X I. THB KOBESONIA, LctibkklN, IVOKTW CAROLINA. TDURSDAf t &EPTE3IBER 9, 1920. ; Published By WltXSOMAN PUBUSHING CO. 83AKTK President SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Year ... gix Months .. Three Months . . it fa.oo 1.50 $,7 THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 9, 1920. OtHoe 1 07 'West Fourth Street Telephone No. 20. oired as second ciass mail matte? t the postoffice at Lumberton, N. C not appear at JL These notes are taken to a bank and cashed at heavy discount, the -promoter goinjr merrily on his iway to the next "prospect" and the purchaser by , and bye having to pay' the :note when his dreams -havs faded and the stock does not look near so alluring:. " . THE BOLL WEEVIL! i An aMon'shingly large num.ip. r Yf people called at' The Robesonian office and at the office of County Farm Demonstrator Dukes Mtfnday, and many have called since, to see thi boll weevil, bottled specimens of which had been brought in from two Robe son county. townships.. The weevil has been the topic of conversation id Robeson this week. Everybody .is in. termed in him. What is to be done ? What damage will he'do next year? At the solicitation of The Robesonian, BEALTY VALUES IN ROBESON. Elsewhere in this issue will be found the report made by a committee of district supervisors appointed by the State Tax Commission to make investigation of the merits- of com plaints made .about the administra tion of the Revaluation act inr-Robe-on. The committee concludes,' after thorough investigation, that the work of revaluation in Robeson . has been properly, faithfully and economically performed, and compliments the su pervisor and his assistants highly on thr work The committee unani mously endorses the work accomplish, dencc and home place of Mr ed and recommends tnat tne values as passed bv the board of appraisers ud review be sustained. Special complaints were made as to Lumber toa, Wisharts and HoweHsrille town ships and the committee thinks, after a complete analysis of the purchases mad offers in each of these townships, that if the complainants had been in full possession of the facts they would not have made any complaint as to either of these townships or as to the entire county. It was found that while the opinion prevailed that town property in Robe son had only been increased about 148 per cent., while farm property had been increased about 602 per cent., as a matter of fact both farm and city real property were valued uniformly. This misconception arose from the fact that the county supervisor had not completed the town of Lumberton at the time he submitted the abstract and the figures reflected represented the value of land of town lots only, and did not include the value of building-! on the lots, that the value of buildings and improvements were in error conceived to. be included in the value of farm, property, thereby in creasing the precentage of increase on farm property and decreasing the percentage on town property. The report of the committee as pub lished in this paper is interesting and instructive and will clear up some misunderstandings that have caused dissatisfaction. jT speculative stocks. The Robesonian from time to time during recent months has lifted a warning voice about speculative stocks. Many Robeson' people have taken chances. The usual method is to give notes, the stock salesman usually representing that the notes easily can bt paid with the pofits. Tha State Insurance Depar;mer;t has been view ?ej with concern .he activity of stoci: saliwen in the State and s's possi bility of disaster when the notes fall mis fall. A an example of how some people fall for these stocks the is told of a' Vake e-unt. fann er who at various times since last snrintr haa iiiirrViripH lihonl blocks of stock in ' various alluring proposi tions until he has given notes aggre gating f 110,000. He has a farm worth $40,000. He expected to be able to "take up the notes with the profits. Tin nAT'itd Vt o it a TiAf mafnmfllivA V, S VSA. 1 llJ C UUk Uiaill(AUi The notes will have to be. paid, and his ' farm no doubt will have to go. In stead of a good farm, he -will have some fancy paper that may or may not be worth more than kindling. He will not be able to raise a crop and support his family on the paper. That no doubt is an extreme case, but there are others who will have a rude awakening. If one must invest in speculative stocks the only safe thing to do is to take a very small block, so that if the thing proves worthless one will not be out house and home. A Lumberton banker calls The Robesonian's attention to the fact that these notes for stock are almost in variably mnde payable to "myself," and the r.ain: of the man who sells or the company he represents does How's This ? TVe ofter JIOQ.OO lor any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by HALIVb CATARRH MEDICINE. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tak en internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of th Sv6tem. Sold by druggists for ever forty years. Price 75c Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Under the provision at an act of the gen eral assembly of North Carolina enacted t the extra season of August, 1920. entitled "An Act to create Fairmont Graded School Dstrict: to authors tha trustees thereof to suite bonds ; and to levy an additional special tax." an election will be held on the first Monday in October, 1920 to determine wheth er said graded school district shall be estab lished, bonds issued and a special tax levied, and if established the boundaries of said dis trict will be as follows: Beginninir at the west end of Atkinson's Mill dam and runs thence North up Hog Swamp so as to include the Stephen Ashley place; thence West to Turkey branch; thence down Turkey branch . to Turkey - Branch Spring: on said branch ; thence with the southern lines of the properly of i. W. Hedgpeth and E. Fowler Prevatt about Northwest to the Lumberton road ; thenca with the Lumberton road about South to Smalls Cross Soads: thence with the Fair mont-Back Swamp road, including the resi- D. B. Mclntyre to Pleasant Hope road. N. W. Jenkins line; thence with Pleasant Hope road, to N. W. Jenkins corner; thence with Mrs. Nora Me In tyre's line to the land of the late Lewis Pitman: thence with the line of Lewis Pit man property to Mrs W. C. Collins land: thence with Mr. W, C. Collin line to and across old Field Swamp to the late Walter Andrews land ; thence with the lines of the Walter Andrews land about Southeast to the Andrews corner ' in Machine Branch ; thence up Machine branch to the line of Iona School District, the crossiag- at John Snipes: thence as the road from John Snipes to the McMillan place about South as the line of Iona School District to the line of the Balti more School district: thence about East at tne line of the Baltimore School District, including the L M- Thompson .place and the W. r. rloyd place to Ashpole Swamp; thence as Ashpole Swamp to Hog Swamp ; thence up Hog Swamp to the beginning at Atkinson's Mill dam: said boundaries including all the lands within Whfte Districts numbers one and three of Fairmont township as well as cer tain lands adjoining said districts. Notice is hereby riven that an eleetinn will De Held on the first Monday in October, 1920, and that E. W. Floyd has been ap pointed as registrar and H. G. Mitchell and N. W Jenkins have been appointed as judge of election. There will b ea new registra tion for said election and all persons resi dent within the boundaries above described who are entitled to vote for members of the general assembly are entitled to register; and only persons who register for said election in accordance with the provisions of said act can vote in stiid election. E. W. Floyd, the revflstrer will, commencing on Saturday, Sep tember lit, 1920, and on each following Saturday until the day of election attend at his. office .in the store of O. I. Floyd Com pany on Main street in the' town of Fair mont from S a. m. until 6 p. m. for the purpose of registering such persons a are entitled to register, and only such persons as shall register will be entitled to vote in said election. Challenges may be entered on any registration day and will be passed upon the day of election. On the day of election the polls will be opened at the reg ular voting place for the election of town officer' Jn the town of Fairmont at eight o'clock a m. and will remain open until sundown. At said election those who are in favor of the establishment of said graded school district and the issuance of bonds and the levy of a special tax will vote a printed or written ballot with the word "Approved" thereon ; and those opposed will vote a writ ten or printed ballot with the word "Dis approved" thereon. If, at said election, a ma jority of tne qualified registered voters shall ote "Approved" then it shall be tLe duty of Board of Trustees of said Graded School Dis trict to issue bonds of said district in .-). sum as may be necessary to provide for the purchase of property and building, equipping a system oi graded schools for said district not exceeding $100,000.00, which bond (half bear interest from their date at not excelling j per cent per annum, payable emi annually, and the principal shall be payable not ex eecdfe thirty, yearsfrow date nf nsue and none of said bonds shall be sold fo- less than par. And to pay interest on said bonds and defray current expense of said 'schools and provide a sinking fund, the board of commis sioners of Robeson county shall annually ievy an additional -special tax on all persons and property subject .to taxation within said dis trict, not to exceed fifty cents on the 1 100.00 i assessed valuation of property -and $1.60 on each poll. If the given rate produces a larg er sum than is necessary, then the said board of commissioner may reduce the rate M any year to such rate as may be indicated as sufficient by the board of trustees of said graaea scnool district. At the same time and nlac th of the location of said graded school buildings win aiso oe suDmrttea to the qualified regis tered voters of said district and a separate I ballot box will be provided marked "Location Box." At said election the qualified voters who are in favor of the location of the grad ed school buildings upon the site occupied by the existing school buildings shall vote a written or printed ballot wth the words "For i old location" thereon : while those voters fav. oring a new site or location for said graded school buildings shall vote a written or print ed ballot with the words "For new location" thereon. If majority vote in favor of old location, then the new school buildings shall be erected on the existing site at Fairmont; if a majority vote in favor of .flew location. tbon th trutees shall select a suitable" now site and erect new buildings thereon A full and true copy of the aforesaid act of the general assembly under which seid election m to be held is in the possession of Mclntyre, Lawrence A Proctor, attorneys at Lumbrton. N. C, who will submit same to the inspection of any person upon request; and give" any desired information with re spect thereto Dated this September 6th. 1920. " E. W. FLOYD, Registrar. Attest: t H. G. MITCHELL. N. W. JENKINS. Judges of Election. 9 9 4 Thurs Mr. Dukes discusses this important subject in an article in this issue.- - He says there is oo occasion iox. excite, mefit but that now is the, time for every tanner xo xsuncn out on a Xivtu mm&si i Wa The FSfst Car Lbad of The Season; We have just returned fr6m"theCWfest and knov we..havi one of the best lot of Mules eyer shipped here. If ybu -want the right kind, wejl finished, good broke, "the tasty kind," dun't fail to see these mules. '." f 1 ., ,,3 car loads; all sizes,the kind thafs guaranteed: TKflt!arrf5rt?;Jst the kind ypii want open and top, side and end springs. ' . 5iaOC all styles, for Buggy & dtOKSbS Wagons. Collars and Bridles. Call and see us when in Lumberton. Our prices are right and our terms will suit you. W. I. LINKHAW LUMBERTON, N. C. hL!J::'iJiiMi K H ainea For baby's croup,- rs: . vT;".7iiri rjr , m?mr Kobe- cut. and bruises, Dissv "w i ovu jiviautjr is ui uiucu wetter pogi- sary. . - . '; . tion to fight the pest effectively than One. thin at least is certain, aaa .many tb,er, ectiona that have sac ! I vcosxiuiy ibbbcu luruiiy11 uie jdou wee. !'A I vil seijre. : The chances are verw mivh If . in favor of small damage; next year. J according to .the history of Jther gec- " I tiong that tisiva Kaon irimitA- J rtii - ample time to make the .necessary change, v Kobeaon should be richer county two, years froni today than it is today, in spite of the boll weeviL o Subscribe, for ?he .Bobeaciaa. Willie's daily mother's I - sore throat, ' Grandma's " lameness- Dr. Thomas Eclectic Oil the -household remedy. . 30c and 60c r ; ,. ' ., , r . ' Mr. R. M; Phillips of the -lope-Swamp section is a Lumberton visitor today. ' " CIIAELOTTE LUMBER CWMPANY 'iU,-COLLINS; Mimager; . r "Charlotte, N. (C7) - " ? All kinds pf hard wood ind tpin lum ber, rongh and dressed -Red Cedar Shingles In transit at fU timesv. ; H n ih jo We cordially invite you to make our Bank your headquarters -- - t for business or other purposes where we can be of service. Our loyalty to the community extends to you whether or not you are a customer of ours today. " "We are here to be" ""bothered" and your call at any time will be a plaesure to us. ' Shoe's Slmoes 1 : :) We have just received a large ship ment of Long Wear Fall Shoes for Men, WomenBoys, Girls , and Chil dren, and ab)glot of Packard Shoes for Men, lid fe ribw have in stock a complete line of this famous footwear. If you are looking for a satisfactory shoe, one which will give you the longest service, thie greatest comfort, ahd'is niade inhlaftest and most atttactivief styles to: Jbe had, prniQ; se'e us and cdhipare our shoes with any other shoes oh the market, and your good judgment will induce you to try them. Eo ML BIGGS LUMBERTON, N. C. i 1 . 19 no nun ami. 1 1 c"T mmm 3 LUMBERTON. tlundreds i farmers- Hundreds of tarmers-farmers yoii think of as successful are using this bank and they find that it pays them well. You, Mr. Farmer, are cordially in vited to join our growing list of satis fied customers. START NOW! The Natibnal Bank of Lumberton A. W. McLEAN, President M. F. COBB, Cashier. RESOURCES OYER $1,100,000.00 "THE OLD RELIABLE" SSI rteCT ja.aiw! Mum h TMttriiTagnggnminKiHT I . . Harness- Buggy and Wagon Harness at Cost FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS I WILL OFFER $15 Wagon Harness ' . $10.00 $10 Wagon Harness $ 8.00 $30 Buggy Harness $20.00 i $35 Buggy Harness $25.00 -$40 Buggy Harness $30.00 Also a big lot of Bridles at a bargain. i W. F. EDWARDS Li f naw rarin if ilii AT AUCTION Tuesday, Sept. 14, lfc30 a.m. ' , This splendid farm! is located on the Carthage Road only 2 miles from Lum berton and consists of lOO acres which has been subdivided into three ideal small farms. Good 5 room house, tobac co barn and necessary out buildings. v Also a 22 1-2 acre tract adjoining be longing to W. H, Powell will be offered for tle high dollar on very easy terms. (.- L, A. McGeachy Property IN ST. PAULS, N. C. On Broad and .First Sts. CHOICE TOWN LOTS ";' 2:30 p. m. Don't forget you can buy a small farm or a choice town lot on this sale at your own price on easy terms. . Good Music Atteeltic Coast Re J t The Name That Justifies Your Confidence.' Local Contract Bepresratativea. Robeson Farm Ineorporative Co,, Lumberton, N., C. my Co Selling Agents