THE R0BES0N1AN, LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA. MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 1929. PAGB SIX NASTY COLDS ARE RELIEVED AT ONCE Tape's Cold, Compound" Then Breaks up a Cold in a Few Hours. Don't stav stuffed-un! Quit blow ing and snuffling! A dose of 'Tapes Cold Compound" taken every two hours until three doses are taken usu ally breaks up a severe cold and ends all grippe misery. The very firs dose opens your Ha ana wie n i-Wirpd-un nostrils sages of the head; stops nose running hJm preach relieves the headache, dullness, 1- Cousin r erishness, sneezing, soreness ana sum rplis-ion. for it saves from all Mn here below." "Take heed what ye hear." Sunday was a week was a very bitter cold day. The beautiful snow fell o while in the a m. and aft?r the service at church we attended two funerals. Mr. Matthew Greg ory's was conducted at the grave by Rev. Mr. Murray at 2 o'clock. The floral offerings were very beautiful. While passing Mr. Murray hi gave us such a warm I.andclaps till we thought he must be an old fneni: 55 that we failed to recognize, but that J h is the way the Presbyterians niakej 4 strangers of other denominations f eel j at home among them. We hope that i Y, will not be the last time we'll hcarj Kg probably;:::;? it's Ii i 'ft ! I O ness. ir r.rAA r.nmrjound IS quickest, surest relief known and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assist ance, tastes nice, contains no quinine Insist upon Pape'B! REMINISCENCES AND COMMENT SO Years Ago "Old-Time Religion" and the Old Saints Other Matters. BY AUNT SOPHIA. Lumberton, R. 6, Jan- 13. Monday. Dec. 22, was 30 years since we were married in White Pond church at 11 o'clock Sunday by the pastor, Rev. V. B. Dow, who died suddenly in Lum berton about 2Q years ago, and when he said "Let us pray," we kneeled before our maker a impiorea m vine aid to succeed in making a hap py home and defeat the devil who goes about as a roaring lion seeking to devour our homes, schools and churches; and when I saw a small dining room here in an old field be tween Bear Swamp and Lumber riv er I asked "What is that little houre .yonder ? Is tb school house ? 'I and husband replied, "Thar fisf hme." Even the grass looked pobr7 and""! decided to see what we could do to improve the place and was glad to hear people remark, "You have a pret ty place out here." I was a delicate orphan fdrl 22 year3 old and weighed 98 pounds and we vere thankful for our little home. We lived in it five years and four children were born in it. The first one, a fine boy, never lived to seo David Townsend's funoral was conducted at the grave by his , I pastor, Rev. L. E. Dailey, at 3:30. tne I t fi D.vl.,, loij o lorrr. hnn. qu( t of beautiful ferns on his grave The writer gave him flowers while he could appreciate them, but the bitter cold caused us to neglect tak ing any along to put on his grave. All he regretted was not letting Jesus come into his heart sooner, when he could travel about and testify for Jesus. He said "if the Lord would heal him he would spend all his life traveling and testifying. He eent word to his Sunday school class for them to "give their hearts to Jesus and not wait so long and have to regret it like he had done." But we are glad he was saved before it was forever too late. May god hasten the day when all the Baptists will be filled with holy zeal to win souls for Jesus like they 1 have been for dollars, till even the lawyers will go out into the high ways and hedges on a cold December day and compel them to come that His house may be filled. Just think about how much one soul is worth. And when you are tried and tempted by the scoffers' keen rebuff, don't you turn away in anger, he's a dia mond in the.ioujb:LJ i TTT "11" 1 a iousm vviinam uaunv wno is a student of Wake Forest college, call ed Wednesday was a week. We appreciate a calender from the Pilgrim's mission at Benares, Indian, also a long letter and the missioneries' pictures, Mr and Mrs. W. K. Norton. A natives' pic ture of India is on the calender. Am so glad we can live at home and exert an influence among the Another beautiful fn r9 siotr Rnrrnm ini cfin - mincrioH with iov and triad- neatnen nations, ness, but when we had to part with calendar just received from Norfolk, Ta in-law in about four months' time it "wer rarmer, remember what seemed like our hearts would break ev; PauJ T. Britt told you, that with sorrow and sadness. But we,.',u.IJ ana August is not the time to commenced seeking "higher t and leaned heavilv on Jesus and He PfF ,3..tne V.?1?' and Plai aome- anatAinprf , nd .rave us rrr srrf) F"? lllat Pene or beast ficient to rejoice under the cross: and He has lead us safely through troubles, trials,, tribulations, perse cutions and afflictions too numer ous to mention, pnd . now our 13th baby is in his 5th year and we have edibles to sen and Keep. Uur heart burns with love and gratitude snd vc praise the Lord from the rising of the sun until the going down there of for His goodness and for H:s won derful works to us. Rev. L E. Dailey faile'd o fill his fppoirtment at Raft Swamp the 1st Sunday of December. Attorney Lennor of Lumberton occupied the pulpit in the interest of the 75 mil lion campaign and we were very much disappointed when we found our pas tor absent. No one else can fill his place satisfactorily. And we are sur prised to hear him say that "the world is growing better. Talk about old time religion!' Look at Abra ham, with two wives, and Jacob, a aeceiver. way, they would turn them right out of Raft Swamp church if cney were here today." J niie comparing the "old-time re ligion'' with the relic-ions of tAav hen we have hospitals, ornhanae-es. etc., he ought to have remembered that Abraham was the "father of the fiithful," obedient in going out into a strange coimtrv not before your vrfken Idll themselvia working in the poisonous weed. This scribe has put out paris green till I could spit it from my mouth and blow it from my nostrils, and I do ulterly hate it. But this is Bible: "Wives, obey your husbands," and what should the husbands do: "Love his wife as the weaker vessel." And no man loves his wife like he ought to do if he allows her to work in a tobacco patch, and a wife is not to blame much if she does hit her hus band with a rake after he has hit her heel with a rake, like we heard of one doing last summer. Tobacco is 4 filthy, useless weed, for you know and I know and everybody knows 'tis something that the people don't need. May Omnipotent God blight the weed and the seed. When brother Alfred moved to Florida he left his fine blooded colt for us and Maud will follow us with out a halter. We enjoy seeing her run and play in the rye pasture. Brother J. J. Page gave us a Poland China pig and we certainly do ap preciate presents. We never dd en joy being at White Pond more in our lives than we did Sunday 28th. Was glad to see Mr. and Mrs. Danford of Bolivia who was visiting Mrs- Dan ford's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Page. Also glad to see Miss Lillian Most children hare worms, W sometimes. Sypmtoms are laca Ol color, yeevituineBi, fSi restlessness at night, etc. mf ur. inacnert Worm Syrup will go after and get the worms, ii worms are mere, wji Harmless; children, love It Wa Old doctor's prescription in use half a century. At your drug store. Made by . Yl THACHER MEDICINE CO. VA Chattan Chattanooga, Tean U. 8. A. For Sale by Pope Drug Company WOMEN AND THE INCOME TAX. 0 o o o o o o o 8 o () o Women Who Had Incomes During 1919 Are Reminded That They Are Subject to All Provisions of the Federal Income Tax. Women who had incomes during 1919 are remindad by Collector of Internal Revenue J. W. Bailey, that they are subject to all of thexprovi aions of the Federal income tax. Many thousands of women file re turns and pay, taxes regularly, and there are new names added to this list each year. The high wages and salaries received by women. last year will perhaps double the number ol the fair sex who are required to file returns- A public school teacher or other city, town, county and State em ployee, is not taxed on her salary -i i-iSkgesJMi .must. fU return f hgrj taxable income from other sources was sufficient in amount to come within the law's definitions. An unmarried woman, a widow, or a married woman who is livmj impart from her husband, must file an In come Tax return if her net income for 1919 was $1,000 or over. She is entitled to an exemption on the first $1,000 of her income. If she is the head of a family, as defin ed in the income tax regulations) she may claim $1,000 additional exemp tion. Also, she may claim further exemption o $200 for each person for whom she is the chief support, if the dependent is under 18 or is mental ly or physically defective. . A married woman who has an in- o o o o o o o o w () o VWWWWWVV WWWW WWWW WWWWWV WWW www. o P. A I o o ) ( 0 ( o o o o o c () The Farmer is aware that the day of hand labsr has gone. It is too slow and it is too ex- q pensive. In these days when labor is called from the farm to every other occupation the farmer must have something that wfll stay with him, and something fast enough to get over the ground. jqifsfitim .aa&sz FORBSOM IKti This iilhe whither he went, and building an tl-1 Page and hear heT s5ng and play tne tar for God evervwherp h nit. l.oH I P'ano. She had just returned home his tent and obeyed God in off ji ing j rom Horry county, where: she had up nis only son Isaac. Dies, the; ou,,ie " ung relatives rich man saw Abraham afar nft uA M1SS Yauey rae is visiting reia Lasarus in his bosom, etc, "Peace to his ashes" is all this scribe has to say about him. And Daniel spert the night in the lion's den unharmed and the Hebrew children walked through the fjirey furnace without the rmell of fire upon thera, and Pe ter converted three thousand souls wm one sermon- The victories of "old-time religion" are to numerous k mention. The "old time religion is all the genuine religion that there come from a separate sourcthan her husband is entitled to file a separate return with respect to that income. Ordinarily a husband and wife file one joint return, including the in comeof both. ' But if the husband does sot include his wife's income, the wife is required to file her own re turn. Separate returns of husband and wife are required if either li3d a net income exceeding $5,000. A' married woman who lives with her husband is not allowed a pre scribed exemption. She and her hus band have $2,000 plus $200 additional for each, dependent; and this exemp tion may be taken by either or divid ed in any manner between them. A woman who was widowed dur ing 1919 may claim exemption for the full year, on the basis of her status as of December 31. A wife whose husband is in a sani tarium or temporarily working in another city, is separated from him! t u l. : . i .i uinjr imuugu uevcssiiy, aim gnuuiu not consider her status as "living apart"- from her husband. But if there is voluntary continuous sepa ration, whether or not granted by court decree, each must take the status of a single person with respect to the income tax. tives in Floiida. Did you ever hear a preacher say he "didn't believe in too much reli gion?" Why nobody can't believe in too much genuine "old time religion" like St. Paul was martyred for. May we be filled with all the fullness of uol Jiiid abound unto every good word and work. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as administrator of'Sallle I G. McCormick, deceased this is to notify all is and we are still singing from thei"0"" toldin,f cIim aitainst said estate to depths of iur heart "O give ne-the' " m "l residence at How- old time religion, O give me the joy-N C" on or MoTt 10th day of J"n I can know; I believe in the old time' r thU notice may 1)6 in bar of r- i cuvcrx. au persons indebted to uirl will please make payment to the undersigned. Dated this January 6th, 1920. johna. Mccormick. T ' Administrator. Melntyre, Lawrence A Proctor. Attorneys for Administrator. 186 Thura FOR v-r t m m m i V-"" AndothefS f-J . , bowel, dlsor-1 1 V ders Diarrhoea, e Is Cholera Morbus, etc I 8 ue prepared to check and relieve - such troubles by I s keeping -in the family medicine chest a bottle of ? I Or. ThacWV ? Diarrhoea Mixture i 'or half, century. 5 At an drug atores; 36c S Money Back if no benefit. s Thacher Medicine .' i Chattaaoosa. Tenn., U. S. A. " V,iUt.UlAVlM .Urn I r . ..I i .? iJ FOE SALE BY POI'E ;x , COMPANY. DRUG MORTGAGEE'S 8 ALE. By virtue ot the power and authority given, 7 'er.tfin Cattle Mortgage executed by L. W. Worley to W. F. French Co.. which is recorded in the office of Rxri.f.. t, i. for the County of Kobeson, in Book S8 pace 8. the under. igaed will, on 25 day of Jmm naiT. lfeO. sell at -public auction at Court c. saenea a ca j Terms of sale: Cash Jan. 15,1920. Vt. F. FRENCH A CO. Mortg-age. 11Mb Don't You Forget It. Bfear in mind that Chamberlain's Tablets not only move the bowels but improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. Thev con tain no pepsin or other digestive fer ment but strengthen the stomach and enable it to perform its functions naturally. A FAMILY MEDICINE la Her Mother's Home. Says THii Georgia Lady, Regardinf Black Draught Relief From Head ache. Malaria. Chills, Etc. Ringgold, Ga. Mrs. Chas. Gaston, of this place, writes: "I am a user of Thedford's Black-Draugnt; in ract. It was one of our family medicines. Also In toy mother's home, when I was a child. When any of us child ren complained of headache, usually caused by constipation, she gave us a dose of Black-Draught, which would rectify the trouble.. Often In the Spring, we would hare tnalarla and chills, or troubles ot this kind, we would take Black-Draught pretty reg ular nntll the liver acted well, and we would Boon be up and around again. We would not be without It, for It certainly has Bared us lota of doctor bills. Just a dose of Black Draught when not so well BATea a lot ot days In bed.1 Thedford's Black-Draught has been In tie? tor tnany (years in the treat ment ot stomach, Urer and bowel troubles, and the popularity which,' It How enjoys Is proof of its merit If your liver Is not doing its duty, yon will suffer from -such disagree able symptoms as headache, bilious ness, constlpatloa, .indigestion, eta, and unless something is done, serious trouble may result , Thedford's Black-Draught has been found a valuable remedy for these troubles. - It is purely vegetable, and acts in a prompt and natural wtfy, regulating the Urer to its proper functions and cleansing thebowels ot impurities. . Try it . Insist on Thed Cord's, the original and genulna Q 29 Oav of Machinery 0 . - A& - fJ "'"'Am ?T, aw r THE brdsoiv TRADE MARK It is the day of the tractor for plowing, hauling, clearing land, building road, doing any of the jobs around the place that require moving, and up near Laurinburg a man has two gins connected up to his Fordson tractor, and when it is not plowing it is run ning the machinery. , . It goes without much talk that you must come to the tractor before long. Every day you put off making the deal you are losing time. You want the machine at work right now to get your ground ready for your crop. ''-- You can have no hesitation about the tractor. It will be a Fordson. If not now, then later when you have tried another one and seen where the Fordson is the pick of all of them 9 f () ) O O o o B O () o 8 O o ) () () y. O 8 () '8' 8 () 8 8 Always remember this about the Fordson tractor and the Ford" service whether cars, frac- I tors or trucks. The Ford service station is inLumberton to see that every thing goes right. I Any day you can call the Ford man and have the tangles straightened out, the repairs made, j) or information be given. 1 1 . ( The Page Ford station keeps men on the job who are specialists, W. A. griffin is the ) Fordson tractor man, and he pays no attention to anything but Fordsons and their attendant X equipment plows, harrows, cultivators, etc., and he is always ready to attend to them. SI That is one important reason why the Fordsonis the only tractor you need to consider. It is q the one that always has an expert in call, and one who is an expert, jiot simply a salesman 0 with a hundred other jobs on his hands. ' , i Mr. Griffin is already, beginning to sprinkle Fordson tractors around through Robeson county, and he is glad to have you come over to a neighbor's any place where he is show- 5) ing how one works. He is in and out at his office in the H. A. Page, Jr., building, the Ford () service station, and you can always call him there or make an -appointment Caw - . t Drop in any time and see the Fordson tractor. Ford cars and trucks are also 'on hand. J a v nA tMTw rT-SflTi arill arranM tn tsilrA rn nut t vmir farm an A hnw von ilint Jj how it will save you work,fand do your work for much less cost. O . () 8 o O O I o ). 1L1LO A, Fag, Mo If , . ord mm Stiiom . V ) ! ! 8 i o o () ( ) o o 8 () () ( () () ) () ) ) o ) ) o o () o .o w () () ) o CI C) o ) ri .. . .- . vwwwwwww wwwiwwwJ " wwwa wwwwwwwwwwwwww W

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