THB ROBESONIAN. LUMBERTON. NORTH CAROLINA- MONDAY, MARCH 1. 1920 who ought to be rosy-cheek ed, star-eyed and full of the beauteous vigor of sweet young maidenhood, require the utmost care from wise and watchful mothers. There comes a time when nature m u s t be assisted. And such a time calls for STEUMR3 "the old doctor's prescrip tion" that has helped thou sands of suffering women for half a century. Sold by your druggist, and if the FIRST BOTTLE doesn't help, ask for your money back and the drug gist will pay it. Tiachfi Medicine Co. CbatuoMf, Tcaa., 0. S. A. FOR SALE BY POPE DRUG COMPANY. THE PASSING SHOW M. MONTE. There is a tremendous amount of more or less maudlin tears being sprinkled about because, forsooth, Mr, Wilson tied a c&n to a certain Mr. Lansing, and invited him to chase himself. It would appear that the de parting gentleman had been function ing in sundry and divers ways that did not appertain to the job he was filling; in fact he was mare than fill ing it, he was sloshing over. All went well untill he took the end seat, re served for Presidents, put his feet on the table, and told the boy to page a bunch of other -Secretaries of this and that, and tell 'em to hustle in and hear something. Also, we may assume, Uncle Woodrow heard thinf3 also, and there you are. Public individuals with a good and promising job should, whenever they discover they are a bit larger than the fellow at the top, grasp their ego firmly and chloro form it before it's too late. Not only are there tearful ones abroad anent this matter, but also there are querulous folk who want to be shown, and they are finding con siderable pleasure in attributing va rious deficiences to the President, of which the canning incident is proof. These possessors of large charity are wasting a lot of warm and sultry air; that think-box from which eminated the peace treaty and sundry other things is working fine, as we shall see. But critics were ever of the same breed and non-essentials. They be long to a loud -and vociferous tribe of humans, whose habit it is every age and every clime, and. speaing broad ly, may be termed an unnecessary evil, and usually an unmitigated nui sance, as well. It may be that, like potato bugs anl fleas, they have their uses, but neither scientists nor arch iologists have been able to determine what- Should you meet one, you will without doubt discover a genus homo developed largely from the eyebrows downward, emittinsr raucus and dis concerting noises. To become profi cient as a critic, one should suffer from loco ataxia in the coco, compli cated with chronic inertia in both hands and feets, since he must never do anything but advise George how to do it. Things locally are looking up. Never was the spring crop of candy DntipA no nlenteoua. UnfortunatelV, however, the percentage of those who succeed will be extremely disappoint ing. As a rule some fifty percent or so of the entries make the trip, but it is evident that to expect more than twenty five percent to reacn tne goal is to invite disappointment. The privilege of presenting free passes to the county roads appears to be most popular, at this writing, with that of. ornamenting the top of town's letter paper running sec ond. We shall perhaps have to elect a couple of hunters for lard cans, so as to be in position to furnish the alleged new county with some one to collect taxes. All of this, it may added in pass: ing, is embarrassing to the voters It is a case of. "We could be happy with either, were tother dear chaim er away." We dislike to disappoint a really enthusiastic gentleman who sprints along the political asphalt to the rear of a fleeting office, but real ly it can't be helped, since we have but one lone vote. ' Personally, we shall be for the individual who will build some houses and business blocks hereabouts. No we didn't say a thing about bridges, we are on this side of the river. WATCH THE LABEL. Watch the date opposite the nam on the label on your paper. When youi subscription expires your paper wil be stopped. This applies to all snb seribers. North Carolina Led During First Month of Prohibition Enforcement. Washington Cor., Feb- 24, Raleigh News and Observer: North Carolina led the Southern district and the Southern district led the U. S. during district led the United States during the first month of prohibition en forcement. There were 175 distille ries seized and destroyed in the Tar Heel State during the thirty day period, compared with a total of 475 for the district, comprised of Virginia, two CaroSnas, Tennessee and Kentucky. The first month of prohibition en forcement resulted in a financial bal ance 'n fvr of the government. During the period the expense of en. forcemeat in the Southern district amounted to $36,754.08, while the ap praised value of property seized and for sale, couple? with taxes, penalties and fines in Federal courts, amounts to $136,886.17. BEWARE OF THE "JUST-AS-, GOODS." Ignorant, or unscrupulous, sales people are trying to foist on the un wary, cheap and unsatisfactory sets of books, which they claim are "just-as-good" as "THE BOOK of KNOWL EDGE." "THAR AINT NO SICH AN1MILE." "The Book of Knowl edge is in a class of its own the one set of books that charms and educates the child, and interests and benefits every member of the family from the "Tiny-Tots" to the gray haired grandparents. Sold only by me or my agents, all of whom carry written authority from me. Write for beautiful sample pages, right prices and easy terms, free. J. T. Norsworthy, The Book Man, Selwyn Hotel, Charlotte, N. C. (adv.) Any skin itching is a temper test er. The more you scratch the worse it itchjes. Doan's Ointment is for piles, eczema any skin itching. 60c at all drug stores. PROFESSIONAL CARDS T. A. McNEILL, Jr. F. D. HACKETT, Jr. McNeill & hackett Attorneys-At-Law. Lumberton, - North Carolina RUSSELL S. BEAM, M. D. Lumberton, N. C Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Phone Nos.: Office 51; Res. 84. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6:30 p. m.; Sundays - by ap- pointment. HORACE MITCHELL BAKER, M. D. Lumberton, N. C. Office in Cotton Mill Building Practice Confined to Diseases of Women and Children. Office hours: 9 to 10 a. m 2 to 3:30 p. m. and by appointment. Office phone No. 48. Residence phone No. 82. DR. H. T. POPE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Special attention given treatment of skin cancer. LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Pope Drug Store. THOMAS CLARENCE JOHNSON M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE OVER McMILLAN'S Rooms 4-5-6-7. PHONES Office 47, Residence 176. t. a. McNeill Lawyer Land titles and law of executors and administrators special attention. Office, Fifth street, west of First National Bank. Practice in all courts. Lumberton. N. C JUNIUS J. GOODWIN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office on ground floor McLeod Bldg Opposite Robeaonian Office. Thomas L. Johnson E. M. Johnson JOHNSON & JOHNSON Attorneys and Counsellors at Law LUMBERTON, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts Notary Public in Office. Offices over First National Bank. A. W. McLean Dickson McLean L. R. Varser H. B. Stacy Mclean, varser, Mclean ft STACY. Attorneys AC Lav. LUMBERTON, - North Carolina J. D.REGAN DENTIST McNeill BaiMntg Next Doer te Peat Office. W. B. IVEY Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office on Second Floor Cotton Mill Office Building, Elm Street. Lumberton, N. C Stephen Mclntyre ' R. C. Lawrence James D. Proctor McINTYRE, LAWRENCE ft PROCTOR, Attorneys and Counsellors at. Law LUMBERTON, N. C Practice in State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business. DR. GRAHAM McLEAN DENTIST Second Floor Jones Building FAIRMONT, N. C. E. J.BRITT . . Attorner-at-Law . Offices over Pope Drug Company. Will practice in all courts. Prompt atten tion given to all business. NOTICE OF ELECTION UPON THE QUESTION OF ISSUING $52,000 OF SEWER BONDS AND $48,000 OF WATER WORKS BONDS. AND $25,000 FOR STREET IMPROVE MENT BONDS BY THE TOWN OF ST. PAULS, NORTH CAROLINA. WHEREAS, The Board of Commis sioners of the Town of St. Pauls has passed the following three ordinances, to-wit: AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF OOMMISSIONRS OF THE TOWN OF ST. PAULS. N. C-, AU THORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $52,000-00 OF BONDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SEWER SYSTEM. t , . Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of St. Pauls, N. C, at its regular meeting on the 2nd day of January, 1920, as follows: ., Section 1. That pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act and the amendments thereto, ne gotiable bonds of the Town of St. Pauls, to be known as "Sewer Bonds are hereby authorized to be issued up on the conditions herein set forth for the purpose of constructing a sewer system in and for said town: Section 2. That the Maximum ag gregate principal amount of said bonds is $52,000.00. Section 3. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 4. That a statement of the debt of the Town of St. Pauls has been filed with the clerk of the Town of St. Pauls, pursuant to said Munici pal Finance Act and is open for pub lic inspection Section 5. That the average as sessed valuation of property subject to taxation by the town of St. Pauls for the three fiscal years in which taxes were last levied, as shown by said statement is $ . Section 6. That the amount of the net debt of the Town of. St. Pauls, outstanding, authorized, or to be au thorized, as shown by said statement is nothing. Section 7. That as the Board of Commissions of the Town of St. Pauls deems it advisable to obtain the as sent of the voters of the Town of St. Pauls, before issuing said bonds, be it further ordained that this ordi nance shall take effect, when approv ed by the voters of the Town of St. Pauls at a special election as provid ed in said Municipal Finance Act to be held on March 11th, 1920. AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF ST. PAULS, N. C, AU THORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $48,000.00 OF BONDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of St. Pauls, N. C, at its regular meeting on the 2nd day of January, 1920, as follows: Section 1. That pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act and the amendments thereto, ne gotiable bonds of the Town of St. Pauls, to be nown as "Water Works" Bonds are hereby authorized to be is sued upon conditions herein set forth for the purpose of constructing a wa ter supply system in and for said town. Section 2. That the maximum ag gregate principal amount of said bonds is $48,000.00. Section 3. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 4. That a statement of the debt of the Town of St. Pauls has been filed with the clerk of the town of St. Pauls, pursuant to said Muni cipal Finance Act and is open to pub lic inspection. Section 5- That the average assess ed valuation of property subject to taxation by the Town of St. Pauls for the three fiscal years in which taxes were last levied as shown by said statement is $ . Section 6. That the amount of the net debt of the Town of St. Pauls, outstanding, authorized, or to be au thorized, as shown by said statement is nothing.' Section 7. That as the Board of Commissioners of the Town of St. Pauls deems it advisabie to obtain the assent of the voters of the Town of St. Pauls, before issuing said bonds, De it further ordained that this ordi nance shall take effect, when aDDrov ed by the voters of the Town of St. rauis at a special election as provid ed in said Municipal Finance Act, to be held on March 11th, 1920. AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OP COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF ST. PAULS, N. O, AU THORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $25,000.00 OF BONDS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT. " Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of St Pauls. N. C. at it reimlar on the 2nd day of January, 1920, as ionows: Setion 1. Pursuant to the provis ions of the Municipal Finnnr- Aft and the amendments thereto, nego- naoie Donds or the Town of St. Pauls to be known as "Street Improvement" Bonds are herebv authni-izpri tn ho i. sued upon conditions herein set forth for the purpose of improving the! streets in and for said town. I Section 2. That the maximum ag gregate principal amount of said bonds is $25,000.00. Section 3. That pay the principal and interest of the Donas shall be annually levied and collected. Section 4. That a statement of the debt of the Town of St. Pauls has been filed with the clerk of the Town of St. Pauls, pursuant to said Muni cipal Finance Act and is open to pub- Section 5, That the average as sest j valuation of property subject to taxation by the Town of St- Pauls for tnc three fiscal years in which taxes wert' last levied as shown by said statement is $ . Section 6. That the amount of the net debt of the Town of St. Pauls, outstanding, authorized, or to be au thorized, as shown by said statement is nothing. Section 7. That as the Board of Commissioners of the Town of St. Pauls deems it advisable to obtain the assent of the voters of the Town of St Pauls before issuing said bonds, be it further ordained that this or dinance shall take effect, when ap proved by the voters of the Town of St. Pauls at a special election as provided in said Municipal Finance Act, to be held on March 11th, 1920. And, whereas, the effect of said ordinance is dependent upon the ap proval of th ordinance by the voters of the Town of St. Pauls at a special election called for that purpose. Now, Therefore, notice is hereby given that a special election has been called by the Board of Commission ers of the Town of St. Pauls, N. C, to be held on Thursday, March 11th, 1920, for the purpose of submitting to the voters of the Town of St. Pauls the said three ordinances for their approval or rejection- The election will be held at the usual polling place, to-wit: the Town Hall, in St. Pauls, N. C, the polls will be open on the day of the election from eight o'clock A. M. until sunset, and J. C. Lindsay of St. Pauls, N. C, is appointed Reg istrar and he will keep open the reg istration books for the registration of any new electors residing in the Town of St. Pauls and entitled to register, between nine o'clock a. m. and five o'clock p. m. on each day (Sunday excepted) for seven days (Beginning Saturday, February 21st and closing Saturday, February 28th 1920), preceding the day for closing the registration books and said books will be open until nine o'clock p- m. on each Saturday during such reg istration period and will be closed for registration on the second Saturday before Sflid election. By order of the Board of Commis sioners of the Town of St. Pauls. All three of the ordinances above mentioned were passed by the Board of Town Commissionrs of the Town of St. Pauls in regular session on January 2nd, 1920 J. C. LENTZ, Mayor. Attest: John S. Butler, Clerk and Treasurer. 2 9 5 Mon. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of William Stubbe, deceased, late of Robeson county, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersip-ned administrators prop erly verified on or before the 6th day of Feb. 1921, or this notice wil be plead in bar of their recovery. All peraong indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This Feb. 5, 1920. W, B. STUBBS and J. B. BULLOCK, T Administrators. McLean, Varser McLean A Stacy, Attys. for administrators. 2 6 6 Thurs NOTICE OP BURNT SWAMP TOWNSHIP ROAD ROND ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that the Board o Commissioners of Robeson County, has order ed an election for Burnt Swamp Township Rnnpartn Pjiuntv fn. th. .. 1 1 : .. . n J I uiyum VX ttllUWIIIK I the voters of the Township to vote on the ! queouun ui issuing 4o,uoo in bomls of the Township for road purposes. Notice is lur ther given that said election will be hell at the voting precinct in said Township on Tuesday the 80th day of March, 1920, and to that end a new registration has been ordered for said election, and that only those who register for said election will he entitled to vote in the election. Notice is lurtner given that Chas. C. Baxley has been appointed as registrar and Jno. A. McLeod and W. L. Prevatt have been appointed judfres of elec tion, and that the registration books will be opened on Thursday the 26th day of rbruary 1920, and be kept open for the registration of voters until sunset on Saturday the 20, day of March, 1920, Sundays excepted, and that on Saturdays the 28 day of Feb and the 6. 13. and 20 days of March, 1920. 'said reg istrar will attend at the voting precinct in gaid Town hip with said registration books from nine o'clock n the forenoon until sun set for the purpose of allowinr all persons who appear for that purpose to register for said election. Notice is further given that the registration books will be closed at sunset on Saturday the 20th day of March, 1920, and that no one will be allowed to reg ister for said election after the books are Thia the 6th day of Feb., 1920. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ROBESON COUNTY. By M. W. FLOYD, Clerk. 2 12 6 Thurs Doan's Regulets are recomemnded by many who say they operate easily without griping and without bad af ter effects. 30c at all drug stores. WHAT WE DO . REPAIR ALL MAKES OF STORAGE BATTERIES, SELF STAR TERS, GENERATORS, MAGNETOES AND IGNITION SYSTEM. OUR STOCK OF REPAIRS Ii COMPLETE. WE SELL HORNS, SPOT LIGHTS, MAGNETOES, AND RE PLACEMENT COILS, SPARK PLUGS, LAMPS AND BULSS, IN FACT ANYTHING YOU WANT PERTAINING TO ELECTRI CITY IN AUTOMOBILES WE HAVE IT. CALL AND SEE US BEFORE HAVING REPAIRS MADE. WE SELL FORD STARTERS. NEXT TIME BUY A A BETTER BATTERY FOR YOUR CAR THAT'S ALL Batteiry Service Company Distributors Lumberton, N. G. THE ONE MOST USEFUL VOLUME The publishers have made a larire increase in the price of "Webster's New International Dictionary," Ref erence History Edition. (Not sold in book store.). This is the one most useful volume published. If you will write to me be-fore March 1st, I will sell to you at the former price, on easy terms, save you several dollars, and give you a $3 1920 Atlas of the World, free. J. T. Norsworthy, The Book Man, Selwyn Hotel, Charlotte, N. C (adv.) North Carolina now has 73 gov ernment accredited tuberculosis-free herds. Only seven States have a larger number, and Virginia is the only one of the seven in the South. llf to teeth,t p appetite, w The flavor digestion 1 1 $ (asts-and the g electrically- sealed V y 1 p package l f brines ft fM&VJ $ to you with all Its fft $ goodness perfect- y i y preserved. A I 4 j Sealed rT"t III ch ew i ing Gviir NSSJ Business People appreciate prompt and business-like attention t0 their bank ing transactions. The facilities of this Institution are of such a nature that the requirements of the smallest personal accounts are given the same consideration and care as the demands of the larg est corporate customers. m , . r Individualized, personal Service is h re for YOU. THE PEOPLE'S BANK& TRUST CO FAIRMONT, N. C. ATONIC (763 Vte AflgSfgBGP Instantly re Seres I dC yF fag Stops food sourfaK, repeating, and all stomach i--ir si Grantham Bros., Lumberton, N. C M ?1