FX EQBESQMAN 1 1 ESTABLISHED 1870. SINGLE COPT FIVE CENTS. COUNTRY, COD AND TRUTH- $2.00 A TEAS. DUE IN ADVANCE LUMBEBTON, N. C THURSDAY, JANUARY 5' 1922. VOLUME L IX NUMBER 93 Tnwn FatKers Meet . 7T77, and Sidewalk Paving and Water and Sewer Extension Salary of Uhiei of Police D. M. Barker increasea . Other Matters. , The matter of additional street and , sidewalk paving and the extension of the water and sewer lines. was dis J cussed at" a meeting of the mayor, and town- commissioners luesaay n?i.:i - ilofinifa Bctinn evening w nnc uu v. - , - - - was taken, Mr. T. L.T Johnson, town (Maxton graded school at the regular attorney was asked to draw resolu-: monthly meeting of the county board tions and secure information rela-' of education Monday. All the mem tive to the issuing and selling of bers of the board were present, bonds for financing this work. Mr. E. M. Johnson, attorney, was The salaTy of Chief of Police D.j authorized to have the1 $25,000 bond M Barker was increased from $125 issue voted by the LibertyjBchool dis to $150 the month, the increase to'trict for the erection of a school begin January 1. . building, approved by a legal bond The license of G S. Wooten, local ; attorney and to have bonds printed, electrician, was suspended . for 30' Supt. J. R Poole was authorized days with the understanding that if to sell the old school building at .ni.;nt Af Ma work i made Tolarsville at public auction if to the board his license will be re voked. , The board refused to grant license to drive automobiles to Herman Par ham and Lee Allen, the last named an Indian. Parham and Allen had been refused license by the town clerk and treasurer, members of the police force failing to recommend same, and they appealed to the board. Seaboard Ordered To Deliver Cars Controversy Between Seaboard and rnast Line Over Freight Shipped Herefor State Highway Work Set tled by an Order of State Corpora tion Commission Seaboard Must Place Cars Shipped Over V. C. S. A controversy between the Sea. board and the Atlantic Coast Line over the switching of competitive shipments reaching Lumberton over the Virginia & Carolina S6uthern-was settled Monday night by the , State Corporation commission, the Seaboard being ordered to deliver four cars of freight at the National cotton mill siding. The freight in question was shipped here to the State Highway commission for use in, hard-surfacing the road between Lumberton and Mc Neill's bridge. hs Seabord had refused to switch these cars to its siding at the National-cotton mill for unloading. The commission ruled that the Seaboard may have a hearing on any general question involved, but holds a settled question the obligation of 'a carried to make such switches. Will Organize "Goat Club" Here Log-Cabin Club House Already Under Construction Plan to Erect Bath House on Banks of Lumbee Many Have Already Enlisted as Members of Club. Plans are on foot for the organiza tion of a club here to be known as the "Goat club." While the organiza tion has not yet been perfected, a lniY.ooKin pliih VinnsA ia Vipim erected on the banks of Lumber river, about; --r, one mile north of town. Around 40 1 members have already enrolled. Mem bers of the club plan to erect a bath house before the arrival of suitable wp.ither for bathini? in the waters of the "Lumbee". One feature of the club is that members are not solicited. , U. S. Page Resigns as Dunn Police Chief. A dispatch from Dunn states that Mr. U. S. Page has tendered his resignation as chief of police of that town. Mr. Patce has served as chief of the police force at Dunn for two and a half years and his figured in oi. icooi iYu wiiu There appears to have been a Page ..J n n I! Tn rt fn.itAn fVa T (TO at least two town elections there and ah anti Pace faction, the Page faction winning out in both elections. Mr. Page, who is a son of the late E. E, Page of Lumberton. is known as an officer wko "stands his ground", and has killed several "bad men" dur ing his career as an officer at Mt. that he will accept a position with Olive and Dunn. (It is undeibtood the State. To Roads For "Taking" a Watch. Ernest McPharland, negro, was sentenced -yesterday by Recorder David H. Fuller to 90 days on the roads for the larcey of a watch. He wa n!r&n o Vtoovi'vi tr Tnflor?Q XT finfi pieaa not guuty 01 tne cnarge. Aiier.- - , - , fv-rt,1rv iu v j ,ffu rfc;M,!try to slander the guards through i . . . i. k t was stolen from another negro, overitne PaP"- to the officers and admitted "taking" j Geo. M. Whitfield will de- it while visiting at the home of the 3 xi 1 I l:m h rwrt- nounced the sentence, evidently be ing pleased with it. ui4 VAasnv- " - " X t f V line u t 1 1 r. Ill 3 aim v--iici in. xavwo- ! Tuesday at 4 p. m. at the court house,! Justice S. S Small officiating. j Mr. H. J.'McRae and family mov-! d Monday from YViimmgton to a farm that Mr. McKae purchased on R. 2 from St.' Pauls. Mr. McRae is a Lumberton visitor today. Consolidate Public : School Districts .T77" . , uaK urove uistnct lonsouaaiea n un Maxton Graded School Liberty District Bonds in the Sam of 12a,. 000 for Erecting New Building Or dered Printed Other Business Transacted by Board of Education Monday. Oak Grove public school district was ordered consolidated with the satisfactory price cannot be secured by private sale. An order was approved transfer ring $52 of the special school tax of S. J. Smith from district No. 6, Thompson township, to district No. 1, Orrum township. : It was ordered that the special school tax of J. Z. Stone, amounting to $6.53 be transferred from district No. 5, Britt township, ,to district No. 1, Orrum township. Bob Sampson was appointed school committeeman in district No. 1, In dian, Fairmont township, succeeding Jasper Hammonds, deceased. The following bills were ordered paid: i I. N. VanVoorhis. sunolies for of- Ifice board of education, 534.96; Bur roughs Adding Machine Co., adding machine for office board of education $250; J. M. Paul, work on school building in district No. 1, Indian, Burnt Swamp township, $200. Will Open Veneresd Clinic Here Clinic for the Treatment of Veneral Diseases Will be Opened About February 1 Clinic Planned by County Medical Society Dr. E. R. Hardin, County Health Officer, Will be Assisted By Other Physicians. A clinic for the treatment of vener eal diseases will be opened here about February 1. This has been decided by the Robeson County Medical so ciety. The plan is to hold a clinie one day out of each week; Dr. E. R. Hardin, county health officer, will be assisted in the work by doctors desig nated by the society and a charge of $2 for each treatment will be made. The county commissioners have agreed to pay one-half the charges for treatment of those who need such treatment and are unable to pay for same. Only syphilis will be treated at the beginning of the clinic, but it is expected that other venereal diseases will be treated later. The State Board of Health will furnish medicine to be used in the clinic free. The exact date of the opening of the clinic will be announced later. wm ,. Weevil Freeze? s th n whije others have their doubts about it. Mr. V. L. Bvrd of II 1, Fairmont, who was a Lumberton visitor yesterday. is amone the number of doubters. He brought to town a boll weevil which he found in an old cotton boll on his farm recently. He bored a hole in a piece of ice and placed that same weevil in the hole and covered it with iro hp savs. After the weevil had remained in the ice for one hour he removed it. expected that it would jbe dead from cold. He found that the weevil was far from dead and the was again placed in the ice, being Kept tnere ior jlo nours. ai me cou lf the 18 hours the weevil was yet I ... 1 1 1 very much alive and was alive when exhibited here yesterday. Did Not Slander the Guards. In justice to Mr. J. I. Townsend, county superintendent of roads, rela tive to the complaint of one W. H. M. Greennan because of Mr Town send's statement concerning the curs ing of convicts by guards, that Mr. Townsend did not know that The Robesonian was going to publish his statement. A Robesonian reporter overheard Mr. Townsend when he made the statement to another party that cursing convicts by guards must stnn In other words, ne did not ha ww . - fFridav mnrnin?. It is Dlanned to, have some local business explained to the pupils each Friday morning. Mr. J. N. Regan and family! Ai.v . . mwummj " r Mr. Regan, 4 1-2 miles from Eliza-j bethtown. ne soia nis iarra in itooe- son. Mr. and Mrs. Regan were Lum. nertonvisitors aionaay aiiernoon. Mr. J. L. Stephens is spending the day in Charlotte on business. Parkton Letter Folks Getting Down to Work After the Holidays Young Folks Have Returned to College New Year Ushered In With Much Noise An Example of Poor Marksmanship J Social and Personal Mention. (By C. D. Williamson) Parkton, Jan. 8. Christmas has just about disappeared. The New Year. has made its appearance and most everybody is down to work. The school reopened Monday with all the teacners present, except miss uixon, meeting of the county road board the sheriff or other police officers of marriage of Hezzie Kinlaw and Ada who is reported a little sick. We trust Monday. Mr. Townsend succeeds Mr. J Robeson county for the capture and Davis; J. Frank Bullock and Vietta she may soon be well and return to,W. B. Covington, who resigned at delivery to the board of county com- Alford. her work. - (the last regular meeting of the board. missioners of a copper whiskey still' Miss Sadie Rae Pope arrived The following young boys and girla. Mr. G. 'T. Fisher of St. Pauls was. and when the person, or persons, ' home Monday night from Charlotte, have returned to college: W7 J. Cal- elected as a member of the road board , operating the same are' arrested and having resigned the position she had noun, C. Vance McMillan, " Jno. K. from district No. 5, succeeding 'Mr. J. convicted an additional reward of $10 held there for several months. Currie, Alvey G. Wright, Hector Mel I. Townsend, who resigned as a mem- will be paid, , For the capture and; Mr. Fred H Townsend returned Rainey, Milton Thompson, all to ber of the board, pf which he was. delivery to the board of any other! Tuesday from Richmond, Va., where Davidson. Misses Nellie Thomasson,! chairman, at the last meeting on device used in the manufacture of he spent few days with Mrs. Town Catherine McMillan and Virginia Mc- December 5. Mr. T. O. Evans was intoxicating liquors the sum of $10 send, who is undergoing treatment at Cormick to Flora Macdonald college., Misses &sdale Lurne and Oeorgla, Townsend. Williamson . returned to Seaboard i After consideration the superin Monday, where they are teaching and tendent was instructed to lay out a Miss Ruby Council to Bethel, where she is teaching. Christmas was long to be remem-! bered with most of us, noted for good, M 1 1 1. ' 1 - J . ieeu, anu visitors anu a guuu wrae most every way. This scribe closed with spending Sunday and New Year's in the hustling town of Lumberton, where good things to eat always flush. Our town was occupied on Satur day night by the young folks, jigg ing from the racket they made for a brief spell. About the middle of .he! night ringing church bells, yelling,, singing, shooting fire works, guns or! township; beginning at the Lumber-1 one year at the same salary of 100 which will be held at the new Robert something of much sounds, disturb. 1 tdn-Fayetteville road and running per month, each to make bond in the E. Lee hotel there today and to ing every one down to the children of i through the McRainey farms and sum of $1,000. morrow. the town, but we have excused them,. others, connecting with the Shaw- E. W. M'White, Annie Rice and W.' Mr. Harry K. Russell, son of Mr. as' it only comes once a year. I Mill and St. Pauls road, a distance N. and Charity Speight were dropped and Mrs. J. P. Russell, went today Mr. Floyd Lancaster is in the lead sofar up our way. His 27 months, old' weighed 550 pounds, net. Some shoat,! ana we ciaim tne weainer is a mpie, to save it. Messrs. W. W. Gainey and E. B. Daniel went up to Raleigh yesterday and returned late this ofternoon, making the trip by auto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo Ammons arrived this afternoon from a two-weeks visit to relatives in Sampson county and report a good time.. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Bristow, of R. 1, spent Christmas with their son, Burnie, in Raleigh, thence on to Dur- ham with near relatives, returning the latter part of the week and re-: port the best time" of their lives. Rev. R. F Munns returned home Sunday afternoon from the Pittman- Gainey hospital, where he spent a and running eastwardly to the Josh,Javia j. iewis, neiuivnown nnue- away about ten days, while Mrs. little more than two weeks after a Barnes farm, in Wisharts township, ville Attorney Died Yesterday. I Martin and the children will spend successful operation for appendicitis, shortening the distance to Lumber-j Mr. David J Lewis well-known and severai wceks in Richmond. He says he expects to fill his ap-iton.from that section of the county prominent Whiteville attorney, died Misses Nellie "Hamilton of pointment on next Sunday at Marvin abotft one mile. It was ordered that last night at 7 o'clock, his death fol-1 Marietta, Bessie Hayes of Lakeview at 11 a. m. and at Parkton at 7 p. m. the petition be filed for 30 days, and lowing an illness of only a few days. s C f Mildred Griffin of Cerro Gordo We are glad to make this report and referred to the superintendent and the Deceased was around 60 years old , and Nancy and Bennie Usery of glad to know he is improving to that supervisor of ' Lumberton township and was well-known here, where he Evergrefcn, Columbus county, passed extent. jfor investigation. tud'ed "nlderJf the ate C1' W' through town Tuesday evening en . Mr. Boyd Stubbs made a flying trip i A petition was presented request- F. French. The funeral was con-,route to Maxton to resume their to John's Station this afternoon. .ing that a public road be established ducted at Whiteville at 3 o clock this studies at Carolina college after One of our night watchmen had a ' in Wisharts township as follows: afternoon. State Senator L. R. Var-'spen(ijng. . the holidays with Inme most exciting experience one night ' Beginning at a point on the public ser and Mr. J. Dickson McLean, of f0jKS , la3t week, according to his state- roads at Gregory Lennon's mill and the local bar, attended the funeral, j Mr. and Mrs W. T Redf earn and ment. It was first thought that he 'runs on the west side to the mill He was a brother-in-law of Mr. J. A.smau daughter, Elsie Cora, left Mon had bagged some fresh meat, but af-jpond, as the old cart road to a point . Barker of Lumberton His widow and,day evening for their home at Me ter careful examination ione could on the Whiteville road, near the John; 8 children survive. t Ree s c., after spending some time be found. Investigation shows that it Pitman farm. It was ordered that Infant Died This Morning visiting at the home of Mrs. Red must have been an escaped Giraffe, petition be filed for 30 days and; Letha, G-weeks-old daughter of , fearn'a brother-in-law and sister, Mr. as the shot signal is some ten feet granted if no objection is offered dur-! Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Tyner, died early anti Mrs. W. S Britt, Elm street. The from the ground, through the plate ing that time. 'this morning at the home of her jPar. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Redfearn glass of A. F. Hughes place of busi-l The superintendent reported that ents in Burnt Swamp township, death wag at the Baker sanatorium ness. At any rate, he was not taking the controversy about a road and resulting from pneumonia and com- f;ve weeks aff0. aim at his feet, but it takes a man of private cartway in Saddletree town-1 plications. I Rev. and Mrs W. D. Combs and long experience as the above to do ship, near the Zeke Pone place, had j their small daughter, Lillian Ruth, things The burgular that enters a been continued for some time, and TAYLOR FISHERIES CO. 'and Mrs. Combs' mother, Mrs. H. C. : - ----- store in our town after the closing hour is dointr so at the risk of his life, believe me. Some marksman. was orderedthat the superintendent Red Springs Directors Among Peti Mr. W. A China, bookkeeper for and E. B. Paul be instructed to lay, tioners Hearing January 17. the P. M. Co., spent Christmas with home folks in Georgia, returning this week. Two very enjoyable ' socials were enjoyed last Thursday night. Miss Isabel Blount entertained a number , of her young friends, lso a most en-1 ioyable social at the home of Mr. and i ? - - . . ... Mrg. A. F. Hughes, in honor of the home-coming girls. Also a New Year's party at the home of r. and Mrs. R. A. Wright's on Saturday night. Mr. Jack Carlyle of Wake Forest pnlWo. snent three davs in our town last week, coachine the basket ball team, returning Saturday m6rning. 1 The boys report the game in Lum- . . . I berton on last Friday as tne closest game of the season. They came home much encouraeed with their success Messrs. Paul and Darrell -Farrell returned to Chapel Hill yesterday. Miss Marie McMillan left for Troy, where she teaches, Sunday. -Mr. C. Guy Townsend of Lum- berton today purchased the stock of j the B B. Hardware Co., at Rowland.. Mr. Townsend will conduct the busi-j States Marshal for the eastern dis-i Mr. T. W. Maxwell and family ness at the same stand and will go trict of North Carolina, has been 'moved Saturday of last week from to Rowland tomorrow to take charge. I named by A. D. Watts, revenue com- Fairmont to Mr. Maxwell's farm at The deal was consumated through j missioner, as one of 11 deputy col-j Tolarsville. Mr. Maxwell was a Lum Mr. F. Ertel Carlyle, local attorney. I lectors. The position calls for a sal-berton visitor yesterday. Mr. Townsend hasKad several years 'ary of $2,500 and traveling expenses.! Mr. James W. Branch and family expereince in the hardware business,' having been employed in the hard ware department of Messrs. R. D. Caldwell & Son for several years. -The young married ladies class of the First Baptist churc will meet Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock with Mrs. A. M. Hartley. J.I. Townsend Elect- Al Q..f Dno Js cu kJUjJk uauo , Succeeds Y B. Covington at a Sal- i ary of $275 Per Month G. T.l Fisher of St. Pauls Elected as Mem ber :f Board from District No. 5 T. O. Evans Elected Chairman of the Board Other Road Matters. Mr J. I. Townsend of R. 1, Lum. berton, was elected county superin- tendent of roads at a salary of $275 the month at the regular monthly elected as chairman, succeeding Mr, new road in Howellsville township, .near J. L. MWhites farm, and dis continue a part of the old road, in eordance with a petition which was 1 , 1 , , 1 1 i preseniea at me last meeting. The superintendent reported that the matter of a road from the bt. Pauls township line, through Saddle Tree township, to the Philadelphus road had not . been decided upon and requested that it be continued until the next meeting. A petition which was presented at the last meeting of the board for a new road to be built in St. Pauls of about 3 miles, was referred to the superintendent, supervisor of St. Pauls township and G. T. Fisher for investigation. A petition was presented request- month, Louisa Johnson at $4 per Smithfield he will go to Davidson ing that a new road be laid out near , month, I. J. Hayes at $5 per month,; college, where he is a student. Bee Gee, in Lumberton township, as Arthur and Rosa Barnes at $5 each A special meeting of the Lum follows: Beginning at a point on the , per month, Sallie West at $5 per ' berton post of the American Legion Meadow road, four miles north east: month, Lucy A. Herring, at $5 per j will be held this evening at 7:30. Of of Lumberton, and running west- month, Henry Locklear at $5 pertficers for the ensuing year will be wardly to the Fayetteville-Tolars- viJle road, about 3 1-4 miles from Lumberton. After consideration it wa3 ordered that the petition be filed I for 30 days and granted if no objec tions arise after that time j A petition was presented, request ing that a road in Lumberton and Wisharts townships be laid out and j built as-follows: Beginning at sev- j enth street in the town of Lumberton, - , naa never peen iaia out owing to disagreement about the location. It out this road and also a private cart- way in the most desirable and ;venient location. The matter of widening and mov. ing fences on the Wiregrass road in Britts township, near Smyrna Church, was referred to the superintendent and W. L; Thompson for their in- M-' L ' J. A. - L. 11 i. vesication anu report at iae next meeting of the Board. Mr. W. R. McNeill again presented a bill in the sum or lJb.yz lor work done on ditching in Burnt . Swamp twonship and this matter, was referred to H. E. Stacy, attorney to the board. The resignation of Angus Jernigan t t i.i j i. : as supervisor oi rnwm luwnsmp was presented and accepted and the.F. G. Spearman, of Lunchburg, a superintendent was empowered to se- stockholder. cure a supervisor for that township, The assets are said to approximate The following notes were renewed $100,000 and include the plant and at the Bank of Maxton for 90 days:! $15,000 or $20,000 worth of fish scrap Burnt Swamp township, $750; Ster- and oil. The liabilities are said to lings township, $250: Wisharts town- ship, $1,250. , Bellamy Named -Deputy Collector, Geo. H. Bellamy, retiring United Mr. Bellamy is a native of JNew Han.m0ved Tuesday from R. 4, Lumber over county. His work will cover a block of counties about New Han over, Mr R, H. Livermore of Pates was among the visitors in town yester- day. County's Business .. . a . new Order Yelative to the Capture of Whiskey Stills and Blockadera I'assed at Regular Monthly Meeting; of Commissioners Monday Will Fay $20 for Copper Stills and $10 For Other Devices When Turned Mr. F. L. ParneU and family Over to a Member of the Board of moved last week from R. 6, Lumber Commissioners Ten Dollars Addi-. ton, to a farm on R. I from Buie. tional for Arrest of Operators Mr. T. J. Powell, an expert elec When Convicted Six Rural Police- tririan of Wilmington, arrived today men Re-elected Bills Paid and Re. to inspect the local fire-alarm sys bates Allowed. tern. The sum of 120 will bn naid to' T.Wn ha fwen UtnoA fnr tlus will be paid, also an additional sum of $10 for-the capture of the operators Mr. W. K. Bethune went Toes when convicted. day night to Raleigh to attend This order was passed by the coun. ! meeting of the executive committee ty commissioners at their regular! of the North Carolina division of the monthly meeting Monday. The order! ac-ialso provides that anv member of the 'board may receive from an officer' 1 ... .... ... - ia wnisKey still and dispose ot same as provided by law. The monthly statements of the Bank of -Maxton, county treasurer, Sheriff R. E. Lewis and Dr. E. R. naruui, county neaun on ice r, were ordered filed. Messrs. J. H Carrier. W. W Smith. D. C. Ratley, J. T. McRainey, W. A. I Smith and A. R. Pittman were re- elected rural policemen for a term of from the reeular nauner list. j The regular pauper lis was allow-; ed and the following were placed on itne list: ixna Handon at 55 per month. The regular allowance of, ; Mary Maynor was increased from $3 to $5 per month. j It was ordered that a note in the sum of 5,000 due the Bank of Max ton be paid. (Continued on pag four) THE RECORD OF DEATHS. . , . wr nrLu. iy hanlis KfcCMVElUHIiIand, will leave this evening for Judge E. H. Cranmer, yesterday, con-'signed an order for a receivership of j the Taylor Fisheries company, Inc., and named Mangum Turner, Wil- mington lawyer, as receiver. A hear ing will be held before Judge George W. Connor, in this city, January 17, to determine the permanency, of the receivership. The suit was brought by stock holders and directors of the company. the alleggation being that the plant, which is located on the Cape Fear river, near Carolina beach, was not in operation as the 'result of lack of funds. The petitioners are: J H. Turner, W. H. McNeill and W. P. Lester, of Red Springs, directors, and be about $100,000. A. Brook Taylor, of Norfolk, is president of the company. Wilming ton Star, Jan. 5. ton, into a residence owned by Mr Andrew Bullard, Seneca and Second streets. Mr. Gus Paris, proprietor of the Olympia cafe, has placed an attrac- tive electric sign in front of the cafe. COTTON MARKET I. Middling cotton i quoted on th local market today at 16 3-4 cents the pound. BRIEF ITEMS AND LOCAL NEWS St. Luke's hospital. American Cotton association, of which committee h ! a memh Mr. D Rasa and famflv mAA ' . " Tuesday from K. Z, Fairmont, to farm owned by Mr. A. W. McLean. near the Jenninsrs cotton mill. Mr. Bass and two sons, Masters Graddy : and Clayton, were among the visitors in lown mis morning, I Mr. J. A. Sharpe, editor of The Robesontan. aitri Mr Sham taf yesterday for Winston-Salem to at- tend the mid-winter meeting of the North Carolina Press moMAHon to Smithfield to attend a called met. ing of the Presbytery He will be ! taken under the care of the Presbv- tery as a ministerial student. From elected at this meeting and all ex- ; service men are especially urged to jbe present. The meeting will be held , in the legion hall, second floor of the municipal building. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Martin and two sons, J. A. Jr. and Raymond Jones, will leave this evening for Richmond, Va., to visit at the home of Mrs. Martin's parents, Mr. and Mr S P Jftnoa Ti'r Martin will tw , - - . nm w. Asbury Park, N. J. As has been stated in The Robesonian, Mr. Combs recently resigned as pastor of the i Gospel Tabernacle, his resignation going into effect last Sunday. He haa not yet accepted a pastorate and ex pects to rest for 'a few months be fore taking up work elsewhere. The local church has not yet called a pas tor to succeed Mr. Combs. Mr. and Mrs. Combs have made many friends during the several years they have lived here, who regret their decision to leave Lumberton. The following Lumberton young people have returned this week to the various colleges to resume their work after spending the holidays with home folks: Misses Marion Allen, Annie Grace Williams, Mary Biggs, Wilma and Margaret Durham, Tuesday and Miss Elsie Thompson yesterday to Meredith college, Raleigh; Sarah Car lyle, Tuesday to the Greensboro Col lege for Women, Greensboro; Janie K. Wishart, Christabel Moorehouse and Julia Thompson, Tuesday to Winthrop college, Rock Hill, S. C; Anna Lawrence, yesterday to Salem college, Winston-Salem; Evelina Beckwith yesterday, to St Mary's college, Raleigh; Messrs. R. T. Allen, Jr. and William Caldwell , Monday to Mars Hill college, Mars Hill; Osborne Lee, Monday, to Washington-Lee univer sity, Lexington, Va.; R. A. Hedgpetb, Jr., yesterday, to Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Va.; Marvin Barker, Tuesday, to Trinity college, Durham; Jernon McNeill, Tuesday and Robert W. Proctor yesterday to the State university, Chapel Hill; Hubert Thompson, Tuesday, to Caro lina MQitary and Naval academy. Hendersonville. . 1