-0. - . i r - THE DATE ON THE LABEL IS THE DATE YOUR TAPER WILL BE STOPPED. WATCH LABEL ON YOUR PAPER AND DONT LET SUB SCRIPTION EXPIRE ESTABLISHEDl870..rVStNGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. COUNTRY.-COD AND (TRUTH 13.00 A YEAR. DUE IN ADVANCS.- LUMBERTON, N. C. MONDAY. DECEMBER '6. 1920.' VOLUME IX ' DUMBER 81 3-.- ' r A. W. McL Made Assistant S Secretary U. S. ' TreaSUiy .'- JT - ' Lumberton Man Mrecto of War Ff ' iunieeH!erporrtiba; Appointed r to Another High Office by President Will Remain in Washington1 Until , 'March 4. ' 'v. ' .' The following is taken from a Wash ington special of Dec, 4 to the Greens boro Daily News Aneus wiiton mcian, oi umuei - . r M T 1 . ,. ' li., ton. Democratic national committee- . ' xt u n-li i J.Voa. . - V.r T-i- ' : tor of the War Finance corporation, i i a t n : " v"""' " " em as assistant .secretary ox in Treasury, ine appointment surprise Washington as Mr. McLean was not mentioned for the place f MTAon 4-i-L- tho rkQh fhia fit- ternoon and immediately entered on his new duties. He succeeded Johett Shouse, of Kansas who resigned about two months ago tp resume, the prac-, tice of law. Mr. Shouse was a mem- ber of the House from Kansas when appointed. .. . .1 It is understood that the appoint-'a jnent of Mr. McLean was made upon the recommendation of Secretary mi . luvucan few. usv vv. Houston, with whom the North Caro- BC"Peamed and caii one ef the chil Ima man has been associated wWle dren by name and her assailant bj- acting as director of the War Finance corporation. ' Mr. -McLean will con tinue to act in the latter capacity, it is said, as the duties will not conflict nd the finance corporation has prac tically been inoperative, during the past year. Th.rTh' t,wj cou" tP th trial. Of civil cases con- -ffl.vened Wis morning at 10 o'clock with lave put a virtual embargo on all Wilson appointments for the remaind- r of his term it is likely that ai j it mi .. . i 1 fi: i.n-L J jnrec memn. ana wnue e oemwe is expected to hold .up all Wilson ap- pointments that might extend beyond the present administration the be lief of Mr. McLean's friends here is that the Senate may make an ex- ception in his case. In effect the McLean appointment is a recess appointment and he may continue to serve anyway, unless the benate should take action which ac- ( tually rejected the appointment. .If; the appointment had been held off un tuv .piivuiimcuv wu wea neiu o un- , have been unable to make a recess ii r-n:i-i. A.,u appointment and the North Carolina 3T iT 1 i!- u Vu ono would care to duplicate. That iirmation before taking the oath of was the vmce o &ymhn traveling tJ thlV !lted from Pdelphus likel to stay there until March 4. At the other ni ht b his lone8me that time, of course tne treasury head Prior to theB8ho'wer of rocks a man Tn.l change and the several assistant , had itepped into the road and waved secretones.are 'ffheduled to tireun- a signal7or the autoist to stop. In less , a?. Republican, 'administration .t5 .m 5 . j. should ask one or mW of them to re- - As. to the successor to Mr. Shouse, Mr. McLean will have charge in the administration of Treasury Depart- . ment affairs of the bureau of inter-1 iu tT ' i "".tncugn slightly pinched and shrunk the bureau of war risk insurande. bv tu pX(.ft;ni; vnirionri Thcsc branches will be under his im- emn8 experience. mediate supervisioh. . . Twenty.seTen Young Men Enlisted at Assistant Secretary McLean is a Recruiting Station Last man of recognized business ability and j Month. considerable wealth. Since coming to Twent" seven voune. men sn,is(1 in Washington several years ago he has Wn active v iHpntifiH with tK inn been actively identified with the inner workings of the Treasury, Depart- ment and when th now Senator Glass liroH no th haA it ra reported that Mr. McLean was in he ior aaaiiionai wotk oi some sorrv Wt. ...... ... . i, -i rptura to his nrivate intprpsta in mum to ms private interests in iNortn Carolina, put toaay s appoint- ment means mat ne win remain mlir..n u J; . ' . Vir i. Washinton until the end of the Wil son administration. RobesonFair Association Earned 33 it t er veni inis irar. ,ernor Sanderson. The earnings of the Robeson Fair Those who failed to pass the exam asrociation this year totaled more , instion were: Victor Blue, Fred W. than 33-1-2 per cent, on the capital stone, John Barnes, James O. Brown, , stock issued. A cash dividend of 4 ! Alex F. Pennv per cent, was paia ana tne oaiance will be applied to improvements. A meeting of the directors of the Fair association was held Friday evening. This is a fine showing for the first year of the. fair. The association was incorporated with paid capital of $10, 000. i i i . i i . i j T. A. McNeill, Jr., - Appointed Re ceiver for Farmers' Savings Bank. Mr. T. A. McNeill, Jr., has been ap pointed receiver for the Farmers Sav ings Bank. ' The appointment was made Thursday night by Judge J. Lloyd Horton. It is -not thought the stockholders or depositors will lose anything, according to Mr. McNeill. ' .Depositors Will Not Lose. Mr. Jno. Mitchell, State bank ex aminer,' spent Friday and Saturday bere checking the - books of : the . Fanners Savings Bank, the - books showed the bank -to be soevent, according to Mr. Mitchell, and the depositors ' will sustain' no loss as a result of the bank 'being closed. ii. . Rev. Theodore Partrtek, Jr., pastor of Trinity Episcopal church, left this! afternoon for Clinton,-Sampson coun ty, where he will spn4 a lev dayi.twl.v .. .n n v siting teUtivet. : - - prcbably for the last time. Mrs. J. M. Russell of Atlanta, Ga.. , ' Ga., arrived Friday and w4l spend x1 .. - - ' some time here visitMg aftfio honie 1',It. Dayton Wilkiiyi of R. 7, Lum of her father, ex-Judge T. A. McNeill, bertoh, .was " amoe g the 'visitors in Elm street , - : - ; ' - .town Thursday. ' Negro Suspect Arrested Here Negro AiisWering Description of Man I Wanted on Charge of Attempted Assault on White Girl at Rocking: ham' is Held Here for Officers- From That TownAssault Was Attempts ed Ls Night ' '.- A negro answering the description of.ono wanted at Rockingham on the charge of attempting to criminally assault a young white girl was ar rested by Chief of Police D. M. Bar ker and Policeman Ed J. Glover here ' .ec : ... ti,. ,o. k; i Lim IIlUllllllK 1C ftaw blow tiicj i Tnri.. rv:.. . j . name n n.esicy ..r.u Mlu , nonie was ai uuuivy, ua. xie nc i hero Qn th(J east.bound Seaboard tram j i i t-..ji . r TT iaHt night about 10 o'clock, The au- thoritje8 at Rocki ngham been thorities at Rockingham notified of the arrest. A Rockingham dispatch states that il. . i 1 li . .a . ... I vmaHa ooflu act niht I ho woman wayat home with three mM children. Hearing a noise on the outsi(U of the house th went out and around tne house to inve8ti. te The f&Ued to discover any. thing and went back into the house, The young lady stopped to turn out Ught in the kitchen. Just as she tutned off the light a negro grabbed ,j ft tt,0 nr sh came frightened and ran. Superior Court. A two weeks term of Superior Judge J. Lloyd Horton of New Bern s ti.. , gTn fot.frttiers the coming ses- Kinnon, J; E. Carpenter-. Makton; V R Ta j Fairmont, Jno. S. Butler, gt pav.i8 ' , ' :' HE SPED ON AND ON AND ON I to This Autoist Heeded Not a Signal Stop and Raced With Rocks Flying, Through the Air, A rock whizzing between your and the windshield, following by the crash of another rock ly launched, against the side -r n.i nta:Aa h . j--,v v, p,, and it night and-you stepping on it J ZJll nL r"iT; tl -j ded(dl t a joyful experience that 7 .SZffiffifi. man stepped wtJXVl;'1OTr 'T1!0- a rce was on : between aat r and 'uht together Repttetwes and ,oo!i- l - j- t Senators from the South and West, in ,m. V.- w through with a whole skin, I 'th t the -j recruitinB. 8ta. Ine aTmy 81 ?ne 10cai. recruiting sta- I " h"!? '""X S m" L," ttl' "11 " "J ""'". "'"""8 , ln?, examiTnati "w?" warmer iviciv. names, tiauae ior-; Carmer McK. Barnes, Claude Nor - r- Raymond Barnes XenophOne Pur-! Vls Leon Bnsson Charlie Stone, Fen- t E Branchi james H Pridc-e6nJ ;wniiam H- Humnhrev. Gradv Chavis William C. Byrd, Willie Bryant, John Freeman, Daniel Norton, Lonza T. Stone, John B. Lee, Charley J. Coats, Tyson O. Naylon, Will Kitchin, Gov - Optimistic Over Cotton Milling Out look. : A Greenville,. S. C, dispatch of the 5th gives the following: That cotton mills in Greenville and this section are beginning to receive substantial or ders again and that they will be able to resume full operation after. Christ mas, "with slight reduction in wages, is the opinion of W. ; J. Thackston, prominent factor. He based his sum maiy on reports be has received from marmfaacturers and commission mer chants." Business should be readjust ed in a short t while, Mr. , Thackston stated, saying that he feels optimistic over the outlook , Reports which he as received from mill men and corn- mission merchants, i he saidf, indicate that the strain is 5ver. ... - Congresst Meets Today. V.-V .. The 66th CmignM-eenvened at noon today in Washington fot its third and final session. President Wpson will deliver in person or send to Congress his annual address tomorrow. President-elect Harding arived in Wash ington last, night from Bedford, Vs., woere ne maxieranadaress yesterday and was expected to go to the Senate THAT TWELFTH (Window Shopping Fanners Relief Congress Will Be Asked This Week to Restore War Finance, Board ' Speedy Action by Congress Is Pre dieted. " 1 : v. ' Washington Dispatch, Pec.. - r irst stens towara remeoiai leinsia- storation of the War Finance corpora tion. ; ; This was made clear today in state ments by Senators Harrison, Missis sippi, ana neian, Aiioama, ana p- - resentative Bynes rSout Carohna. fa-Ll,Tfubf.S sippi, and Heflin, Alibama, and Rep . . . - - i.. oenctor . uamson, io pans a resuiu- tion directinir the Secretary of the Treasury to revive the War Finance corporation so that our agricultural products may be marketable. "The South and West have votes enough in the House and Senate to pass such a measure next week," Sen ator Heflin said. "The conference of the Southern Senator,! yesterday, and 1 the s joint u.'i'.VAt- T J Oiil. meottnglhe House and Senate imy iudement. will Jesuit in speedy ac- tiwn by Congress in granting the nec-,. .. . . ! Sufficient sentiment has been cre- I ated during the week," Senator Har- ' risn id' "to P3 uPon thos5 n 'hority that at is necessary to take i some immediat action to relieve the ! critical situation." I J M CU:. Scrape Yesterday John Willie Davis is in a Fayetteville Hospital Dangerously Wounded and inariie uerry is m jiii oerrj I Claims Shot in Self-Defense. JrhnWillie Davis, Indian, was shot an 1 dangerously wounded last night by Charlie Berry, another Indian. The : snooting iook piace oerween maxion and Elrod. Berry gave himself up this morning to Rural Policeman W. W. Smith and was placed in jail. He claims be shot in self-defense. Davis was rushed to a hospital in Fayette ville. A bullet from a pistol enter ed his breast, near the heart, and his recovery is doubtful, it is said. Recorder's Court. Von Speight was . sentenced to 4 months on the roads , by Recorder E. M. Britt Thursday when found guilty, of manufacturing whiskey. Lumdy Wilklns and Oscar Watts were found guilty of the same charge1' and judgement was ' suspended upon pay ment of the cost. . t A. B. Carter and Luther Hammond. charged with unlawfully disposing of crops, were found guilty. Judgement was suspended upon-payment of the cost, the defendants making satisfac tory arrangements with the affiants. Mr. W. AJ Riddell of R. - 4. SL Pauls" Is a Lumberton visitor today. Mt; KiddH had. a .bill showinj ,tlut he sold 'a bale 'Of .-strict low middline fibtton oh the'.Faiettewlle'.. market Saturday' forvJ3,.3-4 cents the pound. He also Xfated jthats Jie saw three bales of strict, middling' sell on - the Fayetteville t, market..,, Saturday ' for 16.37 1-2 cents' the pound- . Mr. G.W.. Bass, has resigned his position' with the Lumberton Xlectric Shoe shop and v accepted a' position with; Ashley . Brothers shoe shop at Fairmont . Mr. Bass expects to move hia family to Fairmont at an early date , ' ... V 1iuy..vuu.u m .v. , .v r -v...- une-next Monoay nignt twenty stu-iB. B. Harrison. E. A. Ivev. W.C Mer- nose 'e'i. Jy making tne resolution concur-;dentg of -ithe expre8sion Apartment ! ritt, R. W. Spencer, W. W, Turentine, quickly wrm nu uwomu - f Floraf Macdonald college will pre- J. W. Ross, R. K. Farrington, Q. D. violent-1 feet lve onadoption. . sent "Th. Silver Theard," a fairy play Harmon, J. F, Scarborough, , W. N. of youti .-w ntend the first week of the te rescts by Constance D. 'Arcy , Vaughn, H. E. Sbeetsy-K. B. Patter-si-ffino- nomine session of Congress, declarea vr0i,.- ,,i, Mie. TToion ci0 a i t v r oi in Mr, F. J, Nye of Orrum was a Lum-night, Dea 9th. Everybody is cordial berton .visitor Saturday. ly invited.' .'. . -. 3JQNTH THRILL Wie the Kiddies) ' . Red Springs ; Charles Hall Post Elects Officers Plaj artillege i This Evening Recit v al in la urinbnrg Dee. 10. CortnpotMMnc t Th Boboonka. Red Simngs, Dec 4. The Charles Hall post! American Legion, has elect ed the;, lAUowinflr new officers: J C: Snrtddv-,. Jr '. noat'iAomrinandV! Think- . r . . t W Davis. Lloyd Cooke, vice commanders : j T. A, DeVane, adjutant: F. C. Jones, financial (officer: L. Blue, D. McMil-.'erlee ian w. a; lownsend, v. riodgm, exe-jjhe eutive committee. A drive to secure new inembers will shortly be put on , lows: J.,E. Blades, H. A. McNeeley, b the t which now numbers overjR. A. Parham, G. D. W. Rackley, L Im. Draper, M. H. Head, J. C. Spach, rectjj, ""SL ,A- m n n ,r. ddl assistedby member8 of'th; mu- sjc faculty, will give a recital at the i oine of Mrs. J. L. Gibson, Launnburg, under the auspices of the local alum nae association. COTTON GINNED IN NORTH CAROLINA Robeson Leads- With 46,513, Johnston County Next with 31,938. There were-46,513 bales of cotton, I countingiTOund as half bales, ginned ' m noDeson county, irom tne crop oi ence that-45 were rendered. Tit is not thought her injuries will 1920, prior to November 14, as com-j The glee club under the direction j prove serious. pared with 50,996 bales ginned to No- of Mr Howerton, excelled its last The following officers were vember 14, 1919. The above figures year's excellence and never failed to . elected by Lumbee tent No. 18, Macca have been published in The Robeson- bring down the house, and was called ees, Friday evening: Past Command ian previously, but are given again back numerous times by the audience. ! er, Jno. W. Long; commander, Rossie for purposes of comparison with cot- The bovs who handled the strinced iB. Britt: lieutenant commander. J. T ton ginned in some other counties. I The number of bales ginned in North (Carolina prior to Nov. 14 this year r," ""'i""! wuiiBira niui "uiot , vious. in one numoer, ruiiy vu- iicn.enzie; master at arms, w. Lu gir.ned to the same date last year. 'son, of Charlotte, accompanied the ' Da wkins; first master guard, F. Grov Reports for some other counties, first 'club with his talking saxophone to the er Britt; second master guard, W. C. figures being for 1920, second figures ' great amusement of the audience. IKinlaw; sentinel, W. C. Cribbs; pick being for .1919: Anson, 21,017 24,-i The ouartette was the name old et. F P. Bodenheimer. ;559; Bladen, 7,2738,897; Cleveland, ( 41,1; toiumDus, yjs 6.3P0; Cumberland, 13,917 17,091; j "The Fellow With the Hair Trigger coming through a 3-weeks battle with Edgecombe, 17,11516,174; Halifax, j Chin," they continued the perform- j that dear flu influenza, that sneak 16,00217,413; Harnett, 19,289 21,- ance for a half hour and the audi-iing disease which crumples a man all 418; Hoke 13,746 13,889; Johnston, 'ence was still calling for more at the i up and in a session of a few days 31,938 34,354; Mecklenburg, 14,840 .end of this time. ! sends him out most surprisingly 19,731; Sampson, 16,87921,692; L. M. Draper's reading, "An Old 1 shaky on his pins. Mr English has ztl,.Jr&r?0Qi Union' 16'" I Sweetheart of Mine," and Mr. How- not been confined at home that long, 70022,425; Wake, 130214,143; lerton's baritone solo, "Danny Deever," . but the before-taking, rotten feeling, Wayne, 14,766 17,966; Wilson, 17rjwere features of the evenine. J. G.ite "done took" and the aftermath 121 li616. Ways of Figaring Freight Puzzle Mr. Taylor. Charges Mr. Jeff D. Taylor, who. as men tioned in . The Robesonian recently sold his larm near Lumberton and purchased another farm near Empo ria, Va., has had a practically demon stration that he will not soon forget1 about the intricacies of inter-State and intra-State freight charges. To move his ;: stuff ' through to Emporia the railroads wanted $153 and odd cents; to haul the stuff to Pleasant Hill, the last station in North Caro lina, only ten -miles from Emporia, the charge was only $59.74, and then to haul it the other ten miles into Vir ginia the charge- would be $62. Mr. Taylor was plumb disgusted,' natural ly, and vowed he'd, haul it the last ten miles -himself, : rather than pay more. for that 10-mile haul by rail than the charge for all the way from Lumberton to Pleasant' Hill. -Mr. Taj lor spent . a few days here last week looking after shipment of his farm products. He says he does not taj8tand the way of figuring freight cfiWges and ; blianged if he belief es anybody else does. f v -i'---- f - Box Sapper at White Pond. ' ' Comapondeac ef .Th lUbcwmUn. . Fairmont, Dec-. 3. There will be a box supper at White Pond Thursday Trinity Musical Clubs Here Tuesday Night Song and Music Makers Will Give Conceif in High School Aaditorinn Boys Have Had a Successful Tonr I Mr. R. L. Leggett, who live on Throng h the State. j R."- 3 from Lumberton, killed a hog The Trinity College Musical club. I Thursday that tipped the scales aUlO will give a concert in the high school : Pund re9ed;. ' , . . ' auditorium here Tuesday evening of ! "T .in the..Ba? nd this week, beginning at 8 o'clock. : f wan?P .dmage d.stncts upon which The combined clubs, composed of thc drainage tax is not paid by Jan glee club, orchestra and mandolin club, uary W,H M dv.rtised and sold, have just completed a successful tour 1 "he county commissioners, the of Virginia and Western North Caro-I ""J1' boiird. of education and the lina, where they have been heard by roa,d commissioners are holding re large audiences. The clubs are said j uIaI. nthjy meetings here today, to be the best the college has sent out n ""l10? fT M"' W U in years. In addition to the mando- ' "f hne' rJl'A TrtC lift club, the. orchestra is composed of". 'f TI 1 h th, M 95 !Minospital, is Teported as favorable to- the glee club While in Lumberton the young men will be entertained by local Trinity alumni and in . homes of other Metho dists of the town. Mr. David H. Ful ler, a Trinity alumnus, is in charge of the preparations for the . concert! Following 'the concert a reception will be given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. White. - .. The following is taken from a re port in Saturday's charlotte Observer of a concert given by these clubs at Queens college Friday night: rJia Ttnf f miidip Invar whrh liAawl the Trinity College Musical clubs at Queens college last night had only one fault to, find with the program. They were unanimous in saying it was too short.- That is' just one way of saying the concert was well received ahl highly enjoyed. t '"There is no doubt about it. the Trinity boys put it over in grand style and the big audience filed out w J v v- V w of the-auditorium hunrrv for more, "The orchestra was good, so was the club, and the mandolin boys had crowd with them from the start.' The personnel of the clubs foil IC G Wilson H L. Blomauist M W SwT.. W1tA "v u..mTi' a)!: James.' The appended clipping regarding the clubs is taken from a recent la sue of The Durham Herald: , Making its initial appearance of the season in Craven Memorial hall last night, the Trinity Glee club, or- en by Miss Leila Edwards about 6:30 chefctra and mandolin club rendered Thursday evening. The car struck a three-in-one concert of. excellence. Mrs. Russell as she stepped into the Time after time the audience which Elizabethtown road from the sidewalk comfortably filled the building, called on Walnut street, near the Russell the boys back for encores. Seventeen j home. Mrs. Russell was knocked sev numbers were listed on the program . era! feet and suffered several bruises. and such was the demand of the audi- . instruments as members of the man-j "dolin club, performed in a manner that would have made a Hawaiian en- harmony producing aggregation as of yore. Beginning their numbers with vore. BeErinmnsr their numbers with l-vhurn rave LiheintAnmaTi "A ' Dream of Love as a piano solo. Last night's concert was the first appearance of the club before a tour through Virginia and the western part of the State. NEW HONOR FOR M'LEAN. Appointment by President Wilson of Hon. A.' W. McLean Assistant Sec-ithe school at Rowland today. Tomor retary.of the Treasury will cause sat-1 row at 3:30 p. m. she will teach a class isf action to Democrats all over North In home hygiene at the McDonald Carolina and throughout the country, school. Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. Miss in fact, as the Democratic National , Casey will meet officials from the va Committeeman is very widely known, rious Red Cross chapters in the coun Mr. McLean , is deservedly popular y for a conference. The meeting will with party members and as he has ? Med in the office of Dr. E. R. Har always been tactful and judicious in din, county health officer in the court his attitude in political matters his nouse. popularity is not confined to the mem bers of his own party.- As managing director of the War Finance Corpor ation ' and in . other.: capacities .in the I ' xixasury xepartpieni mr. McLean nas . . k . . . . . . y t r justified the confidence in his. great ability, which those dose to him have always professed. The appointment is in all respects a fitting one and is additional proof that the' President is thoroughly appreciative of the part of the country which has uck by him from the beginning of his poli tical career. Ralsigh News and Ob server; ' '' " '':"',- . Mr. Ertel Carlyle, a student at the State university at Chapel Hill, -arrived last night and will spend 'a short time here visiting home folks. COTTON MARKET. Middling cotton is selling on the local market today for 13 1-4 cents. BRIE? ITEMS LOCAL Kim License has been issued for the marriage of Foster Butler and Ethel j j$rown. Members of the Essie Durham circle of the Woman's Missionary so ciety of the First Baptist church pounded Mrs. Orren Flowers last Wednesday, her 75th birthday. Miss Alice Casey, public health nurse, spent Saturday in Fayetteville attending a conference of public health and social welfare workers. She was accompanied by Miss Bonnie Sessoms.' Th total death rate in North Carolina during the year closing Dec ember 1 was 45 per cent, less than for the previous year , according to in formation received by Mr. J. L. Stephens, local undertaker. The Christinas ; Bazaar of the Woman's Club will open tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock in the show rooms on Elm street of the Lumber-! ton Motor Car Col and will last through Thursday at 9 p. m. The fire cUmpatfc . was, called , Wit Saturday at 2:30. p.-m. on account i - - - - W ( of some leaves, burning by the side of the river between Fourth and Fifth I streets. No damage was done. It is not known how the fire originated. The warrants sworn out against J. H. Weant, charging him with fals pretense, were signed by Messrs. N. A. Town send and W. J. Barker, instead of N. A. Towsend and J. H. Powers, as stated in last Monday's Robesonian. Miss ; Lillian-; Proctor returned home Thursday after being away, since July. She studied dramatic art in New York from July till Septemb er and then spent some time visitin? in Brooklyn. She also visited Philadel- . phia and Washington and returned via Rosemary, where she visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Nash for a few days. Mrs. J. P. Russell was knocked dewr by an Overland automobile driv- j No bones were broken, however, and Penny; record keeper, I. L. McGill; chaplain, Dr. R. T. Allen; physician, Dr. J. A. Martin: sergeant Lacy M. Mr. J. R. English, manager of . r.iird s deDartment utorc hprp. i nmf. fciiru'i have stretched out abont that lnno. and he has not yet from, the effects. fully recovered Appointments of Public Health Nsrse. Miss Alice Casey,' public health nurse, spent Friday at Red Springs visiting the schools and confering with the officers of the Red Cross chapter there.' Miss Casey is visitinir Messrs. I. H. and H. C Briason -of Tir Heel Bladen county . are among. mi nsuors in town .looayt- j-- -s . ai ' Mr. M. H. Warwick of R. 2. Fairi r .. rnont was a Lumberton visitor Than- .-.fA dayi . .- 4 ' $.109 Reward For-Inforaiatioa Lead-,' ing to recovery of Ford touring car stolen Sturday night 2' miles fron. Lumberton on Fayetteville road. ', -Motor No. 4246126, practically, new, 1920 model, left rear fender bruised,., J. all new tires.' 'J. A. 'Jones, Lumber ton, R. li; v ' i v. .- DR. WILLIAM T7. PASSES XTB EPECIAU3T - . :: OSee: NaUooal Bask el 1 - -Ai 1 V t j'