THE ROBESONIAN, LL'MBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA? MONDAY, JANlfAkf 24, 192 AN EFIRD STORE DOES A COMMUNITY GOOD EFIRD'S-FIRST ! WHEN YOU BUY FROM EFIRD YOU DO NOT PAY OTHER PEOPLES DEBTS 81 liB I I 5 i : I I I i i Theres nothing that we take. more pleasure in than giving our customers good staple merchandise at' prices that cannot be duplicated by any competitor. Business has been good and ive have sold . our high price Merchandise weeks ago. We have no tale of troubles to pour into your ear no old war-time stpcJcs no old war-time prices tBut new goods, new low prices new enthusiasm and a great satisfield following to carry them away. v Fancy frill prices ar$ unknown qualities here. The glorious horizon of thousands of ood people that make our store their permanent trading place stand .ready to testify not alone to the quality of our merchan dise but the generous price concession . ' - x . " ., , . LSI ; ' '; " " ! yr.y. - ... . The best quality Oil Cloth in white and colors 37c We are selling hundreds of yards Fretty Dress Ginghams every day at ' 10c s "Counter Staple Apron Ginghams in perfect Short lengths all fast ccpp , 7 l-2c 81 inch Good Heavy Weight Brown Sheeting 35c 2500 yards Good Quality 36 inch Bleaching 12 l-2c MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Men's $1.25 0. K. Shirts, slightly seconds 48c Good Haevy Tripled stitched Work Shirts 98c OVERALLS Boys's heavy Overalls- 98c Youths best Overalls $1.18 Lad Louie Cloth in sqljd colors, light and dark stripes, the ebstcloth mdde for Children's Rom pers 25c 32 inch Dress Ginghams in good Spring Plaids all fast colors . 18c - . . you snouia buy plenty Sheets and Spreads at these prices. Nothing but best qualities rep resented 72x90 Sheets 98c 81x90 Sheets . $1.18 60x90 Dimity Spreads $1.45 72x90 Dimity Spreads $1.65 36x42 Pillow Cases 39 36x42 Pillow Cases 29c 81 inch Brown Sheeting 35c UNUSUAL VALUES ARE BEING OFFERED ALL THROUGH OUR SHOE DEPART MENT. $1.98 On this Counter you will find a good assort raent Children's Dress Shoes values as high as $4.00. In the lot are black kid, white kid top TABLE LINEN Mercerided Table Linen 58 inches wide 59c Mercerized Table Linen, 72 inches wide 85c $4.95 At this price you can buy some, of the finest makes of Women's Shoes made, all etyles are included , such as Mahogany Tan, Brown Kid, Black Kid, and Gun Metal Calf Kid with black patent vamps, tan kid and E. C. Scuffers in black and brown leather SIZES 8 to 11. $2.98 On this Counter you will find many good values in Ladies, Misses black kid Dress Shoes, I Men's Indian Head Overalls- $1.18 CHILDREN'S HOSIERY One lot Children's Hosiery in white and black 15c MEN'S SOCKS Men's Work Socks 10c Men's 20c Dress Sooks 10c. Men's 50c B. V. May Silk Lisle Socks 25c' Men's Pure Thread Silk Socks 38c Splendid Quality Soisette in white, flesh and Black 33c I A nice Smooth qualyity Indian Linen II 17c Best Quality Dimity 'Checks hh 25c Best Quality Poplins in white and colors - 29c Fair Quality 36 inch Pa jama Checks' 12 1r2c One lot Children's Better Hosiery Jl9c Boy's and Misses Hosiery. The kind that others sell as high as 75c 0 ALL SIZES $6.95 Here are just the Women's Shoes that a great majority of folks want now, at a saving that will, win ready welcome. Values up to $12.95 on this table. $3.85 At this price you will find the best selling Shoe in Robeson county. Never a week passes but what V7 order these Ladies black kid, low 25c Men's solid leather scouts, Men's 'medium weight Work Shoes and Boys a&4 Misses Scuf fers ' ALL SIZES TOWELS Plenty of good Towels of all descriptions and the prices are right. Medium size Huck Towels 10c Small Turkish Towels 12c Large Huck Towels 15c Medium Turkish Towels 25c $3.98 Here you will find values up to $9.00 in Ladies fine Dress Shoes. Included in the lot are sev eral dozen pair of E. P Reed Shoes $W9 On this Table you will find black and brown Scuffers in small sizes. The very thing for the tiny tot who is trying to do his first walking. $6.85 This Counter has been loaded down with Meal's Shoes made in all the beter styles. They rvi heel and plain toe Shoes. The very thing fro comfort and service. ALL SIZES Heavy Turkish Towels, colored Borders- 35c Extra Heavy Large, Turkish Towels with col ored borders 68c consist mostly of the famous Reynolds Shoe One of the best we know of SIZES 6 to 11. $185 On this Counter you will find Men's Dress Shoes in three or four different styles. All big values. ALL SIZES $5.95 This is another Men's Counter loaded with several good makes of Shoes in all styles and sizes. 5 Lumberton's -Busiest . Department Store