PAGE EIGHT THE BOBESONIAN, LUMBE&TON, NORTH CAROLINA MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1921. I el Mill API? CTICP PlfiflPf EFIKD'S THSteE BIG DAYS Thursday, frida.y Situ rd DALLAR DAYS AT EEIRD'S Are Always Looked Foward to With The Keenest Interest Here are just a few of Dollar Day Bargains--You will find hundreds of others jiist as . great and greater throughout every Department of our Big Store. $1. Oft OFF $ 1 .00 off your own selection of $6.00 worth of Boys' Wash Suits for Dollar Day $5.00 10 PER CENT OFF We will give 1 0 per cent off any Man's Suit of any price in stock Dollar Day. . CHILDREN'S DRESS PATTERNS, $1.00 Plaid Skirting worth $1.00 per yard. A Child's Dress pattern up to 2 yds. Speccial for Dollar Days, 2 J yards for $1.00 COLORED VOILES 36 in. plain colored Voiles in white, pink, rose, yellow, etc. Dollar Day 5 yds for $1 $1.75 WORTH MEN'S FURNISHINGS $1 One pair Silk Socks 98c One pair Paris Garters 50c One pair Arm Bands 25c v. all for Mi- $1.75 $1.00 men's Specials for dollar day 2 98c Four-in-Hand Ties for $1.00 3 $1 .45 Fancy Neckties for ..... $1.00 2 Pair 98c Silk Socks for $1.00 6 25c Slidewell Soft Collars for. . . $1.00 5 Pairs Men's B. V. M. Socks for . . $1.00 3 Pair Men's 50c Lisle Socks for . . $1.00 8 Pair Men's Work Socks for $1.00 2 Pair Boys' Scout Gloves for .... $1.00 2 Pair Elastic Seam Drawers for . . $1.00 2 Pair Boys' Pants for . $1.00 No. 800 $2.00 full fashioned Silk Stockings, white and black, pair . . $1.00 40-inchGeorgette Crepe, yard $1.00 3 YARDS FLAXON FOR $1.00 Fine sheer and Barred Flaxon and Batiste, worth up to 65c per yd, 3 yds. for . . . $1.00 35c Batiste, very sheer quality, 5 yds. $1.00 3 YARDS SHIRTING FOR $1.00 Mercerized striped Shirting, regular 75c per yard. Special for $$$ Day, 3 yds. for $1.00 " CRASH TOWELING " For Dollar Day we will sell crash Toweling worth 35c per yard, 5 yds. for $1.00 20c Crash Toweling, Dollar Day, 7 yds. $1 Barber Towels Special $$ Day, 20 fo $1.00 $1.55 WORTH MEN'S FURNISHINGS $1 1 pair Men Lisle Socks ........ 25c ) pair President Suspenders . . . 65c 1 President Handkerchief ..... 1 5c 2 Slidewell Soft Collars . . . 50c FOR 3 DOLLAR DAYS ONLY 6 yards genuine Fruit of the Loom Bleaching for $1.00 "Mohawk" Brown Sheeting, 81 inches wide, 2 yards for ........ $1.00 10 yards 32-irich Fine Dress Ginghams $1 1 0 yards No. 400 English Long Cloth Very fine and soft' for . . . $1.00 4 yards 9-4 Brown Sheeting for .... $1.00 18 yards "Buck" Straw Tick for . . . $1.00 75c Table Damask, 2 jrds. Dollar Day $1.00 $2.00 quality Silk Shirring Dollar Days only, yard .... . $1.18 Fine Jap Silk Shirting, assorted stripes Dollar Days only, yard 79c $2.50 DRESS SHIRTS, $1.00 All Men's Dress Shirts sold up to $3.95 each Some slightly shopworn and some of all sizes included in this lot. . Your choice $1.00 Men's 20c Soft White Handkerchiefs 10 for $1.00 ,10 per cent off on any Man's Suit of any price in the house. Men's 25c Soft Collars 10 for $1.00 Men's $2 Dress Shirts each $1.00 5 Cans Mennen's Talcum Powder for $1.00 $1.98 Middy Blouses each $1.00 Children's New Straw Hats, each . . $1.00 20 yards Apron Ginghams for .... $1.00 No. 2000 English Long Cloth, 6 yds. for $1 20 yards Dress Ginghams for $1.00 $1.00 OFF any Boys' Suit Selling over $5 Men's Cowhide Oevrralls, each .... $1.00 Fine Count 40 in. Sea Island, 1 0 yds . $1.00 $1.00 OFF on any Trunk in the house sell ing over $5.00. LADIESAN OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE ON YOUR NEW SPRING APPAREL , These three days promises the great est in our history in the Women's Ready-to-Wear Department. . All ourtSilk Dresses have been marked down close, but you get an additional dollar off during these three Dollar Days. An extra dollar off the Efird basis on all Spring Coats for this sale only. An extra dollar off on our already re duced Coat Suits. ' ' $1 .OQ off on any garment in our Wo men's, or Children's Ready to-Wear Section selling for $5.00 or over 3 DAYS ONLY. DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS IN SILK DEPARTMENT Yard wide Black Taffea Silk for . . . $1.00 In addition to the special prices below in Silk Department for Dollar Days only, we will sell the first yard of any of these items for $1 .00, where the purchase amounts to three yards or more: 40 in. Silk Crepe de Chine for $1.00 Yard wide Silk Messaline, black for $1.00 Yard wide Navy blue Taffeta for . . . $1.65 $2.50 Silk Shirting for . . .' $1.85 $2.50 Crepe de Chine Shirting for . . $1.85 SHOES FOR THE FAMILY " Dollar Day in Efird's Shoe Department means a day to be looked forward to. A great day. full o great bargains in a - great store. . SPECIAL NO. 1 Hundreds' of pairs of Shoes and Oxfords, all kinds Men's, Boys and Women's and Children's, white, black, tan and browrn. All to be sold on Dollar Day at . ; . . . $1.00 SPECIAL NO. 2 Ladies' high shoes, several hundred pair to be sacrificed in this big shoe selling event. Values lip to $8 and $ 1 0. Dollar Day $3.60 SPECIAL NO. 3 One hundred pairs of our highest grade Boots. Absolutely the best the market af- price on Dollar Days just $5.00 SPECIAL NO. 4 We will, give $1 off on any pair Shoes in our store priced over $5.00. This mclujdes everything, all makes and styles. Get your Spring Pumps and Oxfords now at less $1 SPECIAL NO. 5 Men's Dress Shoe at $5.00. We will sell severrl hundred pairs of our famous Tuxe do Oxfords on this day at just $5.00. All styles, leather and lasts. Men, don't let this chance get by. SPECIAL NO. 6. - Men's and Boys' Scout Shoes. The kind you have priced up to $4.00. You can buy here now for just $1.98 Hundreds of unadvertised Pollar Day Bargains throughout the store. We haven't the time or the space to quote all our Specials. You will hae to come in and see for your-1 self the wonderful bargains we really offer the public at our dollar Days. ; .; $1.55 All for $1.00