r TXX2 fiOBZSOSXAirLUnEZITOa, HO&m OASOLDA MONDAY, FZBBUARY 6. 1921 FAGS TH2TD Rub It In vr Colds h the Chert, Sere Threat Grips aal iafls latiea of Aor KkJ The pure oils in Mexican Mustang Linf anient soothe instantly, penetrate quickly - and reduce swelling of glands. Mustang is particularly effective In treating Croup, Diphtheria, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Frost, bites. Cuts. Burns, Piles all ailments that can possibly be reached by an external remedy. Contains no alcohol DOES NOT SMART OR STING. 73 years' suc cess. No home should be without it. Doctor Prticrib ltRad ThU Dr. J. C Compton, Ratliff, Miss., writes: I have prescribed your Mexican Mustang Liniment for Sore Throat, Chilblains, etc, and the results were entirely satisfactory. 1 think very highly of ft , FREE ynTH 25eTRIAL BOTTLE TOP. Havafua-.b popular f Sand 88 cmU In ituiM r eola (orTrt. Boltl. (HowhoU Sin) Miittii Uol. 25c 50c $1.00 Sold by Drag and Genera Stores "hi Good Old Standby Sine 1848 " MEXICAN Arms Conference Ready for History tions Formally Approved at Open 9 Meeting. Washington, Feb. 1. The confer ence on the limitation of armament is now ready for history Virtually all of its work was com pie ted today in the fifth plenary ses sion, which lasted from 11 until near ly 3 o clock and was featured by a businesslike purpose to get through and an almost total absence fit thrills. There is left the framing of the Chinese treaty that will embody the agreements reached as to China, the report - upon the' Chinese Eastern railway, the debate on the 21 de mands and another detail or two, acticn on all of which is but a mat ter of hours: The delegates figuratively hurled themselves on this Work immediately after the plenary ession. Chairman Hughes called meetings of the sub committee on the railroad and of the Far Eastern committee in the same breath in which he adjourned the open session. This driving impulse to be done with everything led Mr. Hughes to depart from his purpose to lay be fore the conference only the naval treaty and the submarine and poison gas resolutions ..embodied in a separ ate treaty. In addition he submitted the Shantung agreement and a large number of Chinese resolutions adopt ed by the Far Eastern committee. British to Return Wei-Hei-Wei. Hurrying to the end, too, and per haps, having an eye on a tenstrike for the British upon public opinion, Mr. Balfour arose in the open session following the Shantung announce ment and stated the British will re turn the Wei-Hei-Wei lease to China. It ought to have thrilled, b"t it did not. The lease is not very important and the British action wa3 expected sooner or later. Also seeing the end in sight M. Albert Sarraut, -of the French dele gation, took advantage of the sub mission of' the naval treaty and of France's assent to it, to deliver a lengthy speech in defense of France against charges of imperialism, especially the charges from the American press. That also ought to have thrilled, but it did mot. M. Sur raut had the misfortune of the Briand TAKE SALTS TO Eat lest neat if you feel Baokachy or Bladder troubles youSalta ii fine for Kidneys. Meat forms urlo add, which excites and overworks the kidneys in their efforts to filter it 'from the system. Regular eat era of meat must flush the kidneys occa sionally. You must relieve them like yon relieve your bowels; removing all the acids, waste and poison, else you feel a dull misery in .the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or, sick headache, diz ziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get irritated, obliging you to get up two or three times during the night. To neutralize .these irritating acids and flush off the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a table spoonful in a glass of water before break fast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine andjdadder disorders dis appear. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com bined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate slug gish kidneys and stop bladder, irritation. .Jad Salts is inexpensive harmless and makes a delightful effervescent lithia nrster drink which millions of men and women take now and then, thus avoiding Mffena kjdsej! vaA tUddar diaouM. 35- tl FLUSH KIDNEYS and" Viviani speeches havinr been I given as samples of French eloquence jand lie was not equal to the standard. The one real thrill, unless the real ization that Shantung was at last a settled issue gave a thrill when Baron Shidehara and Minister Sze spoke. cam from Swrotairv HnoU n. .at ?f? .H along as rapidly and as unemotion- ally as a .tailor dying measureme.ts. val treaty, in which he has had deeper, more fervent personal inter-'. est than hi anything else. . , r.r.afl.r IW. This treaty- absolute ends thj? "SIHXSm" Mr HirL r'. ed of permanent health is good blood. Mr. Hughes in a stirring .voice that1, pepto-Mangan builds eup your U th! hir2& aSSS!.?P nPlfUS J Wood with a form of Iron that gets is the greatest forward step to estab- . ,i T hah the reign of peace. The agreements submitted to the ke feel 80 well and Btronfir. Conference in.the plenary session mdut9 wiu be worth living again. Try given, the assent of the powers fol lows: Naval treaty, includir.tr Pacific fortifications agreement. Treaty embodying the Root sub marine and poison gas resolutions. Shantung agreement reached be tween the Chinese and Japanese dele gates. (This did not require assent) Agreement to abolish foreien post- offices in China by January 1, 1923. To Study Troops Qustion Agreement for international com mission to study situation as to for eign troops in China and make rec commendations looking to removal. Resolution guaranteeing the open door in China with supplemental! agreement of powers not to support their nationals in violations of the open door. Resolutions against discrimination on railroads in China, with recom mendation that Chinese roads be uni fied under Government control. Resolution advising China to dis band the troops now under arriis and controlled either by the .Government or by provincial leaders, thus to re duce disbursements. 3TT!wlOTBiTffaaenbHc'.T " Agreement -that all- treaies.''ctift' tvmM3hge national understandings, concessions, etc., affecting China be filed with the Secretary-General, new ones to be made public within 60 days after con summation. Agreement to restore China's rights in radio stations on her soil, with supplementary statement disavowing judgment as to facts in case of each station, and insisting upon a plan of open-door policy in this field The customs resolution, "nder which China will be given a 5 per cent, ef fective customs rate, instead of the present effective 3 1-2 per cent, rate, and a commission will be named to study the question of allowing further increase, was mentioned by Secretary Hughes, but was not submitted from the Far Eastern committee because the convention has not been entirely framed. John W. Oven in Baltimore Sun Complete Half State Highway Sys tern in 1922. Ralefgh News and Observer: Six teen hundred miles of roads completed or under construction, with a total cost of $24,349,780.80 and more than 200 bridges costing 7G3,889.19 is the record of the State Highway Com mission since it was organized May 1, 1919 under the road law enacted by the General Assembly of 1919. Another 1,000 miles, making an ag gregate total of half the State system of roads will be added this year. Hard surfaced highways completed o.r under construction totals 391.54 miles, at tital cost of $12,804,194.- 64. Gravel roads completed or under construction total 1910 mi'oo at n i'13 "Hies dl. total COSt of $11,124,89S.13. Bridges ! undersigned executors or to their attorneys under construction include the great ! on or before the 1st day of February, 1923, or , .j .u pAu lthi3 notice may be plead In bar of recovery. bridge over the Roanoke river at, A persons ,ndebted to said tate will please Williamston to COSt upwards Of ?300,-jmoke payment to the undersigned. 00C, and the recently finished bridge, Dated this January sut, 1922. tJVCI tiiC XCC 1CC I V.. li UMiiK J land. Twenty-five miners were killed in a coal mine eAiuaiuu . uatca, i a., Thurs Ay. Million Packets Of Flower Seeds Free We believe In flowers around the homes of the South. Flowers brighten up the home surroundings and give pleasure and satisfaction to those who have them. We have filled more than a million packets of seeds, of beautiful yet easily grown, flowers to be given to our customers this spring. Wouldn't you like to have five nacketa of beautiful flowers free? YOU CAN GET THEM! Hastings IMS caujo, is . . WJ-paga J& 2VS$SA SflffS illustrated seed book full from coTr)l2 oelock m court house door in to OOTer Of truthful descriptions and Lumberton, N. C, offer for sale and seU for Illustrations of vegetables, flowers and j cash to the highest bidder, the. following tam crops. It to ftUl of helpful gar- nffita"ikTE. of PitonV being den, flower and farm information that la needed in avery Southern home, and, too, th catalog telir you how to get these flower seeds absolutely tree. Write for our 1922 catalog now. It is the finest, most valuable and beau tiful seed book ever published, and you will be mighty glad you've got it. There is no obligation to buy any thing. Just ask for the catalog, and it will come by return mall. H. G. HA8TINGS CO., SEEDSMEN, ATLANTA, GA. Raleigh News and Observer, Feb. 3: While Wright Rouse, seventy year old one armed negro-convicted f the murder of William Whitley in Greene pniintv. was nravme in his cell at the State prison yesterday morning and the usual crowd of spectators had u.as chain, w . rmm- gathered to witness his electrwution.1 VM.vi. word flashed from the Governor's of-land to Ross u. Thompson y deed ot fice to Warden S. J. Busbee to .Uyj o.!, Boo" the execution lor ten aays. ine wt- will investieata the case fttT - A FIECCX-Plt TH i .IIIJjUuHuIj I U I llihU. MLlV tUIJVj 7 : 1 U .. t, .. ... ..... ' a. 1 svon l ung inrpuga uk nu oi and Half WelL Taia This Ad-i vice. 'e? J.0 L tit with Your meals for a few weeks J !.. 1 1 L! nte 1 tVJll- and .?or, you k?ow??? . 1 ".Boad: on the w.t by w. n. McNeill .nd en yu P,entT of blood to" w J. B. Cndin.. ruining t H-rfni. Yr.n will Hk t and it will it and you will thank us for telling you about it. Druggists sell Glide's Pepto-Mangan in both liquid and tablet form. Advertisement. PROGRAM INDIAN TEACHERS MEETING AT PEMBROKE FEB. 11 Correspondence of. The Robesonian. Program of the Robeson' County teachers assembly for February 11, 1922, at 10:30 a. m. in the Pembroke Normal school building: 1. Devotional exercise, by Rev. P. M. Loeklear. 2. The importance of self-control in the teacherM.O.R. Sampson and Mr. E. B. Sampson. 3. How can we keep the older boys and girls in school? Miss Vester Lowry and Mr. B. W, Lowry. 4. What are the chief functions ot English? Mr. A. B. Riley and Mr. J. W. Smith 5. The ultimate aim of the pubhe school Mr. J. N. Bowen and Mr. c. Lowry 6. ' Round table discussions. 7. Music led by Mr. A. F. Corbin. L. W. JACOBS, - ' JiJtJfflM-J .Program LiOmmiir.ee. BED PEPPER Ease your tight,, aching chest, Stop the pain. Break up the congestion. Feel a bad cold loosen up in just a short time. "Red Pepper Rub" is the cold rem edy that brings quickest relief. It can not hurt you and it certainly seems to end the tightness and drive the conges tion and soreness right out. Nothing has such concentrated, pen etrating heat as red peppers, and when heat penetrates right down into colds, congestion, aching muscles and sore, stiff joints relief comes at opce. The moment you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes the congested spot is warmed through and through. When you are suffering from a cold, rheumatism, backache, stiff neck or sore muscles, just get a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from red. peppers, at any drug store. You will have the quickest relief known. Always say icowies . NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having Qualified as executors of the last will and te3tament of Frank Edens, deceased. this Is to notiiy all persons naving claims nnunt ume to the M. STEED STACKHOUSE, Executors of Frank Edens dee'd. Mclntyre. Lawrence & Proctor," Attorneys for Executors. 2-2-6 Thurs ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as. administrator of the estate of Rufus Sampson, deceased, late of the county 0f Robeson, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed at his residence, on or before the 2nd day of January, 1923, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This, January 2nd, 1922. H. T. SAMPSON, W. Lennon, Administrator. Attorney. Mon- TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Default having been made in the payment of the bond secured by that deed of trust from T. W. Thompson and wife, Rosa M. Thompson to the undersigned Trustee for Pate Supply Company, dated the 25th day nt u.. 1Q91 anii recorded in Book 54. page a part of Lots Nos. S and bounded on the north by J. G. Hughes, east by R. R. Street ; south by Farrell and Bunell and west by Alley, being 20 feet wide and 140 feet long, the entire length of the . Farrell and BunneU lot referred to above, and being the same property heretofore conveyed by R- B. Farrell and T. J. Bunnell and wives, to Boss -Thompson by deed dated the "th day of Nov. 1919, recorded in Book Z, page 8Z6 Robeson County Registry. . . o j it... i i.nmhr feridse Township, bounded and described as follows : On the south side of Roekflsh Creek, adjoining the lands of McNatt. MeCormick and others, Be ginning at stake, three pine pointers in tee north edge of pond in Comfck a Davis' line, and runs east 1.10 chains to an iron corner by two 1 so min. east 9 20 chain, to , . .uk, n r nn rnm ui m s - . ; J "n"; nn.: then as .aid BOrth wwt 32,39 chain. b a stake, Pm. pointer ; -k. Bdf then ! i in -hains to a Uke, buck gum pointer ; then due " jrr ;-19th day of January. ii. ' JUNIUS J. GOODWIN. l-ZM Mm. Trasts BREAK CHEST GOLDS WITH :1 . TBUSTtn IALK ' 1 under and be virtu, of tK. ..I. I j , l 'T'. war certain deed of tout from west. wMZT7r f- 5" Tte., for taJ4r k T tit. OWN J?cV"rr r ueeoa of Kobeaea County, North Carolina, default bavins- been mad. la 5 JF? ot ?T r said M y we uratinaa Trustee will efrer " auction for to the highest bidder at 12 o'clock noon on February tSrd, 1922 at the Court Bouse Door ia the own of Lamberto n. N. C. the following described tract of land. One fifth of an undivided interest to the estate of Richard Loeklear, deceased, lying ia Burnt Swaap Township en the Eureka Bead about two mile South of Bute, bounded more or lass. Dated this 21 day of January. l2t F. K. BIGGS. Helntyre, Lawrence ft Proctor, Trustee. Attorneys for trustee. 1-2M Thurs. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL UTAfk Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in a certain Judgment and deeree of the Superior Court of Jlobeson County, rendered in a cause therein pending entitled "W W. Welwter m. W. thincan Me Callum," the undersigned coramitsioner will, on Thursday, the 16th day of February, 1922, ia front of the Cdurt House Door in the Town of Lumberton, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following descirbed landi, to-wit: In Alfordaville Township, Robeson County. Tract Number Three (J) of the land known as the W. W. Webster farm according to sur vey of O. M. Page, November, 1919. and con taining ninety and eighty-five one hundredths (90.65) acres, a map of said land being duly recorded in the Registry of Robeson County in Book of Haps No. 1. Dated this the 16th dey of January. 1922. DICKSON MeLEAN. Commissioner. McLean, Varser, McLean ft Stacy, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 1-19-4 Thurs. NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE Under and by virtue of the power contained in a certain mortgage deed, executed on the 10. day of October 1919, by Joseph Russ and wife, to the undersigned mortgagee, said morteaare being registered In book 46, page 187 in the office of the register of deeds of Robeion County, North Carolina, notice is hereby given, that the undersigned mortgage, will, on Saturday, the 11th day of Feb. 1922. at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door - highest bidder for cash to satisfy the terms of said mortgage the following lot of land lying and being in the town of Lumberton, ana uescnuu mm . Beginning at a stake In the eastern line cf Pine Street where the said line Is interacted i"n nfti-th tine of firs street, and runs thence along the eastern. U4e et JPins Street og (ret teatfcje;lsssSi4e-esMer.l -B1 irection parallel wltn Wie line oi iim mi 1U8 leet to a nu " im v - fore owned by A. R. Phillips : thence in a southerly direction and parallel with the line of Pine Street 108 feet to the north line of first street; thence along the northern line of first street 108 feet to the beginning, and beinst a part of lot No. 72 as laid out and designated on the last official map of the town of Lumberton made by J. E. Pureell. C. E., November 1, 1904. This the 10th day of January 1922. MRS. MARY STEPHENS.Exnc. I- T Tlrift Ml Co.. murw. Attorneys. 1-19-4 Thurs. MORTGAGEE'S 8ALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in a certain rtgage deed executed by W. G. Brltt V J. w. Peele. recorded in Book of Mortgage Deeds No. 46, at page 238 Registry of Robeson county bear ing date Nov. 18. 1919 (default having been made in ! payment of the notes secured thereby), tl'e undersigned mortgagee will l fer for sale, on Monday the 20th. day of February. 122, at 12 o'clock Noon, at the courthouse door in the Town of Lumberton. N C. at public auction, to the highest bM deV for cash, the following described lands and premises, to-wit: .... .. j. In Parkton Township, adjoining the Unas of Albert Hill, Dunkin Bullard and Others: Beginning at a stake in the edge of the main ditch in Cole Camp Swamp, by black m pointers. Bedsol. and Williams' corner, and runs south 66 east 15.60 chains to a pine, the McArthur corner: thence south 6a east 16.40 chains to a stake in the hedgerow; thence south 33 west 25.90 chain, to . maple in Bear Bay: thence north 44 1-2 west r chains to a stake by a pine ; thence north 56 west 68 chains to a stake in Fisher s iL; thence north-32 1-2 east 2.56 chains to a stake on a ditch bank: thence south Sa east U.K chains to a pine stump; thence north 80 cast 3 chains to a stake, pine point ers : thence south 66 eat 7.28 chains to a stake: thence south 80 east 16 chains to a stake by a black gum pointers ; thence south ?o wt 55 links to a stake In 'the edge of I the main ditch; thence down the .ditch 11.10 chains to the beginning. conmii" acres, more or less. The lines given herein are subject to 4 1-2 degrees variation. This the 19th, day of January. 1922. J. W. PEELE, Johnson & Johnson. m"' Attorneys for Mortgagee. l-!3-4 Mon. inMIMHTRATORS NOTICE ' Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Asberry Oxendine, deceased, late of Robeson County. North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceases v exr.iuii men. the undersigned at PembroKe. Norm taroun, on or before the 2nd day of January. 1923 or ihl. nntira v.i!l he Dleaded in bar of their reeoverv. All persons indebted to said estate rill please make immediate payment. This 2nd day of January, 1922. R. H. LIVERMORE, Administritor of Asberry Oxendine. 1-24 Mon. OLD-TIME COLD CURE DRINK HOT TEA! Get a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea, put a up of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during the day or before retiring. It la the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the pores of the skin, relieving1 congestion. Also loosens the bowela, thus breaking no a eold. : Try it the next time you sniffer from a cold or the grip. It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore safe and harmless. STIFF AGHUI6 JOIIJTS Sub Soreness from jointa and muadtt . with a imajl tnal bottle or old 8t Jacobs Oil fitvn "ilrmxi-ncr" Rheiimatism. k It'a pain only; not one oae in fifty requires internal treatment. Rub eooth imr. wmetratiM "St. Jacobs Oil" right tE "tender snot." and by the time you say Jack Robineon out comes the' xhanmalic nain. "St. Jacob's Oil" U . urmliHu rlwiiniatism cure which never disappoints and doesn't burn th akin. It takes pain, soreness awi aiui- SMa trrm mi-hina inints. muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache, SMmloiA r Limber upl 43 a S5 eent bottle of old-time, basest -St. Jacobs Oil" from any drug stone, ana in a moawn mm rrmn rrosn bii sh w asm. Don't fuffexl Bub away. RUB RHEUr.lAf ISf.l FROM ANNOUNCING A Further Seduction in Prices of NUNNALLY'S CANDIES The new prices are in addition to the 25 per cent redaction made a few months ago. NnnnaUy's Favorite Packages art priced lower than any other Standard Candy on the market GET IT AT POPE - DRUG COMPANY Phone 112 lBKts Fcffibi The ICind That Brings Results We are in position to furnish you all Analy sis Fertilizer. 16 per cent Acid, Kainit, Pot ash, Sulphate of Amonia, Nitrate Soda and Ground Limestone. We handle goods made by six different concerns" that we, have been selling 5 to 15 years. Nothing but the most ' reliable brandssold; : PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY And get your requirements to your farm. Plant early and get ahead Mr. Boll Weevil. K. M. BIGGS LUMBERTON, N. C. Top of the market paid MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LAND nfliAt MtifMul In irtjiln mnrtir.ijrM deed executed by D. A. Barlowe and wife. Alma U. Barlowe v m. t. ffisriey. amy re irlstered In the office of the Registr of " DnWnn Pnnntu fn Rnnk 43. at page 101, (default having been made In the payment of the note securea inereny.i me undersigned mortgagee, will offer for sale, on Tuesday the 14th day of February, 1922, at 12 o'clock Noon, at the courthouse door In the Town of Lumberton, N. C, at public auction, to tne nisrneax Dinner. lor can. un following described lands and premises, to wit : ' In Lumber Bridge Township, adjoining tne lands of J. H. Chason, J. C. D. McNatt and rt.t. RMinnihff at . atAke th. dividing corner between the Chason and Barlowe lands. runs the dividing Jine norm it man us ennm. to a sUke In the edge of a road; thence south 77 1-2 east 9.12 chains to a stake: thence south 4 west 29.50 chains to a stake in McNatt's line; thence as tnai line souin 80 west 5.12 chains to a stake; thence north in . 14 .halnt in M. atAk. '. thMlC. nortfe 65 west 10.50 chains to the beginning, con taining 30 4-7 acres, more or less. This the 13th day or January, ivzz. M. L. MARLEY. Johnson & Johnson, Mortgagee. Attorneys for the Mortgagee. i-io-s aiou. VTiTirF OP RI MMON9 North Carolina, In The Superior Court. Robeson County. rivrf ThomDion. Plaintiff. VI Sarah Bel lamy Thompson, Defendant. To the defendant, Sarah Bellamy lnomp n : vm will -iV. nntirA that an action has been Instituted In the Superior Court of Robe- tr.. . ... - . .I.,,., .nt i t lo fnr- th. nurnM, BVit wuui, mm - r frnm th defendant. ui vuiiiuiie - - " You will further take notice mat you are i av-. it. a Tvrvaka iwaTnra t np uniiPT' ligned Clerk of the Superior Court at hU office in the town or Lumoerwrn on nw hm uj w vi - ' i.-. ,.. if vnn fll ta ltmMi1 at said A 17AKs-ns.r 1092 anH TOU Will IUTXTXWT time and place and answer or demor to the complaint lied herein, tne reiiet aemanoea by the plaintiK will ne grmniu. in. m l'th day of January iviz. Clerk Superior Court. Johnson 9t Johnson, .... ttorney for Flalntlir. laurm nninM Blip n .t. ,l. .ntkn.k. Mkitalna1 In a eertain deed or trust maae oy w. x. nemawo i A lama T Prmttr trtutM fof .... . . . n . rw . a tmilU W issc w - " - r r kM4nar Ami at Nmrtmbff 4. V- 1M V i"" am vv awscess ' 8rd., 1919 and duly reeorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Kobeson toaniy in Book No. a at page en uiu nm i a. 1 .U mwmmi nt tW indhtil- iktu nwuv M. Ml. j .. ness thereby securea) we nnanwn will on Monday the 18th.. day of February. 1922 at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door rn Lumberton. N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the nignest otaarr jot L .1 AtlAlnav nawnhal laiula tfl-Wlt I cato iwiiw. In Parkton Township, near the Town of Parkton and being tne upper part oi "i or lot No. 8 on plat of lands formerly owned , w r r. w.v... nt.k nlat la a on record ia saM Regbters Office In Book of Maps No. 2 at pages 50 ana ou i-s ana re-crii" to same H here made, tne sara '" .:... t ja...lhw1 f fil Inwi : more v"tuMJ " , , . Beginning at a stake In the Raeford and Parkton Road, the corner of lots 2 and 1 in said McNatt suVdivifcn and runs thence along said road N 54-45 W S05 feet to a stake in" Barlow's line: thence aa his line S 84-15 W 12s5 feet to a stake in Chajons line of lot No. S in said sub-division i thence as said line S 4S W 507 feet to a stake In line dividing lots 4 and In said sub-divfaion. cT n i.9 v t?7S ttet. to m. stake a tne line u iv iu iuk vw - - said line N 48 E 1502 feet to the beginnings ., . - j : .mi t diMH alone containing 18.75 acres ana own land conveyed to saw uimora -Seals. - Dated this January 18th. 1922. l-l-4 Mmv. 9 - ...JL-Ufi for all grades cotton. 3 1 6 NOTICE North Carolina, In The Superior Court. Robeson County. Roy McPhail, vs. Leon Lewis MePhaO. The defendant above named will take notie that an sction entitled as above has beess commenced In the Superior Court of Robeaena County, North Carolina, for the purpose of dissolving absolutely the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and defendant; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at tba office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Robeson County, at 'Lumberton. North Caro lina nn the 21at day of February. ana answer or -demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded therein. Dated this the 21st day of January, vrzi. C. B. SKIPPER. Clerk Superior Court McLean, Varser, McLean ft Stacy, CounJel for Flatntlll. wo- io. TRUSTEE'S SALE 'TTJ.. a.J Ka trirltM nt th. DOWCr of Sal contained in that certain deed of trust from Wm. Andrew Hardin and wife to t. aw. Biggs Trustee, for K. M. Bigg, reeoraea " r i, I? n 22ft: Rrister'a Office of Robeson County and dated December 4th. 1920, default having been made in the pay ment of the note secured by said deed of trust, I the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale for cash at public auction to the highest bidder at the court house door in the Town of Lumberton, N. C. at 12 o clock noon nn F.hruarr 23rd. 1922 the following de scribed traet of land : , Adjoining the land or J. a. " others. Beginning at an iron stake. J. M. Powers and others comer and runs Fowere line South 88 East 82 chains to a stake, powers' corner, thence North 61 1-2 &st 350 chains to stoke to J. H. Power,' to. thence North 80 West 80.82 chains to. stake on a ditch bank ; thence to the begin ning, containing iz acre.. ...... . V. . i .u- n nf the en tat Ut Numoer i ' " ,, . Willi. n of Amos Hardin, deceased "J Andrew Hardin. See Book of Orders and De crees Number 14 at page . " g Superior Court of Robeson County N. C. Se alsTBook 6 "V at page 18. Robeson County Registry. . Dated thU January Mclntyre. Uwrene. ft Proctor, Tft Attorneys lor vru- TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND ... . . ..! - ka naver atwl under ana w, ?' J.in mtnc authority conierreu uj - . . . . . d'eS. dated May 18th. 1920. and duly mhl-J ed in the oniee oi - - , M itobeson County, North Carolina, to k -at we 122. the underaumed subetitutej .tof will, on TaeKtaT, th. February 1922, at twelve o'clock nf the court hooe door in th. town o U Srton, North Carolina, offw for le blT.uction. to the htehesti bidder, f or c-h. tJh. following described lands and premises, to wit: ' . . . th. In the town or wmiw d. . the lands oi u. ss- . k X at a rtak. to D. M. HalTs l." line dividing Saint 0"n.. .oath walk : and runs as D. M. Hall s lifie soum 51 SO west 4.8 chains to a .tafc : th north SS.SO. west 1-02 chain, to a stoke the north 51.80 east 4.a enanw . - ---line of said street and sidewalk : then a. laid line south 88 east 1.02 chains to the beginning, containing 1J ere. ThU th. 21,t day of SuUtitutedTrustee E- Covington. Trustee tor eana ot ".ifa Thai Johnson ft Johnson. Attya. l-z- tn .LCKBINO BKPAiat WOM AND rLC1134 o afl kinda. ptotoa; for setylee psu 111 . UMI WSfc Koaai k nan at. & . a . -