Tin EoezsoNiAjf. unaxmn. worm cabolcia. monday, june 21, 192. PACK KV?" OLD KINGSDALE NEWS. BY H. R. CHURCH. Old Kingsdale, Jane 14 Preach ing was held at Smyrna church yes terday, the 13th. Oar pastor Broth er Byrd of St. Pauls, gave a f'ne talk on the Baptist convention whbh was held at Washington city. He said ther,, were eight thousand delegates besides visitor, men and womon who are earnestly working for the up building of God's Kingdom. Just imagine such a mas3 of people at or. meeting and for the. purpose and aim of helping the unsaved of the world! liHr not time that we should look toward that day when we shall aU stand before the one great Master and receive our reward? We should strive to save Borne one for the Master and add a star to our crown. Ask your friends, your partner in your work,' anyone with whom you com,, in touch if they have found the blessed Savior. But my brother and sister, do not ask them until your own heart fa pure: Perhaps it'g grief and sorrow. Or loss of health or wealth; " But do not pass this brother Still crying out for help. Just ask him if the Savior Has ntered in his soul And has his every movement Under hie control. and clean and washed with the pre. cious blood of the lamb. Then when you are sure that you are right wth God," go and bring yoar brother. And we will have our :hurnes foil, our Sunday schools filled with merry youngsters and our to-viis, State nd country will be better; the Lord will bless us and we will have one of the greatest revivals this world has ever. known. ' TeJI him how he loves himw If we thank the Lord on our bended ' And gav his life for all, knee for all we have and are and ask Oh, 11 him, brothers, tell him, hm to lead and guide us, I believe we ' his reat ,ove ,or H would ' see no such high prices, no J suchjrofiteering as now; for a Chris. S? " along lifeg pathway tian man will not try to rob his) You lend a helping hand. W)ir tnr. tli aalr. nf Ma n-ain rain t Some day on m the future But w would be loving and (very one would be working for the life wn will reach when the trumpt rounds. . . Thy Many Blessings. If you know your brother Needs a helping hand, Now's the time to help him In anyway you ; can. In that great Judgment day, i YouH hear your Savior saying, "Come hither, come to me, And rece've thy many blessings That I've laid up for thee. NOMINATION OF PRITCHARD. rows. " s The restlessness of the delegates and the iralleries increased. From corners of the galleries came shouts at the speaker and frequnt sugges tions' that he should conclude his speech. . At one time Butler was compelled to halt while a volley of applause ap parently raise to down his voice died out. As he resumed speaking the applafcs again started and he was forced to stop. As Butler concluded the confusion had becom so great his voice was scarcely audible. 666 has more imitations than any other Chill and Fever Tonic on the market, but no one wanti imitations. They are dangerous things in the medicine line. Adr Old Newspapers for Sale. ADMPilSTKATOat'S NOTICE. RtIh qaaltfM a arfreinivtrater of tfca rotate of W. H. Easier, itmtti, late af Robnon onnty. North Carolina, taat is t notify all pnMiu baring- claim acatoat Cbaj estate of aaid oeseasad to nhlMt tWna to tka aortal ixnrd 24th da of May, 1M1. or this otic will ba alaadcd hi bar af their rasa rry. At fmoN tndcMM to uld artata wal pleaaa make tramadiata payment. Thla 24th, day of May IMS. i. M. ROZIEft. Adminbtratnr of W. H. Hotter, deecasa. John D. Canady, Attorney. St Paab). N. C. t 27 Than. New York Cafe ' For Ladies and Gentlemen NEAR UNION' STATION. The best eating place in the city, spection invited. Clean and sanitary. In- Connection with Candy Kitchen. Fresh home-made can dies made every day. Fancy fruits- Fresh 'Norfolk oysters and fish. Under New Management JAMES PAPPAS, Proprietor. Now is Your Opportunity If You Want to Buy a Farm No. 1300 Acres No. 2105.5 Acres No. 360 Acres No. 4 300 Acres No. 598 Acres No. 6186 Acres No. 7 300 Acres No. 8 512 Acres No. 9500 Acres No. 10197 Acres 4 acres of land edge of Lumberton. No. 11 House and FOR TERMS AND PRICES ON THESE FARMS APPLY TO E. E. PAGE LUMBERTON NORTH CAROLINA 3 &3 THE YOUNG M 0(1 THE FARM Some day soon, you expect to own and work TOUR farm, but to satisfy this ambition you must have money. There is no greater assurance of your success than to begin now to build a SAVINGS, ACCOUNT in this bank. An acquaintance at this Institution will be of great assistance to you when ready to start out for yourself, and we will help you by pay in; interest on your deposits. - THE PEOPLE'S BANK& TRUST CO CSQCaSQ Marion Butler's Wat the First "Dark Horse" Nominatinr Speech At Chi cago. (From Chicago Staff Correspond ent of Balt'more .Sun.) Marion Butler, of North Carolina, r laced in nomination Ju'iure J. - C. Pritchard, of Nortn Carolina. I This was the first "dark horse" nominating speech. It was delivered by a tall man, with a bristly beard, but robodv paid irurh attention to what he said and there was much moving about on the foor, delegates flockine toward the exits for lunch, others engaged i.i aoi mated conversation. The confusion in creased so that the speaker had a hard t'ni, making himself heard. Ihe gal lery seized the occasion for a social hour and soon the rumble of conver sation and scraping of chairs left the speaker on an island in A gea of sound. But.; urged the nomination of Pritcha'd as a step that wouid put an ml any sectional a '".a: u.oy re m.-vn zz a result of ih Civil War. Th bt, Butler md, wiped out the last vestige of the Mason and Dixon line and cleared the way for the elcc. tion of a Southerner on the Republican ticket. Now is the time, he declared, to break up the solid South. The sol diers who came back from France are ready to put Americanism above party and vote the Republican ticket in the South as well as the North. They are aroused at the maladministration of the Democratic party, he proclaim, ed. Lunches were being passed around among the delegates, and they were more interested in sandwiches than in the speech, apparently. The nomination of Pritchard, Butler urged; would end the claim that the Republican party is sectional and hates the South. The solid South, he cried is ready to crumble and the Re publican party can do this country and the South that service. Another thing that would knock the shackles from the South would be the recogni tion of the South on the national ticket Butler became so emphatic that one of nig gestures knocked over a glass of water, sprinkling newspaper men in the press section, to the great amusement of delegates in the front "The Liberty Bell" Among the famous BELLS of the world, not one has been associated with events of so great import to humanity as -the LIBERTY BELL. A miniature reproduction f this famous bell in the form of a SAVINGS BANK will be given with every new Savings Re count opened with our banl before July 4th, 1920. . We want every" child in Robeson county to have a LIBER TY. BELL BANK the most appropriate type of Home Savings Bank for; aU free people. Open a Savings Account with $1.00, or more, and get a LIBERTY BELL BANK while they last 4 PER CENT. INTEREST PAID. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. Special attention given to Tobacco Checks. , We will cash : your checks for you. , .., v: FARMERS SAVINGS1 BANK bit TOWNSKND, Frmaurt. J. & POWERS. Yica-Praliart. M. B. COVINGTON, CaUr. r LUUBEBTON,NC - UFFERING iVOMEN ahouU trv the FTVB POINT TREATMENT foro-MiL uppranad oc profuM majuttuation leucotw rbea (whites), change of life and similar ailment. Hundrada who formerly under rent otdaals of tarribla (uSiering month after month an now without pain. 'Not a sick ening medicine to derange the stomach but suppository application of proper snedt cation to parts afiected. First application often relieve. Absolutely harmless: teds faction guaranteed, or your money refunded.' Testimonial and full particulars oo request. FIVE POINT Suppositories $1.00 Hox Oaptaaf nus jot women, nc Bast remits ere bad if Pills are sad ia aoaaaetioa with Sapposi Begla the treatment tonijht.Mow dm( l. or write ns. M...MI Ceriee.' stores s FIVE POINI Frvo Point Coispaay, Hicbmoad, Vau PLUMBING Have your home with City . Conveniences BROWN & OVERBECK Box No. 257 Fairmont. N. C. Ihe War Mot Over Yet Prices not reduced like we want them, bat Danlop'o Ererybodr'g Self-Rlslns Floor still stands the onslaught its enemies and continues food as ever. A new car coming this week. Whitfield & French Inc. WHOLESALERS TO THE TRADE. - PHONE No. 4. LUMBERTON, N. C This Is It J ZI R O N Is the tonic you need if you are run down, pale, weak, nervous, suffer from lack of iron in your blood, lack of strength in your system. , ZIRON IRON TONIC a preparation of pure iron salts, combined with hypophosphites of lime and soda, and other valuable ingredients, Will Build You Up Men and women who have used Ziron, unite in its praise as a strength builder and general tonic for the blood and nerves. It is mild in action, harm less and contains no habit-forming drugs. ZIRON is not a patent medicine or secret, . remedy: The ingredients are printed on the label. Eminent physicians agree on their therapeutic value. Full directions for use accompany every package. Try a bottle today I Sold by Druggists in $1. Bottles. If your druggist cannot supply you, send us the money and we will ship direct CHATTANOOGA DRUG 5c CHEMICAL CO., Chattanooga, Tenn. Z. H.T.I 2IHHHHHHHHI JULY 51k wm Come to Dillon July the 5th and celebrate the great Independence Day by looking at the best field of horses that ever faced a start er in South Carolina, take the word. You will see the state record for a trotting horse shattered. The races will be held under the pop ular three heat system and nobody will get tired or worn out, for the races will be short and exciting and no driver will be laying up or dropping a heat, they will have to drivje. We will have the following classes 2:30 trot purge $300.00 2.25 trot purse 'S300-00 2.20 trot purse $300.00 2.15 trot or pace $300.00 The rules of the Union Trotting Association of which; we are a member will govern. Five percent to enter and the races will end at the end of the third heat and ever heat a race and the horses that stand best in the summary at the end of the third heat will be declared the winner. Be in Dillon if yon want to see an af ternoon of the best, and cleanestsport in America today. For furv ther information address, .i-.-- A. f. BEIliEA Secretary