THE R0BES0N1AN, LCMBERTON, NOSTB CABOLINA. MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1921 PA61t3fO WKy Women Suffer Many Lumberton Women are Learn ing the Cause. Backache, headache, dizziness, ner vousness. Women often suffer, not knowing the ctuse. Irregular urniary passages weak ness, languor Each a torture of itself. Together hint at weakened kidneys. Strike at the Toot--get to the cause. No other remedy more highly en dorsed than Doan's Kidney Pills. Ask your neighbor? Recommended by thousands Endorsed at home. . Here's convincing testimony from a Lumberton citizen. Mrs. L. R. Breece, Fourth St., and Walnut., says: "Several years ago I began to suffer with severe pains in my back and was in constant mis ery and "always felt tired and run clown. If I would stoop over Bharp twinges would shoot through me and I could hardlv straiehten. Often black specks came before my eyes and ! mornings I was lame ana sore ana could hardly go. My ankles swelled, and mv kidneys were all out of order. Hearing of Doan's Kidney Pills I got a supply at McMillan's Drug Store. I only used a few when I felt a great doal better. Continued use entirely relieved me of this complaint." Price 60c. "aTalt3ealers. rffcmt simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills Mrs. Breece had. V.n oortio fViat Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y rr-i.-j urn? ami. niUKf R' New Dwelling Roads in Bad Shape New School Building is Almost - . n.m Zl Correspondence of The Rokesonian. " len Mile. Jan. 18. The people in this section are beginning readv for a new crop. They are busy cutting the stalks and getting' the ground ready . Rev. Frank Hare filled his regular appointment here Sunday p. m. He preached a good sermon, as he al ways does. We . are sorry to say Mrs. H. H. .Stanley is still in the Thompson hos pital. We sincerely hope and trust that she will soon be able to return honu. Miss Katie Britt of Lumberton. spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Flqrence Britt, at Ten Mile. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Britt have mov ed into their new dwelling, which is very pretty. The roads in this section are get ting pretty bad; all the cars seem to stick. Some pull out, some are pulled out, and some nave to Set buggies in order to get the occupants home. The Ten Mile and Barker school seems to be progressing nicely and tlie attendance seems to continue to grow, there are over 100 on roll. The new school building is al most completed and the school expects to be in it in a week or two. Miss Jacky and Harriett Legette of Fairmont are spending a while at the home of Mr. H. H. Stanley. Prcf. D. B. Oliver spent Saturday in Limberton. The Ten Mile Sunday school cor diallj invites all the church members and everbody else to Sunday school every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Misres Fannie and Annie Lee Hum phrey and Marethia Hayes of Saddle Tree' spent Sunday at Ten Mile. Mr. W. M. Townsend of St. Pauls spent Sunday with his brother Mr. Charles Townsend. "Handbook and Guide to Hel' Zion, 111., Jan. 15. Residents of Zion were given new light on the ter. rors of the infernal regions today when Overseer Wilbur Clenn Vdiiva issued advancp sheets on a "handbook and guide to Hell" based on what he termed Helligrams he said he had recently received. "Every sinner is going to be puni shed with an over-dose of his own sin,' Voliva declared. "A tobacco smoker will be locked up in a den full of tobacco smoke. A chewer of the filthy weed will be immersed to his neck in a vat of tobacco juice. A drinker will pass his own term of purification in a natatorium filled with beer, wine and whiskey." John Casey, foreman at the New Bern iron works, and a veteran of the World war, was drowned Wed resday in the Trent river, when he jumped overboard from a sinking boat in which he and his brother-in-law. Harold Willis, were attempting to cross the river. SOUTH IS TURNING L Mr. DocUon, the "Liver Toiie" Man, Kesponsible for Change for the Better. Every druggist in town has noticed great falling off in the sale of calomel." They all give the same reason. Dodson's liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it." Dodson's Liver Tone in personally guaranteed by every druggist who sella it. A large bottle doesnt cost very touch but if it fails to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggishness and constipa tion, just ask for your money back. - Dodson's . Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable -remedy, harm less to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick headadhe, acid stomach or constipated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all the next day like violent calomel. Take, a dose of calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak, tick and nueate4. bwl Ion Kftj. . AGAINST GALOME EDMl'ND BIGHAM CHARGED i WITH MURDER OF FIVE PEOPLE, Coroner Orders Son Held in Connection and Brother With KilHnsr Family. Florence. S. C. Jan. 20. Edmund Bigham, brother of L. S. Bigham, who j y was supposed to have killed his moth-; You'll Pick Up Again Quickly with er, hi sister, Mrs. Marjorie Black. piety of Red Blood Corpuscles and two adopted children and then ; Physicians nowadays take a blood committed suicide at Pamplico, near j tst wj.en you are down. They here last Saturday, was arrested this ! count tj,e red corpuscles in your afternoon on orders from Coroner blood jf these are too few they Smith, who has been conducting an ve you , tonic for your it investigation of the tragedy. J happens right along. They are aL Several negroes will be arrested . ft,wayd on the ,ookout for jn(Jjca. and htld as material witnesses, it waSjtions of weak blood learned tonight from the coroner. Wny? Because they know when Bigham was arrested on the f blood ,g weak resistance srrengxn 01 a warrant sworn oui py John W. McCracken, father of the two little children, Leo and John Mc Cracken, who were killed, and who had been adopted by Mrs. Black. An naa Deen aaoptea djt Mrs. bi&ck. An affidavit by Philip H. Arrowsmith, an attorney cf Florence, also declared . . . r-. j d- . v.-j i ed the life of Mrs. Black when she had attempted to recover possession nf thro ,Wrl Mnk AA which hA hn toWcn fmm S. Rip-ham by his brother. In his affidavit, Mr. Arrowsmith ,' asserted Mrs". Black came to him on January 8 and requested him to draw 'M f v l. . iL . i T" J J tghamdhrratrH affidavit also stated that Mrs. tsiacK rlrl i m cVlo VlJlH OriVPIl tf T. S. TaiV- Foster-Milburnfham three signed blank deeds; that I xijuiiiuiiu uau Laivcrii iiicbc jjapuio i j l n 'his brother and when sne attempted! .rjnj l, .1 tl, nonovc to rep;a in possession of them. Edmund I'had threatened her life. Edmund had interest in the Bigham estate hav l ing conveyed his interest to his mo .Itnwsna-ij-lViwntlmw 4- nrrC O 4" 1 TO1 ! A-wsmith' decireThe d the ; will in accordance with instruction, placing .in it the reason why Mrs.! to Bet'Blac-k wanted to leave her property to l.. ti. Kienam. ine win nas ueen found, according to authorities. CELEBRATE SILVER WEDTDING. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Rowland An event of much inter est to their many friends in this and I other States was the reception given j ly the Reverend and Mrs. William Calhoun Merritt on Thursday even ing, December 60, rJliU, celebrating the 25th anniversary of their mar riage. The parsonage was made attrac tive with evergreens and myriads of candles shot their glow on an already happy occasion. The guests were met at the door by Dr. and Mrs. J. Mc Neill Smith, who ushered them into the parlor where Mr. and Mrs. Mer ritt were assisted iji receiving by their children, Miss Julia Merritt, Miss Ruth Merritt, Mr. Woodley Merritt and Miss Ethel Merritt. Mrs. Merritt was handsomely gowned- in iilver cloth and lace, while the Misses Merritt were charming in pink and 'satin frocks. The guests then pased into the hall where the punch table was presided over by Mrs. Thomas J. Graham and Mrs. J. Brown Bullock. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B. Ward received in the dining room where a delicious salad course, coffee and mints were served by Misses Julia Graham, Beulah Wil liams, Sarah Pharr and JuQia Pate assisted by Mrs. Bernard A. E3ens. Mrs. T. W. Carmichael poured coffee. Mr. tnd Mrs. Ernest A. Watson were in the gift room where many beauti ful and handsomp presents attested the popularity of the couple and the high esteem and deep affection in which Mr. and Mrs. Merritt are held not only in Rowland but in the many nlaces they have lived. The Guest Book" was kept by Mrs. Ernest J. I Barker, in which, numbers register ed who had called' to extend congrat I ulations and best wishes. HOME (Sent by H. R. Church.) Home's not merely four square walls, Thoug'i with pictures hung and gilded. Home is where affection calls, Fi51ed with shrines the heart has builded. What is home iwjth none to meet, None to welcome- none to greet us? Home is sweet and only sweet where There's one who loves to meet us. Forty-four North -Carolina post mastership nominations were includ ed in a list of approximately 1,500 nominations sent to the Senate last week by the President. The only Robeson county office included in the list was Parkton, Collier Cobb. Like :an even larger list Sent to the Sen ate last December, these no doubt will fail of confirmation gt the pre sent session. Million Packets Of Flower Seeds Free We believe in flowers around th homes ot the South. Flowers brighten up the home surroundings and give pleasure and satisfaction to those wo have them. We? have filled more, tnan a million packets of seeds, of beautiful yet easily grown flowers to be given to our customers this spring for the beautifying of their homes. Wouldn't you like to have five packets of beautiful flowers free? YOU CAN GET THEM! Hastings' 1921 catalog is a 116-page handsomely illustrated seed book with twenty beautiful pageff'showing the finest va rieties in their true natural colors. It is full of helpful garden, flower and farm Information that is needed - in every home, and, top, the catalog tells you how to get these flower seeds ab 8oli)tey frcGe Write for our 1921 catalog now. It Is the finest, most valuable and beau tiful seed book ever published, and you wUl be mighty glad you've got 1t There Is no obligation to boy any. thing. Just ask for the catalog. ' H. G. HASTINGS CO, SEEDSMEN, ; . ATLANTA A. . YOU CAN'T DOGE TT Once in Awhile Your Blood Gogs and Your Vitality Runs Down THEN TAKE PEPTO-MANGAN tn Aifu.aflt. ia ,ow Yonr viliulitv and energy quickly run down. You can tell when your blood is weak. You look pale feel tired. You i ... . . .. - , Vf n.' j lnl1 ' You. don. ' "V? dV lis the tune to take the well-known cPMn?!V Pepto-Mangan builds red blood cor- PU-cies. rnysicians nave prenonoeu m i :i 1 '. 't r thirty years Pepto-Mangan is sold in liquid and tablet form. The medicinal value is exactly the same. Take either kind you prefer. But be sure you get the genuine Pepto-Mangan "uuae s. : v ,,c-&. ' ' i 8.0o00 Miles i Long AVays to go Find But Tar fuum III 11.111 niu IU 'f1 College. 11 s a iL'ii ways aw uui xuiiy worth it. according to Victor F. 0. Olivifr, of. Kalksspruit,. Transvaal Soutn Africa, who recently showed up ir. Raleigh with a desire to enter i the North Carolina State College of ! Agricul ture ...... : waVs w travel to r into a iirst. . " ....... " . .. that he is. didn't bother about dis Ttance. He started in the general direction of Raleigh find kept travelf ing. He has entered the senior class and will specialize in the production and handling of cotton and tobacco. His father owns a big farm in South Africa. Raleigh News and Observer, Officers Avert Lynching. Raleigh. News and Observer, Jati, 19: A lynching at Warsaw wail narrowiiy averted last night w;hen following the arrest of Alfred Ben net, negro, charged with the murder of Lewis E. Ramey, merchant of. Clinton, Saturday night, officers were forced to make a quick get away from Warsaw with their pris oner, barely escaped pursuers at Bowden station four miles from War saw, and finally early this morning t iJ -e-t.- a .ai.ucu iire.r man aaiely , te outfe prison. HEARST FEBRUARY ISSUE 1 BY PIBLICA- TION. No-r) Carolina, Rohetnn County, p'rior Court. Before the Clerk In the Su- H .1 Wk v. Charlie Jone et'al. TO MET JONES OR ANY OTHER PAR TY OK PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTER EST IN THE LANDS DESCRIBED IN THE PETITION FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ROHESON COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA. IN THIS PROCEEDING: Yo'i and each of you will take notice that n special proceeding an above entitled h, Iw instituted before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Robeson County. North Cartvina, for the purpose of making le for a dirision of certain landa kmited in Li-mlfrton Township on the west aide of Lu: iberton River. Robeson County, North Carolina, adjolnine the landa of an I othera, fend bring the same land formerly owned Ly Wm. Jones, father of the defendants In thk action. You are further notified that yoa are requir ed to be and appear before the undersigned Clerk cf the Superior Court of Robeson Coun ty on the 7th day of February. 1921: and you ar- further notified that if you fail to appear er.d answer or demur to the petition filed in tru, ciute. that the relief asked for by the pe titioner will be granted. In is the 7th day of January 1921. C. B. SKIPPER. Clerk of the Superior Court of Robeson County Jrhnwn A Johnson, Att.rneys for the petitioner. 1104 Mon. COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LAND Ui.der and by virtue of authority vested In the undersigned Commissioners by a judg ment and decrees of the Superior Court of Robeson County, enter red before the Clerk, in a Special Proceeding for partHioin therein pending wherein E. V. Bullock, et al. are plnintiffi and J. R. oullork, et al. are defen dants., we. will, on Monday the 7th day of Ktii-uary. 1921 at 12 o'clock noon at the Cisirt-IIouse door of Robeson County, offer tAfr fM. cmK the ,,)llowing land,: . nl. tract: Beainning at a stake, the fourth com.- of lot number two in the run of Hog Swamp and runs thence as the line of lot number two S. 50 3-4 E. 91.25 chains to a stake; thence N. 47 3-4 E. 4.50 chains to a stake; thence N. 46.05' W. 92 chains to a stake in the run of Hog Swamp ; thence down the run of said swamp to the beginning contain ing '.; 1-4 acres which was allotted to the heirs-in-law of Foster Bullock deceased. 'lime of sale: February 7 1921. I'ltce of sale: Court-House Door Lumber ton N. C. 1rm of sale: Cash. , Thi-i the 30th. day of December, 1920. ROBERT E. LEE, E. J. BRITT, Commissioners. ROiiERT . LEE. AUi.:nev for plaintilTd. 1-3- 4Mon. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. . Having this day tualifid as administratrix of the estate of John Snipes, deceased, laU of Robeson county, this is to notify all per soth having claims against said estate to present them duly verified to. the undersigned iiilministratrix on or before the 25 day of Dec. 1921 or this notice will be plead in bar ofthoi rrocovery. All persons indented to saM f-talc will please make imme-liate payment, 'li.i. the 20,day of Dec. 1920. MRS. CATHERINE SNIPES. Admrx. E. J. Britt, Attorney. 12-22-6 Thurs. When Ben Massey, states a Greens boro dispatch of Jan. 20., found his wife sitting in a car with Frank Lane f in front of the Daily News building Thursday afternoon, he drew his re volver and fired upon the two. one bullet striking Mrs. Massey in the thigh. Lane escaped without injury. He killed a married woman 4 years I .-....vv. ... an(j he waa found not guilty. MAGAZINE NOTICK OF SIMMONS -S,"- '' ' -rJC-V9:-e 'plf mm Where Women Fail By Arnold Bennett What is the tronhle with our social liff ? Wo GOf z rooiability. we must hav it. y't tl.e n sult im oft-n fcrnmf'rt and Ixiredom. Whow is the resjumsihility ? In it Woman'? ? Wherein Yvh the rt-medy ? Read Arnold Bennett's illuminating discussion cf the whole problem. In tin- Fei:ri a::Y ITeahsvs The High Cost of Lying By Albert l ayson Jerhune' Put Not Your Trust in Princes By 11. G. Well When the Rising Sun Went Down By William Ii. Stewart Rosalie and the Emotional Appeal By Sampson Ruiihaelsvn The One That Lost By Bruno Letting HEARST'S is a magazine for every man and woman who appreciates the best in popular art and literature who prefers things bright without being trivial and really worth while without being dull. If you are ever bored by other magazines try Hearst's; if you like good magazines and want a still better one, ask ydur newsdealer for thenew Hearst's. I II A Magazine with a Mission THE POPE DRUG CO. NOTICE OP COMMIBIONER'g SALE : Under and by virtue of an onler of the 'Superior Court of Rohevm County m.e .n I the special proceeding entitled Mm. Winry Britt. Admn.-vs-E. H. Britt et al . the .sme being No 4780 upon the special proceeding docket of paid court, the underaitrend rom mhsiorer will, on the 31t day of January. 19'.' I. at 12 o'clock M , at the rmirthoe d"r in Rolon County. North Carolina, offer foe sale tr the highest bidder for eah that cer tain tract of land lying and being in the county of Robeson and Britta Township. bounded and described as follows, to-wit lt No t. being In 2 tracts. Fimt Tract : Beginning at a stake the third corner tf It N 1. and runs north 29 east 20 41 chains to a stoke, McAllister's corner thence with his line S. 71 1-4 W. 10.14 chains to a stake and pines his corner thence with his, outer line N. 2 S-4 W. 5.6 chains to a stake in his line thence 8. 11 E. 19.37 chains to the be ginniiiR, containing II 1-4 acres. Second Tract: Beginning at a stake in the edge of the Or rum Road near a Mr ht wood tump and runs thence about N. E. to a take in J. A. McAllister's line thence barely went with the saM McAllister's line to a stake the cunrr of Redin Rice's line thence his line S F, to the public road thence said road to the beginning, containing IS acres more or less, and being a part of the landa known as the Ivey land. Ibis the mh day of December. 120. K. J. BRITT. Commissioner. 1-8-4 Mon. ..ALt Of LAND UN DEB MORTGAGE... Under and by virtue of the power and au thority contained in a cert gin morterage cxa ceutd by Bass Hester to A. L. Barbour, bear, ing date July 12th, 1920 and duly registered in Book of Mortgages No. 49 at page 166, de fault having been made in the payment of Tattes as provided by said mortgage deed, the undersigned assignee of the mortgagee, will on Monday February 7th. 1921, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door in the He auct.on to the h.ghen b.dder. for .h. tho f llowing described lota or parcels of lard, to-Wit: In I.urrberton Township, Robeson county. Ninth Carolina, being east of the Town of Lumberton in a section known as East Park, and beinif lot No. 3i, as designated on the oi ficirl map of a subdivision of East Park mMde hy F. F Wetmore, Civil Engineer for Ea.t Carolina Realty Company and duly prov en ly said F. F. Wetmore. C. E., before C, B. Skliper, Clerk Superior Court of Robeson t'-iunty. on" the 26th, day of November. 1910, a copy of which map is now on file and re corded in the office of the Reirlster of PoedJ of County. N. C. in Ttpok of Official Mbps No. 2. Robeson County, paire" 72. to wind, map reference is here made fur a more particular description and locatiii of said lot. This the 7th. day of January 1921. STEPHENS A BARNES. Assignee of A. I.. Barbour, mortgagee. Johnson A Johnson. Attorneys for AssUrnee. 1-13 4 Thurs EXECt'TOR'9 NOTICE Having qualified asexecutor of the last will a 1 te-tiiment of Jnhn McArthur dec. a' I, late of Robeson County. Ni.rth ( arnlina, this is to notify all persons luiviiikr claims nuninst the e.itate of the said deceased, to exhibit them to tK' undersigned at St. Pauls, N. C. on or before the 13th day of January 1922, fir thH r.'ticc will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. Thi the 13th day of January 1921. C. S MCARTHUR. .. Executor Last Will and Testament of John MVArthur. deceased. MeLsan. Varser, McLean A SUcy, Attorneys far Executor, 1-17 6 Mon. Mrs. I. V. Britt and sons, Carl and Earl, cf R. 1, Lumberton were among the visitors in town Thursday. A LIBERAL The Woman God By Donn Byrne COLDLY in a moment of drunken pique a chorus girl had shot and killed a gentleman. But is this prisoner at the dock, Anna Janssen, the woman of Broadway ? This superb beauty cast in the form and figure of a Norse god dess ? Impossible ! In the heart of everyone rose the fry, "This is not the same v."; man." But on went the sordid trial of Anna Janssen for murder Donn Byrne, in the most dramatic story he has ever written, proves a woman can come back! In Hearsts for Fkbruary The Story of a Hungry Millionaire By Oeorgei Clemenceau How much does the roan who enjoys (Treat riches really owe to the poor? Has he the rifcht to withhold Mm t ounty, if he wishes or must he five, in pity, out of his abundance? Yet. Ly withholding, a certain hungry millioa aire here tinds the secret of life. In the FEHRVARr Hearsts The Interception By Arthur Stringer If Three Should Play By F. E. Baity The Little Red Foot By Robert W. Chamber How I Escaped Cousin Hiram By Walt jJcuon And eleven other Features In tit February Hearsts 6 6 6 will break a Cold, Fever and Grippe quicker than aaythiag we know pre- venting pneumonia. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA ROBESON COUNTT. Ii Superior Couri. White Furnitme Company, v. R. F. Mar tin, trading as Martin Furniture Compaay. T ell creditor, of R. F. Martln. trading as Martin Furniture Company: Voj will take notice that by order entered in this cause by his honer C. C Lyon resident Judge of the 9th judicial district the under signed has, been appointed as receiver for all property, asseta and effects of R. V. Msrtsm. trading as Martin Furniture Company, the defer os nt herein. You ar further notified that !.t said order all creditors are repaired to file their claims sgainst said R. f. Martin, trading as Martin Furniture Company, dabj itemised and verified before a notary puMte or othet proper officer, wtlh the undeninted receiver at his office at Rowland. N. C. with in M days from and after the 17th day of Jan., 121 : and all creditors are further notified that if they fall to Hie their claims wtth the utderVnel receiver, in the way and manner. and within the time, above set forth, they will be barred and forelnaed of their right to par tic roe te fn the distribution of the asseta of the defendant, and will be thereafter barred and foreekwed to assert any claim or demand a galnt said defendant. Dated this January mh. 1921. W E. Lynch. Receiver. Mdntyre. Lawrence k Proctor, Attorneys for Plsintiff. 1-17 4 Mon. n MORTGAGE'S BALE OF LAND. T'n.Ter and hv virtue ef the power and BUthrritv contained 'n certain mortgage deed executed bv FanV Jones and -wife, Alemenia Jones to R. B. Stamrjcns, duly registered in the office of the Reuistrar of Deeds of Robe son Ccw v (p Hook of Morftrairees N". at pge 287, the undersigned mortgagee will on Monday the 7th. day of February, 1921. at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door in the town of Lumberton. offer for sale, at public auction, to the hhrhest bidder, for rash, the following described lands and prem ise, to-wit : In Pembroke Township. Robeson Connty. North Carolina: eBginning at a stake on the side of the Red Banks road about 1 1-4 miles north of Red Banks Stations,- ajid run as said road norlh 40 devrees east 17 chains t a sUike at. a di'ch : thence smith 2 east 25 chaiij- to a stake in Elijah Jones' line: thence as his line north 49 west 22 1-4 chains t the hegii.ningv r rjtlmg 16 1-4 acres, more or ... less. This the 4th day of January. 1921. . B. STEPHENS. Mortgagee.. JOHNSON ft JOHNSON, Attorneys for' Mortgage. Thurs. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Havin this .lay 'I'lalifled ns exei'ut-.r of the In t v.lll and testument of It. K. H'.ahn, de ceased, this is to notify all persons havinsc clnlrrs against said estate to present same to me nt my residence in Red Springs, N. C on or before the 10th day of January 1922. or this notice will lie plead In bar of their rrcovtry All persons indebted to said se tne will please make prompt payment to the undersigned. Dated this January 5th. 1921. DARGAN STANTON. Executor, MelNTYRE, LAWRENCE A PROCTOR. Attorneys for Executor. !-- Thurs. Mrs. J. T. Hamilton of the Mari etta section was among the shoppers in town Thursday. EDUCATION Changed! A If JUST OUT 7- ' t