LUUBESTOir, U, 0, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1921. voluhh lii ; Gr: :nfir' GradcsV : I r.C?y Open Monday t Depends Upon Conditions Then. Very- Little Change - in , Scarlet Fever-Diphtheria - Situation Sun day Schools May be Held Sunday if Situation Does Not Get Worse, j There has been but littlfe chance in mce Monday.. One case of diphthe where cases had already been report- ed. ?i'il.'?vrv:v Much depends upon conditions Mon qay as io wnemer or not me grammar. grades at the local school, which been' closed since last" Friday, rwill reopen on that date. Dr. E. R. Hard in, county health officer, lg of the opinion that n wm be safe to' hold oimaay scaooi next Dunaay in local churches unless there is a chanee in' tha aitnatlnn. -,; i." :f. p '. - 'y-, J:i f V ROAD SENTENCE FOR DISTURB ;. J ING RELIGIOUS '; WORSHIP ria nas Deen reportea tn tjumbertqn, oi remoroKe, was snot irons arawwn covering a wide range of subjects. The W.hile only one case of scarlet fever and ' killed about 11 o'clock "Monday convention had been in sessionwith has been reported except in families! Sight, The shooting took, place on the on . recen. since 'earl mornm?. -v' Von Speight Given 30 Days', Sentence' being fixed at ,$1,000. She failed to bie Head, Mass., and J. A. McCor - by Recorder Fuller Other x Cases J make bond, and the three are in jail .mfc .of Fort Lyon. Colo.." of the navy. iu ojieigui, vvbs ouufuceu v ouiicic. . - . . days ,on the cdunty ''roads ';; on the charge of disturbing religioai worship by Recorder David S. Fuller yester - day.; : Speight was ralso "found guilty of being drunk and disorderly on the public highway.'. Prayer" for Judg ment I wa- continued ior'one f year upon gooi behavior and payment of cost. . ( ; o : ' ; 5 -i Roy Council and Joe- Bullock were found "guilty of drlvjngt autQHiobiles fj?r : hire without : paying, the livery license tax. Judgment has "not, been passed. Alex .MeShaw was found tullts' bt being drunk' and disorderly In the town of East Lumberton.'. Judgment was continued .upon- payment of the wfctfUS''''A'i"if. 'i V;1 i.yV'-i";..!,"; "'',.v",r,f-',;-- .1 t V Board Created to Adjust, Railroad . Disputes. ..Creation of the Train Service Board of Adjustment fof the Southeastern region, which will sit in Washington for the purpose of adjusting 4ispute4 growing 'Out of personal grievances or out of interpretation or application f schedule practides and agreements which cannot be settled by direct con ference, was announced - Tuesday at Washington by railroads of the South, east and the four railroad brother hoods. t' " i it"? ' t. I f Under an agreement entered", into between the brotherhoods and sixteen Southeastern roads, decisions of the board are final and binding . upon fcoth parties to 'any controversy, if approved by a majority of the board's membership . of, eight. ; The board, however, will have no jurisdiction over disputes p involving requests for changes in rates ofpay or in rules covering working ! conditions, , juris diction over such matters being vest ed in the- United . States Railroad Labor board. w&r tMtzU.: The Atlantic Coast Line, the Sea board Air Line and the Southern are among ; the railroad, - subscribing to tie agreement.' ' , - ,J 1 ' -' . ' ' Res esidence of Mr. C T Pate Burned at Purvis. - ' VThe residence of Mr. C. T. Pate. together with its contents, was burn ed at Purvis Saturdays afternoon.' ac cording to information reaching Lum berton. vIt is thought the fire started from . an oil stove. Mr Pate'a resi dence was modern and up-to-date and wa an expensive stmtureirS Superior Court for. Trial of Criminal Cases Next Week--;-A , A week's terra of Superior courti for the trial of criminal cases ; will convene next Monday; , Judge J. HA Kerr of Warrenton will preside," While a number i ol cases appear on the docket, - none -of special - importance has been 'booke4-w-ar.1':e'- ft ; Dr.' J. "D.i: Regan who was seri ously hurt in a: runaway two weeks ago, Was able to leave the Baker sana torium the ftrst of the week. 1 n : J All automobile drivers living in the town of Lumberton must pay the $5 license tax by . 6 o'clock, p. - m. November 1 5 this : being decided at sifj meeting of the mayor ' and , town ctnmissioners - Monday p evening. As h been stated In The Robesonian, thje Supreme Court has ruled' that the ordinanfle' is valid and enforceable.', i f Robbers entered the shoe repair shop of Mr. Ben Edwards. East I Fourth street, Tuesday night. ' En-. trance was made: by breaking -open a J door in the back of the buildmg: Mr. j Edwards missed around S25 worth ofiMcLean, Varser, McLean A- Stacy. rubber hbels and soles. -has been made. No arrestsi Mr. JT. Douglass of Pembroke, R. 1, was' a Lumberton , visitor " yes-terday.- U- J H-'Of- & ". v Mr. F.i A. . Faulk and son-in-law, Mr. Johnf Williams, and the latter'a two daughters, Misses Lucy and Ruth - among tfie visitors in town yesterday. Mr. A.lH.-Hinds and son, Master Vernie Hinds, spent, part of last week In and around Andrews, S. C. W 5 Mr. D. Barrington of Maxton, R. 5, was among the visitors in town Tues, cay. Indian Merchant o Pcmbroitc Murdered!,. ; American Legion Asby, Oxendine Shot From. Ambush . -near remoroae oionaay. .-wigni--. .' Archie and Norman Cummings, In - dians; Ordered Held. Without Bond . in - Connection. iWith , Shooting , Malinda Chavis, Indian, Held Material WitneSgV and Is In Jail Default .f:.BondSy-.jit- Ai C. r I- railroad about one sana at half, miles north of Pembroke. Oxen-' - Jdwo was shot. twice,' one load of No. snosjaaiiiK ci.iw.tljb ne mm hich haveload of buckshot to the other, Both shot, were fired about the same time and it is supposed the shots were fired by different parties. He only , uvea aoout zv minutes aiier oemg buui. . Archie and-Normart Cummings,! i Indians were ordered held without uonu m tufinctuuu whh um? uwuiis(yenn. jj. Nelson Jackson, ol Bar by the corner's jury while Malinda lington, Vt., and Charles Kendrick, naviS7 inaian woman, was oruereu held as a material witness, her bond . The inquest - was held Tuesday morning by Dr. E. R. Hardin, county ' health officer and coroner. The jury was composed of R, H. Crichton Ira Bullardr.John E. Floyd, W. F. Barnes, las&med following:verdict was., rendered by the jury:.., . vviv v' -v- . f wWe find that Asbury Oxendine yas 'killedjby gunshot' w;un4s,Jthe evidence beiri. such" that - we order Norman Cummings and Arch' Cum mings to be held without bond to be passed upon" by'the "proper icourt. We further ordter that Malinda Cha vis be held aj a ''material witness bond in the sum of $1,000." ; under v' Oxendine. whowas, about 60 years old, "was - walking along ; the. . .railroad track 'at the time of the . shooting, according to the evidence brought out at the corner's inquest. He was near the, home of : Richard Cummings, In dian. Richard Gumming and Janother Indian, whose name was n&tnearned, reached Oxendine soon "after he' was shot and a few minutes 1; before ' he died. If he, made any statement as' to wno snot him, it was not Drought out Tuesday Four shots were f ired ac- coying to witnesses who were near f . r A mm i t' ' 1 oy, dui oniy wo ioos enci. jNorman and Arch Cummings :are i sons of Richard Cummings. C' . ;' The remains of" Oxendine were in terred Tuesday afternoon in the fam ily cemetery at Bear Swamp". , ' ; Evidence' was brought out- at the inquest to the effect that some tires on Arch Cummings' auto were cut up Saturday night .and ,- that Cum' mings had threatened to kill the one who cut them.,;. ; r, -, Labor Board Forbids Railroad Union y Labor From Striking Without Per , mission. . The United States Railroad . Labor board in effect, forbids railroad union labor from striking) without the board's permission and declared that all strikers who violated the . OTder would be classed as "outlaws 41 who had voluntarily removed themselves from the protection of the Transpor. CatioaTAcV-.' :' - J-' ; . ; The. labor board, after detailing the decision of both sides to abide by the law. says; "these . facts render it un necessary, for the board to make any further order, about the- matter), and that we move ' to congratulate the parties ; directly interested . on their return to industrial peace, triumph of the reign of law and the escape from this-national, disaster. -;; . v Man Killed by Explosion of Moonshine v.- sun. -: ', j- 1 Portsmouth-, Vai, Nov. 1. Samuel jjutt. 71, is aeaa, mart uarrett is in a nospicai ' ana a ' companion . namea Griffin is suffering from painful in juries as a result of the explosion of a moonshine- still. All three men are Said to be residents of southern- part' of " Norfolk county, Vwhere the" ex plosion occurred. ; .., :.:- r Thompsons hospital f'sTha condi tion of John Bass, who was shot and dangerously. wounded - by Os Hinson' at -Boardman some four weeks ago, is' gradually ' improving Mrs. L. . d Townsend of . Lumberton underwent an operation yesterday for appendu ltia and her eondition la- fnvnrahl Mrs. .D. E. Pate ha. returned to her home at Bladenboro after undergoing treatment' here Miss Bonnie. Sess&ms stenographer in the office, of Messrs. underwent an operation today for appendicitis. - . The ' condition of Mr." Edward Knox .Proctor, who-three weeks ago underwent an operation for pua.ap- penoucitis at the tsalcer sanatorium. Js rapidly improyingcf fttmiintm vtanreio rtr aaimiait wauwajwAM Wfl vuxAun 7:. ,;r ST0EAGE.; Fanners Warehotise Co. - ' - . ': Offiee at ; - -. : National Bank of . Lmnbeton Iowa Man Heads ntnford MacNider Elected Nationa -Commander. - " ' ' - py Kansas City, Mo'. Nov. 2-(By As Wf.ted Presak tf he national con ;veDtjon cj the American Legion ad- as;journe(j .; her) tonight after electing in Hanford MacNider, of Mason City, ' 'Iowa, national : commander, selecting The election of Mr, MacNider to John G.;; Emery r of v Grand lipids. Mich., was unanimous after more than tali ox the. state delega- tions had seconded his nomination, .ni;ifa nominated TTmorii' Hoffman: of Oklahoma Citv: jr---i m ' nine arftebraaka Citv. Neb.. anj j0hn F. Williams, Joplin, Mo., had withdrawn in hi9' Iavor. - Th nmnianflr. choseti were n.. t - pOM f VnaMtrHfa 0f gan FranciSCO, . representing the artd RavmonrT RrackAt. of Mar. uiie Kev.; Ban ! tsiacKman. oi una- nute. Kns., a ' minister of ' the Chris. tian church, Disciple3 of Christ, was elected national chaplain. iCownEtC HUtL OF TENNESSEE HEADS NATIONAL COMMITTEE n, Cnmn ' Dif rWn.4, "and Select Successor to Chairman White y St. 's Louis, Mo., 1 Nov. l.-Cordell Hull, of Carthage,' Tenn today was unanimously chosen chairman of the Democratic National . committee in 'session here to succeed George White, of Marietta, Ohio. K:':- : .'- ' Mr. White" submitted his resigna tion a few minutes previous to Mr. Hull's election. . - '-i Mr, Hull's name was presented to the committee by k Senator Carter Glass, of Virginia, who led the fight against Chairman White. The nomi nation wag ' seconded by Senator Pat Harrison, of -Mississippi, - one ? of Chairman White's supporters. - -' Senator ' Glas8 briefly deferred to the differences of opinion- regarding the chairmanship" before tihe formal session of ,the committee, but asserted these had been settled to the satisfaction- of all through agreement on Mr. Hull. Mr. Hoke Floyd of Fairmont Receives Citation for Valor. .. . ,A citation reading as follows' had been received by Mr. Hoke Floyd who served jn the' 6th marines during the world war," ' "Private Andrew H. " Floyd, ;; 6th marnes for distinguished and exceD tfonal gallantry at Vierzy on July 19, 1918, hi1 the operation, of the , Ameri can exniditionary forces, in testimony thereof and as expression ' of appre ciation of his valor I award him this citation. 1 '' 1 . "JOHN A. LEGUNE, -v ' , , "Major General." This is the second time' that Mr- Floyd has received citation for his gallant services at 'the hands of the American government and : twice ihe has" been decorated- with French honors. One awarded the Croix De Guerre and the Foure De Guerre for hi services ' to the ' French armyY He is an exceptional baseball player and has been one of the greatest stars ' of the Piedmont" league this year. Fairmont Review. O. G. (Red") Thomas, an automo bile salesman of Charlotte who killed Arthur J. Allen in Kannapolis on the evening of October 25, was denied bail by Judge T. J. Shaw at a hearing in Charlotte Tuesday. An affidavit qf Goldie (Lawson, an ' alleged eye witness of the. shooting, smashed the hones .v of Thomas for liberty nnder bail. San Antonio, Texas Paul and Petei O'Brien, brothers, and for "80 years employed in the D. Sullivan and Com pany bank here, a private institution, were arrested Monday on. aft indict ment Charging embezzlement. . A to tal of 150 indictments were returned against each and the charge of the theft or embeilement of more' than two million' dollars, v , h -Henry Caldwell, negro was electro cuted "at the State prison in Raleigh Monday for the murder of Herman Jones,' Wayne ' county - merchant,; in November 1920. ' v: "t Mr. F. ' a Smith of Fairmont is a Lumberton visitor today, f Mr. W. G. Pope' is spending the 'day at Clarkton on business. ' ' Miss ' R. D. Buie and Mr. D. P. Buie, of Philadelphus, were Lomber- frtn violfAM niAntinff Mr. and Mrs. A. L.' Smith of Raft Swamp - were Lumberton visitors Tnesdav..' -. ,- i I Mr. ahtl , Mm.. J. f!. FVera of 'Rennert section were among the tors in town yesterday. A number ol .aubscriptiona to The Robesonian exnire dnrinir tha month of Nov. Consult your' label lives near Parkton spent Wednesday and send Tenewal before your subscrlp-, and Thursday with friends and rela tion expiree. All aubscriptiona art., tives here. s r --. , cut off when they xpir - A Miss Cottingham, sister of Mrs. v St. Paula riovo ; Bfarriage of Miss Valeria Howard and Mr. J. O. Felton and Miss Hevia Martin and Mr. Marsal Newton--' Series of Meetings Begin, at Pres. -; byterian , Church Sunday Social and Personal 1 .'. ' By Bess G. Johnson St. Pauls, Nov. l-"Trees are andfday nd. Wednesday, November 7, 8 brown, dry leaves everywhere. Dancinff up and down, whirls thro the air.'- Red-cheeked apples (roasted, pppcorn " .almost. done, . - ', KToe. and chestnuts "toasted . That's November's fun." Mrs. Bob Teel left the ; 19th for Pittman hospiUl, Fayetteville, . was operated on the. following 1 Mondav. and is getting on a nicely as could be expected under the circumstances. Mrs. Teel's mother, Mrs. Richard Rivers, is taking care of the husband and little sons while she Is away. ' Mrs. Lee of Greensboro ' a , friend of Mrs. E. C. Murray Sr., spent a few days , last week in the Murray home here. She came on the eve of the 25th, one of those nights that the train was so late, due at 0 and came about 8:30. Misa Lavinia John son, who spent .Monday night at home was also returning to Lumberton on this train, r ' -,' Several f rem . here took in th Cumberland 'ttonntv :faf in at t while othervattended the Raleigh fair.: Lumberton fair beinp the week before, a good many also attended this. -y-'M' ? Mrs. Mary Cottineham of Lumhe'r Bridge and Mrs. Blue of Fairmont i spent several r. days last week with ! Mrs. Cary Bennett of our little town. Mrs.- Blue is a daughter of 'the late i Mr XJary Bennett whose death was 1 mentioned some weeks, ago. y The Oxford -Orphanage singjng f class' gave ' h concert in the ' hihl school auditorium here on the night oi . me zotn. xnese concerts are al ways good. , -.t:..y , ;. ; v;.;,, ,-,.(.4 v;:t ,.j , A pretty little home marriage was solemnized at Mr. Carl Howard's on the 19th, 9:30 a. m.. when his eldest daughter, Miss Valeria, became the nappy young bride of Mr. J. O. Fel ton. Rev. J. M. Fleming of Lumber ton performed the ceremonv. Mr and Mrs. Feltdn lef immediately for Fayetteville. Where they were to catcb a strain for an extended wed ding . tour.' Their manV frienH.' urUh for them a-very pleasant vdyage o'er matrimonai seas OI Uie. ; Miss Wrennie Floyd of Fairmont who has charge, of the music deoart- ment in the high school here, spent ! tV. 1 J . xL 1 ... I wo wcvu-ciiu wua nome ioiKS. -v -;; Mis. Mayme Berry of Dillon came over to . our. little town 'On . SnnHav afternoon; the 23rd. an'd spent the following week with Miss Bess John son. These two young ladies in some way contracted one - of these awful colds the latter nart of the wppIt which several are having Some said tneys were only in love, but my! if it serves one like this we would advl you all to f beware.? Miss Berry, who omy. nan. a sngnt attack, was able to return home via Lumberton while Miss Johnson is still. Under th weather. Miss Sallie Gillis. who has hfinn at Mr. Locke Mclnnia' several months has been verv aiVi- with something like pleurisy the past iew uays. we irust she will soon be convalescent. ' , Lots of . folks are having colds and grippe. .- , ' We were glad to see this nice ood ram, a it has been jso very ' r and dusty, i Perhaps we shall feel oetter after fhisv.! ; w Mr. A. R. McEachern left lat ntVlit for New-York, on a business trip. Mrs. Neill McEachern is expected home today. She has been at home since Saturday. Mrs. King, who was Misa Carolyn Wicker, has a new baby daughter to add sunshine to her home so of course Mrs. : McEachern was anxious to see- her little niece. A lit tle nephew, Jas. King, is expected to return with Mrs." McEachern, today. The Christian Endeavor society of the Presbyterian church gave . a halloween entertainment in the knit ting mill on last Friday evening, the 28 th. ' t - .':'.. A series of meetings will begin at the Presbyterian: church the 1st Sunday in this month. Last Sunday being the 5th Sunday union services were held in the Bap usi cnurcn. Kev. Mr,. StarUng, the Methodist minister preached. . . Miss Mable Rivers, who is to have charge of the Buck Horn school this session, commences teaching, thi week, t We wish her a pleasant and successful year's work. .k V : We attended the big land sale and barbecue at the John McArthur farm on Monday, the 25th, Everything went off very nicely, lots of neonle. j etc., there. Mr. Albert Guiton, who had come h?mf w the ; lucky one wno received the watch ; that, was given away . air.-UUlton la home IOr a month. visi-lBe;ls preparing1 - to take the state board for a druggist. He is a bright younganan of many sterling qualities, and we wish him a world of success. Miss, Annie Lee - McArthur, who Cleari-Up Squad ?; rilre I7rf-Vitlc ' M otton is quoted on the lo ft IWU UJkt lCClk cal market today at 17 1-2 cents the im oninint i'i 117 j par Claim Affafnaf nriniiiiut tTi.Aw to the Squad. m V w w m MW WW W As has been stated in The Robeson - ian, the U. S: army "clean up squad" will be in Lumberton Monday Toea. and 9.4 All ex-service men1 who have any unadjusted claims against f the. government. are requested to make it! khown to the squad. Church Not '-'H '''" 5' a'- , ' 1 11 i':r hH '' " ?i. Services at Trinityi Episcopal This ' Evening. -Rev. A. Miller of Wilmington will conduct services at Trinity Eoiscooal church' here thi. evening at 8 o'clock IThe public is invited. - Christian Endeavor- Convention Fayetteville November 5 and 6. Wj Fayetteville Observer: The enthus iasm of local Christian Endeavors is growing as the approach of Novem ber 6 to 6 brings. the Southeastern district convention of Christian En deavor to be Held in this city on those. dates nearer. , s?-- . y , Fayetteville Endeavors are working hard to make the convention a great success. ' A siendid "program has been arranged, and "many forceful and able speakers 4 are expected to address the convention. v'1 Service for Old People at First ) Baptfet.;;y,i?VT'v' "'; .ft,t4srS The service, at the First Baptist church next ' Sunday morning at 11 o'clock will be for the old people especially. All the old people of the town are cordialy invited to. attend. Old. hymns will be used and the pastor's sermon will be appropriate for the occasion. , Everybody young, middle aged, and old is invited. Presbyterian; Dr. G. E. Moorehouse, .' Minister. -ui '. Correspondence of The' Robesonian. , Sabbath school ... every Sabbath morning at 9:30. Classes for all ages. Come with n. W. K. Rthnn nnr.iro intendent. Morning worship ' at Cll!" oVlopk: Smrmnn thema? "Wito5TiT Evening worship at -70., Sermon theme: "Extremity and Opportunity .p Mid-week, service Wednesday at 7:30 P. m. ',:;.J- ; j v. . The pastor is back again in his accustomed place, and would like to see, all the members of the church present at both services next Sabbath day. All Presbyterians and all visi tors far the town or vicinity and those who have no regular church affilia tion are cordially invited' to share with us all the privileges of this house of prayer. ; ; Chestnut Street Methodist ' Dr. Beaman't sermon subjects at Chestnut Street . Methodist church Sunday will be: 11 a. m., Missions and a Warl ess World; 7:30 p. m A Man With Convictions : Communion service, the last before conference, at the morning hour. . v Week of Prayer The council of the Federation' of Churches of Christ in America has requested all churches to observe the Week bee-inn in or Sundav as a wek of special prayer for the conference for limitation of armaments. , Sunday School as Usual ' Sunday school will be held as usual at all local churche, Sunday unless there is a decided change in the diphtheria-scarlet fever situation.: Mr. J. A. Brown of Rex was a Lum berton visitor Monday. ,v Mr. J. G Nye of Fairmont, R. 2, waa a Lumberton visitor Tuesday. Rivers, i8 in town. Dr. E. C. Murray and Mr. A R. McEachern, probably others, attend ed the Presbyterian synod which met at Tarboro, the other week. , We notice the Home Bureau meet ings which were to have been held this week are called off until a later date as one of the most important speakers could not be with us on the dates, scheduled for' these meetings. we members ol the Woman's elub here were looking forward to a pleas ant day at Rex. on the 4th, but per haps we shall have that Pleasure yet. The Rex H. D. dub was to be hostes, to the St Pauls and Lumber Bridge clubs. -. . ' ' -. ..-' ; . We mustn't forget to mention the little surprise marriage which took place on last Saturday night, when Mr. Marshall Newton claimed for his bride Miss Clevia' Martin.' "Love al ways finds a way, yon know, and as they've embarked' may they: al ways sail smoothly. Mr. J. C Lindsay and a few others are over in Sampson, squirrel and deer hunting. ? We hope they will return home with' lots of fresh' meat. - REDUCED RATES ON COTTON STORAGE.; r Farmers Warehouse Co. ' , Office at National Bank of Lximbertaa , - . cotton ARgcT pound? strict middling 18 cents." ; , 1 ' BRIEF ITEMS AND LOCAL NEWS t . :t " " '"' 'rAUred Rowland chapter U, D. C, .mtet tomorrow 'afternoon a Mr, WTB, Ivey and family moved Monday: -from Ray n ham, R. 1, to Lumherton, R. 7. i - . ri Mr. D O. Weaver of Harrismv burg, Pa.,. ha' accepted a position as watchmaicer in Mr. A.' J. Holmes' , jeweleryvstore. . . - Water in I Lumber river la up v around 18 inches from the lowest point reached and is stifl rising. The rains Sunday, Monday, 'and Tuesday resulted in the rise. v , Mr Bundy D. Kinlaw of R. 7, Lumberton; underwent an operation for annflOdiciflu t thu torium Tuesday. His condition is re ported as favorable. a Mr : D'. W. Biggs, proprietor of the Lumberton Furniture store, has purchased the bankrupt stock of the Martin Furniture Co. at Rowland. He will sell the stock there. -."' Ada McLean. 4-yearloId daughter of Mr.:and Mrs. H., B.f Jennings, swallewed a nail about one' and a, half inchejt long Saturday? night. She has suffered no bad results. ' -, " -vrhe"boys' basketball team of the Lumberton high school will, play the. Camp Bragg teaman the local court' tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 3:45., An interesting game is' expected, j Mri? J"4:M.'; Jones ileft Tuesday evening for Camdenf S C., after, spending la few, days,; bferf with his family, Mr. Jones isan enginee on the Southern railroad, runnjng out "of Camden.. f . ' Miss Carrie Mae Hedgpeth has returned home f rOm Wadesboro, where she visited relatives for a few days after attending the Henry-Dockery wedding in Rockingham. Miss Hedg peth waa among the bridal party furnishing the- wedding music. 1 ! Mr. Paul Baker has (resigned the position he' had held With the Robeson Grocery company for-some time and te-'-ltt-tivalinr aVr me ranen juannzactunna' eomnanir at , Chattano4gaTenn. He left for his new duties yesterday morning.. , Mrs. A. C. Tebeau and ,41011 daughter, Zada Rose, expect to leave tomorrow for Washington, D..C. to " ' join ? Mrs. ; Tebean'e . husband ; after spending some time here visiting at . the home of her parents,' Mr. i and " Mrs. L. E. Whaley, Elm street- Dr. and Mrs. Tebeau will make their home -in Washington. , .,.' t t v Miss Eula Enoch" Miller left yes- taVtvffiV fAv T?tihTlrnf ttrliaaew aKa a tm i: nurse at, the Memorial hospital, after spending three weeks visiting her mother, Mrs. Beulah Miller, near Lumberton. She was : accompanied , to Richmond by her brother. Ms3tor Pate Miller, who will ; undergo an operation for some eye trouble, ' , Messrs. Stephens &' Barnes yes terday recovered a Ford touring car which, was stolen from the Walter L Mam show grounds on the night of September 3. The car was located in Charlotte, having been left; standing . on the streets there abont a week ago. The car was not damaged. Police man Ed J., Glover and Mr. T. .C.' Barnes went to Charlotte for the ' car. returning with it yesterday after noon.. .The car was practically new , when stolen.;;.'''';r-.''';h-:v -a;;; y " Mrs. J. S. Crenshaw , of St. Pauls was discharged from the Baker sana. torium yesterday ' after recovering from a serious operation three weeks 7 ago. Mrs. H. B. Memory 1 returned ; home yesterday after an , uneventful operation for acute ' appendicitis. ' Mr. Bundy of R. 7, who underwent -an operation Tuesday,; is . getting -along , very well today Mrs. W. J.' McLauchlin of Red Spring, was dis charged from the sanatorium yester-. day after an uneventful recovery from . an operation three weeks' ago. : Delay la Spread ef Strike Anticipated - Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. r Delay in the spread of the "protest" strike ' of soft eoal miners, started .today by walkouts . of 25,000 union a workers . closing most of the mine, in Indiana" was anticipated tonight by official of. the United Mine Workers of Ameri; ea who said developmentsfawaited th . discontinuance by . operators of s the -union "check off 'of dues from miner, wageg s directed by a Federal court - injunction.-' - , is - A ' Indications were that onion -off!-' cials would not call .out v the - men..: scattered throughout - the soft . eoal i fields of the country, until collections of "check off was actually ceased by the operators. - Y -;-. Mr. Hector Stephens Kills a Deer-' V Reported for The Robesonian.- - : - Hector Stephens of Orrnm, K. Dl Collins of St. Pauls and R. C. Collins! ; of Lumberton had a merry time on the last day of October, near the noma of The Bright, about 7 miles' south east of- Hallsboro. Hector Stephens succeeded in killing one of the great, monarchs of the woods; had eight ' snags and weighed 33 pounds to tha quarter. He succeeded in killing hint on the second shot at a distance of 93L. yards. ; " ' n v. . V ': "