1105 ROBESONIAH, LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA :, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1921. PAG3 EIGHT 3. . r 1 miii"V-'ALvMiuuL.t'. m:nv.f.!.-.-i,-.i,Y.T, . . i. t! 1 BASE BALL j j t j BY "DICK" NORMENT J J3sEES33E35ZSiS5333s332 if HOW THEY HIT - Batting averages of local players to date, Including Camp Bragg game of STANDING OF CLUBS Win Lost, LUMBERTON 13 5 Parkton-St. Pauls .... 9 Fairmont 8 10 Camp Braggr . . 7 H Games Today. Fairmont here Bragg at Parkton Pet .722 .500 .444 .388 Games Friday Lumberton at Fairmont Parkton-St. Pauls at Bragg Games Monday Bragg here Fairmont at Parkton Parkton and St. Pauls Combine to Take Raeford's Place in ; Atlantic Coast League Expect to ' Have Full Strength in Field by Monday Local Club Has Won Every Game This Week. Parkton and St. Pauls. will4 take Raeford's place permanently in- the Atlantic Coast league. The ne$essa ry finances were raised at a maetvn at St. Paul last night, the two towns combining their resources to put a r cxtb in the race. Vance McMillan, who has been catching for the Lum berton club, will manage the new entryand four or five men will De hired, assuring a team in th class of the remaining three. The. new com ers expect to have their full strength in he field Monday. The local club won every game played this week. Parkton . was downed, Monday, 9 J;o 2 and Bragg was a 5 to 4 victim here ... Tuesdays l,$ftfim4 was by far the best e'xhibitfon-of the week. The soldiers threw a scare into the locals in the ninth, a wonderful catch by Vann in center, which he turned into a double play, preventing the tying and possL bly the winning run. Bull, Arnette and Vann's hitting featured the Parkton game, the cap. tain gettin? two triples and the othe era one each. An exhibition game with Fairmont here Wednesday resulted in an easy victory, 14 to 3. the locals scoring in every frame but one. Bull, McMil lan, McGirt, McNeill, Prevatt and Vann for the locals, hit for extra bases. Score by innings: LUMBERTON Ab. Hodgin, 2b. 4 Pulliam, 3b 2 Bull, ss 4 Arnette, lb 4 McGirt, If. 4 McNeill, if 4 Vann, cf. 4 Prevatt, c. 2 Burns, p TOTALS "32 Score by innings: R. 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 4 0 H. 2 0 2 3 2 0 1 0 0 o. 2 0 .3 8 1 1 3 9 0 A. 4 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 5 11 27. 11 . 3 Camp Bragg LUMBERTON? 002,000- 1104 ! 3101000 rox $ Summary: Three base hits. Hod gin, Vann. Two base hits, Bull, Ar nette, McGirt, Stanley, Stolea- bases odgfn and Baton. - Passed balr. Pre vatt (2), Platek (2) Base, on balls, off Kums, 3, off Toole 3. Struck out by Burns 10, by Toole 2. Earned runs Bragg 2, Lumberton 4 Left on bas es, Bragg 6, Lumberton 7. Double plays, Vann to Hodgin to Bull; Wat son to Stanley to Bacon. Time 1:50 Umpires Haynes and Prevatt. Parkton 2; Lumberton 9, LUMBERTON Ab. R. H. O. Hodgin, 2b.- 5 1 Pulliam, 2b 2 Bull, ss 5 Arnette, lb. 4 McGirt, p. '4 McNeill, rf 6 Vann, If. 5 Prevatt, c 3 Rogers, cf 3 TOTALS 1 0 2. 3 0 0 2 1 0 A. 3 2 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 E Fairmont . Lumberton R H E 100 101 000 3 8 4 421 102 31x 14 16 2 H. Floyd, Gardner and McKeithan; Vann and McMillan. Bragg 4; Lumberton 5. CAMP BRAGG. Ab. R. H. O. Sullivan, rf 5 Watson- 2b 5 Cameron, 3b 2 Stanley, ss 4 Bacon, lb. Platek, c Boyd, If McCutcheon, cf. Tolle, p TOTALS 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 12 3 2 0 1 35 i 7 24 15 2 PARKTON ., McDonald, ss 4 Herndon, if. .... 4 Williamson, 3b. ... 4 McMillan. V. c... 8 McMillan,D. lb. . . 4 Lancaster, 2b. .... 4 Ganady, p. ....... 3 Florence, cf. 3 Johnson, rf 3 TOTALS 32 Score by innings: . 35 9 9 27 10 VAb. R. H. O. A 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 4 27 9 6 LUMBERTON Parkton 000 221 2209 000 110 0002 Summary: Three base hits. Bull 2. Arnette, Vann. Bases on balls, off McGirt 1, off Canady 5. Struck out by McGirt 9, by Canady 5. Sacrifice hits. Pulliam, Arnette. Sacrifice fly, Mc Girt. Stolen bases, Herndon. McMil lan, V., Canady. Passed ball, Mc Millan. Double plays, Pulliam to Bull; Pulliam to Hodgin to Arnette; Canady to McDonald to McMillan. ... Sayre, Okla., June 14. Six nersons are known to have been drowned when they were caught in flood waters of Timber and Short creeks, after those streams had risen several feet during a cloudburst here yesterday. The creeks flow into the north fork of the tied River above this city. Byrus Wood of Pennsylvania has been selected by President Harding as Ambassador - to Spain, succeeding Joseph E. Wllliard. Tuesday, June 14. PLAYER G. Ab. R. H. Bufl i 18 74 20 30 Vann ........ 8 27 2 10 Arnette 18 62 11 23 Proctor ...... 16 i 15 22 McMillan .... 16 65 ' 16 22 Hodgin 2 9 2 3 McGirt 13 48 9. 13 English 2 8 0 2 Griffith ...... 15 63 14 15 Pulliam 18 64 12 14 McNeill 18 67 9 15 Floyd 4 , 10 1 2 Prevatt, R. . . 5 20 . 4 4 Prevatt, J 2 5 ' 1 , 1 Rogers 9 20 4 2 Burns 2 9 0 ( Efird's Heads Con fer On .Great Sale .1 Pet. .404 .396 .371 .344 .338 .333 .271 .250 .238 .230! .224 2W .200 .200 .100 .00 fully the sxea.tes&.saleintbe history of the south, 1 value largahw and high class publicity, are worth-while ractors in merchandising in quantities Mote Clipped from The Charlotte Evening News of June 13th. Capt S. B. Alexander Sr- former Congressman and aiatingulshedciti zen of Charlotte, died at his home in that city Tuesday. He was 81 years old. ;"; " :' " v " 7 Colonel .,Aibert,Cox of Raleigh was Darned president of the Alumni asso ciation of the State university Tues day "to. succeed R. D.JW. Connor, who will become professor- of "history at the State institution. Great Merchandising Chain Plans Mammoth Anniversary Chain Sale Mr. J. H. Teague, Manager of - Efird's Dept. Store of Lumberton Among Those Present: , ' , Efird's Store, always husy, is A vc-rital le hive of iTKili&tr this morn ing, with 42 of the managers and chief executives from everytore in the" chain of 31, present for .an extraor dinary conference with the president. The cause of the -gathering is the. perfecting of arrangements for an an niversary of the greatest merchandis ing sale ever held in the South, when, a year ago Efird's stores combined in a simultaneous effort to knock the props out of the high cost of living, and started a buying movement on the part of the public, dealing through the Efird stores, which resulted in the greatest outgo of merchandise and the greatest volume of sales, ever known in the history of the Efird depart ment stores. The combined sale last year was a colossal success both from the point of the public and the stores. Stocfco , ; "vOut Completely' on a falling market at bargain prices, the best given since before the war. and the Efirds' reputation was great ly enhanced with the buying public, who had become , weary of mounting prices. The sale last year was the first step in the direction of "back to normal," and ever since, the Efird policy has been to strain every nerve to restore stability to the dollar, and bring prices to pre-war levels. Will Eclipse Last Year. With a full realization of the diffi culty which will be experienced in making the sale on June 18th. as sue cessful as that of a year airo. Efirds' is determined not to rest on oast mer chandising triumphs, but to go to the public with such irresistible values and bargains, even in this year of .low prices, that there will be left, not 'one vestige of a shadow of doubt through-: out the broad territory which their 31 stores command, that Efirds' Anniver sary Chain Sale beginning on Junej jS, will surpass any effort at ranid economical merchandising, in thesis, tory of the entire South. It is with this object in view fiat 42 of the most alert merchandisers in the Carolinas are conferring today, determined to make the sale opening June 18 eclipse the wonderful selling, effort of last year. They know it will be difficult, but with lower prices than for years past, an organization perfected to the last degree, and a tremendous reserve buying power1 on the part of the public, these men know that they can put over success- 'Sj When there's M R Q (AIADDW baking to be done IN fact, the New Perfection Oil Cook Stove does alt kinds of cooking per fectly and economically. With a New Perfection Oven it is possible to bake the fluffiest of cakes and light, crisply' browned biscuits. Note the long blue chimney on each New Perfection burner. This provides a draught which drives clean heat pro ducedby the whitetippedflame forcibly against the cooking utensil, without sooting it. , Soot is simply good heat gone to waste. And remember that the white-tipped flame gives the most heat. Through the mica door in the chimney you can al - ways see the flame and wick and adjust them in a second. . NEW Busy housekeepers appreciate the small amount of attention that the New Per fection requires. No coal or wood to bring in, no ashes or litter to sweep up and take out. It stands up well above the floor and you can dust under and around it in an instant. Select the four burner si:e with cabinet, top and New Perfection Oven. It is made also in five, three, two and one-burner sizes for any who prefer them. You will always get perfect results from your oil stove if you use Aladdin Secur ity Oil it's pure kerosene. New Perfection Oil Cook Stores are sold at most department', furniture and lutrdware stores. STANDARD OILCOMPANY (NEW JERSEY) PERFECTION Me-o-my, how you'll take to a pipe and P. A. Before you're a day older you want to let the idea slip under your hat that this is the open, season to start something with a joy'us jimmy pipe and some V Prince Albert! Because, a pipe packed with Prince Alberi'satisnes a man as he was never satis fied before and keeps him satisfied! And, you can prove it! Why Pi A.'s flavor and, fragrance and coolness and its freedom from bite and parch (cut out by our exclusive pat ented process) are a reve lation to the man who never could get acquainted with a pipe! P. A. has .made a pipe a thing of joy to four men where one was smoked before! ' " ' V Ever roll up a cigarette with Prince Albert? Man, man but you've got a party coming your way! Talk about a cigarette smpke; we tell you it's a peach! h -fr frlnmm AIrf la 14 im wf rwf ka, tUy rmd tit. Ml ' - V) . ... ........ the national joy smoke imtha hmmidr with Cwrirfct last kr J. lUyaaM WUMtoa-SalM, N.C v - onibjf The Big ain Days. tM... ' During these 3 Big Days your dollars will have double purchasing power and the goods that we offer is newseasonable goods that you need right now. ty----i ; Ti . We want you to come and come prepared to buy for our prices are going to be so low and the quality so good you just can t resist. , Saturday all Day we will sell Granulated Sugar (not less than 10 lbs or over 50 7C lbs. to a customer) per pound Saturday 10 to 12 a. m. we will sell 25c Figured Voiles per yard Saturday 3 to 4 p. m. we will sell yd. wide 18c Bleached Domestic yet 12 Ladies Dresses, Bungalo Aprons, House Dresses and Shirt Waists will be closed out at a great sacrifice. 69c White Organdy AQQ Men's Khaki Overalls Pants yO0 per yard 0 per pair .... ttO $1.25 Imoprted Figured Voiles QOC Men's and Boys Sun Down 1A0 per yard Hats each ... 1U A new shipment of Dotted Swiss IJOC Bathing Suits for Men, Women and ChlT all colors per yard "y dren. All styles and sizes 10 nm m. . r , - nn priced from 98c to iplU 25c Windsor Percale 1 0O per yard iOv SHOES AND OXFORDS 25c Amoskeag quality Dress Ging- 1 CO One lot of Childrens White SUppers . QAO hams per yard values up to $1.50 per pair ......... . OJ 32 inch Dress Ginghams and Romper 1 C 0 of IdiM Oxfords and Pumps CA Cloth per yard 13 values up to $848 per pair. , . $L.OV 85 Natural Pongee Silk CQ Farmers Sohd Leather Plow Shoes (01 Q per yard... W per pair:. $L.lU $1.39 Quality Natural Pongee 1 1 Q Tennis Shoes and Slippers of every descrip- Silk per yard pl.lp tion for Men, Women and Children will be ' n ... n closed out at Bargain Prices. Saturday 3 to 4 p. m. we will sell one 7C t ...... lot Apron Ginghams per yard ...... - ; MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING DEPT. Palm Olive Talcum Powders 10,0 Men's Palm Beach Suits CIO Cft per box. ,a.r. $10.00 to V . . . . . . , . . , . , $ 1 L. Oil Palm OUve Soap OCC Men's $22.50 Mohair Suits "frl C AQ 3 cakes ' ' . , . tplUa'zO Men's 4 Ply Linen Collars all styles 9 CP . Men's and Boys Pants all sizes and Styles and sizes one lot each y Moderately Priced. " v . X " ' ' " " 1 1 U . Wl Sinart Styles Meet Moderate Prices r - " j Pbone Lumberton, N. C. - Elm Street Oil Cook Stoves . -4 - ' V

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