- 9 ma two ; tUM ttUMZSOIi LAI . cl MABKlUA rtOKTfl GAEOLCf A. , MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22V 1920. I 4. v 12 ,THANKSGIVINGT-To give thanks in earnest is a beautiful tiling to do. But to give it, and in return we do nothing for which to be thank ful, is the highest form of hypocrisy. That is something which we stnvg always to avoid. Sometimes there are . occasions when pone's pa tience isworn to a thread. But is things of this sort which makes for betterment nd for our part, we are glad of it. Notwithstanding the many obstacles we have had to surmount since last Thanksgiving, our business has grown; the confidence the public has in this store and its personel has increased. For these and other things we are truly thankful, and cordially invite you to note our spirit of thankfulness for the liberal patronage accorded this store in the extremely low prices we quote on the few items listed, 'which jare significant of . the many bargains our store has to offer for Thanksgiving week. Be quick and you will be Thankful. ' , t ; " Silks Repriced for Thanksgiving Week SATINS, colors black and white, $7.50 now $5.00 white, pink, pekin blue,, rose and co- 40 now 3.00 pen blue, purple, Alice blue, pink 3.00 now 2.25 tod light blue . 5.00 now 3.75 GEORGETTE : -Colors toupe, fi- 4.50 now 3.50 now gured, black, rainbow, grey, navy, g 5Q now pink and white ..... ...... ....... 30 now C&EPE DE CHINE Colors, taup, : 3.50 now pink, figured, copen blue, purple, 75 n green, navy, white, tan, green and 1 " -red .. 2.50 now 4.ounow 3.50 now 2.25 now 3.00 2.50 2.00 2.25 2.75 2.25 1.50 MESSALINE : Colors brown and tan, black navy, taupe old rose and green ......... ........ . . . . ... 3.00 2.25 1.50 TAFFETA : Colors, red, grey, pink, burgundy, navy, black, pekin blue, and white 4.50 now 3.50 how 3.25 now 2.75 now 3.00 2.50 2.25 1.50 SILK POPLIN : ALL COLORS . . . 2.25 now 1.75 now 1.50 1.25 Ladies Coats and Wraps Repriced for Thanksgiving .Week Vclour Coat3,colorg brown & green $16.50 repriced $12.50 Navy with Fur Collars .......... 30.00 repriced; 17.50 Brown with collar of coat material ; 22.50 repriced:" 15.00 Velour Coats . ...... ..T.v. .... .14.00 repriced 10.00 Dark Blue Velours . . ............ 35.00 repriced- 22.50 Black Broadcloth . . ........ . ... . . 48.00 repriced 32.50 Black' Plush Coats ....... . 60.00 repriced 40.00 Burgundy Coats 38.00 repriced 27.50 HartShaffner &tAarx all Wool . . Coats Very Special 75.00 repriced 60.00 Ladies Sport CoatsLatest Styles.'. 54.00 repriced 42.00 Colors, navy, brown, green, silver 45.00 repriced 27.50 toa, 32.50 repriced 23.75 , 25.75 repriced 18.00 A splendid assortment of Ladies and Children '8 heavy. Outing Coats in all colors, specially priced $2.50 to $10.00. Ladies Shoes Specially Priced Ladies Shoes in black Kid, $15.00 repriced.. . . . . ; $10.00 White Kind and Mahogony $10.00 repriced $7.50 full style Louis Heel and 7.00 repriced 5.00 Military Walking Heels 8.25 repriced 6.25 Men's Shoes in same proportion. Ladies & Childrens Hose Specials Ladies Pure Thread Silk Hose Ladies i'Notaseme Silk Hose Ladies Mercerized lisle hose Ladies lisle hose Children's heavy ribbed lisle hose Children's heavy ribbed lisle hose Outings all colors Southern Silk Plaids Best grade Print Cloth $2.50 Repriced $1.75 $2.00 Repriced $1.35 $1.25 Repriced .85 .40 Repriced .15 .75 Repriced' .45 .35 Repriced .15 .50 Repriced .25 .35 Repriced .23 .25 Repriced .15 LADIES COAT SUITS These suits comprise the very latest styles and are of the best quality materials and all this season's purchases. They are splendid values as repriced for Thanksiving week. $75.00 Now $60.00 $60.00 Now $42.50 $90.00 Now $75.00 $65.00 Now $50.00 $42.50 Now $27.50 $35.00 Now $25.00 A Thanksgiving Prices on Dresses Handsome dark blue Tricotine, Accordeon plaited skirt, collar and cuffs ...... . ..... . . $85.00 repriced $47.50 Navy Tricotine, strictly tailored $40.00 repriced $25.00 Allwool Tricotine Embroidered Trgs $50 repriced $33.00 Dark blue serge embroidered In beads $37 repriced $23.00 Dark blue serge trimmed in red and blue military trimmings , $43.00 repriced $27.00 Dark blue Tricotine Embroidered in - . -gold trimmings $30.00 repriced $19.75 Velour Dresses in dark blue and black . $30.00 repriced $18.00 Thanksgiving Specials in Milinery There is such a profusion of bargains to of fef our .cus tomers in this department that we feel as if we need a whole page to tell you about them, but with allowance limited we will confine ourselves to a few special prices so you may get an idea of the great values we offer for Thanksgiving week. $15.00 Now $ 7.50 $10.00 Now $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Now $ 3.50 $ 2.00 Now $ 1.00 $20.00 Now. $10.00 $ 7.50. Now.$ .5.00 $ 3.50 Now $2.00 DOVE UNDERMT7SLINS Nowhere will you find a more beautiful assortment of dainty undermuslins in both silk and cotton than we are now showing and for Thanksgiving week we are making special prices. MEN'S SUITS. Hart, Shaf fner & Marx all wool suits $67.50, 65.00, $60.00, $57.50, repriced $47.50 Men's Good Grade Suits $37.50, repriced $27.50 Men's Good Grade Suits $30.00, repriced $18.50 Men's Good Grade Suits $20.00, repriced $12.50 Men's Good Grade Suits $16.00, repriced $10.00 UNDERGARMENTS Men's Duofold Union suits 70 Repriced $6.00 Men's Fine ribbed cotton union suits $2.75 repriced $1.65 Men's heavy fleece lined shirts and drawers $1.35 repriced 65c HAND MADE BLOUSES AND SHIRT WAISTS "Blue Bird" hand made shirt waists $6.50 repriced $4.75 Hand Embroidered Georgette Blouses, colors black, white and navy . $11.50 repriced $8.75 Shirt Waists, flesh, white and pongee $4.75 repriced $4.25 . BOYS' SUITS Pony Boy Suits very best quality all wool suits Every seam in coat and pants taped or double stitched. IW? PJ60 $13.00 Repriced $ 8.75 So 22 5ep5ce1l H5 $ 6.00 Repriced 4.50 !MSSM J'75 $ 8.00 Repriced $ 6.25 $ 5.50 Repriced $ 3.75 $ 4.50 Repriced $ 3.00 PRIES MADE SUITS OTHER MAXES MEN'S SHIRTS. - Alcova Silk Shirts, best quality: .'r 110.00," repriced $6.75 Manhattan Shirts Eclipse Shirts Alcova Shirts Other Makes Other Makes Other Makes $4.25, repriced $3.75 $2.75, repriced $1.95 $2.00, repriced $1.65 " $1.00, repriced 65c $1.35, repriced 85c 60c, repriced 45c ; ' SWEATERS : - . Ladiei heavy sport sweaters . $18.00 repriced $12.50 Ladies heavy silk sweaters Men's heavy coat sweaters Men's heavy coat sweaters $9.60 repriced $7.50 $1.75 repriced $L25 U llJZS.repriced 98e MEN'S HATS ; , , Men's velours, colors black, brown and green $8 to $17.50 Mallory hats, colors, green gray, brown, black and i f $6.50 to $8.50' Jefferson 'specials, all colors -. . ,x t. tJ!.. . . . , r $6.50 Peter Rabbit hats brown and grey ;.;.;;;..;.. $200 Boys Hats "America's own make'..ifV s1.75 to $2.50 ft 1 xjr r '