e . . and repair all Kino oi pnu. , . ; call any nine ana u - - , have located in Lumberton to stay n " can get me on mun - Robt. G. Stubbs. nvr. nnnn ViPM SUITED' TO growing cotton, corn and tobacco, well lo cated. Good buildings among ai Home Land Co., Dunn, N. C. rrnAR SHIN glee, guaranteed to last 40 years. Cat toad lots only), several cars m . v Wiley, Box 642, Greensboro , N. C. , . on-Divcn. pniiNH rniNA AND Berkshire mixed. Black and white, "mostly black, some white about lace, neaa am less Weighed 6 pounds, newaru i" return to J. M. Wilson, . FOR SALE lit? FORD TOURING CAB, W good condition, trice reasonaoic. uw. McKay. Maxton, N. C. WANTED: 1,M POUNDS SHUCKS, WILL .1 3-. Tf . T. TnnA pay gopa price, neiixjr , n rriD a lie 1 I IBP.It SPOTTED PO JUVUU v wxmuu - i i rwi aA rA ntn 1 larire Red in. www wuw ".-- . i. i a : 1 UammVilr, Rami.. jersey ouw onu p - . '8 months old, 1 Hampshire Sow,' 5 pigs " weighing about 60 lbs. each. If interested wire write or come. B. L.. lempie, mari etta, N. C WANTED TO BUY S TO 1 8HARE8 ST. Pauls Cotton Mill stock. Name lowest price. Box 795, Lumberton, N. C. WANTED: TEN CORDS 4-FOOT WOOD. See superintendent light and water plant. Lumberton. FOR SALE: TWO GOOD 1919 TOURING Ford cars in fine shape, price $498 each. One Ford strip down racer good shape, $248. One Allen five passenger touring car, 1919 model, good as new not a scratch ' on it. A bargain $1 000. See the new 1920 Cleveland touring six it's "a bean." The best car on the market at the price. $1385 factory. Cut price on all tires, tubes and repair parts. Buy your gas ana on from us full measure, fair treatment al ways. Anency for Chandler and Cleveland cars. Three car loads on the road. See our new show rooms, 805 Chestnut street. W. O. Thompson. TWO GOOD MULES FOR SALE. K. M, Biggs. W H. WAKEFIELD, M. D., OF CHAR- lotte will be in Maxton at Maple Shade Inn Wednesday, February 4th, Pembroke at Cooke's Hotel Thursday 6th, Rowland at Barker's Drug Store Friday. 6th, Fair Bluff Saturday 7th. The doctor limits his practice to the treatment of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat diseases and fitting glasses. Ask your family physicians about consulting Dr. Wakefield. FOR RENT 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON East Second St. Apply Mrs. Emma Lewis, Lumberton, N. C, FOR SALE ONE LARGE COW, HALF Gurnsey and half Jersey. About 5 years old and fresh next month. D. A. McCall, ElfQd, N. C COW STRAYED ON JANJJARY 16TH. Small Jersey cow with both horns sawed off. $6.00 reward for informatino leading to recovery. Henry Locklear, Pembroke, N. C, R. F. D. GOOD MILCH COW FOR SALE AT REA sonablo price. E. S. McNeill, Lumberton. WE ARE PREPARED TO PUT DOWN pumps and do repair work. We have an up-to-date plant for doing this work. W. F. Barnes & Son, Lumberton, R. 6. IF YOU HAE BEEF CATTLE OR HIDES to sell see me. If you want the meats see me. Prices rfrrht. A. H. Hinds, Chestnut street, Lumberton. MULE LOST O RSTR A YED YOUN G LIGHT bay mare, white month and hose and dark stripe across shoulder. Weighs about 1,000 pounds. Reward for return or in- iormation leading to recovery. Clifford H. (cOormick, Rowland, N. G. Mr. J. E. Hickman of R. 1, Lumber ton, was in town Saturday. Mr. J F. Lewis of St. Pauls was among: the visitors in town today. Mr. L. W. McCormick of Rowland was a Lumberton visitor Friday. Mr. J. T. King of St. Pauls is among the visitors in town today. Mr. Arren Ivey of Mt. Elim was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mr. J. R. Pridgeon of R. 5, Lumber ton was in town SEaturday. Mr- W. R. Brown of Ronnert was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mr. F. Y. Stone of Mt. Elim was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mr. J. M. Wilson of Howellsville was a Lumberton visitor Friday. Mr. A. W. Stone of R. 3, Fairmont, was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mr. A. M. Tolar of Rennert, was among the visitors in town Saturday. Mjss Jennie Ivfcy of ProctoiMlle was among the shoppers, in town Sat urday. Mr. D. P. Buie of the Philadelphus section was a Lumberton visitor Sat urday. Mr. R. C. Collins of R. 5, Lumber ton, was among the callers at l'he Robesonian office this morning. Mr. R. L." Townsend of Lowe was a Lumberton visitor Thursday after noon. Mr- W. H. Hardin of R. 1, Orrum, was among the visitors in town Sat urday. ' Mr.' Giles Davis of R. 6, Lumber ton, was among the visitors in town Friday. ' Messrs. Charles Bass &nd Lin( Her ring of R. 3, Lumberton, were in' town Friday. Mr. M. D. Bullock of the Pembroke section' was among the callers at The Robesonian office this morning. Mr. Geo. P. Branch of Proctorville was among the business visitors in town Saturday. ... Mr. Willie Stone of R- 4, Lumber ton, was among the callers at The Robesonian office Friday. Mr. W. A. Wilkinson of R. 5, Max ton, is among the visitors in town to day. . Mr. H. R. Bullock and son, Mr. G L. Bullock, of R. 6, Lumberton, were Lumberton visitors Saturday. Mr. W. M. Powers of R. 1, Lumber- ton, was among the callers at The Robesonian office Saturday. 9, Prof. T. C- Henderson of thefln ddbn Normal at Pembroke, was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Messrs. Floyd, Eddie and Dannie Walters, all of the aBrnesville sec tion, were Lumberton visitors Satur day. " Mr. A. A. P. Johnson of Red Springs was among the callers at The Robesonian office Thursday af ternoon. Misses Emily Barrington and Stella McNeill spent yesterday near Maxton visiting at the home of Miss Bar- rington's parents. Miss Florine Rogers of Marietta returned home this morning after spending the week-end here visiting Miss Monie Collins. Miss. Delia Scarboro, a member of the faculty of the Ten Mile public school, was among the shoppers m town Saturday- Mrs. T. B. Adams and little Miss Thaida and Master Horace Inman of Parkton, R- 2, were caller sat The Robesonian office Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Floyd and son. P. R., Jr., of Fairmont, spent yester day nere at the home of Register of Deeds and Mrs. M. W. Floyd. Mesdames Paul Parker and Sykes Cole of Chinquapin, Duplin county, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hocutt, Third street. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tavlor anrl children, Annie, Howard and Wilton, oi k. o, Lumberton, were among the visitors in town Saturday. Lieut, and Mrs. D. M. Ivev of Camo jacKson, Columbia, a. (J-, arrived here Saturday night to visit at the home of Lieut. Ivey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Ivey, Chippewa street. Lieut. Ivey returned to Camp Jackson last night, while Mrs. Ivey will spend a week here. First February Term. 1920. Commencing Feb ruary 2nd. 1920. Hon Oliver JJ. Allen. Judxe Presiding, ' MONDAY. FEB, 2nd 1920, All Dtoare Cases. No 9 A3- O L. Edwards, vs. E. S Walters No. 204 Town of Lumberton. vs. S. A Rranrh Afut wife No. 203 Town of Lumberton. vs. V. A C. S R R Co. No. 206 Town of Lumberton. vs. Elmore Rnllar and wife. No. 207 Town of Lumberton, vs. H. D. Wtt llama, et al. No. 208 Town of Lumberton. vs W. H. Barnes and wife. No. 209 Town of Lumberton, vs W. I. Link haw and wife No. 210 Town 'of Lumberton, vs. C. D. Hutaff and wife. No. 211 Town of Lumberton. vs. A. E. WhiU aad wife. No. 262 1-2 A D. Evans, vs. Kfngsdale Lum ber Co. S. D. 5783 State, ex rel. J. N. Buie, vs. W. P. McAllister. No 50 E. D Hill, vs. Atlantic Coast Line Line R. R. Co , et al. No. 71 Robeson Loan t Realty Co., vs. Willie Locklear. No. 77 Alma Lumber Co. vs. J McR. Bracy No. 04 J H. Drennon. vs. J. C. 'Wilkes, et al. No. 123 kingsdale Lumber Co., vs. E, L. Hol- loway. (protest). No. 180 Farmers Trading Co. vs. H. T. Pate. No 137 Rowland Barnes, Admr. vs. Seaboard Air Line Ry et al. No 149 Marikla Jane Miller, et al. vs. W. A. Harden, et al. No, 159 S. L. Warren, vs. H. G. Byrd and wife. No. 166 Warren Jacobs, vs. Turkill Johnson. No. 169 J. D. Lewis, vs. Atlantic Coast Line B. R. Co., (protest). TUESDAY, FEB. 8rd. No. 105 Dennie Leach, vs. J. H Powers. No. 107 Peter Leach, vs. J. H. Powers. No. 117 R A. McQueen. v Tt W Tnwnsend. No. 173 John W. B ax ley, et al. vs. Rosie Pridgen, et al. No. 180 The Cosby Shoe Co. vs. McMillan Supply Co., No. 196 E. P. Townsend. vs. Clarissa Barnes No. 216 Cassie Britt et al. vs. Nat. Bank of Lumberton, Exr.. et al. No. 218 LaFayette Mut. Life. Ins. Co, vs frlnce Currle and wife. No. 225 K. M. Biggs, vs. American Ry. Ex. press Co. No. 230-315 Garrett ft McNeill, vs. Millard McMillan, No. 288 R.' Pitman Barnes, vs. American By Express Co. No. 134 Luke Sinclair, vs. James Kinsr. et al No. 235 E. L. Holloway vs. Ed. Barnes and wife No. 286 Nannie Willis, et al. vt Joe Willis et al. No. 230 R. M. Williams, et al. vs. A. J. Mc- Kinnon, et al. u No. 247 F J Rrphair, va T Q r..l. '.' No. 253 Vit. Bank of Lumberton vs. Furman freeman and wife. No. 265 Townsend and Brewer, vs. Elmund Locklear. ' No. 263 C. T, Pate & Co., vs A C. L. Rail road Co. ' No. 264 C. T. Pate A Co. vs. A. C. L Rail- roaa JO, , No. 264 State, ex. rel. A. D. McRae, vs R. L. aicLieoa, Amur, et al. WEDNESDAY. FKR Ait, No. 278 R, C. Townsend, vs. C F. GaddV et al. " Mrt OU1 T.l ir .oi cAiua ivizer, vs Biaaenboro (Jotton Mills. k d 9QK T. TT 1.1 II , T ... viiumi vs, niaiinna I'leiKisnf. M OAA f r . . . - uennen, vs, Jennie Bennett. No. 316 Farmers, Merchants & Bankers Ware house Co. vs. J. G. Baldwin. No. 817 J. W. Carter Co., vs Mrs. N. M No. 325 Town of Lumberton. vs. Frank ttnneh S. D. 5770 N. P. Andrews, vs C. T. Butler. J. 1. himmons, vs. N. Hunt. All other cases on the Docket are open lot motions and orders at any time during the court C. B. SKIPPER, Clerk. Miss Blanche McCallum, a mem ber of the faculty of the Smyrna pub lic school, passed through town Fri day evening en route to Rowland, where she spent the week-end visit ing relatives. JUST ARRIVED: TWO CAR LOADS BEST Red Cedar shingles and six ear loads hard brick. L. H. Callwell. ' MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL state in Rob county. See E. J, Britt, Lumberton, N. C. DON'T FORQXT fHB BEST FLACK TO top fcungsr is al tba ytypapia iai. mm NVTICK-WB FAT;,' HUSHBST "UH pries fat all kMi,w Af-W TrmM. int at National Ottna ftyt Wl iU WOW MAKING LOANS ON DC iroTsrf in tea to B. 1. 1 or t ysmn. On feus i IS.M or ss for I yaars gotiatfcms abargsa are par seat; f yeara IMjar oast; ! and It ran per east. Chlckamauga Trust Coarpany, Jaaiaa J. Goodwin. AMoraey, Loaibarton, N. a , PLUMBING MP AS WORK AND PLUMB fag of J1 Mads, pipm for aeotylaa plaata aad Dlso yvscaw, ate. Work aolteltai any whero ia tho eoanty. Prompt attention. Efficient srrke. Office 1 Cor. Cheataut aad 6th Sta. Phono 87. 0. B. Kirkataa Lumbartoa NO. MONET TO LEND ON IMPROVED LAND la Robeson county on Ions time. Kate as good as any oaa give. Stephen Mcln- tyre. 666 has proven it will care Ma laria, Chills and Fever, Bilious Fever Colds and LaGrippo- Mr. J. C. Herring of Orrum was in town Saturday. Most disfiguring skin "eruptions, scrofula, pimples, rashes, etc-, are due to impure blood. Burdock Blood Bit ters as a cleansing blood tonic, is well recommended. $1.25 M r all stores. . . . 2 DIE EVERY WEEK IN N. C. FROM AUTO ACCIDENTS Raleigh News and Observer. One hundred and six people were killed in automobile accidents in North Carolina last year. More than two people died every week in the State as a result of accidents that might have been prevented. In 1918 there were 105 deaths as a result of automobile accidents, . In the year beginning June, 1918, there were 79,576 automobiles in the State, and the registration thus far in the year beginning Jane, 1919, shows there have been 111,492 auto mobiles licensed. ' MARKET REPORT. Middling cotton is quoted on the local market today at 87 cents the pound; strict middling, 38 cents. Eggs 65c Hamg 40c. Shoulders 25c. Sides 28c. Pork 20c WnJJAMS' PYORRHEA Treatment For the prevention and treatment . . of - PYORRHEA . (Rigg's Disease) Will heal soft, bleeding and spongy gams. -A strong Germicide Anti septic and' Healing A sent. GRANTHAM BROS. DRUG? STORE Lumberton, N. C. " ROBT. G. STUBBS Piano and Player Technician. Tuning, Voicing, Repairing, and Re building Pianos.? Phone or write me at Elm's Inn, 601, No. Elm St Lumberton, N. ,C NOTICE North Carolina, Robeson County In Super ior Court, Before the Clerk. A. H. Horn, vs. Neill Horn, C. H. Horn, John F. Horn, Dan iel A. Horn, Percy D. Horn, William Horn, Annie Lupo and Joseph Lupo, her husband, Fannie Lupo, Ellen Herring and Ferdinand Herring, her husband, and other persons unkndwn, who are heirs at law of Hardy Home or of Daniel A, Horn. To the defendants above named and also to any and all heirs at law of Hardy Home or of Daniel A. Home, names and resi dences unknown : You will take notice that an action has been this day brought before the elerk of the superior court of Robeson county for the purpose of having sold for partition among the several owners and tenants in common a tract Sf land in White House township, on the State line, containing 28 3.4 acres, which was owned by Hardy Home at the time of his death and which descended to his heirs : and that you are hereby required to be and appear before the clerk of the superior court of Robeson county at his office in the court house at Lumberton on the 9th day of February, 1920, then and there to answer or demur to the petition filed in this action ; and you will further take notice that if you fail to so appear and answer or demur the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the pe tition. ' Dated this January 8th, 1920. C. B. SKIPPER, ClerV Superior Court. Mclntyre, Lawrence A Proctor, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 1 12 4 Mon. 1919 192 The old year with its ailures and successes, its hopes and disappointments, lies behind us, leaving with ua its heritage of experience and the great lessons that are not taught in schools, and that can only be learned by living. The lesson that for the true heart and the strong hand there is no such word as "fail" and that the years are not lost, but are as stepping stones leading us upward to a broader and truer conception of life and its meaning, so that we can look forward with courage, confident that all is well. A good beginning i3 half the battle, so let us meet the New Year in the true New Year spirit; the spirit of hopefulness, of goodwill, of courage, and determination to make the coming year better than any that tils gone before. ' We Have One Suggestion that merits your thoughtful consideration in making, your plans for the year, SAVE YOUR MONEY until you can buy a DOLLARS WORTH with a dollar. We offer you our service and the facilities of this Bank and a cordial welcome is ex tended to you to become a member of our large Banking family, Make Our .Bank', Your Bank Planters Bank &Tmust Co. RESORCES OVER $600,000.00 NOTICE North Carolina, Robeson County In the Su perior Court. Before the Clerk. J G McRae vs. M. H. HeRae. The defendant above named will take no tice that an action entitled as above has been instituted in the Superior Court of Robe son County for the purpose of making sale for partition of a tract of land in said county in which the said defendant owns an undi vided interest and the said defenlant will further take notice that he is required to ap pear before the undersigned Clerk of the Su perior court of Robeson county, at his office in Lumberton, on the 2trd day of February 1920 and answer or demur to the. petition in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court fo rthe relief demanded in said petition. This 23rd day of January, 1920. C. B. SKIPPER, Clerk Superior Court. McLean, Varser, McLean Y Stacy, Attys. for petitioner. 1 26 4 Hon. NOTICE. North Carolina, Robeson County In the Su perior Court, Before the Clerk. Naomi Henderson and F. D. Henderson s. , Lillian McLean, David A. McLean, Mary Ehza McLaurin and L. P. McLaurin her husband, Pearl McLean, ,Labron McLean, and Al McLean. To Mary Eliza McLaurin and L. P. McLau rin, her husband, and Al McLean: You are hereby notified that an action en titled as above has been this day brought be fore the clerk of the superior court of Robe son county for the purpose of having parti tion of certain lands in Alfordsville town ship owned by plaintiffs and defendants as tenants in common ; and you are hereby re quired to appear at the office of the under signed at the court house in Lumberton on the 6th day of February, 1920 then and there to answer or demur to the complaint filed in this action: and it you fail to do so the nlaln- tiffs will apply to the court for the" relief demanded in the complaint. Dated this January 5th, 1920. C. B. SKIPPER, Clerk Sunerior Court Mclntyre, Lawrence A Proctor, Attorneys for plaintiffs. 184 Thurs rRRTIPlP ATE ne niiuniiiTiAa State of North Carolina, Department of State. io ah to wnom inese Presents May Come oreeing : Whereas It irmMn rt mv .a4;0falnH t... -V I- " w 'J kl J duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in mv offiiw that th rvn Cotton Mills, Company, Inc., a corporation of this Statfl vhnu nrl uated in the town of St. Pauls, County of nooeson, state of North Carolina (J. M. But ler beinsr tho mrpnf thootn , . ... wwbc uiereof. urjon whom npnM, mow K . i , , ' " icitw; has complied with the requirements of chap- iwr zi nevisai oi moo entitled "Corporations" preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate VI UBBUlULlUll 'Mow. therefore T T Rrv.n ""f oi state or tne state of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did. on the 21st dav nf TWonkn ioio in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation. npmM hv ail i j - - ... UWINHKn thereof, which aaiH pnnunt an A .u n i .. viv. .11 c X CUUI A or the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by Jaw In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh this 31st day of December, A D. 1919. , J. BRYAN GRIMES, (Official Seal) Secretary of State. Mclntyre, Lawrence i. Proctor, Attys. for the Corporation. 184 Thurs. J. T- Strickland, a 13-year-old boy fell off a motor truck at Wilson Fri- Poor Light Makes Slow Work Inefficiency Equals Failure, Headache. Weak Eyes and Blindness If your lighting ecjuipment istibt giving you entire satisfaction let us'put your system in first-class conditioa For country homes can't be equalled. It gives you 'light for ..the home, barn, stables or garage; and with the independent power facilities of this plant you can lighten the work of the household or farm duties. See RD. Caldwell & Son's well lighted department store if you want to know what we can do. Everything Electrical Robeson Electric Company IRA B. TOWNSEND BURTON GRAHAM GOOD AUTO SPECIALTIES The Best Made. LEATHER-NU. For Automobile and Buggy Tops and All Leather Goods JOHNSON'S CARBON REMOVER JOHNSON'S AUTO WAX FINISH JOHN.SON'S SQUEAK OIL Send us an order for these items. There is a large and increased demand N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY.. Wholesale Distributors 1 0 & 1 2 South Front St Wilmington, N. C, $50 Suits for $35 40 to 50 in The Lot In Regulars, Slim:andTStubs." These Suits were bought to be shipped last August, came by last Tuesday's Express There is not a suit in the lot that ryou will be able to duplicate less than $50 the majority are made by the "Style Plus Man" - and you know what that means. Every Suit guaranteed, or a new one if not satisfactory. The remainder of the lot is made by Kirschbaum & Co., with the same guarantee. Remember that every Suit is Pure Wool, Casimers and Worsted. The lot will not last long, so the first come will have best selection L. H. CALDWELL B2XX3XSXS2SS mifii ns iffl I II "l"' li I a 1 1 Two Gar Loads Fancy Mules and Horses Just Received It will pay you to look them over be Carlyle and Billiard

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