J I.- THE PATE ON THE LABEL'.' 13 - THE DATE tOUB PAPER WILL BE STOPPED. WATCH LABEL O TOUB PAPER AND DONT LET SUaV SCRIPTTON RXPTRB ESTABLISHED 1870. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. COUNTRY, GOD AD TRUTH. v ''' W OO A YEAR. DUE IN ADVANCE. LUH3EBT0N. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19. 1920 VOLUME LX NUMBER 43 r l i 1 ntn 11NNESSEE RATIFIES SUFFRAGE MEASURE Hoom of Tennessee Legislature Con can in Action of Senate., - , HOT YET CERTAIN WOMEN WILL VOTE IN NOVEMBER i-r , Hoqse Still Has! Opportunity to Re scind Its Action Legality of Rat ification WW Be Tested. - Tennessee today, states a Nashville axZIv:: em. woman suffrnge amendment, .the lower hoasa of the Legislature by a a vote of 50 to 46 ooncurriftg n the action of the senate which last Fn. day adopted the "tifkation resolution by a vote of 25 to 4. The dispatch contmues: - - . ' . it Aiuiougn u was me imny-sixin ixaie to aci iavoraDiy ana we amena- rii a i a i l j 3 yT TnV rii retarv of State, whether seventeen , million women of the country would vote in the presidential election in No vember remained to bp determined. The house still has an opportunity to rescind its action and preliminary steps for testing the legality of rat ification by the legislature, if consid eration shou'd fail to upset, already has been taken by the Tennessee con stitutional league on the ground that the assembly had no authority to act. After the. ballot today Seth Walk, er. sneaker of the house and leader of the opposition, changed his vote ! from "no" to aye," in order to avail himself of the privilege of moving for reconsideration, and announced that he would do so. Under the rules only Mr. Walker can offer this mo tion, and it may be done at any time he so desires. He must act, how ever, eithir tomorrow or Friday. Ninety-nx of the ninety-nine mem bers of the house werP present today and the augment until a vote on" coiituv-once was taken, was a t.e, each factior i polling 48 votes i on f i motion by Mr. Walker to table the reso'ution. un tne oaiiop ior concur- rence the line up was ioi, uiuu Lilts BUt;aii..ci cuauKcu 1110 " th if fa i vnt.V uZZa apparently would give tr gists an advantage of only hut their leaders eciarea w- .a a .- ' a 1 J. . nignt two meu.uc . i fraga who were absent today would arrive probably tomorrow morning. ine motion to reconsiaer may up iar- rie.i Dy a majoity vote oi hers present, and since Mr. Walker ried by a majolty vote oi the mem- can act without a moment' notice, the suffragists are expected to c on hand in full force during the next i two days. It was evident tne oru hope the speaker had of overturning . f , . . . .i ,,!, j today s aCU.MVWaS mrOUKll ueocrwuiia " ,1,. m.,f,aa -anuq nr failure . . - r -i--....... YorK August v" w suu . f . from the uffrag nks or ' .ure ' of cost and market conditions. She is ex- thereto, was by Congress submitted of the " J? New Revenue Bill Would Levy No Charley Bryant, colored, CMrtyinglLSZM, choice stock for to the legislatures of the various every member present until .he house T Vpaa property for Uae.of the concealed weanons, fined $50 and ?C 7 all season states for ratification, subsequent to adorns Frday. State This'Tear, ..'.' V: - icost-t Bryant was arrested on the'1 Mr R B Farrell and sons, Darrow the general election of 1918, at which iSffMln S the nl'f.Py' Sunday while under the a Jpfui, d daughter, SaUie, and time this general assembly was elect expected no defections amon their Ralig.h News and -observer: influence of "something to drink" and jl nnT C motored to . Asbury ed. "ZZJZn leaders toog-it were Wi.fing an ac- live campaign m an en r.. i their strength at the expense of their 8ubrnrtted to the House.by R.epresan.Riuiiors: ilave' it -That Some Division a.iU:roniit3. tative R. L. Doughton, for the joint istg WiUPut Out Independent Tick- Ther are approximately ' 27,000,000 finance committe,, and put upon its et er Vote Republican. T women of voting age fa thr United first reading in tne jower House last It is rumored that the "divisionists" etats, as comparea wun 801011.15 over za.wv.ww num. ? , JSrri T uu.b 'u'J!ir"TllJr:" VOte ior memueri wi cwiKrea. "c ratification of the amendment there- - jj iii-i lore gives premcuui BUixrBc i additional eieht million and the right - w a! fft fff to vote ior congress to iu,wuv,wu. LUMBERTON MARKET CROWDED WITH TOBACCO Sales This Week Have Been Heav- r7, own nunw. . 1 . The Lumberton market ha- been 5tv. v,i mMi, .,i 1 " 1 J 1 I i iL ' tivwucu ww xwmwwv vium w neing me Heaviest . ci inef v-ison. Fricea hve been hieher than ?as. week, tha fair day a having put tha weed in heater order -for hand'ing. . , 1 . , 1 1 Hirh Schools. - In Monday's Robesonian it was Tax year begins May 1, 192U in- ?247-50 the acre. The land was sod boy, on the 16th. -stated that the Lumberton graded 'stead of Jan.1 1921. Incom Uxes auction and the sale was conduct- - c and nigh scnooi will open Tor tne tall term . Tuesday. L Seotembe 14. Supt. W. H. Cale has . engaged, the following teachers, some of them,! it nu oe observed, being new ones:: Grammar school Mrs. Josie F. Cobb, Misses Penni' Rowland, Wmi- fred Eowland,' Uuiser Townsend, Dd'' vie Prevatt. Bertha Barker, Ttm4 T-l.- ibv-v.- :rm:.: U1ie Barker. Rachel ' McNarnara all of Lumberton t. Miss ;Nann!ie Gatewood; Monroe'; Miss 'Ruth M. Davenport, Anlander. ' - - ; ' ' High chool-ij. W. R, Norton, Lau rel Hill, principal: Miss Louise, Huff.! Laurens. S. C. Seventh erade: Miss Mary D. Atkinson, Elon College, his-j j t. i. . . Tn.., tt. lory mm irencii: jaiss nrviu, Troutmans. Latin: Miss Mariaddie Turner, Statesville, English Elizabeth reay, Chester, S. C tic economy... Music department Miss Agnes, McLean. Lumberton; 'second teacher to be elected. - ( i' i nf '' - V Mr. D. Wi' Parnelrof St. Patfls, R. 1, was a Lumberton visitor Tuesday, FUNERAL OF PVT. DON I SUTTON AT 5 P- M. TODAY . r,.0- 4 .j-jj , YMtrHiT Bea,.." r;.ii"e ZfSfiSft From France Died of Accidental Wound Two Years Ago Yesterday Funeral' From Homo of Parents, Mr; and . Mrs. E.P. Sutton, East Lumberton, and Interment, at Sutton Bunai urouna nn .ury Abe remains oi mva isonme Sutton,' Bat. F, llSth F. A , arrivji here vestarday rhorhfflir from : FranWt eSlT NW Wrk oyVaJsei: boffili Lr? T Fural U wlW r-V. T?a ?dod TTlntn be conducted tlii& aftemocn at 5 .. the deceased. Mrrand Mrs EoU- P. Sjttoj m East J Jf: J.peBjh of ft. golden weed & f this week. Around 100,000 is befo i?lSbe wiJitaJy Pai ?Uldai,. fr tbaCC and ren wiube . "fJg ""fl nes, is booming. honors at the , en wnJJ- Fred Lawson was arrested here gJJyn Xrp0mfl The Ea" Mondav niht on the charee of beln KLT JJfll nlv thV - hnwr? on the streets. Lawson was , ... . ji iiimii'ii Mill tx i ii ( i ir mi uaii w ill liic - - - n 211 li la i u ii am a xiiiiiK Buuau mu iuc bearers will be members of the Amer- DON SUTTON. private Sutton iisd A t J3 ex. 8Ct; twQ fnM 6 hu mains arrived her,,, in Fran-e ai the regult be-n accislonaliy shot tw0 d befoj.e Hp 2C oli, enlisted in mi and went trsefts only a short wlill.; l-?fore his o?atn: Two brothers of deceased, Messrs. Pink and Frank Sutton, i-lso servtd durng. the worl, war Mr. Pink Sutton going overseas. A United States flag covered the Lv .n.foin,'nn 4-V... .......b... ......... "I . . .,fr(;av .! - by members of the fannlv and & num. by members of the family ar . . fl.ionAB WJ Hensley acC(.mpanied the remains from Ho toJitn N y ' ' NO STATE TAX ON PROPITnTV PPrtPriflPri the ,,rrt rw m the histoT.V levied upon property for the -use of- tne state tni. year jf the revenu act ni(rht becomes law. "With the approval by the oeople of Ux amendment, submit, ASS? ! ! ' llclPaie ?nai m an propaDiiwy tne state wlii never azain lew a tax fnr u. nwn nsA W th nron-rtv nf for its own use upon the property of - . - . .- - - r ' - tne state," said Kepresentative Dough Wa kv, mii La "VII aW !4VOVilWM V V11 VWaSI.K.U out by th committee and asked-that it be put upon its first reading and be made a special order for today. In accordance with the suggestion, bil1 was put upon its first reading, and was made and was made a special order for 8 ociocs: wrugnt. , , k?7" Nmii MUM. swf Tomorrow friends of the measure 01 y"ig w uetermme wnen me Dai- fep ft vr paM its third readme. of th bonds would be taken up. rrS oWrJpr I'5eAaTr-'.'n, mi iTa rCuii.K, j'Tai-l Ann on mLDrnav lX'wiii rnmH ui'inH . - " . . upper house for hnnoH tn nans reading bv Tuesday and adiournment . - . . . . of th. .pmi,! .e.on. J.. - .. fallow,- begin January 1. , Franchise tax Increased f 1.25 of One per . cent of capital to 1-10 of one ner cent. School tax atUS cents on the $100 valuation and 39 cents on pons.' Maximum increase allowed citfes i cftwa and counties limited to 10 per cent increase. t.oi..' . . .Special proiori. for bond 'iisnes katMed and special taxes ilready levied. -1 ' " PoU tax liim'--sWin'r'dt7totI tax on 1300 nMMhv nhic. i Provides for support of six months .schools by special machinery. , , Privilege taxes on telegraph, tele-j I i. .1 .- . yuvmt cjkicoo, suu unjiuig vu wi-, porations increased. - i; Miss'' Insurance company Jiqense taxies , domes-ffixed at $250 for fire companies; $200 for accident and $500 for life! I T I Lmsnxance companies. F No property tax for State or pen- Ision funds. . ', I Tax ' payer may 'appeal- from ruling of kca boards 'to : county comnus sioners. 'BANNER WEEK ON FAIR- - wviu iwanvw iumaam . - More Than Million Pounds of the Weed Will Be Sold There This Week Fred Lawson Goes Back to Prison. . nirtr urrwcrw bitx By GLASS K CHARGE . . . . . 1 hv w mvwoviimu. . . nuf ;4U". !i f been one of the igirest. in the 11 L-a Maim li4.M 7AA AA ufmla 41 2:?A ' T' V.-.'Tv-.. " J I!dy thJ" 'fi? " V"-? u"T on his way to his home at Orrura . . . .... ... ... . from Kaleigh, having been paroled by ri -u"? . " uri .'i - uawsuu iiou ociveu iuui years oi a 1 10-year sentence for larceny. He will j be sent back to Raleigh, the prison of- ficials requesting that he be sent back to prison. His parole was con. ditioned upon good behavior and bin behavior failed to measure up to the. ; standard of good. D. Herring of the Pea Ridge sec- tion was arrested by Chief of Po- ! lie, Harrelson Sunday night on the T I, J 1 ! charge of retailing. Jasper Steph- ens and B. Ganus. wanted on the samei charge, escaped. Herring was re- leased under a $100 cash bond. cording to the officers, the three men were retailing "Pea Ridge monkey rum" by the glass, dealing it out from an automobi'e. The automobile. was captured. Pea Ridge, hard by Lunfber river, is perhaps the most noted blockading center in the county. RECORDER'S COURT. A Number of Cases Recorder Britt. Aired Before Th0 following cases were aired be-! fore Recorder E. M. Britt Monday: Uy nhysician the need of such opera. Maek Campbell. cokred. drunk and:iJ vp Ipss than 75 children were disorderly; fined 10 and costs. ' H. A. Ligan, exceeding snfied limit with auto; judgment suspended upon'ing their children when knowing they payment of cost. I need it, and could save some money Hayes Camp, colored, exceeding i by "doing s4 at the above-mentioned speed limit with auto; judgment sus- pended upon payment of cost. "Bud" Singletary four charges- AYOnHincr onauA limvt ari'h ' nrossed: usinir inHpprit. lano-natr m the streets in East Lumberton. hid - ' ment suspended upon payment of -par O cost: resisting officer. dWpH nnlpr ' ' ' . ' s a $200 bond for good behavior, ca- pias to issup if caught in East Lum - I berton again, a 30-days' road -"v- u.u mm uiawuci-i lv. illddTnPTiC aiianenHaH nnnn had a pistol on him when, arrested. INDEPENDENT TICKET? will nominate an indep will nominate an independent Demo- cratic legislative tirket kcfAM ttar." .J. ."Vu 1 s n..i.M general Section in November. AnJ W11"110'11111 ...'-''tae is tnat many oi the "divisionists", would vnt th RpmiWliran tilfpt in the November election. m:k:"" 1"; Road Bonda Monev Will Be Taken Ud W I . Later. errandDTh;ounS ro.dCr here Monday in conference with Mr 1 C N Malone of AshevUle who our-' tiSZXhSi. The conference was called for the imrnose --e"" iT " " I." " " aZZa .TTi XI $247.50 An Acre For White Pond' a- uuui nw itta, 1 . 1 $2470 An Acre For White Pond " t j (White Pond church for an average of ea Dy tne maimews- ay v., ot Clio, S. C. The East Lumberton band larnished music for tn.e sale . . McRary Negro Retain Counsels I E. Baxter McRarr. mulatto, defen-' f . . s .L- tt t xt uant m sun instituted ov xi.-x. r- aani m suit inuuiuira uy n. o. r- ner, of Lexington; in- wWth ; plaintiff ner, ox uexjugwn, w waiuu jiuuiiuu ohai.a. 4hat tk. twV Mi home, is preparmff .' - vigorous de-j fense. -: ,It was 'iearted here : yester- day thkMcB haa . employed Arm-.a rte-4 Jones A Son, of Raleigh, and Judsre W. F. Bynam.' of Greensboro, Obserrer. (rwaiin. Pi.Ui'PiKfnAiiMi a Anvnat - . - u. -- - Z6ta. The "division picnic" which was to have been held at Red Springs Sat - urday of this week has been post-lthe i j a ocfK poned until Thursday, August 26th. riiilXjKt lUUK'UKUEK IUVV W Ufa nv m.' a.A,m . Dodee Brs Artomobfle with M. F. Cobh." V1 - 1 .' PARKTON NEWS TTteMS. - Tonsils and Adenoids Clinic Gave ,P,renU a Fine Opportunity-Va- a rtne UPPOriuniiy va- catioo and Baseball Personal Men-; frafe Adopted by N. C Senate Ac tion. - tlon Cam. as Surprise and Swept BY C. D. WILLUMSONJ . Suffrage Leader, iff Their Feet. Parkton, Auir. 17 Not much do- . j ings up our way this week. Vaca- mo8t everywhere, arid were it j ' . ,Tk;. vOlins people DU X.ur fc ' iuo 4 W . I KnM wun raany w1"" to witnessed a good fame on Hon - 9' ! W ',!!? -b ax -II f iL. 1..nU jDepnBiLsvnie nu ..., wa 4to,Rin e.wv,ue- f- 3 Leford tennis play;,. , fc ' ttonta? W counting V Rev. Graham Stubbs and wife have ort Senator H. El SUcy of RobesorTj " to hi br0er Srt. he voted tor the adoption of the ?A - M. Stubbs of our town Rev. Mr. resolution. The Raleigh News and: Stabbs belongs to the Florida con- observer's report of the proceedings, fnce and preached at '.the M. E. pVes the following: I church here onv the second Sunday; "Suffragists who had counted on iht to a laree congregation. He w . . . . - mm - an able preacher. He has not been ?? 8 n years. ' I jir. J. D. Mc Arthur and, family Spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Williamson: Mr. Er- tie Williamson of Greensboro--spent Sunday p. m. and left Monday ,! j Mrs. Ciyde Smith and ' children of Suffolk, Va., are on a visit to her sistdr Mrs. D. A. Sikes. - I Rv. J. K. Hal1 and little? son John p. are on a visit to Belmont, .visiting relatives and friends. rMt Marv Stewart of Laurinburg s spending a few days ith' friends Ac'-.'W'our town. !" ., ! visit to his native COUniy m.niRmhfr derlarpri that, ho Hid not rnn. Master Donovan Williamson re-, lt would have been possible before tornfd home Sunday from. Lumber- adjournment camp yesterday for Sen ton accompanied by his sister Mrs. r ator sCo.e3t leader of the suffrage Justin McNeill and family. Donovan force8i to have changed his vote and had his adenoids and tonsils rmv moved for reconsidejatjoriv This ed ad i8 getting along fine.. Master woujd have given th,, suffragists an Albert Averitt, also was operated fo f opportunity to bring Senator Obadiah his idenoids and tonsils. These two Teague back into the chamber and weT- the only school children oi puri town that took advantage of ' the ade- ntd and tonsils clinic. .Parents of : Imdri than 300 school children who ' ? 1.. A,riaaA k Mll ftlllfl- ' imnwinrlv were advised by our coun VIVUI J " Dresented. This is a senous nuK and should be sensured for 'not treat- time and place. I Thompson, Warren, Wright. : Mr. H, D. Farrell left Aug. 10th Noes: Bums, Carr, Cooper, Cow-1 for Chapel Hill, where he' is- expect- peTf Coward. CrosB, DeLaney. Gavin,: ,i 1 1 19. 11 Alaaa a a arar a War a . w ' . . 11 foil tl w,f Ar a rnnm and - r,ri in Durham and l.ll Vinib M. A aatuk - , ipih H reports an enjoyable trip. mi r.. a,-, vatumod home i JL I1Q 1LI V MVUUVil . , from' White Lake August 7th. Theyi report a splendid trip, all are anx-J sen-iioU8 go back next surameirt,, : , Mrs. IN an J. carter icit i.ui i-.-" nVeh fa Chatham county,' ' where i they formerly lived. They report a holding of the .election of 1918, the' pleasant tim with th.eir niahy, friends, electors of this and other states did in the old neighborhood. inot know, and had no reason to an-j Miss .Mary Baggett of Dunn, has ;ticipate, that the said amendment been on an extended visit to her cou-;WOuld be submitted to the legisla-j sins Dr. and Mrs. D. S. VPftio. itures 01 tne various states ior rati m:o. 'tio.hoa and Mis China of.flcation. and. therefore, had no op- Ladowiso, Ga., are on a visit to their . "S? amson aSVed Sunday a. m. from Peabody f musid. BaltSmore, ??t"V. '.,. il j-i xv m o .wnere Bne attenueu vu school. w W5i an two daurh- Mr. Eugene Wilson and two daugn ters of South Carolina are on a few, in morc than twenty years. Mr. tnd Mrs. Calvin Maltory of' Quitman, Ga., P-eral days with home folks and friends. They made fh antomohile. r V-. p Jn mi Mr. J. T. Odom of Red Springs was a caller to our town Monday. He caller to our town Monday. He Mr. and" M. A. D. Thime, of . . . . . Wagram visited homefolks, ' Mr. and '"'tu: iv "a.?, . I D. 2, are the fond parents pf a fhie - ti -Hartinir at the home of her Mr. Ed Taylor, road supervisor dwwf m. Howellsvine township, was , in town terdav. and Mayor A . E." White, ' U nAtin with . him on the JUU Wafci Maaaa- w - , street, told .The Eopesonjan man to J - mp tnaf Mr. Tairtor uuv i y-t- - , mi.. "' 7 ' wijniiw .v. ---'- --- , i in the conntv. the Elisabeth roaa.j was supervisor ot tpe meanest Mayor YtfitlZ'ri' 1 in Kaleigh the etfcer -day hheard,. cierK asx a customer nav 'was on now, and then he Wtte fol- lowing joite on mm: . w. v - this . customer dosed m a country I'church through eernon ' in Which I the nreacher was thundering about the two roads, the straight and nar- , --- - , - , . . .l.1 row way tnat w J-i- broad way that Jes to jwlLl,g:l5 P M. .. " man slept through it and did not get Every Sunday sense of the germon. Durmg the All Visitors are Wekorae. - inivn hnni th nreacher. .'Circulating ; ;.. noon nour - tne jireKuw, ,-uivih..u . ahnnt in the crowd. slsDDed this man on the back and asked, "My ' friend, . . .. I what road are you on -r -i tive u "e " irwooa . roaa i - , rstwhile sleepy one, tne a-a meanest 'road in the county!" , SENATE POSTPONES AC TION ON WOMAN SUFFRAGE Reulotion PoMtnmiinv Action on Siif- LET PEOPLE EXPRESS THEM SELVES IN ELECTION Tha Sonata n Mnvfh PamllnM Tnaa. VI W. V.IVI1W. dr afternoon defeated woman sul- - frig, by passm, by . vote of 25 to resSiTtio'offenKj ; by Senior, . , m . ' iinasay warren or ueauion posipon- order that the people of W. express themselves t the snnnort of Horace Stapv of Rohe- -a- 80n werp disappointed when that I. .... ... I strue tne vote lor tne resolution as: ,a vote against suffrage ratification! arMj cast his vote accordingly, tit- piaining: that he was in sympathy wjth the view that the people of the; State as a whole have had no oppoT-! tunity to express themselves on the subject. This - vote if cast against the resolution would have brought a' tie that the Lieutenant Governor might have broken. If Senator Obediah, Teague, pledged to suffrage, had not. hoon ahant: nrhon Vila nam. mi n1l edf the fluffragist8 would have had a majority with the President's vote. to consult with Senator Stacy before he dealt what now looks like the, deathblow to ratification in North Carolina." TH. 1 .!. 1IT.. was as follows: Ayes: Beddmgfield, Brock, Brown, Cloud, Conner,' Currie. Davenport,' Ferrebee, Fisher, Gray, Harding, Hay-j more, Holderness, Horton, Johnson,. Long, of Montgomery, .Mangutn, SUcy, Mitchell, Palmer, Sheek, Shinn,' f :M II TI.. 1 U. - T A. . tTolifov T 41l MoorMn Pntfor. Ra-j.nn Prirp RpinVn'rdt. Ros S-.iaa.: 'Sisk, ?i;evem, Wakefield, IVPam- 7 T T r nn wv... The resolution follows: "Whereas, the so-called Susan B. Anthony amendment to the constitu- lion VJ me winiLeu owwb, uemg "And Whereas, at the time of the portunity of expressing their will and oesirA as to tne ratumroon or re jection of the said amendment. And, Whereas, in the opinion 01 the senate, it is a cardinal principle' ,--H mmmuf i,t no .--i- A-Tj v. L.J:" change should be made in the funda mental law without a full knowledge mental law without a full knowledge mental law f "wmeop and acquiescense of the electors there- 5' tfiS.1" S'SLkttSSn Now, therefore, in consideration of the foregoing, be it resolved by - uSa ifi cation of the proposed nineteenth I amendment to the constitution of the! TIiiM Stitei beinir the resolution .unueir &w.fl L d th same under consideration, be and the same under consideration, be ana tne same 1921.V There will be a childrens day and: nrtay of this week. The public is in i vited I Miss Sallie DuBois of Dillon, S. C, I arrived yesterday and will spend some brother and - d Mrs. W.' J. DnBois, Fourth street. She was accompanied oy Mrs. Kate . - - - - m . . m wnoa, wno reanw nuiuc yca;iuaj . , ... . DURING THE VACATION of Tear Own Pastor ? Tea are Invited to Worship at TRmiTT EPISCOPAL CHURCH Lawbertoat." ' , Meraing Prayer and Sermon 11 A. M. " Brerng Prayer and Sermon VaNTED-TOBACCO GROWERS to -deposit their .warehouse, cheeks t ; m The National Bank of Lumber . t01u I BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NKWt Mr. W. F. Edwards, proprietor of th Lumberton Electric Shoe Shop, has installed new and up-to-date ma chinery this week. An aeroplane circled over Lam berton Monday afternoon, going from here to Fairmont and then east by way of Proctorville. Mr.W. H. Inrnan has moved his fruit stand from Third street to the corner of Fourth and Chestnut, op posite the Planters Bank ft Trnst Co. Rains and high water partially put Jennings Beach out of favor for a while, bat the beach may b. reach ed .easily by auto now, the water is receding, end bathers are finding re lief there from the excessive heat. Marked improvement has been made in the millinery department of R. D. Caldwell & Son's department store. The millinery and ladies' ready-to-wer departments have been consolidate;- Mrs. O. H. Braey has charge of these departments. Some improvements are also being made in the grocery department of the Cald well store. Mi R. B. Branch of Wilming ton was a Lumberton visitor Tuesday. Mr. Branch was returning to Wilming ton from Red Springs, where he or ganized a stock company and will at an early date revive the Red Springs Citizen. Mr. Branch was formerly editor of the Citizen, but suspended publication several months ago. The Scotch Scion nuhliahoH tnr a nrliila at Red Springs by Mr. D. Scott Poole, nas suspended publication. Bert Melville's comedians have pleased large crowds here each night this , week. The performances sra high-class and are presented in a pleasing manner. A 4-act drama is put on each evening and vaudeville specialists are given between act.. The shows" are given under a tint. Elm and Second streets, comfortable seats beini? nrovided . " The shows presented by the Melville company are better than' many that have been shown in the local opera house. There is a complete change of program each night and the show wi Ire sin here through Saturday. FUNERAL OF MRS. CHAFFIN. A Large Crowd Gathered at Real dence Monday Afternoon aad Fol lowed Remains to Meadowbrook Cemetery. The funeral of Mrs. Robert Chaffm, whose death Sunday was mentioned in Monday's Robesonian, took place at 4 p. m. Monday from the resi dence, North Chestnut Street. Ser vices were conducted by Rev. Dr. R. C. Beaman, pastor of Chestnut Street Methodist church, of which deceased was a member. A large crowd a relatives and friends gathered at the home and followed the remains to Meadowbrook cemetery, wher inter ment was madei Flora offerings were piled high upon the grave and . many additiona1 flowers came in af ter the funeral. Among the songs sung at the funeral was ar solo, "Lead Kindly Light," by Miss Mar- v jorie Russell. Hhe pallbearers were: active D. ' D. French, A. M. Hartley, J. D. Mc Allister, R. E. Lewis, Jno. S. Mc Neill, W. W. Parker; honorary ex-v Judge T. A. McNeill, O. C. Norment, C. B. Town send, K. M. Barnes, A. E. White, D. W. Biggs, Dr. T. C. John son, R. H. Crichton, H. B. Jennings, Alex McAllister. The following out-of-town people were herp to attend the funeral: Mr. H. C. McQueen, brother of deceased, and daughter, Miss Su Moore Mc Queen, Mr. -and Mrs. D. C. Sinclair ' and F. W. Dick, all of Wilmington; -7 Mr. F. L. Jackson, son-in-law, and. Miss Dorothy Finlayson, granddaugh ter, of Davidson; Mr. and Mrs. Claud S. Chaffm and Mrs. Evans, of Ben. nettsville, S. C; Rev. and Mrs. Wes ley 'Thompson of McDonalds. FUNERAL OF J. A. WILLIAMS. Re mains of Robeson County Man Kill ed in Railroad Wreck in Costa Rica Interred at Culpepper. Va. Mr. T. A. McNeill, Jr., returned yesterday from Culpepper, Vs., where Monday he attended the funeral of his brother-in-law, James A. Wil liams, who was killed in a railroad wreck in Costa Rica two weeks be fore. The remains were accompanied from Costa Rica by Mrs. Williams, who was with her hatband when he was killed.' Mrs. Williams hefore her marriage was Miss AUie Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Brown of Red Springs. Others who attend- ed the funeral from North Carolina - were Mrs. W. F. Williams and daugh ter. Miss Lucy Williams, mother and sister of the deceased,. Mr. and . Mrs." Tom Rogers and MisB Kati Brown i'h of Red Springs and Mr. and. Mrs. Dan Newton of Hoke county. Deceased.' V formerly lived at Red Springs and was , ' well-known. Interment was made in- . the family burying grounds. : - Tha, conductor and fireman were also killed in the same wreck when , Mr. Williams lost bis life, the result . -' of the train leaving the track. Miss'Janie Deese of Maxton R. 5, , was a Lumberton' visitor today. 't DS. WIUIAII W.Sl I ET1S SPECIALIST " 1 Ofiee: Natioaal Bank, ef