TUB H0BE20SUH, LUIIST-TCII, COOT C1EOU2IA MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1922. FAGS SEVEf SOLDIER BONUS FUNDS MUST ' BE RAISED BY SPECIAL TAXES j YOU can make better.Self'Raising Flour than you can buy USE 25-Jb. Mck of your regular Hoar and mix with n package of Horafonft. This maket a mora wholesome, efficient, self raisin floor . than ean be bought ready-prepared. Pure phosphates In Hartford's make breads and pastry more nutritious, strength-building, tasty and satisfying. . r For free Prise List, write Romford Chemical Works, Providence, R, I, Secretary ' Mellon Saja Contre8 J Would Hare to Tap New Source of Revenue. - - Washington v Feb. 2-r-Fnnds to fi nance soldiers bonus' mast be raised by means of initial taxes as it would be impracticable to depend upon pro ceeds from the refunded foreign debt for this purpose, Secretary Mellon declared to day before the House ways and means committee. ' Reiterating bia objections' ' to the enactment of bonus legislation at this time, the treasury secretary said that in levying taxes Congress would have to tap mostly new sources, as the levies now in effect were abnormally high for peace times. He opposed a general, sales tax, re-enactment of the ercess profits tax or an increase in any existing" taxes except possibly those on cigarettes, tobacco and docu ments. m A - J New sources ox revenue suggest of the 8ituation that exi8ts in alm08t Dytne secretary inctuueu; - tow thfi stat- T the TifXU? Cla88 P gB' ! burden secerns of these towns is a raise 70,000,000. - , nonulation that in too far from coun- i ii i snr-RAispcc jL Fn Kjrtsa i1 til Ya AT BOMX, Sj ft i a,.--. Self-raising bread rreparatiqii I SAVE the LABELS for free premiums! An increase in second class post- try schools to attend, and outside the .I AHA ft A AAA aee rates to produce mu,wu,ww. uu n, vi j:. nn'il1 n b - t0;trict Heretofore the custom has been yield $30,000,000. - I to charge children living outside the A license tax of 50 cents- per district8a nominal tuitIo fee Horsepower on auiomowiw u yru-, Rrnnlc v., -a,,--. !, duce $100,000,000. Mr. Mellon estimated that increas ed documentary stamp taxes would produce $40,000,000 and that an ad ditional $20,000,00 could be had from increase of 50 cents per 1,000 on cigar ettes . and two cents a pound on to bacco. Cost of Bonos. Figuring that the bonus would cost $425,000,000 a year for the first two years, the secretary said Congress could pick out other sources of taxes; where the burden would fall with tne least hardship in order to make up the deficit of $125,000,000 as between the yield from the specific suggestion he had made and the cost of the bonus. In this connection he called at of allowing them six months without tuition, in accordance with the -constitutional requirement, and a charge for the remainder of the term.' This plan has met with no little opposi tion from cities where conditions are already crowded. -The report of the committee authorized will be made before the beginning of the next school year, and some uniform plan agreed upon., -Reduction of the cost of operation in high schools through the reduction in the number of supervisors, and the concentration of pupils under fewer teachers can be accomplished without sacrifice of efficiency, Dr. Brooks believes. Elimination of some special subjects from the high school INSTANCES OF PARENTS EAT ING THEIR CHILDREN IN FAMINE STRICKEN RUSSIA - TKt STFRTI BAIK fl I.1VD . I Under sod by vfrta of tfc sower and , aa'JxarHy conferred in a esrtafa deed of trot exerted by EIra Hunt to E. M. Johnson, Trottee. for V. g. Floyd, Jr., bar ins 41 Feb. 1th. 1921. and duly registered in Book N-j. SO. ft pave 4, Registry of Babeaoa Cooa-t -cy iceiautt havinc been made tat the pay seat of tr,e..tndebtJaes seeared by said deed of trurt aerordinr to iu terns.) the under stated iTCitee will en Monday the 20th. day of lebrwary, i22, at 12 o'clock Nooa, at the courthouse door in the Town of Limber too. N. C. offer for sale at aublfa anetioa. to the highest bidder for cash, the following-t described tract of land, to-wtt: . j la Fairmont Township, adjoining the1 Stephens lands and on the east aide of the Lamberton road and west aide of the Old Field Swamp, and northeast aide of Ba.fi Id Branch. Betriaain at a stake hi the Old Field Swamp and rone thence north (1 11 wast c2 ft. to a stake in the Lamberton j road; thence south 20 deSTeea and 20 mlnates west alone the Lamberton road 270 ft. to a ! stake in the ede of Barfieid Branch : thenee down the said Branch la a southeast; direction' 1192 ft. to a stake at the junction of Bar-: field Branch and Old Field Swamp; thence, ap the run of said Old Field Swamp to the: beginning corner, being1 Lot No. 1, as cob- divided by F. S. Floyd, Jr., and being a part of the lands formerly owned fay S. F. Floyd.; Sr., now deceased, containing 9 acres, net, after deducting; the following exceptions: I Lots Not. 1, 2, and in Block B. in the north Fairmont sub-division, as shown on Book cf Maps No. 1, at page 39. office of- the Keg inter cf Deeds of Robeson County. This the 20th, day of January, 1922. E. M. JOHNSON, Johnson Johnson, Trastee. Attorneys. 1-20-4 Thurs. SAGE fEA KEEPS until? nun mm III. IK Mfl.t. I IfinlV I iuuii nmii uniiii When Mixe4 with Sulphur If Tr Ts BIU1KB AJA.sk tii awpamum Lustre at Once. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred in a certain deed of aretrust executed by Edwin Chavis to S. M. Geneva, Feb. L (By Associated Press). Famine has reached such a terrible degree in the Orenburg district of Russia that people are trilling. Atria on I rtarpnta eating their children,, says a telegram J v.on Tnt , for received here today from a represeri- uj ln Book o. bo. 'at pk . f o4-Itta in Hfncrirvtir nt TPrnAtint KsTIUII. ' RMritr nf Tieeds of RobeSOn Cotinty. (de- head of the international committee ",3 VlSTE It Of Russian relief. trust) the andersigned Trustee will on Mon- The representative's telegram ad- day February 20th, 1922. at 12 o'clock Noon, rlrpasprl to the Geneva beureau of the at th eoorthouse door In the Town of Lum aressea 10 trie geneva Deureau 01 vne )Urton N c offer toT Mlf t pubKe .uetion international committee was based to th, highest bidder for cash, the following upon reports received from a Russian ! described tract of land, to-wtt : -r nrcaontntivp attached to the Ameri-! In Fairmont Township, adjoining- the land .cpresentative attacnea 10 tne Ameri- if c A flofit B htwlt Md No 7 can relief administration; at Vren- ownrj Dy Liiiie Williamson, and n the south burg. - side of Machine Branch. Beginning at a The following authentic example. ' - BB"M" says the telegram, occurred in the VlH-. iou.n s degrees and 40 minutes west 587 ft. lage Of Tuliakovat to a stake; thence south 9 it ""f." A man named Tuhvatulla Halline minute t along the line of C. Af rloyos A man named lunvatmia xiamne ( fi4g ft tontr ct y,. j,nd, o ate the corpse Of his brother. (Liiiie Williamson; thence north 20 degrees A woman named Housna ate two east running; -aimar iaiMs Wiiitaiaiatoo ha, PhiHrer. and a man named land 1071 ft. to a .take; thence along ths rvn -" v;y ; " ..t special subjects irom tne mgn scnooi " r, . iCf Machine Branch to e wnn r"TL' Cray Kalf. however kan&aotiM. Bote adraadnc Ws all artsww tha advantage of a yottnfnl appoar SXDC, ' X Our suur i jour swum make or mars tha CaeL Wnan It fade, turns gray and look straakad. lust a few applieaUa of Bar Taa and Sulphur ennancM It appeavranca a hundred-fold. . Don't iur rrayT Look jronn! Either prepare the raelpa at noma or get from any dm atore a hottla or -Wyeth'a Basra and Sulphur Com pound," which la merely the old-time reel pa Improved by the addition of other Ingredients. Thousands of folks recommend this ready-to-uee prepara tion, becauaa It darkens the hair beau tifully, beaidea, no one can possibly tell, as It darkens so naturally sad evenly. Too moisten a sponge or soft brush with It, drawing this through ths hair, taking ons small strand at s time. By morning ths gray hair disappears: after another application or two. Its natural color is restored and It becomes thick, glossy and lus trous, and yon appear years younger. nr-Aik'a and fiiilnhne Gam- pound is a delightful toilet requisite. It Is not Intended for ths cure, miti gation or prevention of disease. "" sugar and other 'aftiwies,-out rhe""did not approve sucn. taxes.; As to the use of any part-ofthe ikenrPr. Brootjrps-lo-momfrtt,-r public the plan's' for reorganization by the first, of the week. NEW LAWYERS LICENSED vTw f , was I BY STATE SUPREME COURT Three Robeson County Men, One and the country would be greater than ' Each from Lumberton, St.. Pauls if direct taxes were laid., He explained) and Orrum, Licensed Two Women that if the interest were used the gov-i Among Successful Applicants, ernment would have to extend its John Blount McLeod son of Mrs. domestic debt refunding operations Alf. H. McLeod of Lumberton, Wil that much longer at a cost to the taxlliam Fred Hester of St. Pauls and payers, while if the foreign' bonds J William Yates Floyd of Orrum were were sold id the United States the among the 73 new lawyers licensed government would have to guarantee .by the State Supreme court Thursday the interest and the principal and even as a result of examinations held last then the securities nrobably could not iwonaay. iwo oi me successiui appu be sold at par. Treasury Certificates cants are women Miss Lottie Eliza beth Lewis of Raleigh and Miss Flos- To a suggestion that the treasury sie Eleanor Marshbanks of Marshall, issue certificates of indebtedness to J Eighty-two applicants took the ex raise the $850,000,000 for the first animation. Guy Hilary Allran of Fay- eiievnie aim xvuueru iiuwnm ixc Brown of Chadbourn also were among the successful applicants. two years and retire them out of interest from the foreign debt, Mr. Mellon said this would hinder the domestic debt refunding operations upon which the treasury soon must portea irom me oistnci oi ugmy, "- "--".-,.- a. wrUthee rw.or.le nrriv- I aw ,T" ,' il-fn, . i,ii vivuwui6, " i ducting tne acrease i ed on foot, having waiKea zuu to ojeepunees versts in order to obtain American aid. (A verst is .66 of a mile.) ... at as S vt- niv A. rAta no, i. . . 12. IS and 14 In Block B, and Lota Noa. 1 and 2 in Block F. as shown In Bock of Maps No. 1, psge 89, of Sunny Heights, registered In the office of the Register of Deed, of Robe son County. Thia the 20th, day of January, 1922. E. M. JOHNSON, Johnjon, , J?'1"- ' 1 od.i Thnn Attorneys. The railroads of the country were in hptrpr nVivsifal condition at the end of the neriod of Federal control I yan rViow Viarl Vioon wVion tnlren over . Johnson dnrinc the war. William G'. McAdoo. former Secretary of the Treasury and j mortgagee's 8LE war-time director general of rail- Ij&&SJK roads, told the Senate interstate com- Pais!.y i. Lockiear to K. M. Bigg, dated ui.. i. .. L rt-j ,air ..J wnnlxl in Book 05 merce commuiee iasi ween, m kvk warcn u, , . --r -,ister of an accounting of his guardianship of , f tt. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred In a certain Deed of Trust executed by Alex Gady to E. M. Jqhaac Trustee, for W. W. Carlyle, on May the 2nd., 1921. said Deed of Trust bavins been reeoro ed and duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson County. North Carolina, in Book U, at Pace tst. and de fault having been made la the payments of the notes seeared thereby, the undersigned will on Wednesdsr the 1st., day of March, 1922, at 12 o'clock noon, at the doors of ths Court House In the town of Lamberton, North Carolina, offer tor sale, te the htth- est bidder, for cash, at public auction tne ioi lowing described lands and premises, to-wit! In St. Paula Township. Kobeaoa county, North Carolina, on the Boooth West side of the LKtle Harsh, containing Twenty Acres, being fully as-jejr,,t. -a aeew. , -w -mtj. Craeford ndj,yx . .'---h.-.... dated February the 9th., 1S4, and record ed and dally registered In the office ef the Register of Deeds of Robeson County, N. C. in Book S-Q. at Psge 209, to which registra tion reference b hereby made for the pur pose of a more perfect description. Thia the 28th., day of January, 1922. E. M. JOHNSON, Trustee. F. Ertel Carlyle, Asttorney for Mortgsgee. -1-S0-4 Mon. the survey ef& lands heretofore ewneeyed te F. R. McNeill by W J. Brow, sad wife, hy deed hUy registered m Book S-A, at pace a. in the office ef the Register of Deeds ef Kobesen County. A full and complete! aV eerrpthm by metes aad bound ef the afore- swrsw vs anq will sw TOtUM by reference to the deed ef trust from P a siciveiii ana oraer. u isomas L . Johnsoa and J. A. Coke. Jr Tmetees, which Is ui siiks snsr iwfBwr or ieede of Rotieaoa Count, tm Book of Mart... Deed No. IS, at page MS, , TV V 9Vm 1 "?tk Am-m -4 I.mhm 1a4 THOMAS L. JOHNSON aad J. A. COKE, Jr. eonnaaa, rfoansea, , . Trusts sa. Attornen foe Life Iasawastaa Cssmaaw Vtrshiia, Mortgages. 1-19-4 Thurs. NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION Ha vine qualified aa administrator af taa estate of Robert T. Taylor, deceased, late ef iBcaoa eowaty. Howelarrille towns hfo. Morta Carolina, this at to sotify all persona bavins? claims against said estate to pfcaeat them to the undersigned, duly verified, en or before the 10th day of January, 192S, or this notiee will be pleaded in bar ef their recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will please make . immediate payment. Thia teth day of January. 1922. C. B. TAYLOR, Administrator of Robert T. Taylor, deceased. I-SO-e Mon. NOTICE OP MORTGAGEE'S SALE OP LAND. Under and by virtue ef the power con tained ht a certain B! or! ae deed executed on the , day af Dee. 1919 by Coon Miller to the andersigned mortgscee, said mortgace being registered in book 49, page 9$ in- the office of the register of deeds ef Robeson County, notice is hereby gtvea that the un dersigned mortgsgee will, en Saturday the 1. day of February 1922. at 12 e'tloak. Boon at the eotjrt bouse door of Robeson County offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy the term of said mortgage the fol lowing tract of land lying snd being In the county of Robeson and ht Thompson Township, bounded and described as follows, te-wHl Lot No. t of the 3. L. Townsend Division McDonalds, N. C, as appears apon a plat of said divfaioa made by J. Ed. Tyson and registered in book of map No. 2, page 77 m the office ef the register of deeds of Robeson County, North Carolina, containing 19 1-2 seres, and being the same tot con veyed en the I, day of December 1919 by the said J. L. Townsend to the said Coon Miller. This the 19, day of January 1922. J. U TOWNSEND, B. 3. Britt A Co, Mortgagee. Attorney. 1-22-4 Mon. NOSE CLOGGED FROU A COLO OR CATARRH UtV' Crftt la Nostrils Ts enrVp Air rassseres. -. - the properties during 1918. Postmaster J. H. Weddington of . . . i j.j I OYarrta 7? vonra nld. dipd at. hia - , wa s .i AXrA in -a Wo ohlPlrVTATI Pi "i CI Til T Jl I ditional securities should be thrown ng, He had been . a leaoer m tne - , - Dusmess, commercial, rengiuus, civic - He also called -attention that the gov-, and political me oi tne city tor nau rv made in the paymetn of the note secured 1 there by, the undersigned mongsgee wui William Desmond Taylor, interna- ??!'. Fuule riling ,?ouse door in the town of tlonally-known motion picture dl- Lumberton, N. C. st 12 o'clock noon on Feb. rector, was founds dead at his desk ; rnary 23rd, 1922 the following described trsct in his home at Los Angeles, Calif., j of isnd. t fa Thursday morning. A bullet had been ! of"my father Rchard Uckiear bounded and fired into his neck from behind. He j described as follows: Situated on the Eurrta was last seen alive by Mabel Nor- Boai l about m three tK iand. of j. H. Godwin; on the East by land, of Lonnie Lockiear: and on the West by the lands of Jimmie Oxendine and on the South k lands oi Tw R. McNeill. Ssid trwt con tolning 76 seres more or less. Dated this 21st day of nM"1GGS,' Mortgagee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under snd by virtue of the power and au thority conferred In a certain deed of trust dated December 21st. 1916, by F. R. MeNeill and others to Thomas L. Johnson snd J. A. Coke, Jr.. Trustees, the undersigned Trustees will on Saturday the 18th, day of February, 1922, at 12 o'clock Noon, at the courthouse door' In the Town of Lumberton, N. C, offer for sale at public auction, to the bigheat bid der, for cash, the following described land and premises, to-wit: Containing 118 acres and, being a part of Ah! What renef I Tsar dogged sos trfls pes 1 right up, the sir passages of year head are clear and yen can breathe freely.' No mors hawking, snuffling; nrueous discharge, headache, dTTness no straggling for breath at night, yoar coll or catarrh Is gone. Don't stay stuffed opt' Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now, Apply a lfttle of .this fragrant, satiseptia cream in your nos trils, let it penetrate through rjf air paaaay e of the head ; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, riving you instant relief.' Ely's Cream Eatei. Is' Just, what every fcold and ca tarrh sufferer 1 has . beta jeekin$..- Jt '. fust splendid. mand. film comedienne, who called upon him early the evening before. Edward H. Shaughnessy of Chica- on ernment was facing a deficit of $30, 000,000 in 1923, which must be made up. Asked by Representative Garner, democrat, Texas, as to the imposition of a tax on light wines and beers as a means of raising the bonus funds, Mr. Mellon declared that with the "high tension" in the country on the prohibition question it was not feasi ble to depend upon this as a source of revenue. Chairman Fordney sug gested that there was a constitutional inhibition on Congress on permitting the sale of beer and wine. Brigadier General Lord, budget of ficer for the war department, told the committee that the department had estimated that if all the soldiers took cash the total cost of the bonus to the treasury would be $1,082,400,000, but he declared that he and other of ficers believed this total too low. Members of the committee agreed that the figure probably was small and Representative Longworth, re-j publican, Ohio, said it would be bet ter for the committee to follow the 11,560,000,000 estimate contained in the senate finance committee report on the bonus bill. a century. disaster. n -AS 1 I Mclntyre, Lawrence Proctor, Attorneys for Mortgagee. 1-26-4 Thar COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND Under snd by virtue of the power snd author?, conferredvby a cerUin Jdgmerof the Clerk of the Superior Court of Jwbeson County in Special ProceedmK wherein P. r Blake Sr and others, are plaintiffs, anu nH,?B others, are defendants, the i a? I tn the town oi wniwwu, V..u .1.1. WILL REORGANIZE , HIGH SCHOOL WORK Dr. Brooks Plans To Reduce Expenses and Increase Efficiency. Raleigh News-& Observer, Feb. 3: Complete reorganization of the pre sent system of high school adminis tration, with a sharp reduction in the number of supervisorsnd the over head cost'of operation, and increased numbers of pupils to the individual teacher was agreed upon at a confer ence here yesterday between State Superintendent E. C. Brooks, and the Superintendents of city schools. Details of the plan are being work ed out by Dr. Brooks, and will be announced within the next few days. Increased efficiency of the schools, with provision for taking care of a larger number of pupils without" in creased cost is the aim of Dr. Brooks' plan of reorganization. The project will be put into effect at the beginning-of the next school year in Sep tember. Definition of what is a city school, and vTtat is a county high school along with the perennial row over . the charge of tuition to children living outside the school district consumed most of the morning session of the school men yesterday. At the end a committee to be made up of five city superintendents and. five county superintendents was . authorized . to recommend action. The tution disagreement arises oat Expectant Mother, Prepared for Babys Coining DO YOU know that thousands of women never really suffer at child-birth? Perhaps you have thought with many others that this should always be the case. But how? jwn ui . - . ., m c House ana 101 u . S'th. Carolina Central T I depot, being the same lot whteh -as boug 'fin. . 1888. records in Book 8-J, at page 100. !2. SS& t ! page tw, ano . bv wm recorded in 'ie.rC 4 tai?se 4. office of A 'the Ctark of the Superior Court of KoDeson HI .County, oru.v-.-....-. This the zixn , - M. JOHNSON, ' Commissioner. Johnson & Johnson. !' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified a. administrator of the LJLw Carey 2 I Rnhnion county. North Carolina, immediate payment. H,ls.the 2nd day of 3&S ALLEN, Administrator of Carey ''. 1-M Thurs rr'rttTmrnn i Have You Made That Income Tax Return Yet Why not have an expert to do it at reasonable rates? Have had two years experience.with Federal Government as Income Tax Expert For further information, write, 'phone or call in person. Es L. BUIE, Red Springs, IN.t Office in American Legion Club Rooms. Phone 33C. n ASL75serted Let Mrs. Mattie Paul, of Ocilla, Gs., tell you. She is one of thousands who has demonstrated this fact: "Aa I am a young mother of one baby, I am writing for free booklet to 'expectant mothers.' I used only two bottles of Mother's Friend be fore I was confined and had a quick and easy time through labor. I can recommend Mother's Friend to all expectant mothers. I will never go through pregnancy without it." You, too, can have this booklet for expectant mothers by sending coupon below. AUDI lliwu""' John S. Butler, Attorney for the Administraw It goes into the features of maternity snd gives, in a plain, interesting manner, information about what the mother needs in clcthing before baby is born; what clothing will be necessary for the baby; an interesting table as to the probable date of delivery; simple but necessary and helpful rules of hygiene to i follow, and much other worth-wnue tnror mation. This -little booklet also tells about Mother's Friend and the wonderful good it is doing for expectant mothers. Don't let false modesty keep you from performing this duty to yourselfyour family and your baby. Send for your copy NOW. r - WARNING : Avoid using plain oils, greases and substitutes they act only on the skin and may cause harm without doing good. Used by Expeetant Mothert ; fsr Thrsf Genira tle ' ! BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. j j Dept. 20, Atlanta, Ga. j Please send me without coat a copy of your j I booklet on MOTHERHOOD and Tbc BABY. S NsUD0 I St.. r. r. d. 'Town , r i State.. BURPEE'S ANNUAL The Leadiag Asterlcu Seed Catalog SENT FREE BttfpWs Aaoual ia a complete guide for ths VsgeUbls snd Flower garden. It is bricht book of 164 pages with oyer a hundred vegetables and flow ers illustrated in natural colore. Write for your copy today. TOAdee Burpee Co. Seed Growers Philadelphia G E T O U T A POL1 C Y And do it now. Fires are disastrous and . delays are dangerous. Ton can't bring back what is consumed by Fire Ton can though, Be Reimbursed on Your Fire Loss ' If it's one of our companies. Premiums on doubtful poli cies is money thrown away. Be sure and insure with us. Q. T. WILLIAMS, Lumberton, N. C. MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BANK. WE GIVE YOUR BUSINESS -PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. The Bank of Proctorville PEOCTORVILLE, N. 0. W- B. STTBLFsS, President L P. GRAHAZL Cashier Vrginia & Car olina Southern Scheudle pmj 78TT64 P.M'l"AJi 8:4010:00 8:57110:06 9:0010:12 9:00 10:12 9:20 10:32 LEAVE It. Lamberton It. Bee Gee It. Rosier It. Powers It. St Pan! I I 79 1 AERIVE Mis. IAM.I ar. 27 I 9:10 : T 65 ar. ar. ar. , It. 24 22 18 IS 1:35 2:00 220 2:45! 3:05 It. EUzabethtown It. Dublin It. Tar Heel It. Tobermory ar. St. Paul ar. ar. ar. P.M.! 9:22 9:80j 9:37 9:45 10:00! P.M 10:355 10:42! iv. 10:48 10:55 11:10 A.M. lv. It. It. ArriTe St. Paul Oakland McMillan Roslin Hope MQls ar. ax. ar. ar. LeaTS 8:451 8:38 8:27 8:18 PJI. PJ4. 625 6:14 6:10 6:00 5:50 41 33 27 18 13 IS 10 8 5 0 12:051 11:40 1120 10:55 10:S5 8:15 8:09 8:021 7:55 7:45 U-M.1 AM 6:4 5:40 5:3 627 5:17 P.M. We do not guarantee time of arrlTal or departure of trains at stations. For further information, phone r call on Wa Wa DAVIS . GENERAL PASSENGEE AGXNT.

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