THE BOBZSONIAH, LT72XBZ&TOH, NORTH OAXOUHA MONDAY. Jon 6. 1921. PAGE THEJEJ Sermons At Star Warehouse Revival Not Ashamed of the Gospel. The Wednesday evening: vice was turned over to Rev. J. H. Fulgum of Trenton, who preached from Roamns 1:16: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ : for it is the power of God on to salvation to every one that be lieveth." The preacher said in part: ' "I am not ashamed o fthe gospel of Jesus for He cleans from a life of cursing, cards and drinking and makes you clean. Are you ashamed of your religion? When you go in a place of business, do you tell them of your Jesus?' My God saves you from sin; he doesn't mean for you f0 go on sinning every day. The gos pel of Jesus Christ changes your heart. Sing the gospel, preach the gospel, talk the gospel. The gospel will take you ou. of the gutter and away from the slums and make you a man, a woman and a better citizen I want to tell you here f hat there is no other way for you to come to Jesus excep by the way of the cross." Here f-he preacher told of a girl who had gone astray and relatives had turned her out in the world to fight the, battle alone. She thought every one had forsaken her, but she had found Jesus blessed to her soul. "Do you believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ? Jesus has done more for you than every one else. Why do you wait?" God is Angry Wifh The Wicked. "God is angry with the wicked ev ery day" Psalms 7:11 was the text Rev. A. E. Paul used Tuesday night to show that if you conj-inue in sin God will be angry with you, that God loved the sinner so much tha. He gave His only Son for him. God loves you more than your earthly father. Your earthly father punish es you for disobediencf. Why shouldn't God ? "I cant, explain all there is in the Bible, but I believe it all. I accept what God says as the truth," declared the preacher. God loves the sinner but hates sin Why do you go on using profane language, drinking, gambling- and disobeying Him? " Why I believe it grieves God more for you to do this than a lost soul in hell does. God loves us and is angry because the devil has our hearts. God expects you to obey Him because He made you. Why do you go on breaking a law that was made for your good? Why do you say, 'I will break His laws, will have a law of my own?' There is only a breath between you and eternity and if you continue on in sin God will knock you off with His bow. He is a expert with His bow. He never fails to hit the mark. Don't think that God is not a God of mercy, He is, but notice that if you fail to obey He will destroy you. Above all things I don't want to meet an angry God. When God thrusts the sword fhere is no hospi tal to take you to. When destruc tion comes, then you will call on God for help. This w God's day of call ing. Wont you listen to Him before it is too late? We have all done wrong but oh! how God loves us still. Heaven and earth rejoices over a sinner who repents. Wont you come to a God of love tonight?" "What Shall I Do With Jesus?" One of the largest mid-week crowds of the series of meetings heard Rev. J. H. Fulgum preach a soul-stirring sermon Thursday night from Mathew 27:22: "What shall I do then with Jesus." The preacher gave a beautiful pic ture of the denial of Jesus by Peter, the prayers Chirst made on the mountain, and of Pilot refusing to pass sentence on Him; how He was crucified and how He arose and what for. !i!KZZ3 "What shall I do then with Jesus?" these words were spoken over 1900 years ago. If we just could see what these words mean we would be better men and better women. I wonder how many here that can say 4,Thy will, not mine?" You know the reason that our prayers are not answered is because we will not say in our hearts, "Thy will, oh God." Some of us, if we thought our boy, our girl, would be called as a mis sionary to the foreign field would not pray a minute longer. Some are like the disciples- have gone asleep. Oh, men, what is the matter? Cant you watch one hour? God is speak ing to this world today, saying, "why are you sleeping?" I tell you, people, God is going to hold you re sponsible for your sins. He is going to say, "Sleep on, thy hour has come." Morality or churchanity will not take you to heaven; nothing but the blood of Jesus Christ will do that The same blood that covered the cross will cover your sins if only you will let it. Men today are try ing to wash their hands of Christ, timately a the teachers in the dis trict schools and much better than those in town or city, schools. Fre quent change of teachers reacts un Knf nnlon. vnn Arront Him aa vonr 1 favorably upon pupils, owinsr to Savior you will be helping to crucify j changes of methods of instruction TIim anain Whan mri iftmo In th and changes in discipline. The same altar and call on Jesus, He says you broad educational policy which orig-! shall be saved. Unless you call on :inav led to consolidation genera lyi Him now, some day you will call for continue., to dommate school affairs,1 the , rocks and mountains to fall on nd ' "" fn a progressive raising T, ,, n . fVwi, n 01 standards in all departments. Dr. you. Thank God . there are some to-Th w d , day that can say, "Come Lord come country Uool should be as' Lord." Tonight is e "igh f sal -j a buUdi there ig m tne vation. How is it with jour soul? munit As ft cathedral, town hall, I Jesus will be your Savior now, but pubHc Ub or ifa, buildi re., some day He will be your judge. presents the civic pride of a muni- i What the Gospel Consists of cipality, so the rural school house j Rev. A. E. Paul preached a power-, hmilH nnrn rh - . ... r,. tir i ! ful sermon at me oiar warenouse , rurai community. Money expended Frida nieht and many showed that fthroiio-h th they were interested in the welfare of . larger results. The chief defect,, of the district school system low at tendance and lack of articulation with other schools are entirely corrected by the consolidation system and this system i, even now bringing superior educational advantages to more than a million country boys and girls. Con their souls by going to the altar. The preacher took as hi text Ko- mans 1:10: The 16th verse was the text Rev. J. H. Fulgum preached from Wed- nesdav night and Mr. Paul undertook in shnnr what the crosDel consists of. "For therein ia the righteousness of : solidation keeps the pupil, longer- in God revealed." The preacher said in I cnot.i at a time wnen a aay s school ing is me most valuable, lhe present expenditure of nearly two million dol- part: "He that believeth not shall be damned,regardless of what denomina tion vou belong to. The world has a lars annually for the public convey ance oi country school children sug false conception of what the Gospel 8ests that the American farmer is is Some of you here tonight treat God now. preparing on a stupendous scale, as your enemy, but He is not It is patiently to build up a truly Ameri sin God hates, not the man. There lca" I"e- And the consolidated I school organized as a cuntrv-life that don't know what the Gospel is. school is to be a substantial part of It don't mean everything you near ; PERPETUATE the sacred memortes of those of your loved. ones who hare passed by the erection of an endur ing MEMORIAL. Let us assist you in the choosing of an appropriate de. sign. Lumberton Marble Works, J. H. Floyd, Proprietor East Second St. Lumberton, N. C preached. The Gospel is good news. The wicked shall be turned into hell. Is that good news? Christ died, was buried and rose on the .third day. Christ died for our sins, and to save us from our sins. That's the gospel The wrath of God is against all sin and uncleanliness. God gave His only Son as our substitute. We thank God he reached down on earth and saved us from an ungodly life. But why God loves us so much as )to give His only Son, I can't explain. The remedy for our sins is based on our faith in God. We must believe on Him before we can sfet the remedy. There i justice for the man who be lieveth but none for him who believeth not. When God saves us from sin He puts our sins away and remembers them no more. Don't you want your sins forgotten?" Consolidation of Schools To the Editor of The Robesonian: With the passing of the "little red school house" into the realm of mem- visions for better things in the con- town,u:n u fu. u0j,,, u- y solidav'ion of schools, a plan whereby aPJfr!i" L13 TY we may reconstruct and redirect the " a"? rt.?nJlke other Consolidation is sweeping North Carolina. It has struck old Robeson. May she have a full and unrestricted right-of-way. He who opposes con solidation is only opposing a force as mighty as an army with its banners, and is madly trying to stand in the way of progress. We would like to see the day come speedily when all of Robeson's numerous- country schools shall be merged inter six or eight A grade , schools. Let's think on these things. M mere be any meit in these things, try them. FRED BROWN. Boll Weevil in Dillon. "One hears a whole lot of talk these days about the boll weevil and no doubt lots of the tales one hears are greatly exaggerated," said County Agent Epps while talking to a Herald man the other day, "but the Clemson experts who have been camping on the trail of the weevil since he started out this way tell us he is bound to make his appearance in Dillion county this year in uncomfortable numbers. work of the rural schools on a new foundation which reasserts and re establishes the ancient principle equal rights to all." Thi means the abandonment of many more small schools scattered throughout our country and the maintenance instead of a few strong well-graded schools. Robeson county has made a good start in this impor tant work, thanks toour progressive board of education and superinten dent of schools. The U. Sw depart ment of agriculture has issued a valuable bulletin on this from which we quote a few excerpts: "The consolidated school, no longer seriously affected by fluctuations in school population, becomes an institu tion with fixed location and belong ings, an incentive is given to make permanent improvements to beautify the school grounds, secure modern sanitation and provide ample school room equipment. The large number of children assembled at a centrally located school make, possible graded classes and a better division of the school day. Studies can be introduced, which require special equipment and specially trained teachers, such as agriculture, home economics, manual training, music, advantages almost unattainable in small district schools. These centrally located country life schools, too, form convenient social centers for communities; local inter ests and activities affiliate with the schools so that public use is frequent ly made of their commodious class rooms as auditoriums, encourage ment is given to the growth of liter ary and debating societies, social and agricultural clubs, reading circles, athletic and other competition among pupils, and entertainment of various kinds. In the consolidated rural schools all children from the entire township, or district, meet, mingle, compete, strive, make friendships and learn how to work together. The school is free and accessible to all children within its jurisdiction. - All the boys and girls, including those in the high school, return home daily and, doing their allotted work or chores mornings and evenings keep in touch with the home arid the farm, and remain within the shelter of the home during the most impressionable period of their lives. There is no longer so much occasion for part of the children to attend distant board ing schools or pay board in the near by towns to attend high school. Class distinctions, which the old district school unconsciously fostered, are broken down and removed. The con solidated school is an institution which not only affords instruction in the various branches of knowledge but al. so reache, out and touches the com munal life and the home life and enriches and enlarges the individual life of the youth as the district school lever did and never can do, even under the most favorable conditions. "The consolidated school encourages permanency of residence of principal and teachers; it attaches them to che school, begets loyalty and enthu siasm and maks possible the formula :ion of long-time plans. The resident principal and teachers often take the eadership in social and literary activi. ties and having become a part of the jommunity set an example in citizen ship for all the children. Through contact with parents as well as with children they learn the character and home life of the latter quite as in- reports that have come to our ears time and again. If the weevil comes in big numbers this year the only way we can beat him is to get off an early crop, and with the crop from 10 to 15 days late at the present time we have got to do some fast work and have some mighty good seasons to get ahead of him." Dillon Herald. Confesses to Murder of Father. Orlando, Fla., June 3.--John R. Bryant, charged with the murder of his father, on the stand in his own defense here, today, told the jury that "I threw the weight which killed my father." He said he had killed his father after a quarrel and an attempt by the elder Bryant to shoot him, the only cause of failure being the snap ping of the cartridge in the .44 caliber pistol, with which the father had tried to kill the defendant, Bryant added that he had buried the old man on the shores of the lake, and when, on his return to the house, his wife questioned him, he told her that he had "killed father." This bears out the story told by Mrs. Bryant to the press last week. Death of Bracy Lee Home, Infant. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Bracy Lee, 17-months21-days-old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Home, died Monday morning, May 30, of colitis and Bright's disease. Inter ment wa, made in the family ceme tery near White Pond church. immmet rmtie a cigarette m mv dav. The Camel idea wasn't born then. It was the exclusive expert Camel blend that revolutionized cigarette smoking. That Camel blend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos hits just the right spot - It gives Camels such mellow mildness and fragrance! v The first time I smoked Camels I knew they were made for me. I knew they were the smoothest, finest cigarette in the world, at any price. Nobody can tell me anything different II 4 i) BLEND WLf ft. J. REYNOLDS Tofcace Qi, WiaatoB-Saloa, N. C. v v n ii m The name Doan's inspires confidence Doan'c Kidney Pills for kidney UU. Doan's Ointment for skin itching. Doan's Reguleta for a mild laxative. Sold at all drug tori. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina. In the Superior Court. Robeson County. B. G. Scott, vs. Mary Scott. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced Jin the Superior Court of Robeson County to secure an absolute divorce from the defendant, on the ground of adultery; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of Robeson County, on or before the 1st day of July. 1921, at the court house of said county in ijumoerton, w. v. ana answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff win appiy 10 ine court lor the relief demand ed in said complaint. This the 28th day of May. 1921. C. B. SKIPPER, ' Clerk of Superior Court. E. J. BrKt ft Co. Attys. for Plaintiff. 6-2-4 Thurs. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate oi John S. Brown, deceased, late of me county or Kcbeson and state of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceasd to exhibit them to the undersigned at Lumber- ton, N. v., on or before the Bth day of May, 1922, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment. Thi 9th day of May, 1921. 5-916 Mon. F. K. BIGGS, Administrator of John S. Brown. PMOTHEB J Ik an For Three Gettwratlona Hav Mad ChOd-Birtb easier By Using 0 TALI DHU TOMS win-iro booklet on motherhood arstni baby, mi Bradficld Ribulato Co.. Dm. s-d. Atlanta. Ga. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Robeson County, made in the special proceedings entitled Dollie Thomp son. Administratrix against Ora Ellen Thomp son and others, the same being No. 1052. upon the special proceedings docket of said court, the undersigned commissioner. i!l, on Mon day June 27, 1021, at the court .house door in Lumberton, N. C.. at 12 o'clock, M., offei for sale and sell to the hizhest bidder for cash that certain tract of land located, lying and STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPART MENT OF STATE CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To all to whom these presents may come greeting : Whereas. It appear to my satisfaction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited la my office, that the Kirk Mercan tile Company, a corporation of this State, wfiose principal office is situated in the town of Pembroke, County of Robeson. State of North Carolina (W. G. Kirk being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied whh the requirements of Chapter 22,- Consolidated Statutes, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolu tion : Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secre tary of State of the State of North Carolin, do hereby certify that the said corporation did. on the 18th day of May 1921. file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corpora tion, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Ral eigh, this 18th day of May, A. D. 1921. J. BRVAN GRIMES, 5-26-4 Thurs. Secretary of State. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of authority contained in an order of sale in a special proceeding entitled "E. M. Johnson, Administrator c! Peter McMillan deceased, vs. Catherine An.'. McMillan and others"', on the 13th dy of May. 1921, the undersiirned will offer fur ale; at public auction, at the court house door in the Town of Lumberton, Robeson County. North Carolina, on Monday the 13h !sy of June, 1921. at 12 o'clock Noon, to the hisrhest being in Britts Toivnuhip. Robeson County, j bidder for cash, the following described land: N. C, bounded and described as follows, to- : rn;' premises, to-wit: w.j. ( In St. Pauls Town.-mp, beinst a part of a Adjoining the lands of Mrs. Mae Lamb, j to ,Mar- M-, ?tt by ,StJ Neill r'reeman (now (Thery Britt and wife, I "f Nrth Carolina, and more partieulr.rily Cassie Britt) and others. Beirmnfnsr at an 1 described as follows : irnn tj.l(e on tho Fnat i1 fif iha Wlr. : Beginning at n Iightwood knot by nlonc- road, Neill Freeman's fourth corner of a one I stray ed pine and pointer m the line of the acre tract, and runs thence along said road j original grant, 14 ehains from the noUh.;t South 15 East 5.13 chains to a stake on the i corner of said prant, and runs with the line edge of said Wire Grass public road opposite ' said grant north 55 1-4 wet 13.09 chain the end of a ditch, the besrinning corner of i to an iron pipe oh a ditch bank : then with a 43 1-2 acre tract of which this is a part;; and beyond said ditch about south 6 .1-2 west thence with the Davis line North 80.10 East) ' chains to a liphtwood stake m a black gum .70 chains to a stake in the line of Archie Pnd with black gum pointers ; thence south Davis : thence with said Davis' line North Z west o.5S chains to a Iightwood knot at a NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina, Robeson County. L. H. Caldwell vs. Owen Tire and Rubber Company. The defendant above named will ta'ce notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against said defendant oo the 17th day of May, 1921 by David H. Fuller. Recorder of Lumberton District, Robeson County. North Carolina, for the sum of One Hundrede Sixty-two and 65-100 Dollars, dui said plaintiff on account of breach of eon tract, for commissions and for defects ui certain goods sold the plaintiff, which surr. mons is returnable before the Recorder at his office at Lumberton, in Lumberton Township in said county, on the 20th day of June. 1921 The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment! was issued by said recorder on the 17th day of May, 1921 against the property of said defendant, which warrant was returnable before the said recorder at the time and place above named for the return of the summons, when and where the defena ant is required to appear and answer or remur to the complaint or the relief demanded will be granted. This 17th day of May, 1921. DAVID H. FULLER. 5-19-4 Thurs. Recorder Lumberton District MORTGAGEE'S BALH OF LAND Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by a certain mortgage deed dated the 15th day of Novem ber, 1919, from R. O. Sampson and wife Lizzie Sampson to Pates Supply Company, which said mortgage is duly recorded in Robeson County Registry in Book 46, page 278, the undersigned, by virtue of the power of sale and authority contained in said mortgage deed, will offer for sale and sell, for cash, to the highest bidder at public auction, in the town of Lumberton, at the court house door of Robeson County, N. C. on Saturday, the 25th day of June, 1921 at 12 o'clock m., tor the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, the following described lands conveyed in and by said mortgage deed, viz: In Robeson County, Pembroke Township, North Carolina, on the east side of Lumber River, Beginning at a stake in or near Lizzie T. Culbreth's line and runs as her line north 84 1-2 east 10 chains 'to a stake in the Samp son old line: then with it north 59 west 5.69 ehains to a stake in a pond; then south 84 1-2 west 11.47 ehains to a stake in Samp son s line; then as it south is east 6.81 ehains to the beginning, containing 6 acres. it being the same land conveyed by E. Samp son and wife Almena Sampson to K. u. Sampson, by deed dated Nov. 30, 1910, re corded in Book 5Z, page 157 Robeson County Registry. Said tract of land being fully described in id mortgage where recorded as aforesaid. and reference thereto is hereby made for a full and particular description of the same. This the 26th day of May, 1921. PATES SUPPLY COMPANY, Mortgagee. Place of Sale : Court-House door. Lumber- ton. N. C. Time of Sale: Saturday. June 2-t, 1921. 12 o'clock m. Terms of Sale: Cash. 5-26-4. Thurs. NOTICE OF SCHOOL HOUSE BOND ELECTION Notice b hereby given, that there has been called and will be held at the voting precinct in Sterlings Township, on Friday, the 16, day of July 1921. a special election to em brace the following described territory, to wit: Beginning at a point on Lumber River where Orrum and Sterling Townships) join, and runs thence about north-west with said Township lines to Hog Swamp : thence down Hog Swamp to Ashpole Swamp ; thence down said Ashpole Swamp to" Lumber River; thence up the various eoursese of Lumber River to the beginning, said school district to include all the lands in Sterlings Township, to ascertain the will of the people o f saht district as to whether or not the Board of Commissioners of Robeson County, shall issn and sell 825,000, of school house bonds, to run for a period of twenty years, and to bear interest at 6 per cent fer annum, payable semi-annaually, and to levy a special tax of thirty cents on the one . hundred dollars valuation of real and personal property and ninety cents on the poll. Notice is further given that there will be a complete new registration for said election, and that only those who register will be entitled to vote fas said election, and for that purpose Roger Pitman has been appointed as registrar, and Clyde Williams and J. W. Barnes have been appointed as poll holders. Notice is further given that the poll books will be open for the purpose of registering for said election from noon on the 8, day of June 1921, until sun set on Saturday, July t. 1921, Sundays excepted; and that on Saturday, the 11, IS, and 25, days of June and Saturday, the S day of July 1921, the said registrar will attend at the voting precinct in said Township from 9 o'clock in the fore noon until sun set tor the purpose of registering all who appear for that purpose. Notice is further given thai no one will be allowed to register for said election after the poll books close on Saturday, the 2. day of July 1921. and that at said election those who are in favor of issuing of said bonds and the levying of said special tax shall vote a ballot having printed thereon the words "For school house .bond, aad those who are opposed to the issuing of said bonds and the levying of said special tax shall vote a ballot having printed thereon the words "Against school house bonds.' This the 16th day of May. 1921. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ROBESON COUNTY, 5-19-5 Thurs. By M. W. Floyd. Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having Qualified as administrator of the) land of Joseph E. Smith, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against hie estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at Lumberton, North Carolina, or to his attor neys, Johnson sr Johnson, at Lumberton. North Carolina, on or before the 13 day of May. 1922. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the under signed. This the 13th day of May. 1921. D. W. BIGGS, Johnson ft Johnson, Administrator of Joseph E. Smith. Attorneys for Administrator. 5-16-6 Mon. Virginia & Carolina Southern Schedule P-M, 78: 64 : P.M.! A.M.! LEAVE 8:40!l0:OO! lv. Lumberton 8:57!10:06! lv. 9:00 10:121 lv. 9:00 10:12; lv. 9:20 10:32; lv. 79 Bee Gee Roziers Powers St Paul ARRIVE ar. ar. ar. ar. lv. Mis. 27 24 22 16 13 t AM. : 9:10! : J 8:45! : 8:38! : 8:27! : 8:13j P.M I 65 p.m. 6:25 6:14 6:10 6:0O 5:50 1:35 O .flA .VU 2:20 2:45 3:05 lv. lv. lv. lv. ar. Elizabetiitown Dublin Tar Heel Tobermory St. Paul ar. ar. ar. ar, lv. P.M.! 9:22 lC:55;iy. 9:30,10:42,' iv. 9:37;10:48!lv. 1.5U West 6.13 chains to a stake by a pine; thence North 53.30 East 4.25 chains to a stake in the Davis line thence South 80.10 West about 11.75 ehains to a stake in the line of Neill Freeman's one acre tract; thence ms Neill Freeman's line to the third comer : thence as his third line 2 chains to the Dsn, ginning corner, containing 7 acres. K. If. BRITT. 6-2-4 Thurs. . Commissioner point within said grant: thence south oi east 16 1-2 chains to a Iightwood stake: thence north 34 1-4 east 11.50 ehains to the beginning corner, containing 18.2 acres, and being the same tract or parcel of land fully described in Book of Deeds 6-U, at page 12, office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson County. This the 13th day of May, 1921. T. L. JOHNSON. 1-19-4 Than. Commissioner 9:45110:55 lv. ia.m'i i.m l. IV.Wiil.lVl IT. All P.M.I A.M.I Arrive St. Paul Oakland McMillan Roslin Hope Mills ar, ar. ar. Leave 41 33 27 18 13 12:05 11:40 11:20 10:55 10:35! 13 10 8 5 0 3:15; A M.i 8:091 : 8:02j : 7:55 : 7:45 : A.M.I : 5:47 5:40 5:34 5:27 5:17 P.M. Ve do not eTuarAntee time of arrival or departure of trains at station. For further information, phone or call on W. W. DAVIS GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, LUMBERTON, N. G

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