TUB BOBESOKIAN, LUUBZ2TON, NORTH CAltOLDfA. MONDAY, JUNE 21,' 192oJ . , f AGE SIX .MllUl.l.UUlUUUj Fire Insurance, Fi delity & Casualty Bonds,Automobile liability Insurance and Accident and Health Insurance. lime l INCORPORATED A. T. McLEAN, Manager. See Our Work and get ear prices before placing an ordtr for any kind of monumental work. Co. String beans can be canned without sugar, and they lend a "sweet taste" to winter meals. LnmberUm Marble & Granite J. H. Floyd, Prop. Lumberton. . . . . N Pors production pays with perma nent pastures. Quantity Buying Enables us to purchase at the lowest prices; our selling prices are correspondingly low: We have for sale at small margin of profit One Car of Plain Flour. One Car Ready Prepared Flour. One Car Feed and Burt Oats. One Car Dairy Feed. One Car Horse and Mule Feed. One Car Wheat Middlings. Ten Tons Chicken Feed. Three Cars Hay. We also have a complete line of all Fancy and Heavy Groceries. Compare our prices with others, then we feel sure you will buy from us. jffl We pay you well for your produce and North Cafolina Meat LH. CALDWELL'S Grocery Dept. ..auuummmuuu Now is The gTime to Save Notjto Spend Are you saving or are you spending all you make or more? $1 deposited with us opens an ac count. $339.34fcdeposited on inter est for 54 yearsjnets you $7313.48. Deposit your earnings regularly. We will be gladto help youjto save. Deposits Now $165,000 Deposits one year ago $100,000 The Bank of Pembroke PEMBROKE, N..C. P. S. Cooper, President A. M. Breece, Vice-President. R. H. Lrramore, CaabJar. B. M Paul, Assistant Cashier." ' Come m and see our ovey new S ummer f urnWure ,JKK 1 i A 3 Mrs. Ilonielover: For hot, sultry Summer have our cool furniture so that you may rest comfortably. We have lots of things that will ornament your house or your porch, and give you ease and comfort. Our Summer furniture is strongly built and when Summer ia gone it can be used inside the housp the rest of the year. We pv you STYLE and VALUE. STEPHENS & BARNES . , LUMBEKTON, N. C Stephens, Barnes & Howell, Inc. FAIRMONT, N C. ROBESON. COUNTY SUMMER SCHOOL FOR INDIAN. TEACHERS CorrwvondcfiM of Tho' RobcwniUfu : The second session of the summer school for Indian teachers of Robeson and fdjolming counties will begin on Monday, July 12, and continue six week, c oning on Friday, August 20. All Indian teachers of the county and all high school students and pu pils who have, been promoted - from LTD should , the elementary department attend this summer school. Credit will be given toward a nor-j mal school certificate to all who t. tend the summer school the en tire term and successfully complete four n . i . i . c, .... .J1 "y1"". and or,c Grantham Bros., wm enuue inose noiaing provisional 1 certificates to have them converted into the elementary certificatp and thos holding elementary certificates After yon eat always taki 0(D Instantly relieves Heartburn, Bloat dCoM? Fooling. Stops food souring, repeating, and all stomach miseries i Aia.dli.rtj i ami apwrtita, K pa atomth wmaadaMisv liir Vitality and Pp. EATONICIa thahwt rwri;, T m 4 thao ttndt wondrfolly bmWIttd. Oaly momta a wit rtwoedartooMit. PaaKtoty (want -to pImm or w will rvfaad mm;, Gat a Ma box today. Ym will ate. Lnmberton, N, C STATE COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL Teachers wishing to ' increase their efficiency, the class of. their certificates and their salaries, should apply for reservations at once for session ' - t - -v, . ' June ISth to July 2Sth Also college entrance, college credit, and Home Economics courses. For caulogue write to , ' v' k . , ! v ' , W. A. WITHERS, Director - . . West Balelgk, N. C A new circular on sorghum varie. ties is yours for a postal card ad. dressed to Agricultural Extension Ser- and having done the required. reading! vice, Raleigh, N. C. circle work torhave theirs raised to! In 1915 little cheese was made in grammar grade certificates. , North Carolina. Last year about The following courses will be of-' 500,000 pounds were produced in 32 fered: Reading and phonics, Lan. ' little mountain factories. frn . fro nrA n11incr A rif w,f 1 flan- i graphy, Writing and Drawing, Gram mar. Atrriculture. School Manage ment and School Law. Civics and! 666 cures Malaria, Chills and Citizenship, The Reading and Vocal Fever, Bilious Fever, Colds and inierprewuun oi ii.g Dime. JT-nOHnTiA Tt. lHlla h YiarooitA that causes the fever. It is a Subscribe for The ROBESONIAN The State Board of Examiners and Institute Conductors have ruled that credits be given onlr to tho3 who attend the fTtirP to-m. .:: i advisa ble that ail students be r. resent to reg'ster at :ha 0:1:112: ' the -school! at 9 ocloct or. Monv. -iU'v 12. T. C. HENDERSON, l'rector. splendid laxative Tonic. Adv and general GOVERNMENT EXPENSES FOR YEAR 20 BILLIONS PROFESSIONAL CARDS HORACE MITCHELL BAKER, M.D, Office over Cotton Mill Offices O 1 1 mn ca. Governmental expenditures from LUMBERTON NORTH C A ROI IN A July 1, 1919, to May 31, 1920, amount. I ' NORTH CAROLINA, ed to ?20,775,535,58sr according ,to MATTHEWS Jk MA TTWP.W8 Surveyors and Engineers MAXTON, N. C, HYMAN SUPPLY CO. a statement of the Treasury. Expen- 1 t j. o 1 uuures were iieavitmb uunng oepiem-i 1 ber when $4,475,937,701 was spent, and ligntest m Wovember, when sell,-, ir. n Hff m AIirrTifi 30a.ssv,.J DR. C. M. ROWERS ed by the treasury, $951,224,703 chargJ Graduate Veterinarian ed to Federal control of railroads andf Office With C. M. Fuller the Transportation Act of 1920, was Phones: Office No. 7; Residence No. 96 the largest single item of departmen-j Calls answered day and night. iai expenditures The Navy; Department stood third in disbursements for the period with a total of $723,717,269 and the'De partment of Labor last with $5,064,. 246.. White House expenses was list ed as $6,702,830 and congressional at 17,681,120. Payments on the pub. liq debt amounted to $14,846,554,373. HANDS, ARMS, UMBS ASLEEP Acd Was Ron-Down, Weak and Nervous, Says Florida Lady. . Five Bottles of Cardni Blade Her Well 1 Kathleen, Fla. Mrs. Dallas Priao, of this place, says: "After the birth of tny last child... I got very much run-down and weakened, so much that I could hardly do anything it alL I was 'Bo awfully nervous that I could scarcely endure the least noise. My condition was getting worse all tho time... I knew I must have some relief or I would soon be In toe bed and In a serious condition for I felt so badly and was so nervous and weak I could hardly live. My husband asked Dr. about my taking CarduL Ho said, 'It's a good medicine, and good for that trouble', so he got mo 5 bot tles... After about the second bottle I felt greatly Improved... before taking It my limbs and hands and arms would go to sleep. After taking it, however, this poor circulation disap peared. My strength came back to me and I was soon on the road to health. After the use of about 5 bot tles, I could do all my house-work and attend to my six children be sides." Ton can feel cafe In givlug Cardul a thorough trial for your troubles. It contains no harmful or hablt-fofming drugs, but Is composed of mild, vege table, medicinal Ingredients with no bad after-effects. Thousands of women have voluntarily written, telling of the good Cardul has done them. It should help you. too. Try It E 74 THE ROBESON COUNTY MAR BLE & GRANITE WORKS Can save you money on your monu ments and all cemetery work L. C. HALL, Proprietor. West Fourth St. Lumberton, N. C. DR. S. R. McKAY DENTIST Office on first floor of The National Bank of Lumberton Building. PHONE 203. RUSSELL S. BEAM, M. D. Lnmberton, N. C Practice limited to. Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. Phone Nos.: Office 51; Res. 84. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5:30 p. m.; Sundays . by ap- pointment. DR. H. T. POPE, MD. Physician and Surgeon. Special attention given treatment of skin cancer. . LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Pope Drug Store. THOMAS CLARENCE JOHNSON M. D. Physician and ' Surgeon. OFFICE OVER McMILLAN'S . , Rooms 4-5-6-7. PHONES Office 47, Residence 175. t. a. McNeill if wyer Land titles and law of executors and administrators special attention. Office, Fifth street, west of First National Bank. Practice in ill courts. Lumberton, N. C JUNIUS J. GOODWIN ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Office on ground floor McLeod Bldg Opposite Robesonian Office. Thomas L. Johnson E. M. Johnson JOHNSON & JOHNSON Attorneys and Counsellors at Law LUMBERTON, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Court Notary Public in Office. Offices ovei First National Bank. A. W. McLean Dickson McLean L. R. Varser H. E. Stacy McLEAN. VARSER, McLEAN & STACY. Attorneys At Law. LUMBERTON. - North Carotin 3 Do You Look For Food Values in The Foods You Buy? You should. You cannot be happy unless you are healthy and you cannot be healthy unless 'you eat food with real nour ishment in it. ' ' ; Bread U the food of foods. Be cause it's flour and milk and com pressed . yeftit combined ' into a Joaf that has an appetite satisfaction in1 every slice. Bread is your Best Food Eat more of it. - " GOOD BREAD is always pure. DuBois Bakery J. D. REGAN DENTIST McNeill Building Next Door to Post Office. "ATTENTION MR. FARMER" Now is the time to place your orders for Machinery for fall use. Put more Machinery on your farm and give your help work .all the year around, and you won't have trouble keeping help. After the crop is layed by, put the Tractor to work running a Saw Mill' Lath Mill, Shingle Mill, Corn Mill, Feed Mill, Corn Sheller, Cord Wood Saw. We make a specialty of Light Saw Mills for farm use, C rn Mills, Feed Mills and Farm Machinery. , HYMAN SUPPLY COMPANY The Machinery House of the South. WILMINGTON, N. C. NEW BERN, N. C. b2 See us for your STRAW HATS Full line of newest shapes and styles to suit the young man, mid dle aged, older men or boys and girls. , I Oxfords Large stock, nobby and conserva tive shapes, all leathers None better than Bates. See us when in Need of Anything Fairmont Supply Co. Inc. Fairmont's Leading Dept. Store F. L. BLUE, President A. U JONES , Vice-President W. N. HUBBARD, qec'y-Tress. .... .ULIS ""H'l 'nU'Biraf W. B. IVEY Attorney and Counselor st Lair. Office on Second - Floor Cotton Mill Office Bonding1, Elm Street Lumbertony N. C. DR.. GRAHAM McLEAN i .. dentist . Second Floor-Jones QaQding - FAIRMONT,- N Q i " Watch the date ODDogite the nam on the label on your psper. When yooi subscription expires your psper wiD be stopped. This applies to all sub- Stephen liclntyre 1 JL C Lawrencs Jul - Jiraea Proctor , ... McINTYRE, LAWRENCE A -r-.'-r? PROOT03, Attorneys end Counsellorsat Law LUMBERTON, N.' C Practice in SUte and Federal Courts. Prompt attention rrrai to all bwiness E.J. BRITT Attorer-at-Law Offices over Pope Drug Company. WiB practice in all courts. Prompt atten tion given to air business. T. A. MeNEILL, Jr. F. D. HACKETT. Jr. MeNEILL & HA nP""T Attorneys-At-Law. Lnmberton, - North Carolina 1 FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS -:- FARMS 132 acres between Lumber Bridge and Parkton, N. C, 90 acres in cultivation, one dwelling, 4 tenant houses, barns and out houses. ' 100 acres near Lumber Bridge, 80 acres in high state of cultivation, dwelling, tenant house, barns and stables, fruit trees. N 331 acres in Hoke County, 150 acres in cultivation, renting this year for $4,500.00, 4 good houses, barns and out chouses good road runs through the place. Price $43,000-00 216 acres near St. Pauls, N. C., 130 acres in cultivation, eve ry acre can be cultivated, 1 dwelling, 1 tenant house, barns and i stables. ;., 87 acres three miles from Parkton, N. C, 56 acres in culti vation, every acre can be cultivated, 1 dwelling, 1 tenant house, 1 tobacco barn, barns and stables. Price $110.00 per acre- 184 acres 9 mils from Laurinburg, 50 acres in cultivation 1 tenant house barns and stables, 75 acres can easily be brought into cultivation. Price $90.00 per acre. If you want to buy, see us. We invite investigation. If you want to sell, list your property with us, we will find ct buyer . The CLJrL Russell Co. laurinburg, N. C - : ' V MOTTO: "FAIR DEALINGS TO BOTH SELLER AND IM1 fe CSTr OUT , TOUCT ; Mtrotai and ielay era day Ton e&nt bring back wiat b eonsumed by fire. Yo eat BE BEIMBUESED ON yOUB FIRE LOSS v If ifs one of our eompsnier Premiums on doubtful polide money thrown away. Be sure and inrare with as. uiiA5IS ' " i . tnSerton. N. C ; . ' "i '. .I

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