:t- PAGE TEN TUB ROBESONIAN, LUMBEETON, . NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, BLAY 20, 1920. C ) ( ) 0!v ' . 'TV' -, lit TV Best Town or 6,000 Population.' To 4he Editor f The-:JbcBuaJL Having visited a larfce jirdftoMfon the towns of the State, I have lor the past two yeara been conscien tiously referring to Luniberton as "e "best town of 6,000 population" I haTfl seen. Now I'm informed-that Lumberton has much lss than the number of people I've name.1. How ever, I can ease my conscience of an?" pangs of regret by . realizing that the ,ivrafje Ki'besonian is equal to at least thre? of the denizens of srme pttces l ve ren. ' J T. NORSWORTHV. Gastona, N...C, May 14, 1920 ... (Brother Norsworthy, who n pleas aijtly remembered here, r.eod i.ot change his estimate nor hunt .tor. any balm for his . conscience. GREAT MASS OF PROOF. , ii . Report Mf 50,000 Gat Jvulncy. Trouble, Seme of Them Lumber- Karh of some 6 000 TfewsnaOers of the United States Is publishing from week to Veek, names of people in iis particular' neighborhood,' whV; , have uied and recommefidtl Doan's Kid ney Pills for kidney backache, weak kidneys, bladder troubles andurinary disorders. This mass of proof in cludes over 0,000 . recommendations. Lumberton is no exception. Here is on of the Lumberton cases. Ask your neighbor! ' . J. T. Bulland, retired, farmer, 512 Second St., Lumberton, says: "I was me. Mrs. H. G. Pope and email sTm-, tke0c at all dealers, Don7t sim- H-.G- frM- R. 4. Lumberton, passed ply k 'for a kidney i rdffl Jfv-i-eet ?ter&T$U 4 uoan muni-v. ruis tne same that ""-""f vumuy, w-ieru iney Mr iBuiiara,; naa.v .wNMilhurn "ea -jm; iun , vuriur.. rt?ia AMERICA'S GREATEST CHAUTAUQUA SYSTEM Fires of Sectionalism Break Out in Report of the condition or CojurrMw l""nalsm BreaK UBl m THE PEOPLES BANK- TRUST CO.. K 'Vk'E? . is . J At Kmirmont, in th State of North .(Mte. m the House of Congress Tuesday Lon and dbeuunu tsioeVis When IQ)'l2litatiTfAU R Morlrlpn Overdraft, nruceurad 'ff Winoia rtieted ahari? b male ForBitur mnA i' t,82. - avv, trat-nauu inu irom mdu( ujHicT atiiu iran other 'Cc4ifedcrates .were Ma,fcor9.,r-!mi,", a.m.s He frst made the statement when chk' far e,e"inr , MtT representative Upshaw bf1 Georgia Totaf protested, because the names of Lee , y.ABI,frITIE?4 and other Confederate leaders had ESww I i-T o!en leii on tn.e amphitheatre just pn and tun pw .dowTL.with jriv back a few years ago Taking jn'snHuffeted.Ja good deal. My back the suburbs which properly form a'aeerried to ache all the time and both- natrt nf Lumberton. the thii'ulation is ered me When I bent over. 1 don t easily 6,000. -Editor). Levi P. Morton, former Vicc Pres ident of the United States and former Governor of New York State, died at bis home, Lllerslie, Rhmebeck-on-the-Hadson, N. Y., Sunday night on the ninety-srxth anniversary of his birth. .JThe word has been passed that women's gkirts will be longer next fall and that prices will be higher. know what . brought on this trouble, but I felt all run down, anf so tired I could hardly move. I got dizzy and often could hardly stand. Black specks floated before' my eyes, blurring my sight: Morojings I flilt tired and lame, and my kidneys were in pretty bad shape. Finally I got a supply of toan's Kidney Pills at the Pope Drug Co., and after I had taken about three boxesViy trouble was en tirely gone. I haven't had a return of this trouble since Doan's cured Lectures ! ' Vigorous, convincing speakers with vital, -worth-while, entertaining messages which make you think: "Your ' COMMUNITY Regular Habits Produce a Beautfiul Complexion Daily elimination rids the system of poisons. Women should realize that I MANY women complain daily of their complexion, of their headaches and gen eral ill health, little realizing that the trouble is constipation. Women, too, are much more sub ject to such congestion than men, and much more careless of it. The result is seen in lusterless, J weary eyes, in sallow, pimply complexion, in lassitude, bad breath, and in that word so often used, "indisposed." At the first sign of these symp toms the wise woman will take a laxative, and will see that the young girl and others in her care do likewise. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is. the favorite with thou sands of women because it is mild and gentle in its action and in the end trains the stomach and bowel muscles to do their work naturally without the aid of medicine. This combination of simple lax ative herbs with pepsin, which can be bougbt at any drug store, is also a very sterling first-aid in colds, fevers and other sudden ills that make it advisable to always have a bottle in the home. It is free from narcotics and safe for the tiniest baby. In spite o the fact that Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin is the largest selling liquid laxative in the world, there being over 6 million bottles sold each year, many who need its benefits have not yet used it. If you have not, send your name and address for a free trial bottle to Dr. W. R Caldwell, 311 Washington St., Monticello, Illinois. CHAUTAUQUA ""57 presents the foremost scientists, travelers, authors, orators-men who know men who bring to usjn;an Interesting way Inspiration and Education 1 $347,828.44 t 25.0M.CV completed at Washington in honor f S1"iT-b"U' rediMOUnUd heroes of all wars" of 'the United DitTaabjwt '-to' '.:.:::: 9,116.11 27.0M.M t, 000.0 IfiK. AtVt iE States. Major Stedman of North Time Certificate of Depoait mWzsiit' Laronna-pomted; otic tmtmei-S. ctZ'Y.bV.: . I'iu -u ouKBiiiyvi -wie. Aoineaerae .soi-.r di'er was nerer 'ehiofinrtI4 " w -'nia flier was nerer ' (jticstiond by his brave, opponents, that Lee. Jackson and other great 'leaders of the South have been honored in every land where patriotism heroism has a home, and that Madden "stands isolated nnd lone-in a wilderness of his own'ere- ation where he will find neither1 re noun nor happiness." Madden reiter ated his charge and some Soith W 14 X of Xmo Representatives shouted "You're a' o. h ru liar. Total IS47.H28 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ROBESON May 14th, 129. I,: W. F. firbtow, Caahicr of the abort named Bask, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the beat of ny knowledge" and belief. ' W. F. BRISTOW. Cashier. Correct Attest : '. ' a. A. FLOYD. ' H: -G. 8TUBBS, . A. N. MITCHELL. Director. Subscribed and wom to before me thai LOYD, Notary Public. Ti.L:n i : Tir c. H nrhom 4M:,U"K' protruaing or viZY n' -"--""" ri v.u IDlmd p,ies nave yielded to Doan's L t,8i ChU-Ch Td fU?J"e') Ointment. 60c at all store? turneH Tuesdav nicht from WoihVnrJ ' a HBUMlg" ii ton, D. C.,' where they attended the Mr. Angus Jernigah of Parldon wai uuuvmrii oujjusi convention. C3 O -- A . llkUjj a Lumberton visitor yesterday. Albert Edward Wiggam noted publicist and newspaper man, presents one ; of his great lectures, "Forty Kinds of Fools" or ; ? "How Eli Got There," humorous and thoughtful discourses on a subject which will be of interest ' . to all. ..4 Dr. J. W. Skinner ' authority on South America; offers his interesting ! . illustrated lecture, "The Romance of South Amer- ican Enterpriser?'r-ran ; evening devoted to the ! wonder-story of a continent twice the size of Europe. ' . . . . .. Denton C. Crowl The Second Sam Jones, with a great forceful j message entertaining and instructive radiat- ing Americanism and truth. One of the greatest , lecturers on the-Ofcautauqua platform today. , Walter Kirkland Greene noted southem orator and educator, in an inspir- ! ing lecture, "The Greater Pyramid." BUY YOUR SEASON TICKETS TODAY I Lumberton Chautauqua, June 5-10 Inclusive Stocti Reducing Sale Ready-lo-Wear Department lie Capitol Department, Store 114 Hay Street ' FayetJevUle. N. C. Beginning Wednesday, May 26th Ending Saturday, May 29 10 O'clock P. M. . EVERYTHING ON OUR ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR REDUCED LADIES, SUITS, DRESSES. SKIRTS, SHIRT WAISTS, MUSLIN AND SILK UNDERWEAR, BOYS WASH SUITS. MILLINERY Our first sale of the season in this department in which we include our entire stock of attractive merchandise. THE SEASONS BEST VALUES, NEWEST STYLES AND ; MOST POPULAR FABRICS. A VERY SPECIAL REDUCTION. A SATISFACTORY SAVING. Tfie Capitol Department Store THE LIVE STORE FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, - ' m CCCCOC0OOI CCOOCOOOOOCOOOOOOOC-?OOeOOOOO COCCPOCOCCOCCCOCOOOOCOCOOCOaOOOOCOOCCCO CCCOOCOOOCr JM PRICES e A E BEEN SMASHED 40-INCH CREPE DE CHINE $1.95. I $'1.00 quality 40-inch all silk heavy weight crepe tie chine in black, white and green at $2.29 ) ir COLORED TAFFETA SILK. 06-inch navy blue, black, and brown taffeta. Sold for $3.00 and $2.79, sale price , $1.65 and $2.25 $3.00 SILK MES SALINE $2.39. 36-inch all silk Messaline of finest quality, black, navy and taupe, sale price $2.39 GEORGETTE CREPE $1.95. 40-inch Georgette Crepe of best quaUty in white havy, flesh, rose, light blue, green, etc, Sold xr y.iv per yara. oaie price ; SILK POPLIN $1.10. C) ) o 8 () O I! $1.95 j; o o o SILK PONGEE $1.4.8. 33-ineh-good quality, silk Pongee, sold for $1.95. Sale price $1.48 i... 1 . ',V- iariiDis Nf Yofl- Can't Al 9 o o ) 2! O $1.00 Boys' Blouses 64c Jap SOk Waist $1.39 $6.98 Blouses $1.98 Voile Waist J.ijr lot boys' Blouses: Nicely made of assort- T Q1) . . . , . J . - Ladies Jap Silk Shirt waist in all colors. Sale A ffv . A ed striped percale. Sale price 64c price $1.39 $0)U 1D" 1 " " " New shipment dainty blouses oHinest quaUty Entire Un" of $L98 voile Shirt 5Paist thrown 8h90 Sheets $1.95 Dress Ginghams 27c Xt: ""'ZZZfi"" $1x90 stantlard size sheets, made of best qual- One big table 39c dress ginghams and per- ' ' " - ity bleaching. A regular $2.79 value. Sale cale in plaids) checks and stripes Sale r Pricf ; Price -; ; :" $458 Georgettes $1.75 Voiles at 45c kg Cloth 35c BleacHng 27c $1.00 Handsome Georgette Blouses in' new models : Finest quality 36-inch long cloth. Sells regu- 60e,.Cne quality Dlesching. Easily worth 40c beaded and embroidered. AU colon and sizes. One table pretty striped voile kirt waists of larly for 45c Sale price 35c T ?T& Sale price 27c Always sold for $4.98. , Sale price .1.; $435 g00d quality to go on sale at. ...... $1.00 Fine quality all silk Poplin worth $2.00 yard today. All colors. Sale price .',V?$1.10 C) : - N -...T 9 II IS o 0 o o I : n ! l