THE &OBESOHIAN, LUUBE2T0N, HOETH CAfiOLDfA TEURSDAY, JUNE 16, HfL PAGE nwt tJLM THE JiOBESOXJAN ! PERSONALS aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mmmmmmm mmm : ; " .' "IZ. I aaa I . U 1 'i '' " I I jm mhihmmmI ; I III , U Otict 107 West Fourth Street Telephone Na. 2tt. T2 Mr. M. B, Bobbins spent yesterday 1 in Wilrttirigton on business. Mr. K F. " Stone of Orrum was a visitor in town yesterday. Mr. J. Z. Stone of Mt. Elim was a Lumberton visitor Tuesday, i Mr, Edwin B. Meade of Danville. - -SI -'.:: m jva , is a gnest at the Lorraine hotel. Get tht m.ea thst W. . Thpw K Mrs. M. ' M. MeKinnon f McColl, toKive away. Read ttt kI in " g. C, is a guest at the home of Mrs. 1 J. H. Morrison. Miss Marjorie Steele left Tuesday tlllJRSDAY, JUNE 16, 1921. BUSINESS BUILDERS s.i. a l; i - TaluM Flue Repair, riie joints. leee. L' and ttacka. K. M. to- ' -' I for Raleigh, where she will attend a For Sale-Perch Swinca aarf Chair., Jtefritar- summer school. atom, on tov and ewything you need; Miss Monie Collios spent Tuesday to lurnUh your home D. G. Best son, Wilmington, returning home yes- t'nberton- terday morning. . , BARGAIN I N AUTOMOBILE-- Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jenerette of SCRIPPS-BOOTH 5-PASSENGER 1 Marietta were among the shoppers TOURING GOOD AS. NEW, RUN . in town Tuesday. LESS THAN. 3,000 MILES. FIVE; Mr. G. S. Harrell and son. Master GOOD TIRES. -ONLY REASON j Luther, of the Rennert section iwere FOR SELLING, OWNER NEEDS , Lumberton visitors Tuesday. LARGER CAR. WILL SELt AT A j Mr. H. M. McAllister returned yes BARGAIN. APPLY AT ROBESON-; terday morning from Baltimore, IAN OFFICE OR ADDRESS "J", where he spent a few days on busi CARE ROBESONIAN. frt.. Mary Elizabeth Shaw went For Bale Rccisterca', ptHgnti an tuber- j yesterday morning to Wilmington, uiin te.tea jer.ey cow; , where she will spend some time visit. now giving about four gallons per day, iw. - . . . -One registered Jersey Bull calf three months mg friends. M m,ttw mMiimHi out of R of M daril M ware f a VAwniAa on1 Tl V aired by Clem.on College bull. (Dam and f p 1 ollrnp,T;il, wrt .ire famou. Shanklin herd of Camden. S. C.&eaiey 01 K. 1, BarneSVl lie, were Breeding on request. Maxton, N. C. $80. L. B. Martin, Wanted Ten (ood hand. t do work on farm, plow, cut wood, ditch, haul log., any kind of work. We furnish good house, to live in. pay fair prices weekly: Wanted to Duy twenty hogs, .mall ones preferred. Home Land and Seed Co., Dunn, N. C. For Bale Your choice ef two freeh cowa. Differing in age and price but each fine blood and a good milker. Calve, thrown in. R. Walter Townsend, Raynham, N. C. OLD HATS MADE NEW Panama., atrawa, felts, velours, Bancock.. Leighorn. and Milan, worked over. Out-of-town cuatomer. can mail hate in the first of week and call for them Saturday.. - Sanitary Preasmg Club. Cleaner, and preaser., phon 162, Lumberton, N. C. Wanted U bay bank and cotton mill atock.. Address with pi and Bonds A. D. Address wilh price and offering, "Stocks 1 It j . v It - V tin Sweet Potato Storag. Bovm, Bradley-Wibaa .ystem, In use for yean, now onerea on a reaaonable royalty Daato. E. F. Murray Tjaurinburg, N. C. H For 8ak At Reaaabla Price Freah Jersey cow with young heifer calf. U. H. Caldwell. WANTED PAINTING .ND UPHOLSTERING We are prepared to rive you the best in this line of work, at prices in keeping with the times. Top makincr specialty. Work guaranteed. Jennings Motor Company, Carthage, N. C "The Beat Service", Is ear hstta. Everything clean and sanitary. When hungry give as a call. Olympia cafe. Elm street, Lum berton. -. " Get year Seed Velvet and Beja beans nt L. H. Caldwell's Let Grantham Bros. Fill Your Prescrip tions. Cost You Less r On The Corner. Wanted Cattea Mill Stack and Bank Stack. W. A. Roach at National Bank of Lumberton. PLUMBING KEPAIB WORE AJfD PLUMB, ing of all kinds, ph?h for acetylene plant and Deleo systems, eta. Work solicited any wher. in the county. Prompt artentiosk Efficient Service. Office: Cor. Chestnut and atb Sta. Phone 17. G. B. Kirkmaa I OThrtm. W C. Seventy-five thousand good brick on hand, Red Cedar shingles, Red Ce der weather-boarding and other building1 supplies. See us. L. H. Caldwell. among the visitors in town Monday afternoon. Mrs. W. J. Thompson returned this morning to her home at Marion, S. C, after spending a few days here visit inf friends. Mr. W. B. Covington, county road superintendent, spent the week-end at Rockingham with his family, return ing Monday. Mrs. A. B. Beasley and small son, Bernard, and Miss Margaret Odum of Pembroke were among the visitors in town Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and, Mrs. J. D. Bullock and three daughters, Misses Bertha, Es. ther and Ruth, of R. 1, Fairmont, were among the 'visitors in town Tues. day:, -v. ,w - .'.. . Miss Edith Markham of Jackson prings is a guest at the home of her rother : and - sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Markham, East Fifth street. She arrived Tuesday. -l THE RECORD OF DEATHS. DuRn's KcKuleta ere recommeniled by many DEATH AND FUNERAL OF MRS. CLARISSA J. MERCER ByiEm. Fleming Mrs..- i,iarisRg-j- mwr wifa Mr.'Rowland Mercer. Jr.k of the Bel larriy section, passed to her reward Monday and was buried Tuesday in the family cemetery, in the midst of a large concourse of relatives and friends. The funeral services were conducted from the residence by her pastor, Rev. J. T. Tyner and concluded at the grave by the writer, who was a former pastor. Deceased was born June 21, 1873', the daughter of JJr. and Mrs. George Branch,; the mother . surviving. She was married to Mir. Rowland Mercer, Jr., September 211893, Una to them were born two sons and one daughter, who together with their father, sur vive. She joined the church earlv in life and at the time of her death, aUd many years before was a member of the church at Singletary's - Cross Roads. She was a faithful member, and was one of the most consecrated Christian women we ever knew. She was devoted to her home and her tender ministries in the community win De greauy missed. "Verily her Picnic Supper in Honor of Miss Mary I Keister. Reported for The Robescnian. On Tuesday evening, June 14th,; Mrs. Mike Caldwell and Miss Louise Townsend were joint hostesses at a picnic supper given in honor of Miss Mary Keister, guest of Mr. and Mrs., 5. Y. Caldwell. f The guests were met a the front! walk of the Caldwell home by Miss Townsend and shown to the oak grove overlooking the river. Here they werei received by Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell, j When all the guests had arrived,; tney were invited to the summer, house, where a bountiful picnic sup per was spread. - From here they were invited to a unique well from which Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Baker . drew refreshing lemonade, while Mt. arid t Mrs. S. F. Caldwell served cake. t , , j String music rendered by Messrs. Woodberry Lennon, Adrian Britt and' Robert Caldwell and Dr. M.,A-.Wad-; dell was enjoyed throughout the even-! ing. ...... . j aneasHsssawaaa. I Miss Katheryn Ratley of Fairmont Becomes Bride of Mr. W. H. Kelly of Wilmington. Miss Katheryn Ratley and Mr. Wil. Jim H. Kelly, the latter of Wilmiir,--' ton, were married last evening at 6: 30 at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ratley, in Fair mont. Yesterday's Fairmont Review in mentioning the marriage in ad vance, stated that the ceremony was o be performed by Rev. W, F. Tray wick and that immediately' after the ceremony the couple would board train at ITI- 14- 17-11 ; ..j with the American Molasses Co. of iTi are among the vl8itor "J STRONG, SURE, WW. Assurance and re-assurance are worth while in these times . These are days that call for clearness of vision. These are days when the SINCERITY OF A BANK'S SPOKEN WORDS AND PRINTED UTTERANCES are subjected to the severest tests. A puzzled pub lic wants advice upon which it can rely, and Co-operation to which it can pin its financial faith. Our service is meeting the tests. U MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK The Planters Bank & Trust Company The original Farmers Bank Resources over one-half million dollars. n I ', 1 . . ; . - For dyspepsia, our national ailment. us Burdock Blood B!ftcrs. RMommnidfd for trencthrninK destion. purify ins; the blood. At all druj; atoren. $1.25 a bottle. Messrs. J. H. and B. B. Inman of Wilmington. Church Note. CHURCH.... ... ..... Presbyterian, Dr. G. E. Moorehouse, Minister, Correspondence of The Robesonian. Sabbath school every Sabbath morning at 9:30. All members of the church would do well to attend. W. K. Bethune, superintendent. - Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Ser.:, mon theme: "True Worship." Sirening worship at 8 o'clock Ser Jtheme: "Busiass Religion Reli. gious Business." Mid-week service Wednesday at 8 p. hi,,, Subject: "The Sealing of the Saints." Rev. VII. AH Presbyterians in town and vicin-. ity are expected to attend these servi ces, btrangers' and visitors, and all who have rib regular church affilia tion in town4 are cordially invited to share with us all the services "and privileges cf this, bouse of piayer. town today. Catholic Services Correspondence of The Robesonian. ' St.' Francis de Sales chapel East Fifth street: Sunday at 8 a. m. Holy mass: 8 o. m. Rcsary, sermon.- prayers and bene diction. . Monday at 7 a. m. Holy mass. Coh: fessions before each mass. Everybody cordially invited and wel come to all the services. Seats free. Special Program at East Lumberton Methodist This Evening. A special program will be civen bv the children of East Lumberton at the East Lumberton Methodist church this evening (Thursday) at 7:45. The vhn say thoy operate easily, without BripinK 1 ...:.u,.4 U.I afin tfla Rfl nil iIi-uk tor . j .Phillips, J. R. Mercer, M. F. Bryan, t. ivi. rarnen, v. t Wance, and C. R. price was above rubies " Wp fuel , u l .to. mi like it can be truthfunv iH?f fi S" J"11 C?"S,ist of son' the she is not dead, but asleep. ihe pallbearers were Messrs. E. R. LIQUOR CAR NEGROES ' OVER TO 'COURT . . (Continued From Page 0ie) I tool it'out. He was driving the car when the officers stoDiwM him. Ha asked them about which way to get . ijuiuuei 1011 -lO.go lO LTlllOn. Wells was in the front seat with him and (Trice and Roc-ef vr a ! in. tm rear seat ; He heard orie of tne otficers tell the other to search the bfe netero. Well . naid "warxh jilell.f. and he heard a pistol fire. He I started th Car nd ran no-ninaf a hrign f iogt on Elm " street. Berinie Jtogefg then took the wheel and drove the ear to Fayetteville. James said he drove the car away to keep from gtfttftig killed. Wells first pointed the pistol at McGM and fireT and then j fired at Boyle. He also told of some! tire trouble and said fhey took a tire off one wheel and drove on to , Fayetteville on the rim. He was along when Wells was left at the home of a negro about seven miles beyond Fayetteville and went back to Fay etteville on the car. Bennie Rogers cn Stand Bought r WihisJiey- from Truck. JJannie Rogers testified that he owned the car in which they were riding. That he went to Fayetteville to fee fahout, . putting on a transfer thefe. He just' took the three men aloag. He Baw Wells buy the whis key! bought it from some men on" truck seven or eight miles this side of Fayetteville. The truck was stopped by the side of the road and he stopped and asked the men if he could assist them. Grice and James were asleep at the time. The men asked him if he wanted to buy some liquor and he told them he had no money. He then told Wells about the COMPLETE STOCK SASH GLASS OILS - DOORS PAINTS BUILDER'S HARDWARE SCREEN. POORS . SCREEN WINDOWS N.: Jacobi Hardware Co. WILMINGTON, N. C. Spring and I Summer 'Millinery I 4L VA ava xva avx A v a a v a AjfiA As)A Ay.A AJktA K3i Inangarating the new Fashion Season with characteristic display of the most exclusive and authentic idemt. MISS JOSEPHINE BREECE NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF BANK- Mercer ' i?i;tt stock. i Ni'lirf i- hi-ti-y Kiven tht the urclersiKni'r Trustee of the Connelly Company, Bankrupt, : will on ?.l..nlay, tht- 27th ljsy of June. .1921, 1 nt twelve nVW'i noon, nt the Whole a'e . Whifh;.i r t.f ll-.p Connelly Convppny, Lumber- 1-n. N. C, cii'.f for nale. fit public p.uction, to ' thi' hiwiet hid lfr, for cash, fill the Koods, j wans anil m reh.indii-e (;fecry knd and di'acription now on hand and forming the ! p'xh-k 01 me sai'i t onneny eonpany, aiso, an Dr. David Humphrey, Son of Mr. Richard H umphrey of Saddletree, Passes Away in West Inde,s. Mr. Richard Humphrey of the Sad dletree section received a message Tuesday advising him of the death of his son, Dr. David Humphrey, in the furniture and fixtures and all and single j ne VVest inaies. Dr. Humphrey Was of the Kuoda ami chattels of said bankrupt : in the government service. No estate. A full and complete invcntoiy of said bank rupt stock, together wth the fixtures, can be S'H-n by applying to the underniirned Trustee at the Connelly Company's place of buness on iHt street m the I own of Lumberton. invited. Sale 8ub.ict to onfirmation by U. S. Referee in Bankruptcy. This the 14th day of June, 1921. 6-19 2t A. V. G. WISHART. Notice ! TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: a: 1 . r 1 1 1 y particulars 01 nis aeatn were given in the cablegram. Request was made that the home for interment. Dr. Humphrey i ccunt,y. advised him that he had not tions. Bible drill, .etc., and will be ,, eV,c V"1 n,g l0, S)1 nim tne wh,sKey ' Wells bought three eallons and s fare workers. The pubiic is cordiallv ! ?uarLior and promised to pay mm to cany it to Florence on the 1 car. They did net drink any of the I whigkey. He was asleep and the f ir- ing ot thP pistols wake him. The 1 car was moving off when he waked, j After the car started Wells urged him 10 uuve on. a iter ne lett Wells in Cheer that a half-ernn n-f 4 V..i nnii . . 1 - " ' " ' J 1 1 " t' . j v 1 w aiiu tut- 1 i , .... " ton will bring more monev this vear!";u n.ot know Wells had a pistol be- SEEN AND HEARD (BY HAPPY JACK) up! It is generally agreed ! he "'Jntry he went to Fayetteville lalf-crop of tobacco and eot-i1,?. gt Victor. He testified that he than a whale of a crop. was about 40 years old and is survived 1 s,een 1ia card in the PaPer of late and by his widow and several children. His family were visitin gin the States at the time of his death. De ceased was a first-cousin of Messrs. K. M., Jno. T. and D. W. Biggs of Lumberton. Mrs. Humphrey and children who had been visiting at the home of her father, Mr. J. T. Bland, at Burgaw, since May 16, were guests at the home of Dr. Ifumrjhrey's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Gra ham, at Rennert, when news of Dr. Humphrey's death was brought to Fire Insurance Policies Nos. 126 to '150 r inclusive of the Lumberton, MivrfVi Carolina Afenov of triia Otm. pany have been lost in transit from teea.byM.r- ?-la"Vnd the office of the Northwestern Nation al Insurance Conipany at Milwauke9, Wisconsin, to Mr. Q. T. Williams' agency at Lumberton, North . Caro. lina, and this is to notify an j pereons (holding said contracts, that same are void and- of no effect. :.v : NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Q. T. WILLIAMS, AgentJ - OXFORD COLLEGE OXFORD, N. C Founded 1850 , Hlf h $ool and College Courses .',t Speceial Cos r sea i. it Music . a . r Art Pedagogy r Hone Economies r ' Conaiercial Banches , and Exareofiibn '' 1 ' APPLY FOR CATALOGUE F.P.HOBGOOI Dr. Thomaa UWM burm, acakia, brataea. ttrus atorca. (returned to Burgaw with Mr Bland tne same day. Dr. Humphrey was stationed at Montserrat and died June 10th. "He was a nephew of the late Prof. J. B. Carlyle, who for many years was an honored member of the" faculty of Wake Forest college. ; V Mrs. Mariah Musselwhite. - Mrs. Mariah Musselwhite, aged about 83 years, died Monday at ber home in" Howellsville township, death resulting from the infirmaties of old age. vThe funeral was conducted Tuesday at 11 a. m. and interment made in the family cemetery, near the home. ' - ,-. The hearing on the Linney case has been set for Friday, June 24, in the Senate judiciary committee room in the capltol building at Washington. 1 ',D K. Taylor, prominent and suc cessful farmer and former chairman of. the Cumberland county board of Commissioners, fell dead Monday at the home of a tenant on his land in Cumberland. . Statesville voted 1150,000 school bonds 'Tuesday with practically no opposition. 1 id tnlV.'f ,'i jrri'- ..... t iflt Few, 1ms iiwn avwara mam aaurippc, wr Money ref made- thought he had quit the isure, it pays to advertise. ! fore he fired it I On cross examination Roeers said A Lumberton lawyer was moved to ! e had en in,fl.iC,ted at Florence for place his professional card in The sportjng whiskey just three days Robesonian when a citizen of. the!fcre t,he si"?g her?; He was men uiiuei' it ifow Dona, ne naa Deen indicted twice for speeding and once for shooting a colored man. He had also teen arrested once for gambling, James Grice Testifiex James Grice testified that his home wa$ at Savannah, Gai, and that" he was vvisiting in Florence. He knew Kogers and Rogers asked him to make the trip with him to Fayetteville. ' He went to sleep soon after they left Fayetteville and when he waked- he heard the officers talking about the whiskey - Hrthe car. -McGill ordered hhn to., get Out-of .the ear and he had made "a move to get out when htf heard the first shot fired. He then fell back into the car. Grice denied knowing when the liquor was placed in the car and said he did not krmw Lumberton I it was in the car before the officers found it. He also testified that he had never been in any trouble before except when he ran an automobile against a buggy in Florence a few If you haven't, you might as well take 'em off. Summer is here. What has become of the young man who took 'er to ride i a buggy ? RESULTS TEUT Grand Prize for Men Grand Prize for Ladies . -t a', tk 4t.'MR ta 17 Jewel HAMILTON WATCH 16 size 21 Jewel Hamilton There Can Be No Doubt About the Results in Lumberton. . Results tell the tale, All doubt is removed, The testimony of a citizen Can be easily investigated What better proof can be had ? B. N. Brigman, 600 First St.. Lum berton, says: "Spme years ago I got I days before the shooting. down with my back and kidneys. My back ached all the time and I felt so tired out I could hardly go. I think over work caused this trouble. When I tried to bend over, sharp knife-like pains would hoot through me and I could hardly straighten. Mornings I felt all tired out and was lame and sore. My kidneys didn't act properly j anu me secretions contained bnck-dust-like sediment were painful in pa saage; Finally; I got Doan's Kidney Pills and began taking 'them. One box madejrnji 'back strong .again and regulated my kidneys. I have had no trouble since Doan's cured Price 6O0, . a'j alls dealers. Don't simply askor; kidney remedy-r-t Doan's Kidney Pills the same "that Mr. Brigman had. Foster-Milburn Co., MfrsBuf hi!o; Ni Y. - " Rub-My-Tism is a great pain killer. Relieves pain and serenes. Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Ac V Wells Admits Buying the Liquor and uomg the Shooting. Jim Wells told of leaving Florence, being asked by Rogers to go with him on the trip to , Fayetteville. He did not know why Rogers was going to Fayetteville, He admitted buying the whiskey, stating that he bought it. from, some men oajt truck between Fayefteville and Parkton. Rogers tld him about. the men having the whiskejr. arfj that he' might 'make a good -trade.- He paid $10 for three gallons and one auart. Intended to take h -whiskey home for his own use. He denied telling Rogers that he wouM pay.him 4Q to take the whis key .home. y v ' Wella admitted firing two jshots at the officers: v He said he was asleep arrd'wheir he arwoke- th- of fieers were standing about the cajr. djd not &9l$? .they- were and. thought they had been held up. He testified that McGill firctf'at him at the same fjfmm km fired upon MGiIL After the car moved off 'he 'heard 'shooting be- 'BaBaaaa Diamond Ring Second Prize $5.00 GOLD PIECE THIRD PRIZE. JUNE, The LAST MONTH of THIS CONTEST Come in, and look at the Prizes to be given away. It will not cost you a cent to look them over, and the coupons are absolutely fret. Buy $1.60 to $2.00 worth of anything you need, in my store for $1-00 and get the coupon, which will give you a chance at one of the Prizes, and the coupons are worth 3c Teach... Why not try your luck, when it does not cost you - anything whatever. A. J. HOLMES Jeweler Lumberton, N. C. wBsBBBBBnValjHfiSSsJn LOW ROUND TRIP RATES TO WIL : MINGTON AND WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH :'' Commencing Saturday, Jane 11th, and continuing until Sept. 3rd, 192L the Seaboard Air Line By. Co. will sell each Saturday, tickets from Lumberton, to Wilmington, N. C and rteurn. timioed to Mon day following date of nale, for $3.33, war tax, 27cts total $3.60. ;. Spend two-dayt and two nights on the Beach. E. E. Hunter, DPA, WilmiBftou, N. C A.P.MitcheU, Agent, Lumberton N. C hind. ?vWell said that he and the' other negroes had' not talked about shooting an officer "before the shoot ing and that he had no idea of shoot-, ing and would not have shot had be known -that McGill and Boyle were officers. Wells said he was born in' Georgia and denied that he had served 9 years in the tate pnson in Georgia. fof 'murder.' ' '- ...Wells and Grice "are 'hefi'yrbifilt negroes, while James and Rogers, are .dfj srriall statue. Wells 'looks -1 bo around 4$ years; WddMha h ;nean look" upon his face; Jl other he groe ppea t.'he. 'around SO" year old. All are married, according to th videiiee, vaseept itogrs -.

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