Don$'?iiVl Friday, March 3. ESTABLISHED SINGLE COPT FIVE. CENTS. COUNTRY, GOO -AND TRUTH. 12.00 A TEAR. DUE IX ADVANC3 f VOLUME Lm LUMBERTON, K. C TTjyiiSD AY, MARCH 2, 1922. NU1IBEB 3 A1 Bank of Fairmont , . - -1 , v Early Morning , Operator Yesterday i r.fiwnrml il 34.V and Left Hat and -Drill Behind When He Set Off , mjiiu , . Charge in Attempt to Blow Open Sat e Bank ' Books i Damaged by "i: Ftre-No Los, tfe Depositors and ? Bank Has Resumed Business, ... . ,. By Thone to The Robesonian. Fairmonts Mafch V; 2-Teggmen t forced entrance" to the Bank of Fair-J mont yesterday morning at 4:30, ODened the vault door by working the combination, secured 1,345 in cash J town without paying ; the " license, and attempted to blow open the burg- j judgment WM continued. - ; The.evi-lar-proof safe inside the vault, the dence was that Prevatt drove a ti-uck resulting fire, -which was quickly e tinguished f by a ' crowd which- was brought , to , the scene b , the ex plosion, damaging books and papers of the bank to some extent but it , is thought that practically all records are in such shape that they may be preserved. The loss is fully covered x by insurance and no loss will be sus tained by depositors, according to Mr. F. L. Blue, president and cashier. An expert from, the factory succeed ed in opening the safe about noon today and found everything intact in side. ' ; "' " " The bank is doing some business f today and. probably will be open for regular- business1 tomorrow or Satur- iT-VKhsrnu- a-Tii rar-were iouna-insiae the vauft1 these being the only clues left by the yeggmen, or yeggman, for it is thought that perhaps the work was done by one man. The explosi6n roused praqtically. the entire town. Immediately following the exylosion Nigh Watchman John son arrived on the scene and began firing his pistol, laying down a bar rage that effectually prevented the yeggmen fro mreentering -the bank. Just before the explosion Mr. Al fred Thompson, who lives near by and who was wakened by the" sound of falling glass, saw a hatless man fly 'ing from the building by a side win dow. Another man saw & 'car being driven away fr,om near iw depot' im- r-ediately after the explpsidn, but whether it contained more than one ma t he was not able to say.. .. y Entrance probably wasaffected by i ' fJ'L . Vroolr n f ho nlo toitrlnsn winnriw 1 jx y- r -7,-1- --- : eviaence Demg inat .tieii was operair in front. It was this f hoise . which jing the still and that they were only waked Mr. Thompson, by the spectatora. jeff bas . evaded the of- time he got where heJcould see the icers gince day the still waa cap bandit had secured wha tcash was . tured 13.months, ag0. lying inside the vault door, had made Just before going to press sheriff his attempt at drilling and had set off iia got a 'phone message advising his charee of nitroglycerin. The fire I 1 1L li. J k.Mb I lnsiue me vauib uajimcu me nana ledgers, stationery, etc., and bonds and other papers inside deposit boxes. The damage to the building amounts to around 8300. y - $300 of the money the robber got) was in pennies. : Superior Court , '. ,'i ' . ,'mi i One Colqred Couple Granted Divorce Suit on Charge of Enticing La borers. Only one case has been settled by jtfry in Superior court for the trial of civil cases this week. This was a divorce suit, Lillie Kirk, colored, be ing granted a divorce from her hus band, Alfred Kirk. The case of W. J. McDonald vs. J. D. McRainey was begun yesterday and , probably will last through today. This suit grew out of the charge of enticing laborers. A number of judgments have been signed. This is a two weeks term and Judge Geo. W. Connor of Wilson is presiding. Boll Weevil Meeting Tomorrow As has been 4. stated in - recent is sues of The Robesonian, an important boll weevil meeting will be held here tomorrow (Friday) at 11 a. m. The meeting will " be" addressed by Mr, Franklin Sherman, ' State Entomolog ist, and other well-informed speak ers. All farmers and business men are urged to be present. Lumberton -Man Addresses Norses in Fayetteville This Evening. - Fayette ville Observer: The gradu ating exercises of the 1922 class of the Cumberland General hospital training school .for nurses will be. held in LaFayette theatre Thursday even ing, March 2, at 8:30 o'clock. Quite an elaborate and interesting program has been . arranged for the occasion, and the public generally is invited to attend. The address of the evening -will be delivered by H. E. Stacy, a leading lawyer of Lumberton and one of the most eloquent speakers of the state. v( 1 r..-- Station at, Wrightsville Will be Re built. V ' - Wilmington, Feb. : 27. The station f .Wilmington $eaoast railway at '""Wrightsville,- whieK; was destroyed by fire of ' Undetermined origin last night, will be 'rebuilt before the. be ginning of the .1922 beach season, Haymond Hunt general manager; of ' the ' Tidewater Power company (n Jounced tod.- .-j Recorder's Court Driver's License of Police Chief and! rw nf Pl,Vo'nw -ww found not guilty of operating an auto- moWe in the town - of .Lumberton I wjioout paying the driver' license by Recorder DaTid jj. , Fuller . yesterday. According to the f evidence. Barker s; license was town, as' were the license; employees of the town' vehicles in the performance of their duties.- The - warrant - was sworn out by Mr.. J. Robert ; Prevatt, ?who was found guilty of-operating an "auto in from his ,4iome , tor; the H. A, . Page garage: to be repaired. There was much interest in the trial, many spectators being at the hearing. . Other case's disposed of by Record er Fuller this week were:' vHerold Evans, failure to pay John McLaurin for work; judgment con tinued for : three days, the defendant to pay McLaurin $2. ...4 C W. Brown, jumping board bill of $20; judgment suspended upon pay ment of. cost and board billf S. M. Kinlaw, giving worthless check; not guilty. Jeff Phillips vm Wanted in Robeson Since a Year Ago on Charge of Operating a Still Officers Will Go After' Him This Afternoon. ' ,fJ Sheriff R. E. Lewis -was advised by wire this morning that Jeff Phil lips,; wanted in Robeson on the charge of manufacturincr whiskev. was un der arrest at Councils, Bladen coun- ty. The message was signed by J. K. Nicholson. An officer will aro to, Councils for Phillips this afternoon. Phillips escaped when officers cap tured a still which was in operation in Wishart township January 3, 1921. Tommie Phillips, father of Jeff, and Prentis Barker were arrested, being with Jeff at the still when the of ficers reached it. Both were freed of the charge of manufacturing whisi hCT 111 1V1 bUUlt UW C, tUWU " . . . . t.j. a. t "Live at Home" ; Campaign Begins Emphasis Will be Laid Upon Produc tion by Every. Family of Food and Feed Supplies Sufficient to Supply its Own Establishment. . ' ' Raleigh, March 1. A definite start is being made this week in the work of putting over Governor . Cameron Morrison's "Live at Home" campaign. John Paul Lucas of Charlotte, who has been secured to organize and di rect the campaign, has opened an of fice in the State Department annexj and the preliminary work is already under way. The work in prospect is not new to Mr. Lucas, who had active direction of the food production and conservation campaign in North Caro Una during the war, first with the State Food commission, and later with the United States Food 'adminis tration, and who is "loaned" to the state for this particular work by thej Southern Public Utilities company, for which he is advertising and pub licity manager. During the campaign emphasis will be laid not upon the production of food supplies for the - market, but upon the production by every family of food 'and feed supplies sufficient to . supply ' its own establishment. More and better gardens, more poul try, one or' more cows for each' family, and sufficient hogs to furnish an all- year supply of pork will be advocated. The -new. movement has the wholes hearted backing not only of the De? partment . of v Agriculture and th State College of Agriculture and. En gineering, but . also . of the Depart ment .of Education, the State Board of Health and other v agencies of the state government. , ;The campaign which is being in auguraged, will be intensively con- auciea ana wiu cover a period ox,uraay, was taken to a hospital in eight to ten weeks. The -organiza- Fayetteville Sunday moraine, where 1 i .1 - til . m tion to be built up will reach into every township""of every county in the state. " ' Senate Refuses to Amend Yap Treaty Washington, Feb. 28, Dividing vir tually on party lines, the Senate re fused to amend the Yap treaty today in. the first test of strength on any question affecting the international covenants . negotiated "during : the Washington conference. The. vote wa,s 50 to 23. V J. ,''.- . i , Already'here. 'q? Congresatopk., uspiious look at we taxpayerpofjKV'-Wa Qiust get at the,bttMj ef ihfetbfrgA it said. Baltimore Son. v .': . jSt Pauls :' V A-JCWO aUCllCI Tobacco Warehouse Being Rebuilt : " New; Drag Store Seems' Assured- Planning to Open Theatre School Children Entertain--Personal. 1 ai - s - ml : iurresponaence ox ine 4 fnot.tpn W5 TUntv vaii -immin - -J - . .- M Anrtorl hu' nnannMi Wa.n. Hn Pk LI.I. I 1: of all otherf .y n. tnat Diuster an, Marcn!th m-v anniriui rtotiti ifiak .?! J. n.n.A Jr..--t WHO uae motor,, maw ; uiuwa- wnat coiorunoer yon from winter's snow and Von r. the88"16 nome Blck 016 iMfof the week worn winner s snows ana you are tne. n. nnKi n fnrn tnAmv pathway r that leads tothe , rose.? . The- many friends of Dr. R. ' Rosier who was hurt when his car was struck by the V- & C S. train here, last Friday p. m., are very glad; to know his injuries are not consider- ed fatal, and that he is doing nicely. As Dr. Rosier. is; in the Thompson hospital. Lumberton, he is not so far away but what his friends . can ,' run down" to see him often. We hope he will soon be" able to returtf home. '; Mr John T. Bateman, who was a patient in the Baker " sanatorium, Lumbertont for ; some few days, -re- turned "home Wednesday the 22nd. : The new drug store seems to be a "sure enough thing. The bid bank building has been rented by someone from Coats and is being remodeled for this purpose. A, the old maxim goes, "competition is the life of busi ness," they -should make a success to attorn z drug stores, we shouia think. The Theatre building has recently been rented to new parties and plans are being made to open up in a few days.' - - l- : . We notice the tobacco warehouse, which was destroyed by fire some months ago is being rebuilt. By .the time the tobacco season is here we suppose, if nothing interferes, they will have, as good a house or better ney Deiore. Mr.. Jess Odom and family " have mqved to the country. .The building where Mr. Odom conducted a grocery business has been rented or sold to some parties at Raeford, and is being painted etc., and arrangement made for a new meat market. They may make a good thing of it, as people have to eat. - Prof. Ezell of the high school fa culty here went to Fayetteville last week to have his tonsils removed, but on account of cold or grippe was no fit subject to have it done just then, so returned home. Will probably have it done at a later date. Mrs. R. G. Rozier taught for him during the few days of his absence. A nice little exercise was gotten up for last Friday evening; the 24th in honor of Washington's birthday which was the 22nd. This little cele bration was gotten up by the teachers and pupils of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades and reflected great credit on both teachers and pupils. About$35 was cleared for parents and teachers association to defray expenses in getting supplies for the grades. Miss Mable McDonald came home last Friday eve for the week-end. Miss Mary L. Johnson spent Mon day night, the 27th, with her mother, Mrs. Margaret Johnson, Fayetteville street. Mrs. Flora Bennett has been in McColl for some weeks now. Mrs. n a.a. 11 I it . . Bennett will probably remain over in! McColl until after the Butler-Fletcher marriage, which takes place this month. Our little town seems to have, had the marrying epidemic on wedding bells will be ringing 'ere for sometiaie now. Watch out, other you realize it. Cupid seems to be a very, very busy little fellow these days. A Miss McKay, from near Raeford, is a guest at the home of Mrs. L. I. Grantham, on Armfield street. . The many friends of Miss JCthel LLindsay regret very much - to hear of her continued illness, but trust she will-be feeling good -again 'ere so, very long. Miss , Lindsay is a daughter of .chief , of -police W. M. Lindsay of our town. ; u . Mr. Howie has .recently taken up the work as night policeman. Mr. Withers, father of Mrs. R. G. Rozier, returned to his home last Saturday. Mr. Withers health has been very poorly for some time. Mr. Robert. H.. Spiro is in town. He. brought with him some photos, of "the boy," who seems to . be "some little man" now. .; . .Miss Elizabeth . McDonald suffered an attack of acute appendicitis Sat- 1 ' . . . a ; she was Operated on and is doing very nicely. Miss McDonald is a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Edd McDonald of our town, and for sometime has held a position with the Bank of St. Pauls. Her many friends wish for her a very speedy recovery. . - " , The Mission Study class came to a close on last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Murray had the chapter for Sunday. Inclement weather,-, no doubt; kept several away. , : . It looks today, like; we are in. for some more rough weather, but here's topiofiTf it doesn't mean a snewr any-: Messrs J. M. Butler and A R. JJc-Eaabern-jqads trjp to.rBall ; Dam MoB9fZiPcNinen interests rettfa Parkton Letter : Alligators ... on Buckhorn Church Notes Great V Entertainment by School Children .'and. a Fayette. ' ville Band Time to Detain Chkk. ensPersonal. ' 'V " Parkton, Feb.' 27. Some sickness' in oar .town and community. Mr. W.t G. Britrvis suffering an attack of r rri; 11 a i ' f' .mcun - i. enuert, j and was unabje to return today, J (An alligator was brought to town iaturday from R. 2, having been' aptured just a half mile K north of Parkton on ' Buckhorn. It was .three f feet long, and was judged to be about t years , old. We have been advised that about V'year" agb v colored woman living near the scene -where this one was caught says she saw several small alligators in the same stream. So we suspect there are more yet. ' v !-;:-. -'-".'j i Mrs. J. C. Lancaster and small daughter. Murriel Etta, returned home from the Pittman-Gainey hos pital yesterday. RevR. F. Munns filled his regular appointment at the M. E. church Sun day morning at 11 o'clock, preaching -one of his most able sermons, and at the close the sacrement or the Lord s supper was administered. It was iapopunced-jiy -ihAjar Us the Cnptero1f-i!pWri, -fc5fe- rs or ganized with thirty four members on last Thursday night and that the fol lowing Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock the officers would be announced. This organization of the church is a great benefit to and developer of the young of the church. Mr. Munns will preach at St. Pauls M. E. church next Sunday night at 7:30, by special request of their pas tor, who has been in feeble health for some time; but we are glad to report his condition much improved and no doubt will soon be able to fill his pulpit again. Last Thursday night at 8 o'clock the 1st, 2nd and 3rd, and probably 4th and 5th -grades favored our town, and community with a great enter tainment, celebrating George Wash ington's birthday. The songs by the little folks will long be remembered. The teachers of these grades show much interest in the children, of which we parents are and should be proud. Much more could be said of this free entertainment. On Friday liight at 8 o'clock the South Fayetteville band gave a ministrel which was highly enjoyed. We only regret more pe'ople did not take advantage of it, as it was well worth the price. It was heard by re marks rhat this was one of the best concerts ever given in our town. The following constitute the orchestra: C. K. Seawell, director, clarinet; J. L. Berckman, cornet; Will Lavln, 2nd cornet; Charlie Berckman, 1st alto; Vasco Jackson, 2nd alto; Bert Jack son, Bass; Nutt Johnson, piano; Loyd Seawell, trap drums. We would recommend the above to any town and feel safe in saying they will please. The wet -weather and sickness have just about put basketball out of business up our way. Miss TRuth Cashwell of- Rocky IfiUUIll olicllt (.ill; W Cvft'CUU .Willi 11U111G - " " " Sheriff Edgar Hall and attorney Smith of Raeford were in our town briefly Saturday evening. Shaking hands with their many friends. We believe Mr. Smith is looking forward to greater things yet. Mrs. J. B. Regan of Howellsville is spending some time with her sis ter Mrs. A. B. Williamson and is seeking better health by frequent treatment over in Fayetteville by specialist. Mr. and Mrs,, Ang. McLaurin of Johns Station spent the week-end with home folks, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Stubbs. : ' ' It is now high time that all chick ens that are inclined to ramble from their own premises should be detain ed.? Give them , a square deal and no one should kick.' At last we have a hen to cluck. How can we have early broilers when the' hens refuse to set? Near East Relief Reported 'for The Robesonian. The 'primary grades of the West Lumberton school contributed $8.30 for the Near East relief, little Lucile Lovett ' contributing the highest amount and little Hannah Barnes the next highest. Miss Louise Steele is teacher. ': Rev. RT L. Byrd of R. 1, St'. Pauls, was a Lumberton visitor Tuesday. ing that night. We noticed several of the house wives out in their gardens last week. Those pretty days made us -all feel like spring had arrived, and time to get the little seeds in the ground,' but my, we may have some more cold spells yet and everthing get killed. Easter doesn't 'come this year' until the 16th of' April, which - means a late spring, according to tbo!d Hinaxint tsi'.r " y r. Messrs. A. R. McEaWbern and G. T. Fishetsre-i UmotiUhji ' New Athletic Field at Philadelphus , Tract of Land, Given br Miss Ann Eliza Buie Hat Been Converted i to a Splendid Athletic Field. Splendid Athletic Field. , By JvLi Memory, Jr. Philadelphus, Feb. . 28 Through Elua has rt i i - m t ... . - uhi wCf oi una wnjcn. fiat been converted, into an athletic field, JTh nMt ..i.u4 . The ground, located tnr the hill west of the boys' dormitory, has natural drainage advantages, and is in every way "well-suited for . a playground. For several weeks a leveling and packing process ha been in progress. To db. this work everything from a split-log drag to a U. S. Highway Commission scraper has been; used; and as result Philadelphus is the proud possessor of decidely the best athletic field in this immediate sec tion. Ever since the organization of the school Miss Buie has been one of its most hearty supporters, not merely in words but also in material support. The writer ventures to pre dict that this act will be as bread cast upon the waters, returning in the Bhape of boys and girls of whose physiques we may all be justly proud. We are greatly indebted to her for this kindness. tOM M HUSK OF WOMAPTS' CLUB Pledges for Monthly Contributions Are Being Secured and Monthly Re ports Will be Made. I Mrs. John Knox, president of the Woman's Club, at the request of Mayor A. E. White appointed recently the following committee from the club to do the work of a local charity organization: Mrs. R. C. Lawrence, chairman, Mesdames J. S. McNeill, Dennis Biggs, Daisy Jenkins Sandy McLeod, T. L. Johnson. Messrs. W. K. Bethune, R. H. Crichton and S. F. Caldwell were ap pointed a committee by Mayor White to solicit monthly subscriptions, from business men of the town to support this work. Subscriptions have been pledged ' amounting to over $25 a. month, and others will be solicited immediately. Those who pledge monthly contributions form an advisory board to serve with the com mittee of the Woman's Club when called on for assistance. Books and all transactions of the committee will be open for inspection by the advisory board at all times. Mesdames J. S. McNeill, Daisy Jenkins, T. L. Johnson, Mr. D. W. Biggs have been appointed an in vestigating committee. Mr. D. W. Biggs is treasurer, Mrs. Sandy MCLeoa, secretary Any one knowing of a case of, wrothy need should report to Mayor White, Chief of Police Barker. Mrs; R. C. Lawrence, chairman of the committee, or Mrs. John Knox, presi dent of the Woman's Club, Those who called the meeting for Tuesday night for the purpose of or- gamzing a charity club were notiwith Mr. Irvin BTucker, an attorney aware of the fact that th& Womann's , of Whiteville. for the practice of law. Club and Mayor White had taken the steps outlined above for this work, so those who gathered for that meet ing merely pledged their support to the movement already started. Monthly reports will be published in The Robesonian of the amounts' time. The Messrs. Proctor will con received and expensed for charity 'tinue their office here, Mr. J. G. work by this organization. ; Proctor being in charge. Both Mr. and His .Specialty. Was Swindling Rich Women. ' New York, Feb. 27. Alfred D. Lindsay, former stock broker" wanted here for mulcting society women of more than a million dollars, was ar rested tonight in Overbrookf Pa.," ac cording to an announcement from police headquarters . 1 . . , . . . An indictment charging the fujri - tivewith grand larceny was votedjonly jn a short and the caose ir-rrr' lu:i uraiuauc Hearing m me course OI which Mrs. Dorothy 1 Atwood, New York society woman, became hysteri cal and temporarily halted the pro ceedings. Mrs. Lillian Duke, divorced wife of the "Tobacco' King," testified that Lindsay had obtained her entire for - tune, more than $375,000, through his promises to make a vast fortune fort her through stock market transac tions. . ' ! Witnesses declared that Lindsay won their confidence by convincing them of his close business .connection with leaders of finance, with whom he claimed to have nightly meetings ni mijii;ii o luin vpvrakitHls were "fixed up," between games of dominoes. Princess Mary Marries British Com moner. London, Feb. 28. (By Associated Press) King George -today gave his only daughter, Princess Mary, in marriage to Viscount Lascelles-It was a great national event which will live long in the memories of vast throngs whose" unrestrained plaudits greeted England's4 princess 1 as she passed through festive "streets to the altar in stately old Weitniinlster Abbey .to become' the bride of itf English com moner. . i---;..- - COTTON MARKET . Middling cotton ' is quoted on the local market today at 17 cents th pound. BRIEF ITEMS AND LOCAL NEWS Prof. J. R. Poole county superb--tendent of schools, has been confined to Ida room since Monday with grippe. Mr. J. V. Williamson is assembl ing ; material for the erection of a 6-room brick bungalow on the Carth age road, in the northern part of town. V ; ;;;;."""-. rr':;- -I E. Squires V Co.,' which firm operated stores here' and at Councils, Bladen- county, hat ; been adjudged bankrupt The local store was closed this morning. Mr. W. W. Ormand of Rocking ham has accepted a position in the electrical department of Mr.. Lv H. Caldwell's department store. H be gan work yesterday. Mr. J. P. Russell, chairman of the Lumberton Red Cross chapter, will deliver an address at Broad Ridge Baptist church next Sunday, following the Sunday school hour. Mrs. John Knox, district presi dent of the North Carolina Federa tion of Woman's , clubs, went Tues- day to Elizabethtown, where she federated a newly organized club. Mrs. S. D, Sanderson underwent an operation Tuesdaymorning at the Balr sanatlwU'! atment' Cofiotfreks". She is getting along as well as could be expected. -, The condition of Dr. R. G. Rozier, who was seriously hurt when the auto he was driving was struck by a train at St. Pauls late Friday after noon, is reported as favorable. He is still at the Thompson hospital here. Mr. H. M. Beasley has purchased the stock of the Robeson Grocery Co, wholesale grocers, which company is going out of business. Mr. Beasley has moved the stock to the McLean building, Elm and First streets, where he will. conduct a wholesale feed and grocery business. ' A play, "Farm Folks", will be given at the Barker-Ten Mile high school by-pupils of the school tomor row (Friday)' evening. An admission of 20 and 35, cents will be charged, the proceeds to go to the athletic de partmenit"(Che play promises to be well worth, rlhe, price of admission. A buggy, loaded with colored peo ple was, struck by a highway truck and turned completely over near Lumberton on the Fairmont road late yesterday afternoon. The occupants of the buggy escaped unhurt, though the buggy was badly smashed up. The buggy belonged to Hezzie Car Iyle, colored. Lumberton is soon to have sever al radio receiving stations. Orders for the wireless outfits have already been placed by Messrs. D. R. Shaw and ( Leon Hamilton and Master W. B- Jennings, Jr. Others are contemplat ing ordering the necessary equipment, it is said. Mr. Hamilton expects his outfit to arrive about March 20. ; Mr.: Edward Knox Proctor of Lumberton has formed a partnership Mr. Proctor has practiced law here for several months, being associated for some time with his brother, Mr. John G. Proctor. He will go to White- vine next Monday and he and Mrs. i Proctor will mov there In a short Mrs. Procter have numerous friends here who will regret their decision to leave Lumberton. THE EECORD OF DEATHS. Infant Son of Mr. and Mrs. j. a Humphrey. J. P. 8-months-old son of Mr. and I . A .. . ..U'lll'lllCT J l Aft. 1 Willi t - .v;'m ... i,0f his death is not known. Sallie Revels, Indian. Sallie Revels, Indian,, aged 73 years, died this morning at her home in Saddletree township, death resulting from the infirmities of old age. l n. .tw-.iim pL. Mr!u Nannie Bissell and Mr. Otha j. Bass, both of the Orrum section. were married in The Robesonian of fice Monday at 5:45 p. m. Justice F. Grover Britt, local editor , of The Robesonian, officiated. The press was stopped for the marriage in order that members of the composing room force TOight w5tnes9 jt Bringing to a tragic, culmination "amily troubles extending over a lone period, Jeff Chandler, 35 year old carpenter, Saturday at Greenville, S. C, shot and instantly killed his wife. 31. and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Rosie J. Bramlett, 68, in their home. Chand ler was arrested. THE NATIONAL. -BANK OF LUM BERTON has money te lend to Farm ers on Bonded, Warehouse Receipts for cotton or other acceptable . se curities. Farmers seeking a perman- -ent banking' connection are . adVised to consult the officers of this "ltroha. National Bank. , '4Um0m . -'. '; -: '- : - ' ' ;.

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