o o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o 6 o p o o o o D o o o o o o o o o o o o Q o o o o b o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o. o o o o o b b o o o O ; 'Or-:, .O'" o rLC3 TWO riUS EOBXSONLUT, LUZ1BZ2T0XT, nOZTZl CAEOLX2TA THURSDAY, MARCI1 2, .1922. ooooooooooooooooooooooo ppoooooooo'ooooooopooooooooooooooooodooooocf k m m m mm m mmm m m m. m mmt mm, i ) l l t ' l l l lit) l l ll ! .i . : v.rf . . .. m' mmmmmw I THERE WILL BE THREE DAYS P OH If rvn 1R nl Customers Through the Carolinas and Virginia 10 Per CENT OFF In addition to the special prices on SUITS We will give a special XO per cent discount Friday, Satur jfimm ad Monday on every 'Man!ffjpttftl : v7r"""". SERGE SUITS ' Men's all wool Blue Serge Suits, $22.00. Sale price $12.95 $25.00 SUITS, $14.98 Men's $25.00 Suits made of all wool material, well tailored $14.98 $40.00 SUITS, $25.00 Adler Rochester and Monroe Clothes for men and young men, all hand-tailored. Special $25.00 WORK SHIRTS AND OVER ALLS Men's heavy weight chambray full cut work Shirts at 65c M.'W. S-Fullest Cut Work Shirts at 95c Men's Railroad Overalls at 95c Morotock best $2.00 Union Made Overall at $1.45 DRESS SHIRTS Men's regular $1.00 negligee Dress Shirts at 65c $2.00 full mercerized, soisette, striped Pongee Shirts atJ $1.35 Men's Oxfords and mercerized Pongee Shirts, with soft collars 95c v MEN'S SOX, 10c Men's Black, Navy and Cordovan Sox 10c or $1.00 DOZEN MEN'S OVERALLS $1.00 Men's heavy weight full cut double seam Overalls $1.00 2 WORK SHIRTS FOR $1.00 2 Full size Chambray Work Shirts $1.00 $1.50 WORTH DENIM $1.00 6 Yards heavy weight denim $1.00 JERSEY SHIRTS Men's heavy weight Jersey Shirts, values that sell for 11.50 to $2,00 for ;; M L'isi.00 1 SWEATERS Men and Boys' Sweaters, values up to $2.50 to clean up at "$1.00 MEN'S HATS $1.00 , One lot Men's Hats in black, brown, etc., values up to $4 $1.00 Men's Hats that recently sold up to $5,00 sale price $2.85 10 per cent. OFF. on All Rugs large and small sizes. . LINENS Special Prices on all Sheets, Pillow Cases and Towels, Fri day, Saturday and Monday. No. 2000 LONG CLOTH 18c Finest construction No. 200 English Long Cloth, special at 32 INCH GINGHAM 18c 32 inch new Spring Gingham in the newest plaids and checks, 25c values for 18c TOWELINGlOc Cannon's absorbent toweling, colored border, yard at 10c PAJAMA CHECKS 10c Yard wide Pajama Checks in perfect short lengths at 10c LONG CLOTH 10c No. 400 English Long Cloth, 18c value for Friday and Sat urday and Monday 10c We will give $1.00 OFF on Boys' Suite priced above $5.00. : , $1.00 OFF1 - We will allow $1.00 off on every pair of Shoes priced at $4.98 and above , mm SPECIAL SHOE TABLES Just for Dollar Days you will find hundreds of pairs of. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes piled upon tables to be sold at about r; ' - ' . 1-2 PRICE : .:. OTHER DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS 10 yards Long Cloth . $1 00 4 yards 9-4 Sheeting $L0O . 81x90 Seamless Sheets $1.00 12 Yards Apron Gingham $1.00 Yard-wide Taffeta Silk $1.00 Crepe de Chine , $1.00 Men's $1-50 Overalls , . $1.00 2 Work Shirts $100 10 yard3 White Goods ....... , '. $1.00 10 per cent. OFF on all Trunks and Bags Friday, Saturday aid Monday. LUMBERTON, N. C. 1 . Dollar Day at EFIRD'S Means Thousands of Dollars Saved by Our r. K't- . V o o o o o o o o o o o o o cr Q a a c o o o o o a a a a o o: a a a a Q o o G o: o a o o a o a o o oooooooo ooo oo oooooooo o o oooooooooooooo oo opooopoooo po O O O O O O OO O 0$ o o O o o o o ro o o o o o o o b o o o b o o o o Q o Q o Q o o o o o o o o o o o O O O