i sr. ma boszsoa LUJCSZ3T0IV 908ni C4C0UM A. MONDAY. JUKE 21. ilML.,. PAGB FITS THE J10BES0NIAN Office 107. West Fourth Street Telephone No. 20. V MONDAY. JUNE 21, 1920. BUSINESS BUILDERS LOST ACCOUNT BOOK CONTAINING BE- twen S5M and 87M worth accounts. Lib eral reward for return to E. S. McNeill, Lumberton. N. C. PERSONALS BUCK. BUCK. BKICK WE HAVE THEM on band far Immediate Bale. R. D. Cald well A Son. " SULPHATE OF AMMONIA your crop move. Only a. Send us your nrier. K. M. vton, N. q. WILL MAKE few ton left. Biggs. Lumbef- FOR BALE SEAL CHEAP A GOOD FARM hone, rather praggy. W H. Humphrey, Lumberton, JH. C. FO RS ALE TWO FULLBLOOD JERSEY heifers, one two year- the other four months". Also some hog. See J. S. Hum jhrey,. Shannon, N. C. BRICK. BRICK. BRICK WE HAVE THEM on hand for immediate sale. R. D. Cald well Son. ' WANTED POSITION .AS TYPIST 0 BTE nographer for summer months. - Address : ' nographer for summer months. Several years experience. Address : lOllege Btu dent, care Robesonian. , FOR SALE TWO - FINE Fresh and heavy milkrs. son, Monroe, N. C. JFJtSE M H EY COWS. Richard- WANTED TO BUY FIVE OR SIX ROOM residence plose in. will pay cash. W. A. Roachf at National Bank of Lumberton, BRICK, BRICK, BRICK WE HAVE THEM on hand for immediate sale. K. V. Cald well Son. WE DO ACCORDIAN PLEATINGS AND Hemstitching.. . Mail orders riven prompt attention. J. B. Bruton, Singer Sewing Machne office, Lumberton, N. C. , FOR SALE GROCERY. FRUIT AND BOFT drink business on Elm street .Reason for selling, expect to leave Lamberton. 'Apply to Rich Milligan, Lumberton. : FOR SALE FORD ROADSTER IN FIRST class condition, $460. Economy Garage Lumberton", N. C. FOR SALE CHEAP ONE SMALL SODA fountain with tank and . charging equip ment ready : ft -use uan oe -DOUgnt xor leak than one-half price. See me at once. S. D. k Sanderson, Tumbertoa, N. C. FOR HALE CHEAP ONH f S-k. . D. SAW mill. Address J. D. Robertson care of Robesonian. FORD TRUCK FOR SALE RUNs- M8 miles Apply to Bullock Brothers, Lum berton, N. C FOR SALE I NEW FORDS WITH START- era, 1 1917 Ford-in good. order 1 baby grand C ha volet.- , All at a bargain. T. C. Lewis garage, Bex, Nt C. FOR SALENS DUROC JERSEY HOGS. 7 months old. ,WeU grown to age. G. Lea non, Lumberton, N. C, R. -6. WANTED COTTON MILL . STOCK. WILL PAY BEST PRICE FOR THE FOLLOW ING: JENNINGS, DRESDEN. LUMBER TON, NATIONAL AND ST.-PAULS. SEE W. A. ROACH, atNATIONAL SAXK OF Lususivn, FOS tLB-NEW FORD TOURING, ELEC trie starter... Used ears. Ilea aruring 8 6-4 Overlaikd and Big Six seven passenger Overland. All these . ear in good cendi tiea and for asja cheap. W. . Tyner Auto Gw leasshsrtnn and . Low. N. O. Mr. M.B. Robbins is spendvo;f the jday in Chrlotte. Miss urrie unnn srwnt sne week enr at Charlotte. Mr. L. M.West of Allenton was in town Saturday., " Mr. , Harry Greei ! Raefo-d st ent Friday her on business ' Mr.' E. Odura of R. 1, Shxif was aJ I umberton visitor Friday. Mr. P. H. West of R. 5, Lumber tons was 4n town. Saturday. Mr. R. VL. Perry of R. 7, Lumber ton, wat In town Friday. Mr. E. B. Paul of R. 1, Lumber, ton-, was in town Saturday. Mr. S.W. Phillips of R, 5, Lamber ts was in town Satlirday." : Mr. N"eill Freeman of R. 4, Lum berton,. was In town Friday. Mr. D. McN.-Buie of R. 6, Lum berton, was in town Saturday. vMr. D. H, Hodgin of Red Springs fs a Lumberton visitor today. Mr,. J. W. Sellers is spending tne day in Wilmington on business. Sir. Pearl Burch of Abbottsburjr, was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Miss Maude Belle Connelly, of Ma rietta was among the visitors in town Friday. Mr. C. W. Sessoitis of R. 7, Lum beiton, was among the vision m town Saturday. - Mr. E.J). Wilkerson of K..1, Fair f r- t " ii n . -.-" tf. ? ."-II lib : '- r I I -- .. u HEALTH AluO'HYGIEIIE Conducted by Dt. IS R. HARDIN. County Health Officer. ( mo:i-, wtts among town Friday the vis'tors iti WHOOPUfiB- COtJGItlN ' V - .-; -t ROBESOX COUNTT Whooping cough ia a widespread and dangerous disease, for which fa. niUaritw has ' bred contempt. It !is1 usually j m disease of cold J weather, but an epidemic has spread over the Stat this summer. Whooping cough is a dangeroug disease and the sooner parents realize this fact the better will be the chances ot thiir children to live, and grow up wftbeuf s&me physical affliction. During th year 1910 the death rU 'per .100,000 population 'from measies was iz.o; irom wnooping cough 11.4; scarlet fever which is usually considered a very serious dis- I ease,, had a death rate for 1910 of , n.b per luu.ouo population, wniie diphtheria had a' death rate of 21.4 per 100,000. 7 German statistics covering a pe riod pf 11 years show that the mor. tdity among those attacked with whooping cough is under one year of age, 13,8; between two and five yeay of age 3 percent; and between five and fifteen years of age 1.8 per cent, If any further argument is necessary 4.0 convince you that whooping cough is a very dangerous disease for chil dren, then you ar. a hard proposi-! a.: in i j: - . a 11 1 nun. ifie disease is not inirequenuy Mr. J. Von Wilson of R. 4, Lum-1 f pmplitated by inflammation of the berton, was among the visitors in town Saturday.' Mr.Ambrose Prevattof R. 5, Lum berton, was among the visitors in town Saturday, Mr. N. Ai Kinlaw of R, 7, Lum- YOUR FRIEND am your friend. Xom to me when eergeaey calls, theufh yon have a thousand friends. I am certain. I eaeearaf, effort, protect poeaeaesona. I deTelop mf. Jadcment. by disclMinc the valae ot eonservaiiv thaos-Kf tk. r.....i .M , serTttire action. I teach thrift and thereby enrich. .Through habits ef thrift I euIUvaU ether carerul habits and discourage careless enes. Thus do I mold character and among yonr fellows, 1 improve your estimate and understanding. J I look far ahead. I secure you from the humiliation of dependency. In the sunset of yonr . years when yourreaerf ies have earned their period of repose, I continue to be your friend your assuring friend. - When you have put aside your labors, yoa may still rely upon me. When yodr mind has secured its opportunity to nnrestric tedly indulge retrospect, profound thought, and sublime reflection, I shall stand ready to sorr ound you in comfort with the atmos. phere of peace, the happiness of esse, and the things you will at sock a time most desire to be surrounded with. . - . ' p .. I prepare and provide the way your all-time friend. ' . J ; I am your Cash Reserve, held in the The Planters Bank and Trust Company , in& OAiiiL ut - r , e . Safety. Service and Security, " And Resources of more than a half Million Dollars. Make Our Bank Your Bank The Planters Bank & Trust Company THE ORIGINAL FARMERS BANK "WORTH WEIGHT 'IN GOLD" HE SAYS limgs, and the violent cough is apt to produce a harmful dilitation of the lung tissue. The disease is often followed by tuberculosis in underfed children. Paralysis and hemorrhages into the eyes, have been reported as berton, was among the visitors in ! complicating whooping cough. Whoop- . o-.. msr couen i transmitted from ono Mi Mnnio Vvi!inB vtoi-Haw I person to another by fairly close can.1 Willhide Was So Run Down His Con. ti .11 Vo v,'tact. and the sputum or nasal secre'V' dition Alarmed Hi Wife and msn ,ri.i .ifil- . . Ition is, the medium in whicn. the Fius Tanlae Ends Trouble. Mi Almn Wi Elnn Coll-o 1 germB-,leave the body of the person- "'RnUc has. been worth its weight a.iruest, at., the home : of Mr. "and nylni,. the disease. During Vio'etfiA gfW to me," said Walter S. Will- Mrs. W.- L. Dougherty. spumm inrownl? long Messrs. S; R.- McDaniei and Hoke dlstanPe from the victim m the form Floyd, of .Fsirraont were among the f ty spray, and it is in tbm way visitors ir town Saturday. . ' and, W me,ana of handkercmefs, Messrs. D. -H. Hodgin and N. A. ?'" clothes, and the like, Maxwell of Anttoch spent Sunday w?wh( avf gently been sprinkled with friends in Lumberta Le mfected Bputuav. that the uiscttits;. germs are carried. ine m fectiVeness of the sputum is moat marked during the height of the dis ease, and it is active at all times dur. ing the attack. It may be transmit- Messra. Anderson. andtX'Uther Tay lor of R. 7, Lumberton, were among! the' visitors in town Saturday. Mrs. E. P. Townsend and son, Mr Harvey, of ti, b, Lumberton, were among the visitors in town Saturday, j te aer h last wnoP ls, heard Mrs. Homer-Ber its and sniail daughter, EvangeUuo, of R, 4, Lum berton, were among the visitors in t6wi( Friday. Mr. W. R. Barnes and nephews, Mas ters Russell and James Barnes, of Orrum, were among the visitors in, town Thursday. f View arrived this morning and, will spend several dys with her sister. Mrs. Kate T. Brown. Mft:?J& ; GL - Webster -and Son, Mr. H. ,G. Jrn ffe, tbiinenWg(for "Lau; fTRB ViSUBANOti JTO: W XSBVJtr mm. atnaMll liattltt aeaeaee mi benosr'ef every Mne see rtOCLXn-.m 8UBAHCB KKAI.TT OO, A. M Uaavillasasaft. n ?, .?3; -a- 'united tjuAMuinTT ntM mmr Mttn Irish Potatoes, Jtor Je.- and uMr lanting ert L. at CaMweU's. RED CEDAR-BEVIt, SUHVG. iEAJI - atsv fannaw te a t ne OiFt. C e. aWj street. . Loasaarasa.. . . jj ,7 ...j H. Monet to wrmra&Yt&AXitp ta Bobeson eouslar pb m time. J Katea as cood aa'an-ai Stephen Mela- I -. !. t . .. CAL E8TATB LOAWS T M STJlL MAK Hi otic urn " "-- " tercet rate .and terms nara always been better than my competitors and are. still c gas me 11 miiesseq in . a- McLean, Lumberton, N. C ' AT McDOUGALDB BfCYCLB AND XEPAIK Shoe you ean set the twst work done. I Mnsl. srona.- aaausiophonea. 1 so enleanisins bicycle tires, ante tires and tubes. Rubber boots. Give me arror work. AUwork guaranteed. Shop near Old Wood en Bridge. ' , PLUMBING REP AiK WORK AND PLUMB tag of all kinds, plptes tor acelsrtene plants and Deleo systems, etc. ., Work solicited any where In the county. Prompt attention. Efficient service. Office: Cer. Chestnot aad 6th Sta. Phone 17. a 8. Kbkman Lartberton. N C. WAN TED TO U TO KNOW THAT W CAN save you money on that monument or Mk.na. Cat ear nriess before buying and be convinced. Mo Job to aaemU or too large. Tour patronage nu do apsreeiaH. Robeson County Marble and Granite Works, Wt 4th street. Lumberton, N. C. L. C. Hall and C. R. Butledge, props. rinbur, week 'nniMsinoBs;;!' itli: -5 't" Miss Mvath'Rayben left 'Saturday ,epiling f 9r, Imoy, IpaaokeC Rapids and Cameron,' where shjHwfll vwisit friends foiabutW6'weeTcs.'' " Miss Sadie Thompson ' went Satur day to Wilmington, where she will spend some timA visiting at the home of i Mr.and-Mrs.; A.-; W. ewkirk. ; WjR ShaS and, daughter, lit. fle;-MfefliaWt3i, and little Miss Virginia - Lswtobc returwib;J5Atur. tMnAT.PuBois retarned Satur day from fe&frwahi Tenh. where she vistted) . it ne home of her brother. Her niooes MiB&es Eve and Sue Mor rison' returned iithr her and will" be guests for some, time, at the home, of Rev. and Mrs. DuBois at their home on East Fourth street. -CHURCH N6TES. In th fact of all these facts, the mother that wilfully exposes her children to whooping cough is guilty of a criminal act against her own children, and the parents that send their children to school or any other public place to infect others'' children, are guilty of a misdemeanor and should be punished. . Any parents that fail to report whooping cough . to the Health T4 partit or thetr physician; are guil ty or criminal negligence. Tne pUK. hMflt w.ell-known mploye of the Federal Rubber Co., Cudahy, Wis., and who lives at 75 Howell Ave., Milwaukee. "My wife and friends were really alarmed about me, but now J never felt better in my life. V."Mlii't believe anyone ever suf fered more from stomach trouble than I did for five years," he said. "Af ter every meal gag would form and I had such sharp pains across my heart I could scarcely breathe. Dull",, heavy, dizzy headaches would come on mA and I had to lie right down or Iwould fall over. My back and stomach hurt so bad I could hardly bear my clothes to touch them. I was nervous as a cat and the least noise at night would excit me. The muscles in my legs would cramp at nightSmtil I would have to get up and walkJfche floor to get relief; Host fif teen,pounds, my appetite was com pl Jteay gon and J was So weak I could hardly do my work. - 'bottles of Tamac have pose of th, law to g'ive protectifahri& me wf' every one of my troubles, o tne. cnuuren, out tnis cannot be done; successfully, as long as Bome Lpeopje choose to keep th 'infection of their children with whoopmg cough; a ecret lor fear the children will , have to stay ' at- home'.'yatfew weeks, if the authorities are notified, Some. people are so zealous of their children's progress in . school that they will end them to school with anything. It is a' fortunate' thing for the pttb c that there are not more eh) people but an unfortunate it tncre is any ox them; Some :hool children show altogeth- uch modesty m dealing with arents. WJien- child is sus. pected of haying Whooping cough or any cftner contagious disease, he should be sent home. Many parents in this county, in. the ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Baying qualified as administrator of the J. B. McLean: deceased, this is .tif all nersnna having claims against said estate to present them to me on or be- fore June 11, 1921. or this n0tice will M plead-1 ed m bar of recovery. , c,r : " AH persons indebted to said esta44 will please make immediate payment., u s' K J0-7' Tc. Mclean;: V . W C 10 6 Thurs , Administrator, t ADMINISTRATION SALE OP THE W. H. ROZIER ESTATE. On Wednesday. June . SOth, W20, at 1 o'clock a. m. I wU sell for cash to the huchst bidder, all the personal property and effects of the late W. T' conskting ef corn, hay, foddr. tl-head Jogs, .M.in fmnllmnts. itre . fix Lures. Liberty bond. nnd . aU other goods and ehattela be to said estate. Abo, 110 acres of land well timbered with good elay subsoil foundation, located at Rosier Siding, three mile south of St Pauls, M-' place of sale: Rosier' Siding. , Data of sale: June 80th, at 10 o'clock a, in. Trms of sale: Cash Thi. 10th day of 'f Admin htrator of W. H. Rosier, Deceased. John D. Canady, Attoraey, St. Pauls, N. C. 0 tl 8t Cattie McLean and Sam Jones,' a colored couple from the Rowland sec tion, were married m the offke of Register of Deeds. M. W. Floyd at 10 of the clock this morning. Rev. N. J. Page officiated a. : 7 Mr. T. A. McNeill, Jr, left yesterday for San Francis to attend the Demo cratic National convention. Mr.-1: H. Fields of Hope Mills is a Lumberton visitor today. I- 1 ( 1" I 1 - tlfciii 1 L; V - Big fun show tonight and all week on CiauUoo jot. Rev. Theodore Partrick, Jr., who has accepted a call to Trinity Episco. pal church, and Mrs Partrick arriv ed ' Friday from Clinton.' They are guests for. the present at the home of Mrs. Alf. H. McLeod, North Elm street. Mr. Partrick is pleasantly remembered here, having served this church for a few months two sum. mers ago. -: 1 tbmt t of oa er"too such 'v Rev. Dr. R. C. Beaman preached the sermon at a memorial service held in Trinity Methodist church in Dur. ham' yesterday in honor of Mrs. Ju lian S. Carr. Dr. Beaman had been asked to . conduct this service early in the year but it was postponed on account of the. influenza epidemic and he received notice : only last week that the service would , be held yes. terday. He went . to Durham - Satur day and. will return,,, home this eve ning. No preaching services were held at Chestnut Street Methodist church yesterday on account of his absence. zone of whooping cough infection, are giving their children the whoop ing cough vaccine. This vaccine has not been -accepted by the medical pro fession, but it has given good results. 1 ne vaccine is given Dotn as a pre ventative, and curative agent. It is eaid to shorten the course of the dis ease and make it much milder. The vaccinp can be secured from this of fitoe. E. R. HARDIN, County Health Omcer. MORE ABOUT BALLS ON IRISH POTATO VINES Supt. A: S. Barnes of the Metho. dist. orphanage at Raleigh, in ac knowledging the -last,. Tegular first Sunday contribution, wrote Secretary G. . M. Whitfield; that ' Chestnut ? Street Methodist. Sunday-school, of .Lumber-, ton contributes ,i more tov- the . orphan age than. aniTotner-' Sunday school ' in the conf erenc. V The' contributions. j since- the beginning of thi conference I year December. 1, up to' aad including tre first Sunday in. J une, amounted to tl,086.36. . .- . Rev.'L. E.Dailey resigned yester day as pastor -of the -East Lumber.' ton Baptist church. - The resignation will be effective- Sept 1. ; He-will also resign the other churches in-his field. This are Raft. Swamp Antioch, and Center. Mr. Dailey has accepted a field in Hertford county. He came to the field here 4 years ago and his churches have made advancement un. To the Editor of The Robesonian: Referring to an article in a recent issue of The Robesonian, we notice that AlrvWetmore says the littla balls that grow on tne Irish potato vine contain potato seed. The writer re members having seen such growth on potato: vines when he was a lad and his recollection is that they did con tain seed. Recently, however, he was invited; to look at a patch of pota toes here potatoes were! apparently growipgr above the ground just 'as tbey were growing beneath it, only they were .smaller on the vine, I encloEe1 One of 'the;, vines which seems to have potatoes growing on it. The potatoes' on the ye; were not very green when the vine 'was detached, they. had about the color 'of th po tato hx the ground, but as potatoes will do' when exposed to sun and air have , now turned green. -. . , . Yours very truly . H. B. PHILLIPS. Fairmont, N. C, June 15, 1920. - .; , : -' i- -. -p,V. V Bipr fun show tonight and all. week on Chautauqua lot. - , -J I Declares at Least 700 Favor Wet Plaak.' ; -;-V' ' I -'-Walker W. Vick, of New York; campaign manager for Gov. E. L Ed wards, of New Jersey, in Chicago Friday on his way to San Francisco, declared in a statement that there would b not Jess than 700 delegates m the Democratic national conven tion in favor of a modification of th Volsteaiact, "permitting th, use of ignt wises and beers in such states I cat anything and never have un un comfortable feeling in my stomach, my nerves are like steel and I nev er have a headache, dizzy spell or pain f -amy sort. My friends are congratulating m on how well I look and I certainly feel fine." Tanlae is sold in Lumberton by J. D. .MfMillan & Son, Pope Drug Co.; inv Bsrnesville by W. Ctf Walters ; In Elrodv by J E. Bridges; m Lowe by L. E.'Tyner'& Son; in McDonalds hy D. H. Britt, Jr. NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION. I Having this day qualified as administrators of A. D. MeKensie, deceased, this is to "certify all persons hawing claim against said estate) to presnt same to us at our office at Row-, land. North Carolina, duly verified as re quired by law on or before the 10th day of ing June. izi, or this notice bar of their recovery. SECOND PRIMARY ELECTION. JULY 3RD, 1920. ThA State Board of Elections ha. canvassed - the return of taw will be plead In' nrimam haLt m Tn.. r toon a All naraon. iiulabM V" ""t to said esuto will pUas make payment to whereas certain candidates for cer tain officses having failed for nom ination, therefore, in accordance with, section 6045 of North Carolina elec tion law, 1919, I hereby order a see. ond Primary Election for Robesom county to be held on Saturday the 3rd day of July, 1920, to be conducted in a manner' the same as. the, first Primary Election. Registrars .aad Judges of Election wil Itake due e- the undersigned. Dated this June 1st, 1020. J. A. UcCOY, DAVID TOWN8END. - ...i Administrators. , Mclntyre, Lawrence) A Proctor, " Attorneys for Administrators. ( 10 0 Than Special Session of County Commis sioners. v The county commissioners met in special session today for the purpose of settling with Sheriff R. E. Lewis for the State and county taxes for the year 1919, Rub-My-Tism is a great pain killer. It relieves pain and sore ness caused by Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Sprains, etc. tic,, and govern themselves accord ingly Chairman FRANK GOUGH, County Board Elections. Though school is out manjr North Carolina boys and girls in organized clubs are learning to raise food and make happier homes. JvS. Floyd of R. 2, Fairmont, was among .the visitors in town Saturday. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate ef the late Eli Phillips, deceased, this is to notify ail persocs having claims against said estate to present them to me at my home in Lumberton, N. C, on or before June 15. 1921, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This June U, 1920. MRS. LYD1A MALISSA PHILLIPS. 6 17 8 Thurs. Administratrix GOOD AUTO SPECIALTIES The Best Made. Leather-Nu. For Automobile and Buggy Tops and all Leather Goods. Johnson's Carbon Remover, Johnsra's Auto Wax Finish. , Johnson- Bq&ak.OiC . ' Send us an order for these ton. 'There is a large and in Increased demand. t N. JACOB. HARDWARE COMPANY; T7holesale Distributors. 10 and 12 Sonth Front St. Wilniingtoii. If . a Ladies and MissesF In Millinery for Spring and Slimmer 1920 Miss Josephine Breece We are proud of the confidence doctors, druggists and the public have in 666 Chill and Fever Tonic- SALE or VALUABLE LAND. By virtue of authority vested in us under an order of re-sale entered by the eierk in a special proceeding- pending in the superior court of Robeson , county entitled Joel R. Herring and i other v. Delphia Jan Walters and others, being 8. P. No. 4582, we will on Monday the 12th day of July. 1928. at 12 o'clock ' noon at the court bouse 'door of Robeson county at Lumberton, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following lands: First Tract: In Sterling's township oa the West aide) of Flower swamp, adjoining the said swamp on the Est side, the lends .formerly owned by J. r. Walter and upon "which he lived tn 188 nn the West, the land formerly owned by Kerett Baa on the South side aad the lands of John Wakes Sr. and others on the North, containing IS acres, more or leas, and being, the upper part of SO0 acre - granted - tn Farqnhar Campbell by grant dated Norembe gf, .1757 and In herited by Charity Hedgpefh from her father! Alien Barnes, See dead f rom' Charity Hedg peth to Daniel Walters, hook S "X" page ML Second trc: On, both side of the Creek roaoV beginning; at ;a pine etump by a pine, holly and bar! John Sealer's. Daniel Walters aad Joel Herring's auiaer and run thence ae the Herring- tine North 17 West -f chain to a stake by S abort leaf pines, theace North 78 East Z7 chains to a black gum by a ma-1 pie and bay in the edge of Flowers swamp, thence down the edge of . said swamp 6 chains to a stake, by S blaek gum in Daa-t M Walters Una, thence as Ms .'ine South 78 West U.6S chains to the beginning, cob-' taining u l-z acre, more or less ana bod same conveyed to Daniel Walter by John Walters Sr. Sea deed registered in book 8 "S" page 879. ' ' Time of sale: Monday July 12th, 1920 at 12 noon. ' . ' ' 'Place of sale: Court house door. Lumber ton,, N-.C... . .-. Term of -sale: . Cash. Dated thai Juna 11th. 1920. . E. J. BBTTT, - JAMES 'IV PROCTOR. .-- , Commissioners. Mclntyre. Lawrence . A Proctor, t Attorneys for Plaintiff. . 8 17 4 Thurs. der his pastorate. '- ' - "ra ii.. nmswmr fcsate pmej - on vnsutauqua lot. ; my . oz reguiauon under a liberal federal act." general and EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of the la will and testament of Kate Sinclair, deceased, this is to notify all persons ..having claims against said aetata to - present them to the nndemisned in Wilminsrton. N. C oa -of be fore June 10. 1021. or thi notice will be plead ed in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are ra- XI I nm, W.OFETERSON, If You VVapt to Save Money and Make 7our Dollars Count See Our Line of: For Ladies .Piece Goods, Georgette Waists, Pumps and Oxfords, Silfcr Lisle and Cotton Hose, Madam Grace Corsets. for M6nUif-' ; Slippers, Ties, Shirts, Hats, Under wear, Collars, Etc. ForChadren Hats, Slippers, Gingham Dresses, White Dresses, Hose and Socks. Our goods are new and our prices right Give us a trial. , - - - S3) J Jmo. T.Bi Lumberton, N. C. : i

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