THE EOBTSOHIAK, LUUBESTOIT. ROETH CAROMTA THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1921. PAGE ESVZZX FORCED TO LAY OFF FROM WORK Restaurant Man Wouldn't Swap Gind Tanlac Did Him For Best Hotel In State, He Say. "I wouldn't wap the good health Tanlac has given me for the finest hotel in the State," said C. N. Chisholm, of 417 N. E. Fourth St, Charlottesville, Va., pro prietor of a restaurant on Water Street, near the Chesapeake A Ohio railroad station. "Why. the medicine has built me up twelve pounds in weight and put me in the very best of health, Jwrf I got hold of it I was m mighty badl shape I was working in Philadelphia, , whi d b their pnt. and t0 and suffered so much from nervous- fnin from ; to the movie8 til nesa i and indigestion that I got in a th reach the of 21 terribly run down condition My I gU robbery. of a.local 8tore stomach was so disordered that I felt tin dg and wearing in nauseated most of the i time, wd 1;, , Th th t bloated until I could hardly get my idea frmf a 'Bcenthey hadVit breath. My head ached constantly neMed in a movi kture attacks of dizziness that at times they almost blinded me. I was so nervous I trembled like a leaf and I could never get a good night's sleep. My whole system just seemed to be worn to a frazzle and I was losing three or four days a week from my work. I tried everything I knew of " , . . y . " GET OUT A POLICY And do it now. Fires are disastrous and delays are dangerous. You can't bring back what is consumed by Fire Yon can though, Be Reimbursed on Your Fire Loss If it's one of our companies. Premiums on doubtful poli cies is money thrown away Be sure and insure with us. Q. T. WILLIA MS, Lumberton, N. C. MAKE THIS BANK YOUR -BANK. WE GIVE YOUR BUSINESS PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. The Bank of Proctorville PROCTORVILLE, N. 0. W- R. ETJRLES, President ( A ft - a I The following New Goods have just been received. 1 lot Ladies Oxfords and Pumps. Several Pieces Taffeta. Pretty Assortment Cheap Voile. 1-2 Case the latest patterns in high- grade Ginghams. 1 Lot Trousers for llen and Boys. 1 Small lot Sun Hats for Men and Women. 1 Lot Black and White Checked and Blue Serge Caps. Let us serve you. E. LUMBERTON, N. C. PHONE GOOD BREAD - That's the kind you get at the LUT.IBERTON BAKERY A complete line of good things to eat, includ ing a full line of Fancy Groceries. LET US SERVE YOU. ,. G. B. CROMARTIE, Proprietor. Tnone71. in the way of medicine, but kept get-, tine worse until I decided to leave i Philadelphia and came to Charlottes ville, my old home. "After 1 had been here for several : i l x ii: 1 f i muniim wiidi ui gelling any uciicr i 'ran across Tanlac, and three bottles of the medicine put me in fine shape. The first bottle set my stomach in order and the other' two continued, to build me up until I gained twelve pounds in weight and am enjoying the very best of health. I never have to miss a day from my work now, and it is due entirely to Tanlac that I am feel ing so .fine." Unusual Sentences for Juvenile Law breakers, police court v . -nntitfnl nffnAm to Three small boyg convicted in juve nile court at Tampa, Fla., . Saturday of having entered a hardware store, were sentenced by Judge Petteway to save enough money to buy a pocket knife for, each boy in the local chil dren's heme. The court ordered that the knives should be purchased from the store the culprits entered. L P. GRAHAM, Cashier s NO. 80 i . ... AQO Of RrtSarl 1VUIC3 Ul IXUO.U To Be Built In State At Once Contracts Totaling $7,000,900 Will be Let by Chairman Page in Next Few Weeks Total, cf. $18,000,000. of Roads Approved for Building With. in First Year of New Commission. Immediate construction on 4i2 miles of roads in North Carolina, costing over $7,000,000, has been ordered by the State Highway Com mission, an much of the road will be completed and put into service before the end of the summer. Every dis trict in the State, and almost every county in the State, is included in the list of projects approved for im mediate construction. Altogether the commission has ap proved the building of more than J8 million dollars worth of road, with a total of more than 1,000 miles, since reorganization was effected following the enactment of new road legislation by the last session of the General Assembly. Limitation of material supply and construction forces make it necessary to give some roads pre ference. As near as possible, construction will proceed simultaneously in each of the nine districts, with an equalized distribution of State money. Many of the counties .in the State have come in under the Guilford-Forsyth resolution, and in some instances this fact gives one distric a larger im mediate mileage than others. Parti cularly is this so of the Sixth district, which will complete the Charlotte Statesville road, hard surfaced for 43 miles, at a cost of approximately lr. 290,000. " Counties Will Help. Under the Guilford-Forsyth resolu tion, counties desiring immediate work on roads may build them under the di. rect supervision of toe State, the contracts being let by the . State. nd i tiA Viinfi -.... lL'-jar. the counties' wy.u. invct, . will reimburse the county at its own convenience', when bonds are sold or Other funds are availble. Many of the counties have come in under that arrangement, which makes possible the immediate building of many roads. Construction has been distributed, in so far as possible, to bring the whole Stat6 within communication. Many- projects, particularly in the western districts, were let several weeks ago, after the second session of the commission here, and are not included in the list of roads laid out for immediate building. Work on many of them is already under way. Wide difference in cost as between east and west districts have developed on account of grading and availability of material. In the east an excellent gravel road is being built at an ap proximate cost of 5,000 to 17,000 per mile, while in the west the same type of road costs a minimum of $10,000. In the east the cost of a mile of hard surface road is approximately the same as the cost of the same road in the west, despite the heavy grad ing in the latter, because of the fact that rock and other material is avail able on -the spot, or very near. Raleigh News and Observer. Among the roads to be built im mediately are the following" in this district, the third, of which Robeson is a part: Third District Sampson - Cumberland Bridge across South river. Brunswick New Berlin to Colum bus county line, 14.5 miles, gravel road. Columbus Taking up above road at Brunswick-Columbus line, thence to Waccamaw station, 23 miles, gravel road. Pender-Onslow East-west line, ap proximately 30 miles terminating at Dixon, gravel road. OUT SMYRNA WAY. Community Loses One of Its Best Young Women in Death of Mrs. Kenneth Lamb Scant Clothes and Prayermeeting Thoughts Personal Correspondence of The Robesonian. Lumberton, R. 4, June 13. Rev. R. L. Byrd filled his regular appoint ment here Saturday and Sunday. He preached a strong sermon each time. We are very sorry to report the death of Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, whose condition was thought to be favorable until a short time before her death Saturday p. m. By her death this community has lost one of its best young women. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Bullock at tended preaching here Sunday. Mr. rowier Prevatt attended preaching Sunday. Miss Letha Stone was a visitor at the home of Mr. E. McQ. Rowan Sun. day. Mr. and Mrs. D. S, Wilkins were visitors near here Sunday. Some might think it foolish, but I saw a joke in a certain newspaper like this : When a girl comes down the street or in public with hardly enough clothes on to make the tail for a kite, how can you expect a fel low to have prayermeeting thoughts? Fourth-Class Postmaster Examina tion in Lumberton July 2. The United States Civil - Service commission has announced an exam ination to be heLj at Lumberton on July 2, as a result of which it is expeted to make certification to fill a contemplated vacancy in the posi tion of fourth-class postmaster at Tar Heel, and other vacancies as they may occur at that office, unless it shall be decided in the interests. of the service to fill the vacancy by reinstatement. The compensation of the postmaster a this office was $256 for the last fiscal year. . Hon Wrt wttbeot mtion V HUNT'S OOAIANTBED KIN DfBKASS REMEDIES (HnC( alr aoJ Soap t.fatil in Mm limnl .fitch, EcMm, tUm 4ntmt. Try tbia r-V2L ii jri n rcsat J. D. McMILLAN & SON, DrurgisH FLORESTON SHAMPOO ffmrrs a soft crrtoT lather taat cruarr4 ftm l.alr uxl scalp. Remorts all dirt aadl dandruff, nik tb hu- anft, fluffy Da pmj u ao up. cue. ai umcsusu,or ejr null Hlaeoi Cbemlcal Worfes.ratcaogne, - T I Shannon Colored School Closing. Correspondence of The Robesonian. A program for 2 evenings was rendered and a ball game each day and a gold and silver contest between number of the students. Jesie Gra ham won in the gold contest $2.50; Ernest McRae won in the silver eon test, $1.50. Splendid exercises, all present enjoyed them. The faculty Prof. George C. Murphy, principal, Mrs. E. C. Murphy and J. G. Dunn, assistants, made it pleasant for all and were faithful to their task. Each one of the faculty has been elected for next year. They had charge-of the Reading circle at Red Springs and Shannon and had 9 successful meetings. About 20 students will enter the 7th grade next year. The industrial work of the school was excellent. An entertainment was given to raise money to buy material for industrial wbrk for the school. A flue was built for the school's cook stoves and a teacherage bedrocm. Because of the low price cctton the committeemen i made benches to seat the school. Prof. George C. Murphy has orders from I the community for mattress making next year. We highly appreciate what the : honorable board of education and the people of Shannon have done to make the school a success. I Prof. George C. Murphy, principal, I and Mrs. fc,. C. Murphy have returned to their home at Southern Pines, where they will open up their post work till the summer school opens and expect to attend summer school at Hampton, Va. Jannie G. Dunn re turned to her home at Favetteville .awVpfctsao Attfndy the summer JshooJna: Fayetteville.' The suner- visor of rural schools, Ethel Thomp son, has visited the school. Health officer, Dr. Harding, visited us and vaccinated the school. W. S. SMITH, Rennert. The Monkey Rum Business. To the Editor of The Robesonian: Just want to write a short peice about the monkey rum business. I read a peice from Fairmont that said some old men, as well as young, were being carried to hell by the filthy stuff, but it seems as if more old grey-headed men with one foot al ready in the grave are visiting the swamps. Isn't it a shame to see so many old men and young ones too. drunk on the mess and going the pub lie highways and no doubt many a dear moth : has gone to her grave i heartbroken because husband or son is a drunkard and no doubt have been cursed by the husband who is drunk and unconscious of what he is doing ; and if it wont for the nasty tness he l wouldn't do it and it is awful to see a young man drunk and can't walk straight but so many are leading them into this great sin. Fathers, what do you mean by leading a son or daughter to a drunkard's hell? It is time and high time something is being done to clear the State of the nasty mess. G. B. Orrum, N. C. R. 1, June 10, 1921. IDIGESTK Relief obtained in stantly by taking PERPETUATE the sacred memories of those of your lored ones who hare passed by the erection of an endur ing MEMORIAL. Let us assist yon in the choosing of an appropriate de sign. Lczberton Marble Works, J. BL Fiord. Proorietor -Kt-,-r- r- r ,i ml m T " East Second St. Lnmberton, N. Q rLook more slender-have real comfort in iScnJ- cemi CORSETS sfKL rERE is a corset that will It make you look 10 to IS pounds lighter, make your gowns and dresses always look charming and fit right yet give you comfort and support that is really a delightful lur prise. GRACEFUL STOUT CORSETS can be had in either front lace or back lace. They fit right and feel right from the very first hour you wear them. A skilled corsetiere will be glad to let you try them on and explain the splendid features of this remarkable corset, with out any obligation to you. John T. Biggs ROBESON COUNTY NEARLY EVERYBODY READS THE ROBESONIAN EE l0 Did you know that you could not afford to taJce the risk? It would be far more difficult for you to raise the money now to rebuild than it would have been a year ago- A fire insurance policy with us will protect you. Every man with outstanding obligations should have an equal amount of LITE insurance then some. We represent the JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE COM PANYA home company, appreciating home conditions; and there is none better. H. M. McALUSTER, General Agent IRA B. TOWNSEND, Manager. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. HORACE M. BAKER Announces the change of his office from the Cotton "Mill building, Cor ner Elm and Second streets, to. the BAKER SANATORIUM, comer Fourteenth and Chestnut streets. Dr. Maurice A. Waddell DENTIST Of fie,. Second Floor Cotton Mill Of-fie- Building, Elm and Second Sta. LUMBERTON, N. C. 4? CHARLOTTE LUMBER COMPANY A. COLLINS, Manager Charlotte, N. C All kinds of hard wood and pine lunt ber, rough and dressed. Red Cedar Shingles in transit at all times. DAVID H. FULLER Attorney at Law Office en first floor Planters Bank A Trvst Company Building LUMBERTON, N. C DR. C M. FLOWERS Grand oate Yeterinarian .. Office White's Stables Phones: Office Ne. 17; Residence Ne, S46W. Calls answered day and night. DR. & B. McXAY DENTIST Office en fir it floor of The Nations Bank ef Lumberton Bailding. PHONE 2t3. T. A. mUHDVL, Jr. . 0. KACKnT, J UcjTETXL & HACEETT Atterneys-At-Lnw. IN- , Woodberry Lennon ATTORNEY AT LAJV Lumberton, N. C Offices over First National Dank.' JUNIUS J. GOODWIN , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office on ground floor McLeod Bldg Opposite Robesonian Office. A. W. McLean Dickson McLean L. R. Varter H. E. Stacy McLEAN, VARSER, McLEAK & STACY. Attorney! At Law. LUMBERTON, - North Carelln W. B. IVEY Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office on Second Floor Cotton MO) Office Building, Elm Street Lomberton, N. C DR. GRAHAM McLEAN DENTIST Second Floor Jones Building FAIRMONT, N. C. Stephen Mclntyrs R. C Lawrence: James D. Proctor Robt. A. Mclntyrej McUfTYBE, LAWRENCE ft PROCTOR, i Attorneys and Counsellors at Law LUMBERTON. N. C. Practice in State nod Federal Cooxtsj, Prompt attention given to all bnsinesm B. J. BRTTT and LUTHER J. BRTTTi Atterntys Practicing law under the firm name ol E. J. BRTTT ft CO with offices in the Pope Bnildiar Lomberton, N. C. Practice in both) State and Federal courts. Prompt Attention Given AH Business, DR. R.G. STONE i EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST; Honrs: J t te 12; 2 te S Appointments preferred Main St. . ; : Laurinburg. r. Or H Ml Johnson X.UMBEBTON, N. i Practice in State and Federal Courts Notary Public in Office. Offices sts First National Bank. Em