TUB B0BZS0NIA5. LUMBaWItHv. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, MAY, 20. 1920. TAGS FXYl mUTJi IJ TttCJnTT T Office 107 Weft Fourth Street Telephone No. 20. THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1920. BUSINESS BUILDERS MILK COWS I TWO FRESH COWS-HEAVY Milken. M . H, Richardson, Monroe, N. C. FOB SALE 1 FOKD TOURING CAR, NEW. l rord Chassir, Ifood -condition, 1 new Ford Touring Body complete. Economy uaraje, Lam berton. N. C. WANTED SALE8LADT FOR PERMANENT position in dry Roods store. 8 tat an and experience in application. Address "Saleslady", tart Robesonian, Lumberton, N. C. FARM FOR SALE NEAR 'PEMBROKE. S3 Aeres. About 40 acres cleared. . Dwelling and outhouses. Terms (tpod. J.- T. Sim mons, Red Springs. N. C. YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN FOR RAIL- way Mail and Government Clerkships. 1110 month. Age, , 18 upward. Examinat-ons June 16. Experience unnecessary. . For iree particulars, write it. n. irry dormer Civil Service Examiner) 1432 Continental Bldg. Washington. D. C. . : . W. ROBERT MeNEILL has installed in his barker shop a new machine for the purpose ot Krmmnif .cuppers, razors, scis sors, etc. - .( HAY! HAY! HAYt Just received two carloads. Several others on way. Your advantage to Ket our price and see the quality liefore hu3rinK. H. M. Beauley, West 2nd street. Lumber ton, tf. C. FOR SALE THREE FINE YOUNG MULE8. Own -or time, or will rent same out until October. Sec A. E. White. PERSONALS , Mrs., NT A. McLean F: nf her guest Sirs. James Burner entertained j Friday evening of last w.ek tn honoi'jl I 21 unct ouvnci vi E. GilmorP of Whiteville was' Washington, D. L. loose present w . . . - . ..J If T.K. .Ml. I f- ' a iumnerton visitor iuesduv r!e mm jm. numi n Mr. Haynes Powell of R. 2. Lum berton, was in town yesterday Mr. B. Tolar of the Rennerfc scctio- was a Lumberton visitor yesterday, Mr. J. F. flilmnr- -f Wtritovill- urn' ur. and Mrs. T. C. Johnson, ilr. and Mrs T. A. JifcNe.il, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Lawrence, Mrs. E. L. Holloway, Mrs. H. X. McAllister, Mrs. M. V. Mr w a. ' r-viii - r p " ! Cobb, Dr. R. S. Beam and Ttfr.tJ. broke, wan a I.nmhortnn vreitn- ooa. Dickson McLe. t..r-riow I served. Mr. "W. A. Jenkins of Fairmont -Mr?' E". L- Holloway entertained was a Lumberton visitor Monday af- A"6? afternoon at her home. North ternoon, J Chestnut street, m honor cf Mrs. Mr. Ira Smith of Howellavill-. town. ?.utner. The jruezta were M.esdame ship was among ;h visitors in town cLean. A salad course was N. A. McLeah," John KnOxrRr C Lawrence. F. p. Hackett, H. M. Mc Allister, T. A; McNeill, Jr. and M. P, Cobb. Refreshments were served. yesterday. Mr, J. M. McCallum. county audi tor, is spending the day in Charlotte on Dusiness. report ok thr rnNnrnm op jVlessrs. L. C and A. H. Wst i.f. THE BANK OF FAIRMONT the Allenfcnn rtmn ucrn T-nm1firt'l At F-iFmo". the Stat of North Carolina, ine Aiienton section were uimben-jn; Bt of ba,meM M,y uh mo. visitors yesterday. i resources : Loan and discounts I365.4J2.Z9 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 765.76 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds , Furniture and fixtures Ail other. Real Estate ownel Cash in vault and net amounts due from Bonks, Bankers and rust Companies T Checks for 'clearing Rev. B. D. Humphrey of the Saddle tree section was among the visitors S, J, Lum- in town yesterday, Mesi-rs. J. LX GUUi and Thomasson, of Parkton, were berton visitors yesterday. Messrs. J. J. Thrower and J Pat Jackscn, of Red Springs, wero Lum- uerwjn visitors aionuay .mernoon 11.R64.S0 500.69 3,928.84 S8.677.2S 47S.49 Total S441.54I.S1; Mi- r IX Th;il;-- --I-.,- 1 . IAHILIllEi.- . v-. i. i nullum iiiuxncu LUUtlv l fTnnir.nl from a trip to Canada, where he! Surplus fund fttock paid in 20.000.00 1.1 1)00 00 spent two weeks visiting relatives. unrt,v,,''" profits, less current ex- , i Mesdames A. L. Floyd, C. H. Thomp- Deposits to k'::'":':' uoWai son and is.' w. Jenkins, of Fairmont. Jmie -ertiricts of deposit io7,7H7.64 RESOURCES The Planters Bank and Trust Company DOLLARS, and lias resources amounting to more than SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND vt-t we do not considei this our GREATEST ASSET. A clear record of SAFETY and SERVICE is a thing feu more precious with us than the contents of our big burglar proof safe. It is an asset that has taken years of effort t accumulate. This asset is no less valuable to YOU thai to us. The care with which we' guard it assures you of getting frcm thePLANTERS a quality of service second to no bunk in Jlobeson. - . . Do not forget that we are the original FARMERS BANK Organized and operatec in the .interest and for the purpose' of first assisting the FARM EH in financing his business. We greatly appreciate the business and encouragement that our loyal friends andpatrons are giving us. If you are not already a member of our large banking family,, we cordially invite you to Ijfrtetf I t mt h t Make Our Bank Your Bank P!anteir IBank &Trast Co. The Original Farmers Bank were Lumberton visitors vesterdav. Miss Clara Pugh of Charlotte is a guest at the homp of her brother-in- Cnshier'H rherkj outstnadinic Accrued interest due clepwitors . . . 2,188.43 11,500.00 K. IT WANTED TO BUY See I. J. Flowers, GOOD MILK County Home. cow. aw and sister. Mr and Mr? Wrlliard, East Fourth street. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Floyd and Mr A. P. Floyd and daughter, Miss Car rie Floyd, of Fairmont were Lumber- ton visitors yesterday afternoon. Miss Ruby Thompson arrived hme in Lumberton. Write me what you have waa a stue"i- i queens rouegre 4a A J,l T r T A nr. t . Wiv-wi-Mm tltA awh ...V. .1. I m. 1 FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT WHERE I bow live, on Carthage road. Luther J. Prevatt. ' to offer. berton, N. Address O. P. O. Box 475, Lum- POURTEEN ACTOMOBILE8 7S BUGGIES and 80 wagona for sale or exchange. Good seleeton of automobles. Few used can several makes in 4, , or 8 cylinder. C. M. Fuller ft Son. May 11. TO SALE tit ACRES GOOD LAND, LO eated on Main road. Within S milea of - Cerro Gordo. Easy terms. Apply E. A. Moffitt, Cerro Gordo, N. C. NOTICE STRAYED ON APRIL ZSTH. ONE moose-colored mare mule, 6 or 8 years old. Weight about 900. Last seen near Pern broil, N. C. A liberal reward will be paid for any information leading to recovery of aid- mule. Townsend & Brewer, Red Springs, N. C. . . -r ........... ... I HAVE A STRAY DARK BAY MARE mule. Owner can get same by paying feed during the term which closed Tuesday. Mrs. J. M. Kussell of Atlanta, Ga., arrived yesterday and will spend some time here visiting at the home of her rather, ex-Judge T. A. McNeill, North J-Im street UIT OFF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift .sorq, "touchy corns off with , 't I $141,541.01 STATE OK NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF KOBESON. "I, F. L. Blue, Cashir of above named Bank, do solemnly swecr that the a),ove state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. L. BLUE, Cashier. Correst Attest : A. J. FLOYD, J. I. BROWN. F. L. BLUE, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to nofore me, this nxn day of May, 1920. D. G. ROUSE. , . Notary Pul.Uc My Commission expires Nov. 24. 1921. MAi- 2L fingers Nmd advertisement. Raft Swkmp. E. L. C. HaU, near NICE LOT OF REFRIGERATORS FOR ale, 14.50 and op. , D. G. Best Son, KNOX KING RANGES FOR SALE. AL80 a nice lot of oil stoves. . D. G. Beat A So. FOR BALE NEW FORD TOURING, ELEC- trio starter. Used ears, Reo touring 8 6-4 Overland and Big . Six seven passenger. Overland. Ail these cars in .good condi tion and for sale cheap. W. R. Tyner Auto Co., Lumberton and Lowe, N. fj. IFIRE INSURANCE I FOR FTRK INSyS. : aaee. aatonwbUe Uakilltr insara-ce Mnd ' bonds of every kind, see FIDELITY IN SURANCE REALTY CO., A. T. M Lean, Manager. r 91TT FORGET fHB BEST PLAO TO to bunger to at Ue Olympia Ctfe, Km r . MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED LAND ia Robason county cm kmg time. Kates . aa good as any can give. Stephen Mela REAL ESTATE LOANS I I AM STILL MAK tog long time loans en farm lands. My in terest rate and terma kave always been better than any competitors and are still ao. See me if ia tares ted la a loan. A. T. McLean, Lumberton, N. C. WB ARB NOW MAKING LOANS ON IM proved farm lands for I, 7, 10 or SO years. Oq loan of $5,000 or more for ( years ne gotiations charges are t per cent; 7 years I 1-2 per cent; 10 and 20 ywra 1 per cent Chickamauga Trust Company, Junius-, J. Goodwin Attorney. Litai berton, N. C. WANTED LUMBERTON. DRESDEN. JEN nings Cotton mill stock. W. A. Roach. PLUMBING REPAIR WORK AND PLUM fl ing of all kinds, piping for acetylene plants and Delco systems, etc Work solicited any where In the county. Prompt attention. Efiflclent service. Office: Cor. Chestnut and 6th Sts. Phone 7. G. St Kirkman Lumberton, N C. WANTED YOU TO KNOW THAT WE CAN save you money on that monument or tombstone. Get our prices before buying and be convinced. No job too small or too targe. Your patronage wfll be appreciated. Robeson County Marble and Granite Works, West 4th street, Lumberton, N. C. L. C. Hall and C. B. Rutledge, $ props. AT McDOUGALDS BICYCLE AND REPAIR Shop you can get the best work done. I repair bicycles, guns, graphophones. I do vulcanizing bicycle tires, auto tires and tubes. Rubber boots. Give me your work. All work guaranteed. Shop near Old Wood en Bridge. EDGAR IVEY. In the 33rd year of his age the soul of our brother and friend Edgar Ivey was called back to the God whogave Ife was stricken With influenza, de veloping into pneumonia, and from the beginning of his-' illness it seemed that there was n4;3iope"or his re covery. He realized that death was near and expressed his being wil'.lng and prepared to go. His dying mes sage to the loved ones and friends left behind was that they be' prepar ed tc meet him in that noma where final separation never come3. He will be sorely missed in the home, in Baltimore Baptist church, of which he was a member, in Sunday school, as he was the faithful leader in the choir. " But God makes no mistakes and - some day,- sometime, well un derstand. ,. "Be still, sad heart, and cease re pining. For behind the cloud, the sun i' still shining. ' - A FRIEND. Messrs. S. M. Britt, Dock Page and J. E. Rowland of R. 1, Fair mont, were among the visitors in town Tuesday. . Cheapest accident insurance Dr. Thomas' Eclectic ; Oil. . For bums, scalds,-cuts and emergencies. All druggists sell it. 30c and 60c. Subsoil , for Tho EotM-oniaa.. Subscribe for The ROBESONIAN little Doesn't hurt a bit! DroD a Freezone on an aching corn, instant ly that corn stops hurting, then you lift it right out. Yes, magic! A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a few cents at any drug store, but is sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without sore ness or irritation. Fr.eezone is the sensational discov ery of a Cincinnati genms. It wonderful. is REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMERS SAVINGS BANK At Lumberton, in the State of North Caro lina, at the close of business May 4tn, lfc-t. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts $ 3g,SP.4 werararts, unsecured United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds Furniture and fixtures Cash in vault and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies Cash Items held over 24 hours vre ad ma winru ILO Ul IW ITIUUl DO YOU SAY? Folks With Thin, Pale Blood tate Feel Uncertain. Hasi- SHOULD TAKE PEPTO-MANGAN. . 475.00 1,088.65 6.016.64 172.00 Net deficit 2,749.61 Total $ 51,025.59 LIABILITIES : Capital stock paid in $ 17,300.00 Deposits subject to check 28,855.35 Time--Certificates of Deposit ..... 2,800.00 Savings Deceits 8,029.79 Cashier' "checks outstanding 40.45 Total f 51.025.59 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ROBESON, May 12th, 1920. I. R. H. Covington, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement ia true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. R. H. COVINGTON, Cashier. '! Correct Attest : w. f; prevatte, , E. M. BRITT, ... - $ . 1 n prt7S-o n: . Subscribed and sworn to before me, hflr. J0 oay or May, 1920. . ; , S3. St, 'JStUTT. i. - Beeordi T Red-Blood Men and Women Know What They Want to Do and Da It -It may be you are just recovering from a sick soell or mav be votrr i t 09 . avcrtpm i- rHn Havtr tiul tativ Klnwl so weak that you are in a poor shape tc r'$ijt infection But if you don't feel and look ro bust you ar not robust. Such state is often due to weak blood, rot enourrh 'red blood cells, a condition known as ancn-ia. The best remedy for anemia (blcod-h-jsness) with it low mental , and physical vigor is Gude's Pepto-Man-.an. . . .'epto-Mangan sU(oliej th weak, watery blood with the very elements it deeds to put new life into it. It repairs,' re-creates, and re-builds the Kwnisted blood, the . vital fluid of health and life. Try Pepto-Mangan ' S . 1 V . I i are run-aown. it cannot : you it will certainly 1 elp you s you have some deeo-seated ftfe (Hsease requiring the physi- jrf-rare.1 Be sure then name JiXk on the ackaee. 'With- rOude's" it is not Pepto-Mangan. .ttUe at all drists. Advertise- GOODfAUTO SPECIALTIES The Best Made. leather-No. For Automobile" and Buggy Topi and all Leather Goods. Johnson's Carbon Remover. Johnson 'i Auto Wax Finish. Johnson's Squeak OIL Send us an order for these items. There is a large and in Increased demand. " N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY. Wholesale Distributors. 10 and 12 South Front St , Wilmington, N. 0. 2 wrier NOTICE OF SUMMONR. -North Carolina. Robeson County In the Su perior uaurt. Mrs. Lucy Avant vs. Woodson Avant To Woodson Avant. t You will take notice that an action has on instituted in the Superior coxrt of Robe. "v. aoove esua, I or tna pur- o.i . . . pose of obtaining an absolute .ivoc andl m" at 11 &, loui Morrison Speaks in Robeson Cameron Morrison will del: r the the Row- commencement address at land: high school Friday morning, m. Mr. Morrison dissolving the hoads of matrimony hereto-1 will deliver a political address in the 'rf tSSTJS: ZSO his 'candidacy for Cover- required to be and appear before Hon. C. B.'nor at KOWland Friday afternoon at B'rSf . J? 8aar -c "f 1 3:00 p. m. and will speak at Fairmont Robeson County, at the court house in I.um- . , , , fccrton, N. C on Saturday, June 12th, 1320, ' Friday night at 8 p. m. and answer the complaint which will bi de-i -, posted in the office of the Clr knf th Cnnr-t I and that if you fail to appear and answer or demur to said complaint the relief demand- Ladies'ahd Misses' Fashions In Millinery for Spring and Summer 1920 Miss JosephineBreece FOR SALE Selected Golden Dent t Seed Corn $1.00 peck; $3.50 bushel. G.V. McPhaU, Purvis, N. C. DEALERS WANTED ..r for PHELPS FARM LIGHTING AND POWER PLANTS and--. NATIONAL FRESH WATER ' SYSTEMS Literal Commissions, Protected Ter ritory. , WOTAN SALES AGENCY, Distributors. Wilmington, North Carclina. -, ed by the plaintiff wll be granted. Gven under my hand and seal of said court, this the 19th day of May, 1920. C. B. SKIPPER, Clerk of the Superior Court of Roesn County. 5 20 4 Thurs. COUID'TWALKUP AND DOWN STAIRS CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. State of North Carolna, Department of State. To oil to whom th.ese present) may come Greeting : ' Whereas it appears to my satisfaction by' duly authenticated records of th r,rH' ins for voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders de posited in my office, that the Ernaldson Manufacturing Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated at St.. Pauls, county of Robeson, State of North Carolina (Walter D. Johnson beini th ,.n.r therein and in charge thereof, upon whoml i:ani ' T,. IT ... process may be served) has complied with the1 LoUlSVUIe Woman IS HI Fine Health renurements of chapter 21, Revisal of 1905 Of Now Is Grateful to Tanlac. Norti Carolna entitled "Corporations" pre- T . ,, ur liminary to the issuing of tni, certificate' , Ifc W8S flVe yearS aS sald Mrs" of dissolution. I Mattie Martin, of 1710 Owen 3tn;et, taJvof stoTthl it ?ryaf"vG Louisville, Ky., "that Tanlac restor- tary or Mate of. the htate of North Carolina,! j i,'itu T A-n e i- do hereby certify that the said corporation ! my health and 4 am still fecl.Rg did on the 14th day of May, 1920 file in my strong ard well. office a duly executed and attested consent. "Since that time Tanlac K hppi in writing to the dissolution of said eorpora-j . .r"31 l,. la"1,ac na3 oeen tion, executed by all the stockholders there-! the favorite medldne With my family. of, which said consent and the record of the We all take it occasionally and it -LdTfftaT uZmV7 11,6 m myi keeps my children's cheeks red and In Tstimony Whereof I have' hereunto set TOSy. In my nana and affixed my official seal at Raleigh this 14th day of May, 1920. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. Mclntyre, Lawrence A Proctor, . Attorneys 6 20 4 Thurs. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF ST. PAULS. At St Pauls, in the State of North Caro lina, at the close of business May 4th, 1920. RESOURCES : Loans and discounts $888,649.56 Demand loans 21,635.00 Overdrafts, secured .... I4.8S4.92 unsecured J2.872.80 6,707.72 United States Bonds and Liberty bonds 15,000.00 Banking Houses $3,098.16 Furniture and fixtures I2.86.S9 S S84 KB Cash in vault and net amounts due M O t n . ' . . iroiu xmmiu, Dan ers ana irust Companies 41,258.72 Cash Items held over 24 hours . . 2,884.58 Cheeks for clearing i 794.80 Total $476,664.78 . LIABILITIES: Capital ' stock paid in $ 60,000.00 Surplus fund 20,000.00 Undivided Profits lesi current ex penses and taxes paid $ 10,496.65 Notes and Bills Rediscounted 16,000.00 Bills Payable 15,000.00 Deposits subject to check f. 273,406.14 Time Certificates, of Deposit 78,980.82 Savinirs deposits .7 41.00 Cashier- checks outstanding- 2,030.17 Accrued Interest due depositors .. 710.00 Total , $476,664.78 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ROBESON, May 15, 1920. I. J. C. Lents, Cashier of the above named Bank,' do solemnly -swear that the above statement ia true to the best ofmy knowl edge and belief.'' i . . . . . c.C LEMTZ, Cashier. Correct Attest i - C. N. HESTER." J. M, BUTLER. A. D. EVAN 3, Directors. Subscribed and (worn to before ma this 1U day ef May. 4J0. , -. i.M BROWNS IVANS. . ' Notary Public fact, Tanlac has been such a fine thing for ns all that you might call us a regular Tanlac family. "I was in a nervous run-down con dition and for six months before I be gan taing Tanlac I was so weak I couldn't walk up and down the steps. In fact I was almost a complete ner vous wreck, couldn't slep at night and even the children playinjr arfiund would nearly drive me "distracted. I had no appetite, and as fond aa I. am of certain kinds of vegetables I couldn't eat them, because my stomach was hi such a bad condition. Noth-j ing agreed with me and I felt so bad1 that life seemed hardly worth living, i "But my trouble, soon diaipeared when I got Tanlac, and six bottles' made me feel like a new person. It. built me up and strengthened me 30 I could do my work, something I had not been able . to. do in months and I am just as strong and well to-day' as one could ask to be. I nleep we'l at night, eat anything I want, do all my cooking, ironing, house cleaning and take car.e -of - my four children without any trouble at all. Now whe.i any of the family complains of feel ing bad 'I start them on Teniae and it soon sets them right. , I have found it a perfectly grand family medicme and I can sincerely recommnd it to everyone, especially those who are suffering as I did." Tanlac is sold in Lumberton by J. D. McMillan & Son, Pope Drug Co.; in Baraesville by-W. C. Walters; in EIrod by J. E. Bridges; in Lowe by U E. Tyner & Son; McDonalds. D, H. Britt, Jr. Have We Oil in North Carolina? We want everyone who reads this advertisement to thoroughly understand that he is taking a chance. Every oil proposition is a gamble. The drilling of an oil well right alongside of a gusher is a risk. You may strike oil or you may hit a "duster," but a;ertain "element of chance" applies to many. lines of business. " Geologists and practical oil experts say we have prospects like those of the Texas Gulf .Section for striking oil on our vast acreage 100,000 acres in eastern North Carolina. The signs have long been unmistakable that oil underlies our property. The indications are so numerous and convincing to us that we are determined to give a trial in developing this territory to the utmost. We believe cil is there telicve it so strongly that we are going to drill for oil. JJiJ . In the past BIG MONEY in oil development has been made in the opening up of new oil fields. Many people have put in a few hundred and received incomes of thousands from a new oil development. Stock that cost $10.00 per share has jumped to fabulous prices. Poor men have become immensely wealthy. w . NO OIL - MONEY BACK SAFETY IN OIL" Our financial plan is called "Safety in Oil" Under this plan every dollar originally invest ed in the stock of the .Carolina Petroleum Company will eventually be returned, without in terest, to the subscriber, regardless of whether oil is struck or not, or whether a dollar of earnings is ever available for dividends. Under our plan THE INVESTOR CANNOT LOSE HIS PRINCIPAL. Pill out the coupon below, mail TODAY and we will send you full particulars concern ing our Carolina oil development proposition our "SAFETY IN OIL" investment feature. Carolina Petroleum Cotapany 334 Southern Building, Washington, D. C. Gentlemen: 1 Please send me full information cover ing jour oil development proposition in eastern North Carolina. This request is made with the under standing that the undersigned is under no obligations in the matter. Name .Street- Town State Carolina Petroleum Company Eoyal C, Eemick, President J. O. Carr, Vice-President JLJSijrgusoJvJr- DIRECTORS : -General Counsel D. K Cowen, Secretary & M. Grimm, Treasurer. W. W. Bride J. 0. Carr E." C. Bemick W. A. French A. B. Williams' X M. Grimm D. K. Cowen.; ... V