ESTABLISHED 1870. : SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. COUNTRY, GOD AND TRUTH- f 2.0ff A TEAR. DUE IN ADVAKC3 JOLTTHELII LUMBERTON, N. CtHUESDAYTBJJRUARV 2, 1922. R. Waiter BuUock Murdered Last Night Near.Here Shot Through -Window at Gasoline). it-v . ' !tivC-.-Vit''' LOAD OF NO. 4 SHOT EN- v TERED BACK OF HIS HEAD Fatal Shot Fired About 11:30 and Body Was Found About 2 A. M. Robbery Supposed ; to Hare - - Been ' Motive Very Little One to Murderer. - . One of the , most brutal and cold, blooded: murders ever committed in Robeson county took place last night when Mr. R, Walter Bullock was shot to death,' and robbed. Mr. Eutflock operated- a ' gasoline filling: station three miles west 'of Lumberton on the Wilmfogton-Charlotte-Asheyille - high way, near-McNeill's bridge, and lived alone there. The shot that ended his life Instantly . was fired I through a window of the building and entered the back of his head, near the right ear. The load of No. 4 shot broke a whole window pane, out and practi cally 'the entire load entered the head of the murdered man. Body. Found Near Window.. It is, thought the killing was" com mitted about. 11:30 last night. The lifeless body of Mr. Bullock was first discovered; about 2 o'clock, this morn ing by Messrs. J.' W. Davis and J. L. Hatchel. when-they stopped there to get some gasoline, Mr. Zeb V. Carlyle j was with Mr. Bullock for a while last night, leaving him about 9:45. When Mr. Carlyle left, Mr. Bullock told that he was going to shave and re tire, The surroundings indicated that the fatal shot was fired just after His body lay a few feet, from thei window through which the shot pass- weapon; plead guilty; fined l cent ed, surrounded y a pool of blood, and cost. He. was fully dressed except his coat.'' Dave Rountree, larceny; plead The pockets of the dead man were '. guilty; fined $50 and cost, evidently gone through ' by his) George Fulmore, larceny and " re murderer, as they were left turned ceiving; sentenced to 12 months on inside out. It is' thought the motive county roads. with leave to the coun- for the murder was robbery, as it is not known that Mr. Bullock had an Henry Faulk for cost in the case, enemy. The sum, of $9.25 in ohange James Cooper; guardian, of Peter was fouiid in a trunk in the building, Cooper, vsJackson .Brothers Lumber but no money was left in ,the pockets Co., judgment for damages in the of the murdered man. u w na of ,$1,000 f or injuries, received An inquest over the remains wasue to ntegligence of defendants, conducted early this morning by Dr. Alfred Jones, assault with deadly E. R. Hardin, county coroner. The jury was composed of Messrs. H. C. Freeman. J. V. Williamson. G. B. Kirkman, A. M. Freeman, L. J. vatt and R. O. Edmund. The verdict of the jury will not be rendered until tomorrow at 9 a. m. Fired at Close Range. The filling station was owned by Mr. A. Wright of Parkton- and had been in charge of Mr. Bullock for and kept batch in the rear of the fr 'injuries received when struck by building. He was in the front room mto truck- . of the building when fired upon. The . Joh,n. Lee and Charles Wilson, store fact that pieces of the glass window (breaking; 5 years each on county were found in the har of the murdered rora; XT,, ... ... ... man indicated that the murderer fired .J fcafcdon, iesistmg ofneer; fi.v ax ciose range. , T v,,i,. ,;! son of Mr.- Luke Bullock, who lives near Moss Neck. Four sisters Mrs. Alex. Prevatt of Moss Neck, Mrs. H. P. McLanchlin of Purvis, Mrs. F. M. Ivey of Fairmont and Mrs. W. F. T7 viJ a T7aimkm iA T-lsnn Vha thers-Mr. Alex Bullock of Halifax county and Messrs. M. D. and N.-H. Bullock of Moss Neck survive. Funeral Friday Near Moss Neck After the inquest the remains were taken in charge by Messrs. Stephens & Barnes, local undertakers, and pre pared for burial. The funeral will be Liaicu iu uutiaii xuc x unci ai win uci conducted tomorrow, probably at 11 a. m., and Interment will be made in the Odum cemetery, near Moss Neck. There' is very little clue as to who committed' this dastardly crime. Riveir Claims Another Victim Rupert Layton McCullock Drowned Yesterday When He Fell Into Lum ber River Neither He Nor Any of His Companion Could Swim. The treacherous waters 'of Lumber river claimed another victim about 9 o'clock yesterday morning when Ru pert Layton McCullock, 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mcuullock of iast Lumberton. was . drowned. Yrmrn fff?11fuL- u1frol An tirwui. an old snrineboards and fell into the river. He eoiildn't -swim' and thouehf his body was recovered mAaboUt 30. minutesnit was iifelesj 'when brought from the water. .' ..4 ' , The Unfortunate boy and some three or four) other small boys' were cut ting wood in the swamp near by the river, one of the boys his j brother. Neither of his companions could swim, it is said. The' bod was located and brought to the surface by - Messrs. Charlie Stanton and Qbbie Coleman, young men who live in East Lumber ton. ' The funeral was conducted today at 11 a. m. and interment made in the Hollywood cemetery, near the county home. ,. - ' ' JOIN THE GO-TO-CHURCH CAM- Murder sTluitemopn Normaa nd Arch Cummings Wul be iriea on marge i n.iuing abdui? Oxendine Special Venire , of, 100 MenSix Road Sentences Imposed Disposition ' f of 4 .-" Cm Civil Court ; Next -Week.';.' 7 ,v: V;.. It is .expected that the trial of Nor. man and . Arch Cummings, -Indi&M, charged with killing Asbury Oxen dine, .another Indian, w$l beg.-a in Su perior court here this afternoon. A special venire of 100 men was sum moned from which a jury will be se lected. ; Asbury Oxendine was ' shot from ambush, and killed while walk ing along the railroad - trac,k v near Pembroke several - weeks - ago. The Cummings brothers ', were arrested soon after .the homicide and Jve been : in jail here since. It is not likely that . Wesley Gibbe, the' deaf and dumb Indian, charged with shoot, ing and '; killing his brother-hvlaw, Parker Goins, will be tried at this term. ; The trial of Claud : Oxendiile and Thurtman Hunt, Indians, charged with manufacturing whiskey, was be gun yesterday morning r.d had tot been completed at noon today. The following- cases have been dis posed of during the term : ..Joseph Biggs.' abandonment; plead guilty; fined $1 and cost. Frank Wallace, nuisance; plead guilty; fined $10 and cost. Cramer Miller, violating town or dinance; plead, guilty: fined $25 and cost. Thomas Bullock, violating town or dinance; plead guilty: fined $25 and cost " ' . . - Wade and Esther Sinclair, assault with deadly weapon; 'Wade plead guilty of simple asault and was fined 1 cent and cost; nol pros as to Esth- Dave WiUiams, assault with deadly ty commissioners to hire out to weapon; pieaa guuiy; iinea i ceni ana cost. Span Pope, manufacturing whiskey; Pre-iPlesd guilty; sentenced to 4 months i.Pn' county roads John Black, resisting officer; Vriead guilty; sentenced to 8 months on roads. Zula Jane and Miller Currie vs. Western Union Telegraph and Tele phone Co. and Raleigh and Charles- deadly weapon and feloneous assault; requirvl'to pay $40 to .James ' Dial and fined $25 and cost. Locklear was charged with shooting Dial several months ago. ' Morrison Quick, cheating; sentenced to2 P,0??", T?. Daniel Mitchell, forgery; not guilty. Jim McEachern,. forgery; sentenced to 6 months on roads. Alex Thomas, alias Thames, Dave Blue and Wesley Deal, attempted larceny of auto; fined $100 and one third of the cost each. These defend- . . , . . i am. fd here f-eeta ago after they attempted to move an automobife off East Fifth street while local officers were watching them. ' They were bound over to' Superior court by Recorder Bv H. Fuller and ' later made bond in the sum of $400 each. Since that time Thomas was arrested in connection with the laceny of an auto in Char lotte. He was in jail' there and was brought' to Lumberton for trial yes terday and carried back to Charlotte by Chief of Police D. M. Barker last night. Th)fi three defendants plead guilty of the charge preferred against them here. Judge Geo. W. Connor of .Wilson is presiding at this week's term and will Hold a week's term of civil court, beginning Monday of next week. . Residence Destroyed by Fire.- Fire of unknown origin destroyed the residence of Mr Will S. Small, Caldwell street, about 2 o'clock yes- jterday morning together with all the , furniture. The house was a 5-room one-story structure. Mr., , and Mrs. Small were away from home and the building was practically burned down before the alarm was sent iit , The loss was around $3,500. It is under stood that Mr. Small carried some in surance on the building. ''" : : " Mrs. W. S. Brewer of, Boardman was among , the shoppers in town yes terday.' V - ! Mr. O. I. Floyd of Fairmont was a Lumberton visitor yesterday. JOINT THE GO-TO-CHURCH CAM PAIGN. BEGIN; NEXT SUNDAY. 8 Convicts Escape ; ' From Chain Gang Seven White . Men Siwed; Their , Way Out of a Cage .Tuesday . Night ' Some Friend oa Outside Supposed to - Have Furnished . Sw -Negro . Also Escaped From Gang Tuesday.; r r PEMBROKE LAST KltlWT ; j Isham Victor, Jno.' C. Wfllard and Von Speight, three of the convicts who escaped from the Robeson county chain gang Tues- day night, were captured near Pembroke last night. The three men 'were located rand arrested by Herbert Lowry, deputy sheriff and policeman of Pembroke. They had robbed the home of a colored . man, near Pembroke, before their arrest, it is said. ; They were re- turned to the chain :, gang last night soon after their arrest. Though the ' men. carried : a gun stolen from the home, of the color- . ed mad whose house they Hfcd en- ' tered, they offered no resistance, according to Lowry. - ; : , Seven white prisqnera escaped 'from the Robeson county chain gang Tues day night by sawing the bars of the cage in which they were locked. Four: of the men escaping were sent to the Robeson county gang - from Hoke county. These -were: Elza .Hill who had served femonthfLntan 18 months' , sentence for whipping the. jailer in Hoke John Willard, who had served 6 months of a four years' sentence for larceny; - Will Willard," who nad served 6 -months of an 18 months' sentence for larceny; Frank Ward, who had served 6 months of . a 3 years' sentence fon larceny. The others escaping were: Von Speight, who had served 30 days oi a 9 months sen tence for larceny; Isham Victor, who had served 6 months of a 15 months' sentence for store-breaking at Pem broke; Errfest Tilly, who had served 7 months of a 12 months' sentence for store-breaking in Lumberton. ' The prisoners were all in the same cage and used a hack saw in breaking their way to freedom. , Three of the prisoners claimed to have been sick Tuesday and it is thought they did much of the sawing. during, the day. The saw was evidently furnished by some person who is not in the gang. Ernest McPhaiJand, negro, who had served one month of a 3 months' sen tence for store-breaking, escaped from the gang Tuesday, making a total of 8 escapes during the day and night. None of the prisoners have been apprehended. 'A guard fired two shots at McPharland and it is thought he was hit. , ' ' ; Mr. J., W. Davis, keeper of the gang, returned to his post yesterday alter completing a 3U-days' vacation. Mr. Dave Jones had been in charge during -Mr, Davis' absence, The chain , gang is located near Lumberton, doing work in connection with, the hard-surfacing of the high - way between jjumoerton and Mc - Neill's bridge. Stolen Foi-d Cat Recovered . Found on Street" at St. Pauls No i Doubt Left by Men Who Drove off In Car Stolen at St. Pauls and Abandoned Near Raeford. Messrs. Stephens & Barnes today recovered a Ford roadster which was stolen Tuesday night. The car was found standing on the streets of St. : Tobacco Cooperative Marketing asso- Pauls vesterdav moraine. Mr. F. LJciation meetiner which will be held id lJuasnweii, wno is employed oy Messrs. Stephens Barnes, lett the , car in ; the district composed of Kobeson, front of his father's home, East Bladen, Columbus and Brunswick Fourteenth street, Tuesday night and counties. These delegates, with 7 from yesterday' morning it was missing, j Columbus, and one each from Bruns It 4s thought the car was stolen by j wick and Bladen, will elect one di the men who stole' a Franklin car be-1 rector for the State association. longing to' Mr. Sam Davis at St Pauls - Tuesday night. The gasoline ran out of the car Itolen here -and it is .thought that the -men abandoned the car and to6k the one belonging to Mr. Davis. A posse followed the car theives from St Pauls and when they came in sight of the speeding Frank lin, near Raeford, the men left it'Gough 227, A. W, and -fled into the woods. Mr. Davis) Oliver 209, L M. recovered his car, though it. has not' been learned here whether or not the thieves were apprehended. Some are of the. opinion that four of the prisoners who ' escaped.' from the chain gang Tuesday night used the ear stolen here in getting to SJ Pauls - and then took the ' Franklin. This was the. third Ford car stolen from Messrs. Stephensjk Barnes dur ing the last yean Two of them have been recovered. y,r. , ,, : r Mr. J. M. Jones, an engineer on the Southern railway, left last even ing for Camden, S. C., after spending a few days here with his family. , Mr. William Fucha of Wilmington is spending the day here on busi ness. " Mr. J. L. Thagard of Pembroke was a Lumberton visitor Tuesday. . Mr. C. M. Usher of Lumber Bridge was a LumWrton visitor yesterday. JOIN THE GO-TO-CHURCH CAM PAIGN. BEGIN NEXT SUNDAY. Automobile Stolen 'At St Pauls, .Thieves Abandoned Car When Hard Pressed by Pursuers Same Ones' , .buuhiii hi inn iuwiku oiurv at" Raeford Personal Mention Correspondence ; of The Robesonian. : St. Pauls, Feb; L In our trudge , ,'al6ag the pathway of the year, we .'fiod that the 1st day of February f WlAtL 11 era in n a H7Via-f nnnih na fnaMfnva I wMTVMvy nfwn su s cava let . is quote with Emily Huntington Miller, "Will the winter,never be overt will the dark days never go; must the buttercups and the clover, be al ways ma unaer tne snow 7 An, lena me your little ear, love! Hark, 'tis a; wenderful thing! The weariest month ' of the year, love, is shortest and near-' est the spring.' i- Automobile Stolen r ' Ahout 2 o'clock this , morning Meisrs. Jas. Johnson, and Sam Davis were awakened' by .the' sounds of some one cranking a ear and the bright flash on 'the .windows as it sped by. They rushed out to find Mr. Davis' car missing. Mr. J. C. Lindsay, who was also awakened by the same commotion, joined : them also Chief of Police Lindsay and a bunch of and - sped . thru the woods. The car, in .hot pursuit; Sheriff McGeachy and possibly others from. Fayettevjlle, joined them, by this, time. It seems that they came in sight of the said car, somewhere beyond. Raeford, and fired upon them, they being in A close pursuit of the would-be-robbers by, this time they left the automobile and sped thro, the woods. The car, which was a perfectly good Franklin, was brought back to St. Pauls. We heard they had 'phoned for blood hounds, but no arrests had been made iniconnection with the affair, last ac count we heard. They surely gave the robbers a chase, anyway, and per haps will' yet find some clue to their whereabouts. t seems that a hardware store at Raeford was also broken into last night and several guns, etc., stolen. It, looks very much like this may have been same parties in connection with the robbery here., It was report ed that they left their jitney", in road just above Mrs. Northrops residence, while they were t capturing Mr. Davis' car. v - . . ' Mrs. Laura 'Rich returned to her home town, Laorinburg, yesterday, after a pleasant visit of some weeks to relatives here. , Mr. Hally M. Johnson left Monday for Smithfield. We hope he may be successful in his new vocation. ' V Mrs. C. C. Harrington, who resides on Blue street, was very ill, yester- day. We trust she may soon prove convalescent. Mr. A. R. McEachern is in New York, in connection with business in terests, this week. Mrs. Jo. Sugar and little daughter are home after a very delightful visit 0f a few weeks to relatives and friends in Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Bunnie Martin's little-baby daughter has been very ill with pneumonia; was seemingly . i tmm ' Iter last night; perhaps will soon be! : 0. k., nojv that the crisis has passed, To Elect Tobacco Director Feb. 7 ; Delegates from Robeson, Bladen, Columbus and Brunswick Counties Will Meet in Lumberton Tuesday of Next Week Five Delegates Represent Robeson. Will I Messrs. W. C. Brown. M svionori i T. J. Noblin, Frank Gough and Ai W. 'Pate were, elected delegates to the j.umterton Tuesday of next week lor Ten delegates were nominated for Robeson, members of the association sending in their votes, which were canvassed here Monday, the five re ceiving the highest number of votes being, declared elected. The votes were as follows: T. J. Noblin 267, M. Shepard 264, W. C. Brown 237, Frank Pate 222, L. M. Thompson 172, Arthur Davie 132, R. H. Crichton 99, J. C Lentz 89. TOWNSHIP -PRUNING DEMON l STRATIONS NEXT WEEK . ' v Pembroke Hugh Monroe, Tuesday, February ,7,-10:30 a. m. Wisharts J. R. Phillips, Tuesday, February 7,' 1:30 p. m. r Sterlings Thompson Williams, Wednesday 8th, 10:30 a. m. Orrum Geo. Branch, Wednesday, 8th, 1:30 p. m. ThompsonsScott Stone, Thurs day, 9th, 10:30 a. m. Fairmont W. G. Pitman, Thurs day 9th, 1:30 p. m. Smithjs H.: A. McNeill, Friday, 10th, 10:30 a. m, Red Springs' J. M. Brown, Friday, 10th, 1:30 p. m. O. O. DUKES, Farm Demonstrator. Mr. JohnKinlaw of R. 1, Lumber tonr was in town Monday. x Thieve3 Enter - ; Store at Fairmont Ten Suits or Clothes Stolen Escaped Convicts Suspected. t MUCH INTEREST IN SELECTION SCHOOL SITE AND TRUSTEES Mas Meeting Will be Held Friday Night Five Trustees Nominated Woman's Club U Doing Good Work Other Fairmont New of Interest. . . By II. V. Brown . Fairmont, Feb. 1. Thieves last night entered the store of E. Y. Mc- uaniei ana maae good their escape with' ten suits of clothes valued at $250. Bloodhounds were secured from Raeford and they made a pretty chase, circling a large area - of ma chine branch and old field swamp and finally returning to a house in the Jackson Brothers lumber camp. Upon arriving at the house they proceeded to a bed inside"and laid down beside it A thorough search . was made of .the house, but none of tne goods were found. It was reported by someone that lives in the house that during the nigbt a stranger came to the house and spent some time with an other occupant of the house, all being colored. The officers 'are. under .the opinion that the robbery was commit ted by some of, if not all, the county convicts that escaped from near Lum berton last night Work is still being done by the officers and it is hoped that this initial robbery of the "sea son" will be cleared up in such a manner as to warn others who might start an epidemic. Night Policeman Johnson-. bs on the job, but no? at the right place at the right time. His "beat" con sists of the territory that was cover ed by the robbers, but he was evi dently on some other spot. Within K0 feet of the rear window where they gained entrance by use of a crow bar was a large street lamp burning brightly. A most interesting , and enthusias tic mass meeting was held ( in the Dixie theatre here lasjt Monday night, the meeting having been called in re gard . to the school question, and to SlAilZJn2L!L 23 ' W UIVU MMU IVM VVM0 NJV1M VV to select a site made a report, read ing the proposition offered by the colored Baptist deacons and elders for the property on North "Main street which would make an ideal location for the fine building that is hoped will be built from the bond issue that will be voted on in the near future. Their proposition, how- ever,'. was, m the estimation of many, , absurd and out of reason. I he old site will be voted on at the polls and if a new location is acquired the two will be voted on. A feature of this meeting was the presence of many ladies who took a very active interest j in the work and 'made some very good moves and suggestions. Upon motion by Mrs. C. B. Thompson the meeting adjourned to meet Friday night in the same building to con bet-'elude plans for a new site and the 1 A. - iL 1 t. 111 t. 1 La. entire matter which will be brought before the school board in February. The nominations which will be offer ed for election were as follows: F. C. Jones six years 61 votes; A. P. Floyd four years 47 votes; E. Fisher four years 44 votes; W. T. Sledge two years 42 votes; E. G. Floyd two years 41 votes. More than nineteen persons were nominated, and the meeting had the, air of the old-style town conventional l : 1 . I when nominees were selected municipal oiiice Deiore tne primary i Everybody interested, in schools """"' aw- and better schools be sure to come to j - a "ie lxie meaire Duuamg rnuay night at 7:30 and express your opinion It is understood that another site has been selected by the commit tee which was continued until Fri day night. Woman's Demonstration Club The Woman's Demonstration club, whick is doing some excellent work, had its regular monthly meeting in January with Mrs. II. L. Price at her home on North Main street The meetings are very interesting and in structive and are very well attended Miss Flax Andrews demonstrated at this meeting the "electric cooker". They cooked and ate "angel's food" cake in less than one hour. Some fast cooking. Mrs. C. B. Thompson, president of the local club, states that the next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. T. C. Mcllhenny on North Main street on February 8th at 2:30 p. m. At this' meeting Miss Andrews will lecture on "Poultry", and it is urged that every lady be present ' Calvin Hayes was given 60 days on the county roads by Recorder Floyd Tuesday on the charge of larceny. Hayes plead guilty of the charge and on account of sickness in his family the recorder reduced his sentence to $25 and costs. Carson Bullock, 14-year-old son of Mr. A. R. Bullock of route 1, Fair mont was painfully injured Tuesday when he sprained his ankle while playing at the fcome of his father near here. A double-header' basketball game was played heaeTuesday afternoon (Continued on page four.) ' , JOIN THE GO-TO-CHURCH CAM PAIGN. BEGIN NEXT SUNDAY. COTTON" MARKET Middling cotton is quoted on the. local market today at It 3-4 cents the rwinnri . . . - . BRIEF ITEMS AND LOCAL NEWS "-Ground hog saw his shadow to day. Six more weeks 'of winter. jfHr J. R. Lancaster of St. Paula has accepted a position in the Pope drag store. He began work Monday. Mrs. S. D. Sanderson went Tues day night to the Baker sanatorium, where sh will undergo an opera tion.' --vv , s Hattie Mae Tuck and Shepherd Moore, colored, were married at the court house Tuesday at 12:45 p. m Justice M.. G. McKenzie officiating , Mr. W. H. Barnes has been 'con fined at his home on Water" street for more than a month with rheuma tism in his feet and knees and has suffered severely. During part oi that time he has not been able to walk, except with crutches. His condition has been somewhat improved re cently. . v . Dr. Pate Is Cotton "Chop" Director ....... .... Elected Director ef Cotton Coopera tive Marketing for District Con posed of Robeson. Dr. G. M. Pate of Raynham will be director of the Cotton Cooperative Marketing association" f orJthe, Ei girth district, ' composed -entirely of Robe son county, for the next year. Canvass of the votes Tuesday, the day the voting ended, revealed 378 votes for Dr. Pate and 195 for W. K. Bethune of Lumberton. . There, was no contest for the posi tion, which is an important and re sponsible one. Mr. Bethune nominat ed Dr. Pate and supported him. He. only allowed his name to be used, he says, because it was necessary for two men to be nominated. There are eleven directors for the State, one from each of the ten dis tricts in to, which the State has been divided and one to be named by the Governor. These directors will have charge of cooperative marketing of caotton throughout North . Carolina, and will '.engage the help necessary to make it a success. Robeson county growers have sign-' ed up between 45,000 and 60,000 bales of cotton to be marketed' through the association. Anxious Mother Mrs. Emma Ernor Came to Lumber- , ton From Wilmington, Delaware in Search of SonYoung Man She Came to See Was Not Her Boy. Coming all the way from Wilming ton, Deleware, to Lumberton in the hope of locating her 17Tyear-old son. I who left home last October, Mrs. EmmaEgnor returned home without her son. A boy who gave his name as Arnold Williams and his home as Pennsylvania was recently located by local officers, near Lumberton. He left home about the same , time the Egnor boy- left and answered, the description of Mrs. . Egnor's son so closely that local officers felt sure that he was the right boy. Williams is working for. a farmer in the Beulah section. ' When Mrs. Egnor saw that 'the boy ! was not her sin she, wept. She ex- ipected to .find her lost boy when she I 1 T t..i ol J w "acnea i-umoeruin. ?ne rr vea axu- day evening and left on the next train going north. fBaker Sanatorium Gets $6,500 Worth of Radium. The fifty-five milligrams of radium recently purchased by Dr. H. M Baker for the Baker sanatorium, at a cost of $6,500 arrived Tuesday." This supply, which is just one eighth hundredths of an ' ounce, is ; simply sufficient to meet local demands, ac cording to Dr. Baker. In fact, there are only 3 1-2 ounces of radium in the world, it is said. Only one other hospital in the State is supplied with, radium. Mr. R. M. vDavia and son, Mr. S. E. Davis, of R. 4, Lumberton, were among the visitors in town Monday afternoon. VSV' 3 - - Regular Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Lumberton post of the American Legion will be held in the. legion hall this evening at 8:00. AJ1 ex-service mdn are urged to be present, as some important matters will be considered. JOIN THE GO-TO-CHURCH CAM PAIGN. BEGIN NEXT SUNDAY. "The National Bank of Lumberton has money te lend on Bonded Ware house Receipts for Cotton. See thena NOW. : , v Sadly Disappointed j S4 ; '..-' , '. f- - - I