IMfiE SIX THE ROBESONIAN, LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA. MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1920 HOMEY BACK qutooif Hunt SN fails in hr trttmrot of Kctmu Trttfr. Ringworm, Itch. tc l"on-t hrromc dicw"el tm-tt othft trw'incnt. failed Hunl't&litlwi relieve hun 4. n)t of such cv-i Ywirwt on our Money t Cwiiln. ntii now TODAY Price 75c POPE DRUG CO .A ! NEW YORK DEMOCRATS DEMAND REPEAL OF R0H I BITION A M EN DM EXT New York State Democrats, through delegates assembled in un official convention in Albany Feb. 2tth adopted a platform demanding j immediate ratification of trie pjare FEEACHEDIF0,EEO&DIW0EK HAPPIEST WOMAN IN THE STATE NOW 1 - '. . I miaainn fnr nnnrnvnl will vr.. lilrolu fnittv and declaring in favoi of tne . , ,, . , '.'' .u V,. repeal of the amendment ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. l j i i xi .ij . i " V i M Up neiu in autyaiice until me r eaerai rcucmi h , . government has made some arrange The prohibition plank. 1 . , ... .. .. , ., , set iorcn me oe.n i propriation that has supplemented -enactment was m " State and county funds for ro; Highway Projects Yet Unaccepted Will Be Held in Abeyanc?. j Raleigh News and Observer Highway projects that have not yet Mrs. Smith Says It Would Be Un passed by the State Highway Com-i grateful Not to Tell Others of Tan lac Gains 18 Pounds and U Strong and Well. "I believe I'm the happiest woman in California today and it is all foe- road work! caure of what Tanlac has done for thrm to the un Jrin.-,l or to Messrs. : . . ' ,-rTrn ..t of b '1921 otherwise representation notic- iu b.- ri.i.-,i in tr of recov- a strong campaign ry All rer-.on to ?' we wyi plee make immediate rayment to the un- -'TTiuT the Srd day of February. 1920. KIUNOES H. GROOME. Admrx. c. t. n.. of E. B. Groome. deceaoed. Johnoon & Johnson. Attorneys for Admrx. 2 56 Thura. ideas of an active minority against ... f F . . aDDOrtionmei.t me Said Mrs. Eugene Smith, a prom pt maioritv 01 , ,, . "0i. .. . i 1 i a t rm nas Deen reacnei in wi oiaic f : slightly exceeded, according to '"l 1. T C - ..tminitr.trix. e. t a.. Kieas i '."f.T. rtrjsta of E B. deceased, thi. the wishes of the great majomy i ha8 been reachel in th Stat0 ,nd.inent and popular Los Angeles worn- ,nn. havnir claims BKaiiis t hp American wup" . f the estt fa to notty 'i i'""" 7 . . . . i! the aki etAte t,. prni xn.-m - - i ais0 urgeo compieve en " -' - Frank paCi chairman of jonnso.i o. ii. . ,,. nf( thiir tu i ana euuai - C. on or ---- - . - , 'mission. in pany Present appropriations 01 cam a.ion a3 ; , ct,. s treasurv n:e r,aH. cnmnlication of toubles that finallv means 01 curoinj; . , Q 1921 . f Pn- led tn a eeneral break down. I had Mr. an who resides at 680 West 52nd St the com- Mrs. Smith is an officer of the East- ; em Star and other organiations. from the' "For six years I suffered from a 1.11 . 1 ...... . j Miss Harriet Mav Mills of Syracuse. Subscrib7for The KOBESONIANj Subscribe for The Robesoniaa I Fairmont Supply Company, Inc. Fairmont, N. C. NEW ARRIVALS SPRING GOODS LARGE ASSORTMENT MEN'S FELT HATS NEWEST SHADES AND SHAPES. Of the four dclegates-at-iarge eiexi-i grega hag takpn nQ stepg to supple-' awful pains around my heart, which ed to the national convention at oan;ment tne present appropriation with1 I was told, were caused by pleurisy. Francisco, two were womnMls;? money .that will continue the work My kidneys were in such bad condi Elizabeth Marbury of New York ana h . .. gom 8tates have not tion I had constant pains in my foack V irl-ntlica . - yet approached the limit set for. them and mv neck and shoulders would by the Fereral road legislation, but; get v. tiff at times and my limbs swell- the North Carolina Commission has'ed so I could hardly walk. I was so been considerably more active than nervous that even the ringing of the these and utilized to the fullest .lie! door bell upset me and it seemed im possibilities of government aiding road : possible to get a good night's sleep building. II tried everything I could hear of to Must Wait On Congress. i get relief, even to having all my teeth It has been generally assumed trat; treated, but kept getting worse and Congress would provide further assis-' foecame so weak and emaciated that tance for road building after thenre-jl weighed only one hundred pounds, sent provision becomes exhausted,' Finally thev took me to the hospital but without definite assurance that and I stayed there six weeks, but sometnin r will oe done, tne State did not seem to improve in the least, Commission is without authority, and so I was brought home and had just without the promise of funds to con- about given up hope when a friend tinue the approval of projects In view j persuaded me to try Tanlac. ; of this situation therp, seems to be "I began to feel foetter after the nothing to do but wait on Congress first few doses and by the time I had j and hold up all new projects. uid t" taken four bottles of Tanlac I had . projects not yet passed finally until raim-d eighteen pounds in weight and ' Congress acts. I felt as well and strong as I ever did in my life, for every one of my trou- The Junior clas8 of Davidson col lege held oratorical exercises Feb ruary 26 and 27 at Davidson. Tnree Robeson county boys were on the program: H. B. Culbreth of Park ton, subject, "The Inventive Cenius of the American"; H. A. Hill Red Springs, subject, "White Coal"; W. C. Hodgin, Red Springs, subject, "The New Dawn " DRESS GOODS SERGES, LIGHT WEIGHT WOOL PLATDS, POPLINS, ETC. We call your special attention to our line of printed Voiles. The colorings of wjjich are especially beautifully, coming in plain weaves, silk stripes, solid shades, etc. PRICES FROM 76c, to $2.00 PER YARD. Daily arrivals of New Spring Merchandise, in all lines. Fairmont Supply Co. Inc. L. BLUE, A. L. JONES W. N. HUBBARD, President Vice-President Sec'y-Treai. Sasss Bank of Fairmont, FAIRMONT, N. C. Capital, Surplus & Profits $ 37,500.00 Resources - - 500,000.00 OFFICERS F. L. BLUE, President and Cathier H. L.'BLUE, Asst. Cashier DR. J. P. BROWN, Vice President A. S. THOMPSON, Vice President R. 0. PITMAN N..YV. JENKINS DIRECTORS: J.D.KYLE . A. J. FLOYD F. L.tBLUE A. S. THOMPSON DR. 3. P. BROWN The new year finds us stronger & .bigger. Ready to take care of our old custom ers and new ones, in any legitimate un dertaking. Ask us if you need Banking assistance or business advice. WE WELCOME YOU Of the S200.000.000 appropriated by Congress, North Carolina was ap portioned $6,000,000. The apportion ment was based on area and dodu- lation. Texas got th largest share of the money with somewhat more than $16,000,000. New York was second and Pennsylvania third. Un der the provisions of the act, each state was required to utilize not less than three-fourths of the apportion ment by the end of the fiscal year cf 1920, of unused funds would be re turned to the national treasury. North Carolina has gone further than that several months ago and this week passed thp total amount of the appropriation. Some of the other States have yet a large amount of money not set aside for projects ac cepted, and there is a possibility that there may be some of the original fund returned to the treasury to be re-apportioned among the states that will use it. This is yet problematical, and not sufficiently assured to jus tify the approval of further projects until it is definitely determined. May End Road Work. Road legislation in North Carolina is based entirely upon the Federal bles had left me "The results from Tanlac must be permanent, for it has been four months since I took my last dose and I feel as well now as I did then, and I think I would be ungrateful not to tell others what a wonderful med icine Tanlac is." Tanlac is sold in Lumberton by J. D McMillan & Son, Pope Drug Co.; Barnesvi!lp by W. C- Walters; Elrod by J. E. Bridges. REPUBLICAN RESERVA- TION REGARDING MANDA TORIES READOPTED TIio hepublicai reservation regard ing mandatories, attached to the peace treaty last November over the opposition of 33 Democratic Senators, was readopted by a vote of 68 to 4 in the Senate Thursday after the ad ministration leaders had withdrawn their opposition to it. It was the first time a qualifica tion rf the treaty had be;n adopted with the acquiescence of the Demo cratic managers and the first time ononfm) tk.f srni.n,.n. .nii more tnan two-tniras of me ciuue county road money with snpplemen- Senate membership had vot-d togetn tary appropriations and if nothing is er in approving any reservation done in Washington to provide for a ' The result was not generally regard continuation road building, the State ! ed as indicating a sudden brea :n will be faced with the necessity of the Senate situation, however, since making some further provision for the reservtion wa3 one of those which the work Road enthusiasts are still the Democrats had agreed in the re hopeful that something can be done , cent bi-paroieans conference t accept in Congress to relieve the situation without change. but nothing is expected until after. i'f-v Democrats nnd th.-Ty-e:gh. the fall elections at least. Republicans were recorded m favor Meanwhile new projects not yet1 of the reservation after Senator passed upon must come to a halt in Hitchcock, the Demccratic leader, had North Carolina and presumably in declared on t le floor that its effect nil other StAton in 1ik aifi, t inn. I would be only to re-te a principle al- Projects can be approved subject to I ready established under the treaty it self and under Federal laws. I: pro vides, in subsnce, that no mandate could be accepted by the United States without the consent of Ccn gress. The four who votel in the nega tive were Senators Jones, Now Mtx the future action of Congress but without definite assurance that the approval will ever amount to any thing in thp way of actual road con struction. Commissioner Page said I yesterday that he hoped North Caro lina citizens would bring the matt.-r . to their representation in Congress and trv tn havp finmothincr rlnno "Fnrmor Rnh" nmio-hrnr, Snnt r, trwi Democrats. Explaining his vote, Sen matter at some length recently, but ator Walsh declared he had 'not the apparently was unable to atir his slightest objection t0 the reservation colleagues to any definite- acii..i:. except that it is unnecessary. Sen- ator Hitchcock did not vote. ico, Kendrick, Wyoming, Walsh, Mon tana and Williams, Mis;.-r4i all Wilmington Star: Absorption of stock in the Old Dominion Steamship ,,an Transcontinental Airship Lines, company controlled by inland car- Plans for the operation of three rier?, is expected in local shipping transcontinental iirigible airsli.p loie circles to contribute toward the de velopment of the port of Wilmington. I GET OUT A POLICY and do it now. Fires arc dis astrous and delay are day jrous. You cant bring back wast is consumed by fire. You eas though, BE REIMBURSED ON YOUR FIRE LOSS if it's one of our companies Premiums on doubtful policie Is money thrown away. Be sure and insure with . Q. T. WILLIAMS ' iimherton. N. C r New York Cafe For Ladies and Gentlemen NEAR UNION STATION. The best eating place in the city. spection invited. Connection with Candy Kitclie n. dies made every day. Fancy fruits and fish. ' , Clean and sanitary. In- Fresh home-made can-. Fresh Norfolk oysters Under New Management JAMES PAPPAS, Proprietor. ' It Helps! There can be no doubt as to the merit of Cardui, the woman's tonic, in the treatment of many troubles peculiar to women. The thousands of women who have been helped by Cardui in the past 40 years, is conclu sive proof that it is a good medicine for women who suffer. It should help you, too. for passengers and several smaller Middle Western lines were announced i in New York J hi:-day bv Charl-jg ! Ora, head of the Commercial Air ! Craft syndicate. Mr. Ora declared that he has madp arrangements for the construction of 35 ships, ten each of six, twelve and fifty passenger ca pacity, which will be used on the Mid dle Western lines, and five ships, hav ing a capacity of 200 passengers, which will bw used on the trans-continental lines. Subscribe for The Robes onian. Take fill The Woman's Tonic Mrs. N. E. Varner, of Hixson, Tenn., writes: "1 was passing through the . . . My Back and sides were terrible, and my suffering indescriba ble. I can't tell just how and where 1 hurt, about all over. 1 think ... I began Cardui, and my pains rrew less and less, until 1 was cured. I am remarkably strong for a woman 64 years of age. I rln nil mv imusiu-rlr ' I Try Cardui, today. E-76 I 111 Wkmst ? YES WE HAVE IT. Another 300 Barrels EVERYBODY'S Self Rising JUST RECEIVED WE Sell The Merchant Whitfield & French, Inc. Wholesalers Only LUMBERTON, N. C. PHONE No. 4. , . f George F. Avinger of Laurinburg, treasurer and general manager of three large cotton mills controlled by his father-in-law, John F. McNair, Scotland county millionaire, died ia the Presbyterian hospital in Char lotte Wednesday following an illness of more than two months. The re mains 'were taken to Laurinburg Thursday for interment. assxs mala )ontypu need a not Has your old watch been fixed until it is no longer worth fixing? Or is it too heavy and time-worn? If so, come in and let us show you our new, light, hand some correct time, keepers and also a new chain to go with it. We also have many kinds of WRIST WATCHES, reason able in price. Don't you want one? Come in. A. J. HOLMES, Jeweler Lumberton, N. C 222X2SiL23Ea2aBaiCsai3aC Ford Foird Service Service Now is the time to have your Ford car overhauled and we are the ones to do it for you, we have one of the best equipped repair shops in the State, and we use only GENU INE FORD PARTS, and work only on FORD CARS. All work GUARANTED. We carry a full line of Tires, Oils, Greases and Accessor ies. Come in and try us, we know you will come again. . A. PAGE, Jr. FORDS J. H. FELTS, JR., Mgr. FORD SERVICE jsaa 73 The Fullness of Our .Day... "When every farmer in the South shall eat bread from his own fields and meat from his own pastures and disturbed by no credit or, and enslaved by no debt, shall si amid his teeming gardens, and orchards, and vineyards, and da ries, and barnyards, pitching his crops in his own wisdom and growing them in independence, making cotton his clean surplus, and selling it in his own time, and in his chosen market, and not at master's bidding getting his pay in cash and not in a receipted mortgage that discbarges his debt, but does not restore his freedom then shall be breaking the full ness of our day." HENRY W. GRADY, 1888 We know of no better ideal for our friends to strive for than to at tain the position expressed in this great hope of Henry W Grady. To our friends we offer help to aid them to establish their business on a cash basis: We have a new plan for our Farmers for 1920 and ask that they call in and talk over this plan with us. WISHING ALL A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR, The Bank of Pembroke PEMBROKE, N. C. P. S. Cooper, President A. M. Breec, Vice-President. R. H. Livennore, Cashier. E. M Paul, Assistant Cashier. Resources $200,000 -,"

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