V- ' .;. . .... ... v ........ ... . ... 7 TB3 EOSESOHIAA, LCMBEtTOW, K02TTJ CAROLINA. THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1920. PAG1 B17JD R0BE80NIAN ' Office 107 Wnt Fourth Street S Telephone No. 20. v r THURSDAY;' AUGUST 12, lS20. BUSINESS BUILDERS WANTED FURNISHED BOOMS ALL NEXT . Amir Roheonan wince. NOTICES-BRING TOUR WOHKO MeDON. Id Garage and while you have year work done we will grnd. year eoranEvery day. J. V. Faulk ' ' r . ' - ' - U ' FOB SALE FOUR-ROOM RESIDENCE ON : lot 54x108 feet on East Second stret. Price , $1,500. Apply to Furman Freeman. Lum rberton. N. C. WANTED CARPENTER TO BUILD HOUSE. . K. M. Bggs. WANTED MAN TO DITCH. K. M BIGGS. LEARN AT HOME OR SCHOOL. 8HORT- . hand. Bookkeeping on Credit. Position! , Guaranteed. Edwards Colleges, High Point and Winston, N. C. t r ; Wanted to rent house, or if house is not avail able, 2 rooms to store furniture in as early as possible. j. m. terry, lumberton. u k'-i I t 1 FOR SALE FORD TOURING CAR IN A-l , contltion Apply to Stephens & Barnes,) Lumberton. N. C. LOST ON CREEK ROAD BETWEEN ED mnnir. mill and Fair Bluff, N. C , auto license No. 31240. Finder please return Stnne. Lumberton, R. 4, and recive reward. IiJdtrt fiaili-i ii hhmiii,i.ii.i M1 - -J Jl- V itfTimr'naiiai i n i itlMi. if - If YOUR FRIEND i for am I a con. other your friend. Come to me when emergency nib, thoarh you hate thousand friends, n certain. I eMOorar 'effort, orotert Doaaaainna ' I derelop aaf jodrment by diacloeiaf the value of coBae rratlre thoeght. the rewa serratlTe action. I teach thrift and tfcereb Mrirh TifMeh I look, far ahead. I aeenre you from the humiliation of dependency. In the smaet of your eneriea hare earned their period of repose. I continue to be your friend-yoor When yon have pot aside your labors, yon nay still rely apon ate. 1 ..mf nd h" ff"1 opportunity to nnreatrjctedly .bidnlr. retrospect, profound thought, and sublino reflection, I ahaU stand ready to snrroune yon in comfort wS thJTtSo.: surannde7with. PP'n88 of ese d th thinB I09 will at rach a time most desire to be I prepare and provide the way your all-time friend. I am your Cash Reserve, held in the ThePlahters Bank and Trust Company THE BANK OF ' ' . . v Safety Service and Security, ;! 8 And Resources of more than a half Million Dollars. Make Our Bank Your Bank The Planters Bank & Trust Company THE ORIGINAL FARMERS BANK biiiitosaii r2E FOR SALE ONE NEW FORD COUPE WITH tartar Prie riirht Write or apply to W. M. Ford, Lake View, S. C. WANTED ONE OR TWO MEN TO SET UP Tobacco hogsheads.' Uood wages. wri mr particulars. Aberdeen Crate ft Box Co., Aberdeen, N C. FOR SALE EVERYTHING VOU NEED TO furnish your home. We can save you money. D. G. Best ft Son, Lumberton. N. C. LOST CILD'S, RAIN COAT. REWARD for return to J. A. Sharpe, Lumberton. NEW BAPTIST CHURCH AT CENTER. LOST RAIN COAT, BLACK RUBBER. Finder please return to J. T. Hickman, Lumberton, R. F. D 1. FOR SALE SECOND-HAND 5-PASSENGF.R Chevrolet car. Apply to Mrs J. r. mc Neill, Lumberton, N. C. WANTED TO CONTRACT FOR LATHING and plastering five thousand yards work to begin at once. Drawer O, Lumberton, N. C. FOR SALE FEDERAL . TRUCK. APPLY to J D. Gibson, Shannon, N. C.or W. B. ,. Covington, Lumberton. SAFETY FIRST BUY YOUR TOBACCO twine from us. We sell 4-ply twine for 75 cnts the pound. We hav 1,500 cotton sheets at 60 cents each. We-also hava on hand 100 barrels finest self -rising flour and can make attractive prices on same; Honestly, we believe it will pay you to see us before burins flour John F. French ft Co., Lum berton. The new $10,000 Baptist church building at Center is shown above. It has 9 Sunday school rooms. , The building was recently completed and wiil b dedicated next Sunday. Following is the program: 11 a. m. Dedicatory sermon by Dr. R. T. Vann of Raleigh. 1:15 p. m. Kecess. Dinner ser ved on grounds, but not style. 2 p. m. Song service. 2:15 p. m. "Value of a suitable house of worship to the general de velopment of the churclwE. J. Britt. 2:45 Special music. 3 p. m. Value of a suitable nous e of worship to the advancement of the Sunday school C. C. Blake. Rev. L. E. Dailey is pastor of the church. CHURCH NOTES. There will be services at the Cath olic church next Sunday at 9 a. m, and 7:30 p. m. M.IIMR1NR REPAIR WARE ANTJ Pl.TTMH. tag of all kind, piping for aeetyiena plants twenty miles to each gallon of gas work. and Delco systems, etc. Work solicited any- put in it. j mci'en" .er.oiw Sr c.ZZ 1919 BUICK LIGHT SIX, Roadster. nd 5th Sto Phone 17. O. B. Kfa'kman i Price, $1,200. Lurtberton, N C Rpv Thpnilnro Pnrrriplr Jr rtaminr in picnic, of Trinjty Epigc0pai church of Lum ! berton, has been elected managing editor of the Mission Herald, the church paper of the Diocese of East ern North Carolina. The paper is published at Greensboro, but will be published here after January 1, next.' Mr. Partrick was f rmerly editor of the Sampson Democrajt and has had con siderable experience in newspaper, Rev. Dr. C. H. Durham. Dastor of This is a beautiful the First Baptist church, will not fill roadster and we guarantee it to be! his reeular aDDointment Sundav as he money to Tirvn n TMPonvp-n' i7perfect in every way P"11 ,eave in the next day or two for ZZonn 11920 CHANDLER, TOURING CAR. Raleigh, where he goes to fill a bus- as good aa any can give. Stephen Mcln- nice, $i,ou. mis s a new car at, mess appointment, and will also visit BALE TIES Single Loop No. 16 wire, 9 1-2 feet, Several cars. Can make prompt shipment N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY. Wilmington. N. 0. 10 and 12 South Front St. tyre. a sacrifice price. BUICK ROADSTER, FOR SALE GRIST MILL, 20-INCH ROCK, 10-horse kerosene enfrine on truck: also wood saw . Norman Shaw, Rex, N. C. FOR SALE 6-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT IN St. Pauls. Terms if dsired. Apply Box 00 St. Pauls, N. C. FARM FOR SAL&-75 ACRES, ABOUT SO " o.T Vr.ZT tT a under high state of cultivation, one four- fuvu. nuiia iieii.ee uy snu room house, one three-room house, three a give-away at the price. Good tires. ;,t?och,r0mof rnfost'u'pVdaS .U THREE Passenger Roadster, farms to be found. We offr this place on Price, $500. A dandy httle three good terms at $iso per acre Pate-Gibson passenger Roadster with five tires tand Co., Red Springs, N. C. , and starter MqU)T &nd FOR SALE ONE NEW FARQUHAR 8AW perfect. Mill, capacity two to six thousand. Frie-j The above ar, inserted Hoe Saw One 80 foot 10- slightly used cars whrch e offer for inch saw belt t. W Maxwell. Saint sale. It !s impossible for us to nrint just a few of the relatives at Hendersonville and Gas. tonia before returning home. He will be away a week. v Pauls N. C, R. 1. WANTED AT ONCE SALESMAN TO REP resent us in Robeson county, selling well known Fairbanks-Morse line of kerosene, Bosch Macneto Farm Engines, water and lipht plants, feed mills and wood saws, etc. Holmes Electric Co., Kayetteville, N.C. WANTED-WHITE MAN WITH OR WITH- out family to help italher cotton this fall. See me U once. W. II. M. Brown, Buie. N. C. SLIGHTLY CARS FOE USED SALE BY THE AUTO EXCHANGE. RALEIGH, N. C EACH AND EVERY CAR GUARANTEED CAR a list ot all the cars we have, so we ask that you write us for a list of our cars which will be mailed to you im mediately. We do not sell second-hand rebuilt and repainted cars, but slightly Usedj Cars whose owners for good reasons' have to sell and sacrifice their cars' and bring them to us to sell for them' and pay us a small commission for Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Stone and four children of Mt. Elim passed through town yesterday en rout jo Wrights ville Beach. Mr. R. L. Leggett of R. 3, Lum berton, is m town today. Mrs. A. J. Smith and small son, A. J. Jr., went Sunday to Goldsboro, where they will spend a week visit ing friends. Ladies' and Misses' Fashions In Millinery for Spring and Summer 1.920 Miss Josephine Breece O0C05O0C03CO 00C0C0O0CCCCOO9 ooccooccc Sevral hundred pounds Oakdale Tobacco J 1920 FORD TOURING Twine (the Co., Inc. bat) 68c. Fairmont Supply 1920 FORD TOTTRINfJ Starter. Price, $825. This Ford selling and you pay us nothing for is just like new and was only run al"uylng few miles. . "e own no cars that we sell, and, CAR with mereiore, nave no cause to misrep Starter. Price, $750. has been run less than FOR SALE ONE SECOND HAND, FORD, and IS perfect. Roadster, one second hand Ford touring j 1919 FORD TOURING. CAR. car in a-i conuiwun. uneiMrauu " Touring ear. W. N. Hubbard. Fairmont, N. C. V . . This Ford, esent a car to vou' or we don't; sen you we nave lost nothing. THREE YEARS IN THE USED CAR BUSINESS AND HAVING 1,000 miles $600. This Fordaooks new and is"?" HUWUKISDS OF SLIGHTLY nerfect in ever r tnA h twJUSKU CARS, HAS GIVEN US A hrnd 'nAiHwi ' 1:1 MOST ENVIABLE REPUTATION, 1918 Fnitn TOlfRllsin pars Pri,.. ! Teims: We make good terms . to I&5U eacn.. We have, three nf thpm ' K"" ycvvie. mu uon nave 10 oej intend to buy a farm, see thia place right now. Pte-Gibson Land Co., Red Springs. N. C. FOB SALE MODEL 85 TOURING ' OVER , land Equipped with new tires. Newly painted. Pric reasonable. M. A. Odum, Lumberton, N. C. ' - ' . - CLERKS. (MEN. WOMEN) OVER 17, for Postal Mail Service. $135 1 chanical cond'tion. month. Examinations August, ex perience . unnecessary. Fpr- free, particulars, write R. Terry, (form er Civil Service Examiner) 1432 Continental Bldg., Washington. FOR SALE A "nICE7eRSEY milch cow. Good qualities. W. N. Hubbard, Fairmont, .,N. . Cy WANTED: YOU TO SEE US' WHEN in need of mowing . machines, -hay rakes, disc ' harrows,' etc. We sell "Avery." Fairmont . Supply 1 Co. FARM FOR SALE 21 1-1 ACRES', 8LIGHT- ly over 100 acrea making bale of cotton to anm it evn -mora dwelling, two good 1 tenant housea. about threv miles from Wa-j a . f. oninrnntooH rn ir. 1 rich to buy , a . car from US on time: afornujcTaai. 'eanlfect mechanical v condition - and they ! we J? merely ask that you have a be Dougat .on easy wins lor io,ov " OOK llKa new Cars. 1918 FORD ROApSTER. Price, $500. This Roadster runs perfect ly, has demountable wheels, bumper, nearly new tires and other extras, and it is a bargain. t HUDSON SUPER-SIX TOURING CAR. Price, $1,800. This Super Six is guaranteed to be in perfect me lt looks almost equal to a brand new one. Has four new cord -tires and two extra tires. It is thg biggest bargain ever offered in a slightly used car. " v DODGE ROADSTERS. Price,. $850 each. Both of these cars ' are in fine running condition, , look, good, have good tires, tops, fender. 1920 OAKLAND SIX TOURING CAR. Price, $975. This k-really a newjF0K 8AL&4S0,M FEET PINK timber car and you can't tell it was ever run. ,n v. mhnrt n . . FRANKLIN TOURING CAR. Price, - $850. Th's.car is perfect in every FARM FOR SALE 47i 1-J ACRES. Afluur way and nag good Tireg jjy good character and a willingness to meet your obligations. . WRITE US FOR OUR LIST OF USED CARS WITH PRICES AND TERMS. - w AUTO EXCHANGE, RALEIGH, Nv C. J. s. Mcdonald, Mgr. riRB INSURANCE: FOR FIRS IN8UR anee. ! autosaobile lfeibiitr insurance and ' bonds of every kind, see FIDELITY IN SURANCE A REALTY. CO. A. T. Mo- t Lean, Manager. .- j BRICK, BRICK. BRICK WE HAVE THEM on band f0r : Immediate sale, R. D. Cald well Soa. ' NOTICE NEW FORDS FOR SALE AT ALL times. Some bargains In used Fords. T. O. Lewis Garage, Rex. N. Car: both long and short leaf." Eaay to log. All on high land. Apply to R. J. Brown Red Springs. N C, R. F. D. t. ' 200 under cultivation, two- six-room . awe, lPBV;n(, Roloio-v, J w;il u I noirv .Birr iit mvw three good tnant ' nouses, aDout nvei - . nB hata xosn inga. miles from Lumber Bridge. Pate-Gibson Land Co., Red Springe, N. C HOGS FOR SALEr-PIGS AND Shoats suitable for- fall fattening. Also nice gilts. Prices reasonable. 'i: R. Walter -Townsend, Raynham, N. C FARM FOR SALE 7 ACRES. ABOUT motivation two miles from Antioch . church and school, two tenant, housea. A . win at SiOO or acre.' Terms. Fata- . Gibson Land Co., Bed Spring, N. C. - WANTED TOW TO KNOW THAT WE CAN Bsa yon money on that monument - ar i imhiiMw. our m-iosa before buying moA be eonvmoad. No Job too small or tool ' ton Tour natronaaa will be appreciate Robeson County Marble and Granite Works, Wart 4th street. Lumbertoa. N. C. Lv C FARM FOR SALE ABOUT 86 ACRES. 'A under high state of cultivation, two tenant 4 houses, some fine timber, about two mues from- PhUadelphua church and school. Only ' $100 per , acre, with terma. Pat-Gibson . Land Co., Red Springs, N C. ". . FOR PAINTING. DECORATING'' AND j vet hanging , eaU on Ktchara w ares ana G. W. Watts. Lumberton. N. C,-Box 681 ; PAINTERS WANTED M per hour.' Apply to'G. W. Wa 631, Lumbertoa, X.C.-; ' .V. WILL FAT (S CTS. Watta, Box RED' CEDAR BEVtL SIDING. RED CEDAR Shingle L. .H. CaldwaU'a. DrJWT FORGET fHE BEST PLACE TO ' .o-lMBitr -W.ijyaapJa; OU El auee1 liumbartoav . . gone most all of winter,, therefore the sacrifice of this the best, family car in " the world. . . ; j BUICK SIX ;TOURING CARS. Pritte, L $1,000 to $1,350. We guarantee to have th.e best line of slightly used Buick Touring Cars in the country, and we are $200 cheaper in price oh them than you can buy elsewhere. We Bpecial'ze in Buicks. Come and see them. . r CHANDLER .TOURING CAR, 1919 -Model; Price, $1,4R0, ,Jbis car is particularly low-priced. " It Is in perfect condition and looks like a new car. Was owned by one of Raleigh'B best ladies -who took oare of it. ? -CHANDLER CLOVER LEAF Road ster. Price, $1,200 Guaranteed just as good -as new, both mechani cally and as to looks. Five new tires. 1919 FRANKLIN TOURING CAR. Price, $1,700. This is next to the latest model Franklin and is perfect in every " way ' with new tires. This car sells new for $3,300. You have to act quick if you get this one. OVERLAND ROADSTER Price, $650. -This . the Model 90 Road ster and is perfect. , Looks new. OVERLAND MODEL 90 TOURING V Car. ' Price, $900.;, This; almost a .new car. Equipped with "white wire wheel and extra, wheel and tire. The very car for a small family. Gets on band for immediate sale. wau son. R. D. Cald- Clo P o Prices oml , tl We are continuaUy receiving new shipments of every thing in the Furniture Line and can save you money on FARM FOR SALB 100 ACRES FIVE MILES from Lumber Bridg. - considerable ' timber but no cleared land, one three-room tenant bouse. S3000. - Springs, N. C. Pate-Gibson Land Co., Red BRICK, BRICK, BRICK WE HAVE THEM en hand for immediata aale. . R. D.Cald- weu son. WANTED COTTON MILL STOCK." WILL : FAT BEST PRICE FOR THE FOLLOW ING i JENNINGS, DRESDEN LITMBER- TON, NATIONAL AND ST. PAULS. SEE W. A. ROACH, atNATIONAL BANK OF CHARLOTTE LUMBER COMPANY . A. COLLINS, Manager Charlottej N. C All kinds of hard wood and pin lum ber, rough and dressed. Red Cedar Shingles in transit at all 'times. ) O o () ) () o ) o o o o () () o o () ) ) o o o o () () () () n () Dressers and Washstands Oak and Iron Beds Springs and Mattresses Porch and Parlor Rockers Upholstered and Plain Diners Cane Bottom Chairs Student's and Center Tables Kitchen Safes, Cupboards and Tables Rugs and Druggets " Congoleum .Window Shades Trunks and Bags Bowls and Pitchers - Daisy Churns "and Lamps x Glassware and Crockery Table Cutlery Galvanized and Enameled Ware Ice Cream Freezers v 0 You are invited to inspect bur stock. I I TrMum'rvwr XT FOR,.iiALE Bw III . LiUlUtllVili lie e uramnam uros, LumDerton, n. i. Red Springs Drug Co., Red Springs, N. C. Grantham Drue Co.. St. Pauls, n r. Barn.es Bros- Maxton, N. C. and aDj ' ji ( ) good drug- stores. U CCCwCwCCCCCCCv J iwwwwwwwvwwwwwwwww CJ o a u O ' O CI o ) () () o tr o o o o o o C) o o o 8 () O () o ) ( u ) ) !! C) ) ( o a o o o o o o o o o s

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