THE. ROBESONIAN, LUMBERTON, NORTH CABOUNA MONDAY, APRIL 4, 192L PAGE SEVEN i! FISHERIES PRODUCTS COMPANY, STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES March 2nd, 1921 ASSETS ... $ 871,727.16 Re1 EBtate 414,650.00 Wharves ; 1,847,622.00 ' Machinery and Equipment 924 476 00 Buildings 2359'41o;73 Steamers and Equipment (20) 74 88000 Seinefi ' 197,995.79 New Construction 7 642 54 Furniture and Fixtures 'Qnn'j- - 7,oUU.oi Sundry Assets Patent Rights ' Cash and Bank Deposits X t a. t a ...26,117.db Liberty Bonds ' Notes Receivable .. ' Accts. Receivable Unexpired Insurance Suspense Account,... Deferred Charges Inventory Raw & Finished y ,f . . $9,943,864.35 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in Preferred , 2,156,700-00 " 'Common '. . . . 4,817,660.00 Bills "Payable 397,457.22 Accounts Payable 1,729,686.11 Reserved for Depreciation 61,273.59 Capital Surplus : ; ...... . ..... . 117,840.68 Deferred Libabilities , Preferred Dividends 150,969.00 Balance Net Profits to Stockholders . e 512,277.75 Surplus THE FISHERIES PRODUCTS COMPANY Elmo Brown, Auditor. Specials For Did DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS 3 yards Best Fancy Voile $1.00 4 yards Select Fancy Voile $1.00 6 yards Fancy Voile . $1.00 5 yards Select White Voile $1.00 6 yards White Voile i $1-00 4 yards Best Dress Ginghams $1.00 5 yards Select Dress Ginghams $1.00 4 yards Select Curtain Scrim $1.00 1 Small Lot Ladies Petticoats $1.00 each 1 Small Lot Ladies Gingham Dresses $1.00 each 1 Small Lot Children's Dresses $1.00 each 3 pairs Ladies Black Silk Hose $1.00 2 pairs Ladies Black Silk Hose $1.00 1 pair Ladies High Grade Silk Hose $1.00 4 pairs Tan Silk Hose $1.00 1 pair Men's $1.25 to $1.50 Silk Hose $1.00 Big Lot Men's Ties $1,00 each GROCERIES . . 10 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar 1 $1.00 5 lbs. Best Green Coffee .. $1.00 7 lbs. Standard Green Coffee $1.00 8 lbs. Fancy Compound Lard (weighed out) $1.00 5 lbs- Best Pure Lard (weighed out) $1.00 12 Cakes 10c size Octagon Soap .. $1.00 15 Cakes 10c size Arrow Soap $1.00 24 Packages Gold Dust $1.00 25 Packages Swift's Pride Washing Powders $1.00 MANY OTHER BIG VALUES FOR $1.00. E. Mo BIGGS LUMBERTON, N. C. rEssss GOOD BREAD That's the kind yoti get at the LUMBERTON BAKERY A complete line of good things to eat. includ ing a full line of Fancy Groceries. LET US SERVE YOU. G. B. CROMARTIE, Proprietor. .-'Phone 71.: V' Ui - T-o kr - . 4...6,3o2-56 n,w.oo 100,284.47 1,869,760.80 663,246.75 $9,943,864-35 April 7 S3 THE PASSING SHOW M. MONTE. Our civilization becomes more and more complex. We note a few days since a competition amongr the ehil dren in a Western State in the making of bird boxe3, wherein feathered be ings' may hie themselves and rear sundry bright-plumaged youngsters in peace. Also in a Western State, John Doe, Mrs. Doe and three or four younger Dees were invited to scare themselves from a human bird house, because, forsooth, they had trektea a contract entered into while young j ?Oung and inexperienced, as a. mere scrap of paper, and in the years had per - mitted Doctor Stork to visit their domicile. A lot of things have hap pened to John Doe, if the frequency with which he appears in print goes for anything, but we doubt that the list contains aught more unjust than this. Ever in so often we hear of the Hon. Penrose doing something. It would seem that this individual would execute, if only accidentally, some thing worth while. Instead he goes from what is exceedingly bad to that infinitely worse. His latest bid for notoriety is in advocacy of social equality. Personally we would not suggest that any colored person is less than the Hon. Penrose's equal, and we would be sorry for that col ored individual at that, but we object' to starting things that can lead to nothing helpful to any one. We doubt that there will be any great outcry should sundry persons accept it as a fact that the eolored individual is their equal, or supreior, for that mat ter, provided they, let it go at that and not strive to put it over as a thing universal. The Hon. Penrose I may throw himself in a pig sty andj claim . relationship with a berkshire if so it suits him, but we'll be dog goned if the rest of us are going to join him. We were beginning to have hopes for Mr. Harding, but when added to his other worries, a certain Herr is. a certain nerr i Vierrick begins calling him Warren Gamaliel, the prospect grows gloomy We would prefer that Herr Vierrick would salute us from the other side of some nice iron bars, than to do so with folks looking on. Taking it by and large, Mr. Harding had best look to himself with anything that even looks like this Vierrick person hang ing about the lawn. He ought to be hanging to the7 other end of that crosscut saw at Doom. He and Vilhelm would make a nice pair. We understand from good authority that the administration at -Washington has at last found something -that it can change for the better. It will demand that the clerks change their winter underwear to the summer variety. They have striven strenuous ly, but this is the only thing Wilson left that they can discover wherein a change will be for the better. And even so. they had better consult "Jo Jo"' before promulgating the order. If so happens it that a niche in, some hall of fame becomes allotted to us, we rise to propose young Mr. McClure of up Canton way. The way he jumped in and handled the hazing situation commends him to us in a loud vehement voice. He should be conscripted to Raleigh and put into action in that vicinity. We protest furthermore in the" name of the Amalgamated Barber Trades that Soph students be restrained from in terferrinfir with an established voca tion nnH atnrtinc now Rtvlpa in hair 1 tion ana starting new styies in nair , cut. at reduced rates. Wnnrlpr where those advocates for ! steen millions for higher education have gone. Is it for this that those millions are desired, that hair cuts a la penitentiary are to be free. We are agin' the appropriation again. , We have been wont to induce some rhymes into these articles, but we have discovered the reason therefor, which was somewhat of a mystery to us, who had never before been so addicted; it was in the ribbon we used. After having put in a new one. we find that Pegassus and his steed have taken flight. Snow and Lightning. In The Robesonian of February 28, last, due mention was made af a severe hail storm which visited sev eral sections of Robeson county the night before, accompanied by an electrical display. In a recent issue the Dillon- (S. C.) Herald quotes Conductor Vann, running on A. C. L. train No. 82, as saying that was one and a half inches of snow on Bear swamp, between Buie and Renncrt. when he passed through early Sunday morning, that it began to snow about 9:30 p. m. and continued until about 1:30 a. m., the storm being accom panied by thunder and lightning. Of course Conductor Vann mistor-k the hail for snow. The Dillion HeTald, in referring to this story in a news item, says: i "The Robeson county snow storm was mentioned in conversation a few days ago and a gentleman present said while he was working at the DuPont works in Virginia last winter there was a heavy snow fall accom panied by thunder apd lightning. The atmosphere was warm when the snow began to fallbut in a few min utes there was a rapid fall in the temperature, and shortly .afterwards water began to freeze." Hog With a Gold-Filled Tooth. A hog was found over in Fayette villc tbs other day that had been patronizing a dentist. He had a gol drilled tooth. When Mr. Arthur Hollingsworth killed a hog at his home on Haymount, where they do say lets of funny things happen, he found that one of its back teeth had been filled with gold. - The supposi tion is that when very young the hog got hold of a piece of gold and mash ed it into a tooth. The Fayetteville Observer story says that "some den tists have done a far worse looking job." " Messrs. J. A. Vinson and Henry Williams of Claytcn were Lumberton visiters monday. News and Comment By J. M. Fleming Lumberton, R. 5, March 28. This has been a good March. The tem perature has been excellent and we hope for a merciful providence in the future. Our church services at Rozier's Saturday and yesterday morning, and at the school house in the afternoon, were all to the good. Such fine con gregations and responsive attention make a pastor feel like doing his best ndVMrV'rj T'LlVZrll ')lr-, Ingram for Indian Teacher' Meet ick list." y 1 ing to H',d No' If Tor;. !. ! convention at Chartlnoo th ichk 1 ofTay Ti million campaign all paid they have! got to do some heroic and sacrificial! giving. Let us in the srreat old Robeson association do our best during April. We are greatly in arrears, but we can do our best and there is no more required of angels than to do their best. We have never subscribed to the undesignation feature of out con tributions. If we give ten dollars to foreign missions we want every penny of it to so for that obieet ana tne same with reference to the objects of our beloved convention. We fee! that it is our inalienable right tf. sav what tve want our o-ifta tn hoi1"?'' - mpson. used for. There is too much machin ery, however, and it is too expensive. Our own pastors are thoroughly com petent of imparting the needed in formation along all the lines of our activities. We have recently noted the fact that a certain great Treadher up north preached an hour and twenty minutes on whether or not the stars are inhabited, and another exegete ex patiatedfor a long hour on some reminiscences of the Caribbean sea. We wonder how long it would take the Almighty to save a soul from sin listening to the discussions of such questions. The first ministers of the gospel understood the Saviour to say, "Faith comes by hearing, and uQ-: w xva nj . rnrp51fhH ha . aavina. A left the teaching of astronomy and geography to the school teachers There is no other county more abundantly blessed than Robeson. Its churches and schools, its preach ers and teachers are as good as the best. Its women and children are as lovable and loyal as any in the wide world. Permit us to address these latter in just a few words. Within the recent past niche has been made in the walls of orthodoxy in which the women and children are recognfced as factors in doing King dom work. By their lives, character and toils thev cro down anions? the I'needy and destitute people of earth carrying the gospel of love, cheer and comfort to the depressed and lonely, light, and good news of salva tion to the lost. They are seeking to direct the misguided heart from the things in life which are material and selfish to those which are invisible, JOTRS FRIEND For Expectant Mothers Cxed By Trsce Gekeutioxs ram na bookut ea Mimmeot Ma rm Mar. naa Baaantta Riwhawi Co, Dipt. B-O. A run a. Commissioners balk of land Under and by virtu of a judgement of tha "Hwtor eourt of Robeson County, made in the gpecI, proceedjnit Pitied M. D. Edmund and others, ex-parte, tame being No.- on the special proceedinsa docket of said toon, nouce is nereoy given tnat tne under signed commissioner, will, on Monday tha 11. day of April 1921, at 12 o'clock, noon at the court house door of Robeson County, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auction the following lands and premises lying and being in the county of Robeson and in Britt's Township, bounded and described as follows, to-wit : , First Tract: Beginning at a stake in the edge of the Ten Mile Swamp at the Public Road, jn J. W. Edmund's line, and runs with his line north 61 east to his corner; thence across said swamp south 3 east to the hill of said swamp to a stake near the corner of a little field ; thence up the various courses of the hill of said swamp to (he public road ; thence along the Public Road back to the beginning, containing M acres, more or less, lyjng in the Mill Swamp. Second Tract: Beginning at an iron wagon axle driven in the groand used as a stake, an( ear a water oak on the west side of the Old Creek Road and on east side of the Old Mill Road, and runs thence north 60 degrees and 40 minutes west 440 feet to an iron stake by an old pine stump at the high water mark on the mill pond: thence up said, mill pond at high water mark the line shown on the map made by F. F. Wetmore, ejvil engineer in the case of Mrs. L. A. Edmund vs. B. L. Sutton et a!., said map being on record in the office of the register of deed of Robeson County in Book of Offi cial Maps No. 2, page III. and said record is hereby referred to and made a part of this description as if fully set out herein to the point where the J. W. Edmund line eroseei sajd mill pond ; tnenee across said mill pond with the J. W. Edmund line to a stake near a large pine on the north side of said mill pond ; tnenee down Jute big branch with 3 lino of marked trees at hteh water mark of said mill pond to the Ten Mile Swamp; thence up the said Ten Mile Swamp at high water nark along a line of marked trees to the line of Eli Britt: thence acroFS said Ten Mile Swamp with the line of Elf Britt and E. J. Britt; thence down the said Ten Mile Swamp along a line of marked trees at high water mark to the end of the Edmund mill dam ; thence down the north edge of the Ten Mile Swamp to the Old Creek Road; thence with said Road to the beginning, con taining 200 acres, more or less, and known as the Edmund mill property. This the 10, day of March 1921. E. J. BRITT 4-14-4-Mon. Commissioner. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of tha estate of James A. Rozier( deceased, late of Robeson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims agajnst the estate of the said deceased to exhihit them to the undesigned at Lumberton, N. C. on or before the 7th day of March, 1922, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. . This the 4th day of March. 1921. DAVID H. FULLER, 8-7-4-mon. Administrator of James A. Rozier. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under authority contained in a certain deed of trust, executed by Amy Anne McDougald and husband, C. L. McDougald to John S. Butler, trustee for J. Browne Evans : and re corded in Book 48. page 101. default in pay ment being made, the undersigned trustee will, on Wednesday, April 20th, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Court House door in Lumberton, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lota of land : Being all of lota Nnmber one, two, three and four in block E according Jto the J. Browne Evan sub-division of the town of Rennert, N. C. This the 18tb day of March, 1921. JOHN S. BUTLER. S-24-4-Thurs. . Trustee. j spiritual r.nd eternal. I Our Christian women and children I t. .1! . , - . . . nve discovered me lact tnat we must increase our own strength in the Lord in order to win ' the unsaved ones for heaven and immortal glory Blessings on them! Indian Teachers' Meeting April 9 I "roar. 1 l I ""pondence of The Robesonian. NoVKV-hKF ' 10 m. Oreninr ducted by Rev. P. M. Locklear. Read- ing of minutes of previous meetino by secretary. 1st Topic. Some of the needs of our people by Rev. D. F. Lowry, Rev. S. A. Hammond. 2nd. How to secure and retain at tention on recitations by Mr. Z. A. Lowry, Miss Bessie Oxendine and Mr. W. Q. A. Lowry. 3rd. What a teacher should do r V 5'? by,Mr- J' N-1BoweT1' ' i!1" Aiartoha Ue and Miss Instrumental musical selections bv Misses Brevard artd Fletcher. 4th. How to prepare a commence ment programme to the best interest of the pupil in a six-months' school, by Rev. O. R. Sampson, Miss Susie Jordan, Mr. E. Lowry. 5th. The need of a good teachers organiaation; by Mr. J. W. Smith, Mr. A. N. Locklear and Miss Eliza A. Oxendine. Every teache r is especially re quested to be, present at this meeting as there will be some business of special interest to the teachers. J. W. Smith, Pres. J. R. Poole, Co. Supt. LUMBER Why not buy your lumber in car lots, direct from mill and save the discounts. Write or wire for prices sending us list of quantity and grade you want. COOK & CO. GREENVILLE. S. C. CERTIFICATE OP DISSOLUTION To All to Whom These Present May Come Greetings : Whereas, It appears to my Satisfaction, by duly authenticated record of the proceeding for the voluntary dissolution thereof by tha unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the Tola rs villa Mining and Ginning Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated at No. Street, in the town of St Pauls, R. F. D. No. 1, County of Robeson, State of North Carolina (T. W. Maxwell being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21, Revual of 1905, entitled "Corporations,'' preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolu tion: Now, Therefore, 1,'J. Bryan Secre tary of State of the Stat of Nortn Carotin, do hereby certify that the said corporation did. on the 18th day of March file in ray office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corpora tion, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the pre eeedinga aforesaid are now en file in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have herto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Ral eigh, this 18th day of March, A. D. ml. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. S-21-4 Monday NOTICE OF TOWN rRIMAST The undersigned having been duly appointed managers for the primary to be held in and for the Town of Lumberton for the Municipal election, to be held in and for said Town on the first Monday In May, 1921, in accordance with the resolution and orders adopted by the Board of Commissioner of the Town of Lum berton, do hereby notify the qualified voter of Lumberton that the Primary, which 1 called for (Tuesday, April 26th. 1921, will be held at the Court House in the Town of Lumberton, North Carolina, on the said date, beginning at 8 a. m. at which time and place toe following officers will be voted on: Thrr-member, of Board of Audit and Finance. Commissioner for Ward No. 1. ThrT schooT TrsteeH"1' N' Only residents in Ward I vote for com- missioner for that ward, and only resident in ward 8 vote for commissioner for that Notice is further given that candidate for any of said offices In said town of Lorn- berton, shall, at least five day before the holding of said primary, present to the managers, or any -of them, written notifica tion of their candidacy, giving the office for which they are candidates, and all other per sons who fail to hand in such written notifi cation for candidacy by six o'clock on the afternoon of Wednesday preceding such pri mary, shall not be entitled to be voted npon in the said primary. Provided, however, that it shall not be necessary for the candidate himself to give such written notification,' but it shall be sufficient if any one of hi friends or sup porters or any person whomsoever shall give such notification, L. C. Townsend. Joseph Barrington, H. J. Sawyer, D. W. Biggs, T M. White, Manager of Primary. 8-28-: 4-14 Fire Insurance, delity & Casual-" Bonds,Automobile 1 Jability Insurance and Accident and Health Insurance. FBI hSB I Mi CO. INCORPORATED A. T. McLEAN, Manager. See Our Work .nrt sret oar cnei before olacice so order for any Hod ef jocrjniaataJ work. Lambert flarlle Graalte C J. H. Floyd, Prey. " CORNS Lift Off with Fingers Doesn't hurt bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, in stantly that 'corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fingers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of, "Freezone"' for a few cents, suffi cient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. Maurice A. Waddell DENTIST Offie. Second Floor Cotton Mill Of fie. Building, Elm and Second Sts. LUMBERTON, N. C. CHARLOTTE LUMBER COMPANY A. COLLINS, Manager Charlotte, N. C. All kinds of bard wood and pin,) loss ber, roach and dressed. Red Cedar Shingles in transit at id times. DAVID H. FULLER Attorney at Law Office on first floor Planters Bank ft Trust Company Bnildlnf LUMBERTON, N. C DR. C M. FLOWERS Graodaate Veterinarian ., Office White's Stables Phones: Office No. 17; Residence No. S4SW. Calls answered day and alf hi. DB.aB. McXAY , DENTIST Office ea first floor ef The National Bank ef Lnnberton Bofldiag. PHONE 203. DR. R.G.STONE EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST; Honrs: , 9 to 12; 2 to 5 1 ! Appointments preferred Main St. Lanrinburf , N. C. JUNIUS J. GOODWIN I ATTORNET-AT-LAW. O"" i""1 .1Or . McLeod Bldff Upposito Kooesonlaa Office. j - i Thomas L. Johnson E. M. Johnsoa I JOHNSON & JOHNSON i Attorneys and Counsellors at Law I LUMBERTON N C ' Practice in State and Federal Cottrtf ; Notary Public in Office. Office! OTST First National Bank. A. W. McLean Dickson McLean L. R. Varser H. E. Stacy McLEAN, VAESEE, MeT.Arf ft STACY. Attorneys At Law. LUMBERTON. - North Carolina W. B. IVEY Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office on Second Floor Cotton Mill Office Building;, Elm Street. Lnmberton. N. C DR. GRAHAM McLEAN DENTIST Second Floor Jones Buildinf FAIRMONT, N. C. Stephen Mclntyrs JL C. TJtwrenea James D. Proctor Robt. A. Mclntyre McINTYRE, LAWRENCE ft PROCTOR. Attorneys snd Counsellors at Law LUMBERTON, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all boiir.ess. BvJ. BRITT and LUTHER J. BRfTT, Attornsys Practicing law under the firm name of K J. BRITT & CO., with offices in the Pope Baildin?, Lumberton, N. C Practice in both State and Federal courts. Prompt Attention Given Ail Business. t. a. McNeill, Jr. r. d. backett. jr McNeill & hacett Attorneys-At-Law. A. H. WEBSTER, . Contractor ef Slate and Metal Roofinr. Gattering ' and Conductor Pipe Roof Repairing; and Roef Painting. Sbop 412 Chestnut SL. Lnmberton. - North Carolina 1 " i n. c

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