PAGE StZ THE BOBESONIAN, LUMBEBTON, NORTH CAROLINA MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1&L ST. PAULS NEWS PACKAGE. I the 21st. Mr. Graham Powers has been secured as clerk. The former A Number of Social EventsHome ' Mr. Hester, who has had charge the Bureau Meeting 23 Received In-;Pst few months, will retire from to Baptist Church Personal and business. Other Items. Mss Mabel McDonald spent Easter Correspondence of The Robcsontan. With home folks. St. Paul, March 29. We had such Mr. Albert Guiton, who is eonvales a lo vely Easter, such a beautiful j cent, is expected home soon. Miss spring day. Lots of the teachers i Maisie will return with him. spent EaJster at home. Therefore Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McEachern of Monday was a holiday. A good many Fayetteville were in town recently, "egg hunts" were given during the Mr. Graham Webb and Miss Car- week. The first we heard of was a ; rie Lee Herndon were married some little entertainment Master T. S. Teague, Jr.. gave at his home, on Saturday afternoon, March 19th. Ten or 12 tots were invited and all seemed to enjoy the fun extremely. Among those who were invited were Dan Northrop, James King, Alex ander McGeachy, Annie A. Rozier, Jessie Mae, Janetand Margaret Mcln-' nis, James and Duncan Johnson, Mil-j ton league and T. S. Jr. He started i the "ball to rolling," we guess, so all I the week one egg hunt after another! was given until yesterday "wound th u all up. Miss Marguerethe j Holland gave one at her home in the p. in. while Mrs. W. A. McCormac had one at the Presbyterian church for her Sunday school class. Several tots also gathered at the home of Mrs. J. Browne Evans, later on in the afternoon where another one was indulged in. A bunch of the older boys and girls had a picnic supper over at the Odom mill pond the same evening, so a "jolly time" for 'em also. The boys who have been at David son came home for Easter, the Greenville girls and a few others. Miss Nettie McLean of F. M. C. was also home. Some have returned, while others will return today. The teachers also will be coming in, so by tomorrow, all will be going on as usual. Mr. W. A. Nutting left Friday morning for her home, Thomasville for a lew weeks visit. ' ' Mrs. N. A. McEachern will leave tomorrow for Sanford, where she will visit her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. Mcl. Wicker.,, . . Mr. Fletdher of McCatiy S. C, spcTir sarurd&y ana Sunday at Mrs. Be ;e Nnrthmn's. Mrs. Flora McGeachy is at Tar Heel visiting. Thursday was the day appointed for the Home Bureau meeting in our little town. The Lumber- Bridge .and Rex clubs were to have been with us that day, but the inclement weather kept lots away. Anyway, a good bunch of the town ladies gather ed together and thoroughly enjoyed the interesting talks of Misses Wells and Wallace. Rev. J. J. Murray came home Fri day p. m., returning Saturday. An appointment kept him from staying over Sunday. His many friends were glad to see him. Some 23 or more were received in- J to the Baptist church last week when the meeting closed. The baptizing w n or-v night the 21st. Rev. Mr. Hare is still in the hos pital, nis wife went to Charlotte, to be with him. We hope for him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Rufus Odom, who underwent a very serious operation at the Thomp son hosr it'll Lumberton, some days ago, seems to be getting on very nuely. Lawyer and Mrs. John S. Butler ' have a new daughter, which arrived ' the 2LrJ. A bunch from here went over to Mary Poole is well known here, hav ing lived in St. Paul before moving to Raef ord.v some few years , age, Miss Josephine Evans, now of Enfield, spent from Friday until Monday with her mother on Fayette ville street. 1 Mrs. Maggie Olliver is planning to visit Canada soon. She -used to live in Canada. Several deacons and elders were elected at the Presbyterian church Sunday week. Last Sunday was envelope day," so the afternoon was teken up in canvassing. Each two v given a certain route to visit. L Mr. Charley Hester is back in1 b; . ..gain. He and Mr. 'Nash Hester, a brother, will be in co-part-ncrship. They opened up on Monday, Wilmington Negro Kills His Wife. J. W. Bonham, negro, aged about 50 years, yesterday morning at 9:45 o'clock shot and killed his wife, Dora Bonham, aged 30, the shqoting taking place near the "Green Front" section, Tenth and Nixon streets. An hour or so after the shooting the negro was captured by an armed' force of policemen and sheriff's deputies, the fugutive being found hidden in the swamp at Nobles Neck, back of Bel le vue cemetery., He surrendered to Deputy Sheriff Holleman and Plain clothesman Leon George. Wilming ton Star, Apr. 2. few days ago. We dont know but other wedding bells will peal forth 'ere long. Messrs. A. R. McEachern and J. M. j Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Haynes of the Butler went over to Red Springs Bloomingdale section were among the yesterday. I shoppers in town Friday. Mr. Francis Northrop returned to Monday was a holiday, a good many Davidson yesterday, via. Red Springs. Jessie Mae and Duncan Johnson, Mil- Messrs. A. R. and W. R. Kinlaw of ' R. 7, Lumberton, were among visitors in town Friday. the NOTICE North Carolina, Robason County. In th. Superior Court. Oilie Mayfiald n. Lena Belle Marfield. To the defendant. -Lena 'Be!l Marfield: You will talc notice that an action entitled a above ha been commenced in the Superior Court of Robewn County, North Carolina.' by OUie Mayfield. for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce on the croundi act out in the complaint in this action, and you will further take not!ce that yju are required to appear at the office of the Clerk Superior Court of Robeson County at Lumberton, North Carolina, on the 9th day of M y, 1921, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply t t e court for the relief demanded therein. Dated the 29th day of March, 1921. C. B. SKIPPER, Clerk Superior Court. McLean, Varspr, McLean & Strcy, Counsel for Plaintiff. 8-31-4 Thurs. NOTICE North Carolina, Robeaon County. Ia the Superior Court, C. M. Barker and wife, Bertha Barker vs. N. C. Long and wife, Beulah Long. Notice and Summon to the Defendant, N. C. Long and wife. Beulah Long: You and each of yon will take notice that an action ha been instituted in the Superior Court of Robeson County, at above entitled, for the purpose of partitioning certain lands, owned as tenants in common by C. M. Bar ker and N. C. Long. The said lands located in Lumberton Township, Robeson County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of E. N. Prevatt, Furney Prevatt, the McLean estate rid others, being the same lands conveyed to N. C. Lonir by l enlope T. McMillan and T. B. McMillan. You v-iil further take notice thet you are required to be rr appear befire the under-ie-red Clerk of the Superior Court of Robe son County, ct hij office in Lumberton, North-1 Lu.'oiina on t. e day of Anril. 192! order should not' be made directing' si.e of j Mjhscrtbe I C1 The ROWivSOX AN said lamb for partition. You will further take aotice that If yoa fall to appear at said time and place and file answer to the petition which is on file in said office, that the relief therein demand ed wilt ho granted. This the 26th day of March. 1921. C. . SKIPPER, Clerk of the Superior Court. 1-41-4-Thurs. Mr. and Mrs. Hezzie Phillips of R. 1, Orrum, were among the shop pers in town Friday. ' A number of subscriptions to The Robesonian expire during tha month of March. Consul your label and send renewal before your subscrip tion expires. All subscriptions are cut off when they expire. Remember thai 2 pays for a year, new or re newal, at present. WEAK, NERVOUS, ALL RUII-DOWII Missouri Lady Suffered Until Site Tried CardoL Says "Result Was Surprising." Got Alaag - Flee, Became Normal asd Healiiy. Sprtr.-f'.eld Mo. "My back trts to weak f could hardly stand up, and I would have bearing-down pains and was net we!l at tny time," cays Mra, D. V. Williams, wife cf a well-knowa fanner on Route C, this place. "I kept getting headaches and baring: to Co to bed," centimes Mrs. Williams d'-scritlcg the troubles from which the obtained relief through the use of Cartful. "My husband, haying heard of Cardui, proposed getting it for me. "I saw after taking some Cardnl . . . that I was improving. The result (was surprising. I felt like a different person. "Later I suffered from weakness and weak back, and felt all rnn-doTra. I did not rest well at night, I was so nervoui and cross. My husband Eiii lie would get me some CarGui, w'ci. a he did. It strengthened me . . . Y.? doctor said I get alongfine. I wis ii gocd healthy condition. I cannot say too much for it Thousands of women have Buffered as Mrs. Williams describes, until Vazy found reli&f from the use of CardaL Gince it has helped eo many, yoa should not hesitate to try Cardui If tronbled with womanly ailments. ITor sale everywhere! JS.81 Owr JMscovery .: Your Asset ronce De Leon, Hendrik Hudson, Edison and Marconi, each labored with, the ideal of public gfood as his incentive for discovery. With that same intense desire to render public service, we, too, have labored diligently in our laboratories for years to discover , a formula and to create a process by which we could make an Ice Cream that would surpass in purity and nu trition any Ice Cream ever made. cnuiia ucivc ' uccn' compieieiy rewarded and we oner you on Today and every day, through your dealer, an Ice Cream which, after once trying, you will always demand an Ice Cream produced hy the totally new method that challenges the proof of the "just as good" hind. We do NOT use gelatin, gums, starcn, fillers, imita tion flavors or foreign substitutes for cream Til if e use Pure cream, pure milkpure cane JLJU'l sugar and genuine flavors in "The Velvet. Kind" of our creation. This process and formula of our own creation (patents applied for to protect our process), fortified by our standard of ingredi ents, gives to us the exclusive privilege of serving you the most nutritious, pure Ice Cream ever made. It excels in charm and purity even that good old-fashioned kind your Mother made. The New "Cream of Ice Creams" mmmmm- I CHAPIN-SACKS CORPORATION CHARLOTTE, N. C. Copyritht '21