TUB ROBESfUl. LUMBEUTON, NORTH CABOLXfl A. f f THURSDAY, AUGUjCT 12, 1920. SIX iLH5LLL-.. . ! ; - 11 'JUL' s 1 . s - i : Published By rOKSSONlAK PUBLISHING CO. f, A. 8FARFE President SUBSCRIPTION BATEa: On Year ... Six llonths . Three Months 'SJ THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, l20 0c 107 West Fourth Street ,r Telephone No. 20. JCatered a second class mail matter t tb postofnee at Lumberton. N. C -CARRY OX" VS RETROGRESStONjtained with remarkable accuracy aid, . Accepunce speeches now re au wi uv..ur have a quarter, pmi oi nanni-jsj anq . t meg worn by the -principals in cut of the way and the campaign i. f1 J th? other hf3 not bet:n ) delightful lemon bleach for few ejmtm" gorgeous and costl J" The mn: in d' f senator HanZite's reached we are traveling fast in that Massage th sweetly fragrant loJ gcenery in the. various acts has re cn in ameat. bentor 8 1 direction. tion into the face, nacV arms and!centl been repainted by local ar- speech on July 22 left the public to i hands each day. tr.en shortly-note the4 ;st - - draw its own conclusions about wher ' "'T beauty of your r!dn. Broken Hearts as Premiere. the Republican candidate stands on the supreme issue the League of Na-: tions. Governor Cox, in his accept- h RrAuniav Ipft no , , Vi , . , , t . room for doubt aoout where he stands on what he says is the supreme issue of the century the League of Na tions. He is for it. He thinks it is the only hope of the wor?d. Frank lin D. Roosevelt, Democratic nominee for Vice President, 's for the league just as strongly and has an abiding, hope that it will win! Governor Cox . .. o . . . Republican Senators who treated the t -j a- i ti President so discourteously. He pre- , - . , eented the matter at a new angle , . j i j . . when he declared that it was com- Tiarhl tn t.hp sam. trpntmpnt of s , . . ,tr. -e fell in the treneh: th . Btrenth of I . the other was broken irr"th"e enor mous labors of his office." In referring to America's great re cord in war, Mr. Cox pointed out that there is not a line in the Re. publican platform that "breathes an! emotion of pride or recites our na-j tional achievement; in fact, if a man from Mars were to depend upon the Republican platform or its spoken interpretation by the candidate of that party as his first means of in terpretation, he would not find a syl lable telling him that the war had been won and that America had sav- ed the world. That is ungenerous! and ungracious in the extreme. Mr. Cox points out that the Hard ing program of a separate peace with Germany involves "dishonor, world chaos and decay." Gov. Cox's ideas about agricul ture and limiting tenantry will meet the approval of the sound est thinkers on problems that confront , the country. In fact, his entire speech reveals a sweep and grasp of public questions that is gratifying. Roosevelt's acceptance speech wasj short and "pitched on a high plane. . He, bases his hope of thg triuaiph of '- .the League of Nations and the Demo ? cratic party on a sublime trust in the 'triumph of the right. Many people think that Coolidge, Republican vice ' presidential nominee, in his : accept, ance speech went a notch ahead of Harding; that Cox put it all over either; and there will not be lacking .those who will declare that,Roose- velt made the best acceptance speech of the year. However that may be, certain it is that Cox and Roosevelt invite vot ers of the country to support candi dates pledged to a program that ap peals to t kst m people who are proud of th's nation's great past and look to a greater future, in striking contrast to the program outlined in the Republican platform and inter preted by Harding and Coolidge: a program of hate and selfishness and narrowness and halting and reaction, entirely out of keeping with the spir it that wants to "carry on." to THE LEGISLATURE. In his messagc t the Legislature which convened in extraordinary ses aion Tuesday, Governor Bickett gave instances of the inequalities and in justices resulting from the former valuation of property for taxation and showed by quoting inspiring fig ures how revaluation will cure these BUta of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County sa. . Frank J. Cheney makes oath that h Is enlor partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney . 4k Co., doing business In ths City of To lado. County and- State aforesaid, and that wWflnn will pay the sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. - . , . FRANK J. CHENET. Bwora to before me and subscribed In ?ce, this 6th day of December, Jk. D. IBM. - , ffeal) A. W. GMeason, Noterr public. BALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE ts tak en Internally and acts through the Blood the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Druggists. ac Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. "and when the Wialaturtf adjourns k nll h.v. Ow lowest tax rat. of, any State in the American Union."! He recommended that th8 present con- 1 aa v VII UIC -p W WVI UJ VA VpCI J A C- duced to 15 cents. Th. limitation i does not apply to tax levied for sup- .. e -v-i an.,, r....i. i w w MsTwas designed to do three things: 1, To make the tax books of North Carr olina speak the truth; 2, To wipe out discriminations and inequalities be tween different classes of people and property; and, 3, To firfd aftd place on the tax books property that has heretofore es'faped taxation. The, 'first and third objects have been at- I iv- r- ivr naue narris oi me unanotie UO- server, that the special session I'lUVV KJ j C L V. ' . . IJUll Ull LI14- Utl.lia I counties will pay 18 cents school tax! ' ! where they have been paying 2d cents; the county tax will be reduced from 19 cents to an average of 6 1-2 cents; instead of 47 2-3 cents State tax, there will be only 18 cents. Governor Bickett will deliver his ... jntssage on sunrage tomorrow or Saturday. It is understood that he1 will recommend adoption of th equal i e 1 I suffrage amendment with a wry face . , an W1h no attempt at leav'ng the , impression that he likes it. Congress, men Hoey and Weaver are on the ..... 1 grouna ngnting for sunrage; oecre- Itary Daniels is doing his possible; . , " "' v' "" for Senator Simmons imDlorinp- him I to come to Raleigh forthwith and ex- . . . . .... ert his influencg m favor of ratifica ;,. : ; xt-i-: Committeeman A. W. McLean will land upon the scene and try what he j can do ; but the latest sorrowful word is that the solons do not like the dose prepared for them by State and Na tional leaders and will refuse to rati fy. Of course, they may do it when' .. ions have always neen usr.i as a sought by the Revaluation act. Thefr(,cke sunbum and tan remover. ol, 4v: j li.JlW. u. Ktrk. supervsors report .... 960.65 1 ..cjr ..one w uinigs anu rcaiiac I that it is hopeless to hold out against: a sure thing. RFPftRT OP AI FQ flF I vita vra kjisuMJ VI E. J. DAVIS & SONS, FAIRMONT, N. C, WEEKENMNGAUT.il Since our last report .sales have been much heavier, and prices going higher; in fact this has been the best week since the market opened.- Our market sold today (Wednesday) over one quarter million pounds, with the average around 35 cents for scrap and .everyiTiing soicu more tonacco soia over the 50c mark than any day pre vious and some as high as 75 cents. Below we give you a list of a few of the many happy farmers who sold with us today: Hybert Harding, 346 60c; Nye & Walters, 320 55c; J. A Britt, 730 55c; M. D. McCrag, 964 53c; A. H. Leggett, 450 54; Leggett & Co., 412 62; Barnes & Goodyear, 624 65c; Leggett & Flowers, 564 58c; C. W. Leggett, 616 56c; Hyvert Leggett, 390 59; Scott Floyd, 634 50c; Roland Sealey, 220 55c; Oscar Arnett, 260 50c; C. A. Davis & Barnes, 872 59c; Scott & Floyd, 634 50c; J. P. Britt, son 52; Farker & Nye,540 55c; Floyd Cox, 116 60c; Leg gett & Flowers, 734 56c; J. S. Oli-i ver & Hayes, 350 56c; Gaston j Barnes 1566 & 47c; A. S. Thompson,! 490 50c; W. C Barnes, two lots, 1142 58c; 660 49c;' W. G. Ty- ! son, 496 59c; W. M. Jones Win- I gate, 530 55c; M. G. Evans, 466, (a) 57c; Byrd & Waters, 910 49c;! J. L. Byrd, 832 49c. We would be glad to mention all who sld with us today, but time and space forbids. Brother farmers, if these prices appeal to you, bring your tobacco to Fairmont market and get the high dollar. Our sales for next week are as fol lows: Monday, 2nd, Tuesday, 1st, Wednesday, 3rd; Thursday, 2nd; Fri- TT st"V 1 ies the nerves, in duces refreshing, sleep and brings back the joy4of living; arm . X V. t 1 . , CIY "nllllnNn nYFC Don't streak or Tuin tout material ffl poor dye. Insist on "Diamond Dys,' trw riinwrf.iana ia ATOrr DaVrVaira .Eaay direction, in erery packa GIRLS! LEMONS BLEACH; WHITEff Make Lemon Lotion to Double4 Beauty of Your Skin ouoeexe me juice ui two" teiuont into a bottle conUining thj-ee ounces t .nV-drue store. shake well and you j:r " . '. . . i , i f aniOUS Stage Deauties U5B jemon .i. -s . i.wi r ru m Wiir juice to bleach and brin- that toft, a:.islcK-ar, TD?y,w'l, complexion Lem- ' i Make thrs Up and try it ROAD BILLS "ni'oinit H .f bills ordered paid by ; the ob-sor- county Road Commission at a l matfMnir hffM nn A utr 2nil. Ift20. VrT Pauls township D B. lAnatew, iupervisor'B report (1 193.47 howei.lsville township Tw0Zin "SrS! E F- Craven. chain wng stripea . . T.. T. Tavlor. su-f 'v:,- ir' renort 10200 688.76 13o oo J. W. Davis keeping chain gang: .... W. G. Da via, miardine chain gang General Road Fund, work of highway crew J. W. Inman, blacksmith work Total Ji.329.6ii RENNERT TOWNSHIP W. T., CoWnirton. supervisor', report $125.72 RAFT oWA.i'P TOWNSHIP w. K. wiwwii, aupervwora report 1.S6Z W. K. Culbretii, "aupervisor'a report' 1.862 97 W. K. Culbreth, 1-2 work bill 76.56 ' bubnt, swamp township R. J. Brown, work bill SO Oft tt. B- Ashley, Jr 7110 j B. F. Chavis woik bill 195.50 - c. F. Low 1 26.00 ,Alfred Britt, gasoline 30i45 Total J352 05 MAX TON OWNSHIP L L. McGirt. supervisor's report $5 878.56 PARKTON TOWNSHIP T. M. Blue, supervisor's report .... 1,849.26 SHANNON TOWNSHIP J. D Gibson, supervsor's report .... 2,839.46 . SMITHS TOWNSHIP T? T. Pnrn annanHdnv's V4ny 1 !tA7 9ft Porter Boyd. bridRe 8',i3o!oo! w r ,BR,,KE Xownship KJof this company, ladies will be ad- W. K Culbreth, 1-2 work bill 76.66 ... . . r-j 1.1 : LUMBER BRIDGE TOWNSHIP Robert Mn'rRT1MWmmTn 1971-65 fj, R. Lav-son. wiwi or's report .. 185.00 , THOMPSON TOWNSHIP G. M. Pate, supervisor's renort .... 4 647.96 BACK SWAMP TOWNSHIP ' General road fund, highway cre-A- 28.00 BR1TTS TOWNSHIP Kincsdale Lu:,'b?r Corp . !'i!rho- 28.80 General road fund, highway crew ... 81.80 RED SPRINGS TOWNSHIP W. E. McConnaughey, supervisor's re port 806 42 FAIRMONT TOWNSHIP F. C. Jones,, supervisor's report .... 384.73 SADDLETREE TOWNSHIP E. .1. Bitrtrs. work bill 118.31 ALFORDSVILLE TOWNSHIP I.. T. Johnson, work bill S3 00 P. F. McGirt, supervisor's veport.. 1,844.11 " LUMBERTON TOWNSHIP W. O. Thompson, gas and oil 20.46 Genral Road fund, highway crew ?6.50 G. L. Thompson, supervisor's renort 2,870.38 STERLINGS TOWNSHIP J F. Rogers, work bill 40.90 : GENERAL Armstrong Motor Co., truck parts ..$159.85 W. O. Thompson, gas and oil 155.07 J. W. Inman. blaeksmth work .... 8.50 W. B. Covngbm. salary. 275.00 J. L Thrower; salary llo.Oe W. H. Preratt salary 185. V. E. Townaend, salary and stamps 52. E. F.' Craven, blade and drag 152.0u, Ralph F. Covngton, salary and exp. 116 8! Pembroke Motor Car Co 15.6 N. A. Revels A Son. sas 90.81 T. M. Blue, highway work 38.50- Bollard A Freeman, gas 41.9 W G Boahn, highway bill and salary 255.22 W. C. Reynolds, repairs on tracks .. 79.12 Motor ft Machine Co., gasoline ... . . 255.2J Bullock, Bros.; grease .......... ..i . 58.7S . McAllister Hardware Co.. 6 spades 1 . nn J D. B. Lancaster, highway work 8 2$ Ml: 1 Watch Emporia and Greenville Co. grow, the new tobacco town with a good market, and the county growing v the best fright leaf tobacco in Va. - Land is Cheap Here Before buying write or come to see us. GREENVILLE REAL ESTATE COMPANY Emporia, Va. i i : mm uon t 1 ane nances With fire or burglars. Your money will be safe against both " " - IN' -.. -' - - The Bank Proctorville - PBOCTORVILLE, N. C. c ; i v W. B. SUBLES, President . N. C. BLUE, Cashier P. S. Tobacco checks on any bank accepted on deposit same as ash. ' ' ' r . - in uimrwu wonu,. -p- ?, sent high class shovty each fcight next ill week, tMl'AiM- i No higher class prductwn has ever teen offered in ; this city and, in 'r- i.:....,- nnuiitttiani ntth&ir . nlnna .1h e Melville Cmedianshave been, ac ; corded the highest praise, f, theatri-. real critics. ; , , V , j The larger- tent wfll seat several . thousand persons' and . even those in 'the rear of the tent will b, able "to ; ;; hear all " that : is-" being , sd by 'the I ' actors and) actresses.' ' Box seats havjsj "been erected in front of the stage. Jl- The mere fact that a show. Is being; L held under tent sometimes misleads- rv persons to form the opinion that the regular . "circus calbre" is to appear. t-i'.Th nroduction of the-Melvill-Come- diansis far- different. Each night of the week they will present a popular play, the adaptions of wh'ch are: from doors books oi wen Known .' autnors ine Tlio fiVot t1ow will V. mvor, M- ; day night, when the company present "Broken Hearts," a four wffl four act comedy drama. Bert Melville, . as "Tobey," will keep you in a roar of laughter throughout the entire pro duction. M'ss Lillian D'Armand as "Marion," will be the leading lady. She is a talented actresand is re ported to have attracted the attention of the leading theatrical manage'' ments of this country. Frank Waldo I 1 1 j l i .i l i ; . i 1 wm xaK j. wner leauinp part, anuj Dis lurai uiaiccv wui nmnc a uig mi. with the audience. The other participants in this pro- duction are George Brockhorn, who takes the part of the vi'llian; Miss Guss;i, Addison and J. James, as Mr. :! The Melville Uomedung will arrive and Mrs. Marko; Joe Livingstone as Mr. Douglas, and Miss Grace Carpen- 200. - t l - In order that the audience may not tirp during the chancre of scenerv five tire auring- xne cnange pi scenery live vauueviii-, SKeieiies win ue given uur-. ino- t.hp intflrmissions. Some of thei principals of the comedy drama will entertaiti at thi8 time, but the big. hit of the evening in his line will be reached when two children, Dorothy Vanson and Maxine Brockhorn, will entertain in a rong and dance sketch. Among other plays that will be presented during the week are "The Brat," "The Call of th- Wild," "The Shepherd of the Hills" and the "Morning After th.e Night Before." As a special offer, in order that the community might adjudge' the merits panied by another person. ASPIRIN ftame "Bayer" on Genuine; . "Baver Tablets of Aspirin" is gen nine Aspirin proved safe by . millions and prescribed by physicians tor aver twenty years. Accept only an tinbrtk e "Baker package" which contains pfoper directions to relieve Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheu matism, Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer noekntren " Asmrm is trade mark ,,, TtfoYiirfa.tm.- MnnnaMHcackles- wj 4M.......i,.Mf. ter 01 jsaucyncuciu. -V . L', HaSpy oil taken advantage of our cut price on shoes, sav ing from 50c to $2.50 per ' mi n, pairr This is not done because we can buy them "so much cheaper, but we want to re duce our shoe stock. L. H. CALDWELL Our mail order department, try it. m Every Tobacco Grower in Robeson County to know that- we accept on deposit, without cost, Warehouse men's ChecKS-on any bank. Bring or send your checks to us, Mr. Farmer. You will like our service. -mi I Wmz RESOURCES OVER $1,100,000.00 "THE OLD RELIABLE" u B1 1T7.77n Our customers are our friends to the extent that we guard their interests even more zealously than our own. It is a trust that is placed upon Ma by reason of our relationship with them. ' V - . r ... To help each patron or friend constructively ; is our special privilege. ' We Invite you to test our service. . - 1 T Srl 1 IsUMDERTOire IT. C. I j SO id The National Bank of Lumberton A. W. McLEAN, President M. F. COBB, Cashier. s .9