PAGB SfaC tsa corrcomAH. Mjxzrsroa. norm cicoLxajc mondat, November 22, 1920. OLD PALS SlaU Got The Wrong Kick. BY H. F. O'NEILL' -Tl D3 SHO AD OUt ( c.0.a CHARGES Art ') f IH iT iCK 1 1 SiTS, MOW OVoH ) f , KJr ,r f 3 1 1 vikJ-. . VyJlW l SJm iArf sisx " ' fXt 'T1,MU Vl OLD PALS- It Should Be Proof Enough. BY H. F. O'NEILL '' "' ' ' . ''mm'mmfmm'mmmmmmmmmmm GLAND THEORY LEADS TO NEW DISCOVERY - FOR INDIGESTION Bacteriolosrist, Throusrb Gland Theory, Discovers New, Quick an Positive Method for Reliev inar Indigestion and Dyspepsia With Preparation Known As Keison Blood and Body Builder. Keison. In a New, Scientific Way, Stimulates All Body Glands, Relieving Depression. Nervous ness, Headaches and Constipa tion. Also Increases Appetite, Body Weiffht and Energy. QUICK AND POSITIVE RESULTS GUARANTEED "Indigestion and its attendant ills, such as despondency, nervousatess, loss of appetite and weight, dizzi ness, sleeplessness, constipation, etc., according to recent scieniuic aiscov eries, are directly traceable, to the improper functioning of the various body glands. Keison Blood and Body Builder is the discovery of a Bacteriologist, bas ed upon the principle that good health depends upon a good digestion and the proper assimilation of food, to ob tain which all body glands must stimulated, either naturally or arti ficially. Keison assists nature, by increas ing gland activity, to do its work in a natural way. It not only purifies and strengthens the blood, putting rich red blood in your veins, but repairs and cleanses the entire system, re st oi es weight, appetite and energy ard acts as a safe, gentle laxative. If you want to eat what you like and enjoy it, without bad after ef fects, to sleep well at night and feel good all day, get a bottle of Keison from your druggist, with quick and positive results guaranteed or money refunded. (Adv.) Rival of the Potato. The first cnrlond of American-grown dasheens, Introduced Into this country to supplement the potato, arrived on the New York market recently, and be cause of the limited quantities shipped and the demand they sold as high as 15 cents o pound. The dasheens were grown on the east coast of Florida. The Trinidad dasheen, which la a particularly fine variety of the taro, Is one of 40,000 foreign plants Intro duced Into the United States by the Department of Agriculture. It was brought here in the belief that It would yield the South a tuber crop which could be used to supplement the po tato. It contains 50 per cent mora protein than the potato, according to the Department of Agriculture. An irishman made his way to a country Jail ami asked to be allowed to see the governor. On being ushered into that function ary's presence he begged for the favor of an Interview with a prisoner who was to suffer the extreme penalty of the law In the course of the morning. "No, my man," said, the governor, "you cannot see the prisoner. He's to be executed In half an hour, and visitors are not permitted to see a prisoner on the day of execution. But what might be your business with him?" "Shnre, sor," answered . Tat, "It's his birthday, and I was after wishing him many happy returns." CTKT V7TVTV It is becoming more and more evident tl v. COoperatioi between the farmer, the business man and the b A Is necetSff J to tha , most satisfactory growth of either. . i . . It is the principle on which real 'result SCO aeoompl ihed. We appreciate the business with which - r3.ere favOIQf. Tha best, most helpful, friendly Banking Servfa potttfflt to J ( ren dered is the expression of our appredatia '.Sgyg 1 LUIJBEItTON, N.cTi I FAMOUS FRUMPS IN -HISTORY Proof That Feminlna Beauty la Hot Always N tea Mary for the Acqui sition' of Fame. Beautiful women have their poets and their , artists who do Justice to their perfections, but some of the most famous women, either from their own or their husband's talents or i posi tion, have been frumps, says London Answers. Mrs. Samuel Johnson was nearly twice the age of the celebrated sage of Fleet street; a widow, with sev eral children as old as the man she married. Lord Macaulay, in his famous essa says : "To ordinary spectators the Iaflfr appeared to be a short, fat, coarse woman, painted half an inch thick, dressed In gaudy colors, and fond of exhibiting provincial airs and graces. But to Johnson his Titty as he called her, was the most beaptlful, graceful and accomplished of her sex" Caroline of Brunswick Is the sub ject of one of Bomney's most charm ing pictures.-" Yet here Is a contempo rary description of her from a diary printed many years after her death s . "Her eyes projected , like those of the royal family. She made her head large by, wearing an immense wig. She also painted her eyebrows, which gave her face a strange, fierce look. Her skin and she showed a great deal was very red. She wore very high-heeled shoes, so that she bent for ward when she stood or walked. Her feet, and ankles were dreadf uL" In the same diary appears a de scription of the famous Mme. de Stael, the most brilliant woman of her time : "Her face was that of a blacka moor attempted to be washed white. She wore a wig like a bunch of with ered heather, and overthat a turban, which looked as If It had been put on In the dark; a short neck, and shoul ders rising so much .behind that they almost amounted to a hump." yet she had all the airs of a great bd&uty, and her salon was sought by all the wits and beaux. George Eliot, whose centenary has lately been kept, was an exceedingly praln woman. It was said that she had a massive head, but as a rule a massive heed does not. look very elegant on a 'slim, straight-down sort of figure. Besides, she cared nothing about dress, and would probably have been better content if, like Rosa Bon heur, she could have got a special dis pensation to" "wear the trows." . Nevertheless, she was a mosLcharm Ing woman and a very good house wife. She hsed to pride herself that she could turn from "Romola" to cookery. BUSK REORGANIZING SAVINGS SOCIETIES IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS (Boys and Girls Who Did Such Rne Work Last Year Soon Will Be Active Again PERCHED ON A HIGH STOOL IN AN OFFICE Many a Brain Is Trying1 to Work MORE RICH. RED BLOOD NEEDED Fish Not Affected by Tar. ' The old question of the effect of tarring roads on fish in neighboring streams has been settled, anew at Chesham, England. The main road of the town was tarred last winter, for the first, time, and this has been fol lowed, by the death of. large numbers of trout and other fish In the River Chess. A special commission of irt vestigatlonr however, has now reported that the fish destruction was , not a result of the road tarring or of any epidemic disease. The real cause ap pears to have been poisoning by a tem porary increase In the Industrial pollu tion of a ditch which discharges Into the river and is practically an Indus trial sewer. . r- School boys and girls in all parts of this State are reorganizing the sav ings societies which did such excellent work last session, and it ig believed that even better records will be made during this school year. In the . nine months of the 1919-1920 session mora than $2,315,000 was invested in Sav ings Stamps, Thrift Stamps and other government securities in this dlstrlce. In order that thrift In Its various DhasM mlrht ho tmurht tn monitor mA. vantage this session, Miss Mary cC ShotwelV director of the educational (Ufisloa fit the district War Loan Or ganizatlon, last summer visited all ot the summer schools la Maryland, Vir ginia, West Virginia, North Carolina ana South Carolina, and was instru mental in having regular courses ia practical thrift Incorporated in tha curriculum not only in the State sum mer schools hut in the county, schools and teachers' Institutes. In all, mora than 660 lessons and demonstrations In tmiftprinclples were, given to up wards of 11,000 teachers. Many of these teachers most of them, very likely will correlate the thrift idea with their class work this session. ' The savings movement is being con ducted In the schools, and elsewhere, nader the direction of the United States Treasury Department. "Work and Save" b one of the slogans. In other word's, effort Is being made -to make everyone realije particularly the boys and girls ot today who will be the men and women of tomorow-t the Importance of increasing, produc tion, of curtailing waste, of wise s oending, of systematic saving, and of investing In such securities as govern ment 'bonds, Savings Stamps and Thrift Stamps. , Last session the hundreds of sav ings societies In this State gave ample evidence of the patriotism and lntell! gent encTeavor of their members. This session, with the foundation already laid and. with the pupils knowing how to conduct their savings societies and clubs, a record Is anticipated of which the State will have good reason 40 ba proud. ' Qas From Straw. A gas derived from the destructive distillation of straw 1 being produced n i small scale at the experimental farm of. the United States Department of Agriculture at Arlington, VaT, says tbe Journal of industrial-and , Engi neering Chemistry In a recent article. Thla gas has been used, for motor fuel, for cooking anof Illuminating pur poses, Jut Its commercial value has not yet been determined. The office of development work fit the bureau of chemistry Is now making a series of tests upon It . Tlfty rpounds 'of straws will produce abont 300 cubic feet of gas, and the problem ' of liquefying or condensing the gas In order to enable It to be used practically as a motor fuel is now in process of solution. . - Several valuable by-products are ob tained during the manufacture of the Pepto-Manffan Gives You the . Jlealth To Tackle Your Daily Work With Viffor. If you 'sit at a desk all day in an office, whether you are perched on a high stool or seated in an upholster !ed chair, your body is inactive. You can't get much fresh air and outdoor exercise. Your blood becomes poor. You look pale and feel weak. ' The great tonic, Pepto-Mangan, Js what you need for awhile. It makes rich, red blood. It restores your vital energy. - Your color comes back. ; When your blood is good, full of red corpuscles, you are better able to resist .disease. Yon go about your daily work with the optimism of good health. - ' - , Try Pepto-Mangan and notice how you improve. . , .' i? Pepto-Mangan is sold in both liquid and tablet ; f orm. Take either kind you prefer. Both have the same med icinal value. But be sure you get the genuine f Pepto-Mangan "Gude's." The i full name, "Gude's''' Pepto Mangan" should be on the package. Advertisement.' v -, . FOB ROAD SUPERVISOR. : I hereby' announce myself a candi date for township road supervisor in Saddletree township, subject to the action of the voters of the township December' 80?' "- : , : r 3i L. HUMPHREY. THE BEST Of course you know we have the "'' BEST ' BREAD . Also the best Coffee, a great combination. Something nice for your sandwitches . lunches, etc. We are adding day by day very thhur we think jon. wiU like. Call in and let us show yon. , s Yours for service, DuOOIS BAKERY Y r7 - I will be at the following places named Here below for collecting TAXES: ..V Marietta, . . . .Monday, Nov. 22nd, 1920 Barnesville, .. . . . .Tuesday, Nov. 23rd 1920 Proctorville, . ; . Wednesday, Nov. 24th, 1920 Gaddys, (Curtis' Store) Friday, Nov.26, 1920 Fairmont,-. . . . Saturday, Nov. 27th, 1920 McDonalds, . . . . Monday, Nov. 29th, 1920 Alfordsville, (Bullock's Store) .... . r .Tuesday, Nov: 30thV'-1920 Rowland, .Wednesday, Dec;? 1st, 19201 Pembroke, . . Thursday, Dec. 2nd, 1920 Wakulla,. ....... . . Friday, Dec. 3rd, -1 920 - Maxton, . . ... ... .Saturday, 4th,11920 Buies, Monday, Dejv-13th, 1920. Shannon, Tuesday, Dec. 14tk, 1920' Rennert, . . ; . - Wednesday, Dec. 15th,r 1920 . Lumber Bridge,- .Thursday Dec." 16th', -192t) Parkton, Friday, Dec; 17th, 1920. Red Springs, . . . .Saturday, Dec. 18th, 1920 St. Pauls, . Monday, Dec 20th, 1920 Please attend these places at :the' time men tioned above as I will not make but one round . this year. - N v-. ... t R. E. LEWIS, Sheriff