V ' - i A. : :-..r -V- . i CAC3F0CB JOIN US K. M. BIGGS, President flE R0BE80NIAN Published By COBESONIAN PUBLISHING CO. I. A. SHARPS .... President SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year ..... $3.00 Six Months 150 Three Months .75 MONDAY, JUNE IX, 1920. dfice 107 West Fourth Street Telephone No. 20. Catered ai second class mail matter at tha postoffice at Lomberton, N. C FORGET IT. Any weakling can whine over de feat and failure. It takes grit and pluck and, all the real stuff of which thoroughbreds are made to come up smiling" after defeat or failure and bear no ill will but f ace the new day cheerfully. There is nothing lovely or to be admired m the person who whines and nurses a grudge. It is one of the most unlovely traits that human beings ever manifest. Get away from it. It will blister and warp the soul as few things on earth have the power to do. Each day is a new day that has never been spent. Let the following from one of Dr. Frank ' Crane's essays grip you and set your feet on the firm rock: "It's-pver now. It's done. Forget it. " "Dont forever be raking it up, thinking it over, wishing you had done it differently. J "Foffcet it! Whit's don's VvOne. It3 down in tin bottomless pit of the past. Iiet it beljjl v cuVc-' "I4 aheai nt Jm! - .. Tbik of tomorrow, not yester day! . ,,-" -: .. "You-jcan make something of io-l mcrroiiyi Vftrttay is beyond iscalLl "Yesterday's as dead as a door nail, as lifeless as a brick, as hope, less and unchangable as wood. Turn away from it!'- ' , ' Tomorrow's alive, pregnant with beauty,, radiant with power, bulging with a conceivable opportunities. Turn to it! - "Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things whinh are before', is the way one of the greatest souls of earth described his attitude. "For the past is dead. The future is life. . "From the past come up the mias mas of despair, remorse, self-contempt, which sickly o'er the thought until the zone of purpose is loosed and the high murky cloud. star is quenched in "Once in that mountain air of no bleness you ' will not regret the trou bled valleys of pride. Forget it! Everybody! Every up-l rolling sun brings a new chance to all the sons and daughters of men. I Every swelling moon means a new month of opportunity. Every " star the innumerable stars, sand-strewn wii iuc f r"- '"5", Jo star of hope. "Forget it! Front face, you!" . -o ; ON THEL OPEN ROAD. ,A resolution adopted at the conven-j tion of the North Carolina Good Roads Association at Asheville last week declares that all drivers of motor vehicles should be made to take out a State license to show fit. ness and ability to drive a car and that lfcense should ba revoked) j to case of speeding. , -Every"" genslble1-person who' has opportunity to observe at all knows how badly State 'license for auto 'drivers it needed. So many drivers are reckless that it is a wonder more fatal accidents do hot happen. Education if laf gely a matter of Catarrh Cannot Be Cured br LOCAL, APPLICATIONS, s they cannot reach the seat ot the disease. Catarrh la a local disease, greatly influ enced br constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE wiU cure catarrh. It Is tax en internally and acta through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is composed of. some of the best tonics ' known, combined with some of the' best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients In HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is what produces such won Vrful results In catarrhal conditions. Druggists 76c. Testimonials free. T. 1. Cheney ft Co, Props, Toledo, a SSPT TBI NOW. knowing what to be afraid of. The person who boasts that he is not afraid ,to let his ear out to the limit and pass other vehicles 'at racing speed is just advertising the fact that he is a plain fool. Besides showing ability to handle an auto, a licence ought to contain a provision that ability must be coupled with a solemn pledge to observe the ordinary courtesies of the) road.- Some ordinarily careful divers prove tSiemstdves such ilf bred asses that their presence on the road is an offense to all decent trav elers. SEPARATE MEETINGS FOR MIDWIVES Coespondence of The Robesonian. The reason for calling the Indian and colored midlives to meet in Lum. berton on the same day, was for the purpose of classifying them by name. The record of names in this office were so confused, that it was impos sible to separate them, without having th" neonle here. However, in view of the fact that there seems to be some misunder standing in regard to this meeting, a meeting will be held tomorrow for col ored midwives; a meeting one week la ter, June 29th, 3 p. m. for Indian mid wives, and a meeting Monday, July 5t'i for white midwives. The purpose of these meetings is to srive the midwives further instruc tions, and permits to continue practice. E. R . HARDIN. County Health Officer. ALL LICENSE TAXES ARE DUE JUNE 1ST OF EACH YEAR In order that the merchants and dthefs'donig business within the town hmrts. may be informed I beg to quote "the following from the town ordinance:, "If any person shall fail tp , pay any license tax required by this ordinance, for a period of thirty aays alter samA shall become due, a penalty of 5 percentum on th amount of such license; tax shall be added to the license required. Ther. is a fine of $10.00 for failure to list each dog and a fine of $5.00. for failure to pay the tax" and attach a regulation tag to tire dog.. J. P. RUSSELL. Adv. , Clerk & Treasurer. OXFORD COLLEGE OXFORD, N. Gr- . 71st Annual Session Preparatory and College courses; SPECIAL COURSES: Mask Home Econimics Art - , Commercial Branches Expression Pedagogy All Under Specialists. 14 Standard Units required for admission to Freshman Class. , It is necessary this year to make early application for room. Catalogue sent on request. F. P. HOBGOOD. ANNOUNCING That I have opened an office in Fairmont as special agent for the LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF f VIRGINIA. ' Men and women insured at very low rates. The largest company in the South. Come and let us talk It over. PERCY H. WILSON Office in Wilson Bldg, FAIRMONT, N. C. HAVE YOUR AUTO PAINTED The Automobile Paint Shop, Chestnut St., Lumberton, N. C. Fine painting and uphol stering. Work positively guaranteed. J. A. THOMPSON, Proprietor. B0B2S0NIAN, LUltZZSTTCf 102X11 Nineteenth Series Opens : ' ' Sold since JMay lsti . : , WE -WANT TO HEtP iYOU F. P. GRAY; -Vice 'President . - GEO.' M. WHITFIELD, 1. : Qkaiim Means a Sale at Every Efird Store Millions of Dollars Worth of the Best Merchandise Obtainable going at Bar gain Prices. added eyeiyy. r ' ... 'ct . ' .: ) Salel Continues Through Sift Efird Chain Sale 4k!dm At Fairmont Vednesday, June We wiU sell at Stubbs' Sales 14 high-grade Jersev Cows. ? Also I extegra U. S. U A. 1. tested. tlillcrest farm, CAKOLDfjL MONDAY, JUNE July 1st Two iNe w Specials 23; 1 0 a. nt. L - tit nia A KuiT' ftillB 1 Vinji 21, l$2fl. -" Hundred and Fifteen Shares ; 'r: JMeeting Places for Community Ser. vice. . Shannon (colored) Monday night,' June 21st . Orrura Taeiday night, Juae !2nd. fiox Wednesday ni,?hr, June g3rd. ; Back Swanvj Thursday night, June Parkton Friday niht, JunVl'Sth. Pembroke Nocmal (InJ.) -.Saturday, night, Juv 26th. . Prosrrarinifc. The Pipe Dream; His Jungle Sweetheart; New City Ford Weekly; A Sditi Humor; Produc ing More With Less Help; War Re view. - M. N. FOLGER, D;reetor Community Servic- Robeson County. Gompers Reelected for 39th Time ' The American Federation of Labor again expressed its confidence in the leadership of Samuel GomperS, its veteran president, when it re-elected him Friday,-for the chirtyintnth time, at its annual convention in- Montreal, and returned to office hi3 ifttiro ad- iiiiiiini.rai.ivp. CMDinet. . . ; . . tfne. MOST COmtNlCNT WAY-rohr 1 I -isi B I mmk 8:1 lT er-k II THEN: '-v:;i' "-" ,ius: ,&iwVJ.v r.A- xfxv"i- "'y t ' ... rK T sY. .-ix't-A ifitwm 'rai hV-i" JEL -Toil, will .always . baVe a" reieipt' nw i-- , "l f'l . li J You'll fEEL L. . tc mi . mi. L . . jji Bw J. , i f 3 LUJJDEIITON, N. C. I Tou feel at home when you visit this BANK. One of .our most ceaseless " purposes is to o treat our customers that they will consider each visit to this BANK a-pleasure. Whatever the nature of your business yon can cpme to us with the assnr. ance that yon will be courteously ,-and eonsideratelyejdtwithfc. Our aim is that this BANK shall ' always - be regarded by thoso who v J. ' , i , deal ' Srith N asi ' WITH ' THAT AT ING.W 1 " -i "THE OLD ct lit ' ! if: . j ' , ' ... ; ; . ri i " r - r i . . Sec and Treas. Waterpower Development Bill Be. conies Law. The waterpower development bill, ten years in the making, finally has b.ecome law. Announcement that President Wil son had signed the measure prior to June ,11 was made Friday at the White House. At the same time it was announced that' he had failed to sign the joint resolution repealing most of the war-time laws, and the Underwood resolution providing for negotiations with Canadfo relritfve to the embargo on the shipment of wood pulp to the United States EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. o w..QUpifle!! 1 Iec"ti,r 0 the estate of Rebecca Powsll, deceased, late of Bobeeon county, thte U to notify H person, having claims asainst the said estate to present them to the "undenisriied' executor, duly Terlfied. on or before th 10th day of June, mi. eke this notice will be pleaded in bar of the.fr re! eovery. - All persons indebted to the said estate will please make Immediate payment. : This 1st day of Jane. 1920. LAWRENCE PIPKIN, MeN.111 A Hb . Eeentor. I . Alforneys to Executor. 10 6 Thursj four cnecit oook recerd wiu pm.ii I nrti: . tVye; repayment of ftie same Tiifl crediti yte, iMZ at Home! THff BANK HOME EEL- National Bank of Lumberton i A. W. McLEAN, President M. T. COBB, Cashier. RELIABLE" . ,1 ,1-l"'t . ...li li t - J .vr.."-

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